Results for 'Eduardo Trejos'

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  1.  29
    Determinación de la eficiencia financiera a una empresa del sector metalmecanico.Cruz Trejos, Eduardo Arturo, Jorge Hernán Restrepo Correa & Pedro Daniel Medina Varela - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Portafolio de inversión en acciones un enfoque estocastico.Cruz Trejos, Eduardo Arturo, Jorge Hernán Restrepo Correa & Pedro Daniel Medina Varela - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  3. Un modelo dual para portafolios de inversion.Eduardo Arturo Cruz Trejos, Andr S. Urrutia Mosquera Jorge & Pedro Daniel Medina Varela - 2011 - Scientia et Technica 17.
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    Pronóstico del índice general de la bolsa de valores de Colombia usando redes neuronales.Cruz Trejos, Eduardo Arturo, Jorge Hernán Restrepo Correa & Pedro Daniel Medina Varela - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Análisis del subempleo en el municipio de Pereira tercer trimestre de 2004.Carmén Lucía Bazzani Correa, Cruz Trejos & Eduardo Arturo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Problema de programación de operaciones y herramientas en un sistema de manufactura flexible: heurística de carga fase II.Pedro Daniel Medina Varela, Cruz Trejos, Eduardo Arturo & Jorge Hernán Restrepo Correa - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Aplicación del modelo de experimentación Shainin en un ingenio azucarero del Valle del Cauca.Pedro Daniel Medina Varela, Cruz Trejos, Eduardo Arturo & Jorge Hernán Restrepo Correa - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Moving Together Towards Collective Access (Dispatch).Anne McGuire, Kelly Fritsch & Eduardo Trejos - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (1):59-65.
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    Análisis de riesgo en proyectos de inversion un caso de estudio.Carmén Lucía Bazzani Correa, Cruz Trejos & Eduardo Arturo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Cómo reducir el tiempo de preparación.Jorge Hernán Restrepo Correa, Pedro Daniel Medina Varela, Cruz Trejos & Eduardo Arturo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  11.  57
    Problemas de balanceo de línea SALBP-1 y SALBP-2: un caso de estudio.Jorge Hernán Restrepo Correa, Pedro Daniel Medina Varela, Cruz Trejos & Eduardo Arturo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Programacion de trabajos en una maquina utilizando un modelo de programacion lineal entera.Jorge Hernán Restrepo Correa, Pedro Daniel Medina Varela, Cruz Trejos & Eduardo Arturo - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Reading Kant's Geography.Stuart Elden & Eduardo Mendieta (eds.) - 2011 - State University of New York Press.
    Perspectives on Kant's teachings on geography and how they relate his understanding of the world.
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    How music creates emotion: a multifactorial process approach.Klaus R. Scherer, Eduardo Coutinho, T. Cochrane, B. Fantini & K. R. Scherer - 2013 - In Tom Cochrane, Bernardino Fantini & Klaus R. Scherer (eds.), The Emotional Power of Music: Multidisciplinary perspectives on musical arousal, expression, and social control. Oxford University Press.
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  15. Defending the Indispensability Argument: Atoms, Infinity and the Continuum.Eduardo Castro - 2013 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 44 (1):41-61.
    This paper defends the Quine-Putnam mathematical indispensability argument against two objections raised by Penelope Maddy. The objections concern scientific practices regarding the development of the atomic theory and the role of applied mathematics in the continuum and infinity. I present two alternative accounts by Stephen Brush and Alan Chalmers on the atomic theory. I argue that these two theories are consistent with Quine’s theory of scientific confirmation. I advance some novel versions of the indispensability argument. I argue that these new (...)
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  16. Laws of Nature and Explanatory Circularity.Eduardo Castro - 2019 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 33 (2):27-38..
    Some recent literature [Hicks, M. T. and van Elswyk. P., (2015) pp. 433-443, 2015; Bhogal, H. (2017), pp. 447-460] has argued that the non-Humean conceptions of laws of nature have a same weakness as the Humean conceptions of laws of nature. That is, both conceptions face an explanatory circularity problem. The argument is as follows: the Humean and the non-Humean conceptions of laws of nature agree that the law statements are universal generalisations; thus, both conceptions are vulnerable to an explanatory (...)
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  17. Beliefs in Action: Economic Philosophy and Social Change.Eduardo Giannetti da Fonseca - 1991 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is concerned with the role of economic philosophy in the processes of belief-formation and social change. Its aim is to further our understanding of the behaviour of the individual economic agent by bringing to light and examining the function of non-rational dispositions and motivations in the determination of the agent's beliefs and goals. Drawing on the work of David Hume and Adam Smith the book spells out the particular ways in which the passions come to affect our ordinary (...)
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    O direito natural na época de Sócrates.Eduardo García Máynez - 2010 - Rio: ABC editora. Edited by Mariza Ferreira Aderaldo.
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  19. Inducción, causalidad y psicologismo en Hume.Oscar Eduardo Pineda Lemus - 2011 - A Parte Rei 73:12.
  20.  41
    Hegemonía en Colombia: caracterización y alternativas frente al poder global.Miguel Eduardo Cárdenas Rivera & Felipe Díaz Chaves - 2011 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 16 (53):13-26.
    El siguiente artículo aborda la hegemonía que se ciñe sobre Colombia, mediante un punto de vista político que analiza el poder que ejerce la burguesía internacional y burguesía subordinada nacional sobre las clases subalternas y en particular la clase trabajadora colombiana. Se reflexiona sobre el l..
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  21. Panorámica de la Selección Natural según Ghiselin y Rus.Eduardo Ruiz Jarén - 2009 - A Parte Rei 65:5.
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  22. Notes on ω-inconsistent theories of truth in second-order languages.Eduardo Barrio & Lavinia Picollo - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (4):733-741.
    It is widely accepted that a theory of truth for arithmetic should be consistent, but -consistency is a highly desirable feature for such theories. The point has already been made for first-order languages, though the evidence is not entirely conclusive. We show that in the second-order case the consequence of adopting -inconsistent theories of truth are considered: the revision theory of nearly stable truth T # and the classical theory of symmetric truth FS. Briefly, we present some conceptual problems with (...)
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  23.  29
    Words of Light: Theses on the Photography of History.Eduardo Cadava - 1997 - Princeton University Press.
    Focusing on Walter Benjamin's discussions of the flashes and images of history, this book argues that the questions raised by this link between photography and history touch on issues that belong to the entire trajectory of Benjamin's ...
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    Derecho y argumentación.Eduardo López Villegas - 2001 - Bogotá: Universidad de Manizales.
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  25. El delincuente en el programa jurídico de Leibniz.Flavia Álvarez Olivera & Eduardo Álvarez Mosquera - 2011 - A Parte Rei 73:3.
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    De lo extraordinario: nominalismo y modernidad.Eduardo Sabrovsky J. - 2001 - Santiago: Editorial Cuarto Propio.
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  27.  13
    Dialéctica y derecho en Hegel.Eduardo Vásquez - 1968 - [Caracas]: Monte Avila Editores.
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    Lógica e existência.João Eduardo Rodrigues Villalobos - 1971 - São Paulo,: Editôra da Universidade de São Paulo.
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    Michael Polanyi’s Social Theory and Economic Thought.Eduardo Beira - 2021 - Tradition and Discovery 47 (3):32-43.
    This review article continues the forum from Tradition and Discovery 47/1 (February 2021) on Gábor Bíró’s book, The Economic Thought of Michael Polanyi (London: Routledge, 2019; 178 pp. Hardback: 9780367245634, £120.00; eBook: 9780429283178, £22.50).
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    Figuras de la libertad en Merleau-Ponty.Eduardo Bello - 2008 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 1:167.
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    High density ERP indices of conscious and unconscious semantic priming.María Ruz, Eduardo Madrid, Juan Lupiáñez & Pío Tudela - 2003 - Cognitive Brain Research 17 (3):719-731.
  32.  48
    The Operators of Vector Logic.Eduardo Mizraji - 1996 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 42 (1):27-40.
    Vector logic is a mathematical model of the propositional calculus in which the logical variables are represented by vectors and the logical operations by matrices. In this framework, many tautologies of classical logic are intrinsic identities between operators and, consequently, they are valid beyond the bivalued domain. The operators can be expressed as Kronecker polynomials. These polynomials allow us to show that many important tautologies of classical logic are generated from basic operators via the operations called Type I and Type (...)
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  33.  48
    El Babero Quine con la Navaja de Occam Afeitó la Barba de Platón.Eduardo Bermudez Barrera - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 15:273-281.
    The ontological question goes way back to Plato. In his Teetetus he already searched for the answer to question of “how is it possible that when a man stares at something he would not see anything anyway”. Quine is the author of a doctrine on ontology, “On what there is”. His work follows the path of medieval authors such as William of Ockham, who proposed the methodology that came to be known as Okcham's razor. The excessive proliferation of entities is (...)
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  34. Precios e instituciones políticas en Buenos Aires (1850-1900).Eduardo Martín Cuesta - 2008 - In Mario Daniel Serrafero (ed.), Pasado y futuro: una complejidad en clave política. [Argentina]: Sociedad Científica Argentina.
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    Response to Samuel Rocha’s Review of Being and Learning.Eduardo M. Duarte - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 32 (5):559-561.
  36. Identifying Knowledge and Communication.Eduardo Coutinho Lourenço de Lima - 2006 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 10 (2):125-141.
    In this paper, I discuss how the principle of identifying knowledge which Strawson advances in ‘Singular Terms and Predication’ (1961), and in ‘Identifying Reference and Truth-Values’ (1964) turns out to constrain communication. The principle states that a speaker’s use of a referring expression should invoke identifying knowledge on the part of the hearer, if the hearer is to understand what the speaker is saying, and also that, in so referring, speakers are attentive to hearers’ epistemic states. In contrasting it with (...)
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  37. La prueba de McTaggart de la irrealidad del tiempo.Eduardo Shore - 2002 - Princípios 9 (11):27-61.
    McTaggart se apoya en el hecho de que no percibimos el tiempo en si mismo, un tiempo vacio de sucesos: lo que en verdad percibimos es el transcurrir de los acontecimientos, tanto de los extemos como los de nuestro propio estado intemo en la conciencia. Todo el desarrollo de McTaggart y tambien su originalidad, consiste en el desentraiiamiento del mecanismo por el cual aprehendemos el caracter temporal del acaecer, a traves del cual tenemos la ilusión de que percibimos el tiempo. (...)
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  38. Mangueira, suas ratas são uma beleza!João Araújo Maia & Eduardo Bianchi - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (2):19-29.
    Falaremos de uma cidadania criativa que se configura lentamente na sociedade contemporânea. Consumo, beleza, vaidade, moda e corpo são elementos que irão fazer o campo da cultura refletir sobre conceitos que estavam, por muito tempo, sedimentados no campo da Comunicação. As jovens mulheres que se autointitulam “ratas” e seu estilo de vida nos guiaram para problematizar questões relativas às sociabilidades comunitárias e à cidadania cultural. Este trabalho faz uma imersão de campo na comunidade na favela da Candelária, na Mangueira, Rio (...)
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    Hacia una fundamentación filosófica de los derechos humanos: una puesta en diálogo.Carlos Eduardo Maldonado - 1994 - Santafé de Bogotá, D.C.: Escuela Superior de Administración Pública, Instituto de Derechos Humanos "Guillermo Cano".
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  40. Nonideal Ethics.Eduardo Rivera-López - 2013 - In Nonideal Ethics. Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Extinção.Paulo Eduardo Arantes - 2007 - São Paulo, SP: Boitempo Editorial.
  42.  20
    Marta y María»: Ortega y el dualismo. Aproximación a la noción pragmática de «creencia.Eduardo Armenteros Cuartango - 2007 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 41:123-140.
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  43. Algunos temas de la fenomenología de Jan Patocka. Platonismo, europa, asubjetividad, movimiento existencial.Eduardo González Di Pierro - 2007 - la Lámpara de Diógenes 8 (14):78-89.
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  44. Ensayos sobre la dialéctica: estudios sobre la dialéctica en Hegel y Marx.Eduardo Vásquez - 1982 - Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Dirección de Cultura.
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  45. Deliberación y política: notas sobre la teoría de la democracia deliberativa y la política de liberación.Dorando J. Michelini & Eduardo Ovidio Romero - 2012 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 17 (1):101-138.
    el artículo presenta algunos de los conceptos clave de las teorías de la democracia deliberativa y la política discursiva, de Habermas, y de la política de la liberación, de Dussel, con el fin de establecer coincidencias y divergencias en vista de una interpretación actual de la democracia y de lo político.
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  46. The Ethics of Policing: New Perspectives on Law Enforcement.Ben Jones & Eduardo Mendieta (eds.) - 2021 - New York: NYU Press.
    From George Floyd to Breonna Taylor, the brutal deaths of Black citizens at the hands of law enforcement have brought race and policing to the forefront of national debate in the United States. In The Ethics of Policing, Ben Jones and Eduardo Mendieta bring together an interdisciplinary group of scholars across the social sciences and humanities to reevaluate the role of the police and the ethical principles that guide their work. With contributors such as Tracey Meares, Michael Walzer, and (...)
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  47. Einstein’s Local Realism vs. Bohr’s Instrumental Anti-Realism: The Debate Between Two Titans in the Quantum Theory Arena.Eduardo Simões - 2021 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 21 (2):332-348.
    The objective of this article is to demonstrate how the historical debate between materialism and idealism, in the field of Philosophy, extends, in new clothes, to the field of Quantum Physics characterized by realism and anti-realism. For this, we opted for a debate, also historical, between the realism of Albert Einstein, for whom reality exists regardless of the existence of the knowing subject, and Niels Bohr, for whom we do not have access to the ultimate reality of the matter, unless (...)
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  48. O atomismo metafísico da antiguidade grega.Eduardo Simões - 2017 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 15 (1):324-339.
    O objetivo do presente texto é o de apresentar as bases do atomismo metafísico a partir da produção do conhecimento na Antiguidade Clássica. Não se trata de abrir qualquer tipo de discussão acerca da produção do conhecimento contemporâneo sobre a realidade do átomo. Trata-se de apresentar os fundamentos teóricos de base grega, cujos reflexos foram sentidos nos desenvolvimentos posteriores do atomismo metafísico. Sendo assim, a pretensão não é a de apresentar um trabalho específico de História da Filosofia ou de História (...)
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    El debate sobre el futuro de la especie humana: Habermas critica la eugenesia liberal.Eduardo Mendieta - 2002 - Isegoría 27:91-114.
    En este artículo se discute el reciente libro de Jürgen Habermas, Die Zukunft der menschlichen Natur. Auf dem Weg zu einer liberalen Eugenik . Se presta especial atención al argumento central relacionado con los efectos negativos que podría tener la aceptación general de la clonación y el diagnóstico génico preimplantacional sobre la autocomprensión moral y política de las generaciones presentes y futuras. La discusión continúa con una crítica a los argumentos centrales de Habermas contra el DGP, y desarrolla al menos (...)
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  50.  13
    O valor do amanhã: ensaio sobre a natureza dos juros.Eduardo Giannetti da Fonseca - 2005 - [São Paulo, Brazil]: Companhia das Letras.
    Os juros fazem parte da vida de todos - aparecem tanto nas discussões sobre o crescimento econômico da nação como em aspectos miúdos do dia-a-dia. O Princípio econômico é simples: o devedor antecipa um benefício para desfrute imediato e se compromete a pagar por isso mais tarde, e quem empresta cede algo de que dispõe agora e espera receber um montante superior no final da transação. EM O valor do amanhã, Eduardo Giannetti defende que este aspecto dos juros é (...)
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