Results for 'Dinçer Kanbur'

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  1.  43
    What kind of an activity is a virtual game? A postmodern approach in relation to concept of phantasm by Deleuze and the philosophy of Huizinga.Barış Şentuna & Dinçer Kanbur - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (1):42-50.
    ABSTRACTVirtual games are played by millions of people today. Almost everyone has the means to access virtual worlds in most places in the world. Virtual games are new worlds for the players waiting to be discovered. Video games in this new world are considered to be sports activities by some people, while some oppose to this conception. In this regard, philosophical approaches set out and the current state of whether video games are considered as sports activities is presented. In addition (...)
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    Temeldencilik Karşıtlığından Bütünselciliğe: Neurath, Quine ve Bilimin Dili.Dinçer Çevik - 2023 - Kilikya Felsefe Dergisi / Cilicia Journal of Philosophy 10 (2):149-169.
    Otto Neurath’ın çalışmalarına olan ilgi son dönemde artmıştır. Bu ilgi bir yönüyle bilim felsefesine ve pratiğine ait güncel problemlerin Neurath tarafından ele alınış biçimiyle ilgilidir. Neurath’ın temeldencilik karşıtlığı ve bilimin dili ile ilgili iddiaları güncel bilim felsefesi ve pratiği ile ilgili önemli açılımlar içermektedir. Neurath’ın temeldencilik karşıtlığı ve bilimin dili ile ilgili görüşlerinin etkisi Williard Van Orman Quine’nın çalışmalarında da göze çarpar. Bu çerçeve kapsamında bu çalışmanın amacı; natüralizm, temeldencilik karşıtlığı, uzlaşımcılık ve Duhem tezi bağlamlarını referans alarak, bilimin dili konusunda (...)
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    B'ki Ayhan T.’nin Hayat ve Hayal Müzesi Adlı Eserine Felsefi Bir Yaklaşım.Dinçer Öztürk - 2024 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 14 (14:4):1231-1246.
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    Climate Justice: Integrating Economics and Philosophy.Ravi Kanbur & Henry Shue (eds.) - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    Climate justice requires sharing the burdens and benefits of climate change and its resolution equitably and fairly. This book brings together economic and philosophical discourse on climate justice in order to support public policy dialogue on the topic.
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  5. Kierkegaard'ın umutsuzluk kavramını Higgins'ın Benlik Uyuşmazlıkları Kuramı üzerinden okumak [An investigation on Kierkegaard’s concept of hopelessness and Higgin’s self-discrepancy theory].Duygu Dincer - manuscript
    Ölümcül Hastalık Umutsuzluk adlı eserinde umutsuzluğu, ben’in bir hastalığı ve kendine yönelen bir ilişkinin sonucu olarak ele alan Danimarkalı filozof Søren Aabye Kierkegaard, bu hastalığın kişide üç farklı şekilde görülebileceğini öne sürmüştür: “(a) bir ben’i olduğunun farkında olmayan umutsuz kişi, (b) kendisi olmak isteyen umutsuz kişi ve (c) kendisi olmak istemeyen umutsuz kişi.” Kierkegaard’a göre kendi ben’ininden kurtulmak isteyen kişi, “olmak istediği ben” hâline gelemediği için olduğu ben’ine katlanamamakta ve bu nedenle umutsuzluk yaşamaktadır. Bu çalışma kapsamında Kierkegaard’ın benlik ve umutsuzluk (...)
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    Functions Of The Preposition Groups In Which ''Noun+Case Form+Preposition'' Construction In Turkey Turkish”.Şaziye DİNÇER - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:766-807.
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    Is There Any Room for Spatial Intuition in Riemann’s Philosophy of Geometry?Dinçer Çevik - 2015 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 5 (1):81.
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    Mars, Mars and more Mars forever.Shashi M. Kanbur - forthcoming - Metascience:1-3.
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    The search for planets: Lucas Ellerbroek: Planet Hunters. London: Reaktion Books, 2017, 267pp, £16.95.Shashi M. Kanbur - 2018 - Metascience 27 (3):527-528.
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  10. Kürk Mantolu Madonna'da aşk, bağlanma ve toplumsal cinsiyet [Love, attachment and gender in the novel titled "Kürk Mantolu Madonna"].Duygu Dincer - 2018 - HECE 253 (22):652-667.
  11. Carl R. Rogers ve Öğrenme özgürlüğü: Etkili bir öğrenme ortamının mimarı olarak öğretmen ve öğretmen tutumları [Carl R. Rogers and freedom to learn: Teachers as the architects of an effective learning environment, and teachers' attitudes].Duygu Dincer - 2019 - Uluslararası Türkçe Eğitim Kültür Edebiyat Dergisi 4 (8): 2341-2358.
    Carl R. Rogers, the founder of client-centered therapy, contributed to the development of self-reliant learning in education. He applied such concepts of client-centered therapy as realness, prizing, acceptance, trust, and empathy to educational area, and called attention the importance of the authentic relationship between teacher and student with such books as Freedom to Learn, Becoming A Person, and A Way of Being. Besides, he also focused on teachers‟ attitudes in classrooms in his works. His views still continue to influence the (...)
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  12. Üniversite öğrencilerinin utanç kavramlarının incelenmesi [A metaphorical investigation on the concept of shame among college students].Duygu Dincer - 2014 - Journal of International Social Research 29 (7):295-311.
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  13. Üniversite öğrencilerinde suçluluk kavramı üzerine metaforik bir inceleme [A metaphorical investigation on the concept of guilt among college students].Duygu Dincer - 2019 - Electronic Journal of Social Sciences 18 (71):1222-1238.
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    Riemann’s Philosophy of Geometry and Kant’s Pure Intuition.Dinçer çevik - 2024 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 31 (2):114-140.
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    Ekonomide Modeller ve Açıklamalar.Dinçer Çevik - 2020 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 10 (10:4):1571-1596.
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  16. Book review: Freedom of Engagement: A Reading on Gabriel Marcel. [REVIEW]Duygu Dincer - 2018 - Marcel Studies 3 (1):43-45.
  17.  25
    Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development.Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur (eds.) - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    This volume of essays, written in honor of Amartya Sen, covers the range of contributions that Sen has made to knowledge. They are written by some of the world's leading economists, philosophers and social scientists, and address topics such as ethics, welfare economics, poverty, gender, human development, society, and politics.
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    Gaussian-Based Soft Computing Approach to Alternative Banking System for Sustainable Financial Sector.Fan Yang, Hakan Kalkavan, Hasan Dinçer, Serhat Yüksel & Serkan Eti - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-27.
    This study aims to identify the necessary strategies for the development of a sustainable financial system. For this purpose, a novel approach could be provided for soft computing with Gaussian-based fuzzy DEMATEL approach to understand the significant levels and impact-relation degrees of these criteria. For robustness check, this evaluation has also been performed for triangular and trapezoidal fuzzy sets. There are many novelties of this study. Firstly, computer science has a significant role in the decision-making process. Another specificity is that (...)
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    Of consequentialism, its critics, and the critics of its critics. [REVIEW]Ravi Kanbur - 2017 - Journal of Economic Methodology 24 (2):204-210.
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    Arguments for a Better World: Essays in Honor of Amartya Sen: Volume I: Ethics, Welfare, and Measurement and Volume Ii: Society, Institutions, and Development.Kaushik Basu & Ravi Kanbur (eds.) - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    This two volume set of essays, written in honor of Amartya Sen, covers the range of contributions that Sen has made to knowledge. They are written by some of the world's leading economists, philosophers and social scientists, and address topics such as ethics, welfare economics, poverty, gender, human development, society, and politics.
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  21. Kitap İncelemesi: Algılanan Dünya (Book Review: The World of Perception by Maurice Merleau-Ponty). [REVIEW]Duygu Dincer - 2016 - Dört Öge 4:235-237.
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    Central Bank Transparency: Causes, Consequences and Updates.Barry Eichengreen & Nergiz Dincer - 2010 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 11 (1):75-123.
    We present updated estimates of central bank transparency for 100 countries up through 2006 and use them to analyze both the determinants and consequences of monetary policy transparency in an integrated econometric framework. We establish that there has been significant movement in the direction of greater central bank transparency in recent years. Transparent monetary policy arrangements are more likely to be found in countries with strong and stable political institutions. They are more likely to be found in democracies, with their (...)
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    The Standard of Living: The Tanner Lectures, Clare Hall, Cambridge, 1985.On Ethics and Economics.David Gauthier, Amartya Sen, John Muellbauer, Ravi Kanbur, Keith Hart, Bernard Williams & Geoffrey Hawthorn - 1989 - Philosophical Review 98 (4):569.
  24.  13
    Climate Justice: Integrating Economics and Philosophy, Ravi Kanbur and Henry Shue (editors). Oxford University Press, 2018, 288 pages. [REVIEW]Simon Beard - 2020 - Economics and Philosophy 36 (1):176-182.
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    The Standard of Living.Geoffrey Hawthorn (ed.) - 1988 - Cambridge University Press.
    Amartya Sen reconsiders the idea of 'the standard of living'. He rejects the more conventional economic interpretations in terms of 'unity' and of wealth or 'opulence', and suggests an interpretation in terms of the 'capabilities and freedoms' that states of affairs do or do not allow. His argument is conceptual, but it refers to a wide range of examples. In elaborations of it, John Muellbauer explains how parts of it might be applied; Ravi Kanbur discusses the difficulties raised by (...)
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