Results for 'Douglas McCready'

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  1.  82
    When Is Torture Right?Douglas McCready - 2007 - Studies in Christian Ethics 20 (3):383-398.
    Despite nearly universal condemnation, torture remains a tool for interrogation, intimidation, and punishing. Even many who abhor torture are willing to consider its use in extraordinary situations. Both the deontological absolute prohibition of torture and the consequentialist justification of torture are inadequate ethics to address the issue. Dershowitz, Walzer, and Elshtain, among others, have attempted to redress the problem with more finely-tuned approaches, of which Elshtain's rejection of justification in favor of grace and forgiveness appears the most promising. Confronting the (...)
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  2. Science, Policy, and the Value-Free Ideal.Heather Douglas - 2009 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    Douglas proposes a new ideal in which values serve an essential function throughout scientific inquiry, but where the role values play is constrained at key points, protecting the integrity and objectivity of science.
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    The Metaphysics of Truth.Douglas Edwards - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    What is truth? What role does truth play in the connections between language and the world? What is the relationship between truth and being? Douglas Edwards tackles these questions and develops a distinctive metaphysical worldview. He argues that in some domains language responds to the world, whereas in others language generates the world.
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    Kalyāṇamitrārāgaṇam: Essays in Honour of Nils SimonssonKalyanamitraraganam: Essays in Honour of Nils Simonsson.Douglas Q. Adams & Eivind Kahrs - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (4):784.
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    Untersuchungen zur den sigmatischen Präsensstammbildungen des TocharischenUntersuchungen zur den sigmatischen Prasensstammbildungen des Tocharischen.Douglas Q. Adams & Olav Hackstein - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (1):138.
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    XII.—Benedetto Croce's “Historiography”.Douglas Ainslie - 1922 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 22 (1):205-214.
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    Editor's Introduction.Douglas Patterson - 209 - The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 5.
    It can seem a truism that to understand a language is to know what its expressions mean.
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  8. Finn Collin and Finn Guldmann, Meaning, Use and Truth: Introducing the Philosophy of Language Reviewed by.Douglas Patterson - 2006 - Philosophy in Review 26 (1):15-17.
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  9. The Nanobacteria Link to Heart Disease and Cancer.Douglas Mulhall - 2005 - Nexus 12 (5).
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    Indiscernibles.Douglas Odegard - 1964 - Philosophical Quarterly 14 (56):204-213.
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    Empirical knowledge.Douglas Odegard - 1982 - Philosophical Books 23 (4):193-198.
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    Moral responsibility and alternatives.Douglas Odegard - 1985 - Theoria 51 (3):125-136.
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    The discovery of analytic truth.Douglas Odegard - 1965 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 26 (2):248-252.
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    Complexity ratings of digit strings and their pictorial analogs.Douglas W. Ohman & Paul C. Vitz - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (1):45-48.
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    Black Islanders: a personal perspective of Bougainville, 1937-1991.Douglas Oliver - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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    (4 other versions)Editorial Comment.Douglas Olsen - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (6):470-471.
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    Improvisation.Douglas P. Olson - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (6):6-.
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    The Subject-Matter of Metaphysics.Douglas Browning - 1971 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 2 (1-2):103-115.
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    Λ-scales, κ-souslin sets and a new definition of analytic sets.Douglas R. Busch - 1976 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 41 (2):373-378.
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    Chesterton and Pacifism.Douglas J. Cock - 1991 - The Chesterton Review 17 (2):189-195.
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    Saints and Soldiers: Inside Internet-Age Terrorism from Syria to the Capitol Siege.Douglas J. Cremer - 2023 - The European Legacy 28 (5):539-541.
    There has been a significant shift in the way terrorist violence is organized. Advocates of extreme violence no longer organize first in person and through word of mouth and utilize the internet an...
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    The Politics of Terror and Radicalization.Douglas Cremer - 2019 - The European Legacy 25 (1):92-97.
    Volume 25, Issue 1, February 2020, Page 92-97.
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    Worldview religious studies.Douglas J. Davies - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Worldview Religious Studies brings the study of religion, spirituality, secularism, and other mixed attitudes of life under the overarching scheme of worldview studies. This book introduces and defines worldviews more generally before establishing a framework specific to religious studies. The drive for meaning-making is explored through ritual-symbolic activities, ideas of 'play', and the power of emotions to transform simple ideas into values and beliefs that frame identity and signpost destiny. Identity and its sacralisation are discussed alongside gift/reciprocity theory in their (...)
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    Different perspectives on saving lives.Douglas Maclean - 2007 - Economics and Philosophy 23 (1):89-96.
    In , John Broome defends a very weak consequentialist account of the value of saving lives. This paper challenges the commitments of this kind of account and describes some reasons for saving lives that would appeal to a non-consequentialist.
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    Review. Dike Phonou: the Right of Prosecution and Attic Homicide Procedure. A Tulin.Douglas M. Macdowell - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (2):384-385.
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    The Particulars of Rapture: An Aesthetics of the Affects.Douglas Mao - 2008 - Common Knowledge 14 (1):173-173.
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  27. Conway's Demonstration of a Mediator Between God and Creatures.Douglas Bertrand Marshall & Alexandra Chang - 2024 - Journal of Modern Philosophy 6:1-31.
    In her sole philosophical treatise, The Principles of the Most Ancient and Modern Philosophy, Anne Conway (1631-1679) offers a demonstration of the proposition that, in addition to God and creatures, there is a being whose essence is the medium between God’s essence and creatures’ essence. We offer an interpretation of Conway’s demonstration that reveals its dependence on a rational principle ('PME'): if beings with extreme natures are united, then they are united by means of a being whose nature is the (...)
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    Os Manuscritos de 1844 de Karl Marx e a retomada da economia política no pensamento pós-hegeliano.Douglas Rafael Dias Martins - 2020 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 26 (1):301-329.
    Nosso artigo visa um estudo sobre os cadernos intitulados como “Manuscritos econômico-filosóficos” de Karl Marx, do ano de 1844, tendo em vista a posição privilegiada que o texto ocupa no desenvolvimento do pensamento do autor. Do mesmo modo, os manuscritos guardam os primeiros estudos teóricos da economia política de um jovem Marx e seu pensamento precoce – anterior àquele de “O capital” –, ao mesmo tempo que também representou o aprimoramento das “armas da crítica” pela “crítica das armas” contra os (...)
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    Facebook Use and Social Capital: To Bond, To Bridge, or to Escape.Douglas M. McLeod, Jonathan D’Angelo & Min-Woo Kwon - 2013 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 33 (1-2):35-43.
    This study employs the uses and gratification approach to investigate how different forms of Facebook use are linked to bridging social capital and bonding social capital. A survey of 152 college students was conducted to address research questions and to test hypotheses. Factor analysis identified six unique uses and gratifications: (a) information seeking, (b) entertainment, (c) communication, (d) social relations, (e) escape, and (f) Facebook applications. Findings reveal that intensity of Facebook use and the use of Facebook for social relations (...)
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    Hegelianism in Restoration Prussia, 1841–1848: Freedom, Humanism and 'Anti-Humanism'in Young Hegelian Thought.Douglas Moggach & Widukind De Ridder - 2013 - In Lisa Herzog, Hegel's Thought in Europe: Currents, Crosscurrents and Undercurrents. Palgrave.
    This chapter discusses the developments of Young Hegelianism in Restoration Prussia, with a special focus on Max Stirner’s radical critique of Hegelian thinking. It presents an overview of the history of Hegelianism in the 1830s and 1840s, and addresses the theoretical issues raised by Stirner’s attack in 1844. It examines important aspects of Young Hegelianism, including ideas of a modernized civic humanism and emancipation, and traces the Young Hegelians’ reconfiguration of Hegel’s thought in order to eliminate what they saw as (...)
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  31. The Letters to the Colossians and to Philemon.Douglas J. Moo - 2008
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    Feeling Extended: Sociality as Extended Body-Becoming-Mind.Douglas Robinson - 2013 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    A new view of the extended mind thesis argues that a stark binary opposition between really extending and seeming to extend oversimplifies the issue.
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    Semantic similarity, predictability, and models of sentence processing.Douglas Roland, Hongoak Yun, Jean-Pierre Koenig & Gail Mauner - 2012 - Cognition 122 (3):267-279.
  34. (2 other versions)Archetypes of wisdom: an introduction to philosophy.Douglas J. Soccio - 1995 - Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.
    This reader-friendly book examines philosophies and philosophers using an engaging, non-condescending approach that speaks to you at your level.
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    Why is that? Structural prediction and ambiguity resolution in a very large corpus of English sentences.Douglas Roland, Jeffrey L. Elman & Victor S. Ferreira - 2006 - Cognition 98 (3):245-272.
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    (1 other version)Conscience and Other Virtues: From Bonaventure to Macintyre.Douglas C. Langston - 2000 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    In this book Douglas Langston traces its intellectual history to account for its neglect while arguing for its still vital importance, if correctly understood.
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    The deep ecology of rhetoric in Mencius and Aristotle: a somatic guide.Douglas Robinson - 2016 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    _Discusses philosophers Mencius and Aristotle as socio-ecological thinkers._ Mencius (385–303/302 BCE) and Aristotle (384–322 BCE) were contemporaries, but are often understood to represent opposite ends of the philosophical spectrum. Mencius is associated with the ecological, emergent, flowing, and connected; Artistotle with the rational, static, abstract, and binary. Douglas Robinson argues that in their conceptions of rhetoric, at least, Mencius and Aristotle are much more similar than different: both are powerfully socio-ecological, espousing and exploring collectivist thinking about the circulation of (...)
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    Defining ubuntu for business ethics – a deontological approach.Douglas F. P. Taylor - 2014 - South African Journal of Philosophy 33 (3):331-345.
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    The Theory of Difference: Readings in Contemporary Continental Thought.Douglas L. Donkel (ed.) - 2001 - State University of New York Press.
    Key readings by Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, Deleuze, Derrida and Irigaray.
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    An experimental test of the thermopower equation.R. J. Douglas & R. Fletcher - 1975 - Philosophical Magazine 32 (1):73-80.
  41. At the limits of law.Lawrence Douglas, Austin Sarat & Martha Merrill Umphrey - 2005 - In Austin Sarat, Lawrence Douglas & Martha Merrill Umphrey, The limits of law. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
    This collection brings together well-established scholars to examine the limits of law, a topic that has been of broad interest since the events of 9/11 and the responses of U.S. law and policy to those events. The limiting conditions explored in this volume include marking law’s relationship to acts of terror, states of emergency, gestures of surrender, payments of reparations, offers of amnesty, and invocations of retroactivity. These essays explore how law is challenged, frayed, and constituted out of contact with (...)
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    Chaos and Clinical Theory.Douglas W. Heinrichs - 2005 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 12 (3):243-246.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Chaos and Clinical TheoryDouglas W. Heinrichs (bio)In considering the specific issues raised by these three very thoughtful commentaries, it is helpful to reflect on the status of a theory or model for a specifically clinical discipline—what is it trying to accomplish and how might it proceed to do so? Kellert (2005) sees my proposal in terms of "borrowed knowledge"—the metaphorical application of a theory established in one field of (...)
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    ‘Don’t drink all the milk Esther’: The interactive production of identity and hierarchy in a nursing home.Darleen Douglas-Steele - 1995 - Semiotica 103 (1-2):69-96.
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  44. Heidegger's Notion of Poetic Truth.George H. Douglas - 1966 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 47 (4):500.
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  45. Introduction.Veronica Arellano Douglas & Joanna Gadsby - 2020 - In Veronica Arellano Douglas & Joanna Gadsby, Deconstructing service in libraries: intersections of identities and expectations. Sacramento, CA: Litwin Books.
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    Journeys, Not Destinations: Theorizing a Process View of Supply Chain Integrity.Matthew A. Douglas, Diane A. Mollenkopf, Vincent E. Castillo, John E. Bell & Emily C. Dickey - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (1):195-220.
    AbstractIntegrity is considered an important corporate value. Yet recent global events have highlighted the challenges firms face at living up to their stated values, especially when extended supply chain partners are involved. The concept of Supply Chain Integrity (SCI) can help firms shift focus beyond internal corporate integrity, toward supply chain integrity. Researchers and managers will benefit from an understanding of the SCI concept toward implementing SCI to better align supply chain partners with stated corporate values. This research fully develops (...)
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    Locke as an Empiricist.Douglas Odegard - 1965 - Philosophy 40 (153):185 - 196.
    John Loke is often referred to as the first of a triumvirate of major British Empiricists, and sometimes even as the father of British Empiricism. In many cases the reference is extremely guarded, and at times the word ‘empiricist’ is being used merely as a convenient label for organising university courses, amounting to little more than a synonym for ‘Locke, Berkeley, and Hume, and to some extent Bacon, Hobbes, Reid, and Mill’. Given that ‘empiricist’ is being used in a philosophically (...)
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    Law after modernity.Sionaidh Douglas-Scott - 2013 - Portland, Or.: Hart.
    Introduction : beyond the "degree zero" of law after modernity -- Autonomous law or redundant law? : the elusive nature of legal theory -- Law as system : the missing multidimensionality of law -- Reconfiguring the legal landscape : the sojourn of legal pluralism -- The injustice of law after modernity -- Law, justice and injustice -- Legal justice I : "maimed justice" and the rule of law -- Legal justice II : reclaiming the rule of law from its "dark (...)
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  49. Matthew H. Kramer, John Locke and the Origins of Private Property: Philosophical explorations of individualism, community, and equality Reviewed by.John Douglas Bishop - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18 (5):354-356.
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    Reassessing responsibility in criminal law.Heahter Douglas - 2021 - Australian Journal of Legal Philosophy 46 (1):62-66.
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