Results for 'Fabrizio Intonti'

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  1.  28
    Gadamer e l'interpretazione come accadere dell'essere.Fabrizio Intonti - 1998 - Idee 37:269-272.
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    Relational Autonomy and Multiculturalism.Fabrizio Turoldo - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (4):542-549.
    The principle of autonomy, through various court rulings, gradually became part of medical practice and tradition in the second half of the 1800s, notably when the emergence of surgical anaesthesia began to raise serious questions regarding informed consent. In fact, surgical anaesthesia was initially used not only to avoid pain but also to combat patients’ resistance to operations.
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  3. Conditionals, Context, and the Suppression Effect.Fabrizio Cariani & Lance J. Rips - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (3):540-589.
    Modus ponens is the argument from premises of the form If A, then B and A to the conclusion B. Nearly all participants agree that the modus ponens conclusion logically follows when the argument appears in this Basic form. However, adding a further premise can lower participants’ rate of agreement—an effect called suppression. We propose a theory of suppression that draws on contemporary ideas about conditional sentences in linguistics and philosophy. Semantically, the theory assumes that people interpret an indicative conditional (...)
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  4. Modeling future indeterminacy in possibility semantics.Fabrizio Cariani - manuscript
    Possibility semantics offers an elegant framework for a semantic analysis of modal logic that does not recruit fully determinate entities such as possible worlds. The present papers considers the application of possibility semantics to the modeling of the indeterminacy of the future. Interesting theoretical problems arise in connection to the addition of object-language determinacy operator. We argue that adding a two-dimensional layer to possibility semantics can help solve these problems. The resulting system assigns to the two-dimensional determinacy operator a well-known (...)
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    From Asilomar to Genome Editing: Research Ethics and Models of Decision.Fabrizio Rufo & Antonella Ficorilli - 2019 - NanoEthics 13 (3):223-232.
    The aim of the presentation is to focus on the differences between two scientific contexts: the genetic engineering context of the 1970s, with specific attention paid to the use of the recombinant DNA technique to generate genetically modified molecules, and the current genome editing context, with specific attention paid to the use of CRISPR-Cas9 technology to modify human germ line cells genetically. In both events, scientists have been involved in discussions that have gone beyond mere professional deontology touching on specific (...)
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  6. Cesalpino's (Aristotelian) philosophy of plants : a science of botany in the Renaissance.Fabrizio Baldassarri - 2023 - In Fabrizio Baldassarri & Craig Martin, Andrea Cesalpino and Renaissance Aristotelianism. New York: Bloomsbury.
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    Performático: Teoria Delle Arti Dinamiche.Fabrizio Deriu - 2012 - Bulzoni.
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  8. L'umanesimo, forse...: aspetti, caratteri, dimensioni, frammenti di umanità.Fabrizio Ghilardi - 2023 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Early blindness modulates haptic object recognition.Fabrizio Leo, Monica Gori & Alessandra Sciutti - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:941593.
    Haptic object recognition is usually an efficient process although slower and less accurate than its visual counterpart. The early loss of vision imposes a greater reliance on haptic perception for recognition compared to the sighted. Therefore, we may expect that congenitally blind persons could recognize objects through touch more quickly and accurately than late blind or sighted people. However, the literature provided mixed results. Furthermore, most of the studies on haptic object recognition focused on performance, devoting little attention to the (...)
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    The Biblical Text in the Philosophy of History of the 1780s.Fabrizio Lomonaco - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing, Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 729-740.
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  11. (1 other version)Kleist.Fabrizio Mondadori - 1980 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 6:185.
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    Sul concetto di contraddizione in Hegel, 1801-1812/16.Fabrizio Settimio - 2003 - Napoli: La città del sole.
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    La bioetica tra riflessioni teoriche e questioni pratiche.Fabrizio Turoldo, Marco Tuono & Giuseppe Manzato (eds.) - 2024 - Roma: Aracne.
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  14. Reference, Essentialism, and Modality in Leibniz's Metaphysics.Fabrizio Mondadori - 1973 - Studia Leibnitiana 5 (1):74-101.
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    La percezione riflessa: estetica e filosofia della mente.Fabrizio Desideri - 2011 - Milano: R. Cortina.
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  16. The Concept of Responsibility: Three Stages in Its Evolution within Bioethics.Fabrizio Turoldo & Y. Michael Barilan - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (1):114-123.
    edited by Tuija Takala and Matti Häyry, welcomes contributions on the conceptual and theoretical dimensions of bioethics.
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    Brain and the Lexicon: The Neural Basis of Inferential and Referential Competence.Fabrizio Calzavarini - 2019 - Springer International Publishing.
    This monograph offers a novel, neurocognitive theory concerning words and language. It explores the distinction between inferential and referential semantic competence. The former accounts for the relationship of words among themselves, the latter for the relationship of words to the world. The author discusses this distinction at the level of the human brain on both theoretical and neuroscientific grounds. In addition, this investigation considers the relation between the inf/ref neurocognitive theory and other accounts of semantic cognition proposed in the field (...)
  18. Ipsum verum non videbis nisi in philosophiam totus intraveris. Studi in onore di Franco De Capitani. Raccolti da Fabrizio Amerini e Stefano Caroti.Fabrizio Amerini & Stefano Caroti (eds.) - 2016 - Firenze-Parma, Torino: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni, Università degli Studi di Torino.
    The 14 essays collected in this volume explore the various aspects of Augustine’s philosophy and its medieval reception: by considering his education and the development of his thought as conveyed by a series of philosophical images and styles, the volume reconstructs the recurring motifs of his intellectual journey (the anti-Manichean polemic, his political vision, the role of reason, and the theory of war) and their fortune in authors such as Thomas Aquinas, Nicole Oresme, Gregory of Rimini, and Robert Grosseteste.
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  19. Tra antichità e modernità. Studi di storia della filosofia medievale e rinascimentale. Raccolti da Fabrizio Amerini, Simone Fellina e Andrea Strazzoni.Fabrizio Amerini, Simone Fellina & Andrea Strazzoni (eds.) - 2019 - Firenze-Parma, Torino: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni, Università degli Studi di Torino.
    The 26 essays collected in this volume explore some crucial aspects of the philosophical and scientific traditions of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Using a historical-philological approach, the volume brings to light unpublished documents and offers new reconstructions of the intellectual paths of authors such as Meister Eckhart, Nicole Oresme, John Buridan, Siger of Brabant, William of Ockham, Peter Pomponazzi, and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola.
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  20. The logical and pragmatic structure of arguments from analogy.Fabrizio Macagno - 2017 - Logique Et Analyse 240:465-490.
    The reasoning process of analogy is characterized by a strict interdependence between a process of abstraction of a common feature and the transfer of an attribute of the Analogue to the Primary Subject. The first reasoning step is regarded as an abstraction of a generic characteristic that is relevant for the attribution of the predicate. The abstracted feature can be considered from a logic-semantic perspective as a functional genus, in the sense that it is contextually essential for the attribution of (...)
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  21. Franciscus de Prato on reduplication.Fabrizio Amerini & Massimo Mugnai - 2018 - In Christoph Kann, Benedikt Löewe, Christian Rode & Sara Liana Uckelman, Modern views of medieval logic. Leuven: Peeters.
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    Rappresentazione naturale e simbolica in Tommaso d’Aquino. Alcune note.Fabrizio Amerini - 2018 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 11 (1):31-44.
    Talking of “medieval aesthetics” is historiographically disputable. During the Middle Ages, in fact, there is no discipline comparable with the aesthetics as from the eighteenth century we know it. In the medieval period, aesthetic considerations mostly occur in spurious contexts, and are all, so to say, pre-theoretical. They refer to different insights on what is the beautiful and what relationship holds between the beauty and its artistic expression. In the Middle Ages, that is, one can frequently encounters forms we would (...)
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    Organizational Loyalties and Models of Firms: Governance Design and Standard of Duties.Fabrizio Cafaggi - 2005 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 6 (2):463-526.
    This paper makes the two following claims: 1) The legal dimension of loyalty within organizations goes beyond duties. The governance design aimed at ensuring loyalty may strongly affect standards that characterize each layer of the organization. The interaction between standards of duty and the governance dimension of loyalty should, therefore, be more tailored to specific legal forms and their functional correlation with ownership and financing. 2) There is a greater divergence than has so far been acknowledged between the function of (...)
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    Cultural traits and multidisciplinary dialogue.Fabrizio Panebianco & Emanuele Serrelli - 2018 - In Fabrizio Panebianco & Emanuele Serrelli, Understanding Cultural Traits: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Cultural Diversity. Springer. pp. 1-20.
    Every discipline poses its research questions in specific ways and thus uses concepts that are suited to find answers in its well defined disciplinary frameworks. Accordingly, the idea of cultural trait has been used and developed in several disciplines, often without any reference to each other. The result has often been non-communicability across different fields. We first show, by means of two examples, that the lack of deep interdisciplinary dialogue and reciprocal understanding has generated some harsh controversies. We argue that (...)
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    Social Myths as Normative Frames.Fabrizio Sciacca - forthcoming - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche.
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  26. Modal realism: The poisoned pawn.Fabrizio Mondadori & Adam Morton - 1976 - Philosophical Review 85 (1):3-20.
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  27. ‘Ought’ and Resolution Semantics.Fabrizio Cariani - 2011 - Noûs 47 (3):534-558.
    I motivate and characterize an intensional semantics for ‘ought’ on which it does not behave as a universal quantifier over possibilities. My motivational argument centers on taking at face value some standard challenges to the quantificational semantics, especially to the idea that ‘ought’-sentences satisfy the principle of Inheritance. I argue that standard pragmatic approaches to these puzzles are either not sufficiently detailed or unconvincing.
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  28. Truth‐Conditional Pragmatics. By Francois Recanati. , £18.99 .).Fabrizio Cariani - 2012 - Philosophical Quarterly 62 (247):415-418.
  29. Inferential and referential lexical semantic competence: A critical review of the supporting evidence.Fabrizio Calzavarini - 2017 - Journal of Neurolinguistic 44:163-189.
    In philosophical semantics, a distinction has been proposed between inferential and referential lexical semantic competence. The former accounts for the relationship of words to the world, the latter for the relationship of words among themselves. Recent neuroscience research suggests that the distinction might be actually neurally implemented. That is, that inferential and referential abilities might be underpinned by two functionally independent cognitive architectures, with partly different neural realizations. This hypothesis is consistent with brain patient data, supporting the notion of a (...)
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  30. Urban Heat Islands in Tirana, Albania. Analysis and Potential Solutions (8th edition).Fabrizio Aimar & Klodjan Xhexhi - 2024 - Engineering Innovations 8:3-15.
    Cities and towns are expanding and thriving as a result of urbanization, which also significantly changes the local climate. One of the most significant phenomena associated with urbanization is the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. This phenomenon is increasingly being studied worldwide. The paper aims to investigate the UHI phenomenon in the metropolitan area of Tirana, Albania. It analyses the impact of the UHI on four specific locations in Tirana, its causes and mitigation measures, as well as variations in surface (...)
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  31. Will done Better: Selection Semantics, Future Credence, and Indeterminacy.Fabrizio Cariani & Paolo Santorio - 2018 - Mind 127 (505):129-165.
    Statements about the future are central in everyday conversation and reasoning. How should we understand their meaning? The received view among philosophers treats will as a tense: in ‘Cynthia will pass her exam’, will shifts the reference time forward. Linguists, however, have produced substantial evidence for the view that will is a modal, on a par with must and would. The different accounts are designed to satisfy different theoretical constraints, apparently pulling in opposite directions. We show that these constraints are (...)
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  32. Emotive Language in Argumentation.Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas Walton - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book analyzes the uses of emotive language and redefinitions from pragmatic, dialectical, epistemic and rhetorical perspectives, investigating the relationship between emotions, persuasion and meaning, and focusing on the implicit dimension of the use of a word and its dialectical effects. It offers a method for evaluating the persuasive and manipulative uses of emotive language in ordinary and political discourse. Through the analysis of political speeches and legal arguments, the book offers a systematic study of emotive language in argumentation, rhetoric, (...)
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  33. (1 other version)Intention Reconsideration in Artificial Agents: a Structured Account.Fabrizio Cariani - forthcoming - Special Issue of Phil Studies.
    An important module in the Belief-Desire-Intention architecture for artificial agents (which builds on Michael Bratman's work in the philosophy of action) focuses on the task of intention reconsideration. The theoretical task is to formulate principles governing when an agent ought to undo a prior committed intention and reopen deliberation. Extant proposals for such a principle, if sufficiently detailed, are either too task-specific or too computationally demanding. I propose that an agent ought to reconsider an intention whenever some incompatible prospect is (...)
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    Stochastic Evolution of Rules for Playing Finite Normal Form Games.Fabrizio Germano - 2007 - Theory and Decision 62 (4):311-333.
    The evolution of boundedly rational rules for playing normal form games is studied within stationary environments of stochastically changing games. Rules are viewed as algorithms prescribing strategies for the different normal form games that arise. It is shown that many of the “folk results” of evolutionary game theory, typically obtained with a fixed game and fixed strategies, carry over to the present environments. The results are also related to some recent experiments on rules and games.
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    Mondialisation et Traduction Juridique: Nouveaux Parcours de Recherche.Fabrizio Megale - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (1):31-52.
    So far, legal translation studies have generally been concerned with multilingual legislation, which they have dissected using comparative law methods. The time seems to have come for a differentiated research that recognises various types of legal translation, including the category of translation by professionals for public authorities and business concerns. This latter category’s context is rapidly changing. Globalization is aggravating the crisis of national legislation. First and foremost, networks of authorities have sprung up alongside international organisations. The texts translated are (...)
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    Aquinas on the Beginning and End of Human Life.Fabrizio Amerini - 2013 - Harvard University Press.
    In contemporary discussions of abortion, both sides argue well-worn positions, particularly concerning the question, When does human life begin? Though often invoked by the Catholic Church for support, Thomas Aquinas in fact held that human life begins after conception, not at the moment of union. But his overall thinking on questions of how humans come into being, and cease to be, is more subtle than either side in this polarized debate imagines. Fabrizio Amerini--an internationally renowned scholar of medieval philosophy--does (...)
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  37. Reconstructing Metaphorical Meaning.Fabrizio Macagno & Benedetta Zavatta - 2014 - Argumentation 28 (4):453-488.
    Metaphorical meaning can be analyzed as triggered by an apparent communicative breach, an incongruity that leads to a default of the presumptive interpretation of a vehicle. This breach can be solved through contextual renegotiations of meaning guided by the communicative intention, or rather the presumed purpose of the metaphorical utterance. This paper addresses the problem of analyzing the complex process of reasoning underlying the reconstruction of metaphorical meaning. This process will be described as a type of abductive argument, aimed at (...)
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  38. Aristotle, Averroes and Thomas Aquinas on the Nature of Essence.Fabrizio Amerini - 2003 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 14:79-122.
    Ricostruzione del pensiero di Tommaso e Averroè sulla dottrina dell'essenza, alla luce del moderno dibattito sul tema. Nell'ultima sezione dello studio, l'A. si chiede come i commentatori medievali della Metafisica aristotelica , abbiano concepito l'essenza di un ente naturale. La critica elaborata da Tommaso alla posizione sostenuta da Averroè, e la sua adesione finale alla soluzione proposta da Avicenna sono indagate e giustificate nell'ultima parte dello studio.
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    Ockham e la dimostrazione dell’esistenza di Dio.Fabrizio Amerini - 2007 - Annali Del Dipartimento di Filosofia 13:5-32.
    In this study I aim at providing a new assessment of Ockham’s proof for God’s existence. After reconstructing Ockham’s views of the relationship between philosophy and theology , I move to examining Ockham’s criticism to some traditional arguments , before to scrutinizing closely Ockham’s argument. My main conclusion is that Ockham did not want to elaborate a new proof but to qualify the proof stemming from efficient causality, which he considers the only available way of demonstrating God’s existence.
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  40. Pragmatics and Semantics in Thomas Aquinas.Fabrizio Amerini - 2011 - Vivarium 49 (1-3):95-126.
    Thomas Aquinas's account of the semantics of names is based on two fundamental distinctions: the distinction between a name's mode of signifying and the signified object, and that between the cause and the goal of a name's signification, i.e. that from which a name was instituted to signify and that which a name actually signifies. Thomas endows names with a two-layer signification: names are introduced into language to designate primarily conceptions of extramental things and secondarily the particular extramental things referred (...)
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    Outlier detection for simple default theories.Fabrizio Angiulli, Rachel Ben-Eliyahu-Zohary & Luigi Palopoli - 2010 - Artificial Intelligence 174 (15):1247-1253.
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    L'immaginario rubato: senza arte, ogni società è indifesa.Fabrizio Catalano - 2019 - Roma: Rogas edizioni.
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    Adolescents’ fragility and antisocial behavior: conceptual categories and educational practices.Fabrizio Chello, Rossana D'Elia, Daniela Manno & Pascal Perillo - 2021 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 25 (60):45-62.
    The paper presents and discusses the processes and the results of a Systematic Review of the scientific literature conducted with the aim to become aware of how the antisocial behaviour of adolescents are understood and educationally managed. The results show how the phenomenon is understood mainly through an explanatory and experimental epistemological and methodological approach. Such approach aims at identifying several risks and protection factors that determine/influence AB as well as at defining indications on the practices to be implemented for (...)
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    Dio altrimenti: per una critica alla teologia del "desiderio di Dio" in Tommaso, De Lubac, Rahner.Fabrizio Fabrizi - 2017 - Cagliari: PFTS University Press.
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    Eroi ed eroismi tra filosofia e letteratura in età antica, moderna e contemporanea.Fabrizio Lomonaco & Pasquale Sabbatino (eds.) - 2019 - Scisciano (NA): Diogene edizioni.
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  46. Recepción de libros Y revistas.Fabrizio Lomonaco & Lex Regia Diritto - 1993 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 3:229.
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    Tra metafisica e Scienza nuova: presenza e fortuna di Vico in età moderna e contemporanea.Fabrizio Lomonaco (ed.) - 2017 - Campobasso (CB): Diogene edizioni.
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    The Well-Adjusted Soul: Feel-Good Stories From the Heart of Chiropractic.Fabrizio Mancini - 2010 - Parker College of Chiropractic, Parker Seminars. Edited by Donald M. Dible, Gilles A. LaMarche & Fabrizio Mancini.
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    Cioran e l'Occidente: utopia, esilio, caduta.Fabrizio Meroi, Mattia Luigi Pozzi & Paolo Vanini (eds.) - 2017 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Cabala parva: la filosofia di Giordano Bruno fra tradizione cristiana e pensiero moderno.Fabrizio Meroi - 2006 - Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
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