Results for 'Facebook posts'

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  1.  4
    Specified compliments in comments to politicians’ Facebook posts.Pnina Shukrun-Nagar & Zohar Livnat - 2024 - Pragmatics and Cognition 31 (2):339-366.
    This article discusses “specified compliments” consisting of a positive evaluation of an ability or achievement; a preposition; and an area of expertise or excellence, e.g. “experts in security”. An analysis of 74 examples in comments on politicians’ Facebook posts during 2020–2021 revealed that specified compliments convey a predominantly ironic meaning in order to criticize the complimentee. Three different categories of ironic specified compliments are identified: (1) compliments where the area of expertise is positive and are interpreted as ironical (...)
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    No Sex, Cursing and Politics: Adult Views of Inappropriate Facebook Posts.Loreen Wolfer - 2017 - Journal of Human Values 23 (2):116-128.
    With the increasing popularity of Facebook among adult users and the diverse social networks, especially based on age, that adults form on Facebook, it is important to examine what adult Facebook users have seen on Facebook and deem inappropriate. Previous studies only address college students and most of them involve hypothetical post-scenarios. This study addresses these gaps by examining 190 adult Facebook users from a northeastern Pennsylvania university and asking them to identify the top three (...)
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    Sharing feelings online: studying emotional well-being via automated text analysis of Facebook posts.Michele Settanni & Davide Marengo - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Posting “what” on social media? The (mis-)use of Facebook by young people in refugee camps.Valentina Baú - 2025 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 23 (1):134-147.
    Purpose This paper aims to shed light on the threats that young people living in refugee camps face in their use of Facebook. While social media enable a participatory process of communication (Russo et al., 2008), which is based on the agency of the communicator and defined by their own cultural and moral goals (Lee et al., 2023), these platforms can at times be inappropriately pursued if the communicator lacks relevant skills. The outcome of such a pursuit can also (...)
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  5. Facebook and Dramauthentic Identity: A Post-Goffmanian Model of Identity Performance on SNS.D. E. Wittkower - 2014 - First Monday 19 (4).
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    Unleashing the Beast: Exploring Incivility and Intolerance in Facebook Comments Under Populist and Non-populist Politicians’ Social Media Posts About Migration.Alena Kluknavská, Vlastimil Havlík & Jan Hanzelka - 2024 - Human Affairs 34 (1):119-135.
    Social networking sites allow politicians to reach followers directly and offer citizens platforms to express their opinions. However, online discussions often lack civility, leading to increased polarization. Although existing research has brought important insights into populist effects on political trust, attitudes, or electoral behavior, we know less about how populism’s use of divisive rhetoric and identity-based appeals contribute to the confrontational responses of social media users. To address this gap, we investigate the relationship between the use of populist communication in (...)
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    Facebook and Finance: On the Social Logic of the Derivative.Adam Arvidsson - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (6):3-23.
    This article suggests that Facebook embodies a new logic of capitalist governance, what has been termed the ‘social logic of the derivative’. The logic of the derivative is rooted in the now dominant financial level of the capitalist economy, and is mediated by social media and the algorithmic processing of large digital data sets. This article makes three precise claims: First, that the modus operandi of Facebook mirrors the operations of derivative financial instruments. Second, that the algorithms that (...)
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    Anonymity and commitment: how do Kierkegaard and Dreyfus fare in the era of Facebook and “post-truth”?Soraj Hongladarom - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (2):289-299.
    This paper looks at the situation first described by Dreyfus :369–378, 2002) in his seminal paper, in order to find out whether and, if so, to what extent the use of Internet in education is still characterized by anonymity and commitment in today’s social media and ‘post-truth’ era. Current form of web technology provides an occasion for us to rethink what the Press and the Public, two main Kierkegaardian themes, actually consist in. The very ease and rapidity of how information (...)
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    Facebook Influence Among Incoming College Freshmen: Sticky Cues and Alcohol.Megan Moreno, Jens Eickhoff, Chong Zhang & Jonathan D’Angelo - 2014 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 34 (1-2):13-20.
    Alcohol displays on Facebook are ever present and can be socially desirable for college students. Because problematic drinking is a concern for college students, this research sought to understand how different types of information on a Facebook page influence first year college student likelihood to drink. Telephone interviews were conducted with 338 incoming college freshmen from two large national universities. Data were obtained from a vignette prompt that presented a scenario in which a senior college student’s Facebook (...)
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    Resemblance in comments/posts interaction : Forms and functions of dialogicity.Elda Weizman & Ayelet Kohn - 2022 - Pragmatics and Society 13 (5):861-884.
    This paper studies dialogicity in posts and their comments. Focusing on political slogans in the Facebook page of Israel PM Binyamin Netanyahu, we examine the ways comments meta-represent the posts in various degrees of resemblance. Starting with the premise that comments/post interactions are dialogic in the Bakhtinian sense, we argue that comments are dialogic in yet another way, which is related to the form and degree of resemblance between them. The conceptualization draws on the notion of meta-representation (...)
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  11.  36
    Breaking a Vital Trust: Posting Photos of Patients on Facebook Among a Sample of Peruvian Medical Students.Evelin Mota-Anaya, Katherine Almeida-Chafloque, Stephanie Castro-Arechaga, Lizeth Flores-Anaya, Cinthia León-Lozada, Reneé Pereyra-Elías & Percy Mayta-Tristán - forthcoming - AJOB Empirical Bioethics:1-9.
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    Facebook Displays as Predictors of Binge Drinking: From the Virtual to the Visceral.Megan A. Moreno, Bradley Kerr & Jonathan D’Angelo - 2014 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 34 (5-6):159-169.
    Given the prevalence of social media, a nascent but important area of research is the effect of social media posting on one’s own self. It is possible that an individual’s social media posts may have predictive capacity, especially in relation to health behavior. Researchers have long used concepts from the theory of reasoned action to predict health behaviors. The theory does not account for social media, which may influence or predict health behaviors. The purpose of this study was to (...)
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  13.  20
    Discourse patterns used by extremist Salafists on Facebook: identifying potential triggers to cognitive biases in radicalized content.Catherine Bouko, Brigitte Naderer, Diana Rieger, Pieter Van Ostaeyen & Pierre Voué - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (3):252-273.
    ABSTRACT Understanding how extremist Salafists communicate, and not only what, is key to gaining insights into the ways they construct their social order and use psychological forces to radicalize potential sympathizers on social media. With a view to contributing to the existing body of research which mainly focuses on terrorist organizations, we analyzed accounts that advocate violent jihad without supporting any terrorist group and hence might be able to reach a large and not yet radicalized audience. We constructed a critical (...)
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  14.  82
    From Facebook to Tracebook: A Justified Means to Prevent Infection Risks?A. Krom - 2014 - Public Health Ethics 7 (1):54-56.
    After arrival in a hospital, a man with suspected meningococcal septicaemia slips into a coma. One of his friends posts a message on the patient’s Facebook ‘wall’ informing three named contacts that the patient has meningitis and tells them to speak to a doctor. At the request of the Health Protection Unit (HPU), this message is later modified, to reduce unnecessary anxiety and to provide better guidance (Mandeville et al., 2013). Based on the harm principle and considerations of (...)
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  15.  25
    Gratitude and Social Media: A Pilot Experiment on the Benefits of Exposure to Others’ Grateful Interactions on Facebook.Simona Sciara, Daniela Villani, Anna Flavia Di Natale & Camillo Regalia - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:667052.
    Facebook and other social networking sites allow observation of others’ interactions that in normal, offline life would simply beundetectable(e.g., a two-voice conversation viewable on the Facebook wall, from the perspective of a real, silent witness). Drawing on this specific property, the theory of social learning, and the most direct implications of emotional contagion, our pilot experiment (N= 49) aimed to test whether the exposure to others’ grateful interactions on Facebook enhances (a) users’ felt gratitude, (b) expressed gratitude, (...)
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    Challenges of Facebook Integration in High Education.Batije Shefketi & Mentor Hamiti - 2019 - Seeu Review 14 (1):207-225.
    Currently, the Internet has become a part of the everyday life of human beings. The way of communication between people has changed and social networks are dominating in the lives of everyone. One of the most used social networks is Facebook, but besides that it is used for communication and entertainment, Facebook can also be used for learning. Therefore, the main issue of this paper is the use of Facebook for educational approaches by students and teachers. Case (...)
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  17. Do Social Networking Sites Enhance the Attractiveness of Risky Health Behavior? Impression Management in Adolescents' Communication on Facebook and its Ethical Implications.J. Loss, V. Lindacher & J. Curbach - 2014 - Public Health Ethics 7 (1):5-16.
    Social networking sites (SNS) are of increasing importance for adolescents’ social life. As adolescents are prone to display risky health behavior in the offline world, it is likely that they use their online profiles and communications to report on unhealthy behaviors, too. This may in turn enhance the perceived attractiveness of risky behavior within the adolescent cohort. Drawing on the insights of impression management theory, we argue in this article that adolescents use a variety of impression management tactics in their (...)
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    Mining Digital Traces of Facebook Activity for the Prediction of Individual Differences in Tendencies Toward Social Networks Use Disorder: A Machine Learning Approach.Davide Marengo, Christian Montag, Alessandro Mignogna & Michele Settanni - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    More than three billion users are currently on one of Meta’s online platforms with Facebook being still their most prominent social media service. It is well known that Facebook has designed a highly immersive social media service with the aim to prolong online time of its users, as this results in more digital footprints to be studied and monetized. In this context, it is debated if social media platforms can elicit addictive behaviors. In the present work, we demonstrate (...)
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    How biased is the sample? Reverse engineering the ranking algorithm of Facebook’s Graph application programming interface.Justin Chun-Ting Ho - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (1).
    Facebook research has proliferated during recent years. However, since November 2017, Facebook has introduced a new limitation on the maximum amount of page posts retrievable through their Graph application programming interface, while there is limited documentation on how these posts are selected. This paper compares two datasets of the same Facebook page, a full dataset obtained before the introduction of the limitation and a partial dataset obtained after, and employs bootstrapping technique to assess the bias (...)
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    Platformed antagonism: racist discourses on fake Muslim Facebook pages.Johan Farkas, Jannick Schou & Christina Neumayer - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 15 (5):463-480.
    ABSTRACTThis research examines how fake identities on social media create and sustain antagonistic and racist discourses. It does so by analysing 11 Danish Facebook pages, disguised as Muslim extremists living in Denmark, conspiring to kill and rape Danish citizens. It explores how anonymous content producers utilise Facebook’s socio-technical characteristics to construct, what we propose to term as, platformed antagonism. This term refers to socio-technical and discursive practices that produce new modes of antagonistic relations on social media platforms. Through (...)
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  21. Post-COVID-19: Education and Thai Society in Digital Era.Pattamawadee Sankheangaew - 2021 - Conference Proceedings 2.
    The article entitled “Post-COVID-19: Education and Thai Society in Digital Era” has two objectives: 1) to study digital technology 2) to study the living life in Thailand in the digital era after COVID-19 pandemics. According to the study, it was found that the new digitized service is a service process on digital platforms such as ordering food, hailing a taxi, and online trading. It is a service called via smartphone. The information is used digitally. Public relations, digital marketing, and living (...)
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    How do politicians use Facebook? An applied Social Observatory.Christof Weinhardt, Margeret Hall & Simon Caton - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (2).
    In the age of the digital generation, written public data is ubiquitous and acts as an outlet for today's society. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn have profoundly changed how we communicate and interact. They have enabled the establishment of and participation in digital communities as well as the representation, documentation and exploration of social behaviours, and had a disruptive effect on how we use the Internet. Such digital communications present scholars with a novel way to detect, observe, (...)
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  23.  68
    Ethics and Artificial Intelligence: Suicide Prevention on Facebook.Norberto Nuno Gomes de Andrade, Dave Pawson, Dan Muriello, Lizzy Donahue & Jennifer Guadagno - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (4):669-684.
    There is a death by suicide in the world every 40 seconds, and suicide is the second leading cause of death for 15–29-year-olds. Experts say that one of the best ways to prevent suicide is for those in distress to hear from people who care about them. Facebook is in a unique position—through its support for networks and friendships on the site—to help connect a person in these difficult situations with people who can support them. Connecting people with the (...)
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  24. People, posts, and platforms: reducing the spread of online toxicity by contextualizing content and setting norms.Isaac Record & Boaz Miller - 2022 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):1-19.
    We present a novel model of individual people, online posts, and media platforms to explain the online spread of epistemically toxic content such as fake news and suggest possible responses. We argue that a combination of technical features, such as the algorithmically curated feed structure, and social features, such as the absence of stable social-epistemic norms of posting and sharing in social media, is largely responsible for the unchecked spread of epistemically toxic content online. Sharing constitutes a distinctive communicative (...)
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  25. Communicating About Communicable Diseases on Facebook: Whisper, Don't Shout.David Shaw - 2013 - Public Health Ethics (1):pht031.
    Mandeville and colleagues describe a fascinating case where Facebook was used to warn potential contacts that their acquaintance had a communicable disease (Mandeville et al., 2013). They are correct that this case raises important issues about social media, confidentiality and the prevention of harm. However, they underestimate both the dangers of overcommunication via Wall and Timeline postings (and Twitter) and the potential utility of Facebook in cases like this one. Increased awareness of Facebook functionality will allow more (...)
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  26.  31
    Emotional politics on Facebook. An exploratory study of Podemos’ discourse during the European election campaign 2014.Agnese Sampietro & Lidia Valera Ordaz - 2015 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 17:61-83.
    The results of the European elections 2014 in Spain were characterized by the outstanding rise of a new party, Podemos, which obtained five seats in the European Parliament, despite being founded few months before the elections. The present study analyzes both the content and the presence of emotions in Podemos’ discourse on Facebook during the European electoral campaign. In particular, the affective content of both the party’s discourse and the comments of its followers will be analyzed through a pragmatic (...)
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    ‘Post-fascism’, or how the far right talks about itself: the 2022 Italian election campaign as a case study.Katy Brown & George Newth - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    While the mainstreaming of the far right is attracting growing scholarly interest based on its contemporary relevance, the role that far-right self-representation strategies play in this process has seen limited engagement. In this article, we argue that far-right actors employ a post-fascist logic to bring their ideas closer to the mainstream. This logic rests on a dual message, whereby they attempt to outwardly distance themselves from fascism while at the same time recontextualising fascist ideas. To explore these dynamics, we use (...)
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    Why individuals choose to post incriminating information on social networking sites: Social control and social disorganization theories in context.Michelle Kilburn - 2011 - International Review of Information Ethics 16:55-59.
    Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and many more social networking sites are becoming mainstream in the lives of numerous individuals in the United States and around the globe. How these sites could potentially impact one's perception of community, as well as the ability to enhance strong social bonding, is an area of concern for many sociologists and criminologists. Current literature is discussed and framed through the lenses of social disorganization and social control theories as they relate to an individual's propensity to (...)
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  29.  21
    Portal społecznościowy jako narzędzie do promowania informacji regionalnych –na przykładzie profili Facebook TVP Łódź, Radia Łódź i „Expressu Ilustrowanego”.Zbigniew Gruszka - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 62 (3):21-39.
    The author aims at evaluating the activities on the Facebook profiles of three regional media editorials – namely the ‘TVP 3 Łódź’ TV channel, the ‘Radio Łódź’ radio channel, and the Express Ilustrowany daily – particularly in terms of including local and regional information in their posts. Another objective was to attempt to quantify and compare these activities. The used research method is the analysis of profile content on Facebook, and the study was conducted within the period (...)
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    Small farmers, big tech: agrarian commerce and knowledge on Myanmar Facebook.Hilary Oliva Faxon - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (3):897-911.
    Despite increasing attention to the sensors, drones, robots, and apps permeating agri-food systems, little attention has been paid to social media, perhaps the most ubiquitous digital technology in rural areas globally. This article draws on analysis of farming groups on Myanmar Facebook to posit social media as appropriated agritech: a generic technology incorporated into existing circuits of economic and social exchange that becomes a site of agrarian innovation. Through analysis of an original archive of popular posts collected from (...)
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    (Tar)getting you: The use of online political targeted messages on Facebook.Brahim Zarouali, Tom Dobber, Nadia Metoui, Susan Vermeer & Sanne Kruikemeier - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    This study examines how mainstream political actors and other organizations use political targeted messages. For this purpose, a data set from ProPublica is used. The study examines 55,918 sponsored Facebook ads that were posted by 236 political actors (i.e., political elites and other organizations) in the United States. (1) Topic classification was used to identify policy issues, (2) network analysis to identify the main policy issues from the various political actors, and (3) Sankey diagrams to visualize microtargeted messages. Our (...)
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  32. Optimal ways for companies to use Facebook as a marketing channel.Linnea Hansson, Anton Wrangmo & Klaus Solberg Søilen - 2013 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 11 (2):112-126.
    PurposeSocial media has increased as a marketing channel, and Facebook is the biggest social media company globally. Facebook contains both positive and negative information about companies; therefore, it is important for companies to manage their Facebook page to best serve their own interests. Although most users are familiar with business and marketing activities on Facebook, they use it primarily for fun and personal purposes. The most effective methods for companies to use Facebook have not been (...)
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  33.  26
    Virtual Mourning and Memory Construction on Facebook: Here Are the Terms of Use.Kathleen Scheaffer & Rhonda N. McEwen - 2013 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 33 (3-4):64-75.
    This article investigates the online information practices of persons grieving and mourning via Facebook. It examines how, or whether, these practices and Facebook’s terms of use policies have implications for the bereaved and/or the memory of the deceased. To explore these questions, we compared traditional publicly recorded asynchronous modes of grieving (i.e., obituaries) with Facebook’s asynchronous features (i.e., pages, photos, messages, profiles, comments). Additionally, by applying observational techniques to Facebook memorial pages and Facebook profiles, conducting (...)
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    Your Post has Been Removed: Tech Giants and Freedom of Speech.Frederik Stjernfelt & Anne Mette Lauritzen - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access monograph argues established democratic norms for freedom of expression should be implemented on the internet. Moderating policies of tech companies as Facebook, Twitter and Google have resulted in posts being removed on an industrial scale. While this moderation is often encouraged by governments - on the pretext that terrorism, bullying, pornography, “hate speech” and “fake news” will slowly disappear from the internet - it enables tech companies to censure our society. It is the social media (...)
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  35.  11
    Examining the spread of disinformation on Facebook during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic: A case study in Switzerland.Mirjam Baumann & Edda Humprecht - forthcoming - Communications.
    Disinformation poses a significant threat to democratic societies, particularly in the context of the Covid-19 health crisis. This study delves into the prevalence and nature of disinformation in social media by analyzing Facebook accounts of political actors and alternative media within the unique Swiss landscape during the first wave of the pandemic. Using standardized quantitative content analysis, we categorize posts as either accurate, reconfigured, or fabricated. Our findings reveal a disconcerting pattern: Disinformation was shared more frequently than accurate (...)
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    Contribuições Para a Compreensão Do Negacionismo Científico a Partir da Teoria Ator-Rede: O Estudo de Uma Comunidade Antivacina No Facebook.Gabriel Menezes Viana, Rodolfo Dias de Araújo & Francisco Ângelo Coutinho - 2023 - ARARIPE — REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA 4 (1):185-209.
    Neste artigo, apresentamos parte de um estudo realizado em um grupo aberto do Facebook de negacionistas das vacinas. Com referenciais teóricos pautados na Teoria AtorRede (ANT) e nos estudos de Bruno Latour, Anne-Marie Mol e John Law, tivemos o objetivo de mapear os processos de atuação e de construção de realidades de um grupo de negacionistas da vacina. Além da ANT, nossas orientações metodológicas estiveram pautadas também na Análise de Rede Social (ARS). Assim, investigamos posts e o conteúdo (...)
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    Human actions and decisions are most of the times not only grounded on emotional reactions, they are irrationally debasing. While such emotions and heuristics were perhaps suitable for dealing with life in the Stone Age, they are woefully inadequate in the Silicon Age. The substitution of traditional news agencies and communication platforms in Nigeria with social media networks has not only increased human capacities, it has aided the common good and further eased communication and increased the human knowledge base. For (...)
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    Attrition and revival in Awjila BerberFacebook posts as a new data source for an endangered Berber language.Marijn van Putten & Lameen Souag - 2015 - Corpus 14:23-58.
    Awjila Berber is a highly endangered Berber variety spoken in eastern Libya. The minimal material available on it reveals that the language is in some respects very archaic and in others grammatically unique, and as such is of particular comparative and historical interest. Fieldwork has been impossible for decades due to the political situation. Recently, however, several inhabitants of Awjila have set up a Facebook group Ašal=ənnax (“our village”), posting largely in Awjili. Analysis of this partly conversational corpus makes (...)
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  39. Hacking into the Church Mainframe: A Theological Engagement of the Post-Informational World.Henry S. Kuo - 2010 - Princeton Theological Review 17 (43):81-90.
    Is Web 2.0 and its related communications technology ethically neutral? With the exception of obvious ills, do they indeed have very few, if any, ethical drawbacks? Even before the internet underwent its evolutionary ascension, computer engineers and philosophers have given some thought to these questions. Few have taken such insights and applied them to the life of the church. How does the church make use of such technologies? How has the church abused it? And, most importantly, what is the church’s (...)
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    Measuring Organizational Legitimacy in Social Media: Assessing Citizens’ Judgments With Sentiment Analysis.Antonino D’Eugenio, Katia Meggiorin, Laura Illia, Elanor Colleoni & Michael Etter - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (1):60-97.
    Conventional quantitative methods for the measurement of organizational legitimacy consider mainly three sources that make judgments about organizations visible: news media, accreditation bodies, and surveys. Over the last decade, however, social media have enabled ordinary citizens to bypass the gatekeeping function of these institutional evaluators and autonomously make individual judgments public. This inclusion of voices beyond functional and formally organized stakeholder groups potentially pluralizes the ongoing discussions about organizations. The individual judgments in blogs, tweets, and Facebook posts give (...)
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    The Digital Phenotype: a Philosophical and Ethical Exploration.Michele Loi - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (1):155-171.
    The concept of the digital phenotype has been used to refer to digital data prognostic or diagnostic of disease conditions. Medical conditions may be inferred from the time pattern in an insomniac’s tweets, the Facebook posts of a depressed individual, or the web searches of a hypochondriac. This paper conceptualizes digital data as an extended phenotype of humans, that is as digital information produced by humans and affecting human behavior and culture. It argues that there are ethical obligations (...)
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    Discursive representations of domestic helpers in cyberspace.Janet Ho - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (1):48-63.
    This study investigates the online narratives Hong Kong employers construct around foreign domestic helpers and aims to compensate for the existing gap in discursive research and mainstream media, which tend to focus on the perspective of FDHs. It examines how employers portrayed FDHs both positively and negatively, as well as how they represented themselves in online environments. Critical discourse analysis was used to analyse more than 2000 Facebook posts on the subject of FDHs, identifying discursive strategies used in (...)
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    The Philosophy of Autobiography.Christopher Cowley (ed.) - 2015 - University of Chicago Press.
    We are living through a boom in autobiographical writing. Every half-famous celebrity, every politician, every sports hero—even the non-famous, nowadays, pour out pages and pages, Facebook post after Facebook post, about themselves. Literary theorists have noticed, as the genres of “creative nonfiction” and “life writing” have found their purchase in the academy. And of course psychologists have long been interested in self-disclosure. But where have the philosophers been? With this volume, Christopher Cowley brings them into the conversation. Cowley (...)
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    The concept of integrated communication under close scrutiny: A study on the effects of congruity-based tactics.Alena Kirchenbauer - 2020 - Communications 45 (3):363-377.
    This study examines how consumers react to a Facebook post that is completely, moderately or not at all in conflict with a brand-typical TV clip. It thus analyzes the need for congruity between the offline and online advertising activities of a brand and draws on the literature of integrated communication, schema incongruity theory and advertising effectiveness. Results of an online experiment with 131 participants and a 2 (content: congruent vs. incongruent) by 2 (stylistic devices: congruent vs. incongruent) between-subjects design (...)
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    Other Lives of the Image.Patricia Hayes & Iona Gilburt - 2020 - Kronos 46 (1):10-28.
    In the wake of intensifying debates on decolonisation and restitution in Africa and its francophone diaspora, a Facebook posting of 6 February 2020 gave an other life to a photographic portrait of the French-Italian explorer Savorgnan de Brazza taken in 1882.1 The uploaded digital scan of a photograph from nearly 140 years ago flashed up in a moment of contemporary hypervisibility, offering a visual pretext to denounce de Brazza and the effect of his interventions in Africa virtually and openly (...)
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    A close encounter with ghost-writers: an initial exploration study on background, strategies and attitudes of independent essay providers.Sharavan Ramachandran, Kalliopi Kostelidou & Shiva Sivasubramaniam - 2016 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 12 (1).
    Academic dishonesty presents in different forms, including fabrication of data, falsifying references, multiple submissions, collusion, and sabotage, with two forms haunting academia, namely plagiarism and contract cheating or ghost writing. These latter forms have received considerable attention and have been subjects for research. This interview-based study provides some further insight into the problem of ghost writing through presenting the attitudes, justifications and networking practices of some hired ‘ghost-writers’ from a developing country and discusses the depth of this emerging threat to (...)
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  47. When bluff isn't enough.Max Wallace - 2013 - The Australian Humanist 109 (109):19.
    Wallace, Max I respond here to David Nicholls November 2012 Facebook posting in response to my article 'Non-religious tax avoidance' in the Summer issue of AH, No. 108, 2012 where I reviewed how it was the Atheist Foundation of Australia came to have tax-exempt status and whether that was appropriate.
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  48. Referring to the World, by Kenneth A. Taylor.Rachel Goodman - 2024 - Mind 133 (532):1151-1161.
    The foreword to Ken Taylor’s, Referring to the World, contains the text of a Facebook post from the day he completed a draft of the book—also the day of his death. Taylor writes that the book began its life ‘years and years and years ago’ as a short, opinionated introduction to the theory of reference, but became more an introduction to his own views than anything else. He also wrote: -/- The opinions and the supporting arguments have been developed (...)
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  49. The Performativity of Terror-Tagging and the Prospects for a Marcos Presidency.Regletto Aldrich Imbong - 2023 - In Authoritarian Disaster: The Duterte Regime and the Prospects for a Marcos Presidency. New York: Nova Science Publishers. pp. 43-64.
    The Philippine government has been relentless in its counterinsurgency campaigns. From the colonial wars that vilified as insurgents and bandits the honored heroes of today, up to the anti-communist and anti-secessionist civil and military efforts of the postcolonial regimes, these campaigns have not only rolled out large state resources but also cost lives of innocent civilians. Patterned after the United States (US) of America’s principle of low-intensity conflict aimed at countering Marxist and anti-imperialist movements (Reed 1986), counterinsurgency campaigns have unleashed (...)
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    „I apologize to Giorgio Chiellini and the entire football family.“ / Zur Rolle Sozialer Medien in der Krisenkommunikation - dargestellt an Beispielen im Kontext der Fußball-WM 2014 in Brasilien.Christoph G. Grimmer & Verena Burk - 2016 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 13 (1):5-39.
    Zusammenfassung Im Beitrag wird untersucht, ob und mit welchen Strategien Athleten sowie Sportorganisationen in Krisen des Sports Soziale Medien in ihrer Krisenkommunikation verwenden. Ausgehend von der Theorie der situationsbezogenen Krisenkommunikation nach Coombs, der bei verschiedenen Krisentypen spezifische Kommunikationsstrategien empfiehlt, werden Facebook-Posts und Tweets/retweets von Spielern und Verbänden bei zwei ausgewählten Krisen während der Fußball-WM 2014 qualitativ analysiert. Den Ergebnissen zufolge werden die Möglichkeiten Sozialer Medien nicht bzw. nur unzureichend genutzt. In beiden Fällen findet keine zeitnahe Krisenkommunikation statt. Bei (...)
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