Results for 'Esko Vanninen'

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  1.  32
    Controlling reactive aggression through cognitive evaluation of proactive aggression cues.Petri Juujärvi, Jukka Kaartinen, Lea Pulkkinen, Esko Vanninen & Tomi Laitinen - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (6):759-784.
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    Ethical Compatibility of GM Crops with Intrinsic and Extrinsic Values of Farmers: A Review.Irene Vanninen, Helena Siipi, Marjo Keskitalo & Maria Erkkila - 2009 - Open Ethics Journal 3 (3):104-117.
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    Boolean deductive systems of BL-algebras.Esko Turunen - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (6):467-473.
    BL-algebras rise as Lindenbaum algebras from many valued logic introduced by Hájek [2]. In this paper Boolean ds and implicative ds of BL-algebras are defined and studied. The following is proved to be equivalent: (i) a ds D is implicative, (ii) D is Boolean, (iii) L/D is a Boolean algebra. Moreover, a BL-algebra L contains a proper Boolean ds iff L is bipartite. Local BL-algebras, too, are characterized. These results generalize some theorems presented in [4], [5], [6] for MV-algebras which (...)
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    Suomalainen kirjallisuus ja Nietzsche.Esko Ervasti - 1960 - Turku,: Turun Yliopisto.
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    Die literarische Rezeption August Hermann Franckes und des hallischen Pietismus in Finnland im 18. Jahrhundert.Esko Laine - 2005 - In Udo Sträter, Interdisziplinäre Pietismusforschungen: Beiträge Zum Ersten Internationalen Kongress Für Pietismusforschung 2001. De Gruyter. pp. 727-732.
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    Opetussuunnitelman filosofiaa =.Esko Paakkola - 1974 - Jyväskylä: Jyväskylän yliopisto, Kasvatustieteiden tutkimuslaitos. Edited by Juhani Suortti.
  7. Ryhmän olemassaolon ongelma.Esko Varilo - 1978 - In Jorma Laitinen, Johannes Lehtonen & Karl Aimo Achté, Psykiatrian ja filosofian rajamailla. Helsinki: Psychiatria Fennica.
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    Mathematics Behind Fuzzy Logic.Esko Turunen - 1999 - Physica-Verlag Heidelberg.
    Many results in fuzzy logic depend on the mathematical structure the truth value set obeys. In this textbook the algebraic foundations of many-valued and fuzzy reasoning are introduced. The book is self-contained, thus no previous knowledge in algebra or in logic is required. It contains 134 exercises with complete answers, and can therefore be used as teaching material at universities for both undergraduated and post-graduated courses. Chapter 1 starts from such basic concepts as order, lattice, equivalence and residuated lattice. It (...)
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    Are You Alive? Sensor Data as a Resource for Social Interaction.Esko Kurvinen, Mia Lähteenmäki, Antti Salovaara & Fabiola Lopez - 2007 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 20 (1):39-49.
  10.  20
    Humanism and Existentialism as Humanism.Esko Muratović - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 40 (3):611-632.
    Taking into consideration the accepted evaluation and the meaning of the concepts of humanum and existence, in this paper we compare Abdulah Šarčević’s philosophy of humanity and Jean-Paul Sartre’s existentialism as humanism, and point out both the philosophical value paradigm of given reflections and the separate ethical-epistemic specificity, as well as the affinities between these humanistic intellectual worldviews, realised within the problem of anthropo-metaphysical and ethical-moral perceptions of Abdulah Šarčević’s conception of humanism in relation to Jean-Paul Sartre’s existentialistically seen humanism.
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    Hyper-Archimedean BL-algebras are MV-algebras.Esko Turunen - 2007 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 53 (2):170-175.
    Generalizations of Boolean elements of a BL-algebra L are studied. By utilizing the MV-center MV(L) of L, it is reproved that an element x L is Boolean iff x x * = 1. L is called semi-Boolean if for all x L, x * is Boolean. An MV-algebra L is semi-Boolean iff L is a Boolean algebra. A BL-algebra L is semi-Boolean iff L is an SBL-algebra. A BL-algebra L is called hyper-Archimedean if for all x L, xn is Boolean (...)
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  12.  33
    Well‐Defined Fuzzy Sentential Logic.Esko Turunen - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (2):236-248.
    A many-valued sentential logic with truth values in an injective MV-algebra is introduced and the axiomatizability of this logic is proved. The paper develops some ideas of Goguen and generalizes the results of Pavelka on the unit interval. The proof for completeness is purely algebraic. A corollary of the Completeness Theorem is that fuzzy logic on the unit interval is semantically complete if and only if the algebra of the truth values is a complete MV-algebra. In the well-defined fuzzy sentential (...)
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  13.  19
    (1 other version)A Note on Pavelka's Fuzzy Logic.Esko Turunen - 1991 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 37 (2‐4):39-40.
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    Epistemological, Artefactual and Interactional–Institutional Foundations of Social Impact of Academic Research.Reijo Miettinen, Juha Tuunainen & Terhi Esko - 2015 - Minerva 53 (3):257-277.
    Because of the gross difficulties in measuring the societal impact of academic research, qualitative approaches have been developed in the last decade mostly based on forms of interaction between university and other societal stakeholders. In this paper, we suggest a framework for qualitative analysis based on the distinction between three dimensions of societal impact: epistemological, artefactual and interactive-institutional. The epistemological dimension addresses what new research results and understanding of relevant phenomena have contributed to solving of technological and societal problems. The (...)
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    Biblical and theistic arguments against the evolutionary argument against naturalism.Petteri Nieminen, Maarten Boudry, Esko Ryökäs & Anne-Mari Mustonen - 2017 - Zygon 52 (1):9-23.
    Alvin Plantinga's evolutionary argument against naturalism states that evolution cannot produce warranted beliefs. In contrast, according to Plantinga, Christian theism provides properly functioning cognitive faculties in an appropriate cognitive environment, in accordance with a design plan aimed at producing true beliefs. But does theism fulfill criteria I–III? Judging from the Bible, God employs deceit in his relations with humanity, rendering our cognitive functions unreliable. Moreover, there is no reason to suppose that God's purpose would be to produce true beliefs in (...)
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  16.  37
    Review of confounding effects on perfusion measurements. [REVIEW]Clement Patricia, Mutsaerts Henk-Jan, Ghariq Eidrees, Smits Marion, Acou Marjan, Rostrup Egill, Pizzini Francesca Benedetta, Jovicich Jorge, Könönen Mervi, Vanninen Ritva, Bastos-Leite António, Wiest Roland, Larsson Elna-Marie & Achten Eric - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.