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Francesco Coniglione [26]F. Coniglione [3]
  1.  49
    Polish Scientific Philosophy: The Lvov-Warsaw School.Jan Wolenski, Roberto Poli & Francesco Coniglione (eds.) - 1993 - Rodopi.
    One can often encounter an opinion that Polish scientific philosophy deserves to be much better known than actually is. This book is thought as a response to such a claim. The papers collected in this volume are divided into two parts: Background and Influence and History and Systematics. However, there is no sharp borderline between themes which are touched in both parts. Generally speaking, all papers of the first part relate the Lvov-Warsaw School to some philosophical movements external to it (...)
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    Leszek Nowak, a Neglected Thinker.Francesco Coniglione - 2023 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 30 (2):130-136.
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    The Place of Polish Scientific Philosophy in the European Context.Francesco Coniglione - 2007 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 1 (1):7-27.
    Scientific philosophy is a sui generis project and it is not possible to assimilate it into analytic philosophy tout court, nor, a fortiori, into the philosophy of science. Scientific philosophy was practised during the early stage of the Vienna Circle before the influence of Wittgenstein’s thought became decisive. Afterwards, there was a quick transition to philosophy intended as subsidary to science, as a mere classification of meaning, coming, in the end, to its liquidation with Carnap’s logical syntax. Different was the (...)
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    Between abstraction and idealization: Scientific practice and philosophical awareness.Francesco Coniglione - 2004 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 82 (1):59-110.
    The aim of this essay is to emphasize a number of important points that will provide a better understanding of the history of philosophical thought concerning scientific knowledge. The main points made are: (a) that the principal way of viewing abstraction which has dominated the history of thought and epistemology up to the present is influenced by the original Aristotelian position; (b) that with the birth of modern science a new way of conceiving abstraction came into being which is better (...)
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  5. Idealization I: General Problems and Idealization. II: Forms and Applications.J. Brezinski, F. Coniglione, T. A. F. Kuipers & L. Nowak - 1992 - Erkenntnis 37 (2):275-280.
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    Filosofia, storia, politica: studi di storiografia filosofica offerti a Giuseppe Cacciatore.Giuseppe Bentivegna, Francesco Coniglione, Giancarlo Magnano San Lio & Giuseppe Cacciatore (eds.) - 2016 - Acireale: Bonanno editore.
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  7.  8
    Science: Between Algorithm and Creativity.Jerzy Brzeziński, Francesco Coniglione & Tadeusz Marek - 1992
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  8.  24
    La forza del logos: Gorgia a 2500 anni dalla nascita.Loredana Cardullo & Francesco Coniglione (eds.) - 2019 - Acireale: Bonanno editore.
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  9.  13
    Mythos e logos: tra archetipi antichi e sguardi sul futuro.Loredana Cardullo & Francesco Coniglione (eds.) - 2021 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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    L'invenzione della realtà: scienza, mito e immaginario nel dialogo tra psiche e mondo oggettivo: una prospettiva filosofica: in omaggio a Francesco Coniglione.Emanuele Coco & Francesco Coniglione (eds.) - 2022 - Pisa: Edizioni ETS.
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  11. Ermeneutica ed epistemologia.Francesco Coniglione - 1980 - Epistemologia 3 (1):93.
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  12.  18
    Forward.Francesco Coniglione - 2009 - Axiomathes 19 (4):351-352.
    This paper explicates the philosophical and epistemological background of the MIRRORS project, which is the starting point of the various contributions in this issue. Developments in the philosophy of science will be discussed, especially the watershed work of Kuhn, in order to analyze further developments in the sociology of science, particularly starting from the Strong Programme. Finally, it will be shown how a multidisciplinary approach in Science & Technology studies, as opposed to an interdisciplinary one, is to be preferred. Specifically, (...)
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  13. Filosofia e scienza in Jan Lukasiewicz.F. Coniglione - 1994 - Epistemologia 17 (1):73-100.
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  14.  32
    Humanistic Interpretation between Hempel and Popper.Francesco Coniglione - 1996 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 47:283-302.
  15.  14
    Idealization XI: Historical Studies on Abstraction and Idealization.Francesco Coniglione, Roberto Poli & Robin D. Rollinger (eds.) - 2004 - Rodopi.
    Discussions about abstraction are so important and so profound that this topic can hardly be neglected. It has inevitably cropped up again in various periods of philosophical enquiry. Despite these ancient roots and after the great debate that characterised the empirical and rationalistic tradition, interest in the problem has unfortunately been absent in large measure from the mainstream of mathematical logic and analytic philosophy. It seems that there is a gap between the epistemological theorization, in which it is difficult to (...)
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  16.  45
    Kotarbiński’s reism and the vienna circle.Francesco Coniglione - 2000 - Axiomathes 11 (1 - 3):37-69.
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  17. L'idea di Filosofia Scientifica Per Una Storia Dell'epistemologia Scientifica Del '900.Francesco Coniglione - 2002 - C.U.E.C.M.
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  18.  38
    Logica, Scienza e Filosofia in Tadeusz Czezowski.Francesco Coniglione - 1997 - Axiomathes 8 (1):191-250.
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  19.  9
    La scienza impossibile: dal popperismo alla critica del razionalismo.Francesco Coniglione - 1978 - Bologna: Il mulino.
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  20.  10
    Nel segno della scienza: la filosofia polacca del Novecento.Francesco Coniglione - 1996 - FrancoAngeli.
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  21.  9
    Platone e l'esoterismo.Francesco Coniglione - 2017 - Acireale: Tipheret.
  22.  8
    Realtà e astrazione: scuola polacca ed epistemologia post-positivista.Francesco Coniglione - 2011 - C.U.E.C.M.
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  23.  20
    Tolleranza e radici cristiane secondo Marcello Pera.Francesco Coniglione - 2005 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 18 (3):603-612.
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  24.  17
    Through the Mirrors of Science: New Challenges for Knowledge-based Societies.Francesco Coniglione (ed.) - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Is the objective that the European Union set itself in 2000, that is, to be -the most competitive knowledge-based society and economy- by 2010 still realistic? The momentous year has arrived, but it is discouraging to note that very few steps have been made in the direction that was fixed. What has gone wrong? Were the philosophical, epistemological and economic conditions adequate to achieve the desired result? This book the result of a research project commissioned by the European Commission critically (...)
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  25. The best anesthesiological practice for total knee replacement.M. Dauri, S. Nahmias, V. Manfrellotti, L. Celidonio, E. Fabbi, Silvi Mb, F. Coniglione, A. Gatti & Sabato Af - forthcoming - Minerva.
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    Percorsi di filosofia contemporanea: analisi e critica storiografica.Anna Escher di Stefano & Francesco Coniglione - 1992 - C.U.E.C.M.
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  27.  53
    Introduction: The coming of the knowledge society and the challenges for the future of europe. [REVIEW]Francesco Coniglione - 2009 - Axiomathes 19 (4):353-372.
    This paper explicates the philosophical and epistemological background of the MIRRORS project, which is the starting point of the various contributions in this issue. Developments in the philosophy of science will be discussed, especially the watershed work of Kuhn, in order to analyze further developments in the sociology of science, particularly starting from the Strong Programme. Finally, it will be shown how a multidisciplinary approach in Science & Technology (S&T) studies, as opposed to an interdisciplinary one, is to be preferred. (...)
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