Results for 'Emalie Hendel'

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  1.  20
    Exploration of visual factors in the disgust-anger confusion: the importance of the mouth.Emalie Hendel, Adèle Gallant, Marie-Pier Mazerolle, Sabah-Izayah Cyr & Annie Roy-Charland - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (4):835-851.
    According to the perceptual-attentional limitations hypothesis, the confusion between expressions of disgust and anger may be due to the difficulty in perceptually distinguishing the two, or insufficient attention to their distinctive cues. The objective of the current study was to test this hypothesis as an explanation for the confusion between expressions of disgust and anger in adults using eye-movements. In Experiment 1, participants were asked to identify each emotion in 96 trials composed of prototypes of anger and prototypes of disgust. (...)
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  2. Color may be the phenomenal dual aspect of two-state quantum systems in a mixed state.Tal Hendel - manuscript
    Panmicropsychism is the view that the fundamental physical ingredients of our universe are also its fundamental phenomenal ingredients. Since there is only a limited number of fundamental physical ingredients, panmicropsychism seems to imply that there exists only a small set (palette) of basic phenomenal qualities. How does this limited palette of basic phenomenal qualities give rise to our rich set of experiences? This is known as ‘the palette problem’. One class of solutions to this problem, large-palette solutions, simply denies that (...)
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    Trialistic panqualityism.Tal Hendel - manuscript
    Panqualityism is a form of panpsychism that distinguishes between conscious subjects (i.e., minds) and phenomenal qualities. Like panpsychism, it holds that the universe's physical ultimates are phenomenally qualitied. Unlike panpsychism, however, it argues that these phenomenally qualitied ultimates are not microsubjects and are therefore not experienced. By rejecting the idea that phenomenally qualitied ultimates are microsubjects, panqualityism escapes the subject combination problem. However, this creates a new challenge: explaining how conscious macrosubjects arise from non-experiential microqualities. Here I address this challenge (...)
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    Israeli Nurse Managers' Organizational Values in Today's Health Care Environment.Tova Hendel & Michal Steinman - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (6):651-662.
    The total value set of a working individual consists of three components: personal, professional and organizational values. In the light of the changing health care environment, the individual nurse manager’s values may no longer be applicable for coping with the needs of the work environment. For many nurses who developed their values in keeping with the humanistic tradition, the ‘new’ organizational values may create confusion, frustration and conflict. The purpose of this study was to determine if the organizational domain in (...)
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    Citizen of Geneva.Charles William Hendel - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47 (5):542-543.
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    (1 other version)Reflections on the spirit of man.Charles W. Hendel - 1940 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 14:162.
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  7. (1 other version)Studies in the philosophy of David Hume.Charles William Hendel - 1925 - Princeton,: Princeton university press.
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    The character of philosophy in canada.Charles W. Hendel - 1951 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 12 (3):365-376.
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    The philosophy of Kant and our modern world.Charles William Hendel - 1957 - New York,: Liberal Arts Press.
    This volume contains four lectures that were offered by members of Yale University who have been engaged in studying Kant in the conviction that his ideas and reasonings are of particular value for us in our modern world.
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    The status of mind in reality.Charles W. Hendel - 1934 - Journal of Philosophy 31 (9):225-235.
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  11.  19
    A derivation of the Schrödinger equation from Feynman's path-integral formulation of quantum mechanics.Tal Hendel - 2024 - European Journal of Physics 45 (6).
    The equation of motion in the standard formulation of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, the Schrödinger equation, is based on the Hamiltonian. In contrast, in Feynman's path-integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the equation of motion is the propagation equation, which is based on the Lagrangian. That these two different equations of motion are equivalent was shown by Feynman, who provided a derivation of the Schrödinger equation from the propagation equation. Surprisingly, however, while in classical mechanics there exists a simple relationship between the (...)
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  12.  67
    Realization.Giovanna Hendel - 2001 - Critica 33 (98):41-70.
    So far no clear explication of the notion of realization has been offered, in spite of the frequent uses of the notion in the literature to discharge important jobs, such as that of accounting for the causal efficacy of the mental in a physical world, and that of providing a viable characterization of physicalism, and/or psychophysical reduction. I put forward an account of realization as an identity-like relation. I argue that such account has the following advantages: it provides a picture (...)
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  13.  66
    The Eighteenth Century as an Age of Ethical Crisis:An Age of Crisis: Man and World in Eighteenth Century Thought. Lester G. Crocker.Charles W. Hendel - 1962 - Ethics 72 (3):202-.
  14.  25
    Announcement.C. W. Hendel - 1944 - Philosophy 19 (72):95-.
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  15.  14
    Irresponsibility and the Eternal Return of Religion.William J. Hendel - 2019 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 1 (1):122-125.
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    Anatheism among the Poets.William J. Hendel - 2023 - Journal for Continental Philosophy of Religion 5 (1):51-61.
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    (1 other version)Civilization and Religion.Charles William Hendel - 1948 - Philosophical Review 57 (6):627-627.
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  18.  28
    Die Frühgeschichte Israels in Bekenntnis und Verkündigung des Alten TestamentsDie Fruhgeschichte Israels in Bekenntnis und Verkundigung des Alten Testaments.Ronald S. Hendel & Siegfried Kreuzer - 1992 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 112 (4):704.
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    (1 other version)Die platonische Anamnesis und Goethes Antizipationen.Marie Hendel - 1920 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 25:182.
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    From Epic to Canon: History and Literature in Ancient Israel.Ronald S. Hendel & Frank Moore Cross - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (1):139.
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  21.  23
    Hume's Theory of the Understanding.C. W. Hendel - 1937 - Philosophical Review 46 (1):89.
  22.  15
    The Philosophy of Kant and our modern world: four lectures delivered at Yale University commemorating the 150th anniversary of the death of Immanuel Kant.Charles William Hendel (ed.) - 1981 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    This volume contains four lectures that were offered by members of Yale University who have been engaged in studying Kant in the conviction that his ideas and reasonings are of particular value for us in our modern world.
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  23. (1 other version)Studies in the Philosophy of David Hume.C. W. Hendel - 1963 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (3):458-458.
  24.  33
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau, moralist.Charles William Hendel - 1934 - London and New York,: Oxford university press.
  25.  9
    The Epic of the Patriarch: The Jacob Cycle and the Narrative Traditions of Canaan and Israel.Ronald S. Hendel (ed.) - 1987 - Brill.
    Revision of the author's thesis (Ph. D.--Harvard University, 1985).
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  26. To Montesquieu: Acknowledgment and Appreciation.Charles W. Hendel - 1955 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 9 (33/34):346-365.
  27. Psychophysical supervenience: Digging in its foundations.Giovanna Hendel - 2002 - Journal of Philosophical Research 27:115-141.
    I put forward and defend the thesis (Th) that psychophysical supervenience (PS) in its full generality can be satisfactorily supported if and only if one is willing to make one or another of some substantial assumptions (the Assumptions) about the nature of mental and physical properties. I first deal with the “if” part of the claim by presenting and considering the Assumptions. I then argue for the inadequacy of suggestions of support for PS that do not require any of the (...)
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  28. Physicalism, nothing buttery, and supervenience.Giovanna Hendel - 2001 - Ratio 14 (3):252-262.
    I consider the position (which I call‘the triad’) according to which physicalism is a reductive claim which is capturable in terms of the idea (the ‘nothing buttery’ idea) that there is nothing but/nothing over and above the physical, an idea which, in its turn, is meant to be capturable in terms of a determinate form of supervenience. (Physicalism is then meant to be capturable in terms of the form of supervenience in question.) I argue that there is a tension in (...)
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  29.  66
    Goethe's Faust and philosophy.Charles W. Hendel - 1949 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 10 (2):157-171.
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  30. Supervenience, metaphysical reduction, and metaphysics of properties.Giovanna Hendel - 2001 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 39 (1):99-118.
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  31.  35
    The subjective as a problem: An essay in criticism of naturalistic and existential philosophies.Charles W. Hendel - 1953 - Philosophical Review 62 (3):327-354.
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    John Dewey and the Experimental Spirit in Philosophy.Charles W. Hendel - 1961 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 21 (3):428-429.
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  33.  39
    Book Review:Studies in the Eighteenth Century Background of Hume's Empiricism. Mary Shaw Kuypers. [REVIEW]C. W. Hendel - 1933 - International Journal of Ethics 43 (3):361-.
  34.  47
    Book Review: Exodus. [REVIEW]Ronald Hendel - 2007 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 61 (3):332-333.
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  35.  12
    Experience and Time. Variations on a Theme of Kant.Charles William Hendel - 1961 - Atti Del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia 12:225-232.
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  36. (1 other version)Jean- Jacques Rousseau, Moralist.C. W. Hendel - 1935 - Philosophy 10 (37):108-111.
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  37.  80
    On what does the issue of supervenience and psychophysical dependence depend?Giovanna Hendel - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (2):329-348.
    RÉSUMÉ: Prenant comme point de départ un article récent de Neil Campbell, j'examine la question de savoir si la survenance psychophysique peut assurer la dépendance psychophysique. Mes thèses principales sont que contrairement à ce que croit Campbell, il n'est pas clair que Kim ait montré de manière convaincante que les formulations de la survenance psychophysique en termes de propriétés soient inadéquates pour expliquer la dépendance psychophysique; la pertinence des difficultés soulevées par Kim tient surtout à la conception que l'on se (...)
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  38.  24
    Theodore Meyer Greene 1897-1969.Charles W. Hendel - 1970 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 44:214 - 216.
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  39.  29
    Criteria for the Constituting of a Department of Philosophy.R. G. Turnbull & C. W. Hendel - 1958 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 32:85 - 90.
    The following statement is a report of the Committee on Philosophy in Education of the American Philosophical Association and was approved by the Association's Board of Officers in December, 1958. The Committee was composed of the following: C. W. Hendel, Chairman, H. G. Alexander, R. M. Chisholm, Max Fisch, Lucius Garvin, Douglas Morgan, A. E. Murphy, Charner Perry and R. G. Turnbull. Primary responsibility for the preparation of this report belonged to a subcommittee composed of R. G. Turnbull, Chairman, (...)
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  40.  52
    (2 other versions)The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms. Volume II.Ernst Cassirer, Ralph Manheim & Charles W. Hendel - 1957 - Philosophical Review 66 (2):251-255.
  41.  13
    (1 other version)Preface to Philosophy: Textbook.Brand Blanshard, C. W. Hendel, W. E. Hocking, J. H. Randall, R. E. Hoople & R. F. Piper - 1947 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 8 (1):165-166.
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    The Epic of the Patriarch: The Jacob Cycle and the Narrative Traditions of Canaan and Israel.Victor H. Matthews & Ronald S. Hendel - 1990 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 110 (2):345.
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    La critique et la religion chez David Hume. [REVIEW]C. W. Hendel - 1934 - Philosophical Review 43 (4):421-429.
  44.  25
    Ethics: Origin and Development. [REVIEW]Charles W. Hendel - 1926 - Philosophical Review 35 (2):182-187.
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  45.  19
    Ethical Relativity. [REVIEW]C. W. Hendel - 1933 - Journal of Philosophy 30 (10):269-276.
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    The Absurdity of Christianity and Other Essays.Archibald Allan Bowman & Charles William Hendel - 1958 - Liberal Arts Press.
  47.  21
    The Text of Genesis 1-11: Textual Studies and Critical Edition.Saul Levin & Ronald S. Hendel - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (2):265.
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  48.  25
    The Riddle of Resurrection: "Dying and Rising Gods" in the Ancient near East.Tryggve N. D. Mettinger & Ronald Hendel - 2003 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 123 (1):201.
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  49.  22
    Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Moralist. By Harold A. Larrabee. [REVIEW]Charles William Hendel - 1934 - International Journal of Ethics 45:110.
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  50. (1 other version)The Philosophy of Kant and our Modern World. [REVIEW]Charles W. Hendel - 1958 - Sapientia 13 (50):313.
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