Results for 'Élisabeth Chatel'

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  1.  10
    Les savoirs de sciences humaines et sociales en débat: controverses et polémiques.Sophie Richardot & Sabine Rozier (eds.) - 2018 - Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France: Presses universitaires du Septentrion.
    Comment expliquer que les savoirs de sciences humaines et sociales soient à ce point contestés voire ignorés dans les lieux où ils pourraient pourtant éclairer la réflexion et l'action? Comment expliquer la défiance et l'incompréhension qu'ils suscitent parfois? Les savoirs de sciences humaines et sociales ont la particularité de circuler dans des espaces variés et de devoir composer avec une critique prompte à remettre en cause leur validité et leur légitimité. Leur acceptabilité sociale ne se joue pas dans la seule (...)
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    Hannah Arendt: For Love of the World.Elisabeth Young-Bruehl - 2004 - Yale University Press.
    This highly acclaimed, prize-winning biography of one of the foremost political philosophers of the twentieth century is here reissued in a trade paperback edition for a new generation of readers. In a new preface the author offers an account of writings by and about Arendt that have appeared since the book's 1982 publication, providing a reassessment of her subject's life and achievement. Praise for the earlier edition: “Both a personal and an intellectual biography... It represents biography at its best.”—Peter Berger, (...)
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  3. The Prospects of Artificial Consciousness: Ethical Dimensions and Concerns.Elisabeth Hildt - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (2):58-71.
    Can machines be conscious and what would be the ethical implications? This article gives an overview of current robotics approaches toward machine consciousness and considers factors that hamper an understanding of machine consciousness. After addressing the epistemological question of how we would know whether a machine is conscious and discussing potential advantages of potential future machine consciousness, it outlines the role of consciousness for ascribing moral status. As machine consciousness would most probably differ considerably from human consciousness, several complex questions (...)
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  4. Intentions: The Dynamic Hierarchical Model Revisited.Elisabeth Pacherie & Myrto Mylopoulos - 2019 - WIREs Cognitive Science 10 (2):e1481.
    Ten years ago, one of us proposed a dynamic hierarchical model of intentions that brought together philosophical work on intentions and empirical work on motor representations and motor control (Pacherie, 2008). The model distinguished among Distal intentions, Proximal intentions, and Motor intentions operating at different levels of action control (hence the name DPM model). This model specified the representational and functional profiles of each type of intention, as well their local and global dynamics, and the ways in which they interact. (...)
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  5. The Phenomenology of Joint Action: Self-Agency vs. Joint-Agency.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2011 - In Axel Seemann, Joint Attention: New Developments. MIT Press.
    This chapter aims at investigating the phenomenology of joint action and at gaining a better understanding of (1) how the sense of agency one experiences when engaged in a joint action differs from the sense of agency one has for individual actions and (2) how the sense of agency one experiences when engaged in a joint action differs according to the type of joint action and to the role one plays in it.
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    Epistemic injustice in dementia and autism patient organizations: An empirical analysis.Karin Jongsma, Elisabeth Spaeth & Silke Schicktanz - 2017 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 8 (4):221-233.
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    Anti-Electra: the radical totem of the girl.Elisabeth von Samsonow - 2019 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    A close examination of the relationship between media, art, and the "Electra complex" The feminist counterpart to Deleuze and Guattari's Anti-Oedipus, Anti-Electra is a philosophy of "the girl" as a model of contemporary transgressive subjectivity. Elisabeth von Samsonow asserts that focusing on the girl's escape from the Oedipus complex leads to a fundamental shift in our most common views on media and art. Presenting an interpretation of contemporary technics, Anti-Electra argues that technology today encompasses Electra's gadgets and toys. According to (...)
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    Parents’ experiences of neonatal transfer. A meta‐study of qualitative research 2000–2017.Hanne Aagaard, Elisabeth O. C. Hall, Mette S. Ludvigsen, Lisbeth Uhrenfeldt & Liv Fegran - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (3):e12231.
    Transfers of critically ill neonates are frequent phenomena. Even though parents’ participation is regarded as crucial in neonatal care, a transfer often means that parents and neonates are separated. A systematic review of the parents’ experiences of neonatal transfer is lacking. This paper describes a meta‐study addressing qualitative research about parents’ experiences of neonatal transfer. Through deconstruction and reflections of theories, methods, and empirical data, the aim was to achieve a deeper understanding of theoretical, empirical, contextual, historical, and methodological issues (...)
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    Die Antrittsvorlesung: Wiener Universitätsreden der Philosophischen Fakultät.Thomas Assinger, Elisabeth Grabenweger & Annegret Pelz (eds.) - 2019 - Göttingen: Vienna University Press.
    This edited collection brings together thirteen inaugural lectures given at the 'old' philosophical faculty of the University of Vienna. It presents the voices of important representatives of humanities, cultural and natural sciences through programmatic texts from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century. Some published for the first time, the lectures have been annotated by renowned scholars in terms of disciplinary, scientific and academic history as well as socio-political context. Hence, this volume contributes substantially to the so far under-researched history (...)
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  10. Duns Scot à Paris. 1302-2002.Olivier Boulnois, Elisabeth Karger, Jean-Luc Solere & Gérard Sondag (eds.) - 2004 - 2300 Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols.
  11. Lettres sur la morale: correspondence avec la princesse Élisabeth, Chanut et la reine Christine.René Descartes, Pierre Hector Elisabeth, Jacques Chanut, Christina & Chevalier - 1935 - Paris,: Boivin et cie. Edited by Elisabeth, Pierre Hector Chanut, Christina & Jacques Chevalier.
  12.  19
    Evidence for a close relationship between conscious effort and anterior cingulate cortex activity.Christoph Mulert, Elisabeth Menzinger, Gregor Leicht, Oliver Pogarell & Ulrich Hegerl - 2005 - International Journal of Psychophysiology 56 (1):65-80.
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    The challenge of integrating justice and care in neonatal nursing.Elisabeth O. C. Hall, Berit S. Brinchmann & Hanne Aagaard - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (1):80-90.
    The aim of this study was to explore neonatal nurses’and mothers of preterm infants’experiences of daily challenges. Interviews took place asking for good, bad and challenging experiences. Data were analysed using qualitative content analysis and findings were clustered in two categories: good and challenging experiences, each containing three themes. The good experiences were: managing with success as a nurse, small things matter for mothers, and a good day anyhow for mothers and nurses. The challenging experiences were: mothering in public, being (...)
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    Politik und Geschichte: zu den Intentionen von G.W.F. Hegels Reformbill-Schrift.Christoph Jamme & Elisabeth Weisser-Lohmann (eds.) - 1995 - Bonn: Bouvier.
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  15. The whole moral and intellectual state of a people" : Tocqueville on men, women, and mores in the United States and Europe.Jean Elisabeth Pedersen - 2019 - In Daniel Gordon, The Anthem companion to Alexis de Tocqueville. New York, NY: Anthem Press.
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    Sustainable Energy: Choosing Among Options.Jefferson W. Tester, Elisabeth M. Drake, Michael J. Driscoll, Michael W. Golay & William A. Peters - 2005 - MIT Press.
    Evaluates trade-offs and uncertainties inherent in achieving sustainable energy, analyzes the major energy technologies, and provides a framework for assessing policy options.
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  17. Pragmatic force in semantic context.Elisabeth Camp - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (6):1617-1627.
    Stalnaker’s Context deploys the core machinery of common ground, possible worlds, and epistemic accessibility to mount a powerful case for the ‘autonomy of pragmatics’: the utility of theorizing about discourse function independently of specific linguistic mechanisms. Illocutionary force lies at the peripherybetween pragmatics—as the rational, non-conventional dynamics of context change—and semantics—as a conventional compositional mechanism for determining truth-conditional contents—in an interesting way. I argue that the conventionalization of illocutionary force, most notably in assertion, has important crosscontextual consequences that are not (...)
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  18. On the origins of a new totalitarianism.Elisabeth Young-Bruehl - 2002 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 69 (2):567-578.
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    Œuvres diverses.Pierre Bayle & Elisabeth Labrousse - 1964 - Hildesheim,: G. Olms. Edited by Alain Niderst.
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    The life of Nietzsche.Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche - 1912 - New York,: Sturgis and Walton company. Edited by Anthony M. Ludovici & Paul V. Cohn.
  21.  9
    Transzendenz und Rationalität.Elisabeth Gräb-Schmidt, Benjamin Häfele & Christian P. Hölzchen (eds.) - 2019 - Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
    Gesellschaftliche Veränderungen in grossem Massstab, von der Pluralisierung der Gesellschaft, der Digitalisierung, die als Vierte Kulturtechnik bezeichnet wird, bis hin zur Widerfahrnis von Kontingenzen wie Armut und Flüchtlingsströmen oder Umweltkatastrophen, stellen die Verantwortungsfähigkeit des Menschen vor neue Herausforderungen. Es wird dabei deutlich: Humanität und Vernunft, Würde und Freiheit verdanken ihren Gehalt und ihre Gestalt einem die Vernunft selbst übersteigenden Transzendenten, in dem die Vernunft je und je ihres eigenen Grundes ansichtig werden kann. Dass dieses Verhältnis zwischen Vernunft und ihrem transzendenten (...)
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  22. V. Logische Untersuchung, Ueber Intentionale Erlebnisse und ihre «Inhalte». Philosophische Bibliothek, Bd. 290.Edmund Husserl & Elisabeth Stroeker - 1978 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 83 (4):551-552.
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    Politik und Geschichte: zu den Intentionen von G.W.F. Hegels Reformbill-Schrift.Christoph Jamme & Elisabeth Weisser (eds.) - 1995 - Bonn: Bouvier.
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  24. Finding a place for play in school : risk, ambiguity, and resistance.Chris Moffett & Elisabeth Tam - 2025 - In Cara E. Furman & Tomas de Rezende Rocha, Teachers and philosophy: essays on the contact zone. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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  25. Normenfragen der Wissenschaftstheorie.Elisabeth Ströker - 1984 - In Odo Marquard, Ethik der Wissenschaften? Philosophische Fragen. W. Fink.
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  26. Naturwissenschaft und Technik als geschichtsbildende Mächte.Elisabeth Ströker - 1980 - In Josef Derbolav, Clemens Menze & Friedhelm Nicolin, Sinn und Geschichtlichkeit: Werk und Wirkungen Theodor Litts. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
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  27. Raja yoga.Selvarajan Yesudian & Elisabeth Haich - 1970 - London,: Allen & Unwin.
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    Kunst Und Ontologie: Für Roman Ingarden Zum 100. Geburtstag.Włodzimierz Galewicz, Elisabeth Ströker & Władysław Stróżewski (eds.) - 1994 - Brill | Rodopi.
    This collection of 12 essays at the 100th anniversary of Roman Ingarden is to show the actuality of the outstanding Polish representative of twentieth century philosophy. The authors take up Ingarden's main philosophical topics and, accordingly, deal with phenomenological and ontological problems on the various modes of givenness and existence in the wide range of real and intentional being, true and fictional existence, and they devote particular interest to Ingarden's conception of reality as well as to his aesthetics and theory (...)
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    The languages of the dying patients.Elisabeth Kubler-Ross - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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    Argument Natur--was ist natürlich?: Studium generale: Wintersemester 1995/6.Ruth-Elisabeth Mohrmann & Heinz Holzhauer (eds.) - 1999 - Münster: Lit.
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  31. In The Name of Atheism. A Critical Response to Philipp Blom's Book ‘A Wicked Company’.Elisabeth Van Dam - 2013 - Philosophica 88.
  32. Latency : biography of an omniscient spy.Elisabeth von Samsonow - 2017 - In Elisabeth von Samsonow & Suzana Milevska, Epidemic subjects--radical ontology. Zürich: Diaphanes.
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    Hannah Arendt's Jewish identity.Elisabeth Young-Bruehl - 2010 - In Roger Berkowitz, Thinking in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt on Ethics and Politics. New York: Fordham University Press.
    The topic of Hannah Arendt's Jewish identity can be approached from many directions. This chapter considers Arendt in the context of the vision of world history articulated by her teacher and mentor Karl Jaspers, in which her people, the Jews of Palestine, were considered as one of the “Axial Age” peoples. It argues that it is Arendt's Jewish identity—not just the identity she asserted in defending herself as a Jew when attacked as one, but more deeply her connection to the (...)
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    On "psychoanalysis And Feminism".Elisabeth Young-Bruehl & Laura Wexler - 1992 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 59:453.
  35.  29
    What Thucydides Saw.Elisabeth Young-Bruehl - 1986 - History and Theory 25 (1):1-16.
    Three basic assumptions distinguish Thucvdides' historical perspective from the perspective of the debate speeches in his history: he did not assume that events are continuous or repeatable, that human nature in unchangeable, and that the ultimate causes of human affairs are within human ken. In Thucydides' history, statesmen and citizens are judged by their capacities to do as Thucydides himself tried to do -judge novelty and greatness clearly. Lastingly effective good judgment unifies people because it stems from and appeals to (...)
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    Perspektivität und Dezentrierung: philosophische Überlegungen zur genetischen Erkenntnistheorie Jean Piagets.Elisabeth Zeil-Fahlbusch - 1983 - Würzburg: Königshausen ₊ Neumann.
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    Wissen und Handeln: zur Begründung d. prakt. Philosophie bei Rousseau.Elisabeth Zeil-Fahlbusch - 1979 - Bonn: Bouvier.
  38. On Truth, Lies, and Politics: A Conversation.Elisabeth Young-Bruehl & Jerome Kohn - 2007 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 74 (4):1045-1070.
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    Brain-Computer Interaction and Medical Access to the Brain: Individual, Social and Ethical Implications.Elisabeth Hildt - 2010 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 4 (3).
    This paper discusses current clinical applications and possible future uses of brain-computer interfaces as a means for communication, motor control and entertainment. After giving a brief account of the various approaches to direct brain-computer interaction, the paper will address individual, social and ethical implications of BCI technology to extract signals from the brain. These include reflections on medical and psychosocial benefits and risks, user control, informed consent, autonomy and privacy as well as ethical and social issues implicated in putative future (...)
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  40. La restauration de six peintures du Musée national d'art de Bucarest.Jacqueline Bret & Elisabeth Martin - 1996 - Techne 4:114-124.
  41. Quelques remarques sur la mise en place des compositions et les choix techniques dans l'oeuvre de Nicolas Poussin.Patrick Le Chanu & Elisabeth Ravaud - 1994 - Techne 1:43-52.
  42. The Reception of Continental Reformation in Britain.Leedham-Green Elisabeth - 2010
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  43. Unreliable Witnesses.Elisabeth Leedham-Green - 2010 - In Leedham-Green Elisabeth, The Reception of Continental Reformation in Britain. pp. 23.
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    Empowering Graduate Students to Address Ethics in Research Environments.Elisabeth Hildt, Kelly Laas, Christine Miller, Stephanie Taylor & Eric M. Brey - 2019 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (3):542-550.
    :In this article, we present an educational intervention that embeds ethics education within research laboratories. This structure is designed to assist students in addressing ethical challenges in a more informed way, and to improve the overall ethical culture of research environments. The project seeks to identify factors that students and researchers consider relevant to ethical conduct in science, technology, engineering, and math and to promote the cultivation of an ethical culture in experimental laboratories by integrating research stakeholders in a bottom-up (...)
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    Creating capabilities for societal participation in times of welfare state change? Experiences of people with disabilities in Finland.Elisabeth Hästbacka & Mikael Nygård - 2019 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 13 (1):15-28.
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    Logical empiricism in a historicist framework—something worth caring about?Elisabeth Nemeth - 2025 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 4 (1).
    The historicist project that Richardson presents here aims to recover elements of Logical Empiricism that lie not in theorems but in the self-understanding of the actors. The Logical Empiricists had philosophical as well as social and political goals in mind. They were aware that the scientific principles they sought to establish in academic philosophy also influenced the political, social, and cultural spheres. Previous research has worked on the social embedding of Logical Empiricism. By comparison, Richardson proposes the significantly broader framework (...)
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  47. Intention, coll. « Bibliothèque de philosophie ».Gertrude Elisabeth Marie Anscombe, Cyrille Michon, Mathieu Maurice & Vincent Descombes - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (3):364-365.
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  48. Hypnotic regulation of consciousness and the pain neuromatrix.Melanie Boly, Marie-Elisabeth Faymonville, Brent A. Vogt, Pierre Maquet & Laureys & Steven - 2007 - In Graham A. Jamieson, Hypnosis and Conscious States: The Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
  49. El deporte en las televisiones españolas" en.Elisabeth García Altadill, Miquel Moragas & Miguel Gomez - 1994 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 38.
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  50. The sociology of the new art gallery scene in Chelsea, Manhattan.David Halle & Elisabeth Tiso - 2009 - In Jack Amariglio, Joseph W. Childers & Stephen Cullenberg, Sublime economy: on the intersection of art and economics. New York: Routledge.
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