Results for 'Elk hunting '

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  1.  6
    A Man Made of Elk: Stories, Advice, and Campfire Philosophy From a Lifetime of Traditional Bowhunting.David Petersen - 2007 - Tbm.
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  2. A Statewide Examination of Hunting and Trophy Nonhuman Animals: Perspectives of Montana Hunters.Stephen Eliason - 2008 - Society and Animals 16 (3):256-278.
    The purpose of this descriptive and exploratory study was to extend our understanding of the motivations for trophy hunting. Hunting is an important recreational activity and part of the culture in Montana. Placing specific emphasis on the importance of obtaining a trophy nonhuman animal when hunting, the study examined the attitudes of resident hunters and nonresident outfitter-sponsored hunters. The study used a qualitative approach to data collection and developed 2 surveys that contained mostly open-ended questions. Results from (...)
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    Enactivism and neonatal imitation: conceptual and empirical considerations and clarifications.Paul Lodder, Mark Rotteveel & Michiel van Elk - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Effects of expectations and sensory unreliability on voice detection – A preregistered study.Piotr Szymanek, Marek Homan, Michiel van Elk & Mateusz Hohol - 2024 - Consciousness and Cognition 123 (C):103718.
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    Unpacking Mental Health: Intersectionality-informed Approaches to Upholding Human Rights and Realizing Social Justice (Guest Editors' Introduction).Marina Morrow, Gemma Hunting & Susan Lynn Hardie - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (3):376-398.
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    Getting absorbed in experimentally induced extraordinary experiences: Effects of placebo brain stimulation on agency detection.David L. R. Maij & Michiel van Elk - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 66:1-16.
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    The role of meta-analysis and preregistration in assessing the evidence for cleansing effects.Robert M. Ross, Robbie C. M. van Aert, Olmo R. van den Akker & Michiel van Elk - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    Lee and Schwarz interpret meta-analytic research and replication studies as providing evidence for the robustness of cleansing effects. We argue that the currently available evidence is unconvincing because publication bias and the opportunistic use of researcher degrees of freedom appear to have inflated meta-analytic effect size estimates, and preregistered replications failed to find any evidence of cleansing effects.
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    Peter Hunt.Peter Hunt - 2009 - The Chesterton Review 35 (1-2):282-284.
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    Fantasy proneness, but not self-reported trauma is related to DRM performance of women reporting recovered memories of childhood sexual abuse.Elke Geraerts, Elke Smeets, Marko Jelicic, Jaap van Heerden & Harald Merckelbach - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (3):602-612.
    Extending a strategy previously used by Clancy, Schacter, McNally, and Pitman , we administered a neutral and a trauma-related version of the Deese–Roediger–McDermott paradigm to a sample of women reporting recovered or repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse , women reporting having always remembered their abuse , and women reporting no history of abuse . We found that individuals reporting recovered memories of CSA are more prone than other participants to falsely recalling and recognizing neutral words that were never presented. (...)
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    Virtue, Wide Duties, and Casuistry. On why there is a Doctrine of Method in Kant’s Doctrine of Virtue.Elke Elisabeth Schmidt - 2023 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 4 (2):209-232.
    This paper deals primarily with theDoctrine of Method(DM) of Kant’sDoctrine of Virtue. First, I present an overview of theDM(1.1) and an explanation of how it is possible to teach virtue (1.2). Second, I address the following issues: Why is aDMnecessary at all (2.1)? How does theDMrelate to what Kant calls casuistry (2.2)? I will argue that wide duties have two essential characteristics: They command the right kind of moral motivation in terms of a moral maxim, and they allow for latitude. (...)
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    Are Lovers Ever One? Reconstructing the Union Theory of Love.Elke Elisabeth Schmidt - 2018 - Philosophia 46 (3):705-719.
    Current analytical philosophies of romantic love tend to identify the essence of such love with one specific element, such as concern for the beloved person, valuing the beloved person or the union between the lovers. This paper will deal with different forms of the union theory of love which takes love to be the physical, psychic or ontological union of two persons. Prima facie, this theory might appear to be implausible because it has several contra-intuitive implications, and yet, I submit, (...)
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    Absolute Poverty and Global Justice. Empirical Data – Moral Theories – Initiatives.Elke Mack, Michael Schramm, Stephan Klasen & Thomas Pogge (eds.) - 2009 - Routledge.
    It is held that absolute poverty causes approximately one third of all human deaths, some 18 million annually, and blights billions of lives with hunger and disease. This book develops universalizable norms aimed at tackling absolute poverty and the complex and multilayered problems associated with it.
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  13. Bleisch, Barbara (2009). Complicity in harmful action : contributing to world poverty and duties of care. In: Mack, Elke; Schramm, Michael; Klasen, Stephan; Pogge, Thomas. Absolute poverty and global justice : empirical data, moral theories, initiatives.Barbara Bleisch, Elke Mack, Michael Schramm, Stephan Klasen & Thomas Pogge (eds.) - 2009
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    Feministisch von Gott reden?: Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Rosemary Radford Ruethers Buch »Sexismus und die Rede von Gott«.Elke Axmacher - 1991 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 35 (1):5-20.
    The study attempts to conduct a fundamental theological discussion with Feminist Theology, a new variety ofLiberation Theology. The basis for this discussion is R. R. Ruether's book Sexism and God- Talk, which can be viewed as the first attempt at a feminist dogmatic theology. The study concludes that the theological foundation of this Christian Feminism is a monistic-pantheistic understanding of God which results in an ethic with distinct totalitarian tendencies.
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    Argumentation.Elke Brendel - 2019 - In Ludger Kühnhardt & Tilman Mayer (eds.), The Bonn Handbook of Globality: Volume 1. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 329-337.
    Argumentation or reasoning is the act of rendering theses rationally justified or plausible, through appeal to specific premises and the use of logical inferences. The principal forms of logical inference are deductive, inductive, and abductive. The chapter outlines some common argumentative fallacies and discusses important modes of argumentation, such as the use of universalizing arguments, wedge arguments, arguments from authority, and arguments from analogy, arguing through thought experiments and allegories. In the light of the modern global turn, the focus of (...)
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    Thomas grundmanns verteidigung Des erkenntnistheoretischen externalismus.Elke Brendel - 2005 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 68 (1):201-211.
  17.  9
    A Christian theory of justice.Elke Mack - 2017 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Eine Christliche Theorie der Gerechtigkeit ist eine pluralismusfahige christliche Gerechtigkeitsethik mit globaler Reichweite. Angesichts zahlloser globaler Probleme wie die extreme Armut von fast einer Milliarde Menschen ist fur die christliche Ethik ein Paradigmenwechsel zu einer konsensorientierten Ethik der Gerechtigkeit notwendig.
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    Heiko Puls, Sittliches Bewusstsein und Kategorischer Imperativ in Kants ‘Grundlegung’. Ein Kommentar zum dritten Abschnitt. Reviewed by.Schmidt Elke Elisabeth - 2017 - Philosophy in Review 37 (3):135-137.
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    Engaging Social Justice Methods to Create Palliative Care Programs That Reflect the Cultural Values of African American Patients with Serious Illness and Their Families: A Path Towards Health Equity.Ronit Elk & Shena Gazaway - 2021 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 49 (2):222-230.
    Cultural values influence how people understand illness and dying, and impact their responses to diagnosis and treatment, yet end-of-life care is rooted in white, middle class values. Faith, hope, and belief in God’s healing power are central to most African Americans, yet life-preserving care is considered “aggressive” by the healthcare system, and families are pressured to cease it.
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    Peter Hunt on Karl Schmude’s Editorial, Defendant 2007.Peter Hunt - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (3/4):676-679.
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    Proaktives, reaktives und reziprokes Wohlwollen. Kants System der Liebespflichten.Elke Elisabeth Schmidt - 2024 - Kant Studien 115 (3):339-364.
    Kant’s duties of love include the duties of beneficence, gratitude, and sympathetic participation. But what is it that allows Kant to bring such seemingly quite heterogeneous duties under one concept, especially under the concept of love? I will argue that it is benevolence as an essential element of love that takes on this unifying role. In order to understand this role of benevolence as the unifying element of the three duties of love, the concept of benevolence will first be analyzed (...)
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    Ich-jetzt-hier: ein Beitrag zur Theorie des Selbsterlebens.Elke Steckkönig - 2015 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Alles Bewusstsein ist auch Selbstbewusstsein -- so lautet die Grundthese, der Elke Steckkonig in diesem Buch nachgeht. Doch was ist das fur ein Bewusstsein, wenn das Subjekt sich seiner selbst gewahr wird? Weder Identifikation noch (Selbst-) Reflexion sind geeignete Konzepte, um die gesuchte Form von Selbstbewusstsein als Seiner-selbst-inne-Sein zu analysieren. Die Autorin gelangt zu einer Positivbestimmung des Selbstbewusstseins im subjektiv wertenden Selbsterleben, indem sie sich auf fruhromantische Uberlegungen zum "Selbstgefuhl" sowie auf aktuellere sprachanalytische Uberlegungen beruft und den phanomenalen Aspekt des (...)
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    Goethe and the study of life: a comparison with Husserl and Simmel.Elke Weik - 2016 - Continental Philosophy Review 50 (3):335-357.
    In the paper at hand I introduce Goethe’s ontology and methodology for the study of life as an alternative to current theories. ‘Life,’ in its individual, social and/or pan-natural form, has been a recurring topic in the social sciences for the last two centuries and may currently experience a renaissance, if we are to believe Scott Lash. Goethe’s approach is of particular interest because he formulated it as one of the first critical responses to the nascent discipline of biology. It (...)
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    Symbolic Communication in Multidisciplinary Cooperations.Elke Duncker - 2001 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 26 (3):349-386.
    With the advent of strategic science, multidisciplinary and cross-institutional research is more and more becoming the rule. The problems encountered by such multidisciplinary research and development cooperations are highly varied. They derive from multiple differences in the backgrounds of the participants and are often perceived as cultural gaps that need to be bridged for cooperation. The main argument of the article is that multidisciplinary collaborations have mechanisms at their disposal to cooperate despite multiple problems counteracting such a cooperation. Since symbolic (...)
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  25.  22
    7 Kant on Trolleys and Autonomous Driving.Elke Elisabeth Schmidt - 2022 - In Hyeongjoo Kim & Dieter Schönecker (eds.), Kant and Artificial Intelligence. De Gruyter. pp. 189-222.
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  26. Hunting Causes and Using Them: Approaches in Philosophy and Economics.Nancy Cartwright (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hunting Causes and Using Them argues that causation is not one thing, as commonly assumed, but many. There is a huge variety of causal relations, each with different characterizing features, different methods for discovery and different uses to which it can be put. In this collection of new and previously published essays, Nancy Cartwright provides a critical survey of philosophical and economic literature on causality, with a special focus on the currently fashionable Bayes-nets and invariance methods - and it (...)
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    Mathematical (Dis)abilities Within the Opportunity-Propensity Model: The Choice of Math Test Matters.Elke Baten & Annemie Desoete - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:302439.
    This study examined individual differences in mathematics learning by combining antecedent (A), opportunity (O), and propensity (P) indicators within the Opportunity-Propensity model. Although there is already some evidence for this model based on secondary datasets, there currently is no primary data available that simultaneously takes into account A,O and P factors in children with and without Mathematical Learning Disabilities (MLD). Therefore the mathematical abilities of 114 school-aged children (grade 3 till 6) with and without MLD were analyzed and combined with (...)
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    The Natural History of Pompeii (review).Elke Böhr & Hans-Joachim Böhr - 2007 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 100 (3):307-308.
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    Contextualism, Relativism, and Factivity. Analyzing ‘Knowledge’ After the New Linguistic Turn in Epistemology.Elke Brendel - 2009 - In Alexander Hieke & Hannes Leitgeb (eds.), Reduction, abstraction, analysis: proceedings of the 31th International Ludwig Wittgenstein-Symposium in Kirchberg, 2008. Frankfurt: de Gruyter. pp. 403-416.
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    Die Autonomie der Syllogistik.Elke Brendel - 2007 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 55 (1):145-149.
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    Heinrich Behmann (1891 - 1970).Elke Haas & Gerrit Haas - 1982 - Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 7 (1):59-66.
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    Negativität und Positivität als System: internationale Tagung der Schelling-Forschungsstelle Berlin.Elke Hahn (ed.) - 2009 - Berlin: Total Verlag.
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    Schelling und Nishida: deutsch-japanisches Kolloquium der Schelling-Forschungsstelle Berlin.Elke Hahn (ed.) - 2009 - Berlin: Total.
  34. .Elke Hartmann - unknown
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    „Euer Purpur hat unsere Togen aus dem Dienst entlassen“ – Zum Wandel des städtischen Klientelwesens im Rom der frühen Kaiserzeit.Elke Hartmann - 2009 - Millennium 6 (1):1-38.
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  36. Kimon und die Athenische Demokratie.Elke S. Hölkeskamp - 1999 - Hermes 127 (2):145-164.
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  37. Gender constructions in progressive education and their impact on co-education.Elke Kleinau - 2020 - In Meike Kricke & Stefan Neubert (eds.), New Studies in Deweyan Education: Democracy and Education Revisted. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    "Ich warf eine einsame Flaschenpost in das unermessliche Dunkel": Theodor Lessing, 1872-1933.Elke-Vera Kotowski (ed.) - 2008 - New York: G. Olms.
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    In touch: Cardiac and respiratory patterns synchronize during ensemble singing with physical contact.Elke B. Lange, Diana Omigie, Carlos Trenado, Viktor Müller, Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann & Julia Merrill - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Musical ensemble performances provide an ideal environment to gain knowledge about complex human interactions. Network structures of synchronization can reflect specific roles of individual performers on the one hand and a higher level of organization of all performers as a superordinate system on the other. This study builds on research on joint singing, using hyperscanning of respiration and heart rate variability from eight professional singers. Singers performed polyphonic music, distributing their breathing within the same voice and singing without and with (...)
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    Eine christliche Theorie der Gerechtigkeit.Elke Mack - 2015 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Das Werk ist ein neuer systematischer Gesamtentwurf fur eine Ethik postmoderner Gesellschaften aus christlicher Perspektive. Diese ist pluralismusfahig und kompatibel zu Erkenntnissen der politischen Philosophie, der Politikwissenschaft, der Soziologie und der Okonomie. Die Ergebnisse empirischer Gerechtigkeitsforschung stehen hier unverzichtbar am Beginn ethischen Argumentierens ebenso wie die Ergebnisse der Diskursethik. Daruber hinaus stellt sich die Autorin grundsatzlichen Fragen heutiger Ethik: "Haben Menschen einen naturlichen Sinn fur Gerechtigkeit und welchen? Ist Gerechtigkeit universal oder beliebig? Gehort Gleichheit zur Gerechtigkeit hinzu?" Das Neue einer (...)
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    Vorwort.Elke Metzner - 2010 - In Roman Lesmeister & Elke Metzner (eds.), Nietzsche und die Tiefenpsychologie. Freiburg im Breisgau: Alber. pp. 5-5.
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    Imagining excentric and poly(ex)centric positionality.Elke Müller - 2021 - Internationales Jahrbuch für Philosophische Anthropologie 11 (1):127-152.
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    Mystik und Askese: Unterschiedliche Tendenzen in der jüdischen Mystik und deren Korrespondenzen im Sufismus und in der arabischen Philosophie.Elke Morlok & Frederek Musall - 2010 - Das Mittelalter 15 (1):95-110.
    This article deals with the incompatibility of Christian and Jewish stereotypes in asceticism and tries to establish new models for approaching ascetic tendencies within the latter. In the context of halachic regulations we examine different ascetic aspects within Judaism, with a special focus on medieval Spain. In this area we observe a certain interaction between Jewish and Sufi trends, esp. in the works of Bachja ibn Paquda, Abraham bar Chijja and Abraham Maimonides. In the works of these authors we find (...)
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    Shallow Water at China’s Coast: Depicting Dangers on Early Modern Chinese Maps.Elke Papelitzky - 2021 - Isis 112 (1):111-121.
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    Subject Index.Elke Elisabeth Schmidt & Robinson dos Santos - 2017 - In Elke Elisabeth Schmidt & Robinson dos Santos (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in Kant’s Moral Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 223-229.
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    Affektökonomien: Großer Stil und Niedere Heilkunst: Nietzsche contra Wagner.Elke Wachendorff - 2016 - In Renate Reschke & Jutta Georg (eds.), Nietzsche Und Wagner: Perspektiven Ihrer Auseinandersetzung. De Gruyter. pp. 82-93.
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    Friedrich Nietzsche: Denker der Interkulturalität: "Offen liegt das Meer, in's Blaue Treibt mein Genueser Schiff".Elke-A. Wachendorff - 2006 - Nordhausen: Bautz.
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    Keine Ethik—nirgends?: “Ethik und Organisation im Krankenhaus”, Tagung in der Evangelischen Akademie in Tutzing, 24.–25. September 2003.Elke Wagner - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (1):83-88.
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    Wissen.Elke Brendel - 2013 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Was ist Wissen? Wie gelangen wir zu Wissen? Warum ist Wissen eigentlich erstrebenswert? Ist Wissen überhaupt möglich? Ausgehend von diesen traditionellen philosophischen Fragen nach der Natur, den Quellen, dem Wert sowie den Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des menschlichen Wissens, untersucht die Autorin die zentralen Positionen und aktuellen Debatten gegenwärtiger Wissenstheorien. Dabei werden wichtige epistemische Paradoxien des Wissens, der Wissensskeptizismus und die systematischen Beziehungen zwischen Wissen und Rationalität sowie zwischen Wissen und Zufall analysiert. Behandelt werden zudem Konzeptionen im Rahmen neuerer erkenntnistheoretischer Strömungen (...)
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  50.  28
    Embodied Language Comprehension Requires an Enactivist Paradigm of Cognition.Michiel van Elk, Marc Slors & Harold Bekkering - 2010 - Frontiers in Psychology 1.
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