Results for 'Evelyne Clement'

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  1.  67
    Knowledge of domain effects in problem representation: The case of tower of hanoi isomorphs.Evelyne Clement - 1997 - Thinking and Reasoning 3 (2):133 – 157.
    Differences in difficulty between isomorphs of the Tower of Hanoi are generally explained in terms of differences in processing loads required by the different versions Kotovsky & Fallside, 1989 . Our claim is that the general knowledge about an action, activated by the context, is what guides the elaboration of problem representation. To test this hypothesis, we manipulated the context using four isomorphs. The results support the hypothesis: the selection of the adequate point of view on the action depends on (...)
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  2. The Truth That Hurts, or the Corps à Corps of Tongues: An Interview with Jacques Derrida.Thomas Clément Mercier, Jacques Derrida & Évelyne Grossman - 2019 - Parallax 25 (1):8-24.
    In this 2004 interview — translated into English and published in its entirety for the first time — Jacques Derrida reflects upon his practices of writing and teaching, about the community of his readers, and explores questions related to corporeity and textuality, sexual difference, desire, politics, Marxism, violence, truth, interpretation, and translation. In the course of the interview, Derrida discusses the work of Martin Heidegger, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Maurice Blanchot, Hélène Cixous, Jean Genet, Paul Celan, and many others.
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  3. The Intentional Stance.Daniel Clement Dennett - 1981 - MIT Press.
    Through the use of such "folk" concepts as belief, desire, intention, and expectation, Daniel Dennett asserts in this first full scale presentation of...
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  4. (1 other version)Elbow Room: The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting.Daniel Clement Dennett - 1984 - London, England: MIT Press.
    Essays discuss reason, self-control, self-definition, time, cause and effect, accidents, and responsibility, and explain why people want free will.
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  5. Science and Religion: Are They Compatible?Daniel Clement Dennett & Alvin Plantinga - 2010 - Oup Usa.
    An enlightening discussion that will motivate students to think critically, the book opens with Plantinga's assertion that Christianity is compatible with evolutionary theory because Christians believe that God created the living world, and it is entirely possible that God did so by using a process of evolution.
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  6. Quelques aspects éthiques de l'écologie.Evelyne Griffin-Collart - 1982 - In Gilbert Hottois & Marcel Voisin (eds.), Philosophie, morale et société. Bruxelles, Belgique: Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles.
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    Growing to Become in Every Respect the Mature Body of Christ: Teaching and Practicing Spiritual Formation and Soul Care in Seminary, Ministry, and Educational Contexts1.Theresa Clement Tisdale - 2018 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 11 (2):121-122.
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  8. Sweet Dreams: Philosophical Obstacles to a Science of Consciousness.Daniel Clement Dennett - 2005 - MIT Press.
    In the final essay, the "intrinsic" nature of "qualia" is compared with the naively imagined "intrinsic value" of a dollar in ...
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    (1 other version)Jean Rudhardt et la dikè.Évelyne Scheid-Tissinier - 2008 - Kernos 21:173-184.
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  10. Égalité et justice dans l'utilitarisme.Evelyne Griffin-Collart, J. S. Mill & H. Sidgwick - 1974 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 36 (3):612-613.
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    Resurrection and reality in the thought of Wolfhart Pannenberg.C. Elizabeth A. Johnson - 1983 - Heythrop Journal 24 (1):1-18.
    Books Reviewed in this Article: Transforming Bible Study. By Walter Wink. Pp.175, London, SCM Press, 1981, £3.50. Isaiah 1–39. By R.E. Clements. Pp.xvi. 301, London, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1980, £3.95. Isaiah 40–66. By R.N. Whybray. Pp.301, London, Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1975, Reprinted 1981, £3.95. Die Gestalt Jesu in den synoptischen Evangelien. By Heinrich Kahlefeld. Pp.264, Frankfurt, Verlag Josef Knecht, 1981, no price given. Following Jesus: Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark. By Ernest Best. Pp.283, Sheffield, JSOT Press, 1981, (...)
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  12. Freedom evolves.Daniel Clement Dennett - 2003 - New York: Viking Press.
    Daniel C. Dennett is a brilliant polemicist, famous for challenging unexamined orthodoxies. Over the last thirty years, he has played a major role in expanding our understanding of consciousness, developmental psychology, and evolutionary theory. And with such groundbreaking, critically acclaimed books as Consciousness Explained and Darwin's Dangerous Idea (a National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize finalist), he has reached a huge general and professional audience. In this new book, Dennett shows that evolution is the key to resolving the ancient problems (...)
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    Le handicap aux prises avec le risque de l'inhumanité.Évelyne Grange-Ségéral - 2007 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 174 (4):27-38.
    L’auteur s’appuie sur le travail de F. André, L’enfant insuffisamment bon (1985), pour explorer l’idée que le handicap et la souffrance qu’il procure à son contact met en question l’identification humaine sur un plan familial et sociétal et entraîne des mécanismes d’indifférenciation entre l’humain et le non-humain, le vivant et le non vivant. Situés dans un mouvement protecteur au départ, ces mécanismes aggravent ensuite les effets du handicap au sein des familles ou des établissements spécialisés en empêchant le développement de (...)
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    Maurice Blanchot, romancierMaurice Blanchot: la voix narrative.Steven Ungar, Evelyne Londyn & Daniel Wilhem - 1977 - Substance 6 (17):167.
  15.  31
    Schoolteacher: A Sociological Study.Dan Clement Lortie - 1977 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Reviews the history of teaching in the United States over three hundred years, and describes aspects of recruitment, organization, and logic particular to the profession.
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    Qualitative study of knowledge and attitudes to biobanking among lay persons in Nigeria.Michael A. Igbe & Clement A. Adebamowo - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1):27-.
    Background Interest in biobanking for collection of specimens for non-communicable diseases research has grown in recent times. This paper explores the perspectives of Nigerians on donation of specimen for the biobanking research. Methods We conducted 16 Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with individuals from different ethnic, age and socio-economic groups in Kano (North), Enugu (Southeast), Oyo States (Southwest) and Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory (Central) of Nigeria. We used topic guides and prompt statements to explore the knowledge and understanding of interviewees (...)
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  17. Epistemic Vigilance.Dan Sperber, Fabrice Clément, Christophe Heintz, Olivier Mascaro, Hugo Mercier, Gloria Origgi & Deirdre Wilson - 2010 - Mind and Language 25 (4):359-393.
    Humans massively depend on communication with others, but this leaves them open to the risk of being accidentally or intentionally misinformed. To ensure that, despite this risk, communication remains advantageous, humans have, we claim, a suite of cognitive mechanisms for epistemic vigilance. Here we outline this claim and consider some of the ways in which epistemic vigilance works in mental and social life by surveying issues, research and theories in different domains of philosophy, linguistics, cognitive psychology and the social sciences.
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  18. Does the Phineas Gage Effect Extend to Aesthetic Value?Elzė Sigutė Mikalonytė & Clément Canonne - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    In the last twenty years, a large number of studies have investigated judgments of the identity of various objects (e.g., persons, material objects, institutions) over time. One influential strand of research has found that identity judgments are shaped by normative considerations. People tend to believe that moral improvement is more compatible with the continuity of identity of a person than moral deterioration, suggesting that persons are taken to be essentially morally good. This asymmetry is often referred to as the “Phineas (...)
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  19. (1 other version)Silence, in the Archives: Derrida’s Other Marx(s).Thomas Clément Mercier - 2020 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 13 (2):31-46.
    The idea that Derrida kept silent on Marx before the publication of Spectres de Marx, in 1993, has become a commonplace in Derrida studies and in the history of Marxism and French 20th century political thought. This idea has often been accompanied by a certain representation of the relationship between deconstruction and dialectical materialism, and fed the legend of deconstruction’s «apoliticism» – at least before what some have called Derrida’s «ethicopolitical turn», usually dated in the early 1990s. Against this narrative, (...)
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  20. Re/pro/ductions: Ça déborde.Thomas Clément Mercier - 2021 - Poetics Today 42 (1):23-47.
    This article examines Jacques Derrida’s work of self-reflection on his own teaching practice by using as a guiding thread the problematics of reproduction in the seminars of the 1970s. The first part of the article examines the sequence of seminars taught by Derrida at École normale supérieure from 1971 to 1977 to show how the concept of reproduction is deconstructed by Derrida across several seminars. Derrida systematically demonstrates, across several themes and fields (sociology and economy, biology and sexuality, art, technique, (...)
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    Vies et legendes de Jacques Lacan.Jane Gallop & Catherine Clement - 1981 - Substance 10 (3):77.
  22.  23
    La patience de Pénélope et le courage d'Ulysse.Évelyne Grange-Ségéral - 2007 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 177 (3):67-74.
    L’adoption a la particularité d’activer un champ fantasmatique dont l’auteur se propose d’éclairer certains aspects. La résonance entre la situation adoptive et ce que Freud a appelé le « roman familial » en fait un lieu possible d’exacerbation des rivalités, des fantasmes de rapt, des mécanismes d’idéalisation, aussi bien au sein des familles adoptantes que dans leurs relations avec les professionnels chargés de les accompagner. L’idéalisation conjointe parents-pro-fessionnels de la situation adoptive a pour effet d’empêcher la reconnaissance de la négativité (...)
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  23. We Have Tasted the Powers of the Age to Come: Thinking the Force of the Event—from Dynamis to Puissance.Thomas Clément Mercier - 2018 - Oxford Literary Review 40 (1):76-94.
    Responding to the provocative phrase ‘The Age of Grammatology’, I propose to question the notion of ‘age’, and to interrogate the powers or forces, the dynameis or dynasties attached to the interpretative model of historical periodisation. How may we think the undeniable actuality of the event beyond the sempiternal history of ages, and beyond the traditional, onto-teleological chain of power, possibility, force or dynamis that undergirds such history?
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  24. Neuroethics 1995–2012. A Bibliometric Analysis of the Guiding Themes of an Emerging Research Field.Jon Leefmann, Clement Levallois & Elisabeth Hildt - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10:167162.
    In bioethics, the first decade of the twenty-first century was characterized by the emergence of interest in the ethical, legal, and social aspects of neuroscience research. At the same time an ongoing extension of the topics and phenomena addressed by neuroscientists was observed alongside its rise as one of the leading disciplines in the biomedical science. One of these phenomena addressed by neuroscientists and moral psychologists was the neural processes involved in moral decision-making. Today both strands of research are often (...)
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  25. Diferencia sexual, diferencia ideológica : Lecturas a contratiempo (Derrida lector de Marx y Althusser en la década de 1970 y más allá).Thomas Clément Mercier - 2019 - Demarcaciones 7.
    Este ensayo presenta una descripción de los escritos inéditos de Jacques Derrida sobre Marx y Louis Althusser en la década de 1970, y un estudio de conceptos como ideología, diferencia sexual, reproducción, violencia, dominación o hegemonía en perspectiva deconstructiva. Se trata de pensar en una otra economía, más allá de la economía del cuerpo propio. El artículo fue publicado en el Volumen 7 de la Revista Demarcaciones, "a 25 años de Espectros de Marx.".
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    Studies in the History of Natural Theology.H. N. Gardiner & Clement C. J. Webb - 1916 - Philosophical Review 25 (5):731.
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    Wired for Society: Cognizing Pathways to Society and Culture.Laurence Kaufmann & Fabrice Clément - 2014 - Topoi 33 (2):459-475.
    While cognitive scientists increase their tentative incursions in the social domains traditionally reserved for social scientists, most sociologists and anthropologists keep decrying those attempts as reductionist or, at least, irrelevant. In this paper, we argue that collaboration between social and cognitive sciences is necessary to understand the impact of the social environment on the shaping of our mind. More specifically, we dwell on the cognitive strategies and early-developing deontic expectations, termed naïve sociology, which enable well-adapted individuals to constitute, maintain and (...)
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  28. Treasures of the University Canterbury Library.C. Jones, B. Matthews & J. Clement (eds.) - 2011 - Canterbury University Press.
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    Teaching and Practicing Spiritual Formation and Soul Care in Seminary Settings.Theresa Clement Tisdale - 2018 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 11 (2):123-124.
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  30. Self-Deception as Affective Coping. An Empirical Perspective on Philosophical Issues.Federico Lauria, Delphine Preissmann & Fabrice Clément - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 41:119-134.
    In the philosophical literature, self-deception is mainly approached through the analysis of paradoxes. Yet, it is agreed that self-deception is motivated by protection from distress. In this paper, we argue, with the help of findings from cognitive neuroscience and psychology, that self-deception is a type of affective coping. First, we criticize the main solutions to the paradoxes of self-deception. We then present a new approach to self-deception. Self-deception, we argue, involves three appraisals of the distressing evidence: (a) appraisal of the (...)
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  31. Texts on Violence: Of the Impure (Contaminations, Equivocations, Trembling).Thomas Clément Mercier - 2020 - Oximora 17:1-25.
    This article interrogates a certain philosophical scene – one which constitutes itself through the position of what Jacques Derrida calls “the ethical instance of violence.” This scene supposes a certain “style” of writing or doing philosophy, and perhaps even a certain philosophical “genre” or “subgenre”: the philosophical discourse on violence. In the course of the essay, I analyze this quasi-juridical scene through readings of Aristotle, Walter Benjamin, Giorgio Agamben, Judith Butler, Slavoj Žižek, Werner Hamacher, Rodolphe Gasché, and Martin Hägglund among (...)
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  32. Tele-Mournings: Actuvirtual Events and Shared Responsibilities.Thomas Clément Mercier - 2020 - Derrida Today 13 (2):189-197.
    This thought piece dealing with the Covid-19 ‘crisis’ was written – in the form of a diary that runs from February to July 2020 – for a special issue of Derrida Today entitled ‘Fire, Flood, Pestilence and Protest’, edited by Nicole Anderson, and published in November 2020. The piece deals with matters of biopolitics, telecommunication, death and mourning through Derrida and Agamben, and interrogates the eventness of what is called an ‘event’.
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  33. The Promises and Perils of Central Bank Digital Currencies.Louis Larue, Clément Fontan & Joakim Sandberg - 2020 - Revue de la Régulation 28.
    This paper analyzes the proposal that central banks should issue digital currencies (CBDC) to provide a public alternative to private digital accounts and cryptocurrencies. We build on some The promises and perils of central bank digital currencies recent themes in political economy research to give a broader and more balanced perspective than the existing literature, highlighting both the promises and perils of CBDC. We argue that, on the one hand, the present state of the private financial sector is problematic and (...)
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    Les idées morales des interlocuteurs de Socrate dans les Dialogues platoniciens de jeunesse.Evelyne Méron - 1979 - Paris: J. Vrin.
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    Voluntary participation and comprehension of informed consent in a genetic epidemiological study of breast cancer in Nigeria.Patricia A. Marshall, Clement A. Adebamowo, Adebowale A. Adeyemo, Temidayo O. Ogundiran, Teri Strenski, Jie Zhou & Charles N. Rotimi - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):38.
    Studies on informed consent to medical research conducted in low or middle-income settings have increased, including empirical investigations of consent to genetic research. We investigated voluntary participation and comprehension of informed consent among women involved in a genetic epidemiological study on breast cancer in an urban setting of Nigeria comparing women in the case and control groups.
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  36. Before the Specters: The Memory of a Promise (from the Archives).Thomas Clément Mercier - 2020 - Contexto Internacional 42 (1):125-148.
    This text was prompted by a forum discussing the legacy of Jacques Derrida’s Specters of Marx, twenty-five years after its publication. In this short essay, I explore the book’s influence on the fields of Marxism, post-Marxism, and beyond. With the problematic of heritage and legacy in mind, I raise the questions of sexual difference and dissemination as that which comes to interrupt the genealogical logic of inheritance understood as filiation and reproduction. I show that Derrida’s book, besides questioning reception and (...)
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    Universal Ethics: Organized Complexity as an Intrinsic Value.Jean-Paul Delahaye & Clément Vidal - 2019 - In G. Georgiev, C. L. F. Martinez, M. E. Price & J. M. Smart (eds.), Evolution, Development and Complexity: Multiscale Evolutionary Models of Complex Adaptive Systems. Springer. pp. 135-154.
    ABSTRACT: How can we think about a universal ethics that could be adopted by any intelligent being, including the rising population of cyborgs, intelligent machines, intelligent algorithms or even potential extraterrestrial life? We generally give value to complex structures, to objects resulting from a long work, to systems with many elements and with many links finely adjusted. These include living beings, books, works of art or scientific theories. Intuitively, we want to keep, multiply, and share such structures, as well as (...)
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  38. Getting things done: The science behind stress-free productivity.Francis Heylighen & Clément Vidal - 2007 - Cogprints.
    Allen (2001) proposed the “Getting Things Done” (GTD) method for personal productivity enhancement, and reduction of the stress caused by information overload. This paper argues that recent insights in psychology and cognitive science support and extend GTD’s recommendations. We first summarize GTD with the help of a flowchart. We then review the theories of situated, embodied and distributed cognition that purport to explain how the brain processes information and plans actions in the real world. The conclusion is that the brain (...)
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  39. .Jérôme France & Jocelyne Nelis-Clément - unknown
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  40. Différence sexuelle, différence idéologique : Lectures à contretemps (Derrida lisant Marx et Althusser, dans les années 1970 et au-delà).Thomas Clément Mercier - 2020 - Décalages 2 (3):1-51.
    Cet essai présente une description de plusieurs travaux inédits de Jacques Derrida au sujet de Marx et d'Althusser datant des années 1960 et 1970. Au-delà du travail philologique, il s'agit aussi d'une étude théorique de notions telles que 'idéologie', 'fétichisme', 'reproduction', 'division du travail', 'différence sexuelle', 'domination', 'économie politique', 'matérialisme dialectique', ou 'production culturelle' — tout autant à travers les textes marxistes que dans les lectures déconstructives qu'en propose alors Derrida. Durant les années 1970, dans le cadre de son séminaire, (...)
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    Old and new matters.Thomas Clément Mercier - 2021 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 4 (2):1-18.
    This article constitutes a substantial introduction to the thematic issue “Matters.” After introducing briefly the scattered constellation described by some as “new materialism” or “the material turn,” as well as its main concepts and methods, I offer a deconstructive reflection on “the turn” by challenging a series of theoretical gestures meant to coalesce the turn to materiality in contemporary continental philosophy—starting with the exclusion of the much maligned “linguistic turn” and the opposition to an “old” concept of matter presented as (...)
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    Des hypothèses, des tests et des données : les noms événementiels en corpus.Delphine Beauseroy, Evelyne Jacquey & Marie-Laurence Knittel - 2011 - Corpus 10:219-238.
    Cet article présente une étude sur corpus de patrons morpho-syntaxiques associés à des hypothèses interprétatives sur les noms déverbaux événementiels. Il confronte notamment certaines propositions de Grimshaw (1990) avec des usages attestés repérés en corpus et suggère de nouvelles hypothèses descriptives. L'extraction des usages attestés est réalisée à l'aide du concordancier ' Corpus Workbench ' sur 3 années du quotidien régional ' L'Est Républicain ' telles que mises.
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  43. .Pascal Payen & Évelyne Scheid-Tissinier - unknown
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    Editorial: Neuromanagement and Neuromarketing.Vincenzo Russo, Qingguo Ma, Jesper Clement, Jia Jin, Tao Liu & Margherita Zito - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
  45. Political philosophy of Blessed Cardinal Bellarmine.John Clement Rager - 1926 - Washington, D.C.,: Catholic university of America.
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    Knowledge and attitudes to personal genomics testing for complex diseases among Nigerians.Lawrence Fagbemiro & Clement Adebamowo - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):34.
    The study examined the knowledge and attitudes to personal genomics testing for complex diseases among Nigerians and identified how the knowledge and attitudes vary with gender, age, religion, education and related factors.
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    Factors contributing to the promotion of moral competence in nursing.Johanna Wiisak, Minna Stolt, Michael Igoumenidis, Stefania Chiappinotto, Chris Gastmans, Brian Keogh, Evelyne Mertens, Alvisa Palese, Evridiki Papastavrou, Catherine Mc Cabe, Riitta Suhonen & on Behalf of the Promocon Consortium - 2024 - Nursing Ethics 31 (8):1367-1388.
    Ethics is a foundational competency in healthcare inherent in everyday nursing practice. Therefore, the promotion of qualified nurses’ and nursing students’ moral competence is essential to ensure ethically high-quality and sustainable healthcare. The aim of this integrative literature review is to identify the factors contributing to the promotion of qualified nurses’ and nursing students’ moral competence. The review has been registered in PROSPERO (CRD42023386947) and reported according to the PRISMA guideline. Focusing on qualified nurses’ and nursing students’ moral competence, a (...)
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    Le concept de vulnérabilité et l’inclusion politique des personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle.Bernard Gagnon & Olivier Clément-Sainte-Marie - 2019 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 13 (3):192-206.
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  49. Resisting the Present: Biopower in the Face of the Event (Some Notes on Monstrous Lives).Thomas Clément Mercier - 2019 - CR: The New Centennial Review 19 (3):99-128.
    In its hegemonic definition, biopolitical governmentality is characterised by a seemingly infinite capacity of expansion, susceptible to colonise the landscape and timescape of the living present in the name of capitalistic productivity. The main trait of biopower is its normative, legal and political plasticity, allowing it to reappropriate critiques and resistances by appealing to bioethical efficacy and biological accuracy. Under these circumstances, how can we invent rebellious forms-of-life and alternative temporalities escaping biopolitical normativity? In this essay, I interrogate the theoretical (...)
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    Aufidienus Rufus, Castris Praefectus.G. Clement Whittick - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (3-4):209-210.
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