Results for 'Evolution Study and teaching.'

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  1.  55
    How to learn about teaching: An evolutionary framework for the study of teaching behavior in humans and other animals.Michelle Ann Kline - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38:e31.
    The human species is more reliant on cultural adaptation than any other species, but it is unclear how observational learning can give rise to the faithful transmission of cultural adaptations. One possibility is that teaching facilitates accurate social transmission by narrowing the range of inferences that learners make. However, there is wide disagreement about how to define teaching, and how to interpret the empirical evidence for teaching across cultures and species. In this article I argue that disputes about the nature (...)
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    Evolution education and the rise of the creationist movement in Brazil.Alandeom W. Oliveira & Kristin Leigh Cook (eds.) - 2019 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Evolution Education and the Rise of the Creationist Movement in Brazil examines how larger societal forces such as religion, media, and politics have shaped Brazil's educational landscape and impacted the teaching and learning of evolution within an increasingly polarized discourse in recent years. To this end, Alandeom W. Oliveira and Kristin Cook have assembled a number of educational scholars and practitioners, many of whom are based in Brazil, to provide up-close and in-depth accounts of classroom-based evolution instruction, (...)
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    On teaching evolution.Bertha Vázquez & Richard Dawkins (eds.) - 2021 - Reno, NV: Keystone Canyon Press.
    The teaching of evolution has always been a controversial issue in the United States. Despite the fact that evolution is accepted by biologists all over the world and the evidence is beyond dispute, the percentage of Americans who do not accept evolution hovers around 40%. (P.14) However, it's important to note that there are positive trends on the horizon. For example, the percentage of Americans under the age of 30 who accept evolution increases to about 68%. (...)
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    Human Teaching and Cumulative Cultural Evolution.Christine A. Caldwell, Elizabeth Renner & Mark Atkinson - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (4):751-770.
    Although evidence of teaching behaviour has been identified in some nonhuman species, human teaching appears to be unique in terms of both the breadth of contexts within which it is observed, and in its responsiveness to needs of the learner. Similarly, cultural evolution is observable in other species, but human cultural evolution appears strikingly distinct. This has led to speculation that the evolutionary origins of these capacities may be causally linked. Here we provide an overview of contrasting perspectives (...)
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  5. Teaching the Evolution of Morality: Status and Resources.Douglas Allchin - 2009 - Evolution 2 (4):629-635.
    Recent studies now provide a relatively robust explanation of how moral behavior evolved, perhaps not just in humans. An analysis of current biology textbooks shows that they fail to address this critical topic fully. Here, I survey resources—books, images, and videos—that can guide educators in meeting the challenge of teaching the biology of morality.
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    Evolution and religion in American eduation: an ethnography.David E. Long - 2011 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    Evolution and Religion in American Education shines a light into one of America’s dark educational corners, exposing the regressive pedagogy that can invade science classrooms when school boards and state overseers take their eyes off the ball. It sets out to examine the development of college students’ attitudes towards biological evolution through their lives. The fascinating insights provided by interviewing students about their world views adds up to a compelling case for additional scrutiny of the way young people’s (...)
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    Teaching evolution in a creation nation.Adam Laats - 2016 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Harvey Siegel.
    No fight over what gets taught in American classrooms is more heated than the battle over humanity’s origins. For more than a century we have argued about evolutionary theory and creationism (and its successor theory, intelligent design), yet we seem no closer to a resolution than we were in Darwin’s day. In this thoughtful examination of how we teach origins, historian Adam Laats and philosopher Harvey Siegel offer crucial new ways to think not just about the evolution debate but (...)
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    Evolution education in the American South: culture, politics, and resources in and around Alabama.Christopher D. Lynn, Amanda L. Glaze, William A. Evans & Laura K. Reed (eds.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This volume reaches beyond the controversy surrounding the teaching and learning of evolution in the United States, specifically in regard to the culture, politics, and beliefs found in the Southeast. The editors argue that despite a deep history of conflict in the region surrounding evolution, there is a wealth of evolution research taking place—from biodiversity in species to cultural evolution and human development. In fact, scientists, educators, and researchers from around the United States have found their (...)
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    Transcultural Identity of Twerking: A Cultural Evolution Study of Women’s Bodily Practices of the Slavic and East African Communities.Aleksandra Łukaszewicz, Priscilla Gitonga & Kiryl Shylinhouski - 2024 - Social Epistemology 38 (2):208-221.
    Human culture is built upon nature to help humans adapt to their environment – first natural, but later natural-cultural. Cultural practices are aimed at aiding survival in changing environments, and in different settings they meet different environmental pressures, causing later changes in trajectories. According to cultural evolutionism, behaviours, ideas and artefacts are subject to inheritance, competition, accumulation of modifications, adaptation, geographical distribution, convergence and changes of function – these are mechanisms present also in biological evolution. In the following paper, (...)
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    Towards an interlanguage of biological evolution: exploring students' talk and writing as an arena for sense-making.Clas Olander - 2010 - Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, distribution.
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    The school books in relation to evolution and early condition of man.Henry Vernon Arnold - 1923 - Larimore, N.D.,: Printed by H. V. Arnold.
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  12. A compendium of information on the theory of evolution and the evolution-creationism controversy.Jerry P. Lightner - 1978 - Reston, Va.: National Association of Biology Teachers.
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    Evolution and Christian Thought in Dialog according to the Teaching of John Paul II.Josef M. Zycinski - 2006 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 9 (1):13-27.
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  14. On evolution and creation: Problem solved? The polish example.Jacek Tomczyk & Grzegorz Bugajak - 2009 - Zygon 44 (4):859-878.
    We present the results of research carried out as a part of the project “Current Controversies about Human Origins: Between Anthropology and the Bible”, which focused on the supposed conflict between natural sciences and some branches of the humanities, notably philosophy and theology, with regard to human origins. One way to tackle the issue was to distribute a questionnaire among students and teachers of the relevant disciplines. Teachers of religion and the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, and physics) and students of (...)
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  15.  24
    Evolution versus Creationism: the public education controversy.J. Peter Zetterberg (ed.) - 1983 - Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press.
    The University of Minnesota organized a conference ("Evolution and Public Education," December 5, 1981) to help clarify issues in the creation/evolution controversy and to examine arguments of the proponents of scientific creationism. This six-part book, a revised version of a resource manual compiled for the conference: (1) discusses the theory of evolution and its place in science education; (2) examines the creationist movement; (3) states the position of scientific creationists; (4) responds to creationists' arguments against evolution; (...)
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  16.  34
    The Teaching of Mathematics at the Royal Military Academy: Evolution in Continuity.Olivier Bruneau - 2020 - Philosophia Scientiae 24:137-158.
    En 1741, la Royal Military Academy de Woolwich est créée par le Board of Ordnance afin d’instruire les futurs artilleurs et ingénieurs militaires. Cette instruction s’appuie dès le départ sur les mathématiques. Dans cet article, nous présentons et étudions les différents programmes sur la longue période (entre 1741 et les années 1860). Les évolutions, les changements mais aussi les constances sont évalués et nous donnons les raisons de ceux-ci. L’âge de recrutement, le poids du Board of Ordnance ou encore les (...)
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  17.  24
    Only a theory: evolution and the battle for America's soul.Kenneth Raymond Miller - 2008 - New York: Viking Penguin.
    A well-regarded scientist who offered expert testimony at the high-profile 2005 trial over the teaching of evolution in Dover, Pennsylvania, presents an ...
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  18.  14
    Philosophy for children: theories and praxis in teacher education.Babs Anderson (ed.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Philosophy for Children (P4C) is a movement that teaches reasoning and argumentative skills to children of all ages. This book looks at the progress that P4C has made in the UK in addressing issues of literacy, critical thinking, PSHE, education for sustainable development and wider issues such as bullying. Chapters identify the different theories and practices that have emerged and discuss the necessity for a reflective approach that P4C brings to education. The book highlights how this movement can fit into (...)
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  19.  3
    Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Heuristic Method, Research Skills and Teaching Practice in Higher Education: A Perspective from Online and Blended Learning based on Scopus Database 2013- 2023.Isabel Amarilis Leal Maridueña, Patricio Rigoberto Alvarez Muñoz, César Manuel Chenche López, Sixto David Ruiz Cordova, Victor Javier Chicaiza Vinueza & Angelo Marcos Aviles Valenzuela - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:788-803.
    The present study conducted a detailed bibliometric analysis focused on research related to Heuristic Method, Research Skills and Teaching Practice within the framework of Higher Education. For this purpose, the Scopus database was used, considering publications from 2013 to 2023. The initial analysis revealed a total of 4071 relevant records. Of these, research articles constituted the largest proportion with 60.1%. Given the relevance and volume of these articles, 2488 were selected for further analysis. However, after a filtering process, it (...)
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  20. Movement: What Evolution and Gesture Can Teach Us About Its Centrality in Natural History and Its Lifelong Significance.Maxine Sheets-Johnstone - 2019 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 44 (1):239-259.
    Midwest Studies In Philosophy, Volume 44, Issue 1, Page 239-259, December 2019: -/- When people speak or write of “embodied” in one form or another, as in embodied mind, embodied cognition, embodied language, embodied self, and so on, they implicitly look past if not outright deny the realities of evolution. Animate life evolves on the basis of different morphologies. Animals with differing morphologies establish not merely different niches but different modes of living, which in the most fundamental sense means (...)
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  21.  4
    Going ape: Florida's battles over evolution in the classroom.Brandon Haught - 2014 - Gainesville: University Press of Florida.
    In this book, Haught chronicles the war over teaching evolution in Florida's schools, from the first shouts of religious persecution and child endangerment in Tallahassee in 1923 to the forced delays and extra public hearings in state-level textbook adoptions today.
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  22.  22
    Evolution of Prospective Secondary Education Economics Teachers’ Personal and Emotional Metaphors.Lucía Mellado, Laura Parte, Susana Sánchez-Herrera & María Luisa Bermejo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study examines personal and emotional metaphors of prospective economics teachers about the roles they themselves as teachers and their pupils would play by analysing their drawings and responses to open questions. This is a longitudinal study that analyses the evolution of future instructors using two periods: before and after their teaching practicum. Metaphors are categorised into four classes: behaviourist/transmissive, cognitivist/constructivist, situative/socio-historical, and self-referential. The categories for emotions are primary or social and positive, negative, or neutral. The (...)
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  23. Evolution and Conservative Christianity: How Philosophy of Science Pedagogy Can Begin the Conversation.Christine A. James - 2008 - Spontaneous Generations 2 (1):185-212.
    I teach Philosophy of Science at a four-year state university located in the southeastern United States with a strong college of education. This means that the Philosophy of Science class I teach attracts large numbers of students who will later become science teachers in Georgia junior high and high schools—the same schools that recently began including evolution "warning" stickers in science textbooks. I am also a faculty member in a department combining Religious Studies and Philosophy. This means Philosophy of (...)
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  24. Evolution, fachübergreifend: Adressatenbefragung zu einem Fortbildungsprojekt für Biologielehrer der gymnasialen Oberstufe.Petra Reinhard - 1984 - Tübingen: Deutsches Institut für Fernstudien an der Universität Tübingen, Hauptbereich Naturwissenschaften. Edited by Elke Rottländer.
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    Investigating the Evolution of Technological Integration on Teaching Effectiveness and Staff Development.Lalit Khanna, Dr Aditya Yadav, B. N. Krishna Reddy, Girish Kalele, Dr Bijal Zaveri, Shitij Goyal & Ameya Ambulkar - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:940-951.
    Technology Integration (TI) has been incorporated into education and how it has affected both the efficacy of coaching and the development of teams. The research used a blended-techniques approach, integrating qualitative interviews, consciousness businesses, and quantitative surveys to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role that generations play in schooling. As part of the inquiry, 150 educators and administrators participated in awareness seminars and surveys. The findings demonstrate significant gains in instructional efficacy due to technology-enabled tools like interactive software and (...)
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  26. Opyt provedenii︠a︡ letneĭ praktiki po darvinizmu.S. I. Radchenko - 1954
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    Evo Teachers Guide: Ten Questions Everyone Should Ask About Evolution.Rodger W. Bybee - 2012 - National Science Teachers Association. Edited by John Feldman.
    LEssOn OnE: What Is Evolution? OVERVIEW This lesson engages students in the concepts and processes of biological evolution. It also introduces the EVO DVD. The lesson begins by viewing Question 1 of the DVD, which introduces the World ...
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    Children's Perception of Science: an analysis of the notion of infallibility in the coverage of evolution in 'textbooks' and some other teaching materials.M. Denny - 1983 - Educational Studies 9 (2):93-103.
    (1983). Children's Perception of Science: an analysis of the notion of infallibility in the coverage of evolution in ‘textbooks’ and some other teaching materials. Educational Studies: Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 93-103.
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  29. Osŭshtestvi︠a︡vane na politekhnicheskoto obuchenie pri izuchavane osnovi na darvinizma.Vasil Bozarov - 1961
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  30. Die abstammungslehre im unterrichte der schule.Walther Schoenichen - 1903 - Leipzig und Berlin,: B. G. Teubner.
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    Teaching and the origin of the normativity.Laureano Castro, Miguel Ángel Castro-Nogueira & Miguel Ángel Toro - 2024 - Biology and Philosophy 39 (5):1-21.
    Norms play a crucial role in governing human societies. From an early age, humans possess an innate understanding of norms, recognizing certain behaviours, contexts, and roles as being governed by them. The evolution of normativity has been linked to its contribution to the promotion of cooperation in large groups and is intertwined with the development of joint intentionality. However, there is no evolutionary consensus on what normatively differentiated our hominin ancestors from the phylogenetic lineage leading to chimpanzees and bonobos. (...)
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  32. Status assessment, Act 685--Balanced Treatment for Creation-Science and Evolution-Science.Janella Rachal - 1981 - Baton Rouge, La.: State of Louisiana, Dept. of Education, Office of Research and Development (P.O. Box 44064, Baton Rouge 70804).
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  33. Kak prepodavatʹ osnovy darvinizma.P. I. Borovit︠s︡kiĭ - 1947 - Edited by V. M. Korsunskai︠a︡.
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  34. Razvitie znaniĭ uchashchikhsi︠a︡ ob ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii organicheskogo mira.Ivan Dmitrievich Zverev - 1962
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    (1 other version)Epistemology and Science Education: Understanding the Evolution Vs. Intelligent Design Controversy.Roger S. Taylor & Michel Ferrari (eds.) - 2010 - Routledge.
    How is epistemology related to the issue of teaching science and evolution in the schools? Addressing a flashpoint issue in our schools today, this book explores core epistemological differences between proponents of intelligent design and evolutionary scientists, as well as the critical role of epistemological beliefs in learning science. Preeminent scholars in these areas report empirical research and/or make a theoretical contribution, with a particular emphasis on the controversy over whether intelligent design deserves to be considered a science alongside (...)
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  36.  47
    Societal, Structural, and Conceptual Changes in Mathematics Teaching: Reform Processes in France and Germany over the Twentieth Century and the International Dynamics.Hélène Gispert & Gert Schubring - 2011 - Science in Context 24 (1):73-106.
    ArgumentThis paper studies the evolution of mathematics teaching in France and Germany from 1900 to about 1980. These two countries were leading in the processes of international modernization. We investigate the similarities and differences during the various periods, which showed to constitute significant time units and this in a remarkably parallel manner for the two countries. We argue that the processes of reform concerning the teaching of this major school subject are not understandable from within mathematics education or even (...)
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  37.  23
    Evolution of Death and Immortality Ideas From Russian Cosmism to Synergy.Lydia V. Tumarkina - 2023 - Pensamiento 79 (302):73-92.
    In this paper, death and immortality ideas of Russian cosmists are in syncretic way put together with key ideas in postmodern philosophy. The problem considered in world philosophy on creating co-evolutionary conditions for the emergence of «immortal» man is illustrated by a wide variety of ideas and concepts. This paper contains innovative ideas of the Russian cosmists as the starting point of the research. Special attention is paid to the extraordinary teachings of N. F. Fedorov, who is the founder of (...)
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  38.  88
    Ecosystem Engineering, Experiment, and Evolution.Trevor Pearce - 2011 - Biology and Philosophy 26 (6):793-812.
    This paper argues that philosophers should pay more attention to the idea of ecosystem engineering and to the scientific literature surrounding it. Ecosystem engineering is a broad but clearly delimited concept that is less subject to many of the “it encompasses too much” criticisms that philosophers have directed at niche construction . The limitations placed on the idea of ecosystem engineering point the way to a narrower idea of niche construction. Moreover, experimental studies in the ecosystem engineering literature provide detailed (...)
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  39. Prepodavanie osnov darvinizma v shkole rabocheĭ molodezhi: metodicheskoe posobie dli︠a︡ uchiteli︠a︡.A. M. Ivanova - 1956 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo Akademii pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR.
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  40. Metodika prepodavanii︠a︡ osnov darvinizma.Mikhail Ivanovich Melʹnikov - 1953
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    Darwinism, design, and public education.John Angus Campbell & Stephen C. Meyer (eds.) - 2003 - East Lansing: Michigan State University Press.
    Examines intelligent design as a science, a philosophy and a movement for educational reform. Central to all three aspects of ID is its claim that, if science education is to be other than state-sponsored propaganda, a distinction must be drawn between empirical science and materialist philosophy.
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    Teaching Ethics in the Health Care Setting Part I: Survey of the Literature.Mary Carrington Coutts - 1991 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1 (2):171-185.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Teaching Ethics in the Health Care Setting Part I:Survey of the LiteratureMary Carrington Coutts (bio)The last twenty years have brought important changes to health care and health care education. Educators and students alike face an enormous number of new fields of study and new medical technologies. Health care professionals and institutions are also facing new challenges in the form of shrinking economic resources, and the AIDS epidemic. They (...)
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  43.  6
    Evolution and Online Instruction: Using a Grounded Metaphor to Explore the Advantageous and Less Advantageous Characteristics of Online Instruction.Todd Campbell - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (5):378-387.
    This research presents a case study of the first-time experience of the instructor-researcher in teaching an online class. Through thematic analysis and grounded metaphor, evolution was identified as the metaphor used to illuminate the emerging themes in creating a narrative. Advantageous and less-than-advantageous characteristics of online instruction were identified. The advantageous characteristics identified were (a) students actively involved in their own education, assessing their own learning and seeking additional information; (b) students constructing knowledge; (c) measured responses by students; (...)
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  44. Metodika formirovanii︠a︡ osnovnykh poni︠a︡tiĭ michurinskoĭ biologii.Mikhail Ivanovich Melʹnikov - 1952
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  45. Puti povyshenii︠a︡ kachestva znaniĭ uchashchikhsi︠a︡.Vera Mikhaĭlovna Korsunskai︠a︡ - 1955
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  46. Authors' Response: Challenges in Studying and Teaching Innovation: Between Theory and Practice.M. F. Peschl, G. Bottaro, M. Hartner-Tiefenthaler & K. Rötzer - 2014 - Constructivist Foundations 9 (3):440-446.
    Upshot: This response focuses on the following issues, which summarize the points made by the commentaries: (i) further reflection on and details of the methodological framework that was applied to studying the proposed design of our innovation course, (ii) the issue of generalizability of the findings for teaching innovation (in this context the question of generic or transferable skills will become central), and (iii) finally, more precise explanation of what we mean by “learning from the future as it emerges.”.
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  47. Voprosy metodologii v izuchenii ėvoli︠u︡t︠s︡ii organicheskogo mira.Leo Shiovich Davitashvili - 1968
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    Mapping the evolution of early modern natural philosophy: corpus collection and authority acknowledgement.Hugo Hogenbirk, Silvia Donker, Raluca Tanasescu & Andrea Sangiacomo - 2022 - Annals of Science 79 (1):1-39.
    ABSTRACT Although natural philosophy underwent dramatic transformations during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, studying its evolution as a whole remains problematic. In this paper, we present a method that integrates traditional reading and computational tools in order to distil from different resources (the four existing Dictionaries of early modern philosophers and WorldCat) a representative corpus (consisting of 2,535 titles published in Latin, French, English, and German) for mapping the evolution of natural philosophy. In particular, we focus on gathering (...)
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  49. Reimagining the Study and Teaching of Philosophy for Our Time.Joseph Kaipayil - 2019 - In Kuruvilla Pandikattu (ed.), With Gratitude and Trust: Serving the Church and Nation. Pune: Papal Seminary. pp. 125-36.
    The importance and relevance of philosophy has come to be recognized more today than ever before in recent history. In many colleges and universities philosophy is now an essential component of interdisciplinary studies. The public interest in philosophy is increasing. UNESCO’s initiatives to promote philosophy are laudable. All these call for reimagining the study and teaching of philosophy for our contemporary time − a task worthwhile for philosophy studies in ecclesiastical institutes as well.
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    The Dialectical Forge: Juridical Disputation and the Evolution of Islamic Law.Walter Edward Young - 2016 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    The Dialectical Forge identifies dialectical disputation as a primary formative dynamic in the evolution of pre-modern Islamic legal systems, promoting dialectic from relative obscurity to a more appropriate position at the forefront of Islamic legal studies. The author introduces and develops a dialectics-based analytical method for the study of pre-modern Islamic legal argumentation, examines parallels and divergences between Aristotelian dialectic and early juridical jadal-theory, and proposes a multi-component paradigm—the Dialectical Forge Model—to account for the power of jadal in (...)
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