Results for 'Erik Mygind'

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  1.  26
    An Interview with Arlie Russell Hochschild: Critique and the Sociology of Emotions: Fear, Neoliberalism and the Acid Rainproof Fish.Erik Mygind du Plessis & Pelle Korsbæk Sørensen - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (7-8):181-187.
    Arlie Russell Hochschild is Professor Emerita of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley. Her books include: The Managed Heart (1983), The Second Shift (1989), The Time Bind (1997) and The Commercialization of Intimate Life (2003). In her work, Hochschild explores the many ways we manage our emotions in personal life and perform emotional labor in the workplace. Her most recent work explores the growing political divide in America, and the need for each side to climb an ‘empathy wall’ to (...)
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    Immersive Nature-Experiences as Health Promotion Interventions for Healthy, Vulnerable, and Sick Populations? A Systematic Review and Appraisal of Controlled Studies.Lærke Mygind, Eva Kjeldsted, Rikke Dalgaard Hartmeyer, Erik Mygind, Mads Bølling & Peter Bentsen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:432229.
    In this systematic review, we summarized and evaluated the evidence for effects of, and associations between, immersive nature-experience on mental, physical and social health promotion outcomes. Immersive nature-experience was operationalized as non-competitive activities, both sedentary and active, occurring in natural environments removed from everyday environments. We defined health according to the World Health Organization’s holistic and positive definition of health and included steady-state, intermediate, and health promotion outcomes. An electronic search was performed for Danish, English, German, Norwegian, and Swedish articles (...)
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    A Bayesian Simulation Model of Group Deliberation and Polarization.Erik J. Olsson - 2013 - Springer.
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  4. (1 other version)Mood and language-game.Erik Stenius - 1967 - Synthese 17 (1):254 - 274.
  5. Mach's Philosophy of Mind.Erik C. Banks - forthcoming - In In Sandra Lapointe (ed.), Philosophy of Mind in the Nineteenth Century: The History of the Philosophy of Mind, Volume 5. Routledge (forthcoming).
    A look at Mach's contributions to psychology in historical context and his elimination of metaphysical problems (in psychology).
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  6. Norms of assertion and communication in social networks.Erik J. Olsson & Aron Vallinder - 2013 - Synthese 190 (13):2557-2571.
    Epistemologists can be divided into two camps: those who think that nothing short of certainty or (subjective) probability 1 can warrant assertion and those who disagree with this claim. This paper addressed this issue by inquiring into the problem of setting the probability threshold required for assertion in such a way that that the social epistemic good is maximized, where the latter is taken to be the veritistic value in the sense of Goldman (Knowledge in a social world, 1999). We (...)
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  7.  28
    Philosophische Grammatik.Erik Stenius, Ludwig Wittgenstein & Rush Rhees - 1971 - Philosophical Quarterly 21 (85):376.
  8.  47
    A coherence interpretation of semi-revision.Erik J. Olsson - 1997 - Theoria 63 (1-2):105-134.
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    Measure, Topology and Probabilistic Reasoning in Cosmology.Erik Curiel - unknown
    I explain the difficulty of making various concepts of and relating to probability precise, rigorous and physically significant when attempting to apply them in reasoning about objects living in infinite-dimensional spaces, working through many examples from cosmology. I focus on the relation of topological to measure-theoretic notions of and relating to probability, how they diverge in unpleasant ways in the infinite-dimensional case, and are even difficult to work with on their own. Even in cases where an appropriate family of spacetimes (...)
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  10.  18
    Reasons for pragmatism: affording epistemic contact in a shared environment.Erik Myin & Ludger Dijk - 2019 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 18 (5):973-997.
    Theorizing about perception is often motivated by a belief that without a way of ensuring that our perceptual experience correctly reflects the external world we cannot be sure that we perceive the world at all. Historically, coming up with a way of securing such epistemic contact has been a foundational issue in psychology. Recent ecological and enactive approaches challenge the requirement for perception to attain epistemic contact. This article aims to explicate this pragmatic starting point and the new direction of (...)
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  11.  61
    Better to Exploit than to Neglect? International Clinical Research and the Non‐Worseness Claim.Erik Malmqvist - 2017 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (4):474-488.
    Clinical research is increasingly ‘offshored’ to developing countries, a practice that has generated considerable controversy. It has recently been argued that the prevailing ethical norms governing such research are deeply puzzling. On the one hand, sponsors are not required to offshore trials, even when participants in developing countries would benefit considerably from these trials. On the other hand, if sponsors do offshore, they are required not to exploit participants, even when the latter would benefit from and consent to exploitation. How, (...)
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  12.  16
    Anthony Annett, Cathonomics: How Catholic Social Thought Can Create a More Just Economy.Erik Nordman - 2022 - Environmental Values 31 (5):619-621.
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  13.  8
    Radio Programs in France on Vico.Erik$Etranslator Nordenhaug - 1988 - New Vico Studies 6:185-186.
  14.  53
    An account of color without a subject?Erik Myin - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (1):42-43.
    While color realism is endorsed, Byrne & Hilbert's (B&H's) case for it stretches the notion of “physical property” beyond acceptable bounds. It is argued that a satisfactory account of color should do much more to respond to antirealist intuitions that flow from the specificity of color experience, and a pointer to an approach that does so is provided.
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  15. Philosophical aspects of astrobiology.Erik Persson - 2013 - In David Dunér, Joel Pathermore, Erik Persson & Gustav Holmberg (eds.), The History and Philosophy of Astrobiology. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 29-48.
    During antiquity, the astronomical questions of the day and the methods used to formulate and answer them were clearly within the realm of philosophy. That changed most notably in the sixteenth century when Tycho Brahe turned astronomy into a modern empirical science by formulating (in principle) testable hypotheses, figuring out how to test them, building the proper instruments, and making – for that time – very accurate and systematic observations of the sky. These observations eventually led to the modern view (...)
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  16. Commentary.Erik Angner & Valerie Tiberius - unknown
    In the history of Western philosophy, questions of well-being and happiness have played a central role for some 2,500 years. Yet, when it comes to the systematic empirical study of happiness and satisfaction, philosophers are relative latecomers. Empirically-minded psychologists began studying systematically the determinants and distribution of happiness and satisfaction – understood as positive or desirable subjectively experienced mental states – during the 1920’s and 30’s, as personality psychology emerged as a bona fide subdiscipline of psychology shortly after World War (...)
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    William Bateson from Balanoglossus to Materials for the Study of Variation: The Transatlantic Roots of Discontinuity and the naturalness of Selection.Erik L. Peterson - 2008 - Journal of the History of Biology 41 (2):267-305.
    William Bateson has long occupied a controversial role in the history of biology at the turn of the twentieth century. For the most part, Bateson has been situated as the British translator of Mendel or as the outspoken antagonist of W. F. R. Weldon and Karl Pearson's biometrics program. Less has been made of Bateson's transition from embryologist to advocate for discontinuous variation, and the precise role of British and American influences in that transition, in the years leading up to (...)
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  18.  72
    The Significance of Age and Duration of Effect in Social Evaluation of Health Care.Erik Nord, Andrew Street, Jeff Richardson, Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer - 1996 - Health Care Analysis 4 (2):103-111.
    To give priority to the young over the elderly has been labelled ‘ageism’. People who express ‘ageist’ preferences may feel that, all else equal, an individual has greater right to enjoy additional life years the fewer life years he or she has already had. We shall refer to this asegalitarian ageism. They may also emphasise the greater expected duration of health benefits in young people that derives from their greater life expectancy. We may call thisutilitarian ageism. Both these forms of (...)
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  19.  59
    Strategic Maneuvering in Mathematical Proofs.Erik C. W. Krabbe - 2008 - Argumentation 22 (3):453-468.
    This paper explores applications of concepts from argumentation theory to mathematical proofs. Note is taken of the various contexts in which proofs occur and of the various objectives they may serve. Examples of strategic maneuvering are discussed when surveying, in proofs, the four stages of argumentation distinguished by pragma-dialectics. Derailments of strategies (fallacies) are seen to encompass more than logical fallacies and to occur both in alleged proofs that are completely out of bounds and in alleged proofs that are at (...)
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  20.  80
    How to Study Scientific Explanation?Erik Weber, Leen De Vreese & Jeroen Van Bouwel - unknown
    This paper investigates the working-method of three important philosophers of explanation: Carl Hempel, Philip Kitcher and Wesley Salmon. We argue that they do three things: construct an explication in the sense of Carnap, which then is used as a tool to make descriptive and normative claims about the explanatory practice of scientists. We also show that they did well with respect to, but that they failed to give arguments for their descriptive and normative claims. We think it is the responsibility (...)
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  21.  52
    Public Opinion and the Legitimacy of International Courts.Erik Voeten - 2013 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 14 (2):411-436.
    Public legitimacy consists of beliefs among the mass public that an international court has the right to exercise authority in a certain domain. If publics strongly support such authority, it may be more difficult for governments to undermine an international court that takes controversial decisions. However, early studies found that while a majority of the public trusts international courts, this was based on weak attitudes derivative from more general legal values and support for the international institutions. I reexamine these claims (...)
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  22.  87
    Classical Black Holes Are Hot.Erik Curiel - unknown
    In the early 1970s it is was realized that there is a striking formal analogy between the Laws of black-hole mechanics and the Laws of classical thermodynamics. Before the discovery of Hawking radiation, however, it was generally thought that the analogy was only formal, and did not reflect a deep connection between gravitational and thermodynamical phenomena. It is still commonly held that the surface gravity of a stationary black hole can be construed as a true physical temperature and its area (...)
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  23.  45
    On the Propriety of Physical Theories as a Basis for Their Semantics.Erik Curiel - unknown
    I argue that an adequate semantics for physical theories must be grounded on an account of the way that a theory provides formal and conceptual resources appropriate for---that have propriety in---the construction of representations of the physical systems the theory purports to treat. I sketch a precise, rigorous definition of the required forms of propriety, and argue that semantic content accrues to scientific representations of physical systems primarily in virtue of the propriety of its resources. In particular, neither the adequacy (...)
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  24.  28
    ‘Nulla in Mundo Pax Sincera …’ Secularisation and Violence in Vattimo and Girard.Erik Meganck - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 74 (5):410-431.
    Vattimo holds nihilist secularisation to be the ultimate meaning of Christianity. It diagnoses actuality as the dissolution of transcendence that is always violent, be it metaphysical or religious. This is an extrapolation of Girard’s desacralisation, proposing Christianity to be the dissolution of sacred violence. To Girard, secularisation is the modern interpretation of desacralisation. Both Vattimo and Girard agree that secularisation is inherent to Christianity; that the ultimate meaning of Christianity is love; that hitherto this message has not reached the ‘masses’. (...)
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  25.  55
    A diachronic perspective on peer disagreement in veritistic social epistemology.Erik J. Olsson - 2018 - Synthese 197 (10):1-19.
    The main issue in the epistemology of peer disagreement is whether known disagreement among those who are in symmetrical epistemic positions undermines the rationality of their maintaining their respective views. Douven and Kelp have argued convincingly that this problem is best understood as being about how to respond to peer disagreement repeatedly over time, and that this diachronic issue can be best approached through computer simulation. However, Douven and Kelp’s favored simulation framework cannot naturally handle Christensen’s famous Mental Math example. (...)
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  26.  32
    Balancing relevant criteria in allocating scarce life-saving interventions.Erik Nord - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (4):56 – 58.
  27.  74
    A Weyl-Type Theorem for Geometrized Newtonian Gravity.Erik Curiel - unknown
    I state and prove, in the context of a space having only the metrical structure imposed by the geometrized version of Newtonian gravitational theory, a theorem analagous to that of Weyl's in a Lorentzian space. The theorem, loosely speaking, says that a projective structure and a suitably defined compatible conformal structure on such a space jointly suffice for fixing the metrical structure of a Newtonian spacetime model up to constant factors. It allows one to give a natural, physically compelling interpretation (...)
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  28.  60
    Why Rigid Designation Cannot Stand on Scientific Ground.Erik Curiel - unknown
    I do not think the notion of rigidity in designation can be correct, at least not in any way that can serve to ground a semantics purports both to be fundamental in a semiotical sense and to the best science of the day. A careful examination of both content and the character of our best scientific knowledge not cannot support anything like what the notion of rigidity requires, but actually shows the notion to be, at bottom, incoherent. In particular, the (...)
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  29. The new paradox of the stone revisited.Erik J. Wielenberg - 2001 - Faith and Philosophy 18 (2):261-268.
    Alfred Mele and M.P. Smith have presented a puzzle about omnipotence which they call “the new paradox of the stone.” They have also proposed a solution to this puzzle. I briefly present their puzzle and their proposed solution and argue that their proposed solution is unsatisfactory. I further argue that if their suggested solution to the original paradox of the stone succeeds, a similar solution also solves the new paradox of the stone.
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  30.  32
    The account of the voluntariness of virtue in the Anonymous peripatetic commentary on nicomachean ethics 2—5.Erik Eliasson - 2013 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 44:195.
  31.  33
    Scientific Essentialism, Could’ve Done Otherwise, and the Possibility of Freedom.Erik Anderson - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 15:13-20.
    Philosophers concerned with the problem of freedom and determinism differ strikingly over the analysis of the concept of human freedom of the will. Compatibilists and incompatibilists, determinists and indeterminists populate the conceptual landscape with a dizzying array of theories differing in complex and subtle ways. Each of these analyses faces an under-appreciated potential challenge: the challenge from scientific essentialism. Might all traditional analyses of freedom of the will be radically ill-conceived because the concept—the nature of freedom itself—is something discoverable only (...)
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  32.  73
    (1 other version)Epistemic Standards: High Hopes and Low Expectations.Erik Stei - 2016 - In Martin Grajner & Pedro Schmechtig (eds.), Epistemic Reasons, Norms and Goals. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 185-198.
    The notion of epistemic standards has gained prominence in the literature on the semantics of knowledge ascriptions. Defenders of Epistemic Contextualism claim that in certain scenarios the truth value of a knowledge-ascribing sentence of the form “S knows p (at t)”—where S is an epistemic subject and p is a proposition S is said to know at time t—can change even if S, p and t are assigned constant values. This sort of variability, contextualists claim, is due to the epistemic (...)
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  33. How to Be an Alethically Rational Naturalist.Erik J. Wielenberg - 2002 - Synthese 131 (1):81-98.
    Alvin Plantinga has famously argued that naturalism is self-defeating. Plantinga's argument is, at its heart, an argument from analogy. Plantinga presents various epistemic situations and claims of each that (i) a person in such a situation has an undefeated defeater for each of his beliefs, and (ii) a reflective naturalist is in a relevantly similar situation. I present various epistemic situations and claim of each that a person in such a situation does not have an undefeated defeater for each of (...)
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  34.  18
    LB Puntel, Sein und Gott.Erik Meganck - 2012 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 74 (2):410-411.
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    N. Trakakis, The End of Philosophy of Religion.Erik Meganck - 2012 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 74 (2):409-410.
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  36.  19
    S. Allen, The Philosophical Sense of Transcendence.Erik Meganck - 2011 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 73 (3):591-591.
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    S. Gaston (ed.), Reading Derrida's' Of Grammatology'.Erik Meganck - 2012 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 74 (3):603-604.
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    VS Harrison, Religion and Modern Thought.Erik Meganck - 2009 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 71 (2):445-445.
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    A Case Studies Approach to Assisted Nutrition and Hydration.Erik J. Meidl - 2006 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 6 (2):319-336.
  40.  20
    Comparison of the Personality Traits of Male and Female BASE Jumpers.Erik Monasterio, Omer Mei-Dan, Anthony Carl Hackney & Robert Cloninger - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Eerst iets anders.Erik Myin - 2016 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 108 (2):173-177.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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  42. Holism, functionalism and visual awareness.Erik Myin - 1998 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 31 (1):3-19.
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  43.  61
    Trading in form for content and taking the sting out of the mind-body problem.Erik Myin - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (6):766-766.
    Analytical isomorphism is an instance of the demand for a transparent relation between vehicle and content, which is central to the mind-body problem. One can abandon transparency without begging the question with regard to the mind-body problem.
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  44. La communication politique. Un chantier fort de la recherche française.Erik Neveu - 1998 - Polis 5 (1).
  45.  18
    Figuring the Angry Inch: Transnormativity, the black femme and the fraudulent phallus; or fleshly remainders of the ‘ungendered’ and the ‘unthought’.Erik Hollis - 2018 - Feminist Theory 19 (1):23-40.
    This article takes up Hortense Spillers’ conception of ‘ungendered’ flesh and Saidiya Hartman’s notion of the ‘position of the unthought’ occupied by the figure of the Black-qua-Slave in order to explore their resonance for considering the interrelations between anti-black racial antagonism, ontological positioning and hegemonic renderings of gender formation and sexual taxonomies. Examining the performance and reception of the recent Broadway revival of Hedwig and the Angry Inch starring Taye Diggs as a case study, it asks what role race, and (...)
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  46.  30
    The Difficulties in Using Weak Relevant Logics for Naive Set Theory.Erik Istre & Maarten McKubre-Jordens - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson (eds.), Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 365-381.
    We discuss logical difficulties with the naive set theory based on the weak relevant logic DKQ. These are induced by the restrictive nature of the relevant conditional and its interaction with set theory. The paper concludes with some possible ways to mitigate these difficulties.
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  47.  12
    Neoliberalism and Academic Repression: The Fall of Academic Freedom in the Era of Trump.Erik Juergensmeyer, Anthony J. Nocella Ii & Mark Seis (eds.) - 2019 - BRILL.
    _Neoliberalism and Academic Repression_ provides a theoretical examination of how the current higher education system is being shaped into a corporate-factory-industrial-complex. This timely collection challenges the neoliberal emphasis on valuation based on job readiness and outcome achievement.
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  48. PAD, a growing family of citrullinating enzymes: genes, features and involvement in disease.Erik R. Vossenaar, Albert J. W. Zendman, Walther J. van Venrooij & Ger J. M. Pruijn - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (11):1106-1118.
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  49. On the System of Leibniz.Erik Stenius - forthcoming - Ajatus.
    The objective of this paper is to show the unity of leibniz's philosophical system. the connection between his inesse-principle and the idea that our world is the best of all possible worlds is this: the individual 'concept' of alexander may be defined as containing his whole biography, but the existence of an 'individual' falling under this concept can be deduced a priori only on the basis of the principle of sufficient reason, the application of which takes into account not only (...)
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  50. Insurgent architects, radical cities and the promise of the political.Erik Swyngedouw - 2014 - In Japhy Wilson & Erik Swyngedouw (eds.), The Post-political and Its Discontents: Spaces of Depoliticisation, Spectres of Radical Politics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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