Results for 'Diletta Vignola'

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  1.  11
    Roman virtues in silius italicus’ punica - (c.) burgeon la uirtus, la fides et la pietas dans Les punica de silius italicus. (Giornale italiano di filologia – bibliotheca 23.) pp. 532. Turnhout: Brepols, 2020. Paper, €95. Isbn: 978-2-503-59030-1. [REVIEW]Diletta Vignola - 2022 - The Classical Review 72 (2):548-550.
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    El otro-(de lo)-mismo, interioridad y singularidad.Vignola Jacopo - 2019 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 7 (1):109-140.
    We propose to develop the problems of selfness, of the tension between the other and the same, and of the singularity, by questioning the philosophies of Kant, Levinas and Stirner, and by reading them trough the theoretical eyes of Jacques Derrida. We will reflect on the irreducibility of the Levinasian other, trying to find out how, to what extent and with what difficulties, the emphasis on singularity can open a dialogical field between, on the one hand, the demand for ethical (...)
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    Preventive and Remedial Actions in Corporate Reporting Among “Addiction Industries”: Legitimacy, Effectiveness and Hypocrisy Perception.Diletta Acuti, Marco Bellucci & Giacomo Manetti - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (3):603-623.
    The adoption and reporting of CSR policies have important ethical and managerial implications that need scrutiny. This study answers the call of CSR scholars for further studies in controversial sectors by focusing on the voluntary reporting practices of companies that market products or services that generate addiction among consumers. It contributes to the debate on organizational legitimacy and corporate reporting by empirically analyzing whether and how corporations in the tobacco, alcohol and gambling industries disclose their CSR actions and what reactions (...)
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    La lingua animale: Deleuze attraverso la letteratura.Paolo Vignola - 2011 - Macerata: Quodlibet.
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    Sulla propria pelle: la questione trascendentale tra Kant e Deleuze.Jacopo Vignola - 2012 - Roma: Aracne. Edited by Paolo Vignola.
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    The transcendental side of Gilles Deleuze's "Becoming minor".Vignola Paolo - 2019 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 1:85-102.
    The paper aims at detecting and evaluating Deleuze’s symptomatological and minoritarian concepts at work within his transcendental theory. By using these two philosophical items, the paper refers to the Nietzschean posture Deleuze develops within the transcendental field and to the N-1 formula that accompanies his conceptual path. In this vein, the essay retakes the issue highlighted by Rametta in his essay «The Transcendental and its Metamorphoses in Modern Thinking». In particular, if Rametta insists on Deleuze’s reading of Kant as a (...)
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  7. Différence et répétition ou la poursuite de Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra par d'autres moyens.Paolo Vignola - 2025 - Philosophique 28 (28):149-164.
    The paper aims to show how the tragic and dramatic elements of Thus Spoke Zarathustra become essential components of the transcendental empiricism in Difference and Repetition, by actualising a virtuality that was inherent in the Nietzchean book but not made explicit by its author. If the meaning of the eternal return is hidden in the four books of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, and if the Deleuzian reading does not aim to interpret and express the interiority of a text, but to machine (...)
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    Derrida, il televisore e la deterritorializzazione.Paolo Vignola - 2008 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 21 (2):427-440.
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    Informing materials: drugs as tools for exploring cancer mechanisms and pathways.Etienne Vignola-Gagné, Peter Keating & Alberto Cambrosio - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 39 (2):10.
    This paper builds on previous work that investigated anticancer drugs as ‘informed materials’, i.e., substances that undergo an informational enrichment that situates them in a dense relational web of qualifications and measurements generated by clinical experiments and clinical trials. The paper analyzes the recent transformation of anticancer drugs from ‘informed’ to ‘informing material’. Briefly put: in the post-genomic era, anti-cancer drugs have become instruments for the production of new biological, pathological, and therapeutic insights into the underlying etiology and evolution of (...)
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    Home-Care Workers’ Representations of Their Role and Competences: A Diaphanous Profession.Diletta Gazzaroli, Chiara D’Angelo & Chiara Corvino - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Because of the gradual aging of the population, hospital facilities for socio-sanitary care of the elderly are quite scarce relative to the very high number of elderly people present in the country. This has pushed a high number of families to privately hire home-care workers. The scientific literature gives a picture of the psycho-physical risks that this type of profession is exposed to; however, there is still a need for a more systemic reflection with regard to representations about their role (...)
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    The Living and Working Together Perspective on Creativity in Organizations.Diletta Gazzaroli, Caterina Gozzoli & Gonzalo Sánchez-Gardey - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  12. Experimenting in relation to the Anthropocene : an image of earth-thought from a symptomatic Earth line.Paolo Vignola - 2019 - In Paulo de Assis & Paolo Giudici, Aberrant nuptials: Deleuze and artistic research 2. Leuven (Belgium): Leuven University Press.
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    La imagen (como) différance. Problemas y aportes.Jacopo Vignola - 2019 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 24 (2).
    El presente trabajo se desarrolla a partir de una reconstrucción de los análisis de Roberto Rubio acerca de las dificultades en que incurre la oposición entre enfoque fenomenológico y semiótico, a la hora de aportar posibles soluciones al debate actual en filosofía de la imagen. Después de haber confrontado las perspectivas husserliana y heideggeriana con la teoría derridiana de la escritura, la referencia al arte de Duane Michals permitirá acercar el problema-imagen hacia el pensamiento de la diferencia y del acontecer (...)
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  14.  19
    Do Not Forbid Nietzsche to Minors: On Deleuze's Symptomatological Thought.Paolo Vignola - 2019 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 13 (4):552-566.
    The paper aims to describe the stakes of a Nietzschean influence on Deleuze's reflections on the transcendental and conversely to highlight the Deleuzian operation of politicising Nietzsche by ‘minorising’ him. In order to further understand such a complex relationship of becoming between Deleuze and Nietzsche, the first objective of the paper is to focus on active and reactive forces, which seem to be the core of this very relation. Thus, the paper suggests that micropolitics has its conditions of possibility in (...)
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    Correction to: Informing materials: drugs as tools for exploring cancer mechanisms and pathways.Etienne Vignola-Gagné, Peter Keating & Alberto Cambrosio - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (1):12.
    The original version of this article unfortunately contained a mistake. Three entries are incorrect in the reference list. The corrected references are given below.
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    Nullius in Explanans: an ethical risk assessment for explainable AI.Luca Nannini, Diletta Huyskes, Enrico Panai, Giada Pistilli & Alessio Tartaro - 2025 - Ethics and Information Technology 27 (1):1-28.
    Explanations are conceived to ensure the trustworthiness of AI systems. Yet, relying solemnly on algorithmic solutions, as provided by explainable artificial intelligence (XAI), might fall short to account for sociotechnical risks jeopardizing their factuality and informativeness. To mitigate these risks, we delve into the complex landscape of ethical risks surrounding XAI systems and their generated explanations. By employing a literature review combined with rigorous thematic analysis, we uncover a diverse array of technical risks tied to the robustness, fairness, and evaluation (...)
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    The Cultural Intelligence Scale : A Contribution to the Italian Validation.Caterina Gozzoli & Diletta Gazzaroli - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Who Cares for Those Who Take Care? Risks and Resources of Work in Care Homes.Caterina Gozzoli, Diletta Gazzaroli & Chiara D’Angelo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Margini della filosofia contemporanea.Attilio Bruzzone & Paolo Vignola (eds.) - 2013 - Napoli: Orthotes.
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  20.  13
    We had a garden and we paved it.Diletta De Cristofaro - 2021 - In Jeffery L. Nicholas, The Expanse and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 133–144.
    The Expanse 's ocean is the lifeless and polluted ocean forecast by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The disastrous impact of human activities on the Earth characterizes our age. In The Expanse, humankind has survived climate change thanks to technological solutions aimed at stabilizing the climate and managing the risks of global warming. The Expanse depicts humanity as having failed to learn the Anthropocene's lessons, and hence repeating the mistakes made on Earth across the Sol System and (...)
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    Imagen y diferencia. Una aproximación deconstructiva a la teoría de la diferencia icónica de Gottfried Boehm.Roberto Rubio & Jacopo Vignola - 2021 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 61:227-257.
    Through his theory of the iconic difference, Boehm has emphasized the differential character of the image. This has led some researchers to relate Boehm’s approach to the thought of Jacques Derrida. Following that line of interpretation, we propose a deconstructive approach to Boehm’s theory about the iconic difference. This means, specifically, that we will bring out internal tensions in Boehm’s proposal between emphases directed towards the differential character of the image, on the one hand, and dualistic approaches, as well as (...)
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    Transitioning practices of vegetable small-scale actors in Vietnam: an interplay of food safety, labor demand, and soil environment.Quoc Nguyen-Minh, Raffaele Vignola, Inge D. Brouwer & Peter Oosterveer - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-19.
    Food safety is a critical and persistent issue that challenges the sustainability of agri-food systems in Vietnam. The government has launched multiple food safety initiatives, but there is limited understanding of their contribution to changing the practices of small-scale producers and distributors. This study explores these changing practices by applying Social Practice Theory (SPT) to analyze the transitions in everyday routines of small-scale vegetable producers while being embedded in socio-institutional contexts of agri-food system transitions. We conducted semi-structured interviews and survey (...)
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  23.  8
    La salute della filosofia: sintomatologie e politiche della cura tra l'antica Grecia e il contemporaneo.Sara Baranzoni & Paolo Vignola (eds.) - 2014 - Roma: Aracne editrice S.r.l..
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  24.  23
    Dynamique et limites de la féminisation de la profession d’avocat·e.Élodie Tuaillon-Hibon & Marjolaine Vignola - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 64 (1):133-161.
    Les autrices étudient le mouvement de féminisation de la profession d’avocat·e, dans la double dimension d’un important accroissement quantitatif, analogue à celui observé dans d’autres professions, notamment la magistrature, mais aussi d’un beaucoup plus lent progrès qualitatif assurant réellement l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes et supprimant les discriminations liées au genre. Elles étudient ainsi notamment l’évolution des termes désignant les professionnel·le.s, la place des femmes dans les organisations représentant la profession et dans les structures d’exercice, mettant en évidence (...)
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    Sleep and behavioral problems in preschool-age children with Down syndrome.Elisa Fucà, Floriana Costanzo, Luciana Ursumando, Laura Celestini, Vittorio Scoppola, Silvia Mancini, Diletta Valentini, Alberto Villani & Stefano Vicari - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Sleep is a major concern, especially in people with Down Syndrome. Beyond Obstructive Sleep Apnea, a number of other sleep difficulties have been reported in children with DS, such as delayed sleep onset, night-time awakenings, and early morning awakenings. The detrimental effect of sleep difficulties seems to contribute to and exacerbate the cognitive and behavioral outcomes of DS. Although the screening for sleep disorders is recommended early in age in DS, only a few studies have evaluated the sleep profile in (...)
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    Global Citizenship Education and Scholars for Syria: A Case Study.Lisa Kretz, Kristen Fowler, Kendra Mehling, Gail Vignola & Jill Griffin - 2020 - Teaching Ethics 20 (1-2):47-63.
    This article gives a broad sense of existing debate about Global Citizenship Education to help situate and contextualize a novel case study. Scholars for Syria originated at a small university in southern Indiana. This grassroots response to the turmoil in Syria bridges the gap between a seemingly distant crisis and a midwestern city in the United States. The unique pedagogical and curricular dimensions of the case study work as a helpful framing device for facilitating exploration of debates about the shape (...)
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  27. A previously unpublished letter of Guicciardini, Francesco-destecontrari, Diana and the moreni family of vignola.S. Pagano - 1992 - Rinascimento 32:167-181.
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    Wissenschaftliche Begriffsbildung im Kreis der Accademia della Virtù in Rom um 1550.Bernd Kulawik - 2015 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 38 (2):140-152.
    The Origin of Scientific Notions in the Circle of the Roman Accademia della Virtù around 1550. Between c. 1537 and 1555 a group of humanists, clerics, architects and philologists known as the so‐called Accademia della Virtù got together in Rome to work on a program which was formulated in a letter by the Sienese humanist Claudio Tolomei in 1542 and published in 1547. Starting out with the intention to understand the only surviving antique book on architecture and architectural theory – (...)
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    Emozioni e virtù. Percorsi e prospettive di un tema classico.M. S. Vaccarezza & S. Langella (eds.) - 2014 - Orthotes.
    A partire dalla metà del Novecento, dopo una modernità dominata da prospettive di stampo deontologistico o utilitaristico, la filosofia pratica contemporanea ha visto il sorgere di una ripresa di interesse per un’etica “in prima persona”, in grado di offrire una prospettiva integrale sul soggetto e centrata sullo sviluppo del suo carattere e della sua personalità; in breve, si è assistito a un nuovo potente ingresso in scena dell’idea del bene, e, con essa, della virtù quale via maestra per conseguire il (...)
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  30.  21
    parroquiales de Samper de Calanda (Teruel) : historia y documentos.Amparo París Marqués - 2020 - Studium 24:79-125.
    Este trabajo es una reconstrucción hipotética de la desaparecida iglesia románica medieval de Samper de Calanda, que se basa en las fuentes documentales conservadas y en los materiales procedentes de su fábrica, reutilizados en la iglesia barroca actual. Destacan sendos dinteles de puerta insertos en las paredes norte y sur, cuyo diseño se debe al arquitecto Giacomo de Vignola, que fechamos en el siglo xvii. Palabras clave: iglesias románicas, iglesias barrocas, Giacomo Vignola, arquitectura renacentista, siglo XVII This work (...)
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