Results for 'Fabrizio Benedetti'

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  1.  27
    Beecher as Clinical Investigator: Pain and the Placebo Effect.Fabrizio Benedetti - 2016 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 59 (1):37-45.
    To be both a clinician and a scientist—what is usually called a clinician scientist or clinical investigator—is easy neither from an ethical nor from a methodological standpoint. On the one hand, it requires care, cure of the patients, and good ethical practice. On the other, excellent skills in experimental design and data analysis are necessary. In addition, the correct choice of a disease as a model to be studied is very often hampered by the obvious ethical constraints of working with (...)
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    The sensory and affective components of pain.Fabrizio Benedetti - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (3):439-440.
    Both the sensory and the motivational-affective component of pain must be taken into account in studies on sex differences as well as on neuropathic, postoperative, sympathetic, and visceral pain. In all these cases, therapeutic strategies should be aimed at controlling the peripheral, central, and psychological mechanisms underlying the global pain experience. Similarly, it should be recalled that some neuropeptides act on both sensory and affective pain mechanisms. [berkley; mcmahon; dickenson; coderre & katz; wiesenfeld-hallin et al.; blumberg et al.].
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    Assessing data protection and governance in health information systems: a novel methodology of Privacy and Ethics Impact and Performance Assessment.Concetta Tania Di Iorio, Fabrizio Carinci, Jillian Oderkirk, David Smith, Manuela Siano, Dorotea Alessandra de Marco, Simon de Lusignan, Paivi Hamalainen & Massimo Massi Benedetti - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e23-e23.
    BackgroundData processing of health research databases often requires a Data Protection Impact Assessment to evaluate the severity of the risk and the appropriateness of measures taken to comply with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation. We aimed to define and apply a comprehensive method for the evaluation of privacy, data governance and ethics among research networks involved in the EU Project Bridge Health.MethodsComputerised survey among associated partners of main EU Consortia, using a targeted instrument designed by the principal investigator (...)
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  4. Inferential and referential lexical semantic competence: A critical review of the supporting evidence.Fabrizio Calzavarini - 2017 - Journal of Neurolinguistic 44:163-189.
    In philosophical semantics, a distinction has been proposed between inferential and referential lexical semantic competence. The former accounts for the relationship of words to the world, the latter for the relationship of words among themselves. Recent neuroscience research suggests that the distinction might be actually neurally implemented. That is, that inferential and referential abilities might be underpinned by two functionally independent cognitive architectures, with partly different neural realizations. This hypothesis is consistent with brain patient data, supporting the notion of a (...)
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  5. Comunità e individuo nel pensiero politico di Tom­maso d’Aquino [Community and Individual in Thomas Aquinas’s Political Thought].Fabrizio Amerini - 2007 - la Società Degli Individui 30:39-52.
    L’articolo esamina il rapporto fra individuo e comunità nel pensiero politico di Tommaso d’Aquino. In particolare, il problema filosofico qui discusso può es­sere presentato nel modo seguente: secondo Tommaso, l’essere di un singolo in­­dividuo è determinato dalla sua appartenenza a una data comunità politica o, vice­versa, l’essere di una comunità dipende da quello di ciascuno dei suoi mem­bri? L’articolo argomenta che Tommaso ha alcune ragioni filosofiche per an­teporre la comunità all’individuo, ma anche alcune ragioni teologiche per porre al centro l’individuo. (...)
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  6. Operational Linguistics : A Brief Introduction.Giulio Benedetti - 2015 - In Giorgio Marchetti, Giulio Benedetti & Ahlam Alharbi (eds.), Attention and Meaning. The Attentional Basis of Meaning. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
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    The Semantics of the Fundamental Elements of Language in Ernst von Glasersfeld's Work.G. Benedetti - 2011 - Constructivist Foundations 6 (2):213-219.
    Context: The constructivist approach to the definition (or analysis) of the fundamental meanings of language in Ernst von Glasersfeld’s work. Problem: Has this approach achieved better results than other approaches? Method: Review of a book chapter by von Glasersfeld that is devoted to the analysis of the concepts of “unity,” “plurality” and “number.” Results: The constructivist approach to the semantics of the fundamental elements of language (some of which are fundamental for sciences too) seems to have produced positive results; moreover (...)
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    Deleuze cinéphile: storia e teoria di un amore.Fabrizio Denunzio - 2010 - Napoli: Liguori.
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    Filosofia mistica della conoscenza: l'unione degli ambiti conoscitivi nel mistero relazionale.Fabrizio Valenza - 2020 - Milano: Mimesis.
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  10. El conatus como categoría radical en la teoría política de Spinoza.Fabrizio Fallas Vargas - 2004 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 42 (106):25-34.
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  11. Classifying the Patterns of Natural Arguments.Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas Walton - 2015 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 48 (1):26-53.
    The representation and classification of the structure of natural arguments has been one of the most important aspects of Aristotelian and medieval dialectical and rhetorical theories. This traditional approach is represented nowadays in models of argumentation schemes. The purpose of this article is to show how arguments are characterized by a complex combination of two levels of abstraction, namely, semantic relations and types of reasoning, and to provide an effective and comprehensive classification system for this matrix of semantic and quasilogical (...)
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  12. Will done Better: Selection Semantics, Future Credence, and Indeterminacy.Fabrizio Cariani & Paolo Santorio - 2018 - Mind 127 (505):129-165.
    Statements about the future are central in everyday conversation and reasoning. How should we understand their meaning? The received view among philosophers treats will as a tense: in ‘Cynthia will pass her exam’, will shifts the reference time forward. Linguists, however, have produced substantial evidence for the view that will is a modal, on a par with must and would. The different accounts are designed to satisfy different theoretical constraints, apparently pulling in opposite directions. We show that these constraints are (...)
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    Nonexistent Objects.Fabrizio Mondadori - 1985 - Philosophical Review 94 (3):427.
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  14. Consequence and Contrast in Deontic Semantics.Fabrizio Cariani - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy 113 (8):396-416.
    Contrastivists view ought-sentences as expressing comparisons among alternatives. Deontic actualists believe that the value of each alternative in such a comparison is determined by what would actually happen if that alternative were to be the case. One of the arguments that motivates actualism is a challenge to the principle of agglomeration over conjunction—the principle according to which if you ought to run and you ought to jump, then you ought to run and jump. I argue that there is no way (...)
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    Leibniz and the Doctrine of Inter-World Identity.Fabrizio Mondadori - 1975 - Studia Leibnitiana 7 (1):21 - 57.
    In this paper my objective is two-fold. First, I will try to provide further arguments in favour of the view defended in my earlier paper¹. In particular, I will try to show (in § 1) that a plausible understanding of the notion of a complete concept, coupled with (what I take to be) a reasonable interpretation of Leibniz's intriguing talk of severa “possible Adams” (§ 2), leads quite naturally to the view that Leibniz was committed to the doctrine of world-bound (...)
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    Mondialisation et Traduction Juridique: Nouveaux Parcours de Recherche.Fabrizio Megale - 2015 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 28 (1):31-52.
    So far, legal translation studies have generally been concerned with multilingual legislation, which they have dissected using comparative law methods. The time seems to have come for a differentiated research that recognises various types of legal translation, including the category of translation by professionals for public authorities and business concerns. This latter category’s context is rapidly changing. Globalization is aggravating the crisis of national legislation. First and foremost, networks of authorities have sprung up alongside international organisations. The texts translated are (...)
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  17. Conditionals, Context, and the Suppression Effect.Fabrizio Cariani & Lance J. Rips - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (3):540-589.
    Modus ponens is the argument from premises of the form If A, then B and A to the conclusion B. Nearly all participants agree that the modus ponens conclusion logically follows when the argument appears in this Basic form. However, adding a further premise can lower participants’ rate of agreement—an effect called suppression. We propose a theory of suppression that draws on contemporary ideas about conditional sentences in linguistics and philosophy. Semantically, the theory assumes that people interpret an indicative conditional (...)
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  18. Understanding Superessentialism.Fabrizio Mondadori - 1985 - Studia Leibnitiana 17 (2):162-190.
    In diesem Aufsatz suche ich zu zeigen, a) daß Leibniz eine Lehre vertrat — den Superessentialismus -, nach der keine Eigenschaft, die ein Individuum i besitzt, i fehlen könnte, ohne daß es aufhörte, als i zu existieren/zu sein ; b) daß es im Hinblick auf die Wahrheit von a) keinen Unterschied in irgendeinem Sinne macht, wie der Begriff einer wesentlichen Eigenschaft bestimmt wird; c) daß nach Leibniz' Auffassung vollständige individuelle Begriffe individuelle Wesenheiten/Essenzen sind oder repräsentieren ; d) daß folglich die (...)
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  19. Alessandro di Alessandria sulla natura degli accidenti.Fabrizio Amerini - 2005 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 16.
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  20. Franciscus de Prato on reduplication.Fabrizio Amerini & Massimo Mugnai - 2018 - In Christoph Kann, Benedikt Löewe, Christian Rode & Sara Liana Uckelman (eds.), Modern views of medieval logic. Leuven: Peeters.
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  21. Cesalpino's (Aristotelian) philosophy of plants : a science of botany in the Renaissance.Fabrizio Baldassarri - 2023 - In Fabrizio Baldassarri & Craig Edwin Martin (eds.), Andrea Cesalpino and Renaissance Aristotelianism. New York: Bloomsbury.
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  22. Ancora in tema di diritto morale.Gustavo Benedetti - 2012 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 89 (1):129-143.
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  23. La terra il cuore la memoria il mestiere di giudice.Giuseppe Benedetti - 2005 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 2:285-296.
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    La recezione della filosofia del linguaggio di L. Wittgenstein nell'opera di Ingeborg Bachmann.Fabrizio Cambi - 1979 - Pisa: Giardini.
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    Il filo d'erba: verso una teologia della creatura a partire da una novella di Pirandello.Paolo De Benedetti - 2009 - Brescia: Morcelliana. Edited by Luigi Pirandello & Gabriella Caramore.
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    Per una teoria micropolitica del federalismo: Bruno Leoni e la tradizione liberale tra politica, economia e diritto.Mario De Benedetti - 2023 - Milano: Mimesis.
  27. Vergogna, fede e tempio: una lettura del Salmo 31 (Volg. 30).P. de Benedetti - 1987 - Humanitas 42 (1):5-21.
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  28. L'umanesimo, forse...: aspetti, caratteri, dimensioni, frammenti di umanità.Fabrizio Ghilardi - 2023 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    Eroi ed eroismi tra filosofia e letteratura in età antica, moderna e contemporanea.Fabrizio Lomonaco & Pasquale Sabbatino (eds.) - 2019 - Scisciano (NA): Diogene edizioni.
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  30. Referential Opacity.Fabrizio Mondadori - 1995 - In Paolo Leonardi & Marco Santambrogio (eds.), On Quine: New Essays. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 229--251.
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    Subjekt - Objekt - Intersubjektivität: eine Untersuchung zur erkenntnistheoretischen Subjekt-Objekt-Dialektik Hegels und Adornos mit einem Ausblick auf das Intersubjektivitätsparadigma Habermas'.Fabrizio Moser - 2012 - Bern: Lang.
    Subjekt, Objekt und Intersubjektivitat bilden drei der wohl zentralsten Elemente im menschlichen Erkenntnisprozess. Anhand einer kritischen Rekonstruktion der Erkenntnistheorien Hegels und Adornos beleuchtet die vorliegende Arbeit die Dialektik zwischen Subjekt und Objekt der Erkenntnis aus zwei verschiedenen Perspektiven. Durch den grundsatzlichen Paradigmenwechsel Habermas' von der Bewusstseinsphilosophie zu einem kommunikationstheoretischen Paradigma wird es moglich, <I>kommunikative Intersubjektivitat als unverzichtbares Element der Erkenntnis angemessen zu thematisieren.<BR> Der Gang von Hegel uber Adorno zu Habermas wird in der vorliegenden Monographie nicht als ein stetiger Fortschritt (...)
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    Rileggendo Hegel.Fabrizio Ravaglioli - 1999 - Roma: Armando.
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  33. El arte contemporáneo y la demanda hegeliana del arte para nosotros.Fabrizio Pineda Repizzo - 2015 - In Adolfo Chaparro Amaya, G. van Roermund & Wilson Herrera Romero (eds.), Quiénes somos "nosotros"?,: o, cómo (no)hablar en primera persona del plural. Bogotá, D.C.: Editorial Universidad del Rosario.
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  34. La crítica de Theodor W. Adorno al revisionismo neofreudiano.Fabrizio Fallas Vargas - 2005 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 43 (109):65-75.
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    (1 other version)The Epistemic Project of Complex Systems Sciences.Fabrizio Li Vigni - 2020 - Philosophia Scientiae 24:181-200.
    Cet article se propose de décrire le projet épistémique des sciences des systèmes complexes. Domaine interdisciplinaire fondé par le Santa Fe Institute en 1984 aux États-Unis, il a été décrit par ses représentants comme un champ d’étude interdisciplinaire, post-laplacien, holiste et antiréductionniste. Des journalistes populaires et des sociologues intéressés et qui ont soutenu ce domaine en ont repris les discours, en annonçant l’avènement d’un nouveau paradigme révolutionnaire pour tous les savoirs. Dans ce texte, on montrera que le projet épistémique des (...)
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  36. Asymétrie du plaisir et naissance de l'esthétique. À partir d'un motif valéryen.Fabrizio Desideri - 2012 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 5 (1).
    Moving from the pages of Cahiers and Discours sur l' esthétique , where Paul Valéry clarifies the energetic value of aesthetics that rises from pleasure, the essay aims to promote a radical reconfiguration of conceptual domain of aesthetics. The sensation, in the surprising and gratifying form of pleasure, becomes expression of the efficiency of the link between emotional device and perceptive recognition: the thick and harmonizing synthesis that's peculiar to aesthetic.
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  37. Defeasible Classifications and Inferences from Definitions.Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas Walton - 2010 - Informal Logic 30 (1):34-61.
    We contend that it is possible to argue reasonably for and against arguments from classifications and definitions, provided they are seen as defeasible (subject to exceptions and critical questioning). Arguments from classification of the most common sorts are shown to be based on defeasible reasoning of various kinds represented by patterns of logical reasoning called defeasible argumentation schemes. We show how such schemes can be identified with heuristics, or short-cut solutions to a problem. We examine a variety of arguments of (...)
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    La reciente edición facsimilar de la Scienza nuova seconda (1730) en un ejemplar napolitano (XIII H 59).Fabrizio Lomonaco - 2003 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 15 (16):318.
    Comunicación sobre la reciente edición / Communication about this recent edition: Giambattista Vico, PRINCIPJ D'UNA SCIENZA NUOVA D'INTORNO ALLA COMUNE NATURA DELLE NAZIONI , a cura di Fabrizio Lomonaco e Fulvio Tessitore con una Nota di Manuela Sanna, Liguori Editore, Napoli, 2002, pp. 528.
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  39. Emotive Language in Argumentation.Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas Walton - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book analyzes the uses of emotive language and redefinitions from pragmatic, dialectical, epistemic and rhetorical perspectives, investigating the relationship between emotions, persuasion and meaning, and focusing on the implicit dimension of the use of a word and its dialectical effects. It offers a method for evaluating the persuasive and manipulative uses of emotive language in ordinary and political discourse. Through the analysis of political speeches and legal arguments, the book offers a systematic study of emotive language in argumentation, rhetoric, (...)
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  40. Ipsum verum non videbis nisi in philosophiam totus intraveris. Studi in onore di Franco De Capitani. Raccolti da Fabrizio Amerini e Stefano Caroti.Fabrizio Amerini & Stefano Caroti (eds.) - 2016 - Firenze-Parma, Torino: E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni, Università degli Studi di Torino.
    The 14 essays collected in this volume explore the various aspects of Augustine’s philosophy and its medieval reception: by considering his education and the development of his thought as conveyed by a series of philosophical images and styles, the volume reconstructs the recurring motifs of his intellectual journey (the anti-Manichean polemic, his political vision, the role of reason, and the theory of war) and their fortune in authors such as Thomas Aquinas, Nicole Oresme, Gregory of Rimini, and Robert Grosseteste.
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  41. Deontic Modals and Probability: One Theory to Rule Them All?Fabrizio Cariani - 2016 - In Nate Charlow & Matthew Chrisman (eds.), Deontic Modality. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This paper motivates and develops a novel semantic framework for deontic modals. The framework is designed to shed light on two things: the relationship between deontic modals and substantive theories of practical rationality and the interaction of deontic modals with conditionals, epistemic modals and probability operators. I argue that, in order to model inferential connections between deontic modals and probability operators, we need more structure than is provided by classical intensional theories. In particular, we need probabilistic structure that interacts directly (...)
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  42. The Role of Evidence in Chronic Care Decision-Making.Fabrizio Macagno & Sarah Bigi - 2020 - Topoi 40 (2):343-358.
    In the domain of medical science, factual evidence is usually considered as the criterion on which to base decisions and construct hypotheses. Evidence-based medicine is the translation of this approach into the field of patient care, and it means providing only the type of care that is based on evidence that proves its effectiveness and appropriateness. However, while the literature has focused on the types and force of evidence used to establish the recommendation and treatment guidelines, the problem of how (...)
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  43. Giovanni Pico e la cabbalà.Fabrizio Lelli (ed.) - 2014 - Firenze: Leo S. Olschki editore.
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  44. Argumentation Profiles.Fabrizio Macagno - 2022 - Informal Logic 42 (4):83-138.
    An argumentation profile is defined as a methodological instrument for analyzing argumentative discourse considering distinct and interrelated dimensions: the types of argument used, their quality, and the emotions triggered. Walton’s theoretical contributions are developed as a coherent analytical and multifaceted toolbox for capturing these aspects. Argumentation schemes are used to detect and quantify the types of argument. Fallacy analysis and the assessment of the implicit premises retrieved through the schemes allow evaluating arguments. Finally, the frequency of emotive words signals the (...)
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    Vulnerabilidad Social y su impacto en las trayectorias escolares de las adolescencias actuales.Camila De Benedetti & Gabriela Dueñas - 2023 - Voces de la Educación 8 (15):175-189.
    A partir de la perspectiva que ofrece el concepto de “vulnerabilidad social” como un potente analizador que permite visibilizar, entre otras cuestiones, la marcada incertidumbre que sienten numerosas/os jóvenes en relación a su futuro, enlazada a los cuestionamientos respecto de lo que les ofrece el sistema educativo en las actuales condiciones, y el sentido de la educación “en jaque” ante la falta de garantías de promover y propiciar el acceso justo y digno al mundo laboral con su consecuente promesa de (...)
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    La percezione riflessa: estetica e filosofia della mente.Fabrizio Desideri - 2011 - Milano: R. Cortina.
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    Filozófusok a konyhában 1.: Európa, aznapos vagy másnapos?Gábor Benedetti - 2020 - Budapest: L'Harmattan. Edited by Bence Máté Boros.
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  48. Ricostruzione e riforme nelleconomia romena.Piero de Benedetti Bonaiuto - forthcoming - Critica.
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    Riprendersi Giovanni Gentile.Valerio Benedetti - 2014 - Milano: Aga editrice.
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  50. Globalizzazione, individualizzazione e morte delle classi sociali: uno studio empirico su 18 paesi europei.Fabrizio Bernardi - 2009 - Polis (Misc) 2:221-246.
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