Results for 'Elin Baldarrago'

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  1.  7
    "Pero no te dejan ser". Dinámicas de género y liderazgo en el sur peruano.Beatriz Alvarado & Elin Baldarrago - 2012 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 1 (2).
    El presente artículo explora las percepciones y las voces de un grupo de mujeres del sur peruano acerca de igualdad de género en contextos de liderazgo y toma de decisiones en organismos públicos y privados. A través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas, documentos y notas de campo y bajo el marco analítico pos-estructural feminista, nuestros hallazgos indican que a pesar de los avances en cuanto a la participación de las mujeres en espacios públicos, en la práctica, las mujeres aún siguen lidiando con (...)
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  2. Torat ʻavodat ha-nefesh ba-Ḥasidut Raḥelin: ḳovets shiʻurim be-torat ʻavodat ha-nefesh..Pinḥas Daniyel Raḥelin - unknown - [Israel]: Yaḳtsan ḥai, ʻamutah, malkar la-hafatsat ha-Yahadut.
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    When unhappiness is not the endpoint, fostering justice through education.Elin Rodahl Lie - 2022 - Ethics and Education 17 (2):183-196.
    With a specific example from Norway and inspiration from Sara Ahmed’s The Promise of Happiness, this article demonstrates how today’s educational rhetoric lacks the language and will to recognise a key pedagogical dimension in education: what happens when the normative ambitions of education and students meet. At best, teaching students life skills to mitigate their mental health issues is naive. Inspired by Ahmed, such an initiative might actually work against its purpose. At a time when educational outcomes are emphasised in (...)
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    Varieties of conventional implicature.Elin McCready - 2010 - Semantics and Pragmatics 3 (8).
  5.  21
    Emotive equilibria.Elin McCready - 2012 - Linguistics and Philosophy 35 (3):243-283.
    Natural language contains many expressions with underspecified emotive content. This paper proposes a way to resolve such underspecification. Nonmonotonic inference over a knowledge base is used to derive an expected interpretation for emotive expressions in a particular context. This ‘normal’ meaning is then taken to influence the hearer’s expectations about probable interpretations, and, because of these probable interpretations, the decisions of the speaker about when use of underspecified emotive terms is appropriate.
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    A disadvantage in bilingual sentence production modulated by syntactic frequency and similarity across languages.Elin Runnqvist, Tamar H. Gollan, Albert Costa & Victor S. Ferreira - 2013 - Cognition 129 (2):256-263.
  7.  32
    Cognitive Sociolinguistics meets loanword research: Measuring variation in the success of anglicisms in Dutch.Eline Zenner, Dirk Speelman & Dirk Geeraerts - 2012 - Cognitive Linguistics 23 (4).
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    Theorizing Discursive Resistance to Organizational Ethics of Care Through a Multi-stakeholder Perspective on Disability Inclusion Practices.Eline Jammaers - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (2):333-345.
    This paper examines the support for diversity from a moral perspective. Combining business ethics theory with a lens of critical discourse analysis, it reconstructs the debates on the ethicality of three disability inclusion practices—positive discrimination, job adaptations, and voluntary disclosure—drawn from multi-stakeholder interviews in disability-friendly organizations. Discursive resistance to disability inclusion practices, otherwise known to work, arises out of moral beliefs characteristic of an ethic of justice, whereas support is more often informed by an ethic of care. This study contributes (...)
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  9.  37
    Hearing loss impacts neural alpha oscillations under adverse listening conditions.Eline B. Petersen, Malte Wã¶Stmann, Jonas Obleser, Stefan Stenfelt & Thomas Lunner - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  10. (1 other version)Walter B. Cannon.Elin L. Wolfe, A. Clifford Barger & Saul Benison - forthcoming - Science and Society.
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  11. Nurses' perceptions of patient participation in hemodialysis treatment.Elin Margrethe Aasen, Marit Kvangarsnes & Kåre Heggen - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (3):419-430.
    The aim of this study is to explore how nurses perceive patient participations of patients over 75 years old undergoing hemodialysis treatment in dialysis units, and of their next of kin. Ten nurses told stories about what happened in the dialysis units. These stories were analyzed with critical discourse analysis. Three discursive practices are found: (1) the nurses’ power and control; (2) sharing power with the patient; and (3) transferring power to the next of kin. The first and the predominant (...)
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  12.  69
    A Declaration of Healthy Dependence: The Case of Home Care.Elin Palm - 2014 - Health Care Analysis 22 (4):385-404.
    Aging populations have become a major concern in the developed world and are expected to require novel care strategies. Public policies, health-care regimes and technology developers alike stress the need for a more individualized care to meet the increased demand for care services in response to demographic change. Increasingly, care services are offered to individuals with diseases and or disabilities in their homes by means of Personalized Health-Monitoring (PHM) technologies. PHM-based home care is typically portrayed as the key to a (...)
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    Welcome on Board? Appointment Dynamics of Women as Directors.Eline Schoonjans, Hanna Hottenrott & Achim Buchwald - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 192 (3):561-589.
    Increasing the participation of women in top-level corporate boards is high on the agenda of policy-makers. Yet, we know little about director appointment dynamics and the drivers and impediments of women appointments. This study builds on organizational and group-level behavior theories and empirically investigates how ex-ante board structures and gender-specific board dynamics impact the representation of women on corporate boards. We study boards of listed firms in Europe between 2002 and 2019 and find a declining appointment probability for every additional (...)
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  14. The chameleon’s revenge: Response-dependence, finks and provisoed biconditionals.Eline Busck Gundersen - 2011 - Philosophical Studies 153 (3):435 - 441.
    Response-dependence theses are usually formulated in terms of a priori true biconditionals of roughly the form 'something, x, falls under the concept 'F' ↔ x would elicit response R from subjects S under conditions C'. Such formulations are vulnerable to conditional fallacy problems; counterexamples threaten whenever the C-conditions' coming to obtain might alter the object with respect to F. Crispin Wright has suggested that such problems can be avoided by placing the C-conditions in a proviso. This ensures that any changes (...)
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  15.  26
    Early intervention for cognitive decline.Dekens Eline, Miatton Marijke, Sieben Anne, Santens Patrick & Boon Paul - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  16.  14
    Responding to Terrorism: Political, Philosophical and Legal Perspectives.Elin Palm - 2009 - Ethical Perspectives 16 (3):393-395.
  17.  36
    Harm in the absence of care: Towards a medical ethics that cares.Elin Martinsen - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (2):174-183.
    The aim of this article is to investigate the concept of care in contemporary medical practice and medical ethics. Although care has been hailed throughout the centuries as a crucial ideal in medical practice and as an honourable virtue to be observed in codes of medical ethics, I argue that contemporary medicine and medical ethics suffer from the lack of a theoretically sustainable concept of care and then discuss possible reasons that may help to explain this absence. I draw on (...)
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  18.  16
    The Takeover of a Literary Culture: Richard Rorty's Philosophy of Literature.Elin D. Huckerby - 2021 - Dissertation, Cambridge University
  19.  55
    Should pregnant women be charged for non-invasive prenatal screening? Implications for reproductive autonomy and equal access.Eline M. Bunnik, Adriana Kater-Kuipers, Robert-Jan H. Galjaard & Inez D. de Beaufort - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (3):194-198.
    The introduction of non-invasive prenatal testing in healthcare systems around the world offers an opportunity to reconsider funding policies for prenatal screening. In some countries with universal access healthcare systems, pregnant women and their partners are asked to pay for NIPT. In this paper, we discuss two important rationales for charging women for NIPT: to prevent increased uptake of NIPT and to promote informed choice. First, given the aim of prenatal screening, high or low uptake rates are not intrinsically desirable (...)
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  20.  36
    A Model for Communication About Longshot Treatments in the Context of Early Access to Unapproved, Investigational Drugs.Eline M. Bunnik & Nikkie Aarts - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (1):34-36.
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  21.  25
    The New Genetics and Informed Consent: Differentiating Choice to Preserve Autonomy.Eline M. Bunnik, Antina de Jong, Niels Nijsingh & Guido M. W. R. de Wert - 2013 - Bioethics 27 (6):348-355.
    The advent of new genetic and genomic technologies may cause friction with the principle of respect for autonomy and demands a rethinking of traditional interpretations of the concept of informed consent. Technologies such as whole‐genome sequencing and micro‐array based analysis enable genome‐wide testing for many heterogeneous abnormalities and predispositions simultaneously. This may challenge the feasibility of providing adequate pre‐test information and achieving autonomous decision‐making. At a symposium held at the 11th World Congress of Bioethics in June 2012 (Rotterdam), organized by (...)
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    Who Cares? Moral Obligations in Formal and Informal Care Provision in the Light of ICT-Based Home Care.Elin Palm - 2013 - Health Care Analysis 21 (2):171-188.
    An aging population is often taken to require a profound reorganization of the prevailing health care system. In particular, a more cost-effective care system is warranted and ICT-based home care is often considered a promising alternative. Modern health care devices admit a transfer of patients with rather complex care needs from institutions to the home care setting. With care recipients set up with health monitoring technologies at home, spouses and children are likely to become involved in the caring process and (...)
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  23. Toetsing van dierproeven: openbaarheid, ethiek en toezicht Over het functioneren van dierexperimentencommissies.Eline Bunnik - 2009 - Filosofie En Praktijk 30 (1):33.
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    Poor Quality in Systematic Reviews on PTSD and EMDR – An Examination of Search Methodology and Reporting.Elin Opheim, Per Normann Andersen, Marianne Jakobsen, Bjørn Aasen & Kari Kvaal - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The Invisible Carers: Framing Domestic Work(ers) in Gender Equality Policies in Spain.Elin Peterson - 2007 - European Journal of Women's Studies 14 (3):265-280.
    This article explores how paid domestic work is framed in state policies and discourses, drawing upon theoretical discussions on gender, welfare and global care chains. Based on a case study of the political debate on the `reconciliation of personal, family and work life' in Spain, the author argues that dominant policy frames relate gender inequality to women's unpaid domestic work and care, while domestic workers are essentially the invisible `other'. Empowering and disempowering frames are discussed; domestic workers are mainly constructed (...)
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  26.  12
    Bare en roman.Elin Svenneby - 2006 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 41 (1):71-79.
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  27. Home : an alternative time-spatial concept for sustainable development.Elin Wihlborg & Per Assmo - 2014 - In David Humphreys & Spencer S. Stober (eds.), Transitions to sustainability: theoretical debates for a changing planet. Champaign, Illinois, USA: Common Ground Publishing LLC.
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    När vården flyttar hem till dig – den mobila vårdens etik.Elin Palm - 2010 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):71-92.
    Västvärldens åldrande befolkning anses ofta ställa krav på nya former av vård och omsorg. Olika typer av informations- och kommunikationstekniskt baserat vårdstöd framhålls ofta som en lösning. Tekniken medger en rad olika fördelar, exempelvis tätare tillsyn, kontinuerliga mätningar av vitala funktioner, med möjlighet att kontinuerligt ställa diagnos, och snabb respons på larm, men de tekniska lösningarna får också etiska implikationer. I den här artikeln beskrivs och exemplifieras IKT-baserad vård och omsorg och teknikens påverkan på centrala värden som personlig integritet, autonomi, (...)
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    What man does.Elin McCready - 2009 - Linguistics and Philosophy 31 (6):671-724.
    This paper considers the meaning and use of the English particle man. It is shown that the particle does quite different things when it appears in sentence-initial and sentence-final position; the first use involves expression of an emotional attitude as well as, on a particular intonation, intensification; this use is analyzed using a semantics for degree predicates along with a separate dimension for the expressive aspect. Further restrictions on modification with the sentence-initial particle involving monotonicity and evidence are introduced and (...)
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    Persistent negative self-referent thinking in the context of depression: examining the role of temperament and emotion regulation.Eline Belmans, Keisuke Takano, Patricia Bijttebier, Caroline Braet & Filip Raes - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    Cognitive models of depression posit that persistent negative self-referent thinking (PNSRT) is an important vulnerability factor for depressive symptoms. The mechanisms involved are still understudied, especially in adolescence. PNSRT has been assessed by a behavioural decision-making task, namely the emotional reversal learning task (ERLT). Within the ERLT, PNSRT is operationalised as the learning rate for negative self-reference. The first aim of the current study is to examine the association between PNSRT and depressive symptoms at baseline and follow-up. Second, the current (...)
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    The New Genetics and Informed Consent: Differentiating Choice to Preserve Autonomy.Eline M. Bunnik, Antina Jong, Niels Nijsingh & Guido M. W. R. Wert - 2013 - Bioethics 27 (6):348-355.
    The advent of new genetic and genomic technologies may cause friction with the principle of respect for autonomy and demands a rethinking of traditional interpretations of the concept of informed consent. Technologies such as whole-genome sequencing and micro-array based analysis enable genome-wide testing for many heterogeneous abnormalities and predispositions simultaneously. This may challenge the feasibility of providing adequate pre-test information and achieving autonomous decision-making. At a symposium held at the 11th World Congress of Bioethics in June 2012 (Rotterdam), organized by (...)
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    Decreased reward value of biological motion among individuals with autistic traits.Elin H. Williams & Emily S. Cross - 2018 - Cognition 171 (C):1-9.
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    On the personal utility of Alzheimer’s disease-related biomarker testing in the research context.Eline M. Bunnik, Edo Richard, Richard Milne & Maartje H. N. Schermer - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (12):830-834.
    Many healthy volunteers choose to take part in Alzheimer’s disease prevention studies because they want to know whether they will develop dementia—and what they can do to reduce their risk—and are therefore interested in learning the results of AD biomarker tests. Proponents of AD biomarker disclosure often refer to the personal utility of AD biomarkers, claiming that research participants will be able to use AD biomarker information for personal purposes, such as planning ahead or making important life decisions. In this (...)
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  34.  55
    How Attitudes Research Contributes to Overoptimistic Expectations of Personal Genome Testing.Eline Bunnik, A. Cecile Janssens & Maartje Schermer - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (6-7):23-25.
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    The Role of Physicians in Expanded Access to Investigational Drugs: A Mixed-Methods Study of Physicians’ Views and Experiences in The Netherlands.Eline M. Bunnik & Nikkie Aarts - 2021 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 18 (2):319-334.
    Treating physicians have key roles to play in expanded access to investigational drugs, by identifying investigational treatment options, assessing the balance of risks and potential benefits, informing their patients, and applying to the regulatory authorities. This study is the first to explore physicians’ experiences and moral views, with the aim of understanding the conditions under which doctors decide to pursue expanded access for their patients and the obstacles and facilitators they encounter in the Netherlands. In this mixed-methods study, semi-structured interviews (...)
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  36.  25
    The neoliberal turn and the marketization of care: The transformation of eldercare in Sweden.Elin Kvist & Katarina Andersson - 2015 - European Journal of Women's Studies 22 (3):274-287.
    The care for older and disabled people has been described as a core area of the Nordic model. The Nordic countries’ welfare model has also been described as women friendly, as women are not forced to make harder choices than men between work and family. The Swedish eldercare system has, during the last several decades, undergone significant changes. Previously, eldercare could be described as universal, meaning a publicly provided, comprehensive, high-quality service available to all citizens according to need and not (...)
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  37.  27
    The silent world of young next of kin in mental healthcare.Elin Håkonsen Martinsen, Bente M. Weimand, Reidar Pedersen & Reidun Norvoll - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (1):212-223.
    Background: Young next of kin to patients with mental health problems are faced with many challenges. It is important to focus on the special needs of children and adolescents as next of kin to ensure their welfare and prevent harm. Research questions: We aimed to investigate young next of kin’s need for information and involvement, to examine the ways they cope with situations involving coercion related to the treatment of their relative, and to identify ethical challenges. Research design: We conducted (...)
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  38.  75
    Ethical framework for the detection, management and communication of incidental findings in imaging studies, building on an interview study of researchers’ practices and perspectives.Eline M. Bunnik, Lisa van Bodegom, Wim Pinxten, Inez D. de Beaufort & Meike W. Vernooij - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):10.
    As thousands of healthy research participants are being included in small and large imaging studies, it is essential that dilemmas raised by the detection of incidental findings are adequately handled. Current ethical guidance indicates that pathways for dealing with incidental findings should be in place, but does not specify what such pathways should look like. Building on an interview study of researchers’ practices and perspectives, we identified key considerations for the set-up of pathways for the detection, management and communication of (...)
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  39.  18
    The little frog awakes: mindfulness exercises for toddlers (and their parents).Eline Snel - 2022 - Boulder, Colorado: Shambhala. Edited by Christiana Hills & Marc Boutavant.
    Parents of toddlers can find themselves overwhelmed and struggling with self-doubt when their child is willful, or is having trouble navigating difficult emotions and circumstances. Mindfulness can help! In The Little Frog Awakes, Eline Snel offers parents of children -ages 18 months--4 years--advice and tools for responding mindfully and effectively in the moment. These skills help us regain trust in ourselves and in the integral wholeness of our kids. And when we make mindfulness practice a part of daily life, it (...)
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    Delineating the Scope of NIPT: Ethics Meets Practice.Eline M. Bunnik - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (2):34-36.
    As noninvasive prenatal testing is being implemented as a first-trimester prenatal screening modality in healthcare systems around the world, it raises ethical concerns. In theory, NIPT allo...
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    A caring interview: Polar questions, epistemic stance and care in examinations of eligibility for social benefits.Elin Thunman, Anders Bruhn & Mats Ekström - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (4):375-397.
    Based on conversation analysis, this study investigates central practices in what is defined as a caring interview, in the context of welfare administration. Caring refers to a helpful interviewing in reformulations of questions, taking interviewees’ difficulties to answer into consideration; a caring attitude in the framing of questions, showing understanding of clients’ circumstances and professional’s enactment of expertise in assessments of clients’ disabilities and care needs. Data include a corpus of 43 recorded interviews in which officials at the Swedish Social (...)
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  42.  23
    Why not order direct-to-consumer genetic testing for your children?Eline M. Bunnik - 2010 - Genomics, Society and Policy 6 (3):1-3.
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    DESENVOLVIMENTO COMO JUSTIÇA EM ARISTÓTELES, KANT, RALWS, DWORKIN E SEN: contribuições para a construção de um significado objetivo para a teoria do desenvolvimento.Eline Débora Teixeira Carolino - 2019 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 5 (1):122.
    Esta pesquisa constrói uma definição objetiva para a teoria do desenvolvimento, no âmbito do direito, em detrimento da clássica e utilitarista abordagem econômica. Desenvolve-se uma releitura dessa teoria cuja racionalidade seja justiça, com base em Aristóteles, Rawls, Dworkin e Amartya Sen. Metodologicamente, a técnica de pesquisa é teórica, o método de abordagem é dialético e o método de procedimento é monográfico. O objetivo é demonstrar que a teoria da justiça no direito do ocidente levou à sua conexão com a teoria (...)
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    Childhood Disorder: Dysregulated Self-Conscious Emotions? Psychopathological Correlates of Implicit and Explicit Shame and Guilt in Clinical and Non-clinical Children and Adolescents.Eline Hendriks, Peter Muris, Cor Meesters & Katrijn Houben - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:822725.
    This study examined psychopathological correlates of implicit and explicit shame and guilt in 30 clinical and 129 non-clinical youths aged 8–17 years. Shame and guilt were measured explicitly via two self-reports and a parent report, and implicitly by means of an Implicit Association Test (IAT), while a wide range of psychopathological symptoms were assessed with questionnaires completed by children, parents, and teachers. The results showed no differences of implicit and explicit shame and guilt between the clinical and non-clinical group, implying (...)
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    Race and Religious Transformations in Rome.Eline Scheerlinck, Danny Praet & Sarah Rey - 2016 - História 65 (2):220-243.
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    De substantiële vertegenwoordiging van moslimvrouwen.Eline Severs, Karen Celis & Petra Meier - 2013 - Res Publica 55 (4):429-457.
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  47. Stratifying seamanship: sailors’ knowledge and the mechanical arts in eighteenth-century Britain.Elin Jones - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Science 56 (1):45-63.
    A new genre of treatises on practical seamanship emerged in eighteenth-century Britain. Authored by a group of seamen with decades of experience on the lower deck of merchant and naval vessels, these texts represented the ship as a machine, and seamanship as a form of mechanical experiment which could only be carried out by deep-sea sailors. However, as this article finds, this group of sailor–authors had only a brief moment of authoritative legitimacy before their ideas were repackaged and promoted by (...)
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    Personal utility in genomic testing: is there such a thing?Eline M. Bunnik, A. Cecile J. W. Janssens & Maartje H. N. Schermer - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (4):322-326.
  49. A New Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Localizer for Preoperative Language Mapping Using a Sentence Completion Task: Validity, Choice of Baseline Condition, and Test–Retest Reliability.Kirill Elin, Svetlana Malyutina, Oleg Bronov, Ekaterina Stupina, Aleksei Marinets, Anna Zhuravleva & Olga Dragoy - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    To avoid post-neurosurgical language deficits, intraoperative mapping of the language function in the brain can be complemented with preoperative mapping with functional magnetic resonance imaging. The validity of an fMRI “language localizer” paradigm crucially depends on the choice of an optimal language task and baseline condition. This study presents a new fMRI “language localizer” in Russian using overt sentence completion, a task that comprehensively engages the language function by involving both production and comprehension at the word and sentence level. The (...)
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    `In the Belly of the Beast': Constructing Femininities in Engineering Organizations.Elin Kvande - 1999 - European Journal of Women's Studies 6 (3):305-328.
    This article explores how female graduate engineers construct femininities in male-dominated organizations. By applying a dynamic relational understanding of gender it is argued that different versions of femininities are constructed through associations to sameness and difference. The graduate engineering profession is closely connected to hegemonic masculinity, not least by the strong representation of technology and a management system itself heavily connected to current hegemonic masculinity. The female engineers stand in a position which can be described as `the dilemma of difference' (...)
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