Results for 'Donato Fortunato'

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  1.  98
    A New Variational Principle for the Fundamental Equations of Classical Physics.Vieri Benci & Donato Fortunato - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (2):333-352.
    In this paper we introduce a variational principle from which the fundamental equations of classical physics can be deduced. This principle permits a sort of unification of the gravitational and the electromagnetic fields. The basic point of this variational principle is that the world-line of a material point is parametrized by a parameter a which carries some physical information, namely it is related to the rest mass and to the charge. In particular, the (inertial) rest mass will not be a (...)
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  2. Ecology, Evolution, Ethics: In Search of a Meta-paradigm – An Introduction.Donato Bergandi - 2013 - In The Structural Links Between Ecology, Evolution and Ethics: The Virtuous Epistemic Circle. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 1-28.
    Evolutionary, ecological and ethical studies are, at the same time, specific scientific disciplines and, from an historical point of view, structurally linked domains of research. In a context of environmental crisis, the need is increasingly emerging for a connecting epistemological framework able to express a common or convergent tendency of thought and practice aimed at building, among other things, an environmental policy management respectful of the planet’s biodiversity and its evolutionary potential.
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  3. Science of science.S. Fortunato, K. Börner, D. Helbing, S. Milojević, F. Radicchi, R. Sinatra, B. Uzzi, A. Vespignani, L. Waltman, D. Wang, A. -L. Barabási, C. T. Bergstrom, J. A. Evans & A. M. Peterson - 2018 - Science 359 (6379):doi:10.1126/science.aao0185.
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    La «Passio» di san Donato vescovo di Arezzo, edizione critica, traduzione e commento a cura di Pierluigi Licciardello, SISMEL - Edizioni del Galluzzo, Firenze 2018.Donato Bono - 2019 - Augustinianum 59 (2):554-557.
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    I simboli e la realtà: temi e metodi della scienza.Fortunato Tito Arecchi & Iva Arecchi - 1990 - Milano: Editoriale Jaca Book. Edited by Iva Arecchi.
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  6. Per un umanesimo scientifico.Fortunato Brancatisano - 1963 - Firenze,: Il Fauno.
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    Coloro che arrivano: ricerche storico-filosofiche tra isogonia e isonomia.Fortunato Maria Cacciatore - 2013 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Logica metafisica politica. Hegel a Jena di Luigi Ruggii.Fortunato M. Cacciatore, Giuseppe Cantillo & Tommaso Pierini - 2010 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 23 (3):691-708.
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    Self-Examination and Consolation in Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy.Antonio Donato - 2013 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 106 (3):397-430.
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  10. (1 other version)Pedagogia da Escuta: currículos e projetos em Reggio Emilia.I. Fortunato - 2010 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos de Educação, Sorocaba: Programa de Pós-Graduação Em Educação da Universidade de Sorocaba 12 (1).
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    Biogiuridica e pluralismo etico-religioso: questioni di bioetica, codici di comportamento e comitati etici.Fortunato Freni - 2000 - Milano: A. Giuffrè.
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    Existentially closed structures in the power of the continuum.Donato Giorgetta & Saharon Shelah - 1984 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 26 (2):123-148.
  13.  9
    Dewey, logica della ricerca: la conoscenza deve essere definita in termini di ricerca.Donato Giorgio Muci - 2009 - Pozzuoli (Napoli): Boopen.
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    Art For All 'Time'.Donato Totaro - 2000 - Film-Philosophy 4 (1).
    Andrey Tarkovsky _Sculpting in Time: Reflections on the Cinema_ Translated by Kitty Hunter-Blair Austin: University of Texas Press, 1996 ISBN: 0-292-77624-1 255 pp.
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    Uberto Decembrio, Four books on the commonwealth =.Paolo Ponzù Donato & Uberto Decembrio (eds.) - 2020 - Boston: Brill.
    Uberto Decembrio's Four Books on the Commonwealth (De re publica libri IV, ca. 1420), edited and translated by Paolo Ponzù Donato, is one of the earliest examples of the reception of Plato's Republic in the 15th century. This humanistic dialogue provides a thoughtful insight on themes such as justice, the best government, the morals of the prince and citizen, education, and religion. Decembrio's dialogue is dedicated to Filippo Maria Visconti, duke of Milan, the 'worst enemy' of Florence. Making use (...)
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  16. Multifaceted Ecology Between Organicism, Emergentism and Reductionism.Donato Bergandi - 2011 - In Astrid Schwarz & Kurt Jax (eds.), Ecology Revisited: Reflecting on Concepts, Advancing Science. Springer. pp. 31-43.
    The classical holism-reductionism debate, which has been of major importance to the development of ecological theory and methodology, is an epistemological patchwork. At any moment, there is a risk of it slipping into an incoherent, chaotic Tower of Babel. Yet philosophy, like the sciences, requires that words and their correlative concepts be used rigorously and univocally. The prevalent use of everyday language in the holism-reductionism issue may give a false impression regarding its underlying clarity and coherence. In reality, the conceptual (...)
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  17. Andreas Hofer e le insorgenze del 1809 nel Trentino e nel Tirolo. Identità e cultura di un popolo in lotta contro le utopie.Fortunato Turrini - 2002 - Verifiche: Rivista Trimestrale di Scienze Umane 31 (1):165-188.
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  18. “Reductionist holism”: an oxymoron or a philosophical chimaera of E.P. Odum’s systems ecology?Donato Bergandi - 1995 - Ludus Vitalis 3 ((5)):145-180..
    The contrast between the strategies of research employed in reductionism and holism masks a radical contradiction between two different scientific philosophies. We concentrate in particular on an analysis of the key philosophical issues which give structure to holistic thought. A first (non-exhaustive) analysis of the philosophical tradition will dwell upon: a) the theory of emergence: each level of organisation is characterised by properties whose laws cannot be deduced from the laws of the inferior levels of organisation (Engels, Morgan); b) clarification (...)
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  19. La catastrophe écologique, les gilets jaunes et le sabotage de la démocratie.Donato Bergandi, Fabienne Galangau-Querat & Hervé Lelièvre - manuscript
    Caste : Groupe qui se distingue par ses privilèges et son esprit d’exclusive à l’égard de toute personne qui n’appartient pas au groupe. Larousse -/- La hausse des prix des carburants proposée pour lutter contre le changement climatique et mettre en œuvre les principes de la « transition écologique » adoptés par la France lors de la COP21, a fait naître le mouvement des gilets jaunes. Plus globalement c’est une bonne partie des français qui se trouve concernée, celle qui vit (...)
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  20. De la protection de la nature au développement durable : Genèse d'un oxymore éthique et politique.Donato Bergandi & Patrick Blandin - 2012 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 65 (1):103-142.
    Le concept de développement durable s’enracine dans l’histoire des mouvements de préservation de la nature et de conservation des ressources naturelles et de leurs relations avec les sciences de la nature, en particulier l’écologie. En tant que paradigme sociétal, à la fois écologique, politique et économique, il se présente comme un projet politique idéal applicable à l’ensemble des sociétés, qui prétend dépasser l’opposition entre ces deux visions profondément divergentes des relations homme‑nature. L’analyse des textes internationaux pertinents permet de dégager les (...)
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    Bildung Between Praxis and Theoria: A Philosophical Study of an Exemplary Anecdote.Donato Loia - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 (5):499-516.
    This paper is part of a broader project in which I investigate autobiographical experiences and transcribed memories. Specifically, this essay analyzes the potential linkages between philosophical ideas and everyday social existence. First, I consider the correspondence between an anecdote from my own lived experience and the concept of Bildung—a multidimensional notion loosely translated as “formation,” “self-formation,” “cultivation,” “self-cultivation,” “self-development,” “cultural process,” and so on. Building on Hegel’s and Gadamer’s contributions to Bildungstheorie, I introduce readers to the concept. Then, in analyzing (...)
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    Donati Acciaioli Florentini proemium in expositionem libri ethicorum Aristotelis.Donato Acciaiuoli & Aristotle - 1478 - Apud Sanctum Iacobum de Ripoli.
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    Jill Kraye.Donato Acciaiuoli - 1997 - In Jill Kraye (ed.), Cambridge translations of Renaissance philosophical texts. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 1--47.
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    Il momento populista: Ernesto Laclau in discussione.Fortunato Maria Cacciatore (ed.) - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Note a margine di Politiche della storia di Jeffrey Andrew Barash.Fortunato Maria Cacciatore - 2010 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 23:443-452.
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    Protestantesimo e filosofia in Hegel.Fortunato Maria Cacciatore - 2003 - Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro): Rubbettino.
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  27. Absurdo, reducción al.Xavier de Donato Rodríguez - 2011 - In Luis Vega and Paula Olmos (ed.), Compendio de Lógica, Argumentación y Retórica. [Madrid]: Editorial Trotta.
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  28. Idealización: concepción estructuralista y generalización modelo-teórica.Xavier de Donato Rodríguez & Marek Polanski - 2015 - Metatheoria – Revista de Filosofía E Historia de la Ciencia 5:45--55.
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    Immanenza e trascendenza: Dal Pra, il medioevo e il problema di Dio.Alice De Fortunato & Marco Rossini - 2005 - Doctor Virtualis 4:9-39.
    La discussione delle grandi narrazioni storiografiche del pensiero medievale. Il definirsi di una prospettiva teorica e di una storiografica attraverso il confronto con Scoto Eriugena. La ricerca di un senso e il problema di Dio. Gli anni della guerra e l'importanza della prassi.
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    La volontà di comprendere. Momigliano, Vernant, Vidal-Naquet.Riccardo di Donato - 2009 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 22:131-146.
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    Alternative alla vita: esistenza e filosofia.Marco Fortunato - 2004 - Genova: Il melangolo.
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    L'offesa, la colpa, il fantasma: muovendo da Caducità di Freud.Marco Fortunato - 2013 - Genova: Il melangolo.
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    Oxide semiconductors: Order within the disorder.E. Fortunato, L. Pereira, P. Barquinha, I. Ferreira, R. Prabakaran, G. Gonçalves, A. Gonçalves & R. Martins - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (28-30):2741-2758.
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  34. Il diritto e la persona umana ne L'attuale crisi dei valori.Donato Goffredo - 1958 - Roma,: Fratelli Palombi.
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    Il poeta non è un indovino:: A proposito di Hes. Th. 31-2.Donato Loscalzo - 2003 - Hermes 131 (3):358-363.
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  36. Il pane e il resto.Donato Martucci - 1967 - [Bologna]: Cappelli.
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    E-Government Policy in Italy: Constitutive, Distributional, or Symbolic?Fortunato Musella - 2007 - Polis 21 (1):31-52.
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    Educazione e linguaggio.Fortunato Pasqualino - 1957 - Roma: A. V. E..
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  39. Andiamo in cerca della verità.Fortunato Repetti - 1967 - Milano,: Memo.
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    Il divenire dell'eterno: su Emanuele Severino (e Dante).Donato Sperduto - 2012 - Roma: Aracne.
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    Les enseignements sur l’astrologie d’Augustin d’Hippone et de Thomas d’Aquin dans la bulle Coeli et terrae de Sixte V.Donato Verardi - 2017 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 101 (1):125.
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    Entailment and Truthmaking: The Consequentia Rerum from Boethius to the Ars Meliduna.Enrico Donato - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-15.
    In Categories 12 (14b11–22), Aristotle famously claims that [1] true sentences and reality stand in a mutually implicative relationship, and that [2] reality causes the truth of sentences but not vice versa. In this paper, I first argue that Boethius’ reading of the above passage led medieval logicians to assess [1] and [2] within the framework of a theory of consequence. Then, I consider two important questions raised by Boethius and later logicians in relation to [1] and [2], and, namely, (...)
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  43. Holism vs. reductionism: Do ecosystem ecology and landscape ecology clarify the debate?Donato Bergandi & Patrick Blandin - 1998 - Acta Biotheoretica 46 (3):185-206.
    The holism-reductionism debate, one of the classic subjects of study in the philosopy of science, is currently at the heart of epistemological concerns in ecology. Yet the division between holism and reductionism does not always stand out clearly in this field. In particular, almost all work in ecosystem ecology and landscape ecology presents itself as holistic and emergentist. Nonetheless, the operational approaches used rely on conventional reductionist methodology.From an emergentist epistemological perspective, a set of general 'transactional' principles inspired by the (...)
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  44. The Structural Links Between Ecology, Evolution and Ethics: The Virtuous Epistemic Circle.Donato Bergandi (ed.) - 2013 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Abstract - Evolutionary, ecological and ethical studies are, at the same time, specific scientific disciplines and, from an historical point of view, structurally linked domains of research. In a context of environmental crisis, the need is increasingly emerging for a connecting epistemological framework able to express a common or convergent tendency of thought and practice aimed at building, among other things, an environmental policy management respectful of the planet’s biodiversity and its evolutionary potential. -/- Evolutionary biology, ecology and ethics: at (...)
  45.  13
    Heidegger et la question de l'habiter: une philosophie de l'architecture.Céline Bonicco-Donato - 2019 - Marseille: Parenthèses.
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    The Earrings of God: The Absurd Among Us.Fortunato Pasqualino & Gabriel Lahood - 2021 - Gorgias Press.
    "Life is full of absurdities, and human misperception of such absurdities leads to a state of unrest and fear that require meaning and direction for a happy life. F. Pasqualino addresses here samples of existential absurdities, and discusses solutions offered: Taoism offers in its paradoxes a natural self-help resource. Buddhism offers a natural wisdom that is informed by a supernatural impersonal Absolute. Hinduism offers a plethora of personal gods who embody the impersonal Absolute. The Judeo-Christian-Islamic wisdom teaches a personal Absolute (...)
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    La voie secrète de l’albertisme.Donato Verardi - 2018 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 102 (4):611.
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  48. The geography of human societies.Donato Bergandi - 1998 - In Pascal Acot (ed.), The European Origins of Scientific Ecology. Gordon & Breach. pp. 521-533.
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  49. Eco-cybernetics: the ecology and cybernetics of missing emergences.Donato Bergandi - 2000 - Kybernetes 29 (7/8):928-942..
    Considers that in ecosystem, landscape and global ecology, an energetics reading of ecological systems is an expression of a cybernetic, systemic and holistic approach. In ecosystem ecology, the Odumian paradigm emphasizes the concept of emergence, but it has not been accompanied by the creation of a method that fully respects the complexity of the objects studied. In landscape ecology, although the emergentist, multi-level, triadic methodology of J.K. Feibleman and D.T. Campbell has gained acceptance, the importance of emergent properties is still (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Environnement, éthique et politique : les limites d’une démocratie inaboutie et leurs conséquences néfastes sur la protection de la nature.Donato Bergandi - 2014 - Éthique Publique 16 (1):63-81.
    Environmental public policies are suffering the harmful effects of a tacit agreement between political and economical elites. Heedless of philosophical-political references, an international politico-economical oligarchic caste is largely united around dealing with environmental issues based on the sustainable development model, which is an expression of a utilitarian, anthropocentric perspective. Moreover, for this model biodiversity is in the main merely a reservoir of natural resources for human use. A dual transition – both ethical and political – is thus urgently needed to (...)
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