Results for 'Ellen Reinke'

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  1.  12
    Maass, Günter: Das psychoanalytisch-psychosomatische Erstinterview. Frankfurt/M. 2018. 171 Seiten, € 19,90.Ellen Reinke - 2019 - Psyche 73 (8):626-629.
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    Rezension: Lee, Bandy X. Hrsg., Wie gefährlich ist Donald Trump? 27 Stellungnahmen aus Psychiatrie und Psychologie. Übers. von Irmela Köstlin u. Jürgen Schröder. Mit einem Vorwort von Robert J. Lifton, einem Vorwort für die deutsche Ausgabe von Hans-Jürgen Wirth und einem Nachwort von Noam Chomsky u. Bandy X. Lee. [REVIEW]Ellen Reinke - 2020 - Psyche 74 (12):1014-1016.
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    Implantable Brain Chips? Time for Debate.G. Q. Maguire & Ellen M. McGee - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (1):7-13.
    We have long used mechanical devices to compensate for physical disability. Soon, however, it may be possible to augment mental capacity—to add memory or upgrade processing power. We should ponder the enormous moral implications of the machine‐assisted mind now, before it is accomplished.
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    Legal “Tug-of-Wars” During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Public Health v. Economic Prosperity.James G. Hodge, Sarah Wetter, Emily Carey, Elyse Pendergrass, Claudia M. Reeves & Hanna Reinke - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (3):603-607.
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    Working Memory and Its Mediating Role on the Relationship of Math Anxiety and Math Performance: A Meta-Analysis.Jonatan Finell, Ellen Sammallahti, Johan Korhonen, Hanna Eklöf & Bert Jonsson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    It is well established that math anxiety has a negative relationship with math performance. A few theories have provided explanations for this relationship. One of them, the Attentional Control Theory, suggests that anxiety can negatively impact the attentional control system and increase one's attention to threat-related stimuli. Within the ACT framework, the math anxiety —working memory relationship is argued to be critical for math performance. The present meta-analyses provides insights into the mechanisms of the MA—MP relation and the mediating role (...)
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    Effect of size and location of informational transforms upon short-term retention.Michael I. Posner & Ellen Rossman - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 70 (5):496.
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    Bourdieu at the bedside: briefing parents in a pediatric hospital.Karen LeGrow, Ellen Hodnett, Robyn Stremler, Patricia McKeever & Eyal Cohen - 2014 - Nursing Inquiry 21 (4):327-335.
    The philosophy of family‐centered care (FCC) promotes partnerships between families and staff to plan, deliver, and evaluate services for children and has been officially adopted by a majority of pediatric hospitals throughout North America. However, studies indicated that many parents have continued to be dissatisfied with their decision‐making roles in their child's care. This is particularly salient for parents of children with chronic ongoing complex health problems. These children are dependent upon medical technology and require frequent hospitalizations during which parents (...)
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    Making Treatment Choices From “Dark Places”: A Role for Ethics Consultation.Gail Leslie, Ellen M. Robinson, Mary Zwirner, John J. Purcell & Cornelia Cremens - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (7):72-74.
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    PCW Cumulative Index Volume 8 (2001).Grace-Ellen Meixner - 2002 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 9 (1):97-98.
  10. Knowers, knowing, knowledge: Feminist theory and education.Ellen Messer-Davidow - 1985 - Journal of Thought 20 (3):8-24.
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    Preview.Ellen Messer-Davidow & David Shumway - 1995 - Social Epistemology 9 (3):205 – 210.
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    Introduction: The Crucial Role of Law in Supporting Successful Translation of Genomics into Clinical Care.Susan M. Wolf, Ellen Wright Clayton & Frances Lawrenz - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (1):7-10.
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    Santayana and Voice.Nancy Ellen Ogle - 2016 - Overheard in Seville 34 (34):35-41.
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    Post-COVID U.S. Legal Reforms Promoting Public Health and Equity.James G. Hodge, Sarah Wetter, Jennifer L. Piatt & Hanna Reinke - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (4):784-788.
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    The Roosevelt Lectures of Paul Shorey (1913-1914).Paul Shorey, Ward W. Briggs, E. Christian Kopff & Edgar C. Reinke - 1995
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    Sententious Tacitus - P. Sinclair: Tacitus the Sententious Historian. A Sociology of Rhetoric in Annales 1–6. Pp. ix+262. University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995. $32.50/£29.50.Ellen O'Gorman - 1996 - The Classical Review 46 (2):251-252.
  17.  45
    Altruism.John Campbell, Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller Jr & Jeffrey Paul - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (3):482.
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    Analyzing the Different Voice: Feminist Psychological Theory and Literary Texts.Jerilyn Fisher & Ellen S. Silber (eds.) - 1998 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    These essays apply influential, pathbreaking psychological studies about women's lives to literature. In their analyses of fictional portraits, contributors both challenge and confirm psychological theories about female identity, about 'connection/separation' as developmental catalysts, and about the impact of gender on 'voice,' moral decision-making, and epistemology in relation to classical and contemporary literary texts, written by both women and men.
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    Gupta Gold Coins with a Garuḍa BannerGupta Gold Coins with a Garuda Banner.A. K. Narain & Ellen M. Raven - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (1):202.
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    Arid Waters: Photographs From the Water in the West Project.Peter Goin & Ellen Manchester - 1992 - University of Nevada Press.
    Arid Waters is a photographic response to the growing crisis of water scarcity, which exists because our culture thinks of water as a commodity, or an abstract legal right, rather than the most basic physical source of life. The Water in the West Project began as a collaborative effort designed to present an artistic response to water as a social issue. Photography historian Ellen Manchester and the photographers - Mark Klett, Terry Evans, Laurie Brown, Peter Goin, Robert Dawson, Martin (...)
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    Qualitative health research and the irb: Answering the “so what?” With qualitative inquiry. [REVIEW]Mary Ellen Macdonald & Franco A. Carnevale - 2008 - Journal of Academic Ethics 6 (1):1-5.
    Qualitative inquiry is increasingly used to foster change in health policy and practice. Research ethics committees often misunderstand qualitative inquiry, assuming its design can be judged by criteria of quantitative science. Traditional health research uses scientific realist standards as a means-to-an-end, answering the question “So what?” to support the advancement of practice and policy. In contrast, qualitative inquiry often draws on constructivist paradigms, generating knowledge either as an end-in-itself or as a means to foster change. When reviewers inappropriately judge qualitative (...)
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    Death of a Science in Russia. [REVIEW]Sister Mary Ellen O’Hanlon - 1950 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 25 (3):547-548.
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    Review: Iris Marion Young, Responsibility for Justice, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. [REVIEW]Ellen Van Stichel - 2013 - Ethical Perspectives 20 (2):365-368.
  24.  21
    The Internationalists: How a Radical Plan to Outlaw War Remade the World, Oona A. Hathaway and Scott J. Shapiro , 608 pp., $30 cloth. [REVIEW]Mary Ellen O'Connell - 2018 - Ethics and International Affairs 32 (2):255-257.
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    Heredity, Race and Society. [REVIEW]Sister Mary Ellen O’Hanlon - 1947 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 22 (1):191-192.
  26.  43
    Unité et Vie. [REVIEW]Sister Mary Ellen O’Hanlon - 1947 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 22 (4):751-752.
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    Structural Power and Bank Bailouts in the United Kingdom and the United States.Raphael Reinke & Pepper D. Culpepper - 2014 - Politics and Society 42 (4):427-454.
    The 2008 bailout is often taken as evidence of the domination of the US political system by large financial institutions. In fact, the bailout demonstrated the vulnerability of US banks to government pressure. Large banks in the United States could not defy regulators, because their future income depended on the US market. In Britain, by contrast, one bank succeeded in scuttling the preferred governmental solution of an industry-wide recapitalization, because most of its revenue came from outside the United Kingdom. This (...)
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  28. Philosophie der Musik in Ernst Blochs frühem Hauptwerk Geist der Utopie: Kommentar zu ausgesuchten Stellen des Kapitels "Zur Theorie der Musik" in der zweiten Ausgabe von 1923.Reinke Schwinning - 2019 - Siegen: Universitätsverlag Siegen.
    Die Musik hat im Schaffen des Philosophen Ernst Bloch (1885-1977) unbestritten einen hohen Stellenwert. Den Grundstein für die lebenslange Beschäftigung mit ihr legte er in seinem frühen Hauptwerk "Geist der Utopie", das 1918 in einer ersten und 1923 in einer stark überarbeiteten Fassung erschien. Reinke Schwinning kommentiert Schlüsselpassagen des zentralen, 150 Seiten starken Kapitels dieser Schrift: Blochs "Philosophie der Musik." Methodisch spürt der Autor den geistigen wie musikalischen Kontexten nach, die den Text umlagern. So deckt er intellektuelle Verbindungen zu (...)
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    The Ellen Meiksins Wood reader.Ellen Meiksins Wood - 2012 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Larry Patriquin.
    Ellen Meiksins Wood is a leading contemporary political theorist who has elaborated an innovative approach to the history of political thought, the social history of political theory .
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  30. Naturwissenschaft, Weltanschauung, Religion.Johannes Reinke - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (2):44-44.
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  31. Wissen und Glauben in der Naturwissenschaft.Johannes Reinke - 1929 - Leipzig,: Barth.
    Zur Einführung.--Wissen und Glaube.--Das gebiet der leblosen Natur.--Die lebendigen Wesen.--Die seele der Grosshirntiere und ihr verhăltnis zum Menschen.--Die Abstammungslehre.--Der ursprung des Lebens auf der Erde.--Die abstammung des Menschen.--Ausblick in metaphysische Ferne.
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    The Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces: A validation study.Ellen Goeleven, Rudi De Raedt, Lemke Leyman & Bruno Verschuere - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (6):1094-1118.
    Although affective facial pictures are widely used in emotion research, standardised affective stimuli sets are rather scarce, and the existing sets have several limitations. We therefore conducted a validation study of 490 pictures of human facial expressions from the Karolinska Directed Emotional Faces database (KDEF). Pictures were evaluated on emotional content and were rated on an intensity and arousal scale. Results indicate that the database contains a valid set of affective facial pictures. Hit rates, intensity, and arousal of the 20 (...)
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  33. Longer, smaller, faster, stronger: On skills and intelligence.Ellen Fridland - 2019 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (5):759-783.
    ABSTRACTHow does practice change our behaviors such that they go from being awkward, unskilled actions to elegant, skilled performances? This is the question that I wish to explore in this paper. In the first section of the paper, I will defend the tight connection between practice and skill and then go on to make precise how we ought to construe the concept of practice. In the second section, I will suggest that practice contributes to skill by structuring and automatizing the (...)
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    Evaluating Outcomes in Ethics Consultation Research.Ellen Fox & R. M. Arnold - 1996 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 7 (2):127-138.
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    Components of Executive Control with Advantages for Bilingual Children in Two Cultures.Ellen Bialystok & Mythili Viswanathan - 2009 - Cognition 112 (3):494.
  36.  71
    3 Species and Organisms: What Are the Problems?Ellen Clarke & Samir Okasha - 2013 - In Frédéric Bouchard & Philippe Huneman (eds.), From Groups to Individuals: Evolution and Emerging Individuality. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press. pp. 55.
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  37. It just feels right: an account of expert intuition.Ellen Fridland & Matt Stichter - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):1327-1346.
    One of the hallmarks of virtue is reliably acting well. Such reliable success presupposes that an agent is able to recognize the morally salient features of a situation, and the appropriate response to those features and is motivated to act on this knowledge without internal conflict. Furthermore, it is often claimed that the virtuous person can do this in a spontaneous or intuitive manner. While these claims represent an ideal of what it is to have a virtue, it is less (...)
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    Disability, Dialogue, and the Posthuman.Ellen Saur & Alexander M. Sidorkin - 2018 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (6):567-578.
    This article is the result of a mutual interest in the radical philosophical dialogue discussed by Martin Buber. The radical dialogue is rooted in western European values of humanism, values that are challenged because they exclude women, people with disabilities, non-western, indigenous people and sexual minorities. With our basis in radical dialogue we are discussing flaws within the very concept of dialogue, how dialogue is challenged in encounters between people with severe disabilities and their helpers, and we are proposing a (...)
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    Different Shades—Different Effects? Consequences of Different Types of Destructive Leadership.Ellen A. Schmid, Armin Pircher Verdorfer & Claudia V. Peus - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Skill Learning and Conceptual Thought: Making our way through the wilderness.Ellen Fridland - 2013 - In Bana Bashour Hans Muller (ed.), Contemporary Philosophical Naturalism and Its Implications. Routledge.
  41. Die Forderung der Entscheidbarkeit in der Mathematik.Johannes Reinke - 1924 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 4:362.
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    Natur und Seele.Johannes Reinke - 1924 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 4 (1):313-347.
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  43. Philosophie der Botanik.J. Reinke - 1905 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 13 (4):10-11.
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  44. Paul Szende über die Fiktion.Johannes Reinke - 1924 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 4:368.
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    Zwischen Tradition, Aufklärung und Assimilation: Die Königliche Wilhelmsschule in Breslau 1791-1848.Andreas Reinke - 1991 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 43 (3):193-214.
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  46. By the Renewing of Your Minds: The Pastoral Function of Christian Doctrine.Ellen T. Charry - 1997
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    Why superordinate category terms can be mass nouns.Ellen M. Markman - 1985 - Cognition 19 (1):31-53.
  48.  6
    Die Welt als Tat.Johannes Reinke - 1905 - Berlin,: Gebrüder Paetel.
    Nachdruck des Originals von 1903. Dieses philosophische Werk stammt von Johannes Reinke (1849-1931), einem bekannten Botaniker, der sich zunehmend mit philosophischen Fragen auseinandersetzte und als führender Vertreter des Neo-Vitalismus eine scharfe, religiös motivierte Abgrenzung zum Darwinismus vollzog.Die Auseinandersetzung mit Darwin ist auch ein Teil dieses Buches.
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    Clinical Ethics Fellowship Programs in the U.S. and Canada: A Descriptive Study of Program Characteristics and Practices.Ellen Fox & Jason Adam Wasserman - forthcoming - American Journal of Bioethics:1-16.
    To address the current lack of knowledge about clinical ethics fellowship programs (CEFPs), we surveyed all 36 programs in the U.S. and Canada. The number of CEFPs has grown exponentially over the last 40 years and far exceeds previous estimates. Commonalities among CEFPs include: 88.8% require an advanced degree or rarely accept applicants without one; 91.7% of programs do not restrict applicants to a specific background such as medicine or philosophy; and 88.9% of programs compensate fellows. CEFPs vary widely on (...)
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    Safeguarding Being: a bioethical principle for genetic nursing care.Ellen Giarelli - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (3):255-268.
    This philosophical inquiry examines the nature of the technology of genetic predisposition testing and its relation to patients as whole persons. The bioethical principles of nonmaleficence, beneficence, autonomy and justice are judged insufficient to resolve issues associated with use. A new principle of ‘sustained being’, drawn from philosophical propositions of Pellegrino, is suggested. The new principle is suited to an evolving practice and is compatible with consequentialist, deontological and relational ethics theories. The notion of ‘taking care’ is related to nursing (...)
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