Results for 'Eve Howell'

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  1.  20
    How Agencies Market Egg Donation on the Internet: A Qualitative Study.Jason Keehn, Eve Howell, Mark V. Sauer & Robert Klitzman - 2015 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 43 (3):610-618.
    We systematically examined the content of the websites of 46 agencies that buy and sell human eggs to understand how they market themselves to both donors and recipients. We found that these websites use marketing techniques that obscure the realities of egg donation, presenting egg donation as a mutually beneficial and fulfilling experience. Sites emphasize egg donors' emotional fulfillment and address recipients' anxieties by stressing the ability to find the perfect “fit” or “match”, suiting recipients’“preferences”/“desires”, and even designing/customizing a child. (...)
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    Freedom and the subject of theory: essays in honour of Christina Howells.Christina Howells, Oliver Davis & Colin Davis (eds.) - 2019 - Cambridge: Legenda, Modern Humanities Research Association.
    Freedom and the subject in Jean-Paul Sartre -- Freedom and necessity in Jacques Derrida -- Freedom and the subject in contemporary philosophy and theory -- Theorizing pathologies and therapeutics of freedom.
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    Bruno Latour’s Science Is Politics By Other Means: Between Politics and Ontology.Eve Seguin & Laurent-Olivier Lord - 2023 - Perspectives on Science 31 (1):9-39.
    Abstract“Science Is Politics By Other Means” (SIPBOM) was coined in The Pasteurization of France, Latour’s 1984 empirical study of the birth of microbiology. Yet, it encapsulates an outstanding political theory of science that Latour has never formalized and that has remained unnoticed to this day. The theory is comprised of two dimensions. The first one is the ontological labor performed by science, that is, the laboratory production of new nonhumans. The second one is the ability of science to devise and (...)
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  4. Google Morals, Virtue, and the Asymmetry of Deference.Robert J. Howell - 2012 - Noûs 48 (3):389-415.
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    Consciousness and the Limits of Objectivity: The Case for Subjective Physicalism.Robert J. Howell - 2013 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Robert J. Howell offers a new account of the relationship between conscious experience and the physical world, based on a neo-Cartesian notion of the physical and careful consideration of three anti-materialist arguments. His theory of subjective physicalism reconciles the data of consciousness with the advantages of a monistic, physical ontology.
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  6. Self-knowledge and self-reference.Robert J. Howell - 2006 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 72 (1):44-70.
    Self-Knowledge and Self-Reference is a defense and reconciliation of the two apparently conflicting theses that the self is peculiarly elusive and that our basic, cogito-judgments are certain. On the one hand, Descartes seems to be correct that nothing is more certain than basic statements of self-knowledge, such as "I am thinking." On the other hand, there is the compelling Humean observation that when we introspect, nothing is found except for various "impressions." The problem, then, is that the Humean and Cartesian (...)
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  7. From etymology to pragmatics: metaphorical and cultural aspects of semantic structure.Eve Sweetser - 1990 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a new approach to the analysis of the multiple meanings of English modals, conjunctions, conditionals, and perception verbs. Although such ambiguities cannot easily be accounted for by feature-analyses of word meaning, Eve Sweetser's argument shows that they can be analyzed both readily and systematically. Meaning relationships in general cannot be understood independently of human cognitive structure, including the metaphorical and cultural aspects of that structure. Sweetser shows that both lexical polysemy and pragmatic ambiguity are shaped by our (...)
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    Introduction: Science Is Politics By Other Means Revisited.Eve Seguin & Dominique Vinck - 2023 - Perspectives on Science 31 (1):1-8.
    In the past forty years, Bruno Latour’s claim that Science Is Politics By Other Means (SIPBOM) has been the underlying creed of Science and Technology Studies (STS), most of us simply taking it for granted. In contrast, this special issue is predicated on the observation of an enduring lack of exegesis of this catchphrase so remarkable that is has caused an outcry among natural scientists, echoed in some social science quarters. If SIPBOM has been a resource for decades, by turning (...)
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  9. Phenomenally Mine: In Search of the Subjective Character of Consciousness.Robert J. Howell & Brad Thompson - 2017 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 8 (1):103-127.
    It’s a familiar fact that there is something it is like to see red, eat chocolate or feel pain. More recently philosophers have insisted that in addition to this objectual phenomenology there is something it is like for me to eat chocolate, and this for-me-ness is no less there than the chocolatishness. Recognizing this subjective feature of consciousness helps shape certain theories of consciousness, introspection and the self. Though it does this heavy philosophical work, and it is supposed to be (...)
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  10. Ten years of medical humanities: a decade in the life of a journal and a discipline.Howell Martyn Evans & David Alan Greaves - 2010 - Medical Humanities 36 (2):66-68.
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    An introduction to the philosophy of methodology.Kerry E. Howell - 2013 - Los Angeles: SAGE.
    This book provides students with a concise introduction to the philosophy of methodology. The book stands apart from existing methodology texts by clarifying in a student-friendly and engaging way distinctions between philosophical positions, paradigms of inquiry, methodology and methods. Building an understanding of the relationships and distinctions between philosophical positions and paradigms is an essential part of the research process and integral to deploying the methodology and methods best suited for a research project, thesis or dissertation.
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  12. Epistemic Paternalism via Conceptual Engineering.Eve Kitsik - 2023 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 9 (4):616-635.
    This essay focuses on conceptual engineers who aim to improve other people's patterns of inference and attention by shaping their concepts. Such conceptual engineers sometimes engage in a form of epistemic paternalism that I call paternalistic cognitive engineering: instead of explicitly persuading, informing and educating others, the engineers non-consultatively rely on assumptions about the target agents’ cognitive systems to improve their belief forming. The target agents could reasonably regard such benevolent exercises of control as violating their sovereignty over their own (...)
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  13. The knowledge argument and objectivity.Robert J. Howell - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 135 (2):145-177.
    In this paper I argue that Frank Jackson.
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  14.  29
    A Common Neoliberal Trajectory: The Transformation of Industrial Relations in Advanced Capitalism.Chris Howell & Lucio Baccaro - 2011 - Politics and Society 39 (4):521-563.
    Based on quantitative indicators for fifteen advanced countries between 1974 and 2005, and case studies of France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Sweden, and Ireland, this article analyzes the trajectory of institutional change in the industrial relations systems of advanced capitalist societies, with a focus on Western Europe. In contrast to current comparative political economy scholarship, which emphasizes the resilience of national institutions to common challenges and trends, it argues that despite a surface resilience of distinct national sets, all countries (...)
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  15. In defence of unconditional forgiveness.Eve Garrard & David McNaughton - 2003 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 103 (1):39–60.
    In this paper, the principal objections to unconditional forgiveness are canvassed, primarily that it fails to take wrongdoing seriously enough, and that it displays a lack of self-respect. It is argued that these objections stem from a mistaken understanding of what forgiveness actually involves, including the erroneous view that forgiveness involves some degree of condoning of the offence, and is incompatible with blaming the offender or punishing him. Two positive reasons for endorsing unconditional forgiveness are considered: respect for persons and (...)
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  16.  24
    Scientific data, ecological conversion and transformative affect.Nancy Howell - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (3).
    Scientific data supporting rational arguments for human-made causes of climate and environmental changes might be persuasive in some contexts. Law, policy, activism and The Earth Charter similarly appear insufficient to change attitudes and behaviours. Even biblical and theological arguments fail to move some Christians beyond apathy and climate denial. Decades of ecological theology and calls for ecological conversion suggest that appeals to reason and facts are limited without an affective epistemology that join knowledge and experience to produce worldview transformation through (...)
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    Darwin und die Bioethik: Eve-Marie Engels zum 60. Geburtstag.Eve-Marie Engels, László Kovács, Jens Clausen & Thomas Potthast (eds.) - 2011 - Freiburg: K. Alber.
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  18. Emergentism and supervenience physicalism.Robert J. Howell - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87 (1):83 – 98.
    A purely metaphysical formulation of physicalism is surprisingly elusive. One popular slogan is, 'There is nothing over and above the physical'. Problems with this arise on two fronts. First, it is difficult to explain what makes a property 'physical' without appealing to the methodology of physics or to particular ways in which properties are known. This obviously introduces epistemic features into the core of a metaphysical issue. Second, it is difficult to cash out 'over-and-aboveness' in a way that is rigorous, (...)
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    Stiegler and Technics.Christina Howells & Gerald Moore (eds.) - 2013 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    These 17 essays covers all aspects of Bernard Stiegler's work, from poststructuralism, anthropology and psychoanalysis to his work on the politics of memory, 'libidinal economy', technoscience and aesthetics, keeping a focus on his key theory of technics throughout.
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    Kant’s Transcendental Deduction: An Analysis of Main Themes in His Critical Philosophy.R. C. Howell & Robert A. Howell - 1992 - Springer Verlag.
    The argument of the Transcendental Deduction of the Categories in the Critique of Pure Reason is the deepest and most far-reaching in philosophy. In his new book, Robert Howell interprets main themes of the Deduction using ideas from contemporary philosophy and intensional logic, thereby providing a keener grasp of Kant's many subtleties than has hitherto been available. No other work pursues Kant's argument through every twist and turn with the careful, logically detailed attention maintained here. Surprising new accounts of (...)
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  21. Should ethics be taught? Ethics in the secular university.Robert J. Howell - 2020 - In C. R. Crespo & Rita Kirk, Ethics at the heart of higher education. Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
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    Introduction.Anna Kostikova Robert Howell - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (1-2):4-9.
    This article introduces the papers from two video conferences recently held between philosophers at Moscow State University and the University at Albany, State University of New York. The overarching theme is philosophical progress in the past fifty years, but the conferences were designed also to illustrate the range of work now being done by American analytic philosophers and by Russian thinkers. The Albany essays focus on philosophy of science, philosophical logic, Kantian studies, applied ethics, and ethical and political theory. The (...)
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    Introductory Note.Anna Kostikova Robert Howell - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (1-2):1-1.
    This article introduces the papers from two video conferences recently held between philosophers at Moscow State University and the University at Albany, State University of New York. The overarching theme is philosophical progress in the past fifty years, but the conferences were designed also to illustrate the range of work now being done by American analytic philosophers and by Russian thinkers. The Albany essays focus on philosophy of science, philosophical logic, Kantian studies, applied ethics, and ethical and political theory. The (...)
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  24.  37
    Ethical leadership begets ethical leadership: exploring situational moderators of the trickle-down effect.Damian F. O’Keefe, Glen T. Howell & Erinn C. Squires - 2020 - Ethics and Behavior 30 (8):581-600.
    Significant research attention has been devoted to understanding the ethical behavior of leaders (i.e., the moral person) and how leaders’ expectations influence their followers’ ethical behavior (...
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  25.  12
    8. ‘Le Défaut d’origine’: The Prosthetic Constitution of Love and Desire.Christina Howells - 2013 - In Christina Howells & Gerald Moore, Stiegler and Technics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. pp. 137-150.
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    Hume, shaftesbury, and the Peirce-James controversy.Edmund G. Howells - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (4):449.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume, Shaftesbury, and the Peirce-James Controversy EDMUND G. HOWELLS I. ACCORDING TO HUME, the "religious hypothesis" is "a particular method of accounting for the visible phenomena of the universe''1 that is "mere conjecture and hypothesis," (Enquiry, 145) and "both uncertain and useless" (Enquiry, 142). But there was one version of this hypothesis that seemed to pose particular difficulties for him in making these claims convincing. This was Shaftesbury 's (...)
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    The logical structure of pictorial representation.Robert Howell - 1974 - Theoria 40 (2):76-109.
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    Necessary but Insufficient.Whitney Howell - 2020 - Symposium 24 (2):168-190.
    In Phenomenology of Perception, Merleau-Ponty presents an account of an “anonymous” body that informs perception and habit and that exerts a normative force in shaping more personal aspects of who we are. This paper demonstrates the relevance of Merleau-Ponty’s account of anonymity to interpersonal experience. I argue that although anonymity is a necessary condition of interpersonal life, it inhibits our recognition of our own and others’ freedom. I draw on Derrida’s analysis of justice in “Force of Law” to propose that (...)
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    Environments Past: Nostalgia in Environmental Policy and Governance.Jordan P. Howell, Jennifer Kitson & David Clowney - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (3):305-323.
    A variety of factors shape environmental policy and governance (EPG) processes, from perceptions of physical ecology and profit motives to social justice and concerns with landscape aesthetics. Many scholars have examined the role of values in EPG, and demonstrated that attempts to incorporate (especially) non-market values into EPG are loaded with both practical and conceptual challenges. Nevertheless, it is clear that non-market values of all types play a crucial role in shaping EPG outcomes. In this article we explore the role (...)
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  30.  97
    Extended Virtues and the Boundaries of Persons.Robert J. Howell - 2016 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 2 (1):146--163.
  31. Sensations, swatches, and speckled hens.Jeremy Fantl & Robert J. Howell - 2003 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 84 (4):371-383.
    We argue that there is a interesting connection between the old problem of the Speckled Hen and an argument that can be traced from Russell to Armstrong to Putnam that we call the “gradation argument.” Both arguments have been used to show that there is no “Highest Common Factor” between appearances we judge the same – no such thing as “real” sensations. But, we argue, both only impugn the assumption of epistemic certainty regarding introspective reports.
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    Review essay.Robert Howell - 1996 - Synthese 109 (3):413-434.
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    Jean-Luc Nancy and La Peau des images: Truth is Skin-deep.Christina Howells - 2018 - Body and Society 24 (1-2):166-174.
    This article considers Jean-Luc Nancy’s reflections on the nude in painting and photography in the light of his aesthetics, his philosophy of the body and soul, and some of his other writings on portraiture. It explores Nancy’s insistence on skin as the truth behind and beyond which no further meaning waits to be revealed: there are no hidden depths, no secret or sacred truths, nothing is concealed beneath the skin.
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    Mathematics Through the Eyes of Faith.Russell W. Howell - 2011 - Harperone. Edited by James Bradley.
    Mathematics from a Christian perspective With respect for the history and ever-changing applications of mathematical principles, James Bradley and Russell Howell, along with a team of fellow scholars, invite readers to consider the rich intersection of mathematics and Christian belief. Citizens of the twenty-first century generally believe that mathematics is all about numbers and formulas, with no religious significance— an attitude that belies the faith-based work of thinkers from Plato to Newton. It is time to reawaken our sensitivity to (...)
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    Reflecting on Pre-Reflective Self-Consciousness.Robert J. Howell - 2019 - ProtoSociology 36:157-185.
    Most philosophers in the phenomenological tradition hold that in addition to the explicit self-consciousness we might get in reflection, there is also a pre-reflective self-consciousness. Despite its popularity, it can be a little difficult to get a grasp on this notion. It can seem impossibly thin—such that it really amounts to little more than a restatement of the notion of consciousness—or problematically robust—such that it seems to conflict with the apparent transparency of consciousness. This paper argues for a notion of (...)
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    Non-linguistic strategies and the acquisition of word meanings.Eve V. Clark - 1973 - Cognition 2 (2):161-182.
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  37.  86
    The Cambridge Companion to Sartre.Christina Howells (ed.) - 1992 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    This is one of the most comprehensive and up-to-date surveys of the philosophy of Sartre, by some of the foremost interpreters in the United States and Europe. The essays are both expository and original, and cover Sartre's writings on ontology, phenomenology, psychology, ethics, and aesthetics, as well as his work on history, commitment, and progress; a final section considers Sartre's relationship to structuralism and deconstruction. Providing a balanced view of Sartre's philosophy and situating it in relation to contemporary trends in (...)
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  38.  16
    The Transformation of French Industrial Relations: Labor Representation and the State in a Post-Dirigiste Era.Chris Howell - 2009 - Politics and Society 37 (2):229-256.
    Despite continued social protest, something quite fundamental has changed in the regulation of class relations in France. This article explores two paradoxes of this transformation. First, a dense network of institutions of social dialogue and worker representation has become implanted in French firms at the same time as trade union strength has declined. Second, the transformation has involved a relaxation of centralized labor market regulation on the part of the state, yet the French state remains a central actor in the (...)
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  39. FabriCity-XR: A Phygital Lattice Structure Mapping Spatial Justice – Integrated Design to AR-Enabled Assembly Workflow.Sina Mostafavi, Asma Mehan, Cole Howell, Edgar Montejano & Jessica Stuckemeyer - 2024 - In Germane Barnes & Blair Satterfield, 112th ACSA Annual Meeting Proceedings, Disruptors on the Edge. Vancouver, Canada: ACSA Press. pp. 180-187.
    The research discussed in this paper centers around the convergence of extended reality (XR) platforms, computational design, digital fabrication, and critical urban study practices. Its aim is to cultivate interdisciplinary and multiscalar approaches within these domains. The research endeavor represents a collaborative effort between two primary disciplines: critical urban studies, which prioritize socio-environmental justice, and integrated digital design to production, which emphasize the realization of volumetric or voxel-based structural systems. Moreover, the exploration encompasses augmented reality to assess its utilization in (...)
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  40. Epistemic Environmentalism and Autonomy: The Case of Conceptual Engineering.Eve Kitsik - forthcoming - Canadian Journal of Philosophy:1-15.
    I will clarify when and how a tension arises between epistemic environmentalism (a new focus on assessing and improving the epistemic environment) and respect for epistemic autonomy (allowing, empowering, and requiring people to each govern their own beliefs). Using the example of participatory conceptual engineering (improving the linguistic environment through rational discussion with broad participation), I will also identify an option for avoiding the tension—namely, participatory environmentalism. This means a new focus on how people can each contribute to improving the (...)
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    A place for the animal dead: Pets, pet cemeteries and animal ethics in late Victorian Britain.Philip Howell - 2002 - Ethics, Place and Environment 5 (1):5 – 22.
    The recent 'animal turn' in geography has contributed to a critical examination of the inseparable geographies of human and non-human animals, and has a clear ethical dimension. This paper is intended to explore these same ethical issues through a consideration of the historical geography of petkeeping as this relates to the death and commemoration of favourite household animals. The emergence of the pet cemetery, towards the end of the 19th century, is a significant step in itself, but this was only (...)
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  42. Evil as an Explanatory Concept.Eve Garrard - 2002 - The Monist 85 (2):320-336.
    On the day on which Dr Harold Shipman, the Manchester serial killer, was convicted, there was wall-to-wall coverage of it in the media. During the course of one of the many reports, the daughter of one of his victims was interviewed, and asked for her views on why Shipman had acted as he did. What she said was this: she’d tried and tried to understand or explain his deeds, and she could only come to the conclusion that he was a (...)
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    Conceptual perspective and lexical choice in acquisition.Eve V. Clark - 1997 - Cognition 64 (1):1-37.
  44.  50
    A Dialogue on Love.Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick - 1998 - Critical Inquiry 24 (2):611-631.
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    chapter 4. The Death Penalty and Its Exceptions.Christina Howells - 2018 - In Kelly Oliver & Stephanie M. Straub, Deconstructing the Death Penalty: Derrida's Seminars and the New Abolitionism. Fordham University Press. pp. 87-98.
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    Increasing Earnings Inequality and Unemployment in Developed Countries: Markets, Institutions, and the “Unified Theory”.David R. Howell - 2002 - Politics and Society 30 (2):193-243.
    It is widely accepted that global forces of technology and trade have caused a profound shift in labor demand toward the most highly skilled, generating sharply rising earnings inequality in flexible labor markets and persistently high unemployment in rigid labor markets. This article critically assesses the evidence for this “Unified Theory.” It finds little compelling empirical support for either the skill-biased demand-shift explanation for high U.S. earnings inequality or the rigid labor markets explanation for high unemployment in Europe. This assessment (...)
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    Is Insider Control Good for Environmental Performance? Evidence From Dual-Class Firms.Jason Howell, Tricia D. Olsen & Paul Seaborn - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (4):716-748.
    Corporate environmental performance has become a key focus of business leaders, policy makers, and scholars alike. Today, scholarship on environmental practice increasingly highlights how various aspects of corporate governance can influence environmental performance. However, the prior literature is inconclusive as to whether ownership by insiders (officers and directors) will have positive or negative environmental effects and whether insider voting control or equity control is more salient to environmental outcomes. This article leverages a unique empirical data set of dual-class firms, where (...)
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    Explorations in Feminist Ethics: Theory and Practice.Eve Browning Cole & Susan Coultrap-McQuin (eds.) - 1992 - Indiana University Press.
    "These essays advance a reinterpretation of pivotal categories such as self-knowing, moral agency, and altruism.
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  49. The nature of evil.Eve Garrard - 1998 - Philosophical Explorations 1 (1):43 – 60.
    We readily claim that great moral catastrophes such as the Holocaust involve evil in some way, although it' not clear what this amounts to in a secular context. This paper seeks to provide a secular account of what evil is. It examines what is intuitively the most plausible account, namely that the evil act involves the production of great suffering (or other disvalue), and argues that such outcomes are neither necessary nor sufficient for an act to be evil. Only an (...)
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  50. Forgiveness.Eve Garrard & David McNaughton - 2010 - Routledge.
    Forgiveness usually gets a very good press in our culture: we are deluged with self-help books and television shows all delivering the same message, that forgiveness is good for everyone, and is always the right thing to do. But those who have suffered seriously at the hands of others often and rightly feel that this boosterism about forgiveness is glib and facile. Perhaps forgiveness is not always desirable, especially where the wrongdoing is terrible or the wrongdoer unrepentant. In this book, (...)
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