Results for 'Don Wismer'

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  1.  22
    The Islamic Jesus: An Annotated Bibliography of Sources in English and French.William M. Brinner & Don Wismer - 1981 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 101 (4):461.
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    Individual differences in the ease of imagining the faces of others.J. Don Read & Richard H. Peterson - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (4):347-349.
  3. The Brier Rule Is not a Good Measure of Epistemic Utility.Don Fallis & Peter J. Lewis - 2016 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 94 (3):576-590.
    Measures of epistemic utility are used by formal epistemologists to make determinations of epistemic betterness among cognitive states. The Brier rule is the most popular choice among formal epistemologists for such a measure. In this paper, however, we show that the Brier rule is sometimes seriously wrong about whether one cognitive state is epistemically better than another. In particular, there are cases where an agent gets evidence that definitively eliminates a false hypothesis, but where the Brier rule says that things (...)
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    Probabilistic Proofs and the Collective Epistemic Goals of Mathematicians.Don Fallis - 2011 - In Collective Epistemology. pp. 157-175.
    Mathematicians only use deductive proofs to establish that mathematical claims are true. They never use inductive evidence, such as probabilistic proofs, for this task. Don Fallis (1997 and 2002) has argued that mathematicians do not have good epistemic grounds for this complete rejection of probabilistic proofs. But Kenny Easwaran (2009) points out that there is a gap in this argument. Fallis only considered how mathematical proofs serve the epistemic goals of individual mathematicians. Easwaran suggests that deductive proofs might be epistemically (...)
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  5. Reasons to act and believe: naturalism and rational justification in Hume’s philosophical project.Don Garrett - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 132 (1):1-16.
    Is Hume a naturalist? Does he regard all or nearly all beliefs and actions as rationally unjustified? In order to settle these questions, it is necessary to examine their key terms and to understand the character-especially the normative character-of Hume's philosophical project. This paper argues that Hume is a naturalist-and, in particular, both a moral and an epistemic naturalist-in quite robust ways; and that Hume can properly regard many actions and beliefs as "rationally justified" in several different senses of that (...)
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  6. Una escuela cristiana aconfesional.Milani la de Don - 1978 - Salmanticensis 25:67.
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  7. The regulation of sexual activity between psychologists and their clients and former clients.Alfred Allan & Don Thomson - 2010 - In Alfred Allan & Anthony Love, Ethical practice in psychology: reflections from the creators of the APS Code of Ethics. Malden, MA: John Wiley.
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    Memory and encoding in a letter-matching reaction time task.Lawrence S. Meyers, Don Schoenborn & Gail M. Clark - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (1):41-42.
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    AIDS Prevention among IV Drug Users: Potential Conflicts between Research Design and Ethics.Don C. Des Jarlais & Samuel R. Friedman - 1987 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 9 (1):6.
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  10. Merleau-Ponty and Epistemology Engines.Don Ihde & Evan Selinger - 2004 - Human Studies 27 (4):361-376.
    One of us coined the notion of an “epistemology engine.” The idea is that some particular technology in its workings and use is seen suggestively as a metaphor for the human subject and often for the production of knowledge itself. In this essay, we further develop the conceptand claim that Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenological commitments, although suggestive, did not lead him to appreciate the epistemological value of materiality. We also take steps towards establishing how an understanding of this topic can provide the (...)
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  11. Social Categorization Influences Face Perception and Face Memory.Kurt Hugenberg, Don Sacco, Steven Young & Michael Bernstein - 2011 - In Andy Calder, Gillian Rhodes, Mark Johnson & Jim Haxby, Oxford Handbook of Face Perception. Oxford University Press.
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    Remote associations and recognition memory for serial position.G. J. Johnson, Don Jamieson & Clyde Curry - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (5):435-437.
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    Participant observation and the discovery of meaning.Gary Schwartz & Don Merten - 1971 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 1 (2):279-298.
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    Introduction to Ancient Philosophy.Don Marietta Jr - 1998 - Routledge.
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    Plato’s Theory of eros and its Implications on Moral Education.Young-Don Yoon - 2017 - The Journal of Moral Education 29 (3):133-153.
  16. Tom Petty Didn't Really Need to Know.Daniel Zelinski & Don Fallis - 2019 - In Randall E. Auxier & Megan A. Volpert, Tom Petty and Philosophy: We Need to Know. Chicago, Illinois: Open Court Publishing.
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    How to Resolve an Ethical Dilemma Concerning Randomized Clinical Trials.Don Marquis - unknown
    An apparent ethical dilemma arises when physicians consider enrolling their patients in randomized clinical trials. Suppose that a randomized clinical trial comparing two treatments is in progress, and a physician has an opinion about which treatment is better. The physician has a duty to promote the patient's best medical interests and therefore seems to be obliged to advise the patient to receive the treatment that the physician prefers. This duty creates a barrier to the enrollment of patients in randomized clinical (...)
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    Postphenomenological methodologies: new ways in mediating techno-human relationships.Jesper Aagaard & Don Ihde (eds.) - 2018 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    This volume contributes to postphenomenological research into human-technology relations with essays reflecting on methodological issues through empirical studies of education, digital media, biohacking, health, robotics, and skateboarding. This work provides new perspectives that call for a comprehensive postphenomenological research methodology.
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  19. What puts the “meta” in metacognition?Michael L. Anderson & Don Perlis - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (2):138-139.
    This commentary suggests an alternate definition for metacognition, as well as an alternate basis for the relation in representation. These together open the way for an understanding of mindreading that is significantly different from the one advocated by Carruthers.
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  20. A Study of Whistleblowing Among Auditors.Don W. Finn & James C. Lampe - 1992 - Professional Ethics, a Multidisciplinary Journal 1 (3):137-168.
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  21. Researching the Quest: Are Community College Students Motivated by Question-and-Answer Reviews?Don F. Cavendish Jr - 2010 - Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges 15 (1):81-90.
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  22. Ghosts and Ion Counters.Don A. Merrell - 2008 - Skeptical Inquirer 32 (6).
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    History of logic.Alan R. Perreiah & Don Howard - 1982 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 20 (1):101-106.
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    Facilitation and interference in performance on the modified Mashburn apparatus: II. The effects of varying the amount of interpolated learning.Dorothy E. McAllister & Don Lewis - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 41 (5):356.
  25. For People and the Planet.Don E. Marietta - 1998 - Environmental Values 7 (4):485-487.
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    The Peirce Homestead as a National Memorial.Max H. Fisch & Don D. Roberts - 1972 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 8 (2):123 - 127.
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    Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Activism.Don E. Marietta, Lester Embree & Lester E. Embree (eds.) - 1995 - Rowman & Littlefield.
    This collection of new essays by eleven distinguished environmental philosophers addresses two main questions: first, whether environmental philosophy and ethics should be seen as a form of applied philosophy or as something else, perhaps best called practical philosophy; and second, how environmental philosophy is practiced in human life, especially in the lives of academics.
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    Chapter 10. Should Hume Have Been a Transcendental Idealist?Don Garrett - 2008 - In Daniel Garber & Béatrice Longuenesse, Kant and the Early Moderns. Princeton University Press. pp. 193-208.
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    On the Identity Theory.Don F. Gustavson - 1963 - Analysis 24 (2):30-32.
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    Politics, Gender, and (Melo)drama.Don Herzog - 2008 - Political Theory 36 (1):129-132.
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    What's in a Name?Don S. Levi - 2008 - Philosophical Investigations 31 (4):340-358.
    This paper is about the mode of being of names. The paper begins by explaining why the joke is on commentators who see Lewis Carroll's White Knight as applying the use/mention distinction. Then it argues that the real problem with the distinction is that the idea that names are used to mention what they name depends on mistakenly conceiving of language as existing autonomously; and that philosophers have this conception because they fail to appreciate what they are doing when they (...)
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  32. Contemporary Conceivability Arguments in the Philosophy of Mind: A Critique.Don A. Merrell - 2001 - Dissertation, University of Arkansas
    This dissertation assesses the value of Cartesian conceivability arguments, with particular attention given to three contemporary debates surrounding the mind-body problem. Saul Kripke's separability argument utilized new developments surrounding the nature of necessity and the reference of proper names. For all its merit, the Kripkean separability argument is open to serious criticisms. I examine several standard objections to Kripke's arguments and maintain that none are successful. I also maintain, however, that it is possible to show, contrary to what Kripke presupposes, (...)
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    Criticism After Critique: Aesthetics, Literature, and the Political ed. by Jeffrey R. Di Leo.Don Wehrs - 2014 - Intertexts 18 (2):199-201.
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  34. People, Penguins, and Plastic Trees. [REVIEW]Don E. Marietta Jr - 1987 - Environmental Ethics 9 (4):373-375.
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  35. Elias Savellos and Ümit Yalçin, Supervenience: New Essays. [REVIEW]Don Ross - 1997 - Philosophy in Review 17:134-137.
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    Verbal mediation in paired-associate learning.Betty Wismer & Lewis P. Lipsitt - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 68 (5):441.
  37. Davidson was Almost Right about Lying.Don Fallis - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (2):337-353.
    Donald Davidson once suggested that a liar ?must intend to represent himself as believing what he does not?. In this paper I argue that, while Davidson was mistaken about lying in a few important respects, his main insight yields a very attractive definition of lying. Namely, you lie if and only if you say something that you do not believe and you intend to represent yourself as believing what you say. Moreover, I show that this Davidsonian definition can handle counter-examples (...)
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  38. Cognition and Commitment in Hume’s Philosophy.Don Garrett - 1997 - Philosophical and Phenomenological Research 62 (1):191-196.
  39. Memory.Don Locke - 1971 - Macmillan.
  40.  52
    Hume.Don Garrett - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    Beginning with an overview of Hume's life and work, Don Garrett introduces in clear and accessible style the central aspects of Hume's thought. These include Hume's lifelong exploration of the human mind; his theories of inductive inference and causation; skepticism and personal identity; moral and political philosophy; aesthetics; and philosophy of religion. The final chapter considers the influence and legacy of Hume's thought today. Throughout, Garrett draws on and explains many of Hume's central works, including his Treatise of Human Nature (...)
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    Choosing Social Responsibility Over Law.Don E. Tomlinson - 1990 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 9 (1-2):79-96.
  42. Rainforest realism and the unity of science.Don Ross, James Ladyman & John Collier - 2007 - In James Ladyman & Don Ross, Every thing must go: metaphysics naturalized. New York: Oxford University Press.
  43. Don Marquis replies.Don Marquis - 2011 - Hastings Center Report 41 (2):9-11.
  44. Technology and the Lifeworld: From Garden to Earth.Don Ihde - 1990 - Indiana University Press.
    "... Dr. Ihde brings an enlightening and deeply humanistic perspective to major technological developments, both past and present." —Science Books & Films "Don Ihde is a pleasure to read.... The material is full of nice suggestions and details, empirical materials, fun variations which engage the reader in the work... the overall points almost sneak up on you, they are so gently and gradually offered." —John Compton "A sophisticated celebration of cultural diversity and of its enabling technologies.... perhaps the best single (...)
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  45. A Prolegomenon to a Human Chauvinist Aesthetic.Don Mannison - 1980 - In Don S. Mannison, Michael A. McRobbie & Richard Sylvan, Environmental Philosophy. Dept. Of Philosophy, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University. pp. 212--16.
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    (1 other version)The Cambridge companion to Spinoza.Don Garrett (ed.) - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    In many ways, Benedict (Baruch) de Spinoza appears to be a contradictory figure in the history of philosophy. From the beginning, he has been notorious as an "atheist" who seeks to substitute Nature for a personal deity; yet he was also, in Novalis's famous description, "the God-intoxicated man." He was an uncompromising necessitarian and causal determinist; yet his ethical ideal was to become a "free man." He maintained that the human mind and the human body are identical; yet he also (...)
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  47.  20
    Expanding Hermeneutics: Visualism in Science.Don Ihde - 1998 - Northwestern University Press.
    _Expanding Hermeneutics_ examines the development of interpretation theory, emphasizing how science in practice involves and implicates interpretive processes. Ihde argues that the sciences have developed a sophisticated visual hermeneutics that produces evidence by means of imaging, visual displays, and visualizations. From this vantage point, Ihde demonstrates how interpretation is built into technologies and instruments.
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    Lone Star State of Mind: A Former Political Theorist Explores Real World Issues.Don Erler & George Anastaplo - 2002 - Lexington Books.
    Unifying themes on the need for a vigorous defense of popular government and the benefits of capitalism are interwoven with discussions of censorship, abortion, terrorism, capital punishment, and education.
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  49. Was Heidegger Prescient Concerning Technoscience?Don Ihde - 2001 - Existentia 11 (3-4):373-386.
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  50. Philosophy of technology: an introduction.Don Ihde - 1993 - New York: Paragon House.
    Technology's impact on and implications for the social, ethical, political, and cultural dimensions of our world must be seriously considered and addressed. Philosophy of Technology is a clear introduction to one of philosophy's newest issues. Don Ihde critically examines the impact of technological developments on various cultures throughout history-from the earliest feats of engineering and architecture to the cutting-edge developments in artificial intelligence- with an aim to understanding the human implications within a world technological culture. Using a wide variety of (...)
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