Results for 'Faḍl Mukhaddir'

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  1. Between functionalism and morality.Khaled Abou El Fadl - 2003 - In Jonathan E. Brockopp (ed.), Islamic ethics of life: abortion, war, and euthanasia. Columbia, S.C.: University of South Carolina Press.
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    The use and abuse of "holy war".Khaled Abou El Fadl - 2000 - Ethics and International Affairs 14:133–140.
    To avoid a clash of civilizations competing traditions must engage in discourse and search for grounds of commonality. Understanding differences and overcoming points of dissonance are essential for peaceful coexistence.
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    al-Ḥākim ʻinda al-Fārābī.. bayna al-Islām wa-al-falsafah.Faḍl Mukhaddir - 2016 - Bayrūt, Lubnān: Dār al-Amīr.
  4. Islamic Ethics, Human Rights and Migration".Khaled Abou El Fadl - 2020 - In Ray Jureidini & Said Fares Hassan (eds.), Migration and Islamic ethics: issues of residence, naturalization and citizenship. Boston: Brill.
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    The Atlas group.Fadl Fakhouri - 2004 - Multitudes 1 (1):1-200.
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    The epistemology of the truth in modern Islam.Khaled Abou El Fadl - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (4-5):473-486.
    There is a serious problem with arguing that God intended to lock the epistemology of the 7th century into the immutable text of the Qur’an, and then intended to hold Muslims hostage to this epistemological framework for all ages to come. Among other things, this would limit the dynamism and effectiveness of Divine text because the Qur’an would be for ever locked within a knowledge paradigm that is very difficult to retrieve or re-create. The author argues for the recognition of (...)
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    Legal Debates on Muslim Minorities: Between Rejection and Accommodation.Khaled Abou El Fadl - 1994 - Journal of Religious Ethics 22 (1):127 - 162.
    A growing discourse in Europe and North America focuses on questions of the religious and political status of Muslim minorities. This essay tries to bring some historical perspective to current discussions, surveying the ways premodern Muslim jurists approached issues pertaining to Muslims living in non-Muslim territories. As the historical material indicates, Muslim juridical opinion on these matters is very diverse. Individual jurists, while working within one or another of the broad traditions of Islamic jurisprudence (Shafi'i, Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki, or Shi'i), (...)
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  8. Organ Transplantation: Contemporary Sunni Muslim Legal and Ethical Perspectives.Abul Fadl Mohsin Ebrahim - 1995 - Bioethics 9 (3):291-302.
    The problems that organ transplantation poses to the Muslim mind may be summarized as follows: firstly, a muslim believes that whatever he owns or possesses has been given to him as an amānah (trust) from Alla¯h. Would it not be a breach of trust to give consent for the removal of parts of one's body, while still alive, for transplantation to benefit one's child, sibling or parent? Secondly, the Sharā'ah (Islamic Law) emphasizes the sacredness of the human body. Would it (...)
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    Organ Transplantation, Euthanasia, Cloning and Animal Experimentation: An Islamic View.Abul Faḍl Moḥsin Ebrāhīm - 2001 - Leicester: Islamic Foundation.
    This book deal with ethico-legal issues. Muslims believe that everything they own has been given to them as an amanah (trust) from Allah. Would it constitute a breach of that trust to consent to enrol oneself as an organ donor? Cloning could rectify the problem of infertile couples, but such technology could also be abused with dire consequences. While euthanasia may apparently alleviate the suffering of the terminally ill, would that not compound their agony in the life hereafter? The author (...)
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    Organ Transplantation: Contemporary Sunni Muslim Legal and Ethical Perspectives.Abul Fadl Moshin Ebrahim - 1995 - Bioethics 9 (3):291-302.
    The problems that organ transplantation poses to the Muslim mind may be summarized as follows: firstly, a muslim believes that whatever he owns or possesses has been given to him as an amānah (trust) from Alla¯h. Would it not be a breach of trust to give consent for the removal of parts of one's body, while still alive, for transplantation to benefit one's child, sibling or parent? Secondly, the Sharā'ah (Islamic Law) emphasizes the sacredness of the human body. Would it (...)
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  11. Islamic Ethics and the Implications of Modern Biomedical Technology: An Analysis of Some Issues Pertaining to Reproductive Control, Biotechnical Parenting and Abortion.Abul Fadl Mohsin Ebrahim - 1986 - Dissertation, Temple University
    The raison d'etre of this dissertation is the Muslim dilemma when confronted with some of the biotechnological innovations which relate to the precautionary measures to prevent the birth of children, technological manipulation in order to overcome infertility and the termination of fetal life. All of these issues are directly related to human life and thus pose serious problems. The Muslim is one whose life is regulated by the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah of the Prophet. Hence, his action is (...)
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  12. Religio-ethics and assisted reproductive technologies.Abul Fadl Mohsin Ebrahim - 2002 - In Abu Bakar Abdul Majeed (ed.), Bioethics: ethics in the biotechnology century. Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia.
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    Confidentiality vis-à-vis HIV/AIDS and Other Related Issues: A Case Study in Light of Islamic Medical Jurisprudence.Abul Fadl Mohsin Ebrahim - 2011 - Asian Bioethics Review 3 (4):333-341.
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    Mafhūm al-ākhār fī al-Yahūdīyah wa-al-Masīḥīyah.Ruqayyah Ṭāhā Jābir ʻAlwānī, Mona Abul-Fadl & Nādiyah Maḥmūd Muṣṭafá (eds.) - 2008 - Dimashq: Dār al-Fikr.
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  15. 59.1796 ABOU EL FADL, Khaled—Islam and the challenge of democratic commitment. Oriente moderno 27 (2), 2007.Principatus Politicus - 2008 - History of Political Thought 29 (3):379-392.
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    Ibn Ṭarkāṭ, Abū-l-Faḍl, Nawāzil fuqahāʼ Garnāṭa (Casos jurídicos de los alfaquíes de Granada), Introducción y edición crítica de Abderrazak Ourkia. Coordinación y Prólogo de Francisco Vidal-Castro, Jaén, Grupo de Investigación HUM761: Sociedades árabes. [REVIEW]Juan Martos - 2022 - Al-Qantara 43 (1):e05.
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    Selbst- und Fremdenwahrnehmung im islamischen Mittelalter: Identität- und Alteritätskonstruktion der Abbasidenzeit anhand der Schriften von Ibn Fadḷān und al-Ǧāhịz ̣.Arash Guitoo - 2015 - Berlin: EB-Verlag.
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    Al-Aḥādīth al-Ḥisān fi Faḍl al-Ṭaylasān li-Djalāl al-Dīn al-SuyūṭīAl-Ahadith al-Hisan fi Fadl al-Taylasan li-Djalal al-Din al-Suyuti.Yedida K. Stillman & Albert Arazi - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (3):528.
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    An Early Arabic Conversion Story: The Case of al-Faḍl b. Sahl.Michael Cooperson - 2016 - In Alireza Korangy, Wheeler M. Thackston, Roy P. Mottahedeh & William Granara (eds.), Essays in Islamic Philology, History, and Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 386-399.
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    Naturwissenschaft bei den Arabern im 10. Jahrhundert n. Chr.: Briefe des Abu l-Fadl Ibn al-Amid an Adudaddaula. Hans DaiberScience in Medieval Islam: An Illustrated Introduction. Howard R. Turner. [REVIEW]Emilie Savage-Smith - 2000 - Isis 91 (3):582-585.
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    Unorthodox Thought in al-Muʿtazila: The Illicit of Striving for Sustenance (Taḥrīm al-Makāsib).A. İskender Sarica - 2023 - Kader 21 (2):455-481.
    In Islamic theological writings, under the heading of sustenance, the focus is generally on issues such as who is the provider of sustenance, whether haram is considered sustenance, and whether Allah’s consent exists for haram sustenance. Another issue that can be found between the lines of the subject of sustenance is whether it is haram for a person to work for sustenance or not. In fact, the pursuit of means of livelihood in order to sustain one’s life is, according to (...)
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    Tafsir-Ta’wīl Distinction of Māturīdī and an Evaluation of Its Practical Value in Ta'wīlāt.Enes BÜYÜK - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):213-232.
    In the history of İslāmic thought, Māturīdī is a famous scholar both in the field of kalām and tafsir. Being approved by Māturīdī, the distinction of tafsir and ta’wīl, which makes possible to take the comments made about the verses into sistematic framework, is quite important. There is an important information both about content of the distinction approved by Māturīdī and the main reasons that necessiated this distinction in the introduction of Samarqandī’s Sharh at Ta’wīlāt. From this information, it is (...)
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    La «historia de los omeyas de al-Andalus» en los Masālik al-Abṣār.Luis Molina - 2005 - Al-Qantara 26 (1):123-139.
    Los Māsilik al-abṣār de Ibn Faḍl Allāh al-'Umarī incluyen un breve resumen de la Historia de los omeyas de al-Andalus. En este trabajo se analizan las relaciones textuales entre ese pasaje y el Muqtabis de Ibn Ḥayyān, crónica que resulta ser la fuente casi única utilizada por al-'Umarī para redactar ese capítulo.
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    Prioritizing Religious Freedoms: Islam, Pakistan, and the Human Rights Discourse.Mohammad Waqas Sajjad - 2023 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 20 (1):47-68.
    Religious freedoms of minorities in Muslim-majority countries such as Pakistan are compromised due to structural issues as well as social and historical concerns. For instance, the abuse of the blasphemy law has led to minority communities facing threats and violence. And in a country where religious scholars are often absent from, if not against, discourses about human rights, the religious rights of minorities remain a secular and hence culturally unsound discourse. There is thus a need for two parallel movements. One, (...)
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    بين عالمية القرآن والقول بتاريخانيته: دراسة في نوع المكي والمدني من خلال كتاب الإتقان للسيوطي.Monjed Ahmad - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (2):1335-1382.
    Bu çalışma, Suyûtî’nin el-İtkân fî ulûmi’l-Kur’ân isimli kitabının birinci türüyle ilgili bir incelemedir. Bu başlık nüzul zamanı ve mekânı ile ilgili Kur’ân ayetlerinin taksimi konusunda söylenen sözlerin tahlilini içermektedir. Ebu’l-Kâsım el-Hasan b. Muhammed en-Nisabûrî bu türleri et-Tenbîh 'alâ fadl-i ulûmi’l-Kur’ân isimli kitabında 25 türe ayırmıştır. Bu türlerin, Kur’ân ilimlerinin en üstünü ve tefsir ilmine başlamak için şart olduğunu ifade etmiştir. Suyûtî, İtkânı’nda bu türlerin çoğunu müstakil başlıklar altında ele alarak bu görüşe katılmıştır. Bu durum bazı âlimlerin çekingen kaldığı diğer bazılarının (...)
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    Muslim cosmopolitanism in the Age of Empire.Seema Alavi - 2015 - London, England: Harvard University Press.
    Preface -- Introduction -- 1. Muslim reformists and the transition to English rule -- 2. The making of the "Indian Arab" and the tale of Sayyid Fadl -- 3. Rahmatullah Kairanwi and the Muslim cosmopolis -- 4. Haji Imdadullah Makki in Mecca -- 5. Nawab Siddiq Hasan Khan and the Muslim cosmopolis -- 6. Maulana Jafer Thanesri and the Muslim ecumene -- Conclusion -- Notes -- Acknowledgments -- Index.
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    Fostering Human Dignity and Freedom.Matthew Bagot - 2021 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 18 (1):81-109.
    At the beginning of Nostra aetate, the Church calls for mutual understanding with Muslims in the interests of “peace, liberty, social justice, and moral values.” This paper strives to achieve such an understanding in light of the fragile state of democracy in today’s world. The paper first presents the Church’s approach to democracy through an analysis of the work of the philosopher Jacques Maritain and the Second Vatican Council. It then presents representative views from Islam: the work of the Sunni (...)
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    Al-Qāḍī Ḥusayn al-Marwarrūdhī’s Understanding of Ijmā.Davut EŞİT - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):609-629.
    Al-Qāḍī Ḥusayn al-Marwarrūdhī is one of the important representatives of Khurāsān Shāfi‘ī School. Al-Ta‘līḳa is his famous work, which is one of the first commentaries of al-Muzanī’s Mukḫtaṣar. One of the important features of this work is the introduction to some of the subjects of ijtihād (process of juristic legal reasoning), taqlīd (acting upon the word of another without asking for specific proof), ijmā‘ (consensus of jurists) and view’s of the companions of the Prophet. The first systematic, complete and detailed (...)
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  29. Værdier, etik og moral i sygepleje.Jan B. W. Pedersen & Ingeborg Ilkjær (eds.) - 2019 - Copenhagen, Denmark: Fadl's Forlag.
    I dette bogkapitel skrevet sammen med Ingeborg Ilkjær fremlægges tre etiske positioner herunder dydsetik, pligtetik og konsekvensetik. Disse teorier er sammen med eksempler på etiske principper og værdier det grundlag, som sygeplejersker kan benytte sig af i arbejdet med patientinvolvering og etiske dilemma, hvor der skal foretages et valg, der har betydning for patienter, pårørrende og de klinisk involverede. -/- For at kunne træffe valg af denne art er det vigtigt at kunne gøre det på et oplyst grundlag samt at (...)
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    M'türîdî Ahlakına Felsefi Bir Bakış: Sevgi.Ruveyda Aksel - 2023 - Atebe 9:177-190.
    Sevgi, Mâtürîdî ahlak anlayışının dayandığı genel karakterlerden biridir. Ahlak içerisinde iradi bir eylem ön planda yer almış olsa da aslında bu eylem sevgi temeline dayanaklık etmektedir. Mâtürîdî’nin sevgi anlayışının temelinde, varlıklara sevginin Allah tarafından verildiğinin bilinmesi gerekliliği vardır. Çünkü insan fıtratında olan bu duygunun yani sevginin, sıradan bir yönelimin dışına çıkması ve insanı yücelten bir nitelik kazandırması bu temele dayanmaktadır. Mâtürîdî, her insanda doğuştan gelen bir güzellik eğilimi ya da güzel olana sevgi besleme gibi bir yatkınlığın olduğunu ifade etmiştir. Allah (...)
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    Contemporary Muslim Male Reformist Thought and Gender Equality Affirmative Interpretations of Islam.Adis Duderija - 2020 - Feminist Theology 28 (2):161-181.
    A number of recently published studies by reformist-minded Muslim scholars have both questioned the normative nature of and emphasized the need to rethink some of the fundamental assumptions and interpretational models governing traditional Islamic legal theories and ethics. As part of this process they have emphasized the need to develop novel Islamic hermeneutics. One major element in this emergence of novel Islamic hermeneutics is the production of an increased number of what I term ‘gender equality affirmative scholarship on Islam’. What (...)
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  32. La "historia de los omeyas de al-Andalus" en los Masalik al-Absar.Luis Molina Martínez - 2005 - Al-Qantara 26 (1):123-140.
    Los Massalik al-absar de Ibn fadl Alláh al-Umari incluyen un breve resumen de la Historía de los omeyas en al-Andalus. En este trabajo se analizan las relaciones textuales entre ese pasaje y el Muqtabis de Ibn Hayyán, crónica que resulta ser la fuente casi única utilizada por al- Umari para redactar ese capitulo.
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    The Review of Evidences That al-Tabarsī Used in The Argument of Recitations. [REVIEW]Nesrişah Saylan - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (2):977-991.
    al-Tabarsī is one of the glossators in the Shī‘ah gloss tradition in the second middle period or first sagacity period. al-Tabarsī who had a wide knowledge in the various knowledge branches was mentioned as a glossator, narrator of Mohammad’s all sayings, deeds and approvals and scribe. One of compilations that al-Tabarsī wrote it in the field of gloss is Macmau-l-bayān fī tafsīri-l-Qur’ān. The glossator who widely included the recitations in this work used some evidence related to their averment while he (...)
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