Results for 'Fabien Candau'

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  1.  17
    Jean-Fabien Spitz: La liberté politique.Jean-Fabien Spitz - 1998 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 1 (4):483-484.
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    Kenologische Versuche. Der Johannesprolog zwischen Nāgārjuna, Vasubandhu und Meister Eckhart.Fabien Muller - 2022 - Münster: Aschendorff.
    My aim in this book is to propose a comparativist, Buddhist-Neoplatonic interpretation of the idea of “logos” in the Prologue to the Gospel according to John. To do so, I proceed in three steps. I begin with Nāgārjuna’s doctrine of emptiness. Nāgārjuna thinks that that all things are empty because they depend on causes and conditions in a way that makes it impossible for them to genuinely exist. Nevertheless, they are not completely non-existent, for they possess the appearance of something (...)
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  3. Brain response to one's own name in vegetative state, minimally conscious state, and locked-in syndrome.Fabien Perrin, Caroline Schnakers, Manuel Schabus, Christian Degueldre, Serge Goldman, Serge Brédart, Marie-Elisabeth E. Faymonville, Maurice Lamy, Gustave Moonen, André Luxen, Pierre Maquet & Steven Laureys - 2006 - Archives of Neurology 63 (4):562-569.
  4.  43
    A Bitstring Semantics for Calculus CL.Fabien Schang & Jens Lemanski - 2022 - In Jean-Yves Beziau & Ioannis Vandoulakis (eds.), The Exoteric Square of Opposition. Birkhauser. pp. 171–193.
    The aim of this chapter is to develop a semantics for Calculus CL. CL is a diagrammatic calculus based on a logic machine presented by Johann Christian Lange in 1714, which combines features of Euler-, Venn-type, tree diagrams, squares of oppositions etc. In this chapter, it is argued that a Boolean account of formal ontology in CL helps to deal with logical oppositions and inferences of extended syllogistics. The result is a combination of Lange’s diagrams with an algebraic semantics of (...)
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    What’s magic about magic numbers? Chunking and data compression in short-term memory.Fabien Mathy & Jacob Feldman - 2012 - Cognition 122 (3):346-362.
  6.  51
    Assessing accuracy in measurement: The dilemma of safety versus precision in the adjustment of the fundamental physical constants.Fabien Grégis - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 74:42-55.
    This article develops a historico-critical analysis of uncertainty and accuracy in measurement through a case-study of the adjustment of the fundamental physical constants, in order to investigate the sceptical “problem of unknowability” undermining realist accounts of measurement. Every scientific result must include a “measurement uncertainty”, but uncertainty cannot be be eval- uated against the unknown, and therefore cannot be taken as an assessment of “accuracy”, defined in the metrological vocabulary as the closeness to the truth. The way scientists use and (...)
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  7. Abstract Logic of Oppositions.Fabien Schang - 2012 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 21 (4):415--438.
    A general theory of logical oppositions is proposed by abstracting these from the Aristotelian background of quantified sentences. Opposition is a relation that goes beyond incompatibility (not being true together), and a question-answer semantics is devised to investigate the features of oppositions and opposites within a functional calculus. Finally, several theoretical problems about its applicability are considered.
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    Flaws in current human training protocols for spontaneous Brain-Computer Interfaces: lessons learned from instructional design.Fabien Lotte, Florian Larrue & Christian Mühl - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  9. El sentido último de la vida, « Biblioteca Hispánica de Filosofía ».José María Rubert Y. Candau & Angel González Alvarez - 1965 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 20 (4):554-555.
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  10. Identidades y valores transculturales.Vera María Candau - 2005 - Critica 55 (926):23-25.
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  11. La métamémoire ou la mise em récit du travail de mémoire.Joel Candau - 2000 - Cognition 75:B41 - B50.
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  12. La realidad de la filosofía.Rubert Candau & José Maria - 1970 - Madrid,: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Instituto Luis Vives de Filosofía.
    t. 1. La vida fenomenológica.--t. 2. El ser y la metafísica.
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  13. Paniker, Raimundo: El Concepto De Naturaleza.Alfonso Candau & Staff - 1953 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 12 (45):323.
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    Shared Memory, Odours and Sociotransmitters or: "Save the Interaction!".Joël Candau - 2010 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 12 (2):29-42.
    Collective memory, social memory, professional memory: although these notions are in current use when we name the shared (or assumed to be shared) representations of the past, they are very ambiguous. The point at issue is to show how memories can become common to some or to all members of a group . In this paper, I shall base my arguments on the simplest situation imaginable: The sharing of a memory of an olfactory experience by two individuals, namely one of (...)
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  15.  17
    Sociétés ouvertes, sociétés fermées et anti-barbarie. Esquisse d’une anthropologie du doute.Joël Candau - 2011 - Noesis 18:53-67.
    Je ne suis pas philosophe, hélas, mais anthropologue, et à ce titre je suis peu à l’aise quand je me risque à une pensée fortement spéculative, sans pouvoir enraciner ma réflexion dans une enquête de terrain comme on le fait ordinairement dans ma discipline. Si, malgré tout, j’ai accepté la proposition amicale qui m’a été faite de contribuer à ce volume, c’est parce que la question qui fonde le projet anthropologique induit inévitablement l’hypothèse barbare. Nous, êtres humains, que partageo...
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    Concept, jugement et « forme sérielle » : A propos de la philosophie des formes symboliques comme « logique des relations ».Fabien Capeillères - 1996 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 101 (3):337 - 360.
    On cherche ici à saisir la façon dont l'élucidation progressive de la philosophie des formes symboliques devrait conduire Cassirer à s'éloigner de la problématique de la fonction conceptuelle propre à Substance et Fonction. Il apparaîtra que la logique des relations mise en place par l'étude du concept scientifique est reconduite, sous une forme plus subtile, dans l'analyse de toutes les formes symboliques. The goal of this article is to investigate the way in which Cassirer's progressive elucidation of symbolic forms should (...)
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    Néokantismes et phénoménologies.Fabien Capeillères - 2002 - Philosophie 3 (3):3.
  18.  34
    Husserl, Brentano et la psychologie descriptive.Fabien Cayla - 1993 - Philosophiques 20 (2):347-361.
  19.  7
    Messieurs les médecins, rendez-nous notre mort.Simonne Fabien - 1975 - Paris: A. Michel.
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    Technique, science, philosophie : les conditions d’exercice de l’analogie valide.Fabien Ferri - 2017 - Philosophique 20.
    Existe-t-il une méthode qui permettrait à l’enquête métaphysique (ou ontologique) de bénéficier des avancées scientifiques et techniques, et qui, inversement et en retour, dans un cercle vertueux, permettrait aux sciences et aux techniques de bénéficier du mode de connaissance philosophique? Dit autrement : y a-t-il une méthode permettant de circuler, sans les confondre, entre ces régimes de rationalité que sont la pensée technique, la pensée scientifique et la pensée philosophique, pour les...
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    Sciences et métaphysique dans la pensée de Claude Tresmontant.Fabien Millet - 2022 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Claude Tresmontant (1925-1997) était professeur de philosophie médiévale et d'histoire des sciences à la Sorbonne. Ce livre présente ses thèses en insistant sur l'articulation entre les sciences et la question de l'existence de Dieu. La rationalité de la théologie chrétienne est soutenue. Ses travaux aboutissent à démontrer l'existence de Dieu et soulèvent l'alternative suivante : admettre l'existence du Créateur ou la refuser tout en continuant d'être les héritiers du matérialisme qui fit florès jusqu'aux réductionnistes contemporains. La finalité de l'évolution n'étant (...)
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  22. Fundamento constitutivo de la moral. Rubert, Candau & José María[From Old Catalog] - 1956 - Madrid,: Ediciones "Verdad y Vida,".
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    « Eichmanns gab es viele » : de l’histoire d’un nazi au nazi de l’histoire.Fabien Théofilakis - 2021 - Cités 87 (3):177-194.
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    Dislessia.Fabien Zocco - 2024 - Multitudes 96 (3):176-177.
    Ce bref article décrit une œuvre contemporaine conçue comme un « bricodage » conduisant une IA à bégayer des semblants de phrases en italien. Dislessia joue de la confusion entre la composante syntaxique du langage que semblent maîtriser les IA génératives et la dimension sémantique vectrice de sens qui leur sont inaccessibles.
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    The catuṣkoṭi as Metaphysics. Cross-Reading Hegel and Nāgārjuna.Fabien Muller - manuscript
    Among the many questions raised by Nāgārjuna’s catuṣkoṭi, the most fundamental concerns the type of objects to which its negative statements apply. These statements deny the reality of conditioned Being, which can be understood in two ways: as a negation of our concept or knowledge of conditioned Being, or as a negation of conditioned Being as such. The first interpretation can be called “epistemological” and the second “metaphysical.” Scholarship has almost unanimously accepted the epistemological approach. In this paper I object (...)
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    Promoting the use of personally relevant stimuli for investigating patients with disorders of consciousness.Fabien Perrin, Maïté Castro, Barbara Tillmann & Jacques Luauté - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  27. Oppositions and opposites.Fabien Schang - 2012 - In Jean-Yves Béziau & Dale Jacquette (eds.), Around and Beyond the Square of Opposition. New York: Springer Verlag. pp. 147--173.
    A formal theory of oppositions and opposites is proposed on the basis of a non- Fregean semantics, where opposites are negation-forming operators that shed some new light on the connection between opposition and negation. The paper proceeds as follows. After recalling the historical background, oppositions and opposites are compared from a mathematical perspective: the first occurs as a relation, the second as a function. Then the main point of the paper appears with a calculus of oppositions, by means of a (...)
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  28. A General Semantics for Logics of Affirmation and Negation.Fabien Schang - 2021 - Journal of Applied Logics - IfCoLoG Journal of Logics and Their Applications 8 (2):593-609.
    A general framework for translating various logical systems is presented, including a set of partial unary operators of affirmation and negation. Despite its usual reading, affirmation is not redundant in any domain of values and whenever it does not behave like a full mapping. After depicting the process of partial functions, a number of logics are translated through a variety of affirmations and a unique pair of negations. This relies upon two preconditions: a deconstruction of truth-values as ordered and structured (...)
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    Examining the Role of Carbon Capture and Storage Through an Ethical Lens.Fabien Medvecky, Justine Lacey & Peta Ashworth - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (4):1-18.
    The risk posed by anthropogenic climate change is generally accepted, and the challenge we face to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to a tolerable limit cannot be underestimated. Reducing GHG emissions can be achieved either by producing less GHG to begin with or by emitting less GHG into the atmosphere. One carbon mitigation technology with large potential for capturing carbon dioxide at the point source of emissions is carbon capture and storage (CCS). However, the merits of CCS have been questioned, (...)
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    The Metaphysics of Evagrius Ponticus.Fabien Muller - 2024 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 98 (3):267-292.
    Scholars in recent decades have downplayed or completely denied that Evagrius Ponticus has a metaphysical system, instead suggesting that he merely borrows from various philosophies, particularly Stoicism, without a coherent system. In this paper, I propose a different perspective, arguing for a metaphysical and Platonic interpretation. I reconstruct Evagrius’s metaphysics systematically, relate its fundamentals to the environment of the late antique Medio- and Neoplatonic tradition, and show that by establishing the principles and structures of being, Evagrius indeed reveals himself to (...)
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  31. Valuing environmental costs and benefits in an uncertain future: risk aversion and discounting.Fabien Medvecky - 2012 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 5 (1):1-1.
    A central point of debate over environmental policies concerns how future costs and benefits should be assessed. The most commonly used method for assessing the value of future costs and benefits is economic discounting. One often-cited justification for discounting is uncertainty. More specifically, it is risk aversion coupled with the expectation that future prospects are more risky. In this paper I argue that there are at least two reasons for disputing the use of risk aversion as a justification for discounting (...)
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    “Redirect the Hate”: Plato, Powerviolence, and the Metaphysics of Anger.Fabien Muller - 2024 - Popular Music and Society 48 (1):41-56.
    Powerviolence is a subgenre of hardcore music characterized by fast-paced rhythms, chaotic sound, and austere esthetics. Despite its seminal function for extreme music, there has been a notable lack of scholarly exploration into the genre. In this paper I draw on Comparative Philosophy to fill this gap. I argue that the powerviolence music and lyrics are fueled by anger. In Plato, anger serves as a tool for the irascible soul to support rational thinking and oppose injustice. Accordingly, I call for (...)
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    Electrocorticographic representations of segmental features in continuous speech.Fabien Lotte, Jonathan S. Brumberg, Peter Brunner, Aysegul Gunduz, Anthony L. Ritaccio, Cuntai Guan & Gerwin Schalk - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:119171.
    Acoustic speech output results from coordinated articulation of dozens of muscles, bones and cartilages of the vocal mechanism. While we commonly take the fluency and speed of our speech productions for granted, the neural mechanisms facilitating the requisite muscular control are not completely understood. Previous neuroimaging and electrophysiology studies of speech sensorimotor control has typically concentrated on speech sounds (i.e., phonemes, syllables and words) in isolation; sentence-length investigations have largely been used to inform coincident linguistic processing. In this study, we (...)
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  34. A short introduction to Alain Badiou's philosophy.Fabien Tarby - 2013 - In Alain Badiou (ed.), Philosophy and the Event. Malden, MA: Polity.
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    Une économie politique du travail journalistique.Fabien Blanchot & Jean-Gustave Padioleau - 2003 - Hermes 35:63.
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    A memória e o princípio de perda.Joël Candau - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (3).
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  37.  24
    Les formes partagées des affects olfactifs : des proto-affects aux affects représentationnels.Joël Candau - 2010 - Noesis 16 (16):129-154.
    « A purely disembodied human emotion is a nonentity »William James, « What is an Emotion? », Mind, 9, 1884, p. 194 « La passion de l’individu s’avive de se sentir ainsi attenante à des milliers de passions semblables à elle »Julien Benda, La Trahison des clercs, Paris, Grasset, 1975, p. 108 Nous, êtres humains, pouvons-nous partager des affects et, dans l’affirmative, comment? Voilà une double question qui intéresse non seulement l’anthropologie – qui a pour objet d’étude les formes du (...)
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    Philosophy as Science.Fabien Capeilleres - 2007 - Review of Metaphysics 61 (2):317-377.
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  39. Christiaan Huygens's critiques of infinitesimal analysis in his correspondence with Leibniz.Fabien Chareix - 2010 - In Marcelo Dascal (ed.), The Practice of Reason: Leibniz and His Controversies. John Benjamins. pp. 7--33.
  40. Entrées: Cassini; Huygens; L'Hospital.Fabien Chareix - 2008 - In Luc Foisneau (ed.), The dictionary of seventeenth-century French philosophers. New York: Thoemmes.
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    Le « moment Macron ».Fabien Escalona - 2017 - Cités 72 (4):175.
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  42. (1 other version)MAZLIAK P., Parmentier, Chaptal, Chevreul: Trois grands pionniers de la chimie alimentaire (CR du n° 2/2011).Knittel Fabien - 2011 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 64 (2):404-407.
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  43. Parall elisme et Applications Irr eguli eres, chapter 7: ParList: une structure de donn ee parall ele pour l'equilibrage des charges.Fabien Feschet, Serge Miguet & Laurent Perroton - forthcoming - Hermes.
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    To Infinity and Beyond!Fabien Medvecky - 2008 - Metascience 17 (2):225-229.
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    Valuing the Environment in Conservation Economics: Conceptual and Structural Barriers.Fabien Medvecky - 2014 - Ethics and the Environment 19 (2):39.
    Valuing conservation and biodiversity outcomes in economic analysis is difficult, as it is in health economics. Because health economics has previously had to respond to the many challenges currently faced by conservation economics, health economists have developed very successful tools for responding to these challenges which conservation economists can draw upon. What is surprising is that despite rhetorical support for the use of these economic analysis tools in conservation valuations, in practice, these economic tools are used far less frequently in (...)
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    Quel bonum est la claritas?Fabien Pepino - 2022 - Philosophie Antique 22:39-63.
    Cette contribution se propose de revenir sur la thèse stoïcienne rapportée par Sénèque dans la lettre 102, selon laquelle la claritas (« illustration ») est un bien. Notre hypothèse est que Sénèque fait référence à la théorie stoïcienne de la τιμή (« honneur »). Le propos de cet article est double : d’une part, examiner les sources stoïciennes relatives à la τιμή, afin de montrer que ce qu’on sait de l’honneur stoïcien concorde parfaitement avec ce que Sénèque dit de la (...)
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    Amartya Sen : liberté, égalité et complexité dans un monde inégalitaire.Fabien Tarrit - 2024 - Cités 98 (2):63-74.
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    Métaphysique des abîmes.Fabien Tarby - 2023 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
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  49.  27
    Jan Łukasiewicz: Écrits Logiques Et Philosophiques.Fabien Schang & Sébastien Richard - 2013 - Paris, France: Librairie Philosophique Vrin.
    English summary: Jan Lukasiewicz (1878-1956) was one of the most important members of the Lwow-Warsaw school of logic. The thirteen translated articles in this volume demonstrate the protean form of Lukasiewiczs work, from his texts on Aristotle and the principle of non-contradiction and syllogistics to modal logic, intuitionism, and multivalent logics. The articles show in particular his preoccupations with logical precision and the problem of human liberty. French description: Avec Kazimierz Twardowski, Stanislaw Lesniewski et Alfred Tarski, le logicien et philosophe (...)
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  50. Logic in Opposition.Fabien Schang - 2013 - Studia Humana 2 (3):31-45.
    It is claimed hereby that, against a current view of logic as a theory of consequence, opposition is a basic logical concept that can be used to define consequence itself. This requires some substantial changes in the underlying framework, including: a non-Fregean semantics of questions and answers, instead of the usual truth-conditional semantics; an extension of opposition as a relation between any structured objects; a definition of oppositions in terms of basic negation. Objections to this claim will be reviewed.
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