Results for 'Elise Boulding'

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  1.  53
    New Frames of Reference for a Peaceful International Order.Elise Boulding - 1984 - Dialectics and Humanism 11 (2):447-455.
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    Two cultures of religion as obstacles to peace.Elise Boulding - 1986 - Zygon 21 (4):501-518.
    There are two contrasting cultures in every religious tradition, the holy war and peaceable garden cultures. Examples are given for Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Conflict is basic to human existence, stemming from the uniqueness of human individuals and their groups. Churches, instead of helping their societies develop the middle‐ground skills of negotiation and mediation, have insisted on a choice between two extreme behaviors: unitive love or destruction of the enemy. In international affairs this has led to the identification of the (...)
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    Millennium Issue I: Envisioning Peaceful Futures. A Special Issue of the Journal of Peace Psychology.Milton Schwebel (ed.) - 2000 - Psychology Press.
    Those engaged in the fields of peace and political psychology need to maintain a balanced view. To obtain this balanced view of the future, the editors invited sociologist and peace researcher Elise Boulding to write a paper concerning "cultures of peace" and then invited scholars and researchers from across the globe to comment on it. This special issue is the result. Seeking a balanced view that does not ignore the harsh realities of today's world or drain us of (...)
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    Elise et Célestin Freinet: correspondance 21 mars 1940-28 octobre 1941.Elise Freinet - 2004 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by Célestin Freinet & Madeleine Freinet.
    Célestin Freinet a été arrêté le 20 mars 1940 comme militant communiste, sur ordre du Préfet des Alpes-Maritimes, et interné dans divers camps du sud de la France jusqu'au mois d'octobre 1941. C'est à " former en l'enfant l'homme de demain ", un enfant plus instruit, plus responsable, plus heureux, que s'est attaché cet infatigable promoteur d'une pédagogie nouvelle coopérative. On retrouvera dans ces lettres l'essentiel de la réflexion éducative contenant en germe ses deux ouvrages majeurs, " l'éducation du travail (...)
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    The image; knowledge in life and society.Kenneth Ewart Boulding - 1956 - Ann Arbor,: University of Michigan Press.
    Boulding discusses the image as the key to understanding society and human behavior.
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  6. The Image.KENNETH BOULDING - 1956 - Philosophy 34 (128):81-82.
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  7. Evolutionary Economics.Kenneth E. Boulding - 1983 - Journal of Business Ethics 2 (2):160-162.
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    Ethics and business.Kenneth Ewart Boulding (ed.) - 1962 - [University Park, Pa.,: [University Park, Pa..
    An economist's view, by K.E. Boulding.-- A theologian's view, by C.E. Voss.-- A philosopher's view, by W.A. Kaufmann.
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    Why Does Board Gender Diversity Matter and How Do We Get There? The Role of Shareholder Activism in Deinstitutionalizing Old Boys’ Networks.Elise Perrault - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (1):149-165.
    This essay bridges together social network and institutional perspectives to examine how women on boards, by breaking up directors’ homophilous networks, contribute to board effectiveness. It proposes that through real and symbolic representations, women enhance perceptions of the board’s instrumental, relational, and moral legitimacy, leading to increased perceptions of the board’s trustworthiness which in turn fosters shareholders’ trust in the firm. Envisioning the gender diversification of boards as an event of institutional change, this article considers the critical role of shareholder (...)
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    A good death: improving care inch-by-inch.Elise Ayers, Joan Harrold & Joanne Lynn - 1997 - Bioethics Forum 13 (1):38.
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  11. Revolution and Development.Kenneth Boulding - 1968 - In Ben Rothblatt, Changing perspectives on man. Chicago,: University of Chicago Press. pp. 222--25.
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  12. They say they are Kurds' : informants and identity work at the Iranian Pasteur Institute.Elise Burton - 2022 - In Jenny Bangham, Xan Chacko & Judith Kaplan, Invisible Labour in Modern Science. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    Sandra Laugier, Du réel à l'ordinaire. Quelle philosophie du langage aujourd'hui?Elise Domenach - 2000 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 98 (2):385-390.
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    On Carl Freedman's Critical Theory and Science Fiction.Mark Bould - 2002 - Historical Materialism 10 (4):297-305.
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    Solipsism from a logical point of view: the limits of sense reconsidered.Elise Marrou - 2015 - In Danièle Moyal-Sharrock, Volker Munz & Annalisa Coliva, Mind, Language and Action: Proceedings of the 36th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 119-136.
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  16. The Dreadful Credibility of Absurd Things: A Tendency in Fantasy Theory.Mark Bould - 2002 - Historical Materialism 10 (4):51-88.
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    Bioethics: Latin american perspectives – edited by Arleen L.f. Salle and Maria J. Bertomeu.Elise Smith - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 7 (2):112–113.
  18. The Ignorance Norm and Paradoxical Assertions.Elise Woodard - 2022 - Philosophical Topics 49 (2):321-332.
    Can agents rationally inquire into things that they know? On my view, the answer is yes. Call this view the Compatibility Thesis. One challenge to this thesis is to explain why assertions like “I know that p, but I’m wondering whether p” sound odd, if not Moore-Paradoxical. In response to this challenge, I argue that we can reject one or both premises that give rise to it. First, we can deny that inquiry requires interrogative attitudes. Second, we can deny the (...)
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    Beyond economics.Kenneth Ewart Boulding - 1968 - Ann Arbor,: University of Michigan Press.
  20. Authorship and Responsibility in Health Sciences Research: A Review of Procedures for Fairly Allocating Authorship in Multi-Author Studies.Elise Smith & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (2):199-212.
    While there has been significant discussion in the health sciences and ethics literatures about problems associated with publication practices (e.g., ghost- and gift-authorship, conflicts of interest), there has been relatively little practical guidance developed to help researchers determine how they should fairly allocate credit for multi-authored publications. Fair allocation of credit requires that participating authors be acknowledged for their contribution and responsibilities, but it is not obvious what contributions should warrant authorship, nor who should be responsible for the quality and (...)
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    A ‘Names-and-Faces Approach’ to Stakeholder Identification and Salience: A Matter of Status.Elise Perrault - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (1):25-38.
    Despite its increasing popularity across management disciplines, stakeholder theory holds an important shortcoming in terms of its guidance for understanding the heterogeneity of stakeholder interests, claims, and behavior toward firms. Specifically, scholars note the inadequacy of generic categories of stakeholders in providing a realistic portrait of the groups and individuals that interact with the firm, opening the theory to much criticism for a ‘simplistic’ and ‘meaningless’ stakeholder concept. In face of this challenge, recent research is pointing to social identity as (...)
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    Evolution, Order and Complexity.Kenneth Boulding & Elias Khalil - 2002 - Routledge.
    Evolution, Order and Complexity reflects topical interest in the relationship between the social and natural worlds. It represents the cutting edge of current thinking which challenges the natural/social dichotomy thesis by showing how the application of ideas which derive from biology can be applied and offer insight into the social realm. This is done by introducing the general system theory to the methodological debate on the relation of human and natural sciences.
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    A reverse order interview does not aid deception detection regarding intentions.Elise Fenn, Mollie McGuire, Sara Langben & Iris Blandón-Gitlin - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  24. Paying Freedom Dues: Marxism, Black Radicalism, and Blaxploitation Science Fiction.Mark Bould - 2016 - In Ewa Mazierska & Alfredo Suppia, Red Alert: Marxist Approaches to Science Fiction Cinema. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.
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  25. Towards A New Economics: Critical Essays on Ecology, Distribution and Other Themes.Kenneth E. Boulding - 1995 - Environmental Values 4 (1):86-87.
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  26. What do we want to sustain? Environmentalism and human evaluations.Kenneth E. Boulding - 1991 - In Robert Costanza, Ecological Economics: The Science and Management of Sustainability. Columbia University Press. pp. 22--31.
  27. On Resentment: Past and Present.Dermineur Elise - 2013 - Cambridge Publishers.
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  28. Frazzled desire: out of time.Ph D. Dianne Elise - 2019 - In Stephanie Brody & Frances Arnold, Psychoanalytic perspectives on women and their experience of desire, ambition and leadership. New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Madness in General: The role of the heart for Conciousness.Elise Frketich - 2012 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2012 (1):98-102.
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    Skulls, science, and the spoils of war: craniological studies at the United States Army Medical Museum, 1868–1900.Elise Juzda - 2009 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 40 (3):156-167.
    Beginning in 1868, the United States Army Medical Museum issued a request to Army medical personnel situated in ‘Indian country’ for specimens of skulls from Native Americans. The purpose of this collection was to promote the study of craniometry, a branch of racial science commonly used to delineate the different varieties of mankind and to rank them according to their perceived intellectual attributes. Yet, as this paper argues, the efforts of Army surgeons in amassing hundreds of crania for the Army (...)
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  31. Economics and the Behavioral Sciences: a Desert Frontier?Kenneth E. Boulding - 1956 - Diogenes 4 (15):1-14.
  32.  39
    The Incomplete Projects: Marxism, Modernity and the Politics of Culture.Mark Bould - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (4):233-243.
  33.  26
    Zombies and Originals: How Cultural Theory Informs Stakeholder Management.Elise Perrault - 2014 - Business and Society Review 119 (4):447-471.
    The question of stakeholder salience has recently resurfaced in the suggestion that the ethical foundations of corporate cultures result in stakeholder cultures that largely explain how firms allocate resources among stakeholders. The present article seeks to complement this novel approach to understanding stakeholder management by adding insights from the multilevel influences that create the corporate culture in the first place, and ultimately affect managers in their stakeholder decisions. This article draws on cultural theory to examine how the individuals who compose (...)
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  34. Critical Virtue: Evaluative Moves and the Emergence of Moral Agency.Elise Springer - 2000 - Dissertation, The University of Connecticut
    Moral theories often take the guidance of individual conduct as their central task, and seek to provide grounds for confidence in deliberation. Yet they are inevitably also drawn into justifying our reactions to and interventions in one another's actions. This dissertation takes critical encounters to mark a central aspect of moral life. Yet standard deontological and consequentialist theories fall short of providing conceptual tools adequate for reflection on this aspect, and virtue theory is surprisingly undeveloped here. I develop a naturalistic (...)
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    Effects of judicial quality on the pattern of trade.Elise Vâlcu - 2008 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 7.
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    Communicating Moral Concern: An Ethics of Critical Responsiveness.Elise Springer - 2013 - MIT Press.
    Examines the social aspect of moral agency, building an account of critical engagement that focuses on the transformation of moral attention through communicative exchange, rather than on matters of judgment or on behavioral outcomes.
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    Evolutionary modules and Bayesian facilitation: The role of general cognitive resources.Elise Lesage, Gorka Navarrete & Wim De Neys - 2013 - Thinking and Reasoning 19 (1):27 - 53.
    (2013). Evolutionary modules and Bayesian facilitation: The role of general cognitive resources. Thinking & Reasoning: Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 27-53. doi: 10.1080/13546783.2012.713177.
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  38. (1 other version)Why Double-Check?Elise Woodard - 2022 - Episteme:1-24.
    Can you rationally double-check what you already know? In this paper, I argue that you can. Agents can know that something is true and rationally double-check it at the very same time. I defend my position by considering a wide variety of cases where agents double-check their beliefs to gain epistemic improvements beyond knowledge. These include certainty, epistemic resilience, and sensitivity to error. Although this phenomenon is widespread, my proposal faces two types of challenges. First, some have defended ignorance norms, (...)
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    Misconduct and Misbehavior Related to Authorship Disagreements in Collaborative Science.Elise Smith, Bryn Williams-Jones, Zubin Master, Vincent Larivière, Cassidy R. Sugimoto, Adèle Paul-Hus, Min Shi & David B. Resnik - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (4):1967-1993.
    Scientific authorship serves to identify and acknowledge individuals who “contribute significantly” to published research. However, specific authorship norms and practices often differ within and across disciplines, labs, and cultures. As a consequence, authorship disagreements are commonplace in team research. This study aims to better understand the prevalence of authorship disagreements, those factors that may lead to disagreements, as well as the extent and nature of resulting misbehavior. Methods include an international online survey of researchers who had published from 2011 to (...)
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  40. Bad Sex and Consent.Elise Woodard - 2022 - In David Boonin, Handbook of Sexual Ethics. Palgrave. pp. 301--324.
    It is widely accepted that consent is a normative power. For instance, consent can make an impermissible act permissible. In the words of Heidi Hurd, it “turns a trespass into a dinner party... an invasion of privacy into an intimate moment.” In this chapter, I argue against the assumption that consent has such robust powers for moral transformation. In particular, I argue that there is a wide range of sex that harms or wrongs victims despite being consensual. Moreover, these cases (...)
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    Moral Feedback and Motivation: Revisiting the Undermining Effect.Elise Springer - 2008 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 11 (4):407-423.
    Social psychologists have evidence that evaluative feedback on others’ choices sometimes has unwelcome negative effects on hearers’ motivation. Holroyd’s article (Holroyd J. Ethical Theory Moral Pract 10:267–278, 2007) draws attention to one such result, the undermining effect, that should help to challenge moral philosophers’ complacency about blame and praise. The cause for concern is actually greater than she indicates, both because there are multiple kinds of negative effect on hearer motivation, and because these are not, as she hopes, reliably counteracted (...)
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    The organizational revolution: a study in the ethics of economic organization.Kenneth Ewart Boulding - 1953 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
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    What creates the dilemma in ethical dilemmas? Examples from psychological practice.Elise MacKay & Patrick O'Neill - 1992 - Ethics and Behavior 2 (4):227 – 244.
    Twenty psychologists were interviewed about an ethical dilemma that they had found to be particularly difficult to resolve. In just under half of the cases the dilemma involved a perceived conflict of ethical principles (e.g., the welfare of the consumer vs. the right to privacy). In the other cases, the psychologists were prevented from following an ethically prescribed course of action by some nonethical consideration such as contractural obligation, legal requirement, or the demands of an employer. We discuss the implications (...)
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  44. Comparative globalizations: building and dismantling genetic laboratories in Lebanon.Elise K. Burton - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Science 55 (4):495-513.
    This paper examines two moments in the globalization of human genetics, focusing on the American University of Beirut as a site of interaction between American, European and Middle Eastern scientific actors and research subjects. In the interwar period, the establishment of clinical laboratories at AUB's medical school enabled the development of an informal large-scale programme to study human heredity through anthropometry and sero-anthropology. AUB's Middle Eastern students were trained in these techniques, and research results were disseminated locally in Arabic as (...)
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    An empirical and axiomatic comparison of ranking-based semantics for abstract argumentation.Elise Bonzon, Jérôme Delobelle, Sébastien Konieczny & Nicolas Maudet - 2023 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 33 (3-4):328-386.
    1. Argumentation consists in reasoning with conflicting information based on the exchange and evaluation of interacting arguments. It can be used for modelling dialogue (persuasion, negotiation), d...
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  46. B. F. Skinner: A dissident view.Kenneth E. Boulding - 1984 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 7 (4):483-484.
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  47. Toward an evolutionary theology.Kenneth Boulding - 1981 - In Jerome Perlinski, The Spirit of the earth: a Teilhard centennial celebration. New York: Seabury Press. pp. 112--13.
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    Representing the graphics context to support understanding plural anaphora in multi-modal interfaces.Elise H. Turner & Roy M. Turner - 2001 - In P. Bouquet V. Akman, Modeling and Using Context. Springer. pp. 330--342.
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  49. What's Wrong with Partisan Deference?Elise Woodard - forthcoming - In Tamar Szabó Gendler, John Hawthorne, Julianne Chung & Alex Worsnip, Oxford Studies in Epistemology, Vol. 8. Oxford University Press.
    Deference in politics is often necessary. To answer questions like, “Should the government increase the federal minimum wage?” and “Should the state introduce a vaccine mandate?”, we need to know relevant scientific and economic facts, make complex value judgments, and answer questions about incentives and implementation. Lay citizens typically lack the time, resources, and competence to answer these questions on their own. Hence, they must defer to others. But to whom should they defer? A common answer is that they should—or (...)
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  50. Less Interpretation and More Decoherence in Quantum Gravity and Inflationary Cosmology.Elise M. Crull - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (9):1019-1045.
    I argue that quantum decoherence—understood as a dynamical process entailed by the standard formalism alone—carries us beyond conceptual aspects of non-relativistic quantum mechanics deemed insurmountable by many contributors to the recent quantum gravity and cosmology literature. These aspects include various incarnations of the measurement problem and of the quantum -to-classical puzzle. Not only can such problems be largely bypassed or dissolved without default to a particular interpretation, but theoretical work in relativistic arenas stands to gain substantial physical and philosophical insight (...)
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