Results for 'Elisabeth Gemmeke'

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    “Die” Mataphysik des sittlich Guten bei Franz Suarez.Elisabeth Gemmeke - 1965 - Freiburg,: Herder.
  2. The Phenomenology of Action: A Conceptual Framework.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2008 - Cognition 107 (1):179 - 217.
    After a long period of neglect, the phenomenology of action has recently regained its place in the agenda of philosophers and scientists alike. The recent explosion of interest in the topic highlights its complexity. The purpose of this paper is to propose a conceptual framework allowing for a more precise characterization of the many facets of the phenomenology of agency, of how they are related and of their possible sources. The key assumption guiding this attempt is that the processes through (...)
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  3. Intentional joint agency: shared intention lite.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2013 - Synthese 190 (10):1817-1839.
    Philosophers have proposed accounts of shared intentions that aim at capturing what makes a joint action intentionally joint. On these accounts, having a shared intention typically presupposes cognitively and conceptually demanding theory of mind skills. Yet, young children engage in what appears to be intentional, cooperative joint action long before they master these skills. In this paper, I attempt to characterize a modest or ‘lite’ notion of shared intention, inspired by Michael Bacharach’s approach to team–agency theory in terms of framing, (...)
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  4. The content of intentions.Elisabeth Patherie - 2000 - Mind and Language 15 (4):400-432.
    I argue that in order to solve the main difficulties confronted by the classical versions of the causal theory of action, it is necessary no just to make room for intentions, considered as irreducible to complexes of beliefs and desires, but also to distinguish among several types of intentions. I present a three-tiered theory of intentions that distinguishes among future-directed intentions, present-directed intentions and motor intentions. I characterize each kind of intention in terms of its functions, its type of content, (...)
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  5. The Sense of Control and the Sense of Agency.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2007 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 13:1 - 30.
    The now growing literature on the content and sources of the phenomenology of first-person agency highlights the multi-faceted character of the phenomenology of agency and makes it clear that the experience of agency includes many other experiences as components. This paper examines the possible relations between these components of our experience of acting and the processes involved in action specification and action control. After a brief discussion of our awareness of our goals and means of action, it will focus on (...)
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  6. How does it feel to act together?Elisabeth Pacherie - 2014 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 13 (1):25-46.
    This paper on the phenomenology of joint agency proposes a foray into a little explored territory at the intersection of two very active domains of research: joint action and sense of agency. I explore two ways in which our experience of joint agency may differ from our experience of individual agency. First, the mechanisms of action specification and control involved in joint action are typically more complex than those present in individual actions, since it is crucial for joint action that (...)
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  7. The Phenomenology of Joint Action: Self-Agency vs. Joint-Agency.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2011 - In Axel Seemann, Joint Attention: New Developments. MIT Press.
    This chapter aims at investigating the phenomenology of joint action and at gaining a better understanding of (1) how the sense of agency one experiences when engaged in a joint action differs from the sense of agency one has for individual actions and (2) how the sense of agency one experiences when engaged in a joint action differs according to the type of joint action and to the role one plays in it.
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  8. Framing Joint Action.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2011 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2 (2):173-192.
    Many philosophers have offered accounts of shared actions aimed at capturing what makes joint actions intentionally joint. I first discuss two leading accounts of shared intentions, proposed by Michael Bratman and Margaret Gilbert. I argue that Gilbert’s account imposes more normativity on shared intentions than is strictly needed and that Bratman’s account requires too much cognitive sophistication on the part of agents. I then turn to the team-agency theory developed by economists that I see as offering an alternative route to (...)
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  9. Perceiving intentions.Élisabeth Pacherie - unknown
    I will concentrate on the 'executive' conception of intentions and intentional actions. I will argue that intentional bodily movements have distinctive observable characteristics that set them apart from non-intentional bodily motions. I will also argue that that when we observe an action performed by someone else, the perceptual representations we form contain information about the dynamics of movements and their relations to objects in the scene that can be exploited in order to identify at least the more basic intentions of (...)
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  10. What are intentions?Elisabeth Pacherie & Patrick Haggard - 2010 - In Walter Sinnott-Armstrong & Lynn Nadel, Conscious Will and Responsibility: A Tribute to Benjamin Libet. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 70--84.
    The concept of intention can do useful work in psychological theory. Many authors have insisted on a qualitative difference between prospective and intentions regarding their type of content, with prospective intentions generally being more abstract than immediate intentions. However, we suggest that the main basis of this distinction is temporal: prospective intentions necessarily occur before immediate intention and before action itself, and often long before them. In contrast, immediate intentions occur in the specific context of the action itself. Yet both (...)
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  11. Phenomenology and delusions: Who put the 'alien' in alien control?Elisabeth Pacherie, Melissa Green & Tim Bayne - 2006 - Consciousness and Cognition 15 (3):566-577.
    Current models of delusion converge in proposing that delusional beliefs are based on unusual experiences of various kinds. For example, it is argued that the Capgras delusion (the belief that a known person has been replaced by an impostor) is triggered by an abnormal affective experience in response to seeing a known person; loss of the affective response to a familiar person’s face may lead to the belief that the person has been replaced by an impostor (Ellis & Young, 1990). (...)
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  12. (1 other version)Self‐Agency.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2011 - In Shaun Gallagher, The Oxford handbook of the self. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    We are perceivers, we are thinkers, and we are also agents, bringing about physical events, such as bodily movements and their consequences. What we do tells us, and others, a lot about who we are. On the one hand, who we are determines what we do. On the other hand, acting is also a process of self-discovery and self-shaping. Pivotal to this mutual shaping of self and agency is the sense of agency, or agentive self-awareness, i.e., the sense that one (...)
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  13. The Anarchic Hand Syndrome and Utilization Behavior: A Window onto Agentive Self-Awareness.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2007 - Functional Neurology 22 (4):211 - 217.
    Two main approaches can be discerned in the literature on agentive self-awareness: a top-down approach, according to which agentive self-awareness is fundamentally holistic in nature and involves the operations of a central-systems narrator, and a bottom-up approach that sees agentive self-awareness as produced by lowlevel processes grounded in the very machinery responsible for motor production and control. Neither approach is entirely satisfactory if taken in isolation; however, the question of whether their combination would yield a full account of agentive self-awareness (...)
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  14. Action.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2012 - In Keith Frankish & William Ramsey, The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 92--111.
    In recent years, the integration of philosophical with scientific theorizing has started to yield new insights. This chapter surveys some recent philosophical and empirical work on the nature and structure of action, on conscious agency, and on our knowledge of actions.
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    Development of nurses’ abilities to reflect on how to create good caring relationships with patients in palliative care: an action research approach.Elisabeth Bergdahl, Eva Benzein, Britt-Marie Ternestedt & Birgitta Andershed - 2011 - Nursing Inquiry 18 (2):111-122.
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  16. Is collective intentionality really primitive?Elisabeth Pacherie - unknown
    This paper offers a critical discussion of Searle's account of collective intentionality. It argues Bratman's alternative account avoids some of the shortcomings of Searle's account, over-intellectualizes collective intentionality and imposes an excessive cognitive burden on participating agents.Tthe capacities needed to sustain collective intentionality are examined in an attempt to show that we can preserve the gist of Bratman's account in a cognitively more parsimonious way.
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  17. (1 other version)Perception, Emotions and Delusions: The Case of the Capgras Delusion.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2008 - In Tim Bayne & Jordi Fernández, Delusion and Self-Deception: Affective and Motivational Influences on Belief Formation (Macquarie Monographs in Cognitive Science). Psychology Press. pp. 107-125.
    The paper discusses the role affective factors may play in explaining why, in Capgras'delusion, the delusional belief once formed is maintained and argues that there is an important link between the modularity of the relevant emotional system and the persistence of the delusional belief.
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    Agni yoga, eller eldens yoga.Elisabeth Ståhlgren - 1966 - [Bromma,: Författaren.
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    Betriebliche Präventionsstrategien zur Gewichtsreduktion und gesunden Ernährung – die Beeinflussung von Risikofaktoren im Rahmen der RANSTUDIE.Elisabeth Steinhagen-Thiessen, Susanne Segebrecht, Matthias Möhner, Stefanie Walter, Gunnar Müller, Karl Martin, David Schönfeld, Roland Engehausen & Rahel Eckardt - 2010 - In Dieter Kleiber & Stefan N. Willich, Jahrbuch Healthcapital Berlin-Brandenburg 2009/2010: Ernährung Im Fokus der Prävention. Akademie Verlag. pp. 131-144.
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  20. Can Conscious Agency Be Saved?Elisabeth Pacherie - 2014 - Topoi 33 (1):33-45.
    This paper is concerned with the role of conscious agency in human action. On a folk-psychological view of the structure of agency, intentions, conceived as conscious mental states, are the causes of actions. In the last decades, the development of new psychological and neuroscientific methods has made conscious agency an object of empirical investigation and yielded results that challenge the received wisdom. Most famously, the results of Libet’s studies on the ‘readiness potential’ have been interpreted by many as evidence in (...)
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    How to avoid and prevent coercion in nursing homes.Elisabeth Gjerberg, Marit Helene Hem, Reidun Førde & Reidar Pedersen - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (6):632-644.
    In many Western countries, studies have demonstrated extensive use of coercion in nursing homes, especially towards patients suffering from dementia. This article examines what kinds of strategies or alternative interventions nursing staff in Norway used when patients resist care and treatment and what conditions the staff considered as necessary to succeed in avoiding the use of coercion. The data are based on interdisciplinary focus group interviews with nursing home staff. The study revealed that the nursing home staff usually spent a (...)
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  22. Emotion and Action.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2002 - European Review of Philosophy 5:55-90.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the question whether and in what sense emotions might be said to provide reasons for actions or to rationalize them. This requires that one have a picture of the causal structure of actions that is sufficiently detailed for one to see how emotions can impinge on the proc-ess of action production. I present a two-tiered model of action explanation and try to exploit this model in a tentative account of the modes of (...)
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    (1 other version)Toward a dynamic theory of intentions.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2004 - In Susan Pockett, Does consciousness cause behaviour? Mit Press.
    In this paper, I shall offer a sketch of a dynamic theory of intentions. I shall argue that several categories or forms of intentions should be distinguished based on their different (and complementary) functional roles and on the different contents or types of contents they involve. I shall further argue that an adequate account of the distinctive nature of actions and of their various grades of intentionality depends on a large part on a proper understanding of the dynamic transitions among (...)
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    Co‐creating possibilities for patients in palliative care to reach vital goals – a multiple case study of home‐care nursing encounters.Elisabeth Bergdahl, Eva Benzein, Britt-Marie Ternestedt, Eva Elmberger & Birgitta Andershed - 2013 - Nursing Inquiry 20 (4):341-351.
    The patient’s home is a common setting for palliative care. This means that we need to understand current palliative care philosophy and how its goals can be realized in home‐care nursing encounters (HCNEs) between the nurse, patient and patient’s relatives. The existing research on this topic describes both a negative and a positive perspective. There has, however, been a reliance on interview and descriptive methods in this context. The aim of this study was to explore planned HCNEs in palliative care. (...)
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    The Concept of “Metaemotion”: What is There to Learn From Research on Metacognition?Elisabeth Norman & Bjarte Furnes - 2016 - Emotion Review 8 (2):187-193.
    We first present a selection of vignette examples from empirical psychological research to illustrate how the phenomenon of metaemotion (Gottman, Katz, & Hooven, 1996; Mendonça, 2013) is studied within different domains of psychology. We then present a theoretical distinction which has been made between three facets of metacognition, namely metacognitive experiences, metacognitive knowledge, and metacognitive strategies (e.g., Efklides, 2008; Flavell, 1979). Referring back to the vignette examples from metaemotion research, we argue that a similar distinction can be drawn between three (...)
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  26. Subcategories of "fringe consciousness" and their related nonconscious contexts.Elisabeth Norman - 2002 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 8.
  27. Lettres sur la morale: correspondence avec la princesse Élisabeth, Chanut et la reine Christine.René Descartes, Pierre Hector Elisabeth, Jacques Chanut, Christina & Chevalier - 1935 - Paris,: Boivin et cie. Edited by Elisabeth, Pierre Hector Chanut, Christina & Jacques Chevalier.
  28. La dynamique des intentions.Élisabeth Pacherie - 2003 - Dialogue 42 (3):447-.
    I argue that in order to solve the main difficulties confronted by the classical versions of the causal theory of action, it is necessary no just to make room for intentions, considered as irreducible to complexes of beliefs and desires, but also to distinguish among several types of intentions. I present a three-tiered theory of intentions that distinguishes among future-directed intentions, present-directed intentions and motor intentions. I characterize each kind of intention in terms of its functions, its type of content, (...)
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    Time to Act.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2015 - In Patrick Haggard & Baruch Eitam, The Sense of Agency. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Actions unfold in time, and so do experiences of agency. Yet, despite the recent surge of interest in the sense of agency among both philosophers and cognitive scientists, the import of the fact that agentive experiences unfold in time remains to this day largely underappreciated. This chapter argues that agentive experiences should be conceptualized as continuants, whose contents evolve as actions unfold. It attempts to characterize these content shifts, distinguishing two main dimensions of change—changes in scale, or fine-grainedness, and changes (...)
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    Paris – Wien: Enzyklopädien im Vergleich.Elisabeth Nemeth & Nicolas Roudet (eds.) - 2005 - Springer.
    Eines der zentralen Anliegen des "Wiener Kreises" ist heute aktueller denn je. Es bestand darin sichtbar zu machen, wie ganz unterschiedliche, weit auseinanderliegende Bereiche wissenschaftlicher Theoriebildung miteinander in Zusammenhang gebracht werden können. Genannt sei hier Otto Neurath, als Motor der ganzen Sache. Die "Encyclopedia of United Science" sollte eine Vorstellung davon vermitteln, wie moderne Wissenschaften ihre Erkenntnisansprüche formulieren und überprüfen. Sie knüpfte ausdrücklich an die Enzyklopädisten der französischen Aufklärung an. Die in diesem Band zusammengefassten Beiträge durchleuchten das Aufklärungskonzept, das der (...)
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    Die Antrittsvorlesung: Wiener Universitätsreden der Philosophischen Fakultät.Thomas Assinger, Elisabeth Grabenweger & Annegret Pelz (eds.) - 2019 - Göttingen: Vienna University Press.
    This edited collection brings together thirteen inaugural lectures given at the 'old' philosophical faculty of the University of Vienna. It presents the voices of important representatives of humanities, cultural and natural sciences through programmatic texts from the mid-19th century to the mid-20th century. Some published for the first time, the lectures have been annotated by renowned scholars in terms of disciplinary, scientific and academic history as well as socio-political context. Hence, this volume contributes substantially to the so far under-researched history (...)
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    Kunst Und Ontologie: Für Roman Ingarden Zum 100. Geburtstag.Włodzimierz Galewicz, Elisabeth Ströker & Władysław Stróżewski (eds.) - 1994 - Brill | Rodopi.
    This collection of 12 essays at the 100th anniversary of Roman Ingarden is to show the actuality of the outstanding Polish representative of twentieth century philosophy. The authors take up Ingarden's main philosophical topics and, accordingly, deal with phenomenological and ontological problems on the various modes of givenness and existence in the wide range of real and intentional being, true and fictional existence, and they devote particular interest to Ingarden's conception of reality as well as to his aesthetics and theory (...)
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    Performative Philosophie und die Philosophie der Medialität.Volkmar Mühleis, Elisabeth Schäfer & Jörg Sternagel - 2020 - Internationales Jahrbuch Für Medienphilosophie 6 (1):299-310.
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    Selected bibliography.Elisabeth Ellis - 2008 - In Provisional Politics: Kantian Arguments in Policy Context. Yale University Press. pp. 177-190.
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    Modest Sociality: Continuities and Discontinuities.Elisabeth Pacherie - 2014 - Journal of Social Ontology 1 (1):17-26.
    A central claim in Michael Bratman’s account of shared agency is that there need be no radical conceptual, metaphysical or normative discontinuity between robust forms of small-scale shared intentional agency, i.e., modest sociality, and individual planning agency. What I propose to do is consider another potential discontinuity, whose existence would throw doubt on his contention that the structure of a robust form of modest sociality is entirely continuous with structures at work in individual planning agency. My main point will be (...)
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  36. [no title].Elisabeth Nemeth - unknown
  37.  20
    Une pensée de l'oreille. L'hiéroglyphe poétique chez Diderot.Anne Elisabeth Sejten - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte est originellement paru dans A. E. Sejten, Diderot ou le défi esthétique. Les écrits de jeunesse 1746-1751, Paris, Vrin, 1999, p. 190-197. Nous remercions chaleureusement Anne Elisabeth Sejten ainsi que les Éditions Vrin de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Diderot a hâte d'introduire avec l'hiéroglyphe un signe dont le caractère dépasse celui du signe proprement linguistique. Nous avons déjà noté comment, durant le long débat sur les inversions, il s'enthousiasmait pour certains mots - XVIIIe siècle (...)
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  38. Philosophie et politique en Allemagne.Catherine Colliot-thélène & Élisabeth Kauffmann - 1993 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 98 (1):283-283.
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    A Values-Affirmation Intervention Does Not Benefit Negatively Stereotyped Immigrant Students in the Netherlands.Elisabeth M. de Jong, Francine C. Jellesma, Helma M. Y. Koomen & Peter F. de Jong - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  40. Jean Scot érigène premier lecteur du "de institutione musica" de boèce?Marie-Elisabeth Duchez - 1980 - In Werner Beierwaltes, Eriugena: Studien zu seinen Quellen: Vorträge des III. Internationalen Eriugena-Colloquiums, Freiburg im Breisgau, 27.-30. August 1979. Heidelberg: C. Winter.
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  41. V. Logische Untersuchung, Ueber Intentionale Erlebnisse und ihre «Inhalte». Philosophische Bibliothek, Bd. 290.Edmund Husserl & Elisabeth Stroeker - 1978 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 83 (4):551-552.
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    Living with the Desert: Working Buildings of the Iranian Plateau.Pierre Oberling, Elisabeth Beazley & Michael Harverson - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (4):809.
  43.  32
    Measuring “intuition” in the SRT generation task.Elisabeth Norman & Mark C. Price - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):475-477.
    We address some concerns related to the use of post-trial attribution judgments, originally developed for artificial grammar learning , during the version of the serial reaction time task used by Fu, Dienes, and Fu . In particular, intuition attributions, which are central to Fu et al.’s arguments, seem problematic: This attribution is likely to be made when stimuli contain several competing sources of information to which subjective feelings could be attributed. The interpretation of intuition attributions in Fu et al.’s SRT (...)
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    The life of Nietzsche.Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche - 1912 - New York,: Sturgis and Walton company. Edited by Anthony M. Ludovici & Paul V. Cohn.
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    Naturaliser l'intentionnalité: essai de philosophie de la psychologie.Elisabeth Pacherie - 1993 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    '' L'intentionnalité est traditionnellement considérée comme la marque distinctive du mental. Peut-on en faire une théorie naturaliste? À quelles exigences une telle théorie devrait-elle satisfaire? L'intentionnalité comporte-t-elle, au contraire, une dimension essentiellement normative?''--.
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    The myth of induction in qualitative nursing research.Elisabeth Bergdahl & Carina M. Berterö - 2015 - Nursing Philosophy 16 (2):110-120.
    In nursing today, it remains unclear what constitutes a good foundation for qualitative scientific inquiry. There is a tendency to define qualitative research as a form of inductive inquiry; deductive practice is seldom discussed, and when it is, this usually occurs in the context of data analysis. We will look at how the terms ‘induction’ and ‘deduction’ are used in qualitative nursing science and by qualitative research theorists, and relate these uses to the traditional definitions of these terms by Popper (...)
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    Digitalization, health, and ageing.Regina Müller, Elisabeth Langmann & Hans-Jörg Ehni - 2024 - Bioethics 38 (9):753-754.
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  48. Do we see with microscopes?Elisabeth Pacherie - 1995 - The Monist 78 (2):171-188.
    Trying to understand better the role played by epistemic artifacts in our quest for reliable knowledge, it is interesting to compare their contribution with the one made by the epistemic organs or systems with which we are naturally endowed. This comparative approach may yield the further benefit of an improved understanding of the nature and epistemic functions of our natural epistemic equipment. In this paper, I shall concern myself with comparing the role of a family of instruments, microscopes, with that (...)
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    An interactive education session and follow‐up support as a strategy to improve clinicians' goal‐writing skills: a randomized controlled trial.Elisabeth Marsland & Julia Bowman - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (1):3-13.
  50. La radiographie des peintures de chevalet.Elisabeth Martin & Elisabeth Ravaud - 1995 - Techne 2:158-164.
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