Results for 'Dominika Ochnik'

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  1.  19
    Gender differences and areas of Internet behavior in seven years’ perspective.Dominika Ochnik & Aleksandra Dembińska - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin.
  2.  36
    “Worse but Ours,” or “Better but Theirs?” – The Role of Implicit Consumer Ethnocentrism in Product Preference.Maison Dominika & Maliszewski Norbert - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  3. Społeczne źródła poczucia winy w ujęciu Rousseau.Dominika Brykajło - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 84 (4):173-182.
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    Roman Ingarden and His Times.Dominika Czakon, Natalia Anna Michna & Leszek Sosnowski (eds.) - 2019
    The papers collected in this volume vividly reflect the strikingly wide range of interests characterizing current research in phenomenology inspired by Roman Ingarden. One of Husserls closest and most devoted students, and at the same time one of his earliest and sharpest critics, Ingarden himself explored numerous fields of philosophy in considerable depth. While he remains best known for his groundbreaking work in aesthetics, ontology, and metaphysics, he also dealt extensively in ethics, epistemology, philosophical anthropology, and cognitive science, and his (...)
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    Detecting of Interrelationships between Eating Disorders and Self-Harm in Girls during Adolescence.Dominika Doktorová & Patrícia Šomodiová - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (3):13-25.
    Presented research focuses on detecting of interrelationships between the overall rate of self-harm and the symptomatology of eating disorders. The research group consisted of 60 adolescent girls with eating disorders. We used the SHI questionnaire to determine self-harm and EDI-2 to determine the symptoms of individual eating disorders. We detected that there was a moderate positive relationship between self-harm and the overall score in EDI-2 symptoms. We also found moderate and weak positive relationships between eating disorders symptoms and self-harm. We (...)
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    Zasady wariacyjne a ich teleologiczna interpretacja.Dominika Domaciuk - 2008 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 42:52-67.
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    Argument za włączeniem aksjologii do nauki i techniki.Dominika Dzwonkowska - 2018 - Etyka 57.
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    Filozofia wobec świata zwierząt =.Dominika Dzwonkowska, Michał Latawiec & Justyna Tymieniecka-Suchanek (eds.) - 2015 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego.
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    Mentalization, specific attachment, and relational satisfaction from the intrapsychic and interpersonal perspectives.Dominika Górska - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (3):393-400.
    Mentalization is a process of social cognition that involves making inferences about one’s own behavior and the behavior of other people on the basis of unobservable mental states. Particularly in psychodynamic approaches, mentalization is conceptualized in the context of activation of internal representation of emotional relationship. In this study, we checked whether mentalization constitutes a predictor of relational satisfaction in the context of one’s own and the partner’s specific attachment. The research sample was composed of 32 heterosexual couples living together (...)
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  10. Idee semiotyczne w systemie filozoficznym Johanna Heinricha Lamberta (1728-1777).Dominika Jacyk - 2004 - Studia Semiotyczne 25:259-271.
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  11. Metody uniwersalnej syntezy i analzy jako problem badawczy w De Synthesis et analisi universali seu arte inveniendi et judicandi Leibniza.Dominika Jacyk - 2001 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 13 (13).
  12. Próba ustalenia relacji metodologicznych w projektach systemowych GW Leibniza i JH Lamberta.Dominika Jacyk - 2000 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 45:25-36.
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  13. Architektonik der Urteilskraft.Dominika Jerkić - 2021 - In Jure Zovko (ed.), Hermeneutische Relevanz der Urteilskraft =. Zürich: Lit.
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  14. Przyjdź Królestwo Twoje. J.G. Ballardawizja końca cywilizacji.Dominika Oramus - 2007 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 4:270-276.
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  15.  11
    Virtue and vice in environmental discourse.Dominika Dzwonkowska - 2013 - Studia Ecologiae Et Bioethicae 11 (4).
    For effective environmental protection, the necessary tools are not only the external ones in the form of commands, and legal or economic instruments. A very necessary tool for dealing with the environmental crisis can be inner work on one’s own character and personality, as well as on the social virtues and vices that determine our approach to the environment. Recently, a growing interest in environmental virtue discourse can be noticed, and this paper presents a proposal for five cardinal environmental virtues, (...)
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  16.  1
    Unmet care needs of older people: A scoping review.Dominika Kalánková, Minna Stolt, P. Anne Scott, Evridiki Papastavrou, Riitta Suhonen & on Behalf of the Rancare Cost Action Ca8 - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (2):149-178.
    The aim was to synthesize the findings of empirical research about the unmet nursing care needs of older people, mainly from their point of view, from all settings, focusing on (1) methodological approaches, (2) relevant concepts and terminology and (3) type, nature and ethical issues raised in the investigations. A scoping review after Arksey and O’Malley. Two electronic databases, MEDLINE/PubMed and CINAHL (from earliest to December 2019) were used. Systematic search protocol was developed using several terms for unmet care needs (...)
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  17.  23
    Life and form in Kant’s and Hegel’s philosophy.Dominika Jerkić - 2022 - Distinctio 1 (1):69-91.
    The current issue considers the logical parameters of life and the living in their respective determinations in Kant and in Hegel. These two different approaches and philosophical methods are examined through the term „form“ and its respective conceptions in order to show, on the one hand, the immanent relation of life and form, which in turn refers elementarily to thinking and its systematic foundations − in Kant it is space and substance and in Hegel idea and objectivity − in order (...)
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  18.  30
    The Presentation of Self as Good and Right: How Value Propositions and Business Model Features are Linked in the Sharing Economy.Dominika Wruk, Achim Oberg, Jennifer Klutt & Indre Maurer - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 159 (4):997-1021.
    The sharing economy as an emerging field is characterized by unsettled debates about its shared purpose and defining characteristics of the organizations within this field. This study draws on neo-institutional theory to explore how sharing organizations position themselves vis-à-vis such debates with regard to (1) the values these organizations publicly promote to present themselves as “good” sharing organizations and (2) the business model features they make visible to appear as having the “right” organizational model. This study examines the online self-representations (...)
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  19.  19
    How consumer ethnocentrism can predict consumer preferences – construction and validation of SCONET scale.Dominika Maison, Rahkman Ardi, Jony Eko Yulianto & Cicilia Larasati Rembulan - forthcoming - Polish Psychological Bulletin.
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  20. Jerzy Grzegorzewski and Stanisław Wyspiański: The Mnemonics of Scenography as a Problem of National Tradition.Dominika Łarionow - 2004 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 6:231-242.
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  21. The Time of a Falling Feather.Dominika Łarionow - 2001 - Art Inquiry. Recherches Sur les Arts 3:253-260.
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  22. Modlitwa ateisty. Koncepcja wiary fi lozofi cznej Karla Jaspersa w dziele Wiara fi loofi czna wobec objawienia.Dominika Boroń - 2003 - Colloquia Communia 74 (1):388-405.
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    Wkład Hansa Jonasa w filozofię odpowiedzialności.Dominika Dzwonkowska - 2007 - Studia Ecologiae Et Bioethicae 5 (1).
    Article presents the concept of responsibility in Hans Jonas’s philosophy. Biocentric character of his ethics gives it new outlook to the phenomenon of responsibility. It seems that mankind cannot anymore afford ignoring environmental problems. And Jonas’s imperative of responsibility is the answer to the ecological crisis. It is based on Kant’s imperative, but new imperative goes beyond anthropocentric ethics to biocentric ethics. It aimed at preserving all forms of life, life in its rich diversity. Its basic motivation is fear of (...)
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  24.  24
    The Honorific Statues of Delphi1.Dominika Grzesik - 2019 - História 68 (2):200.
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  25.  27
    Nowe światy literackie: literaturoznawstwo współczesne a nauki ścisłe.Dominika Oramus - 2021 - Philosophical Problems in Science 70:139-168.
    Since 1959, when C.P. Snow delivered his seminal lecture The Two Cultures on the lack of understanding between scholars working in the humanities and their colleagues from science departments, the gap between the two groups has been one of the most notorious clichés of contemporary Western culture. The aim of this article is to show that this seemingly insurmountable abyss between sciences and the humanities that was brought to the forefront during the mid-20th century is slowly receding into history. Literature (...)
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  26.  18
    Discours académiques et discours professionnels : positionnement et savoirs des enseignants en formation.Dominika Dobrowolska, Kristine Balslev, Edyta Tominska, Santiago Mosquera & Sabine Vanhulle - 2016 - Revue Phronesis 5 (3-4):28-41.
    In teacher education, students have to link theoretical knowledge from educational studies or other academic fields with classroom experiences in formal settings such as triadic mentoring conversations. Students make this link through verbal activities, which are the heart of our analysis. Students produce complex discourses in which they position themselves, refer to multiple types of knowledge, describe and analyse their practicum. Considering that discourse analysis enlightens professional development processes, we study what prospective teachers (PTs) learn in a specific moment of (...)
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  27.  13
    Environmental vices as ethical and anthropological roots of the environmental crisis.Dominika Dzwonkowska - 2020 - Studia Ecologiae Et Bioethicae 18 (5).
    The root of environmental crisis is not only the failure to recognize the intrinsic value of the non-human world, but it can also be perceived as a failure in moral excellence and in the cultivation of virtue. The word “virtue” is an old-fashioned one, representing tradition and today we mostly associate it with academic discussion. However, the term is not only connected with traditional ethical reflection; nowadays, we can witness a revival of virtue discourse in environmental ethics, namely in environmental (...)
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  28.  4
    Wady środowiskowe jako etyczne i antropologiczne źródła kryzysu środowiskowego.Dominika Dzwonkowska - 2014 - Studia Ecologiae Et Bioethicae 12 (1).
    The root of the environmental crisis is not only the failure to recognize the intrinsic value of the non-human world, but it can also be perceived as a failure in moral excellence and in the cultivation of virtue. The word “virtue” is an old-fashioned one, representing tradition, and today we mostly associate it with academic discussion. However, the term is not only connected with traditional ethical reflection; nowadays, we can witness a revival of virtue discourse in environmental ethics, namely in (...)
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  29.  40
    Explicit Versus Implicit “Halal” Information: Influence of the Halal Label and the Country-of-Origin Information on Product Perceptions in Indonesia.Dominika Maison, Marta Marchlewska, Dewi Syarifah, Rizqy A. Zein & Herison P. Purba - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Conducting Research on Combating Sexual Violence in Polish Academia: Social Contexts, Legal Notes, and Preliminary Results.Dominika Gryf, Weronika Rosa, Joanna Wójcik & Aleksandra Wziątek - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (6):1939-1958.
    This article presents research on the scale of the phenomenon of sexual violence against students at selected 33 universities across Poland, the mechanisms used to combat the problem and the awareness of students on the subject. The study focuses on the practical dimension of combating sexual violence against students in the Polish academic environment. It looks at the existence and functioning of both specialised bodies and the procedures used to help the victims and punish the perpetrators. Additionally, the paper describes (...)
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  31.  18
    Endogenous Growth Model With Financial Intermediation.Dominika Byrska - 2021 - Studia Humana 10 (2):49-57.
    In this paper, we analyse the simplest possible three-dimensional model of endogenous growth to account for the relationship between financial intermediation and economic growth. In our setting, households maximize an interim utility function and firms maximize profit. Households can save money only through banks which offer firms investment loans. We show that under very general assumptions, investments realized by firms depend not only on savings accumulated by banks but also on financial intermediation technology ϕ(θ). Using mathematical methods of dynamical systems, (...)
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  32. Art as play : a philosophical comparison of adults' and children's art.Dominika Czakon & Natalia Anna Michna - 2017 - In Wendy Russell, Emily Ryall & Malcolm MacLean (eds.), The Philosophy of Play as Life: Towards a Global Ethos of Management. New York: Routledge.
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    Introduction to No. 1: Ecophilosophical and Biopolitical Challenges. Past and Future.Dominika Dzwonkowska - unknown
    Introductory remarks to Ethics in Progress Special Issue, Vol. 7No. 1.
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  34. Pozytywistyczne ujęcie relacji filozofii do nauk przyrodniczych.Dominika Dzwonkowska - 2011 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 47 (2):195-208.
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  35.  10
    Zmiany klimatu a zrównoważona turystyka – płaszczyzna etyczna.Dominika Dzwonkowska - 2013 - Studia Ecologiae Et Bioethicae 11 (2).
    Tourism is one of the fastest developing sectors of the economy and one of the sectors extremely vulnerable to climate change. As all tourism destinations rely on their unique natural or cultural values, any changes in climate and an increase in extreme climate events impact on the industry more than the other economic sectors. The article presents the relationship between climate change and tourism, focusing on the ethical dimension of sustainable tourism. The aim of the article is to present the (...)
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  36.  16
    Feminizacja prekariatu. Polska na tle innych krajów Europy.Dominika Polkowska - 2016 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 19 (2):31-49.
    Precarity applies to people who, in order to survive, need to work in a low-quality job, which is uncertain, temporary, low-paid, with no prospect of promotion, no security and no contract. In this sense, the precariat is a category related mostly to the secondary segment of the labour market, according to the concept of a dual labour market. It is also the universal feature of Post-Fordism and the modern working conditions in which women, more often than men, are located in (...)
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    (1 other version)What is science? Methodological pitfalls underlying the empirical exploration of scientific knowledge.Dominika Yaneva - 2005 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 37 (2):333 - 353.
    The validity of three premises, set as foundational pillars of modern sociological approach to science, is contested, namely: (i) the postulate, stating that science is devoid of whatever generis specifical; (ii) it is liable to the usual empirical study; (iii) the practicing scientist's self-reflexive judgements must be disbelieved and rejected. Contrariwise, the ignored so far quaint nature of knowledge, escaping even from the elementary empirical treating - discernment and observation - is revealed and demonstrated. This peculiar nature requires, accordingly, a (...)
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  38.  27
    The Trajectory of Ideals in the Revolutionary Processes of Latin America.Dominika Dinušová - 2023 - Human Affairs 33 (3):335-348.
    The study focuses on the conceptual development of Latin American revolutionary thought, capturing the trajectory in the formulation of revolutionary ideals along the evolutionary axis from independence to socialism. The aim of the study is to grasp and explain the evolution of revolutionary ideals in order to demonstrate the broader context of current social processes in Latin America through a historical-philosophical analysis of the ideological basis of social movements in the region. An analysis of the ideological contexts captured in the (...)
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  39.  23
    Ideological Struggle in Social Processes Through the Lens of Héctor P. Agosti's Political Thinking.Dominika Dinušová - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (1):28-38.
    The study focuses on the theoretical underpinnings of the ideological struggle in social processes as seen through the lens of the Argentinian philosopher Héctor P. Agosti's political philosophy. It discusses the impact of Agosti's interpretation of ideology in social struggle the usefulness of his conclusions for later practical developments in Latin America. The aim of the study is to describe the key aspects of Agosti's view of culture and ideology and to identify specific features of his approach with a view (...)
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  40.  19
    Detection of Relationship between Perfectionism and Classroom Climate and Differences in Level of Perfectionism in Middle School Aged Children.Dominika Doktorová & Patrícia Šomodiová - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (4):513-530.
    This research study is focused on detection of relationship between perfectionism and classroom climate in middle school aged children. To detect the level of perfectionism we used the Frost multidimensional perfectionism scale (F-MPS) and for assessing of classroom climate we used My Class Inventory (MCI). In research we also focused on gender differences among each variable. Our research sample consisted of 240 children who attend primary schools and their age was between 10 – 12 years. There were 160 girls and (...)
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    Filozofia a nauki przyrodnicze: analiza koncepcji Stanisława Kamińskiego i Kazimierza Kłósaka = The role of natural science in classical philosophy.Dominika Dzwonkowska - 2014 - Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego.
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  42. Problemy fenomenologii w koncepcjach systemowych Lamberta i Kanta.Dominika Jacyk - 2002 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 14 (14).
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    Forest before illusory trees: illusory contours of local level elements do not influence perceptual global advantage in the hierarchical structure processing.Dominika Kras & Piotr Styrkowiec - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (4):633-646.
    There is a continuing debate in the field of perceptual organization as to whether the locus of global processing is early or late perceptual, as previous studies have yielded contrary results. The conducted behavioural study explored this issue with the paradigm of collating global processing with other process of perceptual organization, namely illusory contours processing. Interaction between these two processes of perceptual organization would indicate that global processing has an early perceptual locus, whereas the lack of such interaction would suggest (...)
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    The ethics of burden sharing: When canada talks about fairness, but actually counts benefits.Dominika Kunertova - 2018 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 13 (3):4-30.
    This paper aims to rethink the problem of NATO burden sharing along ethical lines. It argues that the ethics of burden sharing reveals the tensions between utility of contribution and fairness of distribution. Inspired by Jarrod Hayes and Patrick James’s theory-as-thought method and using the traditions of normative ethics, this interpretive research looks at how the issues of sharing and contributing were discursively framed by its practitioners during NATO’s first decade. Focusing on one of the largest founding members, Canada, the (...)
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  45.  14
    Przewodnik po meandrach autystycznego umysłu.Dominika Wojtera - 2019 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 24:659-667.
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    History and philosophy of science rapprochement: Shared methodological framework.Dominika A. Yaneva - 1995 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 26 (1):143 - 152.
    The paper intends to identify some particular basic assumptions, approaches and means of proceeding, which are spontaneously shared by philosophers, sociologists and historians of science, besides the common interchange of meta-notions describing science. To this end, the specific subject matter, scope, meta-cognitive goals and methodological background of each of the three domains of science study is first outlined. Only two shared proceedings are further discussed in details: the objective attitude, called 'playing a stranger', and the historiographers' involvement in demarcational problem (...)
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  47.  59
    Is Environmental Virtue Ethics Anthropocentric?Dominika Dzwonkowska - 2018 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 31 (6):723-738.
    Virtue ethics (VE), due to its eudaimonistic character, is very anthropocentric; thus the application of VE to environmental ethics (EE) seems to be in contradiction with EE’s critical opinion of human centeredness. In the paper, I prove the claim that there is a possibility of elaborating an environmental virtue ethics (EVE) that involves others (including nonhuman beings). I prove that claim through analyzing Ronald Sandler’s EVE, especially his concept of pluralistic virtue and a pluralistic approach to the aim of ethical (...)
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  48.  18
    Teoria sprawiedliwości Johna Rawlsa w świetle krytyki Iris Marion Young.Dominika Jacyk - 2021 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:233-245.
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    Kryzys, krytyka, mądrość. Kantowskie ujęcie mądrości i jego aktualność.Dominika Jacyk - 2020 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 15 (2):115-128.
    The title concepts of criticism, crisis, and wisdom are taken from the paradigm of Kantian philosophy and are characterised in the development given by the contemporary philosopher Odo Marquard. In this connection I present the relationship between wisdom and thinking in the Enlightenment usage. The call for philosophy to be self-understanding in the sense of the Enlightenment Bildung and the autonomy of science and wisdom sounds particularly strong here. I conclude that philosophy becomes stupidity when it turns into a field (...)
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    Was ist zeitgenössische Philosophie?, oder: die Logik von Spekulation und Negation.Dominika Jerkic - 2020 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2020 (1):243-249.
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