Results for 'E. Oos M. Anwas'

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    Studying The Evolution of Audiobook Culture in Indonesian Inclusive Schools: Strategies and Obstacles.E. Oos M. Anwas, Janu Arlinwibowo, Syahrul Ramadhan, Supriyatno, Helga Kurnia & Ivan Riadinata - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:442-461.
    The study aims to describe the process of implementing audiobooks and describe the various challenges faced by teachers. This research is qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. This research was carried out in 5 provinces, namely West Sumatra, the Special Region of Yogyakarta, North Kalimantan, Gorontalo, and North Maluku. Each province selected representatives from elementary, middle, high school, and special schools who have implemented audiobooks. Informants are teachers and students who have used audiobooks. The process of collecting data from teachers (...)
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    Siparvm and Svpparvs.A. E. Housman - 1919 - Classical Quarterly 13 (3-4):149-.
    A Student who looks out siparum in the dictionary is sent on to supparum. Forcellini: ppphsupp scribitur autem et sifarus et siparum et siparus et sipharutmsrum, rum (rus), s. supparumsupppphrus (rus), i, m. ()rum or-us, i, v. supparum'; rum (rum, rum, rum), i, n. u. suppph This then is one word, rejoicing in no fewer than eleven forms (most of which I have never met anywhere outside a dictionary2): supparum, supparus, parum, pharum, siparus, sifarus, pharus, ssupparusnner und Frauen, zugleich aber (...)
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  3. (2 other versions)Controlled and automatic human information processing: I.Walter E. Schneider & Richard M. Shiffrin - 1977 - Detection, Search, and Attention. Psychological Review 84:1-66.
  4. Causality and properties.G. E. M. Anscombe - 1981 - In Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe, Metaphysics and the philosophy of mind. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
  5. fMRI evidence for objects as the units of attentional selection.K. M. O'Craven, P. E. Downing & N. Kanwisher - 1999 - Nature 401 (6753):584-587.
  6. (1 other version)The Twenty-second Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association.M. E. Haggerty - 1914 - Journal of Philosophy 11 (4):85.
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  7. Index of Authors Volume 5, 2001.A. Acevedo, E. H. Y. Boo, J. Brinkmann, E. S. Callahan, B. Castro, L. Chalip, P. M. Clikeman, L. Dickie, J. Down & D. D. DuFrene - 2001 - Teaching Business Ethics 5 (485).
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  8. How to Do Things with Gendered Words.E. M. Hernandez & Archie Crowley - 2024 - In Ernest Lepore & Luvell Anderson, The Oxford Handbook of Applied Philosophy of Language. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    With increased visibility of trans people comes increased philosophical interest in gendered language. This chapter aims to look at the research on gendered language in analytic philosophy of language so far, which has focused on two concerns: (1) determining how to define gender terms like ‘man’ and ‘woman’ such that they are trans inclusive and (2) if, or to what extent, we should use gendered language at all. We argue that the literature has focused too heavily on how gendered language (...)
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  9. Quine on Analyticity in L.M. E. Levin - 1975 - Mind 84:114.
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  10. The Universalizability of Moral Judgments Revisited.M. E. Levin - 1979 - Mind 88:115.
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  11. (2 other versions)Imitation and Animal Behavior.M. E. Haggerty - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21:725.
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  12. Dean W. ZIMMERMAN , Oxford Studies in Metaphysics. Volume 1. Oxford: Oxford University Press 2004.M. E. Reicher - 2005 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 68 (1):224.
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    Feature-linked synchronization of thalamic relay cell firing induced by feedback from the visual cortex.A. M. Sillito, H. E. Jones, G. L. Gerstein & D. C. West - 1994 - Nature 369:479-82.
  14. RoboCup: the World Cup Initiative.H. Kitano, M. Asada, Y. Kuniyoshi, I. Noda & E. Osawa - forthcoming - Proceedings of Japanese Society for Ai Symposium.
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    Completeness results for intuitionistic and modal logic in a categorical setting.M. Makkai & G. E. Reyes - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 72 (1):25-101.
    Versions and extensions of intuitionistic and modal logic involving biHeyting and bimodal operators, the axiom of constant domains and Barcan's formula, are formulated as structured categories. Representation theorems for the resulting concepts are proved. Essentially stronger versions, requiring new methods of proof, of known completeness theorems are consequences. A new type of completeness result, with a topos theoretic character, is given for theories satisfying a condition considered by Lawvere . The completeness theorems are used to conclude results asserting that certain (...)
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    Justice, Rights, and Tort Law.M. E. Bayles & Bruce Chapman - 1983 - Springer Verlag.
    The essays in this volume are the result of a project on Values in Tort Law directed by the Westminster Institute for Ethics and Human Values. We are indebted to the Board of Westminster Col lege for its financial support. The project involved two meetings of a mixed group of lawyers and philosophers to discuss drafts of papers and general issues in tort law. Beyond the principal researchers, whose papers appear here, we are grateful to John Bargo, Dick Bronaugh, Craig (...)
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  17. Branching Quantifiers, English and Montague Grammar.D. M. Gabbay & J. M. E. Moravcsik - 1974 - Theoretical Linguistics 1:140--157.
  18. Action control by if-then planning : explicating the mechanisms of strategic automaticity in regard to objective and subjective agency.Torsten Martiny-Huenger, Sarah E. Martiny & Peter M. Gollwitzer - 2015 - In Patrick Haggard & Baruch Eitam, The Sense of Agency. New York: Oxford University Press USA.
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  19. Earth creatures : anacarnation in an excarnate age.M. E. Littlejohn - 2023 - In Brian Treanor & James Taylor, Anacarnation and returning to the lived body with Richard Kearney. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  20. Biomolecular archaeology: past, present and future.R. E. M. Hedges & B. C. Sykes - 1992 - In Hedges R. E. M. & Sykes B. C., New Developments in Archaeological Science. pp. 267-283.
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  21. Gender and indigenous knowledge.Maria Helen Appleton, Catherine E. Fernandez & Consuelo Quiroz L. M. Hill - 2011 - In Sandra Harding, The postcolonial science and technology studies reader. Durham: Duke University Press.
  22. O gumanizme v nauke i kulʹture.P. E. Sivokonʹ, V. M. Leontʹev & Z. V. Kaganova (eds.) - 1982 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta.
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    Linguistic Theory and the Philosophy of Language.J. M. E. Moravcsik - 1967 - Foundations of Language 3 (3):209-233.
  24. Mercy, murder, and morality.J. G. M. Aartsen, P. V. Admiraal, Id Debeaufort, Tmg Vanberkestijn, Jbv Waalkes, E. Borsteilers, Wh Cense, Hs Cohen, Hm Dupuis & W. Everaerd - 1989 - Hastings Center Report 19 (6):47-48.
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    Aristotle's Forbidden Sweets.James Bogen & J. M. E. Moravcsik - 1982 - University of California Press].
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  26. Disclosure of terminal illness to patients and families: diversity of governing codes in 14 Islamic countries.H. E. Abdulhameed, M. M. Hammami & E. A. Hameed Mohamed - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (8):472-475.
    Background The consistency of codes governing disclosure of terminal illness to patients and families in Islamic countries has not been studied until now. Objectives To review available codes on disclosure of terminal illness in Islamic countries. Data source and extraction Data were extracted through searches on Google and PubMed. Codes related to disclosure of terminal illness to patients or families were abstracted, and then classified independently by the three authors. Data synthesis Codes for 14 Islamic countries were located. Five codes (...)
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  27. Sovremennoe estestvoznanie i materialisticheskai︠a︡ dialektika.M. E. Omelʹi︠a︡novskyĭ (ed.) - 1977 - Moskva: Nauka.
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    Edge distribution and density in the characteristic sequence.M. E. Malliaris - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (1):1-19.
    The characteristic sequence of hypergraphs Pn:n<ω associated to a formula φ, introduced in Malliaris [5], is defined by Pn=i≤nφ. We continue the study of characteristic sequences, showing that graph-theoretic techniques, notably Szemerédi’s celebrated regularity lemma, can be naturally applied to the study of model-theoretic complexity via the characteristic sequence. Specifically, we relate classification-theoretic properties of φ and of the Pn to density between components in Szemerédi-regular decompositions of graphs in the characteristic sequence. In addition, we use Szemerédi regularity to calibrate (...)
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  29. Applied social psychology.J. M. Prieto, M. Sabourin, L. E. A. Walker, I. Aragones & M. Amerigo - 2000 - In Kurt Pawlik & Mark R. Rosenzweig, International Handbook of Psychology. Sage Publications.
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  30. The challenge of religion after modernity: Beyond disenchantment.Raymond L. M. Lee & Susan E. Ackerman - 2003 - Ars Disputandi 3.
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  31. Name and Subject Index.N. Abbagnano, G. E. M. Anscombe, S. Arzy, J. Austin, B. J. Baars, S. Baron-Cohen, A. Becvar, D. Beisecker, J. Benoist & A. Berthoz - 2012 - In Sofia Miguens & Gerhard Preyer, Consciousness and Subjectivity. [Place of publication not identified]: Ontos Verlag. pp. 357.
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  32. Recent Ceramic Finds from Montegrande, Peru, Studied by Physical Methods.U. Wagner, F. E. Wagner, J. Riederer, C. Ulbert, M. Tellenbach & H. Müller-Karpe - 1988 - Paleotnologica:1-15.
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  33. Neural synchrony in stochastic resonance, attention, and consciousness.Lawrence M. Ward, Sam M. Doesburg, Keiichi Kitajo, Shannon E. MacLean & Alexa B. Roggeveen - 2006 - Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (4):319-326.
  34. Oleinikova OD, Saprygin BV (Novosibirsk, Russia).I. A. Zhernosenko, E. V. Ushakova, D. I. Mamyev, M. C. Beck, M. Benetatou, A. V. Nalivayko & N. V. Nalivayko - forthcoming - Philosophy of Education.
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  35. Education and Personal Relationships.R. S. Downie, E. M. Loudfoot & E. Telfer - 1976 - Mind 85 (339):474-476.
  36. [Professional integration in a West African urban environment].S. Traore, E. Voland, R. I. Dunbar, C. Z. Guilmoto, K. B. Newbold, G. M. Nunez-Rocha, M. Bullen-Navarro, B. C. Castillo-Trevino, E. Solis-Perez & C. R. Duncan - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (3):251-65.
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    Josiah Royce for the Twenty-First Century: Historical, Ethical, and Religious Interpretations.Zbigniew Ambrozewicz, Marc M. Anderson, Randall E. Auxier, Thomas O. Buford, Gary L. Cesarz, Rossella Fabbrichesi, Matthew Caleb Flamm, Richard A. S. Hall, Jacquelyn Ann K. Kegley, Wojciech Malecki, Bette J. Manter, Ludwig Nagl, Ignas K. Skrupskelis & Claudio Marcelo Viale (eds.) - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    The collection presents a variety of promising new directions in Royce scholarship from an international group of scholars, including historical reinterpretations, explorations of Royce's ethics of loyalty and religious philosophy, and contemporary applications of his ideas in psychology, the problem of reference, neo-pragmatism, and literary aesthetics.
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  38. A picture is worth 1000 words, but which 1000.J. Illes, E. Racine & M. P. Kirschen - forthcoming - Neuroethics: Defining the Issues in Theory, Practice, and Policy. Oxford University Press, New York.
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  39. Crisis Experiences in the Greek New Testament, an Investigation of the Evidences for the Definite, Miraculous Experiences of Regeneration and Sanctification as Found in the Greek New Testament, Especially in the Figures Emphasized and in the Use of the Aorist Tense.Olive M. Winchester & Ross E. Price - unknown
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  40. Sot︠s︡ialisticheskai︠a︡ ideologii︠a︡ i khudozhestvennai︠a︡ kulʹtura: Filos.-sot︠s︡iol. aspekty.I. I. Zhbankova & E. M. Babosov (eds.) - 1979 - Minsk: Nauka i tekhnika.
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  41. Cuvillier, Armand 166 d'Arbois de Jubainville, Henri 33 Darwin, Charles 114 Daudet, Léon 41.G. Davy, M. A. Arbib, V. Aubert, John Austin, M. Bach, Francis Bacon, C. R. Badcock, H. E. Barnes, Robert N. Bellah & R. Bendix - 1993 - In Stephen P. Turner, Emile Durkheim: sociologist and moralist. New York: Routledge.
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  42. ECT in schizophrenia: A study in nosologic imprecision.C. W. Erwin & E. M. Thompson - 1978 - In John Paul Brady & Harlow Keith Hammond Brodie, Controversy in psychiatry. Philadelphia: Saunders. pp. 165--182.
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  43. Does organic farming face distinctive livestock welfare issues.A. H. Fjelsted, M. Vaarst & E. Steen Kristensen - 2001 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 14:275-299.
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  44. The New Testament in Its Literary Environment.David E. Aune & Jouette M. Bassler - 1987
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    Schmerz Und Sprache: Zur Medizinischen Anthropologie Viktor von Weizsäckers.Rainer-M. E. Jacobi (ed.) - 2012 - Winter.
    Im Jahr 1926 veroffentlichte Viktor von Weizsacker im ersten Jahrgang der von ihm gemeinsam mit Martin Buber und Joseph Wittig begrundeten Zeitschrift "Die Kreatur" einen Essay unter dem Titel "Die Schmerzen." Als sprachliche Form des Umgangs mit dem Schmerz wird dieser Text gleichwohl zum Pladoyer fur das Problematische am Verhaltnis von Schmerz und Sprache. Die Not der Unsagbarkeit lasst den Schmerz zum Indikator fur den Verlust einer Ordnung werden, die Sprache wie Leben allererst ermoglicht. "So wird die Wahrnehmung des Schmerzes (...)
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  46. Fits, Passions, and Paroxysms: Physics, Method and Chemistry and Newton's Theories of Coloured Bodies and Fits of Easy Reflection.Alan E. Shapiro & M. J. Duck - 1994 - Annals of Science 51 (5):562-563.
  47. The history of electrical stimulation of the brain.Renato M. E. Sabbatini - 1997 - Brain and Mind 18.
  48. An accessibility interpretation of fixation and incubation.S. M. Smith & S. E. Blankenship - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):528-528.
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    A dislocation dynamics study of the strength of stacking fault tetrahedra. Part I: interactions with screw dislocations.E. Martinez, J. Marian, A. Arsenlis, M. Victoria & J. M. Perlado - 2008 - Philosophical Magazine 88 (6):809-840.
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    On the structure and composition of nanoscale TiAlN/VN multilayers.Z. Zhou, W. M. Rainforth, U. Falke, M. Falke, A. Bleloch & P. E. Hovsepian - 2007 - Philosophical Magazine 87 (6):967-978.
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