Results for 'Elizabeth Baity'

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  1.  22
    Megalithic Software. Part 1: EnglandL. B. Borst B. M. Borst.Elizabeth Baity - 1977 - Isis 68 (2):312-314.
  2. Epistemic Paternalism, Epistemic Permissivism, and Standpoint Epistemology.Elizabeth Jackson - 2020 - In Amiel Bernal & Guy Axtell (eds.), Epistemic Paternalism Reconsidered: Conceptions, Justifications and Implications. Lanham, Md: Rowman & LIttlefield. pp. 201-215.
    Epistemic paternalism is the practice of interfering with someone’s inquiry, without their consent, for their own epistemic good. In this chapter, I explore the relationship between epistemic paternalism and two other epistemological theses: epistemic permissivism and standpoint epistemology. I argue that examining this relationship is fruitful because it sheds light on a series of cases in which epistemic paternalism is unjustified and brings out notable similarities between epistemic permissivism and standpoint epistemology.
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  3. Nature, God and Pulpit.Elizabeth Achtemder (ed.) - 1992 - Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing.
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    Plumbing the Riches: Deuteronomy for the Preacher.Elizabeth Achtemeier - 1987 - Interpretation 41 (3):269-281.
    Hearing the words of Deuteronomy, the preacher is called to make clear what it means to be God's covenant community and to live according to his will rather than the dictates of the surrounding culture.
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    The Artful Dialogue: Some Thoughts on the Relation of Biblical Studies and Homiletics.Elizabeth Achtemeier - 1981 - Interpretation 35 (1):18-31.
    Behind every sermon lies an understanding of the nature of the Bible; by its contribution to that understanding, biblical studies can make a crucial difference for preaching.
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    The Impossible Possibility Evaluating the Feminist Approach to Bible and Theology.Elizabeth Achtemeier - 1988 - Interpretation 42 (1):45-57.
    The question is not whether women should enjoy equal status but how that God-given freedom is to be gained-or perhaps better, regained-in a Christian community that needs to be faithful to the liberating message proclaimed by and in Jesus Christ.
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    The Use of Hymnic Elements in Preaching.Elizabeth Achtemeier - 1985 - Interpretation 39 (1):46-59.
    Understanding the form and content of the Bible's hymns allows the sermon to share their principal characteristic: praise to the honor and glory of God.
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    Sexual Subversions: Three French Feminists.Elizabeth Grosz - 1989 - Routledge.
    Introducing the work of three French feminists - Julia Kristeva, Luce Irigaray and Michele L Doeuff - "Sexual Subversions" provides access to the work of these writers. In doing so this book raises some key issues of relevance to feminist research, addressing debates around the nature of feminist theory; the relationship between feminist thinking theory; the relationship between feminist thinking and male-dominated areas of knowledge; the strategies appropriate for developing non-patriarchal or woman-centered knowledges. No book on French feminists would be (...)
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  9. Inclusive Feminism: A Third Wave Theory of Women's Commonality. Naomi Zack. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield, 2005.Elizabeth V. Spelman - 2007 - Hypatia 22 (3):201-204.
  10. Essentially Speaking: Feminism, Nature, and Difference.Diana Fuss & Elizabeth Grosz - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (3):208-217.
    A critical analysis of Diana Fuss's Essentially Speaking: Feminism, Nature, and Difference and Elizabeth Grosz's Sexual Subversions: Three French Feminists.
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  11. (2 other versions)Valuing Emotions.Michael Stocker & Elizabeth Hegeman - 1996 - Mind 110 (439):860-864.
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    (1 other version)The Anatomy of Prejudices.Elizabeth Kamarck Minnich - 2001 - Hypatia 16 (1):108-111.
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    A dislocation at a free surface.Elizabeth H. Yoffe - 1961 - Philosophical Magazine 6 (69):1147-1155.
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    Is supererogation more than just costly sacrifice?Elizabeth Drummond Young - 2015 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 77:125-140.
    I begin by examining the answer to a traditional puzzle concerning supererogatory acts: if they are good to do, why are they not required? The answer often given is that they are optional acts because they cost the agent too much. This view has parallels with the traditional view of religious sacrifice, which involves offering up something or someone valuable as a gift or victim and experiencing a ‘cost’ as part of the ritual. There are problems with the idea that (...)
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    Nuclei of strain in a cubic material.Elizabeth H. Yoffe - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 21 (172):833-851.
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    (1 other version)Merleau-ponty and Irigaray in the flesh.Elizabeth Grosz - 1993 - Thesis Eleven 36 (1):37-59.
  17.  33
    From Parmenides to Wittgenstein.Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe - 1981 - Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
    Parmenides, mystery and contradiction -- The early theory of forms -- The new theory of forms -- Understanding proofs : Meno, 85d₉-86c₂, continued -- Aristotle and the sea battle -- The principle of individuation -- Thought and action in Aristotle -- Necessity and truth -- Hume and Julius Caesar -- "Whatever has a beginning of existence must have a cause" : Hume's argument exposed -- Will and emotion -- Retraction -- The question of linguistic idealism.
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    Child Sexual Abuse and the Law.Elizabeth Woodcraft - 1988 - Feminist Review 28 (1):122-130.
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    Early Rearing Conditions Affect Monoamine Metabolite Levels During Baseline and Periods of Social Separation Stress: A Non-human Primate Model (Macaca mulatta).Elizabeth K. Wood, Natalia Gabrielle, Jacob Hunter, Andrea N. Skowbo, Melanie L. Schwandt, Stephen G. Lindell, Christina S. Barr, Stephen J. Suomi & J. Dee Higley - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:624676.
    A variety of studies show that parental absence early in life leads to deleterious effects on the developing CNS. This is thought to be largely because evolutionary-dependent stimuli are necessary for the appropriate postnatal development of the young brain, an effect sometimes termed the “experience-expectant brain,” with parents providing the necessary input for normative synaptic connections to develop and appropriate neuronal survival to occur. Principal among CNS systems affected by parental input are the monoamine systems. In the present study,N= 434 (...)
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    Jo Richardson (28th August 1923–1st February 1994).Elizabeth Woodcraft - 1994 - Feminist Legal Studies 2 (2):219-220.
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    An aesthetics of disgust: Elfriede Jelinek's Die Klavierspielerin.Elizabeth Wright - 1991 - Paragraph 14 (2):184-196.
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    Francis Bacon and Denis Diderot: Philosophers of science.Elizabeth S. Wrigley - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (3):289-289.
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  23. Psychoanalysis and the Theatrical: Analyzing Performance.Elizabeth Wright - 1994 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 5:63.
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    The Book and the Archive in the History of Science.Elizabeth Yale - 2016 - Isis 107 (1):106-115.
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    Texts in Context.Elizabeth Yale - 2008 - Metascience 17 (1):105-109.
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    The centre of a dislocation: II—the dilated slit.Elizabeth H. Yoffe - 1958 - Philosophical Magazine 3 (25):8-18.
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    The Touch of the Cinaedus.Elizabeth Marie Young - 2015 - Classical Antiquity 34 (1):183-208.
    The epigrams of the Carmina Priapea comically celebrate the exploits of the ithyphallic god Priapus, most often seen lording over his garden threatening would-be thieves with rape. In so doing, they promote a phallocentric sex-gender ideology whose valorized position was reserved for the active man who could control himself and dominate others. But the physical experience of reading these poems runs counter to the codes of masculinity their content upholds. Their rhythms and sounds immerse the reader in a range of (...)
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    P. Schreiner, Die byzantinischen Kleinchroniken.Elizabeth A. Zachariadou - 1980 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 73 (1).
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    La République des Lettres ou l’empire de la rhétorique : une question de préface.Elizabeth Zawisza - 1993 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 12:123.
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  30. Infants' sensitivity to effects of gravity on visible object motion.In Kyeong Kim & Elizabeth S. Spelke - unknown
    A preference method probed infants` perception of object motion on an inclined plane. Infants viewed videotaped events in which a ball rolled downward (or upward) while speeding up (or slowing down). Then infants were tested with events in which the ball moved in the opposite direction with appropriate or inappropriate acceleration. Infants aged 7 months, but not 5 months, looked longer at the test event with inappropriate acceleration, suggesting emerging sensitivity to gravity. A further study tested whether infants appreciate that (...)
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    Money, Relativism, and the Post-Truth Political Imaginary.Elizabeth S. Goodstein - 2017 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 50 (4):483-508.
    Astonishment that the things we are experiencing are "still" possible in the twentieth century is not philosophical. It is not the beginning of any insight, unless it is that the idea of history from which it comes is untenable.And so tyranny naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme form of liberty?In 1940 the exiled German critic and philosopher Walter Benjamin warned that fidelity to a vision of history as (...)
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  32. Epistemic negotiation.Elizabeth Potter - 1992 - In Linda Alcoff & Elizabeth Potter (eds.), Feminist Epistemologies. New York: Routledge.
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    The normative sense : What is universal? What varies?Edouard Machery & Elizabeth O'Neill - 2018 - In Aaron Zimmerman, Karen Jones & Mark Timmons (eds.), Routledge Handbook on Moral Epistemology. New York: Routledge.
    The extent to which normative cognition varies across cultures has implications for a number of important philosophical questions. This chapter examines several striking commonalities and differences in normative cognition across cultures. We focus on cross-cultural commonality and difference in norm typologies (especially the moral-conventional distinction); the externalization of norms; which aspects of life are normativized; and some of the concepts and principles associated with the normative domain. We argue that the distinction between moral and conventional norms is probably not universal (...)
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  34. The Grim Reaper on Baker Street.Elizabeth Glass-Turner - 2012 - In Philip Tallon & David Baggett (eds.), The Philosophy of Sherlock Holmes. University Press of Kentucky.
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    Drivers of Sustainability and Consumer Well-Being: An Ethically-Based Examination of Religious and Cultural Values.Elizabeth A. Minton, Soo Jiuan Tan, Siok Kuan Tambyah & Richie L. Liu - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 175 (1):167-190.
    Prior research has examined value antecedents to sustainable consumption, including religious or cultural values. We bridge together these usually separated bodies of literature to provide an ethically-based examination of both religious and cultural values in one model to understand what drives sustainable consumption as well as outcomes on consumer well-being. In doing so, we also fulfill calls for more research on socio-demographic antecedents to ethical consumption, particularly in the domain of sustainable consumption. We examine this relationship using data from the (...)
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    La cuestión del método en bioética clínica: aproximación a una metodología adaptada al contexto de la realidad mexicana.María Elizabeth de los Ríos Uriarte - 2017 - Persona y Bioética 21 (1).
    The article deals with the problem of method for a bioethical approach to clinical cases from the standpoint of bioethics, and analyzes the various methodologies that exist, highlighting their contributions and strengths, as well as their difficulties. Tools for reflecting on how to implement a methodology adapted to the context of contemporary Mexican reality are provided as well. They underscore the characteristics particular to Mexico in bioethical analysis and discernment.
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    Matter, Life, and Other Variations.Elizabeth Groz - 2011 - Philosophy Today 55 (Supplement):17-27.
  38. The Listening Heart: Essays in Wisdom and the Psalms in Honor of Roland E. Murphy, O. Carm.Kenneth Hogland, Elizabeth Huwiler, Jonathan Glass & Roger Lee - 1987
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  39. Feminist Imperative(s) in Music and Education: Philosophy, theory, or what matters most.Elizabeth Gould - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (2):130-147.
    A historically feminized profession, education in North America remains remarkably unaffected by feminism, with the notable exception of pedagogy and its impact on curriculum. The purpose of this paper is to describe characteristics of feminism that render it particularly useful and appropriate for developing potentialities in education and music education. As a set of flexible methodological tools informed by Gilles Deleuze's notions of philosophy and art, I argue feminism may contribute to education's becoming more efficacious, reflexive, and reflective of the (...)
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    Society's choices: social and ethical decision making in biomedicine.Ruth Ellen Bulger, Elizabeth Meyer Bobby & Harvey V. Fineberg (eds.) - 1995 - Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.
    This book discusses ways for people to handle today's bioethical issues in the context of America's history and culture--and from the perspective of various ...
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    Identifying the Mind: Selected Papers of U.T. Place.George Graham & Elizabeth R. Valentine (eds.) - 2004 - New York, N.Y.: Oup Usa.
    This is the one and only book by the pioneer of the identity theory of mind. The collection focuses on Place's philosophy of mind and his contributions to neighbouring issues in metaphysics and epistemology. It includes an autobiographical essay as well as a recent paper on the function and neural location of consciousness.
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  42. Nursing Ethics and Advanced Practice : Psychiatric and Mental Health Issues.Pamela J. Grace, Elizabeth Lessman & Danny G. Willis - 2018 - In Pamela June Grace & Melissa K. Uveges (eds.), Nursing ethics and professional responsibility in advanced practice. Burlington, Massachusetts: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
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  43. Increasing access to prevention of mother-to-child transmission services.Dana Greeson, Elizabeth Preble, Maryanne Stone Jimenez, Cassandra Blazer, A. Baschieri, J. Cleland, S. Floyd, A. Dube, A. Msona & A. Molesworth - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 6 (6):1-22.
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    The Cambridge Handbook of Undergraduate Research.Harald A. Mieg, Elizabeth Ambos, Angela Brew, Judith Lehmann & Dominique Galli (eds.) - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    Undergraduate Research can be defined as an investigation into a specific topic within a discipline by an undergraduate student that makes an original contribution to the field. It has become a major consideration among research universities around the world, in order to advance both academic teaching and research productivity. Edited by an international team of world authorities in UR, this Handbook is the first truly comprehensive and systematic account of undergraduate research, which brings together different international approaches, with attention to (...)
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  45. A Method for the New Millennium: Calvino and Ironyi.Elizabeth Millan-Zaibert - 2002 - In Jorge J. E. Gracia, Carolyn Korsmeyer & Rodolphe Gasché (eds.), Literary Philosophers: Borges, Calvino, Eco. New York: Routledge.
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    Brill's companion to German romantic philosophy.Elizabeth Millán (ed.) - 2019 - Boston: Brill.
    Scholars are finally fully appreciating the philosophical significance of early German Romanticism. Brill’s Companion to German Romantic Philosophy is a collection of original essays showcasing not only the philosophical achievements of romantic writers such as Schlegel and Novalis, but the sophistication, relevance, and influence of romanticism today.
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  47. Nuevas morfologías de la belleza: de la estética del desarraigo a la estética de lo sublime.María Elizabeth de los Ríos Uriarte - 2012 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 44 (133):191-212.
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    Buffy Goes Dark: Essays on the Final Two Seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on Television.Lynne Y. Edwards, Elizabeth L. Rambo & James B. South (eds.) - 2008 - e-Publications@Marquette.
    Buffy the Vampire Slayer earned critical acclaim for its use of metaphor to explore the conflicts of growth, power, and transgression. Its groundbreaking stylistic and thematic devices, boldness and wit earned it an intensely devoted fan base—and as it approached its zenith, attention from media watchdog groups and the Federal Communications Commission. The grim and provocative evolution of the show over its final two seasons polarized its audience, while also breaking new ground for critical and philosophical analysis. The thirteen essays (...)
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    Protestant virtue and Stoic ethics.Elizabeth Agnew Cochran (ed.) - 2018 - London: Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury T&T Clark, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    This book examines the dialogue between Roman Stoic ethics and the work of Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Jonathan Edwards. Elizabeth Agnew Cochran illuminates key theological convictions that provide a foundation for constructing a contemporary Protestant virtue ethic consistent with a number of theological beliefs characteristic of the historical Reformed tradition. Building on this conversation, this book develops the claims that faith holds a unique value among possible moral goods; virtue has a unity that coincides with a soteriology that (...)
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  50. Cyberbullying : safety and ethical issues facing K-12 digital citizens.Terry Diamanduros & Elizabeth Downs - 2018 - In Ashley Blackburn, Irene Linlin Chen & Rebecca Pfeffer (eds.), Emerging trends in cyber ethics and education. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
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