Results for 'Emmanuel Laskaridis'

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  1. On Traditional African Consensual Rationality.Emmanuel Ifeanyi Ani - 2013 - Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (3):342-365.
    Wiredu’s call for democracy by consensus is illustrated by his description of traditional African consensual rationality. This description contains the attribution of immanence to African consensual rationality. This paper objects to this doctrine of immanence. More importantly, the doctrine of immanence has led to the attribution of pure rationality to traditional African consensual practices. With reference to Aristotle’s three components of persuasion, I object to deliberation as purely rational and impervious to extraneous factors. I further argue that it is because (...)
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  2. Modularity and intuitions in formal semantics: the case of polarity items.Emmanuel Chemla, Vincent Homer & Daniel Rothschild - 2011 - Linguistics and Philosophy 34 (6):537-570.
    Linguists often sharply distinguish the different modules that support linguistics competence, e.g., syntax, semantics, pragmatics. However, recent work has identified phenomena in syntax (polarity sensitivity) and pragmatics (implicatures), which seem to rely on semantic properties (monotonicity). We propose to investigate these phenomena and their connections as a window into the modularity of our linguistic knowledge. We conducted a series of experiments to gather the relevant syntactic, semantic and pragmatic judgments within a single paradigm. The comparison between these quantitative data leads (...)
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  3. The Politics of Shareholder Activism in Nigeria.Emmanuel Adegbite, Kenneth Amaeshi & Olufemi Amao - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (3):389-402.
    Shareholder activism has become a force for good in the extant corporate governance literature. In this article, we present a case study of Nigeria to show how shareholder activism, as a corporate governance mechanism, can constitute a space for unhealthy politics and turbulent politicking, which is a reflection of the country’s brand of politics. As a result, we point out some translational challenges, and suggest more caution, in the diffusion of corporate governance practices across different institutional environments. We contribute to (...)
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    Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy.Emmanuel Alloa, Rajiv Kaushik & Frank Chouraqui (eds.) - 2019 - Albany NY: SUNY Press.
    Maurice Merleau-Ponty is widely recognized as one of the major figures of twentieth-century philosophy. The recent publication of his lecture courses and posthumous working notes has opened new avenues for both the interpretation of his thought and philosophy in general. These works confirm that, with a surprising premonition, Merleau-Ponty addressed many of the issues that concern philosophy today. With the benefit of this fuller picture of his thought, Merleau-Ponty and Contemporary Philosophy undertakes an assessment of the philosopher's relevance for contemporary (...)
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    On agreed actions without agreed notions.Emmanuel Ifeanyi Ani - 2014 - South African Journal of Philosophy 33 (3):311-320.
    In his plea for consensual democracy in Africa, Kwasi Wiredu recommends unanimity about what is to be done, not what ought to be done, or unanimity on action rather than unanimity of values, beliefs and opinion. I caution the use of this procedural instrument by showing that some issues are so value-laden that a group decision cannot be value-neutral. It may sometimes be more productive to entertain value differences to keep them from going underground and becoming dangerous. However, the ability (...)
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  6. The Diacritical Nature of Meaning. Merleau-Ponty with Saussure.Emmanuel Alloa - 2013 - Chiasmi International 15:167-181.
    “What we have learned from Saussure” affirms Merleau-Ponty “is that, taken singly, signs do not signify anything, and that each one of them does not so much express a meaning as mark a divergence of meaning between itself and other signs.” While it has often been stressed that Merleau-Ponty was arguably among the earliest philosophical readers of Saussure, the real impact of this reading on Merleau-Ponty’s thinking has rarely been assessed in detail. By focusing on the middle period – the (...)
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    De quoi l’esthétisation est-elle le nom?Emmanuel Alloa & Christoph Haffter - 2021 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 28 (2):5-23.
    Derrière un seul et même mot – l’« esthétisation » – se cachent des constats que tout ou presque sépare. Peu étonnant que les différents débats autour de cette notion, en France, en Allemagne ou aux États-Unis, aient souvent engendré des incompréhensions mutuelles. Avant même de savoir si l’esthétisation du monde est un phénomène désirable ou condamnable, il faut éclairer les arrière-plans conceptuels qui orientent ce diagnostic, et qui lui confèrent un sens parfois diamétralement opposé. En ouverture du dossier, l’article (...)
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  8. Why Transparency has Little (if Anything) to do with the Age of Enlightenment.Emmanuel Alloa - 2022 - In This Obscure Thing Called Transparency. Politics and Aesthetics of a Contemporary Metaphor. University Press Leuven. pp. 167-188.
  9.  7
    This Obscure Thing Called Transparency. Politics and Aesthetics of a Contemporary Metaphor.Emmanuel Alloa (ed.) - 2022 - University Press Leuven.
    The paradoxical logic of transparency and mediation Transparency is the metaphor of our time. Whether in government or corporate governance, finance, technology, health or the media – it is ubiquitous today, and there is hardly a current debate that does not call for more transparency. But what does this word actually stand for and what are the consequences for the life of individuals? Can knowledge from the arts, and its play of visibility and invisibility, tell us something about the paradoxical (...)
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    The Phenomenology of Choice.Emmanuel Baierlé - 2016 - Dissertation, University of Fribourg
  11. The Most Sublime of All Laws: The Strange Resurgence of a Kantian Motif in Contemporary Image Politics.Emmanuel Alloa - 2014 - Critical Inquiry 41 (2):367-389.
    In recent years, the claim of the unrepresentability of the Shoah has stirred vivid debates, especially following the strong positions taken by the French filmmaker Claude Lanzmann and author of Shoah (1986). This claim of unrepresentability, it can be shown, draws part of its attraction from the fact that it oscillates undecidedly between a claim of logical impossibility (“the Shoah can’t be represented”) and a normative demand (“the Shoah shouldn’t be represented”). This essay analyzes the argumentative structure of the advocates (...)
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    Counting on Relief: Industrializing the Statistical Interviewer during the New Deal.Emmanuel Didier - 2011 - Science in Context 24 (2):281-310.
    ArgumentWhen the New Deal administration attained power in the United States, it was confronted with two different problems that could be linked to one another. On the one hand, there was a huge problem of unemployment, affecting everybody including the white-collar workers. And, on the other hand, the administration suffered from a very serious lack of data to illuminate its politics. One idea that came out of this situation was to use the abundant unemployed white-collar workers as enumerators of statistical (...)
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    Hegel lecteur de Bichat, ou comment la raison spéculative fait d’une distinction d’entendement un moment conceptuel du vivant.Emmanuel Chaput - 2018 - Symposium 22 (1):159-186.
    Malgré l’extrapolation parfois violente qu’opère Hegel, son traitement des découvertes physiologiques de Bichat montre à quel point il demeure soucieux de penser la compatibilité entre sciences empiriques et sciences spéculatives ou philosophiques. Loin de déduire un concept de la nature a priori indépendamment de toute considération pour les travaux de son temps, Hegel est au contraire un lecteur attentif des sciences en plein essor. Son système doit ainsi se comprendre à l’aune d’un dialogue constant avec les sciences dans lequel la (...)
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    Invisibility: From Discrimination to Resistance.Emmanuel Alloa - 2023 - Critical Horizons 24 (4):1-14.
    The paper takes heed of the fact that, when evaluating normative issues through the semantics of visibility and invisibility, a transfer takes place from optical to political semantics which is not without consequences. The paper attempts a typology of the extremely diverse functions (in)visibility takes in current discourses, moving from the characterization of situations of discrimination to that of the resistance to it. In a first step, it analyses the affirmative uses of the notion of political visibilisation, whether of individuals, (...)
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  15. Transparency, Privacy and Civil Inattention.Emmanuel Alloa - 2021 - In Cultures of Transparency: Between Promise and Peril. London/New York: pp. 171-191.
    The demand for more transparency is hardly ever questioned. When it is, it is generally questioned in the name of a protection of privacy. In a traditional liberal understanding, there is a non-alienable “right to privacy” (Warren/Brandeis, 1890). Many political struggles, however, involved ignoring such boundaries, and making public things that were meant to remain private (domestic violence, gender oppression, child abuse etc.). While holding that the distinction between private and public is necessary, it must remain mobile and subject to (...)
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    The pharmaceuticalisation of life? A fictional case report of insomnia with a thought experiment.Emmanuel Bäckryd - 2021 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 16 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundThe safety of sleeping pills has increased dramatically during the last 100 years, from barbiturates to bensodiazepines to modern day so-called Z-drugs.MethodsThe circumstances of prescribing sleeping pills in the early 20th century are illustrated by summarizing the main storyline of a novel by Swedish writer Vilhelm Moberg. This is followed by a thought experiment and a theoretical discussion.ResultsIn his 1937 novel Sömnlös (Swedish for sleepless) Vilhelm Moberg portrayed existential and relational distress in relation to insomnia. In a thought experiment, past (...)
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  17. Le monde existe-t-il sans nous? Le perspectivisme selon Husserl.Emmanuel Alloa - 2016 - Philosophie 1 (4):3-19.
  18. Produktiver Schein. Phänomenotechnik zwischen Wissenschaft und Ästhetik.Emmanuel Alloa - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 60 (2):169-182.
    The notion of ‘phenomenotechnique’ which Gaston Bachelard introduced in the 1930’s has enjoyed popularity among historians of science who used it in order to insist upon the technical and social mediateness of scientific facts. In the wake of the current triumphal return to epistemological ‘realism,’ the idea of phenomenotechnique has been dismissed as an alleged relic of ‘constructivism.’ The article advocates for a different reading of ‘phenomenotechnique,’ which, rather than insisting on the fabrication of the scientific fact, highlights the intrinsic (...)
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  19. Prégnances du devenir. Simondon et les images.Emmanuel Alloa - 2015 - Critique 816:356-371.
    Problématisation, individuation, (dés)adaptation L’inventivité du vivant : la « disparation » Mouvements à vide. La spontanéité selon Simondon La prégnance des images Ontogenèse, phylogenèse, eikogenèse. L’image comme médiation .
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    Antichrist. Nietzsche et le Royaume.Emmanuel Cattin - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico.
    Esta contribución plantea una sola pregunta: ¿quién es el Anticristo de Nietzsche? A partir de la figura del Nuevo Testamento en el Evangelio de Juan y las indicaciones apocalípticas en la Segunda Epístola de Pablo a los Tesalonicenses, estudia al Anticristo en el libro de 1888 como una inversión del anatema de Lutero contra Roma y el papado en 1520, ahora vuelto contra el cristianismo mismo. Una lucha tan despiadada tiene el significado de Reino y redención como apuesta única.
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    Barth et Hegel.Emmanuel Cattin - 2022 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 140 (1):27-41.
    Dans ses cours sur la théologie protestante, donnés à Bonn entre 1932 et 1933, Karl Barth engage une confrontation magistrale avec Hegel, la « confiance en soi » de la pensée humaine et « l’événement de la raison » qui sont au centre de cette œuvre. Hegel, mieux que les théologiens, fut aussi le penseur de la majesté, de la seigneurie de Dieu, mais il ne conçut pas, au centre de la vérité, « l’inconcevable de Dieu ».
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    L’idéalisme et la vie.Emmanuel Cattin - 2007 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2007 (1).
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    La fin de la réalité.Emmanuel Cattin - 2017 - Quaestio 17:327-339.
    This contribution studies the German translations for reality: Realität, Sachheit, Wirklichkeit, first in their own ambiguity, then at the end of the hegelian Objective Logic in The Science of Logi...
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  24. Foucault y el poder: una cronología de su producción.Emmanuel Chamorro - 2025 - Pensamiento 80 (310):1077-1099.
    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo reconstruir y ordenar aquella parte de la obra de Michel Foucault dedicada a la cuestión del poder y desarrollada fundamentalmente alrededor de la década de 1970. Partiendo de un análisis exhaustivo de las fuentes, se presenta un estudio bibliográfico que no solo cataloga las principales aportaciones de Foucault a este debate, sino que las organiza cronológicamente con minuciosidad. De este modo, acudiendo a los originales, así como a los diferentes estudios que han tratado de (...)
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    Leçons sur la logique et la métaphysique – Heidelberg 1817 G.W.F. HEGEL Paris, Vrin, 2017, 193 p.Emmanuel Chaput - 2019 - Dialogue 58 (2):393-396.
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    Le scénario cartésien: recherches sur la formation et la cohérence de l'intention philosophique de Merleau-Ponty.Emmanuel de Saint-Aubert - 2005 - Paris: Vrin.
    Présente le parcours philosophique de Merleau-Ponty tant dans sa formation que dans ses objectifs. Ses références : Descartes, Leibniz, Gabriel Marcel. Ses concepts opératoires : le concret, l'incarnation, l'intentionnalité, les chiasmes.
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    The Theatre of the Virtual. How to Stage Potentialities with Merleau-Ponty.Emmanuel Alloa - 2014 - In Laura Cull & Alice Lagaay, Encounters in Performance Philosophy. PalgraveMacmillan. pp. 147-170.
  28. Transparency: A magic concept of modernity.Emmanuel Alloa - 2018 - In Emmanuel Alloa & Dieter Thomä, Transparency, Society, Subjecticity. Critical Perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 21-55.
    This introductory chapter gives an overview of the emergent field of Critical Transparency Studies. Moreover, it traces some genealogical lines of how, from the eighteenth century onwards, what was known in Antiquity as an optical and aesthetic phenomenon—diaphaneity—came to stand for central concerns in self-knowledge, morality and politics. Such an analysis of the historical semantics of transparency highlights the irreducible plurality of the phenomenon. Against tendencies of seeing transparency as a means of achieving self-coincidence, unicity and self-stability, the chapter sketches (...)
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    ICT evaluation models and performance of medium and small enterprises.Emmanuel O. Adu & Anass Bayaga - 2014 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 20 (1-2):9-24.
    Building on prior research related to impact of information communication technology and operational risk management in the context of medium and small enterprises, the focus of this study was to investigate the relationship between ICT operational risk management and performances of MSEs. To achieve the focus, the research investigated evaluating models for understanding the value of ICT ORM in MSEs. Multiple regression, Repeated-Measures Analysis of Variance and Repeated-Measures Multivariate Analysis of Variance were performed. The findings of the distribution revealed that (...)
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  30. Nonconceptualism and the Cognitive Process of Perception.Emmanuel Akintona - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (1).
    Gareth Evans was first to express the idea that our perceptual experience is more detailed than what our concepts possess and this brings in the idea of nonconceptualism. The nonconceptualist claims that creatures without conceptual ability can be in a content-bearing state since they do not possess concept, memory or linguistic ability. Concepts are the constituents of those intentional contents that are the complete truth-evaluable contents of judgment and belief. This paper examines the possibility of nonconceptual content in human perception (...)
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    Abstract: Flesh as embodied Diacritics.Emmanuel Alloa - 2009 - Chiasmi International 11:262-262.
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    Changer de sens. Quelques effets du tournant iconique.Emmanuel Alloa - 2010 - Critique 758 (8):647-658.
  33. Ästhetische Erfahrung.Emmanuel Alloa & Christoph Haffter - 2021 - In Siegmund Judith, Handbuch Kunstphilosophie. Stuttgart: Utb. pp. 365-370.
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  34. Philosophy and Theatre: Incestuous Beginnings, Looking Daggers and other Dangerous Liaisons. A Dialogue.Emmanuel Alloa & Sophie Krempl - 2020 - In Alice Lagaay & Laura Cull Ó Maoilearca, Routledge Companion to Performance Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 174-181.
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    Phantasia. Aristoteles' Theorie der Sichtbarmachung.Emmanuel Alloa - 2013 - In Gottfried Boehm, Emmanuel Alloa, Orlando Budelacci & Gerald Wildgruber, Imagination. Suchen und Finden. Paderborn: W. Fink. pp. 91--111.
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    Quertreiber des Denkens: Dieter Thomä - Werk und Wirken.Emmanuel Alloa, Michael G. Festl, Federica Gregoratto & Thomas Telios (eds.) - 2019 - Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
    Im Zeitalter der Hochspezialisierung sind sie selten geworden, die Philosoph*innen, die an der Universität wie im Feuilleton gleichermaßen zuhause sind. Dieter Thomä ist einer dieser Wenigen. Ob in leichtfüßigen Kolumnen oder in tiefschürfenden Studien zur Geistesgeschichte - stets gilt sein Interesse den Unruheherden innerhalb von Ordnungen, den Umschlagspunkten, an denen ein System kippt. In vier Jahrzehnten publizistischer Tätigkeit hat er der Philosophie neue Gegenstände erschlossen und die Öffentlichkeit mit provokativen Zeitdiagnosen bereichert. Anlässlich seines 60. Geburtstags werden die Denkanstöße gewürdigt, die (...)
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  37. Suspension et gravité. L’imaginaire sartrien face au Tintoret.Emmanuel Alloa - 2007 - Alter. Revue de Phénoménologie 15 (15):123-141.
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    The Theatre of the Virtual. How to Stage Potentialities with Merleau-Ponty.Emmanuel Alloa - 2014 - In Laura Cull & Alice Lagaay, Encounters in Performance Philosophy. PalgraveMacmillan. pp. 147-170.
  39. Wie es wäre wenn es denn wäre. Zur utopischen Kraft der Imagination.Emmanuel Alloa - 2024 - In Serena Gregorio, Geist und Imagination. Zur Bedeutung der Vorstellungskraft für Denken und Handeln. Berlin: Suhrkamp. pp. 259-281.
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    Iconic Turn: A Plea for Three Turns of the Screw.Emmanuel Alloa - 2015 - Culture, Theory, and Critique 56 (3).
    In the early 1990s, W.J.T. Mitchell and Gottfried Boehm independently proclaimed that the humanities were witnessing a ‘pictorial’ or ‘iconic turn’. Twenty years later, we may wonder whether this announcement was describing an event that had already taken place or whether it was rather calling forth for it to happen. The contemporary world is, more than ever, determined by visual artefacts. Still, our conceptual arsenal, forged during centuries of logocentrism, still falls behind the complexity of pictorial meaning. The essay has (...)
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    Marx tem um método dialético próprio?Emmanuel Nakamura - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (2):77-94.
    Resumo: Este artigo procura responder à pergunta se Marx possui de fato um método dialético próprio. A argumentação está dividida em três partes. Na primeira, procura-se mostrar que as críticas de Marx ao método absoluto de Hegel poderiam ser tomadas por este como meras explicações sobre o seu próprio método. Na segunda parte, tecem-se algumas considerações sobre o que é o método dialético de Hegel, a partir das figuras da imediaticidade e da imediaticidade mediada. Na última parte, apresentam-se três exemplos (...)
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    Introduction.Emmanuel Alloa & Judith Revel - 2017 - Chiasmi International 19:31-33.
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    Existentialist Philosophies: An Introduction.Emmanuel Mounier & Eric Blow - 2021 - London: Hassell Street Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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    The Do It Yourself-Paradigm: An Inquiry into the Historical Roots of the Neglect of Testimony.Emmanuel Alloa - 2017 - Early Science and Medicine 22 (4):333 – 360.
    In contemporary social epistemology, the claim has been made that there is a traditional “neglect of testimonial knowledge,” and that in the history of epistemology, first-hand self-knowledge was invariably prioritised over secondary knowledge. While this paper acknowledges some truth in these statements, it challenges the given explanations: the mentioned neglect of testimonial knowledge is based not so much on a primacy of self-knowledge, but that of self-agency. This article retraces some crucial chapters of this ‘do-it-yourself’ paradigm: it considers the imperative (...)
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    Spaced-Out Time. On the Concept of Time-Axis Manipulation.Emmanuel Alloa - 2020 - In Spaced-out Time. On Time Axis Manipulation. Skira. pp. 55-72.
  46. Le mystère de la chair.Emmanuel de Saint Aubert - 2003 - Studia Phaenomenologica 3 (3-4):73-106.
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    Choses en soi: Métaphysique du réalisme.Emmanuel Alloa & Elie During (eds.) - 2018 - Paris: PUF.
    En philosophie, l'impossible a un nom : c'est, depuis Kant, la "chose en soi". La notion n'a pas bonne presse. A peine introduite, elle a connu un discrédit durable. Curieuse idée en effet que celle d'une réalité reconnue comme inconnaissable sans être pour cela impensable. Et pourtant, la chose en soi résiste et ne cesse de revenir sous diverses dénominations : "matière", "facticité", "résistance", "inconstructible", etc. Aujourd'hui encore, son idée hante les débats, du côté de la philosophie comme des sciences (...)
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    The Holmesian logician: Sherlock Holmes’ “Science of Deduction and Analysis” and the logic of discovery.Emmanuel J. Genot - 2020 - Synthese 198 (11):1-18.
    This paper examines whether Sherlock Holmes’ “Science of Deduction and Analysis,” as reconstructed by Hintikka and Hintikka The sign of three: Peirce, Dupin, Holmes, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1983), exemplifies a logic of discovery. While the Hintikkas claimed it does, their approach remained largely programmatic, and ultimately unsuccessful. Their reconstruction must thus be expanded, in particular to account for the role of memory in inquiry. Pending this expansion, the Hintikkas’ claim is vindicated. However, a tension between the naturalistic aspirations of (...)
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    Der flektierte Leib oder: Über die Körperlichkeit der Sprache.Emmanuel Alloa - 2022 - In Leibverständnis und Leibvergessenheit. Interdisziplinäre Zugänge. Alber. pp. 11-32.
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    El poder de visualizar. La "phantasia" según Aristóteles.Emmanuel Alloa - 2018 - Anuario Filosófico 51 (2):243-274.
    When translating phantasia as ‘imagination’, one commits a dangerous anachronism: interpreting the Greek concept from the vantage point of a modern, post-Kantian framework which sees imagination as a faculty mediating between sensibility and reasoning. A close reading of the Aristotelian sources shows why phantasia cannot be identifi ed as a distinct faculty, but rather designates a transversal power common to all psychic acts. The article argues that a more adequate translation of phantasia would be ‘visualization’.
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