Results for 'Elena Arseneva'

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  1.  28
    Lévinas et le jeu des langues.Elena Arseneva - 2002 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 100 (1):65-79.
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    Introduction to special issue on dualities.Elena Castellani & Dean Rickles - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 59:1-5.
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    The Birth of Dialetheism.Elena Ficara - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 42 (3):281-296.
    The aim of this paper is to lay bare the roots of dialetheism in discussions about dialectics and dialectical logic at the time of the first development of paraconsistent logics. In other words, th...
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    Supporting One Health for Pandemic Prevention: The Need for Ethical Innovation.Elena R. Diller & Laura Williamson - 2023 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 20 (3):345-352.
    Bioethics is a field in which innovation is required to help prevent and respond to zoonotic diseases with the potential to cause epidemics and pandemics. Some of the developments necessary to fight pandemics, such as COVID-19 vaccines, require public debate on the benefits and risks of individual choice versus responsibility to society. While these debates are necessary, a more fundamental ethical innovation to rebalance human, animal, and environmental interests is also needed. One Health (OH) can be characterized as a strategy (...)
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    Two-year-old children's production of multiword utterances: A usage-based analysis.Elena Lieven, Dorothé Salomo & Michael Tomasello - 2009 - Cognitive Linguistics 20 (3).
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    Inhibitory processes in toddlers: a latent-variable approach.Elena Gandolfi, Paola Viterbori, Laura Traverso & M. Carmen Usai - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Introduction: The Formalization of Dialectics.Elena Ficara & Graham Priest - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (2):115-118.
    The idea at the basis of this special issue is that reopening the old debate about the logical status of Hegel’s dialectics is extremely interesting, for various reasons.1 The first reason is that...
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  8. Duality and ‘particle’ democracy.Elena Castellani - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 59:100-108.
    Weak/strong duality is usually accompanied by what seems a puzzling ontological feature: the fact that under this kind of duality what is viewed as 'elementary' in one description gets mapped to what is viewed as 'composite' in the dual description. This paper investigates the meaning of this apparent 'particle democracy', as it has been called, by adopting an historical approach. The aim is to clarify the nature of the correspondence between 'dual particles' in the light of an historical analysis of (...)
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    A new correctness criterion for cyclic proof nets.V. Michele Abrusci & Elena Maringelli - 1998 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 7 (4):449-459.
    We define proof nets for cyclic multiplicative linear logic as edge bi-coloured graphs. Our characterization is purely graph theoretical and works without further complication for proof nets with cuts, which are usually harder to handle in the non-commutative case. This also provides a new characterization of the proof nets for the Lambek calculus (with the empty sequence) which simply are a restriction on the formulas to be considered (which are asked to be intuitionistic).
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    Keep meaning in conversational coordination.Elena C. Cuffari - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:100130.
    Coordination is a widely employed term across recent quantitative and qualitative approaches to intersubjectivity, particularly approaches that give embodiment and enaction central explanatory roles. With a focus on linguistic and bodily coordination in conversational contexts, I review the operational meaning of coordination in recent empirical research and related theorizing of embodied intersubjectivity. This discussion articulates what must be involved in treating linguistic meaning as dynamic processes of coordination. The coordination approach presents languaging as a set of dynamic self-organizing processes and (...)
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  11. Argumentation, R. Pavilionis's meaning continuum and The Kitchen debate.Elena Lisanyuk - 2015 - Problemos 88:95.
    In this paper, I propose a logical-cognitive approach to argumentation and advocate an idea that argumentation presupposes that intelligent agents engaged in it are cognitively diverse. My approach to argumentation allows drawing distinctions between justification, conviction and persuasion as its different kinds. In justification agents seek to verify weak or strong coherency of an agent’s position in a dialogue. In conviction they argue to modify their partner’s position by means of demonstrating weak or strong cogency of their positions before a (...)
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    Can words heal? Using affect labeling to reduce the effects of unpleasant cues on symptom reporting.Elena Constantinou, Maaike Van Den Houte, Katleen Bogaerts, Ilse Van Diest & Omer Van den Bergh - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Letting language be: reflections on enactive method.Elena Clare Cuffari, Ezequiel A. Di Paolo & Hanne De Jaegher - 2021 - Filosofia Unisinos 22 (1):117-124.
    Prompted by our commentators, we take this response as an opportunity to clarify the premises, attitudes, and methods of our enactive approach to human languaging. We highlight the need to recognize that any investigation, particularly one into language, is always a concretely situated and self-grounding activity; our attitude as researchers is one of knowing as engagement with our subject matter. Our task, formulating the missing categories that can bridge embodied cognitive science with language research, requires avoiding premature abstractions and clarifying (...)
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    When Living and Working Well Together in Organizations Changes Into Good Social Coexistence: The Talent Club Case.Marta Elena, Marzana Daniela, Aresi Giovanni & Pozzi Maura - 2016 - World Futures 72 (5-6):266-283.
    In our contemporary age, where a combination of individualism and mutual distrust is unhappily common among people and society is “liquid” and disoriented, so-called intermediate units are a precious resource that promotes positive coexistence within organizations and in local communities, too. The present contribution describes an example of such an intermediate unit, the Talent Club, located in a peripheral neighborhood of a metropolitan area in northern Italy. This case study shows the development of positive living and working together in organizations (...)
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    Brain responses and looking behavior during audiovisual speech integration in infants predict auditory speech comprehension in the second year of life.Elena Kushnerenko, Przemyslaw Tomalski, Haiko Ballieux, Anita Potton, Deidre Birtles, Caroline Frostick & Derek G. Moore - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Beethoven recordings reviewed: a systematic method for mapping the content of music performance criticism.Elena Alessandri, Victoria J. Williamson, Hubert Eiholzer & Aaron Williamon - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Attention to the body depends on eye-in-orbit position.Elena Gherri & Bettina Forster - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Attention and word learning in autistic, language delayed and typically developing children.Elena J. Tenenbaum, Dima Amso, Beau Abar & Stephen J. Sheinkopf - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    The Doctor(s) in House: An Analysis of the Evolution of the Television Doctor-Hero.Elena Strauman & Bethanie Goodier - 2011 - Journal of Medical Humanities 32 (1):31-46.
    The medical drama and its central character, the doctor-hero have been a mainstay of popular television. House M.D. offers a new (and problematic) iteration of the doctor-hero. House eschews the generic conventions of the “television doctor” by being neither the idealized television doctor of the past, nor the more recent competent but often fallible physicians in entertainment texts. Instead, his character is a fragmented text which privileges the biomedical over the personal or emotional with the ultimate goal of scientifically uncovering (...)
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    Logic and Discrimination.Elena Ficara - 2024 - History and Philosophy of Logic 45 (1):46-57.
    The paper is about the connection between logic and discrimination, with special focus on Plumwood’s ideas in her groundbreaking article ‘The Politics of Reason. Towards a Feminist Logic’ (1993). Although Plumwood’s paper is not focused on the notion of discrimination, what she writes is useful for illuminating some basic mechanisms of thought that are at the basis of discriminatory practices. After an introductory section about the concepts of logic and discrimination and their possible interconnections, I present Plumwood’s ideas in 1993 (...)
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    Parents Produce Explicit Cues That Help Toddlers Distinguish Joking and Pretending.Elena Hoicka & Jessica Butcher - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (4):941-971.
    While separate pieces of research found parents offer toddlers cues to express that they are joking and pretending, and that toddlers and preschoolers understand intentions to joke and pretend, it is not yet clear whether parents and toddlers consider joking and pretending to be distinct concepts. This is important as distinguishing these two forms of non-literal acts could open a gateway to understanding the complexities of the non-literal world, as well as the complexities of intentions in general. Two studies found (...)
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    Intentions in interactions: an enactive reply to expressive communication proposals.Elena C. Cuffari & Nara M. Figueiredo - 2025 - Synthese 205 (2):1-30.
    The search for origins of human linguistic behavior is a consuming project in many fields. Philosophers drawing on studies of animal behavior are working to revise some of the standard cognitive requirements in hopes of linking the origins of human language to non-human animal communication. This work depends on updates to Grice’s theory of communicative intention and Millikan’s teleosemantics. Yet the classic idea of speaker meaning on which these new projects rest presupposes coherent, stable, individual, internal, and prior intention as (...)
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    The Cognitive Basis of Aesthetics: Cassirer, Crowther, and the Future.Fell Elena & Ioanna Kopsiafti - 2016 - New York, USA: Routlege.
    This book seeks to fill a void in contemporary aesthetics scholarship by considering the cognitive features that make the aesthetic and artistic worthy of philosophical study. Aesthetic cognition has been largely abandoned by analytical philosophy, which instead tends to focus its attention on the ‘non-exhibited’ properties of artwork or issues concerning semantic and syntactic structure. The Cognitive Basis of Aesthetics innovatively seeks to correct the marginalization of aesthetics in analytical philosophy by reinterpreting aesthetic cognition through an integration of Ernst Cassirer’s (...)
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    The effect of social categorization on trust decisions in a trust game paradigm.Elena Cañadas, Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón & Juan Lupiáñez - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Legal English Through Movies: Development of Professional Communicative Competence.Elena Vyushkina - 2016 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 45 (1):253-263.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric Jahrgang: 45 Heft: 1 Seiten: 253-263.
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  26. Macro-reasoning and cognitive gaps: understanding post-Soviet Russians’ communication styles.Elena Fell - 2017 - ESSACHESS 10 (1(19)):91-110.
    Russians and Westerners access, process and communicate information in different ways. Whilst Westerners favour detailed analysis of subject matter, Russians tend to focus on certain components that are, in their view, significant. This disparity makes it difficult to achieve constructive dialogues between Western and Russian stakeholders contributing to cross-cultural communication problems. The author claims that the difference in the ways Russians and Westerners negotiate information is a significant cultural difference between Russia and West rather than an irritating (and in principle (...)
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    Dalla Fiat al web. Che cosa una ontologia sociale basata sui documenti permette di spiegare.Elena Casetta & Giuliano Torrengo - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 60:54-62.
    Nel 2009, prendendo le mosse da articoli e libri pubblicati negli anni precedenti, Maurizio Ferraris proponeva la “documentalità”, una ontologia sociale che, a differenza della received view basata sull’intenzionalità collettiva, individuava il fondamento degli oggetti sociali negli atti iscritti. Prendendo come spunto due oggetti sociali tipicamente torinesi – il capoluogo piemontese è il luogo di nascita del filosofo – e cioè la casa automobilistica Fiat e l’Università di Torino, in questo breve saggio si discutono alcune tra le tesi che caratterizzano (...)
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    The Arts of Contingency.Elena Esposito - 2004 - Critical Inquiry 31 (1):7.
  29.  40
    XRIndex: a brief screening tool for individual differences in security threat detection in x-ray images.Elena Rusconi, Francesca Ferri, Essi Viding & Timothy Mitchener-Nissen - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  30.  58
    Are Species Social Objects? Some Notes.Elena Casetta - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica 57:173-183.
    Although biological species might seem paradigmatic natural objects, several objections can be advanced against their independence from taxonomic activities and from scientific and social practices in general. Darwin himself, in the second chapter of the Origin, claimed to be looking «at the term species as one arbitrarily given, for the sake of convenience, to a set of individuals closely resembling each other». In this contribution, I sketch the sticking points of the issue whether species are natural or social objects in (...)
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    Index of Names.Elena Ficara - 2014 - In Contradictions: Logic, History, Actuality. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 215-218.
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    Influence of the interatomic potential on thermotransport in binary liquid alloys: case study on NiAl.Elena V. Levchenko, Alexander V. Evteev, Tanvir Ahmed, Andreas Kromik, Rafal Kozubski, Irina V. Belova, Zi-Kui Liu & Graeme E. Murch - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-21.
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    On the Search of Mechanisms of Scientific Knowledge Evolution.Elena A. Mamchur - 2015 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 46 (4):145-162.
    The multiple discussions on the mechanisms of interaction between scientific knowledge and socio-cultural context have brought no results. The question — "what type of interaction between culture and science is being realized — socio-cultural determination or (more feeble) socio-cultural conditionality" — remains open. The author suggests an alternative solution: speaking of the interaction between science and culture one should consider the idea of synchronicity introduced by C.G. Jung. Jung defined synchronicity as a third type of interrelation between various phenomena: it (...)
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    The Destiny of Atomism in the Modern Science and the Structural Realism.Elena Mamchur - 2017 - Social Epistemology 31 (1):93-104.
    This article deals with Plato’s version of ancient atomism which in many respects anticipated the ideas of modern physics. The author relates mathematical atomism to so-called structural realism—which is now considered by many philosophers of science as the most defensible form of scientific realism. It is supposed in the paper that the association of structural realism with Plato’s atomism would make it possible to take out the latter from the sphere of speculative natural philosophy of antiquity and to place it (...)
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    Historical and Methodological Bases of the Development and Perception of Darwinism and Antidarwinism.Elena Muzrukova & Roman Fando - 2015 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 45 (3):184-198.
    The article considers different philosophical and methodological approaches in understanding the essence of the living, the approaches which reveal the dynamics of evolution. The authors analyze how different theoretical concepts (Darwinism and antidarwinism) conditioned various interpretations of the same facts in the study of cognitive models. The article shows how research of these models has led to the modern scientific ideas suggested by different scientists. These examples from the history of science clearly demonstrate the competition between numerous methodologies and heuristic (...)
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    Anges de la ville.Elena Poniatowska & Albert Bensoussan - 2007 - Rue Descartes 57 (3):28-49.
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    The Early Glyptic of Tell Brak: Cylinder Seals of Third Millennium Syria.Elena Rova & Donald M. Matthews - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (3):525.
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    Neuroscience perspectives on security.Elena Rusconi, Kenneth C. Scott-Brown & Andrea Szymkowiak - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  39.  8
    Obstetrics during the French Revolution: political and medical controversies around the new obstetrical surgery.Elena Danieli - forthcoming - Annals of Science.
    During the French Revolution, obstetrics underwent substantial transformations in practice, teaching, and the physical spaces where it was conducted. The revolutionary authorities implemented reforms in French medical institutions that promoted an instrument-centred style and the dissemination of novel surgical techniques in obstetrics. The selection of professors for the obstetrics chair at the newly established École de santé and the appointment of chiefs for the new maternity ward in Paris favoured proponents of a mechanistic approach to labour assistance. This essay explores (...)
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    Hegel, Beall, and the logic of Vereinigung.Elena Ficara - 2024 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 3 (1):1-13.
    In 2023, Beall and Ficara present what they call Hegelian conjunctions. A Hegelian conjunction is a true conjunction of contradictory opposites in which the conjuncts, separately taken, are untrue and for which simplification fails. The analysis in Beall & Ficara History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (2) 119-131, 2023 is important for various reasons. First, for overcoming the deleterious state of estrangement between two ways of conceiving and practicing logic, the “dialectical” or “continental” and the “analytical” one. Second, for strengthening (...)
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  41.  29
    From la Favilla to Claudio Magris: Trieste’s European Identity.Elena Coda - 2022 - The European Legacy 27 (7-8):670-688.
    This essay discusses Claudio Magris’s concept of Mitteleuropa—which is central to his view of Europe—by situating it within the context of Triestine cultural history. It first presents the reflections on Europe formulated by the early generations of journalists in La Favilla, the newspaper founded in Trieste in 1836. This is followed by a discussion of the cultural and political writings of Scipio Slataper (1888–1915) and Giani Stuparich (1891–1961). Like Magris these journalists and writers assumed the role of public intellectuals and (...)
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    Single cases and dissociations.Elena Daprati & Angela Sirigu - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (6):265-270.
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    The Transcendental Deduction of Categories as Philosophical Proof.Elena Ficara - 2023 - Kantian Journal 42 (3):74-96.
    My aim is to reconstruct the basic steps and the fundamental idea of Kant’s transcendental deduction of categories as well as Hegel’s interpretation and reframing of Kant’s idea. Hegel’s reading is crucial for two reasons: first, for fixing the basic form of the Kant­ian argument and secondly, for understanding its metaphilosophical relevance. For Hegel, philosophical proof has a specific nature, which distinguishes it from scientific proof and brings it closer to a juridical one. In this perspective the transcendental deduction, which (...)
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    A Critical Ear: Analysis of Value Judgments in Reviews of Beethoven's Piano Sonata Recordings.Elena Alessandri, Victoria J. Williamson, Hubert Eiholzer & Aaron Williamon - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  45. Training for generalization in Theory of Mind: a study with older adults.Elena Cavallini, Federica Bianco, Sara Bottiroli, Alessia Rosi, Tomaso Vecchi & Serena Lecce - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Phonon-mediated heat dissipation in a monatomic lattice: case study on Ni.Elena V. Levchenko, Alexander V. Evteev, Leila Momenzadeh, Irina V. Belova & Graeme E. Murch - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (32):3640-3673.
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    Scientific and Religious Belief.Paul Weingartner, Elena Klevakina-Uljanov & Gerhard Schurz - 1994 - Springer Verlag.
    Providing insights into the interrelation between scientific and religious belief, this work covers features of belief in general and discusses distinctive properties between belief, knowledge and acceptance. These properties are considered in relation and comparison to religious belief.".
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  48. A question of strength: On NPIs in interrogative clauses.Elena Yael Sharvit with Guerzoni - manuscript
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    ‘Just Google It?’: Pupils’ Perceptions and Experience of Research in the Secondary Classroom.Kay Yeoman, Elena Nardi, Laura Bowater & Huyen Nguyen - 2017 - British Journal of Educational Studies 65 (3):281-305.
  50.  15
    Desafíos y esperanzas de un procedimiento científico terapéutico: hemodiálisis arteriovenosa continua.Lourdes Elena Yera Loyola, Miguel Angel Hernández Rodríguez & Tomás Triana del Toro - 2003 - Humanidades Médicas 3 (2):0-0.
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