Results for 'Edith Scheifele'

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  1.  35
    The Space–Time Congruency Effect: A Meta‐Analysis.Linda von Sobbe, Edith Scheifele, Claudia Maienborn & Rolf Ulrich - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (1):e12709.
    Several reaction time (RT) studies report faster responses when responses to temporal information are arranged in a spatially congruent manner than when this arrangement is incongruent. The resulting space–time congruency effect is commonly attributed to a culturally salient localization of temporal information along a mental timeline (e.g., a mental timeline that runs from left to right). The present study aims to provide a compilation of the published RT studies on this time–space association in order to estimate the size of its (...)
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    Edith-Stein-Gesamtausgabe: Eine Untersuchung über den Staat / Einl., Bearb. und Anmerkungen von Ilona Riedel-Spangenberger.Edith Stein - 2006
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    Assonanze e dissonanze: dal diario di Edith Stein.Edith Stein & Angela Ales Bello (eds.) - 2021 - Milano -- Udine: Mimesis.
    In queste pagine è delineata la vicenda esistenziale e intellettuale di Edith Stein. Donna straordinaria, è stata capace di racchiudere nella sua persona molte "possibili" vite. Le ha realizzate come ebrea e cattolica, fenomenologa e filosofa cristiana, docente e monaca carmelitana, agnostica e santa. Si tratta di un processo vitale dagli apparenti salti qualitativi, i quali si volgono all'ascolto di un medesimo nucleo identitario. Questa viva "formazione di sé" ha condotto Edith Stein a una "donazione di sé", culminata (...)
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    Self-Portrait In Letters, 1916-1942 (The Collected Works of Edith Stein, vol. 5).Edith Stein - 2016 - ICS Publications.
    Edith Stein comes alive through these warm, totally attentive letters. She joins a deeply sensitive heart with her keen intelligence, revealing herself to be a wise mentor and a caring friend available to anyone who approached her. Here we learn what was truly important to her: the total well-being of those who treasured her letters enough to preserve them even while suffering the havoc of war and oppression. This volume offers the first English translation of the majority of her (...)
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  5. Edith Stein: Woman, second edition, revised. The Collected Works of Edith Stein, Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Discalced Carmelite, vol. 2.Edith Stein - 1996
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    Introduction to Edith Stein's "The Interiority of the Soul," from Finite and Eternal Being.Edith Stein - 2005 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 8 (2):178-182.
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    Partv Edith Stein.Edith Stein - 2002 - In Tim Mooney & Dermot Moran, The Phenomenology Reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 227.
  8.  26
    Saintly influence: Edith Wyschogrod and the possibilities of philosophy of religion.Edith Wyschogrod, Eric Boynton & Martin Kavka (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    In all of these discourses, she has sought to cultivate an awareness of how the self is situated and influenced, as well as the ways in which a self can influence others.In this volume, twelve scholars examine and display the influence of ...
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    The collected works of Edith Stein, Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Discalced Carmelite.Edith Stein - 1986 - Washington, D.C.: ICS Publications.
    This initial volume of the Collected Works of Edith Stein offers, for the first time in English, the unabridged biography of Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross), depicting her life as a child and young adult. Her text ends abruptly because the Nazi SS arrested, then deported, her to the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1942. Edith Stein is one of the most significant German women of the 20th century. At the age of twenty-five she became the (...)
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    Review of Edith Wyschogrod: Saints and Postmodernism: Revisioning Moral Philosophy.[REVIEW]Edith Wyschogrod - 1992 - Ethics 103 (1):181-184.
    "In this exciting and important work, Wyschogrod attempts to read contemporary ethical theory against the vast unwieldy tapestry that is postmodernism.... [A] provocative and timely study."—Michael Gareffa, _Theological Studies_ "A 'must' for readers interested in the borderlands between philosophy, hagiography, and ethics."—Mark I. Wallace, _Religious Studies Review_.
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  11. Book notices-festschriften der versammlungen Deutscher naturforscher und arzte, 1822 bis 1920.Irene Scheifele - 1998 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 20 (1):123-123.
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  12. Dusing, Edith und Klein, H.-D.(Hrsg.), Geist und Literatur.Edith Brugmans - 2009 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 71 (2):429.
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    Play in the infants' school.Edith B. Warr - 1938 - The Eugenics Review 30 (3):212.
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    Aristotle's way: how ancient wisdom can change your life.Edith Hall - 2018 - New York: Penguin Books.
    From renowned classicist Edith Hall, ARISTOTLE'S WAY is an examination of one of history's greatest philosophers, showing us how to lead happy, fulfilled, and meaningful lives Aristotle was the first philosopher to inquire into subjective happiness, and he understood its essence better and more clearly than anyone since. According to Aristotle, happiness is not about well-being, but instead a lasting state of contentment, which should be the ultimate goal of human life. We become happy through finding a purpose, realizing (...)
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    Beiträge zur philosophischen Begründung der Psychologie und der Geisteswissenschaften.Edith Stein - 1970 - Tübingen,: M. Niemeyer. Edited by Edith Stein.
  16. Werke. Band XIV: Briefe an Roman Ingarden, 1917-1938.Edith Stein, L. Gelber, M. Linsen & Hanna-Barbara Gerl - 1992 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 54 (3):558-559.
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    Der Brief der hl. Edith Stein: von der Phänomenologie zur Hermeneutik.Edith Stein - 2010 - Oberried: PAIS-Verlag. Edited by Norbert Huppertz.
  18. The Collected Works of Edith Stein . Vol. 3: On the Problem of Empathy. Third Revised Edition.Edith Stein & W. Stein - 1991 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 53 (4):736-736.
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    Mind the gap: Cake cutting with separation.Edith Elkind, Erel Segal-Halevi & Warut Suksompong - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 313 (C):103783.
  20. Notes and News.Edith Mulhall Achilles - 1920 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 17 (7):194.
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    La famille française et son evolution.Edith Corry - 1914 - The Eugenics Review 6 (1):70.
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  22. Human Unity and Sri Aurobindo.Edith Schnapper - 1974 - In Aurobindo Ghose, Srinivasa Iyengar & R. K., Sri Aurobindo: a centenary tribute. Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Press. pp. 292.
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    Principles of applied logic.Edith Watson Schipper - 1956 - Dubuque,: W.C. Brown Co.. Edited by Schuh, Edward & [From Old Catalog].
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    The Revolution of Moral Consciousness: Nietzsche in Russian Literature, 1890-1914.Edith W. Clowes - 1988 - Northern Illinois University Press.
    No other thinker so engaged the Russian cultural imagination of the early twentieth century as did Friedrich Nietzche. The Revolution of Moral Consciousness shows how Nietzschean thought influenced the brilliant resurgence of literary life that started in the 1890s and continued for four decades. Through an analysis of the Russian encounter with Nietzsche, Edith Clowes defines the shift in ethical and aesthetic vision that motivated Russia's unprecedented artistic renascence and at the same time led its followers to the brink (...)
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  25. On the Problem of Empathy.Edith Stein - 1964 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 28 (4):547-547.
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  26. Note from Dr. Marshall.Edith Henry Johnson - 1908 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 5 (4):111.
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    Zur Philosophie der Individualität: Festschrift für Prof. Dr. phil. Edith Düsing zu ihrem 45. Geburtstag.Edith Düsing, Thorsten Dietz & Yurie A. Ignatieff (eds.) - 1996 - Aachen: Shaker.
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    Anyone but him: The complexity of precluding an alternative.Edith Hemaspaandra, Lane A. Hemaspaandra & Jörg Rothe - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence 171 (5-6):255-285.
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    Psychanalyse et potinque sociale en France, en R.F.A. et aux États-Unis.Edith Kurzweil - 1989 - Hermes 5:315.
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    Time and time again.Edith Maud Rowell - 1941 - London,: G. Allen & Unwin.
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  31. Plato: The Collected Dialogues.Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns (eds.) - 1961 - Princeton: New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  32. On the problem of empathy.Edith Stein - 1989 - Washington, D.C.: ICS Publications.
    Originally published: New York: Random House, 1972.
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  33.  10
    From ethics to language the imperative of the other.Edith Wyschogrod - 2003 - In Claire Elise Katz & Lara Trout, Emmanuel Levinas. New York: Routledge. pp. 1--1.
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  34. The Art in Ethics: Aesthetics, Objectivity, and Alterity in the Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas.Edith Wyschogrod - 1995 - In Adriaan Theodoor Peperzak, Ethics as first philosophy: the significance of Emmanuel Levinas for philosophy, literature, and religion. New York: Routledge. pp. 137--50.
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    The concept of the world in śaṁkara: A reply to Milton K. Munitz.Edith Wyschogrod - 1975 - Philosophy East and West 25 (3):301-308.
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    Selbstbildnis in Briefen.Edith Stein - 1976
  37.  46
    The meaning of existence in Plato's Sophist.Edith W. Schipper - 1964 - Phronesis 9 (1):38-44.
  38. Nietzsche und die Sinnfrage.Edith Düsing, Georges Goedert & Theo Meyer - 2001 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 27:155-268.
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  39.  54
    Dieu au féminin dans l’Allemagne d’aujourd’hui.Edith Franke - 2002 - Clio 15:85-101.
    Le paysage religieux actuel est caractérisé par une perte d’influence des systèmes religieux établis et un intérêt fort pour les nouveaux mouvements religieux. Il en résulte des processus de transformation et de pluralisation à l’intérieur du christianisme. L’émergence d’une culture religieuse féminine, d’inspiration féministe, à l’intérieur ou en marge des Églises, participe à ces processus de transformation. Cet article donne un aperçu des nouvelles pratiques et des réorientations religieuses de chrétiennes (minoritaires et essentiellement protestantes) qui font référence à des représentations (...)
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    Legados, herencias y rupturas en la literatura haitiana escrita por mujeres.Edith Aurora Rebolledo Garrido - 2022 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 1 (29):9-25.
    En el presente trabajo se propone un análisis de una parte de la literatura haitiana escrita por mujeres. Este artículo se concentra particularmente en tres obras narrativas contemporáneas, que abordan la violencia de Estado durante el régimen duvalierista y sus efectos materiales y simbólicos en las familias haitianas dentro y fuera del país. Utilizando el concepto casa, entendido como el espacio material y simbólico de todas las relaciones de parentesco, se analizarán, de manera puntual, obras literarias de tres escritoras haitianas: (...)
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    The Princess Fainted on the Spot: On Ester Krumbachová’s Dark Tales.Edith Jeřábková & Francis McKee - 2020 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 10 (1):95-106.
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  42. All of the Women of the Bible.Edith Deen - 1955
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    Danses de Birgit Jürgenssen.Edith Futscher - 2007 - Multitudes 4 (4):151-155.
    Résumé L’article analyse la série photographique Danse macabre avec jeune fille de Birgit Jürgenssen selon deux axes : le concept de masque et l’enchevêtrement de deux thèmes iconographiques. En s’inscrivant dans un espace archaïsant, où apparaissent des éléments burlesques, les photographies de Jürgenssen des années 1979 et 1980 sont, comme chez Bakhtine, un éclat de rire contre la culture dominante.
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    What Shall We Do with Economic Science?Edith Ayres - 1937 - International Journal of Ethics 48 (2):143.
  45. Mapping the unconscious in notes from underground and on the Genealogy of morals : a reconsideration of modern moral consciousness.Edith W. Clowes - 2016 - In Jeff Love & Jeffrey Metzger, Nietzsche and Dostoevsky: philosophy, morality, tragedy. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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    Protecting elections by recounting ballots.Edith Elkind, Jiarui Gan, Svetlana Obraztsova, Zinovi Rabinovich & Alexandros A. Voudouris - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 290 (C):103401.
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  47. El proceso de selección del personal docente basado en el enfoque de competencias. Una propuesta.Edith Gouveia & Katty Montiel - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 8 (2):199-214.
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  48. Descartes und das neuzeitliche Denken: Anfragen an die Grundlagen naturwissenschaftlicher Weltbilder.Edith Gutsche & Hermann Hafner (eds.) - 1993 - Marburg: Studentenmission in Deutschland.
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  49. The Argument of Aristotle's Metaphysics.Edith Henry Johnson - 1907 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 63:665-666.
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    Die Lehre vom Schönen.Edith Landmann - 1952 - [Wien]: Amandus Verlag.
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