Results for 'Euthanasia Moral and ethical aspects'

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  1.  10
    Act and omission in criminal law: autonomy, morality, and applications to euthanasia.Roni Rosenberg - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book offers an innovative perspective on the critical distinction between acts and omissions in criminal law, a distinction that runs like a defining thread through all types of criminal offenses. While any act that positively causes a prohibited harm is sufficient for a conviction, an omission that causes the very same harm warrants a conviction only when there is a legal duty to act. This fundamental distinction between acts and omissions is not just relevant to criminal law, but it (...)
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    Ethical aspects of Battlefield Euthanasia.Daniel Messelken - 2014 - In Messelken Daniel & Baer Hans U. (eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd ICMM Workshop on Military Medical Ethics. BBO. pp. 36-53.
    Battlefield euthanasia, the purposeful killing of wounded soldiers (or even civi- lians) in order to hasten their foreseeable death, has been an issue in military medicine and in soldiers’ moral codes at all times. During conflicts since anti- quity, there have been severely wounded who would not die immediately but whose fate seemed clear, nevertheless. But can it ever be morally justified to kill those wounded out of mercy in order to end their suffering? Can death ever be (...)
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    Abating treatment with critically ill patients: ethical and legal limits to the medical prolongation of life.Robert F. Weir - 1989 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book offers an in-depth analysis of the wide range of issues surrounding "passive euthanasia" and "allow-to-die" decisions. The author develops a comprehensive conceptual model that is highly useful for assessing and dealing with real-life situations. He presents an informative historical overview, an evaluation of the clinical settings in which treatment abatement takes place, and an insightful discussion of relevant legal aspects. The result is a clearly articulated ethical analysis that is medically realistic, philosophically sound, and legally (...)
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    Euthanasia and the ethics of a doctor's decisions: an argument against assisted dying.Ole Johannes Hartling - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Why do so many doctors have profound misgivings about the push to legalise euthanasia and assisted suicide? Ole Hartling uses his background as a physician, university professor and former president of the Danish Council of Ethics to introduce new elements into what can often be understood as an all too simple debate. Alive to the case that assisted dying can be driven by an unattainable yearning for control, Hartling concentrates on two fundamental questions: whether the answer to suffering is (...)
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    (1 other version)A right to die?Richard Walker - 1997 - New York: Franklin Watts.
    Discusses the moral and ethical aspects of euthanasia and related topics.
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  6. Aiming to kill: the ethics of suicide and euthanasia.Nigel Biggar - 2004 - Cleveland: Pilgrim Press.
    1. The traditional position and the pressures for change. The Western legal tradition -- The Christian ethical hinterland -- The exceptional value of human life -- The justification of taking human life -- Suicide -- Christian ethics, assisted suicide, and voluntary euthanasia -- The cultural pressures for change -- 2. The value of human life -- 3. The morality of acts of killing -- 4. Slippery slopes.
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    Impairment and disability: law and ethics at the beginning and end of life.Sheila McLean - 2007 - New York: Routledge-Cavendish. Edited by Laura Williamson.
    pt. 1. Background you need. -- What is brain-compatible teaching -- The old and new of it -- When brain research is applied to the classroom everything will change -- Change can be easy -- We're not in Kansas anymore -- Where's the proof -- Tools for exploring the brain -- Ten reasons to care about brain research -- The evolution of brain models -- Be a brain-smart consumer: recognizing good research -- Action or theory: who wants to read all (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Euthanasia, ethics, and public policy: an argument against legalisation.John Keown - 2002 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Whether the law should permit voluntary euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide is one of the most vital questions facing all modern societies. Internationally, the main obstacle to legalisation has proved to be the objection that, even if they were morally acceptable in certain 'hard cases', voluntary euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide could not be effectively controlled; society would slide down a 'slippery slope' to the killing of patients who did not make a free and informed request, or for whom palliative (...)
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  9.  24
    Medical Ethics: Essays on Abortion and Euthanasia.Robert Laurence Barry - 1989 - P. Lang.
    In this book, controversial topics such as the morality of abortion, withdrawing treatment from handicapped newborns, the role of ethics committees, diagnosing death, withdrawing food and fluids and giving lethal injections are discussed. It proposes model legislation to prevent abuse and neglect of the medically vulnerable and dependent, and in a piercing and insightful manner, Fr. Barry critically evaluates many contemporary views on these topics, arguing forcefully for a reappraisal of many popular views on these topics.
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    The patient's wish to die: research, ethics, and palliative care.Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Heike Gudat & Kathrin Ohnsorge (eds.) - 2015 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Wish to die statements are becoming a frequent phenomenon in terminally ill patients. Those confronted by these statments need to understand the complexity of such wishes, so they can respond competently and compassionately to the requests. If misunderstood, the statements can be taken at face-value and the practitioner may not recognise that a patient is in fact experiencing ambivalent feelings at the end of life, or they may misinterpret the expressed wish to die as a sign of clinical depression. Public (...)
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  11. Euthanasia and cryothanasia.Francesca Minerva & Anders Sandberg - 2017 - Bioethics 31 (7):526-533.
    In this article we discuss the moral and legal aspects of causing the death of a terminal patient in the hope of extending their life in the future. We call this theoretical procedure cryothanasia. We argue that administering cryothanasia is ethically different from administering euthanasia. Consequently, objections to euthanasia should not apply to cryothanasia, and cryothanasia could also be considered a legal option where euthanasia is illegal.
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  12. Euthanasia, death with dignity, and the law.Hazel Biggs - 2001 - Portland, Or.: Hart Publ..
    Machine generated contents note: Table of Cases xi -- Table of legislation xv -- Introduction: Medicine Men, Outlaws and Voluntary Euthanasia 1 -- 1. To Kill or not to Kill; is that the Euthanasia Question? 9 -- Introduction-Why Euthanasia? 9 -- Dead or alive? 16 -- Euthanasia as Homicide 25 -- Euthanasia as Death with Dignity 29 -- 2. Euthanasia and Clinically assisted Death: from Caring to Killing? 35 -- Introduction 35 -- The Indefinite (...)
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  13.  14
    Euthanasia.Lisa Yount (ed.) - 2002 - San Diego, Calif.: Greenhaven Press.
    Essays discuss euthanasia and the medical, legal, and ethical controversies surrounding it.
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    Morality and ethics at war: bridging the gaps between the soldier and the state.Deane-Peter Baker - 2020 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Susan Coyle.
    In Morality and Ethics of War, which includes a foreword by Major General Susan Coyle, ethicist Deane-Peter Baker goes beyond existing treatments of military ethics to address a fundamental problem: the yawning gap that exists between the diverse moral frameworks defining personal identity in a multicultural society on the one hand, and the professional military ethic on the other. Baker argues that overcoming this chasm is essential to minimising the ethical risks that can lead to operational and strategic (...)
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  15.  12
    Euthanasia.Carrie L. Snyder (ed.) - 2006 - Detroit: Greenhaven Press.
    Presents arguments on both sides of the issue of euthanasia, including questions regarding ethics and legality, physician-assisted suicide, living wills, and removing life support from patients in a persistent vegetative state.
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  16. African ethics and death: moral status and human dignity in ubuntu thinking.Motsamai Molefe - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Elphus Muade.
    This book analyses the concepts of moral status and human dignity in African philosophy and applies them to the moral problems associated with death. The book first challenges the criticism and rejection of moral status in African philosophy and then continues to consider how moral personhood is defined in African ethical theories, investigating which entities have full moral status or moral personhood, and are therefore worthy of full ethical consideration. It then applies (...)
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    New Essays in Applied Ethics: Animal Rights, Personhood, and the Ethics of Killing.A. Yeung & H. Li (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Palgrave McMillan.
    This collection of new essays aims to address some of the most perplexing issues arising from death and dying, as well as the moral status of persons and animals. Leading scholars, including Peter Singer and Gerald Dworkin, investigate diverse topics such as animal rights, vegetarianism, lethal injection, abortion and euthanasia.
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  18.  8
    Pratiques soignantes et dépénalisation de l'euthanasie.Donatien Mallet - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Nolwenn Begat.
    Dans le contexte social et politique actuel, n'est-il pas nécessaire que les soignants réfléchissent à leur pratique au cas où le législateur envisagerait une dépénalisation de l'euthanasie? Ce livre relate le parcours effectué par des médecins de soins palliatifs qui se sont confrontés à cette question. II expose une réflexion basée sur la pratique clinique en institution et à domicile. Il est une invitation pour le lecteur à un cheminement, certes personnel, mais aussi collectif. Les champs concernés sont variés : (...)
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  19.  23
    German Political Philosophy: Moral and Ethical Aspect.Anatolii Yermolenko - 2020 - Filosofska Dumka (Philosophical Thought) 3:6-16.
    The article considers the issues of modern German political philosophy in accordance with its formation, institutionalization and development. Germany’s political philosophy is analyzed in terms of its interaction with social and practical philosophy. The text states that political philoso- phy belongs to both social philosophy and political science. As a political theory, it is a compo- nent of social theories institutionalized in the modern era. As a political philosophy, it appears as a metatheory of political theory. Political philosophy is also (...)
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  20.  13
    The ethics of death.Lloyd H. Steffen - 2014 - Minneapolis: Fortress Press. Edited by Dennis R. Cooley.
    For the living, death has a moral dimension. When we confront death and dying in our own lives and in the lives of others, we ask questions about the good, right, and fitting as they relate to our experiences of human mortality. When others die, the living are left with moral questions--questions that often generate personal inquiry as to whether a particular death was "good" or whether it was tragic, terrifying, or peaceful. In The Ethics of Death, the (...)
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  21.  14
    Sédation, euthanasie: éthique et spiritualité pour penser..Dominique Jacquemin (ed.) - 2017 - Paris: Éditions jésuites.
    De nos jours, les sociétés mandatent fortement la médecine, par des législations variées – sédation, euthanasie, aide médicale à mourir –, pour construire la fin de vie d'autrui à sa demande. L'éthique se trouve de plus en plus sollicitée dans les pratiques soignantes. Mais quelle éthique? Une accumulation de principes? Une éthique réduite à la seule normativité juridique, à un protocole? S'efforçant de réfléchir à quoi se trouvent aujourd'hui confrontés les professionnels s'ils deviennent, dans les faits, les "gardiens" du sens (...)
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  22.  18
    Group Morality and Moral Groups: Ethical Aspects of the Tuomelian We-Mode.Björn Petersson - 2023 - In Miguel Garcia-Godinez & Rachael Mellin (eds.), Tuomela on Sociality. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 201-218.
    Raimo Tuomela’s we-mode groups are partly characterized by norms. Some norms may be characteristic of all we-mode groups like the norm restricting a member’s right to leave the group. Some think that this aspect of Tuomela’s theory has implausible ethical implications concerning the rights and autonomy of members in we-mode groups. That worry vanishes, I argue, on a plausible interpretation of Tuomela’s notion of social normativity and a reasonable precisification of the notion of autonomy in this context. On the (...)
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  23.  29
    Eutanazie a dobrý život =.David Černý - 2021 - Praha: Ústav státu a práva AV ČR.
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  24. Is there a duty to die?: and other essays in bio-ethics.John Hardwig - 2000 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Nat Hentoff.
    Amid the controversies surrounding physician-assisted suicides, euthanasia, and long-term care for the elderly, a major component in the ethics of medicine is notably absent: the rights and welfare of the survivor's family, for whom serious illness and death can be emotionally and financially devastating. In this collection of eight provocative and timely essays, John Hardwig sets forth his views on the need to replace patient-centered bioethics with family-centered bioethics. Starting with a critique of the awkward language with which philosphers (...)
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  25.  12
    Troubled voices: stories of ethics and illness.Richard M. Zaner - 1993 - Cleveland, Ohio: Pilgrim Press.
    This honest, forthright, and beautifully-written book introduces readers to the human variations on medical topics spoken of in abstract in the daily news--euthanasia, assisted suicide, abortion, "extreme procedures", genetic testing, experimental surgeries--and to the people who must agonize over those decisions regarding themselves and their loved ones.
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  26. Ending Life: Ethics and the Way We Die.Margaret Pabst Battin - 2005 - New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    Margaret Pabst Battin has established a reputation as one of the top philosophers working in bioethics today. This work is a sequel to Battin's 1994 volume The Least Worst Death. The last ten years have seen fast-moving developments in end-of-life issues, from the legalization of physician-assisted suicide in Oregon and the Netherlands, to a furor over proposed restrictions of scheduled drugs used for causing death, and the development of "NuTech" methods of assistance in dying. Battin's new collection covers a remarkably (...)
  27.  43
    Contemporary Jewish ethics and morality: a reader.Elliot N. Dorff & Louis E. Newman (eds.) - 1995 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Over the past decade much significant new work has appeared in the field of Jewish ethics. While much of this work has been devoted to issues in applied ethics, a number of important essays have explored central themes within the tradition and clarified the theoretical foundations of Jewish ethics. This important text grew out of the need for a single work which accurately and conveniently reflects these developments within the field. The first text of its kind in almost two decades, (...)
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  28.  84
    Life and Death in Health Care Ethics: A Short Introduction.Helen Watt - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    In a world of rapid technological advances, the moral issues raised by life and death choices in healthcare remain obscure. _Life and Death in Healthcare Ethics_ provides a concise, thoughtful and extremely accessible guide to these moral issues. Helen Watt examines, using real-life cases, the range of choices taken by healthcare professionals, patients and clients which lead to the shortening of life. The topics looked at include: * euthanasia and withdrawal of treatment * the persistent vegetative state (...)
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  29.  33
    Neurophilosophical and Ethical Aspects of Virtual Reality Therapy in Neurology and Psychiatry.Philipp Kellmeyer - 2018 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (4):610-627.
    Abstract:Highly immersive virtual reality (VR) systems have been introduced into the consumer market in recent years. The improved technological capabilities of these systems as well as the combination with biometric sensors, for example electroencephalography (EEG), in a closed-loop hybrid VR-EEG, opens up a range of new potential medical applications. This article first provides an overview of the past and current clinical applications of VR systems in neurology and psychiatry and introduces core concepts in neurophilosophy and VR research (such as agency, (...)
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  30.  10
    Scelte etiche ed eutanasia.Sandro Spinsanti - 2003 - Milano: Paoline. Edited by Francesca Petrelli.
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    Sterbehilfe, ein unbekanntes Terrain: empirische und ethische Analysen zu einem guten Lebensende.Constanze Hübner - 2016 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Viele Menschen in Deutschland wunschen sich ein schnelles und schmerzfreies Sterben. Doch dieser Wunsch trifft auf eine Wirklichkeit, in der lange Sterbeprozesse eher die Regel als die Ausnahme sind. Muss man unter diesen Bedingungen erwarten, dass sich der Gedanke der "aktiven Sterbehilfe" als eine mogliche Losung des Problems verbreitet? Umfrageergebnisse scheinen dies zu bestatigen. Die Einstellung der Bevolkerung zur Sterbehilfe ist bisher jedoch noch keiner differenzierteren empirischen Analyse unterzogen worden - ein Manko, das diese Untersuchung erstmals in umfassender wissenschaftlicher Weise (...)
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  32. Assisted death: a study in ethics and law.L. W. Sumner - 2011 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this timely book L.W. Sumner addresses these issues within the wider context of palliative care for patients in the dying process.
  33.  1
    (1 other version)Ethical issues in death and dying.Robert F. Weir (ed.) - 1977 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    The first edition of this book was published in 1977. At that time the field of thanatology, the study of death and dying, was still reasonably new and was dominated by research done by psychiatrists and social scientists. The most notable person in the field at the time was Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, who was widely credited with having brought thanatology into public view with the 1969 publication of her book On Death and Dying. Two research centers on death and dying were (...)
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    Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: Before, During, and After the Holocaust.Sheldon Rubenfeld & Daniel P. Sulmasy (eds.) - 2020 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This book provides a history of Nazi medical euthanasia programs, demonstrating that arguments in their favor were widely embraced by Western medicine before the Third Reich. Contributors find significant continuities between history and current physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia and urge caution about their legalization or implementation.
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    Eutanasia y autonomía: conceptos, argumentos, reflexiones.Marcos Guillermo Breuer - 2019 - Villa María, Córdoba, Argentina: Eduvim, Universidad Nacional de Villa María.
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  36. Psychosocial and Ethical Aspects in Non-Invasive EEG-Based BCI Research—A Survey Among BCI Users and BCI Professionals.Gerd Grübler, Abdul Al-Khodairy, Robert Leeb, Iolanda Pisotta, Angela Riccio, Martin Rohm & Elisabeth Hildt - 2013 - Neuroethics 7 (1):29-41.
    In this paper, the results of a pilot interview study with 19 subjects participating in an EEG-based non-invasive brain–computer interface (BCI) research study on stroke rehabilitation and assistive technology and of a survey among 17 BCI professionals are presented and discussed in the light of ethical, legal, and social issues in research with human subjects. Most of the users were content with study participation and felt well informed. Negative aspects reported include the long and cumbersome preparation procedure, discomfort (...)
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    Spór o eutanazję: etyczne problemy prawa.Tomasz Pietrzykowski - 2007 - Katowice: Wydawn. "Sonia Draga".
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    Panser la mort: la mort, le médecin et le citoyen.Bernard Sportès - 2023 - [Montreuil]: Le Temps des cerises.
    À l'heure où le débat sur la fin de vie resurgit, Bernard Sportès nous ouvre de nouveaux horizons, dépasse les arguments simplistes et nous aide à comprendre tabous et angoisses. Son analyse, ancrée dans son expérience des fins de vie, nous rappelle que cet accompagnement ultime doit bien rester un soin. Sa vision humaniste se refuse à ces morts administrées selon des critères médicaux prédéfinis, auxquelles il oppose une mort accompagnée, assistée jusqu'aux derniers instants. Cette proposition, nouvelle dans ce vieux (...)
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    Jedem seinen eigenen Tod: Authentizität als ethisches Ideal am Lebensende.Nina Streeck - 2020 - New York: Campus Verlag.
    Das Sterben wird längst nicht mehr verdrängt und verschwiegen, es gehört vielmehr zu den ausgiebig erörterten Themen unserer Zeit. Viele Debatten ranken sich um Sterbehilfe und um die Frage, was einen guten Tod ausmacht. Dabei scheinen wir uns bemerkenswert einig zu sein, dass gut stirbt, wer bis zuletzt er oder sie selbst bleibt. Wir wünschen uns, so die These dieses Buches, unseren 'eigenen Tod': ein Lebensende, wie es uns entspricht, ein authentisches Sterben. Dieses Ideal leitet in unterschiedlicher Weise die Palliativversorgung (...)
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  40.  25
    Moral and ethical decision-making: A chance for doping prevention in sports?Marcus Melzer, Anne-Marie Elbe & Ralf Brand - 2010 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):69-85.
    Because doping is becoming more and more of a problem in elite sports, anti-doping and prevention programs are receiving more attention. However, current doping prevention programs that primarily involve pedagogical education in youths have not been shown to be very effective. In sports philosophy there is a discourse about ethics and morality in sports in connection with doping. So far, however, the aspect of ethics has been neglected in anti-doping prevention programs. This article discusses a new approach to doping prevention (...)
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    The case of Terri Schiavo: ethics, politics, and death in the 21st century.Kenneth Goodman (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The case of Terri Schiavo, a young woman who spent 15 years in a persistent vegetative state, has emerged as a watershed in debates over end-of-life care. While many observers had thought the right to refuse medical treatment was well established, this case split a family, divided a nation, and counfounded physicians, legislators, and many of the people they treated or represented. In renewing debates over the importance of advance directives, the appropriate role of artificial hydration and nutrition, and the (...)
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    Du sollst sterben dürfen: warum es mit einer Patientenverfügung nicht getan ist.Tilman Jens - 2015 - Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.
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    The ethics of palliative care: European perspectives.Henk ten Have & David Clark (eds.) - 2002 - Phildelphia, PA: Open University Press.
    As palliative care develops across many of the countries of Europe, we find that it continues to raise important ethical challenges. Palliative care practice requires ethical sensitivity and understanding. At the same time the very existence of palliative care calls for ethical explanation. Ethics and palliative care meet over some vital issues: 'the good death', sedation at the end of life, requests for euthanasia, futile treatment, and the role of research. Yet palliative care appears uncertain about (...)
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    Choisir sa mort: Les débats de l'euthanasie.Éric Fourneret - 2012 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
    Dire que la question de l'euthanasie est une banalité. Le sujet semble usé, chaque nouvelle réflexion vaine. Il est toutefois possible de l'aborder sous un angle neuf, à condition de sortir du clivage traditionnel entre les tenants du "pour" et les tenants du "contre". Parce qu'à côté des tenants de la légalisation de l'euthanasie et de ses contradicteurs, un très grand nombre de malades, de personnes handicapées, de personnes vieillissantes, de familles, de proches et de professionnels de santé pensent que (...)
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    Lebensbeendende Handlungen: Ethik, Medizin Und Recht Zur Grenze von ‚Töten‘ Und ‚Sterbenlassen‘.Franz-Josef Bormann (ed.) - 2017 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Der Begriff der,lebensbeendenden Handlungen' umfasst ein breites Spektrum von Praktiken, das von unstreitigen Tötungsdelikten bis hin zu verschiedenen Formen der medizinischen Therapiebegrenzung reicht. Die interdisziplinären Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes versuchen, die ethisch und rechtlich entscheidende Grenze zwischen den Handlungstypen des,Tötens' und des,Sterbenlassens' genauer zu rekonstruieren, um die Handlungssicherheit klinischer Akteure zu erhöhen.
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    La responsabilité de protéger les aînés vulnérables: manifeste.Félix Pageau - 2020 - Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval.
    « Un soin inédit fait nouvellement partie de l’arsenal thérapeutique de la médecine occidentale. Presque un oxymore, l’aide médicale à mourir ne fait pas l’unanimité. Or, une nouvelle frontière est sur le point d’être transgressée. Parce que certains font l’erreur de considérer la perte de dignité comme possible, ils mettent de l’avant la mort comme le remède ultime aux souffrances des gens atteints de démence. On oublie alors que cette sensation de déchéance peut être soignée autrement. De plus, nous démontrons (...)
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    A morte.Maria Filomena Mónica - 2011 - Lisboa, Portugal: Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.
    É provável que eu morra nos próximos dez, quinze, anos- Tenho filhos e netos, amei e fui amada, escrevi livros, ouvi música e viajei- Poderia dar-me por satisfeita, o que não me faz encarar a morte com placidez- Se amanhã um médico me disser que sofro de.
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  48. Hard Luck: How Luck Undermines Free Will and Moral Responsibility.Neil Levy - 2011 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    The concept of luck has played an important role in debates concerning free will and moral responsibility, yet participants in these debates have relied upon an intuitive notion of what luck is. Neil Levy develops an account of luck, which is then applied to the free will debate. He argues that the standard luck objection succeeds against common accounts of libertarian free will, but that it is possible to amend libertarian accounts so that they are no more vulnerable to (...)
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    The Last Walk: Reflections on Our Pets at the End of Their Lives.Jessica Pierce - 2012 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    From the moment when we first open our homes—and our hearts—to a new pet, we know that one day we will have to watch this beloved animal age and die. The pain of that eventual separation is the cruel corollary to the love we share with them, and most of us deal with it by simply ignoring its inevitability. With _The Last Walk_, Jessica Pierce makes a forceful case that our pets, and the love we bear them, deserve better. Drawing (...)
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    Dutch Euthanasia: Background, Practice, and Present Justifications.G. K. Kimsma & E. Van Leeuwen - 1993 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 2 (1):19.
    Dutch developments on euthanasia have drawn much attention over the years. Defenders and opponents have been telling very different stories about the practice of euthanasia and the frequency of cases, and the Dutch government has been struggling with the legal and moral problems involved. Concern about the procedures followed by physicians as well as questions on the “real” figures led the government to decide to organize an epidemiological study on the extent and the decision making. The results (...)
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