Results for 'Diffractive methodologies'

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  1.  36
    Beyond the insider/outsider debate in “at‐home” ethnographies: Diffractive methodology and the onto‐epistemic entanglement of knowledge production.Trine S. Larsen & Nete Schwennesen - 2024 - Nursing Inquiry 31 (1):e12611.
    In this article, we discuss the practice of conducting research in one's own field, in this case, from a position as a researcher with a nursing background doing fieldwork in a hospital and in one's own organization, an orthopedic surgical department. We show how an “insider” researcher position paves the way for analytical insights about sleep as an institutional phenomenon in the orthopedic surgical infrastructure and how acute and elective patient trajectories differ but build on the same logic, creating the (...)
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    Diffracting diffractive readings of texts as methodology: Some propositions.Karin Murris & Vivienne Bozalek - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (14):1504-1517.
    Re-turning to our experiences of putting a diffractive methodology to work ourselves, as well as engaging with the writings of Donna Haraway and Karen Barad, we produce some propositions re...
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    Towards Diffractive Transdisciplinarity: Integrating Gender Knowledge into the Practice of Neuroscientific Research.Katrin Nikoleyczik - 2011 - Neuroethics 5 (3):231-245.
    The current neurosciences contribute to the construction of gender/sex to a high degree. Moreover, the subject of gender/sex differences in cognitive abilities attracts an immense public interest. At the same time, the entanglement of gender and science has been shown in many theoretical and empirical analyses. Although the body of literature is very extensive and differentiated with regards to the dimensions of ‘neuroscience of gender’ and ‘gender in neuroscience’, the feeding back of these findings into the field of neuroscience remains (...)
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  4. Diffraction & Reading Diffractively.Evelien Geerts & Iris van der Tuin - 2021 - Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research 1 (2).
    This short essay presents a critical cartography of the critical new materialist notion and methodology of diffraction.
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  5. The Feminist Futures of Reading Diffractively: How Barad's Methodology Replaces Conflict-based Readings of Beauvoir and Irigaray.Evelien Geerts & Iris van der Tuin - 2016 - Rhizomes 30 (1).
    Quantum leaps happen in texts, too. This reading of the role of the quantum leap in Karen Barad's agential realism is necessary, because arguing that the diffractive reading strategy proposed by Barad's ethico-onto-epistemology mirrors the physical phenomenon of diffraction would indeed be representationalist. Reviewing how Barad—in her own oeuvre—has transformed diffraction into an innovative reading methodology that could not only potentially challenge the epistemological underpinnings of the canonization process that is at work in feminist theory, but could also radically (...)
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  6. Re-vitalizing the American Feminist-Philosophical Classroom: Transformative Academic Experimentations with Diffractive Pedagogies.Evelien Geerts - 2019 - In Carol A. Taylor & Annouchka Bayley, Posthumanism and Higher Education: Reimagining Pedagogy, Practice and Research. Springer Verlag. pp. 123-140.
    This chapter touches upon the damaging impact of neoliberal reason on institutions of higher education, and my efforts as a teacher to help turn things around by re-vitalizing the classroom. After a critique of current neoliberal ‘borderline times’, the chapter takes the reader on a journey of diffractive re-imaginings in which I share some of my experiences of co-learning with undergraduates in an American feminist-philosophical classroom. My central argument is that the neoliberalism-induced crisis in education can be affirmatively counteracted (...)
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    Practice theory and education: diffractive readings in professional practice.Julianne Lynch, Julie Rowlands, Trevor Gale & Andrew Skourdoumbis (eds.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa Business.
    Practice Theory and Education challenges how we think about practice, examining what it means across different fields and sites. It is organised into four themes: discursive practices; practice, change and organisations; practising subjectivity; and professional practice, public policy and education. Contributors to the collection engage and extend practice theory by drawing on the legacies of diverse social and cultural theorists, including Bourdieu, de Certeau, Deleuze and Guattari, Dewey, Latour, Marx, and Vygotsky, and by building on the theoretical trajectories of contemporary (...)
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  8. “A Different Starting Point, a Different Metaphysics”: Reading Bergson and Barad Diffractively.Iris Van Der Tuin - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (1):22 - 42.
    This article provides an affirmative feminist reading of the philosophy of Henri Bergson by reading it through the work of Karen Barad. Adopting such a diffractive reading strategy enables feminist philosophy to move beyond discarding Bergson for his apparent phallocentrism. Feminist philosophy finds itself double bound when it critiques a philosophy for being phallocentric, because the setup of a master narrative comes into being with the critique. By negating a gender-blind or sexist philosophy, feminist philosophy only reaffirms its parameters, (...)
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  9.  28
    Wild Swimming Methodologies for Decolonial Feminist Justice-to-Come Scholarship.Vivienne Bozalek & Tamara Shefer - 2022 - Feminist Review 130 (1):26-43.
    This article thinks with oceans and swimming, in dialogue with decolonial feminist materialist approaches and other current novel methodologies which foreground embodiment and relational ontologies, in order to consider the conceptual potential of such diffractions for the project of alternative scholarly practices. We focus on swimming in the sea as one form of wild methodology and Slow scholarship that draws on hauntology to think about the possibilities of such methodologies for troubling normative academic practices directed at different ways (...)
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  10.  17
    Material Feminisms: New Directions for Education.Carol A. Taylor & Gabrielle Ivinson (eds.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    _Material Feminisms: New Directions for Education_ provides a range of powerful theoretical and innovative methodological examples to illuminate how new material feminism can be put to work in education to open up new avenues of research design and practice. It poses challenging questions about the nature of knowledge production, the role of the researcher, and the critical endeavour arising from inter- and post-disciplinarity. Working with diffractive methodologies and new materialist ecological epistemologies, the book offers resources for hope which (...)
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  11.  8
    Postdigital play and global education: reconfiguring research.Kerryn Dixon - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Karin Murris, Joanne Peers, T. Giorza & Chanique Lawrence.
    Postdigital Play and Global Education: Reconfiguring Research is a re-turn to a large-scale, international project on children's digital play. Adopting postqualitative and posthumanist theories, research practices are reconfigured, all the way down from what counts as 'data', 'tools', 'instruments', 'transcription', research sites', 'researchers', to notions of responsibility and accountability in qualitative research. Through a series of vignettes involving complex human and more-than-human collaborators (e.g., GoPros, octopus, avatars, diaries, sack ball, LEGO bricks), the authors challenge who and what can be playful (...)
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  12.  26
    Kollektivität in und durch cON/fflating spaces: Acht Thesen zu Verschränkungen, multiplen Historizitäten und Intra-Aktionen in sozio-materiell-technologischen (Alltags-)Räumen.Andrea Markl, Belinda Mahlknecht & Tabea Bork-Hüffer - 2020 - Zeitschrift Für Kultur- Und Kollektivwissenschaft 6 (2):131-170.
    In the past 15 years, influential concepts from geography, social, cultural and communication studies have been proposed that conceptualize (everyday) space in the digital age - such as the concepts of 'code/space', 'datafied space', 'atmospheres' and 'hybrid spaces'. These deliver important contributions to theorizing the active role of data, codes, and algorithms, as well as bodies, embodiment, and affects in producing space. Yet, they consider less the role of practices, social intra-actions and difference, as well as more-than-human actants and contexts (...)
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    Epistemic Caring: An Ethical Approach for the Co-Constitution of Knowledge in Participatory Research Practice.Katharina Block - forthcoming - Social Epistemology.
    Inspired by interviews conducted with scientists who primarily use participatory research forms, the article develops the concept of epistemic caring as a proposal for a participatory research practice that is sensitive for epistemological difference and the associated consequences. Based on the observation that participatory research has so far hardly been able to produce an equal co-constitution of knowledge, the article points out epistemological pitfalls that exist in it and analyses two specific concepts as examples of the risk of problematic epistemological (...)
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  14.  47
    Materialist Philosophies Grounded in the Here And Now: Critical New Materialist Constellations & Interventions in Times Of Terror(ism).Evelien Geerts - 2019 - Dissertation, University of California, Santa Cruz
    This dissertation, located at the crossroads of Continental political philosophy, feminist theory, critical theory, intellectual history, and cultural studies, provides a critical cartography of contemporary new materialist thought in its various constellations and assemblages, while using diffractive theorizing to examine two Continental terror(ist) events. It is argued that such a critical cartography is not only a novel but also much needed undertaking, as we, more than almost two decades after the Habermas-Derrida dialogues on terror(ism), are in need of a (...)
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  15.  58
    Bergson before Bergsonism: Traversing “Bergson’s Failing” in Susanne K. Langer’s Philosophy of Art.Iris van der Tuin - 2016 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 24 (2):176-202.
    How did the philosophy of Henri Bergson look before Gilles Deleuze’s Bergsonism? This article provides a situated answer to that question by performing a close reading of Susanne K. Langer’s early engagement with Bergson in her monograph Feeling and Form from 1953. Both Bergson and Langer argue against polemical philosophizing. Such polemical modes of doing philosophy distort insight into the thought of the philosophers in question and in philosophical questions per se. My reading of Langer’s Bergson is therefore infused with (...)
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  16.  9
    Towards a posthuman theory of educational relationality.Simon Ceder - 2018 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Towards a Posthuman Theory of Educational Relationality critically reads the intersubjective theories on educational relations and uses a posthuman approach to ascribe agency relationally to humans and nonhumans alike. The book introduces the concept of ‘educational relationality’ and contains examples of nonhuman elements of technology and animals, putting educational relationality and other concepts into context as part of the philosophical investigation. Drawing on educational and posthuman theorists, it answers questions raised in ongoing debates regarding the roles of students and teachers (...)
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  17.  8
    Relativizing Newton.Ramzi Suleiman - 2020 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    Relativizing Newton" is a first step towards a simple and beautiful theory of everything. The theory, termed "Information Relativity" (IR) takes a novel approach to physics that overlooks all post-Newtonian physics. It stands on the shoulders of Newtonian dynamics, but modifies it by accounting for the time-travel of information from one reference-frame to another, a fact which somehow was ignored by Galileo Galilee and Isaac Newton, and which remained ill-treated by the all post-Newtonian theories, including Einstein's relativity and quantum theories. (...)
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  18.  15
    Crash Theory: Entrapments of Conservation Drones and Endangered Megafauna.Adam Fish - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (2):425-451.
    Drones deployed to monitor endangered species often crash. These crashes teach us that using drones for conservation is a contingent practice ensnaring humans, technologies, and animals. This article advances a crash theory in which pilots, conservation drones, and endangered megafauna are relata, or related actants, that intra-act, cocreating each other and a mutually constituted phenomena. These phenomena are entangled, with either reciprocal dependencies or erosive entrapments. The crashing of conservation drones and endangered species requires an ethics of care, repair, or (...)
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  19.  23
    Connectivity in times of control: writing/undoing/unpacking/acting out power performances.Olga Cielemęcka, Beatriz Revelles-Benavente & Whitney Stark - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (4):447-464.
    In this collectively written article, the authors interrogate contemporary power constellations that run between control and connectivity. Regimes of individualism, hierarchies of assumed classifications and imperialistic subjectivities sustain the basis for political control that organises connections and divisions used to justify hierarchical dominations and distributions. This makes anti-oppression practices that value differing forms of connectivity and intra-dependence (between humans, more than humans, disciplines, all things considered to be of different bodies) nearly unimaginable. The authors offer/reconfigure/understand connectivity as a practice acting (...)
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  20.  23
    On archives, on an archive. The “Foucault exception”?Arianna Sforzini - 2020 - Aisthesis. Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 13 (2):119-129.
    Is there a specificity peculiar to the “Foucault archives” that makes them a sensitive object for philosophical and critical thought today? Can we use the “Foucault case” to reflect more broadly on the question of the philosophical archive / archives – what does the creation of archives for philosophers imply in terms of the reception and re-actualisation of their thought? In this article, we will start with a description of the multiple Foucault archives existing today and the history of their (...)
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  21.  53
    ‘Seeing’ with/in the world: Becoming-little.Theresa Magdalen Giorza & Karin Murris - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:01-23.
    Critical posthumanism is an invitation to think differently about knowledge and educational relationality between humans and the more-than-human. This philosophical and political shift in subjectivity builds on, and is entangled with, poststructuralism and phenomenology. In this paper we read diffractively through one another the theories of Finnish architect Juhani Pallasmaa and feminist posthumanists Karen Barad and Rosi Braidotti. We explore the implications of the so-called ‘ontological turn’ for early childhood education. With its emphasis on a moving away from the dominant (...)
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  22.  30
    Towards an understanding of metacognition(ing) through an agential realism framework.Anat Wilson - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (9):1397-1407.
    Educational research in metacognition is based predominantly on a positivist paradigm and empirical epistemological assumptions about human cognition and its investigation. Following recent calls for greater methodological diversity, this paper critically examines the possibility of studying metacognition in education through Karen Barad’s ethico-onto-epistemological framework. In coining the term metacognition, five new propositioning are theorised: metacognition involves a practice of dynamic material configuration of entanglements in which human cognition takes part; meta is inseparable from everything that occurs, relates and emerges in (...)
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  23.  49
    Digital sovereignty, digital infrastructures, and quantum horizons.Geoff Gordon - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (1):125-137.
    This article holds that governmental investments in quantum technologies speak to the imaginable futures of digital sovereignty and digital infrastructures, two major areas of change driven by related technologies like AI and Big Data, among other things, in international law today. Under intense development today for future interpolation into digital systems that they may alter, quantum technologies occupy a sort of liminal position, rooted in existing assemblages of computational technologies while pointing to new horizons for them. The possibilities they raise (...)
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  24. Bergson and Derrida: A Question of Writing Time as Philosophy’s Other.Daniel Alipaz - 2011 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 19 (2):96-120.
    Following the 1988 publication of Bergsonism by Gilles Deleuze, many contemporary critics such as Leonard Lawlor and Paul Douglass have re-contextualized Bergson within poststructuralism. In so doing, Bergsonian theory enables us to readdress questions associated with concepts of temporality and their relation to language. In considering this re-appropriation, Suzanne Guerlac in Thinking in Time: an introduction to Henri Bergson (2006), asks why Bergson has never been considered in relation to Derrida, given that the two philosophers share fundamental concerns about time (...)
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    Impossible evolutions: textillic thinking with machine learning models.Kate Geck - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-16.
    This paper discusses the creative project ‘Impossible Evolutions’, which uses generative machine learning models in the design of woven tapestries. This project is used as a conduit to unfold highly relational ways of thinking about the entanglements of human and machine assemblages within generative artificial intelligence. The project leverages interconnected ecological stories and the language of textiles to provide novel perspectives on the emerging relations between human and machine intelligences. The project uses Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and diffusion models to (...)
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  26.  17
    How Standpoint Methodology Informs.Methodology Informs - 2003 - In Stephen P. Turner & Paul Andrew Roth, The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 11--291.
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  27. International union of history and philosophy of science uppsala university.Methodology Logic - 1990 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 21:401-403.
  28. Scientific Methodologies in Medieval Islam.Jon McGinnis - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (3):307-327.
    : The present study considers Ibn Sînâ's (Lat. Avicenna) account of induction (istiqra') and experimentation (tajriba). For Ibn Sînâ induction purportedly provided the absolute, necessary and certain first principles of a science. Ibn Sînâ criticized induction, arguing that it can neither guarantee the necessity nor provide the primitiveness required of first principles. In it place, Ibn Sînâ developed a theory of experimentation, which avoids the pitfalls of induction by not providing absolute, but conditional, necessary and certain first principles. The theory (...)
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  29.  65
    Methodologies of Curiosity: Epistemology, Practice, and the Question of Animal Minds.Yogi Hale Hendlin - 2019 - Biosemiotics 12 (2):349-356.
    Umwelt theory has finally come of age. The paradigm-breaking power of Jakob vonUexküll’s technical term, after decades of inquiry by scholars such as Merleau-Ponty(1962) and Kauffman (1993) has become part of the vernacular of animal studies, psychology, sociology, and other scientific domains (Buchanan 2008; Lahti 2015;Stevens et al. 2018). The newfound fame of the Umwelt frame, however, is as much a boon to the field of biosemiotics as it is a burden, due to the usual serial misinterpretation and cooptation that (...)
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  30.  79
    A Critical Review of Methodologies and Results in Recent Research on Belief in Free Will.Esthelle Ewusi-Boisvert & Eric Racine - 2017 - Neuroethics 11 (1):97-110.
    There might be value in examining the phenomenon of free will, without attempting to solve the debate surrounding its existence. Studies have suggested that diminishing belief in free will increases cheating behavior and that basic physiological states such as appetite diminish free will. These findings, if robust, could have important philosophical and ethical implications. Accordingly, we aimed to critically review methodologies and results in the body of literature that speaks to the two following questions: whether certain factors can change (...)
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  31.  9
    David S. Law1.V. Methodological Possibilities & Can Constitutions Be - 2010 - In Peter Cane & Herbert M. Kritzer, The Oxford handbook of empirical legal research. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  32. Methodologies for identifying the neural correlates of consciousness.Geraint Rees & Christopher D. Frith - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider, The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
  33. (1 other version)Methodologies for identifying the neural correlates of consciousness.Geraint Rees & Chris Frith - 2007 - In Max Velmans & Susan Schneider, The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 551--566.
  34. Two Methodologies for Evaluating Intellectualism.Ephraim Glick - 2011 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 83 (2):398-434.
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  35.  20
    Data Properties or Analytical Methodologies: Too Much Attention to the Former Ignores Concerns About the Latter.Mathias Brochhausen & D. Micah Hester - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (12):70-72.
    The paper by Dupras and Bunnik is a useful addition to the literature on privacy in regards to datasets of human tissue/materials. In particular, the paper addresses import...
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  36.  41
    Methodologies and communities in comparative philosophy.Stephen C. Angle - 2024 - Metaphilosophy 55 (3):423-439.
    There is considerable disagreement and even confusion over what forms of border‐crossing philosophizing are most appropriate to our times. Are comparative, cross‐cultural, intercultural, blended, and fusion philosophy all the same thing? Some critics find what they call “comparative philosophy” to be moribund or problematically colonialist; others assert that projects like “fusion philosophy” are intellectually irresponsible and colonialist in their own way. Can we nonetheless identify a distinctive project of comparative philosophy and say why it is important? Based on a broad (...)
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  37. Differentiation of instructional methodologies in social studies at the secondary level.E. W. Hootstein - 1999 - Journal of Social Studies Research 23:11-16.
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    Integrating qualitative research methodologies and phenomenology—using dancers’ and athletes’ experiences for phenomenological analysis.Susanne Ravn - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (1):107-127.
    This paper sets out from the hypothesis that the embodied competences and expertise which characterise dance and sports activities have the potential to constructively challenge and inform phenomenological thinking. While pathological cases present experiences connected to tangible bodily deviations, the specialised movement practices of dancers and athletes present experiences which put our everyday experiences of being a moving body into perspective in a slightly different sense. These specialised experiences present factual variations of how moving, sensing and interacting can be like (...)
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    Integrating enactive and intercorporeal approaches to interaction and interaction analysis: D/deaf persons and animals. In search of the ‘in-between’ and adequate methodologies.Anne Gelhardt - 2021 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia:97-105.
    How does understanding occur in encounters of living beings? What is experienced by the interaction partners and what happens in the ‘In-Between’? And how can this be captured? In this paper an enactive approach to interaction is proposed with the focus on reciprocal inter-corporeal attunement and co-creation of meaning in a specific environment. As alternative framework this approach is applied to the interaction of d/Deaf persons and animals. In the interaction with an animal, verbal communication – which is challenging for (...)
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    Active Methodologies in Higher Education: Perception and Opinion as Evaluated by Professors and Their Students in the Teaching-Learning Process.Emilio Crisol-Moya, María Asunción Romero-López & María Jesús Caurcel-Cara - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Appraisal of certain methodologies in cognitive science based on Lakatos’s methodology of scientific research programmes.Haydar Oğuz Erdin - 2020 - Synthese 199 (Suppl 1):89-112.
    Attempts to apply the mathematical tools of dynamical systems theory to cognition in a systematic way has been well under way since the early 90s and has been recognised as a “third contender” to computationalist and connectionist approaches :441–463, 1996). Nevertheless, it was also realised that such an application will not lead to a solid paradigm as straightforwardly as was initially hoped. In this paper I explicate a method for assessing such proposals by drawing upon Lakatos’s Criticism and the growth (...)
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  42.  69
    Methodologies of Travel: William James and the Ambulatory Pragmatism of Bruno Latour.Bonnie Sheehey - 2019 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 33 (4):571-589.
    In a 2006 interview, Bruno Latour, distancing himself from the French philosopher Alain Badiou, casually remarks, “I’m the only French pragmatist, so it winds up that I have absolutely no contact with the French”. Latour’s remark is curious insofar as the work performed by the coupling reveals his own dissociation of French philosophy with pragmatism. If Latour is French, he cannot possibly be a pragmatist, but if he is a pragmatist, he cannot possibly be French, so better to refer to (...)
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  43. Collaborative Research Methodologies: A Quest for Better Engagement and Results Oriented Findings Within the Institutions of Higher Learning.Colby Kumwenda - manuscript
    The expression ‘a university without research is a dignified high school’ is becoming a both local and global concern in the academia. The purpose of this paper is to assess the extent to which collaborative research methodologies can enhance integration of faculties of arts and humanities in the universities in Malawi for knowledge development and transfer. It has been argued over and over that universities are spotlighted by their outstanding work in research, developing and sharing ideas, new inventions and (...)
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  44. Researching teaching: Methodologies and practices for understanding pedagogy.J. Loughran - 2000 - British Journal of Educational Studies 48 (3):320-322.
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  45. Comparative Dialectics: Nishida Kitaro's Logic of Place and Western Dialectical Thought By GS Axtell Philosophy East and West Vol. 41, No. 2 (April 1991). [REVIEW]I. I. Methodological & Ontological Materialism - 1991 - Philosophy East and West 41 (2):163-184.
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    Transforming Research Methodologies in EU Life Sciences and Biomedicine: Gender-Sensitive Ways of Doing Research.Mineke Bosch & Ineke Klinge - 2005 - European Journal of Women's Studies 12 (3):377-395.
    This article describes how methodologies of EU-funded research within the life sciences and biomedicine have recently become more gender sensitive. This transformation is the result of the Gender Impact Assessments of the EU Fifth Framework Programme, commissioned in 2000-1. The authors assessed the research programme for life sciences, which includes a large health-related component. The new guidelines for research emphasize the need for clear terminology for concepts of sex and gender and for a distinction to be made between the (...)
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    Do the writing methodologies of Greco-Roman historians have an impact on Luke’s writing order?Benjamin W. W. Fung, Aida B. Spencer & Francois P. Viljoen - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3):10.
    Luke in the preface of his Gospel says that he is going to write ‘in an orderly account’ (Lk 1:3). However, scholars have no consensus about the kind of order Luke is seeking. Many believe that Luke writes as a historian. Because Greco-Roman historians seem to have a practice to indicate in their prefaces the writing methodologies of their writings, this article aims to ascertain Luke’s writing order through a comparison of Luke’s two prefaces with those in the writings (...)
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  48. Unfolding non-audist methodologies in music research : signing hip hop artist Signmark and becoming Deaf with music.Taru Leppèanen - 2017 - In Pirkko Moisala, Taru Leppänen, Milla Tiainen & Hanna Väätäinen, Musical encounters with Deleuze and Guattari. New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
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  49. Language comprehension, methodologies for studying.Matthew S. Starr & Keith Rayner - 2003 - In L. Nadel, Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Nature Publishing Group.
  50. Antiquité classique et méthodologies de l'imaginaire : un dialogue fécond.Joël Thomas - 2011 - In Yves Durand, Jean-Pierre Sironneau & Alberto Filipe Araújo, Variations sur l'imaginaire: l'épistémologie ouverte de Gilbert Durand: orientations et innovations. Bruxelles: E.M.E..
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