Results for 'Edward Miguel Economic Gangsters'

964 found
  1. Leora Batnitzky. Idolatry and Representation: The Philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig Reconsidered (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2009), x+ 281 pp. $23.95/£ 16.95 paper. Matthew A. Baum and Tim J. Groeling. War Stories: The Causes and Consequences of Public Views of War (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010), xviii+ 329 pp. [REVIEW]Raymond Fisman, Edward Miguel Economic Gangsters & Violence Corruption - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (1):143-145.
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    Thematic Symposium Editorial: Virtue Ethics Between East and West.Miguel Alzola, Alicia Hennig & Edward Romar - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (2):177-189.
    Virtue ethics is widely recognized as one of three major approaches in contemporary moral philosophy and arguably the most influential normative theory in business ethics. Despite its rich pedigree in Western and Eastern philosophy, most work in contemporary virtue ethics is part of the Western tradition. The purpose of this Thematic Symposium is to foster dialogue between Western and Eastern conceptions of virtue in business and engage them with questions about the nature, justification, and content of the virtues in each (...)
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    Theories and models in economics: an empirical approach to methodology (2024).Miguel M. Torres - forthcoming - Journal of Economic Methodology:1-5.
  4.  34
    The Perils of the Economic Strategy to Curb Organizational Corruption.Miguel Alzola - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:3-8.
    The dominant academic paradigm and the main inspiration of anticorruption policies is the economic theory of corruption, according to which anticorruption policies should be focused on raising the costs associated with corrupt behavior. In this article, I provide three reasons to explain why anticorruption interventions in organizations inspired by the economic theory of corruption frequently fail. I contribute to the current literature by integrating the literature on constructive deviance, on personality psychology, and on managerial biases in ethical decision-making (...)
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    Ontology and economics: Tony Lawson and his critics.Edward Fullbrook (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Routledge.
    This original book brings together some of the world's leading critics of economics orthodoxy to debate Lawson's contribution to the economics literature.
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    Economic Relationships in the Decline of Feudalism: An Examination of Economic Interdependence and Social Change.Edward J. Nell - 1967 - History and Theory 6 (3):313-350.
    Eleventh-century Europe was dominated by a single political and economic elite with position based on control of the means of coercion; by the end of the fifteenth. century there were various elites with power based on control of some form of production. Theories based on trade, population, and the class struggle have been advanced to account for this change but are inadequate because they posit causal relationships running from some single independent factor. A different form of explanation emphasizes the (...)
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    Energy and Economic Growth in the United States.Edward Allen - 1979 - MIT Press.
    Instead of relying on the usual price elasticity technique, this book combines economic and engineering analysis to study economic growth and energy demands to the year 2000. It asserts that future energy demand will be determined by two basic factors--the gross national product and the efficiency with which energy is used to produce this output in the household, commercial, industrial, and transport sectors of the economy.Labor hours multiplied by a productivity factor results in the GNP. This study predicts (...)
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    Inventing Edward Lear by Sara Lodge.Miguel Tamen - 2021 - Common Knowledge 27 (1):120-121.
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    The Economic Consequences of the Peace in Iraq.Edward Nell & Willi Semmler - 2003 - Constellations 10 (3):425-436.
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    Economics and Three Faces of Prudence.Edward Skidelsky - 2024 - In Peter Róna, Laszlo Zsolnai & Agnieszka Wincewicz-Price, Homo Curator: Towards the Ethics of Consumption. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 131-142.
    Modern economics does not have much use for the classical scheme of virtues and vices. Yet, it appears to recognise prudence, or something lying in the same general region as prudence. In classical philosophy, prudence is the virtue of practical rationality, or rationality in action. Economics too has a theory of rationality in action. This paper asks if this is a good theory – if the actions prescribed by economics are indeed the actions that an ideally prudent counsellor would prescribe. (...)
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  11. Economics, Politics, and the Coming Collapse of the Elderly Welfare State.James Rolph Edwards - 200 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 17 (1):1-16.
  12. Theories of Meaning and Logical Truth: Edwards versus Davidson.Miguel Hoeltje - 2007 - Mind 116 (461):121 - 129.
    Donald Davidson has claimed that for every logical truth 5 of a language L, a theory of meaning for L will entail that S is a logical truth of L. Jim Edwards has argued (2002) that this claim is false if we take 'entails' to mean 'has as a logical consequence. In this paper, I first show that, pace Edwards, Davidson's claim is correct even under this strong reading. I then discuss the argument given by Edwards and offer a diagnosis (...)
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    Hume on Economic Policy and Human Nature.Edward Soule - 2000 - Hume Studies 26 (1):143-157.
    This article explains and criticizes several of Hume's arguments regarding British economic policy. I focus on Hume's methodology, which is essentially utilitarian but also depends heavily on his philosophical account of human psychology. I claim that the arguments examined prevail over competing 18th century approaches to economic policy. And I explain the relevance of this methodology for present day public policy debates.
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  14. Ideology, Economics, and Knowledge.James Edwards - 1981 - Reason Papers 7:53-71.
  15. Against the anticosmopolitan basic structure argument: the systemic concept of distributive justice and economic divisions of labor.Edward Andrew Greetis - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (4):551-571.
    I examine the main anticosmopolitan Rawslian argument, the ‘basic structure argument.’ It holds that distributive justice only applies to existing basic structures, there are only state basic structures, so distributive justice only applies among compatriots. Proponents of the argument face three challenges: 1) they must explain what type of basic structure relation makes distributive justice relevant only among compatriots, 2) they must explain why distributive justice (as opposed to allocative or retributive) is the relevant regulative concept for basic structures, and (...)
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  16. Verdad religiosa frente a verdad de razón. Un estudio comparativo entre Blaise Pascal y Miguel de Unamuno.Miguel Ángel Núñez Rivero - 1985 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 5:11.
    This article interprets the accounts and testimonies of native Chilean Pentecostalism, from a philosophical approach. In these accounts Pentecostal dilemmas are expressed and that oppressed beings prove by the economical and social conditions that the Chilean society lived in the 20th century. These dilemmas manifest anguish produced by absurd, emptiness and loneliness; that rise due to illness, alcoholism and poverty, which leads the individual to critical situations that push him to choose being Pentecostal, stigmatized beings and socially excluded, or to (...)
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  17.  25
    Pluralist economics.Edward Fullbrook (ed.) - 2008 - New York: Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan.
    A guide to the pluralist movement threatening to revolutionise mainstream economics. It looks at how neoclassical economics gained its stranglehold, particularly in the United States, and how the social and intellectual underpinnings of economics have enabled it to maintain this in the face of inconsistent evidence from the real world.
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    Bioethics and neglected diseases.Miguel Kottow - 2019 - New York: Nova Medicine & Health.
    Neglected diseases are severe conditions that mainly affect the world's poorest people. Those suffering from neglected diseases are mostly suffering from tropical infections that have failed to receive priority in pharmaceutical research and development programs, as well as in public health policies aimed at improving availability and access to preventive, diagnostic and curative medicine. The World Health Organization has issued a number of documents directing attention to the plight affecting one third of the world's population, assisted by active support from (...)
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    Perspectives on Ayn Rand's conributions to economic and business thought.Edward W. Younkins (ed.) - 2018 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Ayn Rand wrote and lectured on economic concepts and topics. This volume addresses the economic and business aspects of her writings. The authors of this anthology are from a variety of fields and all of them are enthusiastic supporters of her ideas.
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    Economics in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.Edward W. Younkins - 2013 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 13 (2):123-139.
    This article provides a summary of economic issues found in Atlas Shrugged. It discusses the role of individual initiative, creativity, and productivity in economic progress as illustrated in this novel. It also shows the novel's depiction of the benefits of trade—and the destruction of exchange relationships and production that results from government intervention in the economy. Rand included a great many valuable insights about money in the novel's famous “money speech.” In addition, the book analyzes Galt's Gulch as (...)
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  21.  63
    Biology and the social sciences.Edward O. Wilson - 1990 - Zygon 25 (3):245-262.
    The sciences may be conceptualized as a hierarchy ranked by level of organization (e.g., many‐body physics ranks above particle physics). Each science serves as an antidiscipline for the science above it; that is, between each pair, tense but creative interplay is inevitable. Biology has advanced through such tension between its subdisciplines and now can serve as an antidiscipline for the social sciences—for anthropology, for example, by examining the connection between cultural and biological evolution; for psychology, by addressing the nature of (...)
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  22.  6
    Personalist Economics: Moral Convictions, Economic Realities, and Social Action.Edward J. O'Boyle - 1998 - Springer Verlag.
    Personalist Economics: Moral Convictions, Economic Realities, and Social Action examines the nature of the worker and consumer from a personalist perspective, comparing that body of knowledge to what is received from conventional economics. A running theme throughout this book is that personalist economics is attentive to both aspects of human material need - physical need and the need for work as such - in a way that does not disregard human wants. Accordingly, this book is more concerned about the (...)
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  23.  41
    Keynesian Economic Theory.and the Revival of Classical Theory.Edward Walter - 1990 - Social Philosophy Today 4:99-121.
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    Economic Deprivation and Its Effects on Childhood Conduct Problems: The Mediating Role of Family Stress and Investment Factors.Edward M. Sosu & Peter Schmidt - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Gestures of despair and hope: A view on deliberate self-harm from economics and evolutionary biology.Edward H. Hagen, Paul J. Watson & Peter Hammerstein - 2008 - Biological Theory 3 (2):123-138.
    A long-standing theoretical tradition in clinical psychology and psychiatry sees deliberate self-harm , such as wrist-cutting, as “functional”—a means to avoid painful emotions, for example, or to elicit attention from others. There is substantial evidence that DSH serves these functions. Yet the specific links between self-harm and such functions remain obscure. Why don’t self-harmers use less destructive behaviors to blunt painful emotions or elicit attention? Economists and biologists have used game theory to show that, under certain circumstances, self-harmful behaviors by (...)
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  26. Its many varieties: does liberalism merely alternate between ethics and economics?Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    I am not sure who said that liberalism merely alternates between ethics and economics – was it Karl Kraus? – but at first glance the claim is plausible. In this paper I argue that there are varieties of liberalism which do not. Some depend on a nature-culture distinction and some appeal to simplicity in a way that seems aesthetic. In the appendix I introduce a problem for utilitarianism.
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    Intersubjectivity in Economics: Agents and Structures.Edward Fullbrook (ed.) - 2001 - Routledge.
    Traditional economics treats the defining subjective properties of economic agents as if they are determined independently of individual and collective relations with other agents. This collection of essays reflects the increasingly common view that economics cannot continue to disregard all economic phenomena inconsistent with this conception. The volume is especially concerned with the idea of intersubjective influences on market outcomes. A team of expert international contributors have been brought together to address the question of intersubjectivity from a variety (...)
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  28.  18
    Flourishing & Happiness in a Free Society: Toward a Synthesis of Aristotelianism, Austrian Economics, and Ayn Rand's Objectivism.Edward Wayne Younkins - 2011 - Lanham, Md.: Upa.
    This book emphasizes the compatibility of Aristotelianism, Austrian economics, and Ayn Rand's Objectivism, arguing that particular ideas from these areas can be integrated as a potential paradigm of human flourishing and happiness in a free society. It constructs an understanding from various disciplines into a clear, consistent, and systematic whole.
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  29. Human Nature, Flourishing, and Happiness: Toward a Synthesis of Aristotelianism, Austrian Economics, Positive Psychology, and Ayn Rand’s Objectivism.Edward W. Younkins - 2010 - Libertarian Papers 2:35.
    This article presents a skeleton of a potential paradigm of human flourishing and happiness in a free society. It is an exploratory attempt to construct an understanding from various disciplines and to integrate them into a clear, consistent, coherent, and systematic whole. Holding that there are essential interconnections among objective ideas, the article specifically emphasizes the compatibility of Aristotelianism, Austrian Economics, Positive Psychology, and Ayn Rand’s Objectivism arguing that particular ideas from these areas can be integrated into a paradigm of (...)
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  30. Weisskopf, Walter A. / "Alienation and Economics".Edward D. Booth - 1975 - Theory and Decision 6 (1/4):491.
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  31. (3 other versions)Rational Economic Man: A Philosophical Critique of Neo-Classical Economics.Martin Hollis & Edward Nell - 1976 - Science and Society 40 (3):359-362.
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    The ethics and economics of patenting the human genome.Edward B. Flowers - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (15):1737-1745.
    This paper attempts to better define the areas of conflict and agreement between value ethics and the theoretical ethics of the market processes at work in the biotechnology industry. Despite the apparent lack of ethics in an oligopolistically competitive pharmaceuticals industry, the paper concludes that the current stage of development of the medical biotechnology subindustry offers unparalleled opportunities for ethical systems to influence the market-based development of biotechnology. Ethical conversations between doctors and biologists with ethicists can help the market absorb (...)
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    Marx.Jaime Edwards & Brian Leiter - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge Philosophers. Edited by Brian Leiter.
    Karl Marx (1818-1883) was trained as a philosopher and steeped in the thought of Hegel and German idealism, but turned away from philosophy in his mid-twenties towards politics, economics and history. It is for his these subjects Marx is best known and in which his work and ideas shaped the very nature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. However, Marx's engagement with philosophy runs through most of his work, especially in his philosophy of history and in moral and political philosophy. (...)
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    The Conflation of Productivity and Efficiency in Economics and Economic History.Edward Saraydar - 1989 - Economics and Philosophy 5 (1):55.
    The literature of comparative economics as well as economic history is replete with references to productivity differences as reflecting relative efficiency in production. In socialist economics, for example, the longevity of the relative-productivity/relative-efficiency theme is apparent from Abram Bergson's early survey where, commenting on a productivity debate that had already been going on for over twenty years, he identified “the only issue outstanding” as the question “which is more efficient, socialism or capitalism?” The issue has continued to be addressed (...)
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    In Defense of Environmental Economics.Steven E. Edwards - 1987 - Environmental Ethics 9 (1):73-85.
    The appropriateness of economic valuations of the natural environment is defended on the basis of an objective analysis of individuals’ preferences. The egoistic model of “economic man” substantiates economic valuations of instrumental values even when markets do not exist and when consumption and use are not involved. However, “altruistic man’s” genuine commitment to the well-being of others, particularly wildlife and future generations, challenges economic valuations at a fundamental level. In this case, self-interest and an indifference between (...)
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  36. Rational Economic Man. Hollis & Edward J. Nell - 1975 - Cambridge University Press.
    Economics is probably the most subtle, precise and powerful of the social sciences and its theories have deep philosophical import. Yet the dominant alliance between economics and philosophy has long been cheerfully simple. This is the textbook alliance of neo-Classicism and Positivism, so crucial to the defence of orthodox economics against by now familiar objections. This is an unusual book and a deliberately controversial one. The authors cast doubt on assumptions which neo-Classicists often find too obvious to defend or, indeed, (...)
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  37.  16
    Trust and Economic Learning: Compte rendu par Cecile Gode-Sanchez.Edward Lorenz & Nathalie Lazaric - 1998 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 8 (2-3):353-362.
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    The Rhetoric of Economics.Edward M. Clift - 2009 - In Andrea A. Lunsford, Kirt H. Wilson & Rosa A. Eberly, SAGE Handbook of Rhetorical Studies. SAGE. pp. 197.
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    Economic and Accounting Interpretative Approach on Income Disparity: Evidence from China.Edward Wong Sek Khin - 2010 - Asian Culture and History 2 (1):P59.
    In this paper, we analyse the current China urban and rural income disparity. Our analysis demonstrates that the Economic and Policy reforms instituted by the Chinese government over the past decade or so have had two primary aims: Firstly, to maintain political stability at all costs and secondly to transform China into a modern industrial state. To ensure political stability, it has eschewed the current Russian model for a unique Chinese model where state owned enterprises co-exist with market driven (...)
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    Inside the Black Box: Technology and Economics. Nathan Rosenberg.Edward W. Constant - 1984 - Isis 75 (4):778-779.
  41.  46
    A Comment on “The Appeals Process as a Means of Error Correction,” by Steven Shavell: Edward P. Schwartz.Edward P. Schwartz - 1995 - Legal Theory 1 (3):361-363.
    In his most recent article, “The Appeals Process as a Means of Error Correction,” Steven Shavell asks a very important question: Why do we use a hierarchical court structure? The flip side of this inquiry is whether we might not be better off simply making our trial courts more efficient. Although I certainly applaud the recent efforts of Shavell and other law and economics scholars to examine issues of institutional design, this particular attempt suffers from two major flaws. The first (...)
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    Rethinking the role of U. S. development assistance in third world agriculture.Miguel A. Altieri - 1989 - Agriculture and Human Values 6 (3):85-91.
    International agricultural development as practiced by U. S. sponsored research groups in developing countries has emphasized technical questions of production, ignoring more fundamental social and economic issues that underline rural poverty and hunger. Rethinking the role of U. S. development assistance will require transcending the view that the only way to impact agriculture in the Third World is by increasing the intensity of land use in high potential agricultural areas. The challenge is to find ways of how to further (...)
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    Measuring the Integration of Social and Environmental Missions in Hybrid Organizations.Edward N. Gamble, Simon C. Parker & Peter W. Moroz - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (2):271-284.
    This paper introduces a new typology and associated measure of social and environmental mission integration by conceptually framing a feature of hybrid organizations—the degree of integration of their revenue model and social–environmental mission. The SEMI measure is illustrated using a hand-collected sample of 256 North American Certified B Corporations. We explore the heterogeneity of SEMI scores by identifying external-facing correlates and demonstrate non-congruence with Certified B Corporation’s audit results. Overall, our findings advance existing knowledge of these hybrid organizations and how (...)
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    Village Economies: The Design, Estimation, and Use of Villagewide Economic Models.J. Edward Taylor & Irma Adelman - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    Most of the world's population and the vast majority of the world's poor live and work in villages. Their activities are usually centred in households, but interactions among households shape the impacts of policy, market and environmental changes on rural production, incomes, employment and migration. This book presents a generation of villagewide economic modelling designed to capture these interactions when assessing the impacts of policy, market and environmental changes on rural economies in less developed countries. The authors present a (...)
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    Financial Model for Universal Minimum Benefit for Spain.Noemi Pena Miguel, J. Inaki De la Peña Esteban & Ana Fernandez-Sainz - 2017 - Basic Income Studies 12 (1).
    The paper proposes a financial model suitable for ensuring the economic, financial and social sustainability of this basic protection. We have calculated the estimated cost for the Spanish population in 2010 and have estimated the cost for the following 12 years (three legislatures) under a range of demographic and economic assumptions. The results are then analysed to draw conclusions about the viability and sustainability of this basic social protection floor. A remarkable finding is that it is feasible to (...)
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    The cyclical ethical effects of using artificial intelligence in education.Edward Dieterle, Chris Dede & Michael Walker - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-11.
    Our synthetic review of the relevant and related literatures on the ethics and effects of using AI in education reveals five qualitatively distinct and interrelated divides associated with access, representation, algorithms, interpretations, and citizenship. We open our analysis by probing the ethical effects of algorithms and how teams of humans can plan for and mitigate bias when using AI tools and techniques to model and inform instructional decisions and predict learning outcomes. We then analyze the upstream divides that feed into (...)
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  47. Production, Information Costs, and Economic Organization.Armen Alchian, Harold Demsetz, Kenneth Arrow, Richard Edwards, Herbert Gintis & Michael C. Jensen - 1983 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 12 (4):354-368.
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    Critical reflections on a realist interpretation of Friedman’s ‘Methodology of Positive Economics’.Edward Mariyani-Squire - 2017 - Journal of Economic Methodology 24 (1):69-89.
    Uskali Mäki has offered an innovative scientific realist account of Milton Friedman’s 1953 essay, ‘The Methodology of Positive Economics’, which directly challenges the dominant instrumentalist interpretation. This paper offers critical reflections on Mäki’s approach and interpretation. It is argued that Mäki’s method of rereading-rewriting the text is problematic; that an unforced instrumentalist account of unrealistic assumptions can be extracted from the text itself; and that seemingly realist passages can be plausibly read as expressing an instrumentalist stance.
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    Two factors which influence economical learning.Edward K. Strong - 1914 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 11 (5):124-131.
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    Getting the Hard-Core Concepts of Economics Right.Edward J. O'Boyle - 2004 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 7 (1):147-173.
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