Results for 'E. Sbardella'

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  1. Astri e calligrammi nelle avanguardie europee d'inizio secolo.Amaranta Sbardella - 2011 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 32:1-18.
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  2. Appunti di critica della politica: Marx e le trame della soggettivitá.Raffaele Sbardella - 1984 - Palermo, Italia: Ila Palma.
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    Spontaneously Emitted X-rays: An Experimental Signature of the Dynamical Reduction Models.C. Curceanu, S. Bartalucci, A. Bassi, M. Bazzi, S. Bertolucci, C. Berucci, A. M. Bragadireanu, M. Cargnelli, A. Clozza, L. De Paolis, S. Di Matteo, S. Donadi, A. D’Uffizi, J. -P. Egger, C. Guaraldo, M. Iliescu, T. Ishiwatari, M. Laubenstein, J. Marton, E. Milotti, A. Pichler, D. Pietreanu, K. Piscicchia, T. Ponta, E. Sbardella, A. Scordo, H. Shi, D. L. Sirghi, F. Sirghi, L. Sperandio, O. Vazquez Doce & J. Zmeskal - 2016 - Foundations of Physics 46 (3):263-268.
    We present the idea of searching for X-rays as a signature of the mechanism inducing the spontaneous collapse of the wave function. Such a signal is predicted by the continuous spontaneous localization theories, which are solving the “measurement problem” by modifying the Schrödinger equation. We will show some encouraging preliminary results and discuss future plans and strategy.
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    L. Sbardella: Filita. Testimonianze e frammenti poetici. Pp. 210. Rome: Quasar, 2000. Paper. ISBN: 88-7140-182-4.N. Hopkinson - 2002 - The Classical Review 52 (1):154-155.
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    Species Concepts in Biology: Historical Development, Theoretical Foundations and Practical Relevance.Frank E. Zachos - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    Frank E. Zachos offers a comprehensive review of one of today's most important and contentious issues in biology: the species problem. After setting the stage with key background information on the topic, the book provides a brief history of species concepts from antiquity to the Modern Synthesis, followed by a discussion of the ontological status of species with a focus on the individuality thesis and potential means of reconciling it with other philosophical approaches. More than 30 different species concepts found (...)
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    Effects of lactation on rate of blood ethanol disappearance, ethanol consumption, and serum electrolytes in the rat.E. L. Abel - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (5):365-367.
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    Structure of an approximant crystal in Ni-rich Al71Ni22Co7.E. Abe & A. Yamamoto - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (19-21):2617-2623.
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  8. Quality control in databanks for molecular biology.E. E. Abola, A. Bairoch, W. C. Barker, S. Beck, H. da BensonBerman, G. Cameron, C. Cantor, S. Doubet & T. J. P. Hubbard - 2000 - Bioessays 22 (11):1024-1034.
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    Le subconscient normal.E. Abramowski - 1919 - Philosophical Review 28:329.
  10. Crónica científico-social de Méjico.E. V. A. - 1929 - Ciencia Tomista 40:259-265.
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  11. Author’s Response: Impenetrable Minds, Delusion of Shared Experience: Let’s Pretend.E. K. Ackermann - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (3):418-421.
    Upshot: In view of Kenny’s clinical insights, Hug’s notes on the intricacies of rational vs. a-rational “knowing” in the design sciences, and Chronaki & Kynigos’s notice of mathematics teachers’ meta-communication on experiences of change, this response reframes the heuristic power of bisociation and suspension of disbelief in the light of Kelly’s notion of “as-if-ism” (constructive alternativism. Doing as-if and playing what-if, I reiterate, are critical to mitigating intra-and inter-personal relations, or meta-communicating. Their epistemic status within the radical constructivist framework is (...)
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  12. The physiological basis of perception.E. D. Adrian - 1954 - In J. F. Delafresnaye, Brain Mechanisms and Consciousness. Oxford,: Blackwell. pp. 237--248.
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    The One Necessary Condition for a Successful Business Ethics Course.E. R. Klein - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (3):561-574.
    The responses to the questions of why? when?, how?, where?, and in what ways? business ethics should be taught in the BusinessEthics classroom inundate the scholarly literature. Yet, to date, despite some very interesting ideas, with respect to the answers givento the above question, not only has nothing even close to consensus been reached, but this particular area of pedagogy is instagnation—authors still challenge both the very idea of teaching business ethics as well as the practical value of such courses (...)
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    Early Greek Philosophy and the Orient.E. D. Harter - 1973 - Philosophy East and West 23 (1):256-258.
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    Theory of Games and Economic Behavior. [REVIEW]E. N. - 1945 - Journal of Philosophy 42 (20):550-554.
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    The ethics of burden-sharing in the global greenhouse. E. Wesley & F. Peterson - 1999 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 11 (3):167-196.
    The Kyoto Protocol on global warming has provoked great controversy in part because it calls for heavier burdens on wealthy countries than on developing countries in the effort to control climate change. The U.S. Senate voted unanimously to oppose any agreement that does not require emissions reductions in low-income countries. The ethics of this position are examined in this paper which shows that there are good moral reasons for supporting the provisions of the Kyoto Protocol. Such a conclusion follows easily (...)
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    Penser avec réalisme à l'écoute de saint Thomas.Jean-Baptiste Échivard - 2017 - Perpignan: Arthegè Lethielleux.
    Encore un livre sur saint Thomas, dira-t-on. Que pourrait ajouter celui-ci à tout ce qui existe déjà? Nous voudrions d'abord dans cet ouvrage répondre simplement mais en vérité, et en lisant les textes eux-mêmes de saint Thomas et d'Aristote, à certaines objections ou lieux communs entendus ou lus plus ou moins régulièrement, qui empêchent de commencer à vouloir connaître la pensée de frère Thomas. Il s'agit de mettre en évidence la grande richesse, pour l'intelligence et le coeur humains, de sa (...)
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  18. Cultura e política nos movimentos sociais latino-americanos: novas leituras; Cultures of politics/Politics of cultures: re-visioning latin american social movements.Sonia E. Alvarez, Evelina Dagnino & Arturo Escobar - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  19. Critical Thinking, A Deflated Defense: A Critical Study of John E. McPeck's Teaching Critical Thinking: Dialogue and Dialectic.Jonathan E. Adler - 1991 - Informal Logic 13 (2).
    A critical study of McPeck's recent book, in which he strengthens and develops his arguments against teaching critical thinking (CT). Accepting McPeck's basic claim that there is no unitary skill of reasoning or thinking, I argue that his strictures on CT courses or programs do not follow. I set out what I consider the proper justification that programs in CT have to meet, and argue both that McPeck demands much more than is required, and also that it is plausible that (...)
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  20. Poėticheskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ russkogo kosmizma: uchenie, ėstetika, poėtika.Ė. A. Balʹburov - 2003 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo SO RAN.
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    Consumo e hipermodernidad: una revisión de la teoría de Gilles Lipovetsky.Luis E. Alonso Benito & Carlos J. Fernández Rodríguez - 2010 - Anuario Filosófico:325.
    Dentro de la sociología francesa actual, Gilles Lipovetsky se ha convertido de forma paulatina en uno de los sociólogos con mayor proyección internacional, con sus finos análisis sobre las sociedades postmodernas. En este artículo se plantea una revisión crítica de las principales líneas argumentativas que expone el autor francés. El objetivo es el de reflexionar sobre las limitaciones de su aproximación a los conceptos de postmodernidad, hipermodernidad, y consumo.
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    Thomas E. Wartenberg’s Thinking Through Stories: Children, Philosophy, and Picture Books.Thomas E. Wartenberg, Stephen Kekoa Miller & Wendy C. Turgeon - 2023 - Precollege Philosophy and Public Practice 5:31-43.
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  23. Consumo e Hipermodernidad. Una revisión de la obra de G. Lipovestky.Luís E. Alonso & Carlos J. Rodriguez Férnandez - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico.
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  24. The place of logic in Aristotle's thought.E. Weil - 1975 - In Jonathan Barnes, Malcolm Schofield & Richard Sorabji, Articles on Aristotle. London: Duckworth. pp. 1--88.
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    Pour et contre le scepticisme: théories et pratiques de l'Antiquité aux Lumières.Élodie Argaud (ed.) - 2015 - Paris: Honoré Champion éditeur.
    Cet ouvrage se propose de mener l'enquête tant sur les accusations de scepticisme et sur les modes de défenses spécifiques que ces dernières imposent de mettre en place, que sur la façon dont les mêmes arguments circulent et peuvent servir à des projets contraires. Cette perspective polémique permet ainsi de s'interroger sur les étiquettes philosophiques, sur la circulation des arguments, et sur leur force et leur portée, non seulement au sein du corpus sceptique, mais aussi à l'intérieur des systèmes sommés (...)
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  26. The obligationes of John Tarteys: edition and introduction.E. Jennifer Ashworth - 1992 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 3 (2):653-703.
    L'ed. delle Obligationes si basa su quattro mss.: Praha, Knihovni Metropolitni Kapituly, M.CXLV ; Oxford, New College, E 289 ; Praha, Státní Knihóvna CSR, VIII E 11 ; Salamanca, Biblioteca de la Universidad, 2358 . Nell'introduzione l'A. prende in esame la tradizione manoscritta delle opere di Giovanni Tarteys, fornendo anche una breve notizia biografica di questo magister artium attivo ad Oxford tra la fine del Trecento e gli inizi del Quattrocento. Segue un'analisi comparata del De Obligationibus di Giovanni con le (...)
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    James Mill on Education.E. G. West, W. H. Burston & James Mill - 1970 - British Journal of Educational Studies 18 (3):309.
  28. Ulamzhlalt Mongol orchuulgyn sudlald: ėnėkhu̇u̇ nomyg London dakhʹ Tȯvdiĭn sangiĭn tuslamzhtaĭ khėvlėv.D. Bu̇rnėė - 2003 - Ulaanbaatar: Dorno Dakhiny Gu̇n Ukhaany Khu̇n Sudlalyn Dėėd Surguulʹ. Edited by D. Ėnkhtȯr.
    Linguistic study of Mongolian traditional classical translation.
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  29. Professionalʹnai︠a︡ ėtika.E. G. Fedorenko - 1983 - Kiev: Izd-vo pri Kievskom gos. universitete Izdatelʹskogo obʺedinenii︠a︡ "Vyshcha shkola".
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    Gadamer et Ricœur: la conception herméneutique du langage.Marc-Antoine Vallée - 2012 - Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes.
    Existe-t-il une chose de tel qu'une conception herméneutique du langage? C'est à cette question que cet ouvrage se propose de répondre, de façon positive, en opérant une mise en dialogue des herméneutiques de Hans-Georg Gadamer et Paul Ricoeur. Malgré les différences indéniables entre les oeuvres de ces deux philosophes, l'auteur montre qu'elles ont en commun de penser le langage comme étant un principe fondamental de notre expérience du monde et de tout événement de compréhension. Une articulation entre les deux oeuvres, (...)
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  31. Las fuentes filosóficas de la especulación.E. Valenzuela - 1991 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 37:59-70.
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  32. Ser y Universo, por Cristóbal Holzafel.E. Valenzuela - 1991 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 37:93-102.
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  33. Two Models of Legal Validity: Hans Kelsen and Francisco Suarez.E. G. Valdés - 1998 - In Stanley L. Paulson, Normativity and Norms: Critical Perspectives on Kelsenian Themes. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 263--72.
  34. La transmission des savoirs dans l'éducation nationale: 1959-1992.E. Vandermeersch - 1993 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 81 (1):63-74.
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    The liberating Spirit: toward an Hispanic American Pentecostal social ethic.Eldin Villafañe - 1993 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans.
    The author of this study has a single-minded goal--the construction of a social ethic for the Hispanic Pentecostal Church in America that both coheres with the ...
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  36. Mind and culture (sociocultural approach).E. Visnovsky - 2003 - Filozofia 58 (1):1-9.
  37. On contemporary neopragmatism.E. Visnovsky - 2000 - Filozofia 55 (10):777-787.
    The author offers an outline of the contemporary pragmatist scene in American philosophy. He shows the continuity and common features of classic and recent pragmatisms of which the most crucial are antifoundationalism and antirepresentationalism. In his analysis he distinguishes two main currents of neopragmatist philosophy: 1. post-analytic , and 2. neo-classic lines. Finally he focuses on some characteristics of the Rortyan post-analytic neopragmatism as expressed in his last book Philosophy and Social Hope.
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  38. El humanismo social de Francisco Vives.Francisco Vives E. - 1975 - Santiago de Chile: Instituto Chileno de Estudios Humanísticos.
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  39. Introducción al estudio del derecho.Francisco Vives E. - 1936 - Santiago de Chile: Impr. W. Gnadt.
    1. El acto humano, deber y derecho -- 2. Derechos individuales, familia y sociedad.
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    Technische epistemologie.E. von & H. Guggenheimer - 1952 - Dialectica 6 (2):186-190.
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  41. In memoriam Basile Krivochéine (1900-1985).E. Voordeckers - 1986 - Byzantion 56:5-15.
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  42. Vzai︠e︡mozv'i︠a︡zok ateïstychnoho ta moralʹnoho vykhovanni︠a︡.S. M. Vozni︠a︡k, E. K. Duluman & V. N. Fomin (eds.) - 1983 - Kyïv: Nauk. Dumka.
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  43. Ján Lajčiak a jeho Slovensko a kultúra.E. Várossová - 1975 - Filozofia 30:6.
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  44. Die Utopie künstlerischer Wahrheit in der Asthetik von Adolf Loos und Arnold Schonberg.E. Waibl - 1985 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 19 (46):76-83.
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  45. Damasio on consciousness.E. Walther - 2001 - Iyyun 50 (January):63-72.
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    The Bow in the Clouds: An Essay Towards the Integration of Experience.E. I. Watkin - 2013 - Sheed & Ward.
    This is a new release of the original 1932 edition.
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    Tertulliani Opera, ex recensione Aemilii Kroymann. Pars III. Vienna: Tempsky. 1906. Pp. xxxvi + 650. M. 20.E. W. Watson - 1910 - The Classical Review 24 (02):58-.
  48. Bulletin d'histoire des doctrines médiévales: De Saint Anselme à Maître Eckhart (I).E. -H. Weber - 2000 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 84 (1):105-134.
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    Dale Cannon, Six Ways of Being Religious: A Framework for Comparative Studies of Religion.E. Webb - 1997 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 17:235-236.
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    IV. Die deutsche Litteratur über die Vorsokratiker 1892. 1893. E. Wellmann - 1895 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 8 (2):284-300.
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