Results for 'Elizabeth Hall'

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  1. Evil, Demiurgy, and the Taming of Necessity in Plato’s Timaeus.Elizabeth Jelinek & Casey Hall - 2022 - International Philosophical Quarterly 62 (1):5-21.
    Plato’s Timaeus reveals a cosmos governed by Necessity and Intellect; commentators have debated the relationship between them. Non-literalists hold that the demiurge, having carte blanche in taming Necessity, is omnipotent. But this omnipotence, alongside the attributes of benevolence and omniscience, creates problems when non-literalists address the problem of evil. We take the demiurge rather as limited by Necessity. This position is supported by episodes within the text, and by its larger consonance with Plato’s philosophy of evil and responsibility. By recognizing (...)
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  2. Number-space mapping in human infants.Elizabeth S. Spelke & William James Hall - unknown
    Mature representations of number are built on a core system of numerical representation that connects to spatial representations in the form of a ‘mental number line’. The core number system is functional in early infancy, but little is known about the origins of the mapping of numbers onto space. Here we show that preverbal infants transfer the discrimination of an ordered series of numerosities to the discrimination of an ordered series of line lengths. Moreover, infants construct relationships between individual numbers (...)
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    Suffering in God's Presence: The Role of Lament in Transformation.M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall - 2016 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 9 (2):219-232.
    Lament is a Christian practice modeled for us by Jesus. In this article, I argue that lament is a spiritual discipline that assists the sufferer to reconstruct meaning after the disorienting effects of the suffering. Drawing on the psychological literature on stress-related growth, I show how the structure of the psalms of lament facilitates the process of growth through meaning-making. Lament is a stylized form of speech consisting of five common elements that define a specific trajectory. The elements are an (...)
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    Paradoxical Infrastructures: Ruins, Retrofit, and Risk.Cyrus Mody, Elizabeth Long, Farès el-Dahdah, Trevor Durbin, Andrea Ballestero, Elizabeth Rodwell, Akhil Gupta, Albert Pope, Matthew Schneider-Mayerson, Randal Hall, Dominic Boyer, Edward Hackett, Hannah Appel, Jessica Lockrem & Cymene Howe - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (3):547-565.
    In recent years, a dramatic increase in the study of infrastructure has occurred in the social sciences and humanities, following upon foundational work in the physical sciences, architecture, planning, information science, and engineering. This article, authored by a multidisciplinary group of scholars, probes the generative potential of infrastructure at this historical juncture. Accounting for the conceptual and material capacities of infrastructure, the article argues for the importance of paradox in understanding infrastructure. Thematically the article is organized around three key points (...)
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    Acquired Duties for Ethical Research With American Indian/Alaska Native Populations: An Application of Pierson and Millum’s Framework.Ibrahim Garba, Leila Barraza & Elizabeth Hall-Lipsy - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (11):40-42.
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    Understanding Concepts of Place in Recreation Research and Management.Linda Everett Kruger, Troy Elizabeth Hall & Maria C. Stiefel (eds.) - 2008 - U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.
    Over a 3-day weekend in the spring of 2004 a group of scientists interested in extending understanding of place as applied in recreation research and management convened a working session in Portland, Oregon. The purpose of the gathering was to clarify their understanding of place-related concepts, approaches to the study of people-place relations, and the application of that understanding in recreation management for the purpose of integrating perspectives from different disciplines, discussing approaches to understanding and measuring sense of place, and (...)
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    Eye Movements in Real-World Scene Photographs: General Characteristics and Effects of Viewing Task.Deborah A. Cronin, Elizabeth H. Hall, Jessica E. Goold, Taylor R. Hayes & John M. Henderson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    History of science-with labs.Douglas Allchin, Elizabeth Anthony, Jack Bristol, Alan Dean, David Hall & Carl Lieb - 1999 - Science & Education 8 (6):619-632.
    We describe here an interdisciplinary lab science course for non-majors using the history of science as a curricular guide. Our experience with diverse instructors underscores the importance of the teachers and classroom dynamics, beyond the curriculum. Moreover, the institutional political context is central: are courses for non-majors valued and is support given to instructors to innovate? Two sample projects are profiled.
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    Choosing nursing as a career: a narrative analysis of millennial nurses' career choice of virtue.Sheri Lynn Price, Linda McGillis Hall, Jan E. Angus & Elizabeth Peter - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (4):305-316.
    The growth and sustainability of the nursing profession depends on the ability to recruit and retain the upcoming generation of professionals. Understanding the career choice experiences and professional expectations of Millennial nurses (born 1980 or after) is a critical component of recruitment and retention strategies. This study utilized Polkinghorne's interpretive, narrative approach to understand how Millennial nurses explain, account for and make sense of their choice of nursing as a career. The positioning of nursing as a virtuous choice was both (...)
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    Book Review: Embodied Hope: A Theological Meditation on Pain and Suffering. [REVIEW]M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall - 2018 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 11 (1):107-109.
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  11. An Unblinkered View of Best Interests.Wayne Martin, Fabian Freyenhagen, Elizabeth Hall, Tom O’Shea, Antal Szerletics & Vivienne Ashley - 2012 - British Medical Journal 1 (345):1-3.
    Wayne Martin and colleagues argue that decisions about patients’ best interests must sometimes take into account the interests of others Doctors often find themselves in circumstances where they must make decisions on behalf of an incapacitated patient. As a matter of both ethics and law, such decisions must be taken in the best interests of the patient, but uncertainty remains about what is meant by best interests, especially in relation to the interests of others. Should the interests of others enter (...)
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    Christian Lay Theodicy and The Cancer Experience.Eric Jason Silverman, Elizabeth Hall, Jamie Aten, Laura Shannonhouse & Jason McMartin - 2020 - Journal of Analytic Theology 8 (1):344-370.
    In philosophy of religion, there are few more frequently visited topics than the problem of evil, which has attracted considerable interest since the time of Epicurus. It is well known that the problem of evil involves responding to the apparent tension between 1) belief in the existence of a good, all powerful, all knowing God and 2) the existence of evil—such as personal suffering embodied in the experience of cancer. While a great deal has been written concerning abstract philosophical theories (...)
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  13. New additions to the library's holdings week ending september 7, 2009.Hugh R. Brady Murray, Jesse B. Hall, Tim Ambrose, Elizabeth M. Crooke, Elizabeth Crooke, Elaine Heumann Gurian, Louise Ravelli & Richard Sandell - 2005 - Political Theory 56:D47.
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  14. Trust in God: an evaluative review of the literature and research proposal.Daniel Howard-Snyder, Daniel J. McKaughan, Joshua N. Hook, Daryl R. Van Tongeren, Don E. Davis, Peter C. Hill & M. Elizabeth Lewis Hall - 2021 - Mental Health, Religion and Culture 24:745-763.
    Until recently, psychologists have conceptualised and studied trust in God (TIG) largely in isolation from contemporary work in theology, philosophy, history, and biblical studies that has examined the topic with increasing clarity. In this article, we first review the primary ways that psychologists have conceptualised and measured TIG. Then, we draw on conceptualizations of TIG outside the psychology of religion to provide a conceptual map for how TIG might be related to theorised predictors and outcomes. Finally, we provide a research (...)
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    Thoughts in a Hall of Armor.Elizabeth Bohm - 1946 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 21 (1):20-20.
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    Elizabeth L. Eisenstein, The Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. Pp. iv + 297. ISBN 0-521-25858-8. £25, $34.50. [REVIEW]Marie Hall - 1985 - British Journal for the History of Science 18 (1):97-98.
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    Relationships among Facial, Prosodic, and Lexical Channels of Emotional Perceptual Processing.Joan C. Borod, Lawrence H. Pick, Susan Hall, Martin Sliwinski, Nancy Madigan, Loraine K. Obler, Joan Welkowitz, Elizabeth Canino, Hulya M. Erhan, Mira Goral, Chris Morrison & Matthias Tabert - 2000 - Cognition and Emotion 14 (2):193-211.
    This study was designed to address the issue of whether there is a general processor for the perception of emotion or whether there are separate processors. We examined the relationships among three channels of emotional communication in 100 healthy right-handed adult males and females. The channels were facial, prosodic/intonational, and lexical/verbal; both identification and discrimination tasks of emotional perception were utilised. Statistical analyses controlled for nonemotional perceptual factors and subject characteristics (i.e. demographic and general cognitive). For identification, multiple significant correlations (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Deborah P. Britzman, Faith Rogow, Elizabeth Ellsworth, William Haver, Kim Hall, Anne Jm Mamary, Kathleen Martindale, Alice Pitt, Greg Thomas & Bat-Ami Bar on - 1993 - Educational Studies 24 (3):225-299.
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    Political Ethics: A Handbook.Edward Hall & Andrew Sabl (eds.) - 2022 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    A comprehensive introduction to contemporary political ethics What is the relationship between politics and morality? May politicians bend moral constraints in the name of political necessity? Is it always wrong for leaders to lie? How much political compromise is too much? In Political Ethics, some of the world’s leading thinkers in politics, philosophy, and related fields offer a comprehensive and accessible introduction to key issues in this rapidly growing area of political theory. In a series of original essays, the contributors (...)
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    The Question of Wittgensteinian Thomism: Grammar and Metaphysics.Michael Hall - 2024 - Southwest Philosophy Review 40 (1):217-228.
    Wittgensteinian Thomism (WT) proposes a post-Wittgensteinian reading of Aquinas based on the presence of genuine affinities between them in philosophical anthropology, epistemology, philosophy of mind, action theory, and ethics. While this proposal has been historically fruitful in the works of Elizabeth Anscombe, Peter Geach, Anthony Kenny, and Herbert McCabe, there is a significant difficulty in the prima facie incompatibility in the respective attitudes towards metaphysics between Wittgenstein and Aquinas. This calls into question the very coherence of the WT proposal. (...)
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    On ‘heroic fury’ and questions of method in Antonio Gramsci.Elizabeth Humphrys & Ihab Shalbak - 2018 - Thesis Eleven 147 (1):3-8.
    This paper is concerned with the deployment and the transformation of Gramsci’s notion of hegemony and the purpose it serves. I argue that, in its travel from Rome to London, this notion acquired something like a truth-value. In London the notion yielded what I call ‘hegemony thinking’: a distinctive style of thinking that focused on strategy to carry out effective political interventions. To demonstrate my claim I trace the Marxism Today discussion on the crisis of the Left and strategy in (...)
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  22. Images of Reality: Iris Murdoch's Five Ways From Art to Religion.Elizabeth Burns - 2015 - Religions 6 (3):875-890.
    Art plays a significant role in Iris Murdoch’s moral philosophy, a major part of which may be interpreted as a proposal for the revision of religious belief. In this paper, I identify within Murdoch’s philosophical writings five distinct but related ways in which great art can assist moral/religious belief and practice: art can reveal to us “the world as we were never able so clearly to see it before”; this revelatory capacity provides us with evidence for the existence of the (...)
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    Elizabeth Mitchell Armstrong is asso.Nancy Berlinger, Pauline W. Chen, Rebecca Dresser, Nancy Neveloff Dubler, Anne Lederman Flamm, Susan Gilbert, Mark A. Hall & Lisa H. Harris - forthcoming - Hastings Center Report.
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    Fear of Formalism: Kant, Twain, and Cultural Studies in American Literature.Elizabeth Maddock Dillon - 1997 - Diacritics 27 (4):46-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Fear of Formalism: Kant, Twain, and Cultural Studies in American LiteratureElizabeth Maddock Dillon (bio)I begin with what we might call a bipolar disturbance in literary criticism. Caught between the materialism of cultural studies and the formalism of philosophy, literary criticism is construed, on the one hand, as useless—struck dumb by its lack of purpose in the face of real politics and real bodies—and, on the other hand, as singularly (...)
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    WISDOM AND RELIGION OF A GERMAN PHILOSOPHER : being selections from the writings of g. w. f. hegel. .Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel & Elizabeth Sanderson Haldane (eds.) - 2016 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from The Wisdom and Religion of a German Philosopher: Being Selections From the Writings of G. W. F. Hegel Some passages which are valued by Hegel's students will be found to be omitted, and others may be inserted which they think should be excluded. This it is difficult to avoid. I have merely taken these passages which seemed to me most likely to be useful, omitting many as repetitions, or as not comprehensible without a fuller context. Where a translation (...)
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    Retrotopian feminism: the feminist 1970s, the literary utopia and Sarah Hall’s The Carhullan Army.Joe P. L. Davidson - 2023 - Feminist Theory 24 (2):243-261.
    In recent years, there has been increasing discontent with feminism’s understanding of its own history and, more specifically, the place of the feminist 1970s. Feminist scholars – most prominently, Elizabeth Freeman, Victoria Hesford, Kate Eichhorn and Kathi Weeks – have sought to move beyond the feelings of progress and nostalgia that the feminist 1970s often inspires. There is a need to mediate between the urge to leave the past behind and the desire to return to it, with feminists adopting (...)
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    Pistas lingüísticas e identidad sexual en La búsqueda de Elizabeth, de Marta Pessarrodona.Carolina Gutiérrez Rivas - 2012 - Co-herencia 9 (17):31-49.
    La relación entre lengua y sexualidad recién ha comenzado a cobrar importancia dentro de los estudios socioculturales. Este trabajo explora las distintas pistas lingüísticas encriptadas en el cuento La búsqueda de Elizabeth, de Marta Pessarrodona, para desenmascarar la velada identidad sexual del personaje central. Un análisis referente al proceso de reconocimiento, búsqueda y aceptación de una identidad sexual no canónica de la protagonista validará los cuatro principios propuestos por Bucholtz y Hall : afloramiento, indexicalidad, relacionalidad y parcialidad.
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    Why Adequacy Isn't Enough: Educational Justice, Positional Goods and Class Power.Joshua Kissel - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (2):287-301.
    Elizabeth Anderson and Debra Satz continue in the tradition of Plato with their work on the role of education in a just society. Both argue that a just society depends on education enabling citizens to realize democratic or civic equality and that this equality depends on sufficiency in the distribution of educational goods. I agree that education is important to preparing democratic citizens, but I disagree about the plausibility of sufficiency here, especially in the educational context. My argument is (...)
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    A short history of ethics.Elizabeth Telfer - 1967 - Philosophical Books 8 (3):16-18.
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    The moral life.Elizabeth Telfer - 1970 - Philosophical Books 11 (3):14-15.
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    9. Early Canadian Political Culture: Hegelian Adaptations in John Watson.Elizabeth Trott - 2018 - In Susan M. Dodd & Neil G. Robertson, Hegel and Canada: Unity of Opposites? London: University of Toronto Press. pp. 163-197.
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    Leslie Armour: Metaphysician, Philosopher of Community, Friend.Elizabeth Trott & William Sweet - 2016 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 32:3-18.
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  33. E-pedagogy: Deleuze and Guattari in the web-design class.Elizabeth Pass - 2002 - Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 1 (6):1-6.
  34. Intention.Elizabeth Anscombe - 1963 - Blackwell.
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    Writing Secret Space in the Heptaméron (I.8).Elizabeth Black - 2010 - Mediaevalia 31 (1):123-141.
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    Beatus Ille.Elizabeth Jones - forthcoming - Arion.
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  37. Ministry of truth handbook: excerpt on the strategic use of fallacious reasoning for thoughtcrime prevention.Elizabeth Rard - 2018 - In Ezio Di Nucci & Stefan Storrie, 1984 and philosophy, is resistance futile? Chicago: Open Court.
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  38. Psychoanalysis and the Theatrical: Analyzing Performance.Elizabeth Wright - 1994 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 5:63.
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    Index —Volume XLI.Elizabeth F. Cooke, Transcendental Hope & Hookway Peirce - 2005 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 41 (4).
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    The Autonomy of Morality. By Charles Larmore.Elizabeth Disley - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (2):349-350.
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  41. Enchanted dust.Elizabeth Drake - 1931 - New York,: Houghton Mifflin company.
  42. Stein's ethic of care : an alternative perspective to reflections on women lawyering.Elizabeth Gachenga - 2011 - In Reid Mortensen, Francesca Bartlett & Kieran Tranter, Alternative perspectives on lawyers and legal ethics: reimagining the profession. New York: Routledge.
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    Science, Language, and Human Rights.Everett W. Hall - 1954 - Philosophical Review 63 (1):98.
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  44. Second Thoughts on Disability and Enhancement.Melinda C. Hall - 2020 - In Adam Cureton & David Wasserman, Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Disability. Oxford University Press. pp. 633-650.
    Transhumanist arguments in support of radical human enhancement are inimical to disability justice projects. Transhumanist thinkers, the strongest promoters of human enhancement, and fellow travelers who claim enhancement is a moral obligation, make arguments that rely on the denigration of disabled embodiment and lives. These arguments link disability with risk. The promotion of human enhancement is therefore open to significant disability critique despite transhumanism’s claims to allyship with disability justice activism. This chapter lays out such a disability critique of enhancement (...)
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    The metaphysics of logic.Everett W. Hall - 1949 - Philosophical Review 58 (1):16-25.
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  46. Father Interaction and Separatian Protest'.Elizabeth Spelke, Philip Zelazo & Jerome Kagan - unknown
    Thirty-six 1-year-old middle-class children with fathers who spent differential time with them at home were observed in two experimental contexts separated by 2 weeks. In the first, each infant was shown six to eight repetitions of three different nonsocial events followed by a change in..
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  47. Food for Thought: Philosophy and Food.ELIZABETH TEFLER - 1996
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    Nursing responsibility and conditions of practice: Are we justified in holding nurses responsible for their behaviour in situations of patient care?Elizabeth J. Pasksrn, Scm & Rnt - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (1):42–52.
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    The illusion of progress in nursing.Elizabeth A. Herdman R. N. Ba Social Science PhD - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (1):4–13.
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    On Liberty.Elizabeth Rapaport (ed.) - 1978 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Contents include a selected bibliography and an editor's Introduction broken into two sections. The first section provides a brief sketch of the historical, social, and biographical context in which Mill wrote and the second traces the central line of argument in the text to aid in the comprehension of the essay's structure, method, and major theses.
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