Results for 'Eva Szobiová'

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  1.  10
    Some Psychological Factors of Creative Development in Family Constellation: Intelligence and Personality Traitsof Artistically – Technically Gifted Adolescents.Eva Szobiová - 2012 - Creative and Knowledge Society 2 (2):70-89.
    Purpose of the articleThe presented study introduces the psychological factors which influence the creative development of young people in their families, especially from psychological position - acquired of birh of order - point of view. The study presents basic theoretical theses of birth orders´concept, as A. Adler and his followers introduced into psychological literature; it also brings information from empirical researches about the groups of five positions´ birth order: first-born, send-born, middle-born, youngest and parents´only children in relation to their psychological (...)
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    Introduction.Eva-Maria Simms & Beata Stawarska - 2013 - Janus Head 13 (1):6-16.
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    Reasons, attenuators, and virtue: A novel account of pragmatic encroachment.Eva Schmidt - 2023 - Analytic Philosophy:1-22.
    In this paper, I explicate pragmatic encroachment by appealing to pragmatic considerations attenuating, or weakening, epistemic reasons to believe. I call this the ‘Attenuators View’. I will show that this proposal is better than spelling out pragmatic encroachment in terms of reasons against believing – what I call the ‘Reasons View’. While both views do equally well when it comes to providing a plausible mechanism of how pragmatic encroachment works, the Attenuators View does a better job distinguishing practical and epistemic (...)
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    Must Managers Leave Ethics at Home? Economics and Moral Anomie in Business Organisations.Richard J. McKenna & Eva E. Tsahuridu - 2001 - Philosophy of Management 1 (3):67-76.
    Why is it that some business managers appear to behave differently in private and at work? How, if at all, are the decisions managers make affected by the nature of their organisations? What impact do organisational values have on the moral autonomy of managers? A research project into these questions is now under way in three disparate Australian business firms and this paper sets out the premise underlying it. For purposes of research the general premise is that the moral character (...)
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  5. Religious Liberty and the Alleged Afterlife.Richard Eva - 2021 - Southwest Philosophy Review 37 (1):179-185.
    It is common for religiously motivated actions to be specially protected by law. Many legal theorists have asked why: what makes religion special? What makes it worthy of toleration over and above other non-religious deeply held convictions? The answer I put forward is that religions’ alleged afterlife consequences call for a principle of toleration that warrants special legal treatment. Under a Rawlsian principle of toleration, it is reasonable for those in the original position to opt for principles of justice that (...)
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    Replies to critics.Eva Schmidt - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1-16.
    In these replies, I react to comments on my paper “Facts about Incoherence as Non-Evidential Epistemic Reasons”, provided by Aleks Knoks, Sebastian Schmidt, Keshav Singh, and Conor McHugh. I discuss potential counterexamples to my claim that the fact that the subject’s doxastic attitudes are incoherent is an epistemic reason for her to suspend; whether such incoherence-based reasons bear on individual attitudes or only on combinations of attitudes; the prospects of restricting evidentialism about epistemic reasons to reasons to believe; whether incoherence-based (...)
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    Percentages and reasons: AI explainability and ultimate human responsibility within the medical field.Eva Winkler, Andreas Wabro & Markus Herrmann - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (2):1-10.
    With regard to current debates on the ethical implementation of AI, especially two demands are linked: the call for explainability and for ultimate human responsibility. In the medical field, both are condensed into the role of one person: It is the physician to whom AI output should be explainable and who should thus bear ultimate responsibility for diagnostic or treatment decisions that are based on such AI output. In this article, we argue that a black box AI indeed creates a (...)
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    Comment on Hollan’s “Emerging Issues in the Cross-Cultural Study of Empathy”.Eva-Maria Düringer & Sabine A. Döring - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (1):79-80.
    In this comment we take up two points made by Douglas Hollan in his article “Emerging Issues in the Cross-Cultural Study of Empathy,” and discuss their possible philosophical implications. Hollan‘s concept of complex empathy may give rise to the idea that we can learn about other people’s beliefs via empathy, which is something we do not believe is possible. Furthermore, Hollan’s description of possible negative effects of empathy, such as manipulations of a person on the basis of knowledge about their (...)
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  9.  63
    Chancy Covariance and The Mind-Body Problem.Benjamin Eva - 2022 - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Mind 2:177-216.
    Most agree that mental properties depend in some way on physical properties. While phys- icalists describe this dependence in terms of deterministic synchronic relations like identity or supervenience, some dualists prefer to think of it in terms of indeterministic dynamic relations, like causation. I’m going to develop a third conception of the dependence of the mental on the physical that falls somewhere between the deterministic synchronic dependence relations of the physicalist and the indeterministic diachronic dependence relations advocated by some dualists. (...)
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  10.  51
    The Moral Virtue of Being Understanding.Eva-Maria Düringer - 2021 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 24 (4):917-932.
    Being understanding is a moral virtue. But what exactly is it that an understanding person does excellently? And what exactly makes it a moral virtue, rather than an intellectual one? Stephen Grimm suggests that an understanding person judges other people’s moral failings accurately without being too permissive or too judgemental. I argue against this view and develop an alternative one. First I demonstrate that judging other people’s failures accurately is neither necessary nor sufficient for being understanding and that Grimm leaves (...)
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  11.  40
    Unexplained cooperation.Eva Jaffro & Cédric Paternotte - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-21.
    Social evolution theory provides a wide array of successful evolutionary explanations for cooperative traits. However and surprisingly, a number of cases of unexplained cooperative behaviour remain. Shouldn’t they cast doubt on the relevance of the theory, or even disconfirm it? This depends on whether the theory is akin to a research programme such as adaptationism, or closer to a theory – a set of compatible, confirmable hypotheses. In order to find out, we focus on the two main tenets of social (...)
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  12. India en Occidente. Seres malignos y paraisos perdidos.Eva Fernández del Campo - 2008 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 53:21-25.
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  13. Unravelling the human side of the board: the role of motivational and cognitive compatibility in board decision making.Michele Morner, Eva-Maria Renger & Reynaldo Valle Thiele - 2010 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 5 (4):323-342.
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    Centering Justice on Dependency and Recovering Freedom.Eva Feder Kittay - 2015 - Hypatia 30 (1):285-291.
  15.  31
    Children Philosophize: the Revival of an Ancient Greek Ideal.Mateusz Bonecki, Eva Marsal, Ewa Nowak & Barbara Weber - unknown
    Promoting philosophical and ethical education in schools requires academic education of teacher candidates who are able to apply professional methods. In schools, information pills in contrast to the academy, advice philosophy and ethics need to be taught in a practical and interactive way.?Learning-by-doing?, more about as distinguished from philosophy according to the?scholastic concept?. Philosophy according to the?universal concept? deals with questions generally asked not only by philosophers, but by all thinking people.
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    Chiasm and hyperdialectic: re-conceptualizing sensory deprivation in infancy.Eva-Maria Simms - 2017 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 16 (4):637-648.
    The literature on sensory processing disorders in institutionalized infants highlights the impact of early deprivation on infant perception. Through a Merleau-Pontian, hyperdialectic analysis of the extraordinary development of infant perception under circumstances of severe deprivation the intimate link between environmental affordances and perceptual systems becomes apparent. This paper offers an updated reading of Merleau-Ponty’s late work as a philosophy of systems and outlines some fertile philosophical concepts and methods developed by Merleau-Ponty in The visible and the Invisible. Merleau-Ponty’s concept of (...)
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  17. On the trail of bessarion: Notes for a research.Eva Del Soldato - 2010 - Rinascimento 50:321-342.
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    “You Can Kill Us with Dialogue:” Critical Perspectives on Wind Energy Development in a Nordic-Saami Green Colonial Context.Eva Maria Fjellheim - 2023 - Human Rights Review 24 (1):25-51.
    This article explores Southern Saami reindeer herders’ experiences and contestations over state consultation and corporate dialogue during a conflict over the Øyfjellet wind energy project in Norway. Informed by a committed research approach and juxtaposition with findings from Indigenous peoples' territorial struggles in Latin-America, the article provides critical perspectives on governance practices in a Nordic-Saami green colonial context. The research draws on ethnography from a consultation meeting between Jillen Njaarke, the impacted reindeer herding community, and state authorities, as well as (...)
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    Foucaultova kraljevska pot: med filozofijo, zgodovino in psihoanalizo.Eva Dolar Bahovec - 2023 - Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani.
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  20. The perils of terminology and the saviour sibling dilemma.Barbara Ann Hocking & Eva Ryrstedt - 2008 - In The Nexus of Law and Biology: New Ethical Challenges. Ashgate Pub. Company.
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  21. Der Tod Gottes als Apoptose oder Nekrose – Zur Konstitution höherer Immunsysteme.Jens Lemanski & Eva Siepmann - 2010 - Internationale Zeitschrift Für Philosophie Und Psychosomatik 2.
    Das folgende Essay erläutert, warum der Tod Gottes sowohl in einem konsequent theistischen System als auch bei atheistischen Denkern unausweichlich ist. Zur Beantwortung der Frage, wie Gott gestorben ist, werden hauptsächlich Autoren wie Friedrich W. Schelling , Friedrich Nietzsche und Peter Sloterdijk herangezogen. Da die Rede vom Tod Gottes den Verdacht erweckt, metaphorisch zu sein, werden wir mit Apoptose und Nekrose auch zwei unterschiedliche Metaphern anwenden, um den vorliegenden Sachverhalt zu beschreiben . Das letzte Kapitel fragt dann nach den Konsequenzen (...)
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    Die Vereinnahmung des Individuums im Universalismus: Vorstellungen von Allgemeinheit illustriert am Begriff der Menschenwürde und an Regelungen zur Abtreibung.Eva Baumann - 2001 - Münster: Lit.
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  23.  17
    Ceticismo moral e paradoxo: Guy de Brués contra os “Novos Acadêmicos”.Luiz A. A. Eva - 2022 - Discurso 52 (2):24-46.
    O propósito deste artigo é o de examinar o ceticismo sobre a moral e as leis tal como abordado e respondido por Guy de Brués nos seus Diálogos contra os Novos Acadêmicos (1557). Proponho que, para uma apreciação adequada desse tema, é preciso distinguir dois níveis em que essa filosofia se apresenta na obra: aquele em que ela é exposta na fala dos personagens incumbidos de defendê-la (sustentando diferentes versões da tese de que “tudo é opinião”) e aquele que é (...)
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  24. Estetika Františka Palackého.Eva Foglarová - 1984 - Praha: Univerzita Karlova.
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  25. Kurt Gödels mathematische Anschauung und John P. Burgess’ mathematische Intuition.Eva-Maria Engelen - 2014 - XXIII Deutscher Kongress Für Philosophie Münster 2014, Konferenzveröffentlichung.
    John P. Burgess kritisiert Kurt Gödels Begriff der mathematischen oder rationalen Anschauung und erläutert, warum heuristische Intuition dasselbe leistet wie rationale Anschauung, aber ganz ohne ontologisch überflüssige Vorannahmen auskommt. Laut Burgess müsste Gödel einen Unterschied zwischen rationaler Anschauung und so etwas wie mathematischer Ahnung, aufzeigen können, die auf unbewusster Induktion oder Analogie beruht und eine heuristische Funktion bei der Rechtfertigung mathematischer Aussagen einnimmt. Nur, wozu benötigen wir eine solche Annahme? Reicht es nicht, wenn die mathematische Intuition als Heuristik funktioniert? Für (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Sobre o argumento cartesiano do sonho e o ceticismo moderno.L. Eva - 2001 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 27 (2):199-226.
    Neste artigo, propomos uma leitura do argumento cartesiano do sonho segundo a qual ele deveria ser analisado como um entimema, isto é, como um argumento retórico portador de premissas elípticas. Mais precisamente, o princípio da dúvida hiperbólica, embora formulado no início das Meditações , desempenharia um papel crucial na inferência contida nesse argumento, que o leitor comum que Descartes teria em mente tende a desconsiderar. Tentamos mostrar que este ponto poderia nos propiciar não apenas uma melhor compreensão do papel do (...)
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  27. Di idealisti all'indice.Eva Del Soldato - 2008 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 28 (2):408.
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    La triade divina in Numenio di Apamea: un'anticipazione della teologia neoplatonica.Eva Di Stefano - 2010 - Catania: CUECM.
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    Information structure: with examples from Russian, English, and Dutch.Cornelia Eva Keijsper - 1985 - Amsterdam: Rodopi.
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  30. Altruism, well-being, and mental health in late life.Elizabeth Midlarsky & Eva Kahana - 2007 - In Stephen Garrard Post (ed.), Altruism and Health: Perspectives From Empirical Research. Oup Usa. pp. 56--69.
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  31. Simulación de sistemas analógicos para la solución de un grupo de problemas de optimización.Alejandro Medina Santiago, Eva Valdez Alemán & Beatriz García de Luna - 2006 - Episteme 2 (7).
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    Fiksat︠s︡ii︠a︡ i transli︠a︡t︠s︡ii︠a︡ individualʹnoĭ pami︠a︡ti sredstvami estestvennogo i︠a︡zyka: monografii︠a︡.I. V. Tivʹi︠a︡eva - 2018 - Moskva: Izdatelʹstvo "Nauka".
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    Moving from voluntary to mandatory sustainability reporting—Transparency in sustainable development goals (SDG) reporting: An analysis of Germany's largest MNCs.Eva Katharina Donner, Annekatrin Meißner & Suleika Bort - forthcoming - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
    A growing number of multinational companies (MNCs) report on their progress toward contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in their annual reports, yet the amount and quality of the information they disclose varies significantly. The aim of this study is twofold: First, we investigate how transparent MNCs report on their SDG engagement and second, we study how the reported SDG engagement changed over time due to major shifts in sustainability reporting requirements. Using a dataset of the largest German MNCs, (...)
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  34. The Argument from Animal and Infant Perception.Eva Schmidt - 2010 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 29 (2):97-110.
    I discuss an argument for non-conceptualism based on animal and infant per- ception. Crudely put, some animals and infants who possess no concepts nonetheless have perceptual states with non-conceptual content. Perceptual experiences of adult humans have the same kind of content as the experiences of animals and infants, so the content of the perceptual experiences of adult humans is also non-conceptual. I defend this argument against potential attacks from the conceptualist. I argue that there are indeed creatures which possess no (...)
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    The Psychology of Art.Eva Maria Neumeyer - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 9 (2):148-148.
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    ‘Visible’ compulsions: OCD and the politics of science in British clinical psychology, 1948–1975.Eva Surawy Stepney - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Science 57 (1):81-97.
    This article historicizes a single stage in how the contemporary obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) category was built. Starting from the position that the two central components which make up OCD are ‘obsessions’ and ‘compulsions’, it illustrates how these concepts were taken apart by a small group of clinical psychologists working at the Institute of Psychiatry and the Maudsley psychiatric hospital in south London in the early 1970s, and why compulsions were investigated whilst obsessions were ignored. The decision to distinguish the previously (...)
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  37. The Philosophy of Thomas Reid.M. Dalgarno & Eva Matthews (eds.) - 1989 - Reidel.
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  38. 'Feminism the Murderer of Mothers': The Rise and Fall of Neo-Nationalist Reconstruction of Gender in Hungary.Eva V. Huseby-Darvas - 1996 - In Brackette F. Williams (ed.), Women out of place: the gender of agency and the race of nationality. New York: Routledge. pp. 161--185.
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  39. Muzykalʹnyĭ portret.L. P. Kazant︠s︡eva - 1995 - Moskva: "Konservatorii︠a︡".
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    Film Denken =.Ludwig Nagl, Eva Waniek & Brigitte Mayr (eds.) - 2004 - Wien: Synema.
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    Religious Belief, Occurrent Thought, and Reasonable Disagreement: A Response to Tim Crane.Eva Schmidt - 2023 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 65 (4):438-446.
    This comment raises two worries for Crane’s view of religious beliefs and their contents. First, I argue that his appeal to inferentialism about the contents of dispositional beliefs cannot fully avoid the problem of inconsistent beliefs. For the same problem can be raised for occurrent thought, and the inferentialist solution is not available there. Second, I argue that religious beliefs differ from ordinary beliefs with respect to their justification in cases of peer disagreements. This suggests that noncognitivism about religious beliefs, (...)
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    K prameňom estetického myslenia na Slovensku.Eva Botťánková - 1995 - Bratislava: Veda, vydavatel̕stvo Slovenskej akadémie vied.
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  43. Heureka: Evidenzkriterien in den Wissenschaften. Ein Kompendium für den interdisziplinären Gerauch.Eva-Maria Engelen, Christian Fleischhack, C. Giovanni Galizia & Katharina Landfester (eds.) - 2010 - Spektrum Springer.
    Wie werden in einzelnen Disziplinen Heureka-Effekte hervorgerufen? Wann leuchtet Wissenschaftlern in einem Fach ein Argument, ein Gedanke ein, wie werden sie davon überzeugt. Was sind die disziplinären Standards und wie sieht die Praxis im akademischen Alltag dazu aus? 15 Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus den Natur-, Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften geben hierauf ihre Antworten in diesem Buch in einer Weise, dass alle, die das wissen wollen, sie auch verstehen.
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  44. Wer verdient respekt?: Deutsche Kinder philosophieren in dialogen und zeichnungen über den begriff „respekt“.Eva Marsal & Takara Dobashi - 2013 - Childhood and Philosophy 9 (17):129-151.
    In unserem Beitrag möchten wir zunächst auf die kategoriale Einordnung des philosophischen Begriffs “Respekt” eingehen und danach zeigen, wie Kinder in der philosophischen Community of Inquiry mit Problemen umgehen, die mit dem Begriffsfeld „Respekt“ verbunden sind. Aus dem breiten Angebot der dabei entwickelten Kategorie möchten wir auf der einen Seite die Kategorie „eine epistemische und moralische Tugend“ herausgreifen und auf der anderen Seite die Kategorie „ein Gefühl“ und zeigen, dass der philosophische Begriff “Respekt” als „Respekt vor jemand oder etwas“, sich (...)
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    Hartmut Buchner, Heidegger tra Oriente e Occidente. Il destino planetario della tecnica con scritti di Martin Heidegger. A cura di Andrea Cudin.Eva Kocziszky - 2012 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 119 (2):425-427.
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    Beauty and the State: Female Bodies as State Apparatus and Recent Beauty Discourses in China.Eva Kit Wah Man - 2013 - In Peg Brand Weiser (ed.), Beauty Unlimited. Indiana University Press. pp. 368-384.
    The global economy has an impact on female beauty today, regardless of the multicultural and historical factors in its formation and construction, resulting in monolithic crazes in women's fashion and appearance. but female beauty in china has been greatly contested with China's turbulent modern history, and this contestation deserves serious consideration, together with the politics by which the Chinese state apparatus has promoted and regulated female beauty. I argue that certain factors have been constant in contemporary discourses of female beauty. (...)
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    „Liberale Eugenik“ mit John Rawls?Eva Odzuck - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 8 (2):175-208.
    Durch die Entdeckung und das vertiefte Verständnis der sogenannten „Genscheren“ CRISPR/Cas9 rücken Eingriffe in das Genom zukünftiger Menschen in greifbare Nähe und erfordern mit neuer Dringlichkeit die Beantwortung einer fundamentalen politiktheoretischen Frage: Können Eingriffe in die genetische Ausstattung zukünftiger Menschen im Namen der Gerechtigkeit erlaubt oder gar geboten sein? Rawls’sche Theorieelemente haben in der Debatte um Keimbahneingriffe – trotz Rawls’ vergleichsweise spärlicher eigener Bemerkungen zu eugenischen Fragen – erstaunliche Prominenz entfaltet. Unter Rekurs auf die Rawls’sche Theorie der Grundgüter wird in (...)
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    Comentário a “Sobre o status metafísico das cores”: sobre o projeto de uma metafísica cética sobre as cores.Luiz A. A. Eva - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (spe1):501-510.
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    Chelovek v perspektive setevoĭ paradigmy: opyt sinergeticheskogo podkhoda.Elena I︠A︡roslavt︠s︡eva - 2007 - Moskva: Dinter.
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    Fenomenologicheskai︠a︡ kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii︠a︡ Gustava Shpeta.E. A. Schastlivt︠s︡eva - 2006 - Sankt-Peterburg: "Info-da".
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