Results for 'Enkrateia'

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  1.  23
    Enkrateia et partition de l’'me chez Platon.Louis-André Dorion - 2018 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 2:153-213.
    Alors que Xénophon a toujours accordé la plus grande importance à l’ enkrateia (« maîtrise de soi »), l’intérêt de Platon pour cette notion ne se manifeste pas avant, semble-t-il, le Gorgias et il se confirme ensuite dans les dialogues ultérieurs, notamment la République et les Lois. La présente étude cherche à mettre en lumière le lien étroit qui existe, chez Platon, entre la partition de l’âme et la reconnaissance de la pertinence de l’ enkrateia. Aussi longtemps que (...)
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    Enkráteia y gobierno. El gobernante insensato de Aristipo y su aparición en Ciropedia.Rodrigo José Illarraga - 2018 - Méthexis 30 (1):1-24.
    The present article aims to reconstruct some political consequences of aristippean philosophy in the light of fragment fs, 570 (= ssr, iv.a.163 = Memorabilia, ii.1.1–17) in order to show how Aristippus’ agreement with Socrates’ remarks fits the Cyrus composed by Xenophon in his Cyropaedia. In pursuance of this, I will review Aristippus’ ethics and will show how, despite the opposition with his hedonistic principles for a pleasureable life, Aristippus accepts that a good ruler needs to be a enkratic one—althouth he (...)
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  3. Akrasia et enkrateia dans les Mémorables de Xénophon.Louis-André Dorion - 2003 - Dialogue 42 (4):645-.
    This article aims to shed light on both the foundations and the consistency of the position regarding akrasia Xenophon attributes to Socrates in the Memorabilia. As does Plato's Socrates, Xenophon's Socrates maintains that akrasia is impossible in the presence of knowledge. On the other hand, he differs from the platonic Socrates by granting to enkrateia, instead of knowledge, the role of foundation for virtue. If enkrateia is the very condition for acquiring knowledge and virtue, consequently the responsibility for (...)
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  4. Akrasia and Enkrateia in Ancient Stoicism: minor vice and minor virtue?J. B. Gourinat - 2007 - In Christopher Bobonich & Pierre Destrée (eds.), Akrasia in Greek philosophy: from Socrates to Plotinus. Boston: Brill. pp. 215--247.
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  5. Oikonomia et enkrateia. À propos du commentaire de Leo Strauss sur YÉconomique de Xénophon.Remi Brague - 1974 - Archives de Philosophie 37 (2):275-290.
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    Chapter 9. Akrasia and Enkrateia in Simplicius’s Commentary on Epictetus’s Encheiridion.Marilynn Lawrence - 2014 - In Harold Tarrant & Danielle A. Layne (eds.), The Neoplatonic Socrates. University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 127-142.
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    A Puzzle about the Possibility of Aristotelian enkrateia.Carol Gould - 1994 - Phronesis 39 (2):174-186.
  8. Nicomachean Ethics VII, 1150b29-1151b22: Akrasia, enkrateia, and some look-alikes.Sarah Broadie - 2009 - In Carlo Natali (ed.), Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, Book Vii: Symposium Aristotelicum. Oxford University Press UK.
  9. Nicomachean ethics VII. 8-9 (1151b22) : akrasia, enkrateia, and look-alikes.Sarah Broadie - 2009 - In Carlo Natali (ed.), Aristotle: Nicomachean ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    ‘No small counsel about self-control’: Enkrateia and the virtuous body as missional performance in 2 Clement.Chris L. De Wet - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1).
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    Gli Atti apocrifi degli Apostoli e la tradizione dell’enkrateia: Discussione di uno recente formula interpretativa.Giulia Sfameni Gasparro - 1983 - Augustinianum 23 (1/2):287-307.
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    Il tema delta concupiscentia in Agostino e la tradizione dell’enkrateia.Giulia Sfameni Gasparro - 1985 - Augustinianum 25 (1-2):155-183.
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    Outcomes of Internal Conflicts in the Sphere of Akrasia and Self-Control.Alfred R. Mele - 2004 - In Peter Baumann & Monika Betzler (eds.), Practical Conflicts: New Philosophical Essays. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 262.
    Practical conflicts include conflicts in agents who judge, from the perspective of their own values, desires, beliefs, and the like, that one prospective course of action is superior to another but are tempted by what they judge to be the inferior course of action. A man who wants a late-night snack, even though he judges it best, from the identified perspective, to abide by his recent New Year's resolution against eating such snacks until he has lost ten pounds, is the (...)
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    Tipología de la Akrasía En Aristóteles.Manuel Oriol Salgado - 2020 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 9:35-54.
    El estudio de la akrasía o incontinencia que Aristóteles abre en el libro VII de Ética a Nicómaco es una de las primeras aproximaciones filosóficas al problema de la maldad específicamente humana. Este artículo comienza identificando el tipo humano que revela la akrasía, señalando su importancia filosófica y exponiendo brevemente la explicación aristotélica del fenómeno. Después categoriza las diferentes formas que puede asumir la transgresión de los propios principios morales, según dos criterios independientes. Por un lado, el tipo de deseo (...)
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    Book Review: Kant’s Theory of Virtue: The Value of Autocracy, written by Anne Margaret Baxley. [REVIEW]James Edwin Mahon - 2014 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 11 (2):245-248.
    In this review I argue that there are three 'tests' for maxims in Kant: the Categorical Imperative test; what I call the 'Esteem' test; and what I call the 'Temptation' test. The first test is a test for what Kant calls "legality", but what we may call the moral permissibility of acting on a maxim. The second test is a test for what Kant calls "morality", but what we may call the presence of a "good will," or the motive of (...)
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    Humanism in Prodicus’ Seasons. 이윤철 - 2023 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 111:195-221.
    프로디코스는 자신의 『시기들』이라는 글에서 인간이라면 마땅히 취해야 하는 인간적 삶의 방향을 제안한다. 그 글 안에서 아레테와 카키아라는 두 신적인 존재가 등장하여 헤라클레스에게 각각 자신이 제안하는 삶의 길을 따르라고 요청한다. 아레테가 제안하는 길은 노고 및 땀으로 이루어진 삶인 반면, 카키아가 제안하는 길은 즐거움과 함께 하는 쉬운 삶이며, 둘 모두 궁극적으로는 자신들의 길을 통해 행복(eudaimonia)에 이르리라 약속한다. 그리고 헤라클레스는 아레테의 길을 선택한다. 이러한 내용으로 인해 프로디코스의『시기들』은 인간의 자제력(enkrateia)을 중요시하며, 이를 통해 탁월함(덕)에 이를 수 있다는 인본주의적 성격을 담고 있다고 이해되어 왔다. 전통적 (...)
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    Aristotle on Softness and Endurance: Nicomachean Ethics 7.7, 1150a9–b19.Patricia Marechal - 2024 - Phronesis 69 (1):63-96.
    In Nicomachean Ethics 7.7 (= Eudemian Ethics 6.7), Aristotle distinguishes softness (malakia) from lack of self-control (akrasia) and endurance (karteria) from self-control (enkrateia). This paper argues that unqualified softness consists of a disposition to give up acting to avoid the painful toil (ponos) required to execute practical resolutions, and (coincidentally) to enjoy the pleasures of rest and relaxation. The enduring person, in contrast, persists in her commitments despite the painful effort required to enact them. Along the way, I argue (...)
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  18. The Ancient Background of Kant's Conception of Virtue.Melissa Merritt - forthcoming - In Wolfram Gobsch & Thomas Land (eds.), The Aristotelian Kant, ed. by W. Gobsch and T. Land, Cambridge University Press. Cambridge UK: Cambridge UP.
    Scholars have widely assumed that the aspects of Kant’s virtue theory that nod to ancient ethics must be cashed out with reference to Aristotle. Interpreters then worry that Kant's conception of virtue as a “moral strength of will” (Doctrine of Virtue, 6:405) must be tantamount to Aristotle’s notion of “continence” (enkrateia) — the state of a person who knows the good, and acts accordingly, but must overcome strong countervailing impulses in order to do so. The result plays into caricatures (...)
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  19. Aristotle, Akrasia, and the Place of Desire in Moral Reasoning.Byron J. Stoyles - 2007 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 10 (2):195-207.
    This paper serves both as a discussion of Henry’s (Ethical Theory Moral Practice, 5:255–270, 2002) interpretation of Aristotle on the possibility of akrasia – knowing something is wrong and doing it anyway – and an indication of the importance of desire in Aristotle’s account of moral reasoning. As I will explain, Henry’s interpretation is advantageous for the reason that it makes clear how Aristotle could have made good sense of genuine akrasia, a phenomenon that we seem to observe in the (...)
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    Xenophon's Socrates.Louis-André Dorion & Stephen Menn - 2006 - In Sara Ahbel-Rappe & Rachana Kamtekar (eds.), A Companion to Socrates. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 93–109.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Xenophon and the Socratic Question The Main Differences Between SocratesX and SocratesP SocratesX and Enkrateia Reworking of Socratic Themes on the Basis of Enkrateia Akrasia Enkrateia and Autarkeia One Socrates and Many.
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  21. Aristotle’s Akratēs: Healing Morally Bad Character.Cara Rei Cummings-Coughlin - 2022 - Dissertation, Johns Hopkins University
    Aristotle lists six different hexeis (stable states of the soul) in Nicomachean Ethics Book VII. The three to be avoided are akrasia (lack of self-control), vice, and beastliness. Their mirrors, the three to be praised, are enkrateia (self-control), virtue, and superhuman virtue. While the beastial and superhumanly virtuous fall out of discussion, the other four remain a focus for most of Book VII. Aristotle thinks that he has described four reliable ways in which people act always or hōs epi (...)
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    Un extranjero en su propia tierra: Aristipo como modelo del Ápolisaristotélico.María Florencia Zayas - 2013 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 18:124-147.
    El debate en torno a Aristipo de Cirene, cuya concepción de la felicidad coloca en el centro de la escena al placer, pone en tela de juicio las afirmaciones propias de aquellas éticas nucleadas bajo el epíteto de eudemonistas. Con el desplazamiento de la felicidad del sitial del fin, Aristipo reformula la dimensión ética tradicional: a través del ejercicio de la enkráteia, y lejos de caer en un relativismo subjetivista, intenta construir una ética que tenga como base un objetivismo gnoseológico. (...)
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    Emoción y virtud en Jenofonte.David Konstan - 2022 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 26 (2):153-166.
    Este trabajo distingue entre tres tipos de experiencia psicológica: deseos que son estimulados por el placer; emociones como la cólera, la gratitud, la vergüenza y también el miedo, que implican valoraciones, ya sean pragmáticas o éticas; y abatimiento o _athumia_, que es inducida por una sensación de impotencia y aporía. La primera de ellas se rige por el autocontrol, _enkrateia_ o _sôphrosunê,_ como la virtud correspondiente. Las emociones están sujetas a un mecanismo psíquico diferente, que implica una evaluación adecuada de (...)
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    L’atopie comme paradoxe politique.Fulvia De Luise - 2020 - Philosophie Antique 20:17-48.
    Vingt ans après le premier numéro de Philosophie Antique, consacré aux « Figures de Socrate », le panorama des études socratiques semble avoir été profondément modifié par certaines nouveautés en matière de contenu et de méthode, issues d’une meilleure compréhension du phénomène des logoi sokratikoi et de son importance dans l’histoire culturelle et politique athénienne des ve et ive siècles.L’usage de la méthode intertextuelle a non seulement contribué à briser le monopole platonicien dans la transmission du patrimoine socratique, mais également (...)
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  25. Foreigner in his Own Land. Aristippus like Model of Aristotelian Ápolis [Spanish].Maria Florencia Zayas - 2013 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 18:124-147.
    El debate en torno a Aristipo de Cirene, cuya concepción de la felicidad coloca en el centro de la escena al placer, pone en tela de juicio las afirmaciones propias de aquellas éticas nucleadas bajo el epíteto de eudemonistas. Con el desplazamiento de la felicidad del sitial del fin, Aristipo reformula la dimensión ética tradicional: a través del ejercicio de la enkráteia, y lejos de caer en un relativismo subjetivista, intenta construir una ética que tenga como base un objetivismo gnoseológico. (...)
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  26. The Possibility of Psychic Conflict in Seneca's De Ira.Corinne Gartner - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (2):213-233.
    This paper explores the potential for psychic conflict within Seneca's moral psychology. Some scholars have taken Seneca's explicit claim in De Ira that the soul is unitary to preclude any kind of simultaneous psychic conflict, while other interpreters have suggested that Seneca views all cases of anger as instances of akrasia. I argue that Seneca's account of anger provides the resources for accommodating some types of simultaneous psychic conflict; however, he denies the possibility of psychic conflict between two action-generating impulses, (...)
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    “Listening to Reason”: The Role of Persuasion in Aristotle’s Account of Praise, Blame, and the Voluntary.Allen Speight - 2005 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 38 (3):213-225.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:“Listening to Reason”:The Role of Persuasion in Aristotle’s Account of Praise, Blame, and the VoluntaryAllen SpeightAristotle connects praise and blame closely to the voluntary, but the question of how his discussion of these terms should be construed more broadly in the context of a theory of responsibility has been much disputed. There are some well-known difficulties with the coherence of Aristotle's views in this regard: animals and children, for (...)
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    Pierre Hadot, Philosophy as a Way of Life, trans. by M. Chase, Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1999, x + 309 hlm. (PWL); Pierre Hadot, What is Ancient Philosophy?, trans. by M. Case, Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2004, xiv + 362 hlm. (WAP). [REVIEW]Haryanto Cahyadi - 2017 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 16 (2):226-235.
    Tidak bisa disangkal bahwa filsafat Barat dewasa ini hampir identik dengan wacana filosofis (philosophical discourse), berupa konsep, teori, atau sistem, yang umumnya berkembang dinamis dan dipelajari sebagai disiplin keilmuan dalam lingkungan akademis melalui satuan kurikulum perguruan tinggi modern. Maka tidak mengherankan bila filsafat cenderung identik dengan filsafat akademis (academic philosophy). Namun berkat dua buku Pierre Hadot (1922-2010) kita terbantu untuk menyadari hilangnya sebagian besar pemahaman filsafat itu sendiri terutama wawasan klasik yang mengungkapkan fokus utama penghayatan maupun lintasan peralihan fokus utama (...)
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    Die Tollkühnheit, einen schönen Menschen zu küssen. Philosophische Ansätze bei der Textinterpretation am Beispiel von Xenophon, Memorabilia 1, 3, 8-15.Magnus Frisch - 2014 - der Altsprachliche Unterricht 57 (5):42-49.