Results for 'Edith Dufay'

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  1.  30
    Improving ACE inhibitor use in patients hospitalized with systolic heart failure: a cluster randomized controlled trial of clinical practice guideline development and use.Nathalie Thilly, Serge Briancon, Yves Juilliere, Edith Dufay & Faiez Zannad - 2003 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 9 (3):373-382.
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    Self-Portrait In Letters, 1916-1942 (The Collected Works of Edith Stein, vol. 5).Edith Stein - 2016 - ICS Publications.
    Edith Stein comes alive through these warm, totally attentive letters. She joins a deeply sensitive heart with her keen intelligence, revealing herself to be a wise mentor and a caring friend available to anyone who approached her. Here we learn what was truly important to her: the total well-being of those who treasured her letters enough to preserve them even while suffering the havoc of war and oppression. This volume offers the first English translation of the majority of her (...)
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  3. Dusing, Edith und Klein, H.-D.(Hrsg.), Geist und Literatur.Edith Brugmans - 2009 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 71 (2):429.
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  4. On the problem of empathy.Edith Stein - 1989 - Washington, D.C.: ICS Publications.
    Originally published: New York: Random House, 1972.
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    Edith-Stein-Gesamtausgabe: Eine Untersuchung über den Staat / Einl., Bearb. und Anmerkungen von Ilona Riedel-Spangenberger.Edith Stein - 2006
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  6. Edith Stein: Woman, second edition, revised. The Collected Works of Edith Stein, Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Discalced Carmelite, vol. 2.Edith Stein - 1996
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    Partv Edith Stein.Edith Stein - 2002 - In Tim Mooney & Dermot Moran (eds.), The Phenomenology Reader. New York: Routledge. pp. 227.
  8. The Collected Works of Edith Stein . Vol. 3: On the Problem of Empathy. Third Revised Edition.Edith Stein & W. Stein - 1991 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 53 (4):736-736.
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    Assonanze e dissonanze: dal diario di Edith Stein.Edith Stein & Angela Ales Bello (eds.) - 2021 - Milano -- Udine: Mimesis.
    In queste pagine è delineata la vicenda esistenziale e intellettuale di Edith Stein. Donna straordinaria, è stata capace di racchiudere nella sua persona molte "possibili" vite. Le ha realizzate come ebrea e cattolica, fenomenologa e filosofa cristiana, docente e monaca carmelitana, agnostica e santa. Si tratta di un processo vitale dagli apparenti salti qualitativi, i quali si volgono all'ascolto di un medesimo nucleo identitario. Questa viva "formazione di sé" ha condotto Edith Stein a una "donazione di sé", culminata (...)
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    The collected works of Edith Stein, Sister Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Discalced Carmelite.Edith Stein - 1986 - Washington, D.C.: ICS Publications.
    This initial volume of the Collected Works of Edith Stein offers, for the first time in English, the unabridged biography of Edith Stein (Teresa Benedicta of the Cross), depicting her life as a child and young adult. Her text ends abruptly because the Nazi SS arrested, then deported, her to the Auschwitz concentration camp in 1942. Edith Stein is one of the most significant German women of the 20th century. At the age of twenty-five she became the (...)
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  11. Journal de l'anatomie et de la physiologie, etc.Dufay Dufay - 1876 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 2:650-650.
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    Introduction to Edith Stein's "The Interiority of the Soul," from Finite and Eternal Being.Edith Stein - 2005 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 8 (2):178-182.
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    Der Brief der hl. Edith Stein: von der Phänomenologie zur Hermeneutik.Edith Stein - 2010 - Oberried: PAIS-Verlag. Edited by Norbert Huppertz.
  14.  14
    Bibliographie Des articLes relatifs a l'histoire de l'humanisme et de la renaissance 1964: Dressée Par Les soins de l'institut de recherche et d'histoire Des textes, de Paris.Edith Bayle - forthcoming - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance.
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  15. Cultures in conflict: the struggle with modernity.Edith Jacobson - 1980 - [S.l.]: Central Agency for Jewish Education.
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  16. Remaining faithful : postmodern claims, Christian messages.Edith Wyschogrod - 2009 - In B. Keith Putt (ed.), Gazing through a prism darkly: reflections on Merold Westphal's hermeneutical epistemology. New York: Fordham University Press.
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    The Revolution of Moral Consciousness: Nietzsche in Russian Literature, 1890-1914.Edith W. Clowes - 1988 - Northern Illinois University Press.
    No other thinker so engaged the Russian cultural imagination of the early twentieth century as did Friedrich Nietzche. The Revolution of Moral Consciousness shows how Nietzschean thought influenced the brilliant resurgence of literary life that started in the 1890s and continued for four decades. Through an analysis of the Russian encounter with Nietzsche, Edith Clowes defines the shift in ethical and aesthetic vision that motivated Russia's unprecedented artistic renascence and at the same time led its followers to the brink (...)
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    Saintly influence: Edith Wyschogrod and the possibilities of philosophy of religion.Edith Wyschogrod, Eric Boynton & Martin Kavka (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    In all of these discourses, she has sought to cultivate an awareness of how the self is situated and influenced, as well as the ways in which a self can influence others.In this volume, twelve scholars examine and display the influence of ...
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    An Ethics of Remembering: History, Heterology, and the Nameless Others.Edith Wyschogrod - 1998 - University of Chicago Press.
    What are the ethical responsibilities of the historian in an age of mass murder and hyperreality? Can one be postmodern and still write history? For whom should history be written? Edith Wyschogrod animates such questions through the passionate figure of the "heterological historian." Realizing the philosophical impossibility of ever recovering "what really happened," this historian nevertheless acknowledges a moral imperative to speak for those who have been rendered voiceless, to give countenance to those who have become faceless, and hope (...)
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  20. ,,Wer wird das Bild des Menschen aufrichten“?! Nietzsches Konzept der Selbstbildung im Dialog mit Sokrates, Pascal und Schiller.Edith Düsing - 2013 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 39 (1):81-106.
    Im Ausgang von Nietzsches,Duell' mit D. F. Strauß, den er,,Bildungsphilister“ tituliert, da er die abgründige Gefährdung des Selbst durch ein naturalistisches Menschenbild verleugnet, wird gezeigt, wie Nietzsche im Ringen mit Sokrates, dem Typus des theoretischen Menschen, der an die,,Universalheilkraft“ des Wissens glaubt, im Gespräch mit Pascal, dem großen Logiker des Christentums, der die Seele ohne Gott als Ungeheuer und die Welt für sie als Chaos schweigender unendlicher Räume bestimmt, und, an Schillers Idee des,,höheren Selbst“ erinnernd, ein Modell von freier Selbstbildung (...)
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    Geist und Heiliger Geist: philosophische und theologische Modelle von Paulus und Johannes bis Barth und Balthasar.Edith Düsing, Werner Neuer & Hans-Dieter Klein (eds.) - 2009 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  22. Sidgwick, A. -Distinction and the Criticism of Beliefs.Dufay Dufay - 1876 - Mind 1:552.
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  23. The Text of a Proposed Code of Ethics.Edith Margaret Coulter (ed.) - 1935 - Berkeley, Calif.,: Calif..
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  24. And I Turned to See the Voice: The Rhetoric of Vision in the New Testament.Edith M. Humphrey - 2007
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  25. (1 other version)Emmanuel Lévinas. The Problem of Ethical Metaphysics.Edith Wyschogrod - 1975 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 80 (1):139-140.
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    The phenomenon of death.Edith Wyschogrod - 1973 - New York,: Harper & Row.
    LeShan L. and LeShan, E. Psychotherapy and the patient with a limited life span.--Kubler-Ross, E. On death and dying.--Kutscher, A. H. Anticipatory grief, death, and bereavement: a continuum.--Needleman, J. The moment of grief.--Lifton, R. J. On death and death symbolism: the Hiroshima disaster.--Nelson, B. The games of life and dances of death.--Sleeper, R. The resurrection of the body.--Friedman, M. Death and the dialogue with the absurd.--Wyschogrod, E. Sport, death, and the elemental.--Lamont, R. The double apprenticeship: life and the process of (...)
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  27. Bodies of Knowledge: Diotima’s Reproductive Expertise in the Symposium.Edith Gwendolyn Nally - 2023 - In Megan Elena Bowen, Mary Hamil Gilbert & Edith Gwendolyn Nally (eds.), Believing Ancient Women: Feminist Epistemologies for Greece and Rome. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    This chapter uses feminist standpoint theory to investigate Diotima’s epistemic advantage in Plato’s Symposium. Scholars have wondered why Diotima – a woman speaking about the role of erōs in gestation, childbirth, and childrearing – voices the view that Plato privileges most among all the symposiasts (Halperin 1990, Evans 2006, Hobbs 2007). Feminist standpoint theory is useful in developing a novel answer to this question; it supposes that oppressed groups, because they occupy different social locations, often develop epistemic privileges over their (...)
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  28. Husserls Phänomenologie und die Philosophie des heiligen Thomas von Aquino.Edith Stein - forthcoming - Jahrbuch für Philosophie Und Phänomenologische Forschung.
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    Finite and eternal being: an attempt to ascend to the meaning of being.Edith Stein - 2024 - Washington, D.C.: ICS Publications, Institute of Carmelite Studies. Edited by Andreas Uwe Müller & Walter Bernard Redmond.
    Edith Stein's (1891-1942) pivotal philosophical study of being. Includes two appendixes: "Martin Heidegger's Philosophy of Existence" and "The Interior Castle".
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    An investigation concerning the state.Edith Stein - 2006 - Washington, D.C.: ICS Publications. Edited by Marianne Sawicki.
    "Any state exists only for the benefit of human beings. this basic tenet of Edith Stein's political thought rests on her conviction that humanity is fundamentally one community, precious beyond measure.
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    Out of the margin: feminist perspectives on economics.Edith Kuiper & Jolande Sap (eds.) - 1995 - New York: Routledge.
    Out of the Margin is the first book to consider feminist concerns across the whole domain of economics. In recent years there has been a tremendous increase in interest on the relation between gender and economics. Feminists have found much of concern in the way the economics has written women out of its history, built its theories around masculinist values, failed to take proper account of women and their work when measuring the economy and ignored most of the policy issues (...)
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  32. La Bibliothèque de Peiresc: philosophie.Edith Bayle, Agnáes Bresson, Jean-franðcois Maillard & Centre Râegional de Publication de Paris (eds.) - 1990 - Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique.
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    La famille française et son evolution.Edith Corry - 1914 - The Eugenics Review 6 (1):70.
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    La experiencia religiosa en la modernidad avanzada: análisis comparado de dos películas chilenas.Sophie Dufays & Geneviève Fabry - 2021 - Aisthesis 69.
    Este artículo indaga en la naturaleza de la experiencia religiosa tal y como está plasmada en la cultura latinoamericana contemporánea. En esta perspectiva, presenta el estudio de dos películas chilenas recientes protagonizadas por dos personajes dotados de características crísticas. Ambas películas son ambivalentes frente al fenómeno religioso: por un lado invalidan la posibilidad del milagro y por ende de la fe; por otro lado, mantienen abierta la posibilidad de una irrupción de lo “divino” en la vida de personajes que se (...)
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    La vision mentale ou double vue dans le somnambulisme provoqué et dans le somnambulisme spontané.Dufay Dufay - 1889 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 27:205-224.
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    (1 other version)Stéréotypie et langue de bois : comme un air de famille.Jean-Louis Dufays - 2010 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 58 (3):, [ p.].
    Cet article prend d’abord appui sur différents exemples de phénomènes qui semblent susceptibles d’être qualifiés de « langue de bois » pour tenter de caractériser cette notion, qu’il oppose à celle de « parler vrai ». Il montre ensuite que la langue de bois comporte beaucoup de traits communs avec la stéréotypie, dont elle apparaît comme une spécification : la « langue de bois », ce serait des stéréotypes d’un langage spécialisé ou de la parole publique qui permettraient au locuteur (...)
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    Classics, Class, and Cloaca: Harrison's Humane Coprology.Edith Hall - 2007 - Arion 15 (2):83-108.
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    Michel Foucault's History of Sexuality as Interpreted by Feminists and Marxists.Edith Kurzweil - 1986 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 53.
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  39. The Telos Problem in Plato’s Symposium.Edith Gwendolyn Nally - 2020 - In Evan Keeling & Georgia Sermamoglou (eds.), Wisdom, Love and Friendship in Ancient Philosophy. De Gruyter.
  40. Creation and Nature.Edith Dudley Sylla - 2003 - In Arthur Stephen McGrade (ed.), The Cambridge companion to medieval philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Anyone but him: The complexity of precluding an alternative.Edith Hemaspaandra, Lane A. Hemaspaandra & Jörg Rothe - 2007 - Artificial Intelligence 171 (5-6):255-285.
  42. Dokument świętej naiwności.Edith Heller - 1990 - Res Publica (Misc) 4:53.
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  43. The argument of Aristotle's metaphysics.Edith Henry Johnson - 1906 - New York: Lemcke & Buechner.
  44. The State of Schleiermacher Scholarship Today.Edith Lawler, Jeffery Kinlaw & Ruth Drucilla Richardson (eds.) - 2006 - Lewiston: The Edwin Mellen Press.
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  45. Society's role in the ethics of modeling.Edith H. Leet & William A. Wallace - 1994 - In William A. Wallace (ed.), Ethics in modeling. Tarrytown, N.Y., U.S.A.: Pergamon Press. pp. 242--245.
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  46. Preface.Edith Brown Weiss - 2019 - In Thomas Cottier, Shaheeza Lalani & Clarence Siziba (eds.), Intergenerational equity: environmental and cultural concerns. Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
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  47. Philosophy of psychology and the humanities.Edith Stein - 2000 - Washington, D.C.: ICS Publications, Institute of Carmelite Studies. Edited by Marianne Sawicki.
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    The Oxford Handbook of Max Weber.Edith Hanke, Lawrence A. Scaff & Sam Whimster (eds.) - 2019 - Oxford University Press.
    Active at the time when the social sciences were founded, Max Weber's social theory contributed significantly to a wide range of fields and disciplines. Considering his prominence, it makes sense to take stock of the Weberian heritage and to explore the ways in which Weber's work and ideas have contributed to our understanding of the modern world. Using his work as a point of departure, The Oxford Handbook of Max Weber investigates the Weberian legacy today, identifying the enduring problems and (...)
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    Review of Edith Wyschogrod: Saints and Postmodernism: Revisioning Moral Philosophy.[REVIEW]Edith Wyschogrod - 1992 - Ethics 103 (1):181-184.
    "In this exciting and important work, Wyschogrod attempts to read contemporary ethical theory against the vast unwieldy tapestry that is postmodernism.... [A] provocative and timely study."—Michael Gareffa, _Theological Studies_ "A 'must' for readers interested in the borderlands between philosophy, hagiography, and ethics."—Mark I. Wallace, _Religious Studies Review_.
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    Beiträge zur philosophischen Begründung der Psychologie und der Geisteswissenschaften.Edith Stein - 1970 - Tübingen,: M. Niemeyer. Edited by Edith Stein.
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