Results for 'Diego Torres'

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  1.  20
    A Damage Classification Approach for Structural Health Monitoring Using Machine Learning.Diego Tibaduiza, Miguel Ángel Torres-Arredondo, Jaime Vitola, Maribel Anaya & Francesc Pozo - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-14.
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  2. Las aventuras de la inmanencia: ensayos sobre Spinoza.Diego Tatián & Sebastian Torres (eds.) - 2002 - [Córdoba, Argentina: Universidad Nacional de Cordoba.
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  3. Roberto Bolaño mató a Carmen, y nosotros lo pillamos.Carlos-Germán van der Linde, Lina María Rosales, Demetrios Pashalides, Diego Pulgarín, Johanna Torres & Pedro Remolina - 2008 - Logos (La Salle) 13:99-113.
    El siguiente documento es el resultado de un seminario de investigación sobre novela policíaca latinoamericana reciente, desarrollado en el curso de Novela Latinoamericana, de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras en la Universidad de La Salle. La fundamentación teórica del seminario tuvo como marco general la Estética de la Recepción fundada en la Escuela de Constanza, Alemania, por Hans Robert Jauss y Wolfgang Iser. Para el caso concreto de la teoría literaria sobre novela policíaca vista en perspectiva sociológica, preferimos apelar (...)
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  4. Estudios culturales Y estudios sobre lo cultural reflexiones sobre su producción reciente en colombia.Diego H. Árias Gómez & Elizabeth Torres Puentes - 2010 - Revista Aletheia 2 (2).
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  5. Acciones empresariales estratégicas: el diálogo con los stakeholders.Diego Torres - 2009 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 79:118-121.
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    Machine learning for electric energy consumption forecasting: Application to the Paraguayan system.Félix Morales-Mareco, Miguel García-Torres, Federico Divina, Diego H. Stalder & Carlos Sauer - 2024 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 32 (6):1048-1072.
    In this paper we address the problem of short-term electric energy prediction using a time series forecasting approach applied to data generated by a Paraguayan electricity distribution provider. The dataset used in this work contains data collected over a three-year period. This is the first time that these data have been used; therefore, a preprocessing phase of the data was also performed. In particular, we propose a comparative study of various machine learning and statistical strategies with the objective of predicting (...)
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  7. Self-existing objects and auto-generated information in chronology-violating space-times: A philosophical discussion.Gustavo E. Romero & Diego F. Torres - 2001 - Modern Physics Letters A 16 (19):1213-1222.
    Closed time-like curves (CTCs) naturally appear in a variety of chronology-violating space{times. In these space{times, the principle of self-consistency demands a harmony between local and global a airs that excludes grandfather-like paradoxes. However, selfexisting objects trapped in CTCs are not seemingly avoided by the standard interpretation of this principle, usually constrained to a dynamical framework. In this letter we discuss whether we are committed to accept an ontology with self-existing objects if CTCs actually occur in the universe. In addition, the (...)
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    (Not So) Dangerous Liaisons: A Framework for Evaluating Collaborative Research Projects.Pinar Oztop, Frank Loesche, Diego S. Maranan, Kathryn B. Francis, Vaibhav Tyagi & Ilaria Torre - 2017 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (T):167-179.
    With advances in research environments and the accompanying increase in the complexity of research projects, the range of skills required to carry out research calls for an increase in interdisciplinary and collaborative work. CogNovo, a doctoral training program for 25 PhD students, provided a unique opportunity to observe and analyze collaborative processes. We propose a process-oriented framework for understanding research collaborations along two dimensions: interpersonal and project-related. To illustrate the utility of this process-oriented framework, we apply the framework matrix to (...)
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    Ayuso Torres, Miguel, et. al. ¿El derecho natural contra el derecho natural? Historia y balance de un problema, Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2024. [REVIEW]Diego Fierro Rodríguez - 2024 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 52:121-126.
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    The City and Its Limits. The Demarcation of the Political in Cornelius Castoriadis.Diego Sebastián Garrocho Salcedo - 2020 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 9 (16):65-82.
    De las muchas virtudes que caben reconocerse en el pensamiento de Cornelius Castoriadis nunca podrá eludirse el valor de su singular aproximación a lo que vino en denominarse “la experiencia griega”. En este artículo trataremos de acompañar su original lectura de la Grecia antigua, retomando la pertinencia y la exactitud con la que Castoriadis se sirvió de la pólis griega para justificar algunos matices velados de nuestras intuiciones políticas. En nuestra exposición trataremos de alinearnos con su original perspectiva, sirviéndonos esencialmente (...)
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    (1 other version)Contingency of action, spatiality of conflict. Encounters and disagreements between Arendt and Merleau-Ponty.Diego Paredes Goicochea - 2017 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 6 (10):51-73.
    The purpose of this article is to discuss the connection between Arendt and Merleau-Ponty’s political thought based on the relation between the contingency of action and the spatiality of conflict. Even though the shared concern for developing a phenomenology of action institutes a common ground between their theories, I intend to show that there are significant philosophical differences when it comes to their understanding of conflict and the space in which it unfolds. Although both authors approach the question of action (...)
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    Revolución educativa y teoría político-pedagógica en Paulo Freire.Diego Morollón del Río - 2023 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 12 (2):219-227.
    Paulo Freire ha sido reconocido como uno de los pedagogos más importantes del siglo XX, sin embargo, su obra va más allá de la pedagogía en diversos aspectos. La vinculación de sus textos con situaciones políticas de transición o de transformación en diversos lugares del mundo como Pernambuco, Brasil o Guinea-Bisáu, antigua colonia de Portugal en África, nos hacen notar una transversalidad de su teoría que bascula hacia la filosofía política y la sociología. En este artículo se constata cómo en (...)
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  13. Duhamel, Jérémie . Les Vertus de la liberté. Machiavel et la critique de la domination. Paris, Francia: Classiques Garnier. 198 pp. [REVIEW]Diego Vernazza - 2017 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 6 (10):281-284.
    Los golpes de la historia parecieran, en los últimos tiempos, endurecerse. O es quizá la manera insistente que tienen de amontonarse, uno tras otro, la que los vuelve más agudos. Entretanto, hay respiros, y preguntas. Sobre cómo actuar políticamente en este contexto, sobre cómo sostener la apuesta por la igualdad democrática en un mundo que frente al caos se debate entre la restauración y el conformismo. En eso y mucho más pensé al leer el libro de Jérémie Duhamel, Les vertus (...)
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    Sancho Gargallo, Ignacio (Coord.) (2024). La incidencia de los sesgos cognitivos en el enjuiciamiento. Tirant lo Blanch, 260 páginas. [REVIEW]Diego Fierro Rodríguez - 2025 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 14 (1):215-216.
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  15. Discords of the common. On the places of conflict.Fjeld Anders & Goicochea Diego Paredes - 2017 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 6 (10):9-19.
    En esta introducción, enunciamos algunas de las preguntas principales que surgen de la reflexión sobre los lugares del conflicto en la filosofía política. Apoyándonos en los artículos del dossier, nos centramos, por un lado, en las interrogaciones referidas al topos de la política, en particular, en los rasgos distintivos de los espacios de conflictividad, sus condiciones, configuraciones y riesgos. Por otro lado, en los desafíos que imponen al pensamiento filosófico la elección de ciertos lugares concretos del conflicto o la preferencia (...)
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    Expósito, Enriqueta (2021). Deliberación y participación ciudadana. Derechos e instrumentos en el ordenamiento constitucional. Marcial Pons. 205 páginas. [REVIEW]Diego Monzó de la Rosa - 2024 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13 (2):235-238.
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    Componentes éticos en El arte de la guerra.Jean-Jacques Marchand & Diego Alejandro Fernández Peychaux - 2022 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 11 (2):233-242.
    Aunque la cuestión de la licitud de la guerra no se plantee para Maquiavelo, como no lo hace para la mayoría de los pensadores italianos de principios del siglo XVI, el componente ético no está ausente de la reflexión maquiaveliana en El arte de la guerra. De hecho, junto al aspecto técnico de la creación de una milicia de ordenanza y sus diversos modos de combatir en el campo, sin embargo, se encuentran estrechamente vinculadas a los requisitos políticos de una (...)
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    Universidad, cuerpo y general intellect: Notas para un análisis materialista del trabajo en la economía política del conocimiento contemporánea.Martín Fleitas González, Agustín Aranco Bagnasco, Diego Castro, Facundo Correa Parodi, Abril Estades & Lucas Gili Taccari - 2025 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 14 (1):87-98.
    El artículo aborda la función material que ocupa en nuestro tiempo la universidad, y dentro de ella las humanidades, en relación con la generación, apropiación y fiscalización del saber. Para ello se abordan sus contemporáneas formas de corporativización, precarización laboral, mercantilización y burocratización, y se elabora un marco teórico materialista que permite analizarlas en relación con las estructuras vigentes de producción capitalista. El marco teórico es estructurado con base en los conceptos de general intellect (Karl Marx), cuerpo y técnica (Paolo (...)
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  19. Editorial: The Hobbesian Revolution.Gustavo Castel de Lucas & Diego A. Fernández Peychaux - 2016 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 5 (9):9-29.
    Proponemos una lectura de la obra de Hobbes como revolución, como ruptura radical con el pensamiento de la tradición dominante: ruptura, que lo es en casi todos los ámbitos, pero sobre todo en el del pensamiento político, moral y jurídico. Sugerimos, además, que esa radical ruptura sigue manteniendo elementos vivos y útiles para pensar la política hoy.
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  20. El ascetismo de D. Diego de Torres Villarroel.José Lamano Beneite - 1912 - Ciencia Tomista 5:22-47.
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  21. Reseña de Diego Sánchez Meca, El itinerario intelectual de Nietzsche. [REVIEW]Carlota Gómez Herrera - 2020 - la Torre Del Virrey, Revista de Estudios Culturales 28.
    Recién inaugurado el siglo XXI, la reflexión del gran filósofo Friedrich Nietzsche inaugura una labor de deconstrucción de la tradición occidental. Diego Sánchez Meca, catedrático de filosofía contemporánea de la UNED y autor de la obra El itinerario intelectual de Nietzsche, trata de recopilar no solo la poliédrica configuración primera desde la que el gran filósofo engendra sus primeros años de formación, sino que también lleva a cabo un trabajo organizativo con el fin de revelar las bases formativas que (...)
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    Griffiths, Ryan D., and Muro, Diego (eds.) (2020). Strategies of Secession and Counter-Secession. ECPR Press. 244 pages. [REVIEW]Marc Sanjaume-Calvet - 2021 - Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy 10 (18):279-284.
    The book Strategies of Secession and Counter-Secession edited by professors Ryan D. Grifiths and Diego Muro is a major and necessary contribution to the study of secessionism. The book should be read not only by scholars and students of territorial politics but by practitioners and political actors too. The chapters gathered in this volume offer useful reflections to understand this global phenomenon.
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  23. Emilio Uranga and Jorge Portilla on Accidentality as a Decolonial Tool.Juan Garcia Torres - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (1):55-80.
    Call ‘a substance’ a person who is at home in a relatively stable and unified sense-making framework: a social structure that to some degree specifies which categories are important for interpreting reality, which goals are worth pursing, which character traits are admirable, etc. Call ‘an accident’ a person who is not at home in one such framework. It is tempting to think that being a substance is preferable, but I present some considerations for thinking otherwise. Mexican philosophers Emilio Uranga and (...)
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    Skepticism: From Antiquity to the Present.Diego E. Machuca & Baron Reed (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Skepticism: From Antiquity to the Present is an authoritative and up-to-date survey of the entire history of skepticism. Divided chronologically into ancient, medieval, renaissance, modern, and contemporary periods, and featuring 50 specially-commissioned chapters from leading philosophers, this comprehensive volume is the first of its kind.
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    Data complexity of query answering in description logics.Diego Calvanese, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Domenico Lembo, Maurizio Lenzerini & Riccardo Rosati - 2013 - Artificial Intelligence 195 (C):335-360.
  26. The Ethics of Ethnic Identity: Jorge Portilla versus Christine Korsgaard.Juan Garcia Torres - forthcoming - Res Philosophica.
    From the thought of mid-twentieth century Mexican philosopher Jorge Portilla, I develop an account of what I call ‘ethics of ethnic identity,’ which include: a) a set of norms of agency grounded in ethnic identity, or ethnic norms of agency—reasons for action and obligations that spring from a given ethnic identity, and b) a type of normativity governing these ethnic norms of agency. I argue that one of the theoretical advantages of this account is that it fares well with respect (...)
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  27. Leibniz on the Principle of the Best, Optimism, and Divine Freedom.Juan Garcia Torres - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    Leibniz’s account of moral necessity does double heavy-duty: it aims a) to provide explanations of divine choices without rendering these divine choices metaphysically necessary, thus permitting for divine freedom; and b) to ground the conviction that God did the best God could have done in creating the world, or Leibnizian Optimism. I present a novel interpretation of what Leibniz calls ‘the principle of the best’ as a second-order will to do what is best (read de dicto) that grounds a set (...)
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    El Tractatus de Wittgenstein y la incertidumbre radical.Magdalena Holguín de Torres - 2022 - Discusiones Filosóficas 23 (41):141-153.
    En el presente artículo, me centraré únicamente en la ontología del Tractatus porque, a pesar de ser uno de los temas que abandona después de 1930, tiene dos aspectos que quisiera resaltar de manera especial: su carácter relacional, y su afirmación de la contingencia del mundo. Considero que ambos son de interés en sí mismos por su carácter inédito, pero creo, además, que es posible establecer sugerentes relaciones entre ellos y algunas posiciones contemporáneas, tanto de las ciencias naturales como de (...)
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    F. Martínez marzoa, desconocida raíz común.María José De Torres - 1991 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 17:80.
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    Ignacio IZUZQUIZA, Guía paa el estudio de la filosofía. Referencias y métodos.Carmen De Torres Gómez-Pallete - 1988 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 14:140.
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    On The Importance of The Peripeteia in Tragedy.Olivia Delgado de Torres - 1972 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 1 (1):24-35.
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  32. Plato's "Parmenides": An Introduction.Olivia Delgado De Torres - 1980 - Dissertation, New School for Social Research
    The entire Platonic corpus is a setting forth, variously, of the theory of ideas as an answer to the problem of significant speech: how is it possible to assign stable definitions and names to unstable sensible phenomena? As an answer, the theory is anything but neat and tidy because it raises more question. The Parmenides is explicitly about the ideas and thus most appropriately in its speeches as well as its dialogic deeds it raises more questions than it answers. Its (...)
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  33. Reflections on Patriarchy and the Rebellion of Daughters in Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice and Othello.Olivia Delgado de Torres - 1994 - Interpretation 21 (3):333-351.
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    Los marañones Y la polémica de la conquista: Retórica E ideas políticas en la carta de lope de aguirre a Felipe II.Julián Díez Torres - 2011 - Alpha (Osorno) 33:201-214.
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  35. Teoría del Conocimiento Pedagógico. Estructura, forma y relaciones.Juan Manuel Díaz-Torres (ed.) - 2019 - Berlín, Alemania: Editorial Académica Española.
    La presente obra culmina un análisis pedagógico ajustado a lo que su propia naturaleza le exige, y que no es otra cosa que rigor, coherencia, adaptabilidad y altura de miras. De la misma manera que las cicatrices personales, siendo un indicativo de la existencia que hemos sobrellevado, no deciden nuestro destino, los contextos pueden condicionar concepciones, ideas, perspectivas, creencias y anhelos, pero nunca los determinan unívocamente. La finalidad de la educación ha de ser elevar, no complacer, armonizando lo firme y (...)
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  36. Life Embodied: The Promise of Vital Force in Spanish Modernity.Nicolás Fernández-Medina - 2018 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    The concept of vital force – the immanent energy that promotes the processes of life in the body and in nature – has proved a source of endless fascination and controversy. Indeed, the question of what vitalizes the body has haunted humanity since antiquity, and became even more pressing during the Scientific Revolution and beyond. Examining the complexities and theories about vital force in Spanish modernity, Nicolás Fernández-Medina's Life Embodied offers a novel and provocative assessment of the question of bodily (...)
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  37. Editor's Introduction.Diego E. Machuca - 2012 - In Disagreement and skepticism. New York: Routledge.
    In this introductory chapter, I first offer an overview of the two themes addressed in the present collection - namely, disagreement and skepticism - and their connection, then present the purpose and content of the volume.
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  38. Pyrrhonism, Inquiry, and Rationality.Diego E. Machuca - 2013 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 34 (1):201-228.
    In this paper, I critically engage with Casey Perin's interpretation of Sextan Pyrrhonism in his book, The Demands of Reason: An Essay on Pyrrhonian Scepticism. From an approach that is both exegetical and systematic, I explore a number of issues concerning the Pyrrhonist's inquiry into truth, his alleged commitment to the canons of rationality, and his response to the apraxia objection.
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  39. (1 other version)Pyrrhonism and the Law of Non-Contradiction.Diego E. Machuca - 2011 - In Pyrrhonism in Ancient, Modern, and Contemporary Philosophy. Springer.
    The question of whether the Pyrrhonist adheres to certain logical principles, criteria of justification, and inference rules is of central importance for the study of Pyrrhonism. Its significance lies in that, whereas the Pyrrhonist describes his philosophical stance and argues against the Dogmatists by means of what may be considered a rational discourse, adherence to any such principles, criteria, and rules does not seem compatible with the radical character of his skepticism. Hence, if the Pyrrhonist does endorse them, one must (...)
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  40. Leibniz on Innocent Individual Concepts and Metaphysical Contingency.Juan Garcia Torres - 2024 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 41 (1):73-94.
    Leibniz claims that for every possible substance S there is an individual concept that includes predicates describing everything that will ever happen to S, if S existed. Many commentators have thought that this leads Leibniz to think that all properties are had essentially, and thus that it is not metaphysically possible for substances to be otherwise than the way their individual concept has them as being. I argue against this common way of reading Leibniz’s views on the metaphysics of modality. (...)
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    Sweet Tension and its Phenomenological Description: Sport, Intersubjectivity and Horizon.Douglas W. McLaughlin & Cesar R. Torres - 2011 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 5 (3):270 - 284.
    In this paper, we argue that a rich phenomenological description of ?sweet tension? is an important step to understanding how and why sport is a meaningful human endeavour. We introduce the phenomenological concepts of intersubjectivity and horizon and elaborate how they inform the study and understanding of human experience. In the process, we establish that intersubjectivity is always embodied, developing and ethically committed. Likewise, we establish that our horizons are experienced from an embodied, developing and ethically committed perspective that serves (...)
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    Work schedule flexibility and teleworking were not good together during COVID-19 when testing their effects on work overload and mental health.Jesús Yeves, Mariana Bargsted & Cristian Torres-Ochoa - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has driven organizations to implement various flexible work arrangements. Due to a lack of longitudinal studies, there is currently no consensus in specialized literature regarding the consequences of flexible work arrangements on employee mental health, as well any long term potential impacts. Using the Job Demand-Resource Model, this study documents consequences of the implementation of two types of flexible work arrangement: work schedule flexibility and teleworking on employee mental health over time, and the mediating role played by (...)
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    The Three Social Dimensions of Chatbot Technology.Mauricio Figueroa-Torres - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 38 (1):1-23.
    The development and deployment of chatbot technology, while spanning decades and employing different techniques, require innovative frameworks to understand and interrogate their functionality and implications. A mere technocentric account of the evolution of chatbot technology does not fully illuminate how conversational systems are embedded in societal dynamics. This study presents a structured examination of chatbots across three societal dimensions, highlighting their roles as objects of scientific research, commercial instruments, and agents of intimate interaction. Through furnishing a dimensional framework for the (...)
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    Matrix iterations and Cichon’s diagram.Diego Alejandro Mejía - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (3-4):261-278.
    Using matrix iterations of ccc posets, we prove the consistency with ZFC of some cases where the cardinals on the right hand side of Cichon’s diagram take two or three arbitrary values (two regular values, the third one with uncountable cofinality). Also, mixing this with the techniques in J Symb Log 56(3):795–810, 1991, we can prove that it is consistent with ZFC to assign, at the same time, several arbitrary regular values on the left hand side of Cichon’s diagram.
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  45. Pencils Have a Point: Against General Externalism About Artifactual Words.Diego Marconi - 2013 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 4 (3):497-513.
    Externalism about artifactual words requires that (a) members of an artifactual word’s extension share a common nature, i.e. a set of necessary features, and (b) that possession of such features determines the word’s extension independently of whether the linguistic community is aware of them (ignorance) or can accurately describe them (error). However, many common artifactual words appear to be so used that features that are universally shared among members of their extensions are hard to come by, and even fewer can (...)
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  46. A Neo-Pyrrhonian Approach to the Epistemology of Disagreement.Diego E. Machuca - 2012 - In Disagreement and skepticism. New York: Routledge. pp. 66-89.
    This paper approaches the current epistemological debate on peer disagreement from a neo-Pyrrhonian perspective, thus adopting a form of skepticism which is more radical than those discussed in the literature. It makes use of argumentative strategies found in ancient Pyrrhonism both to show that such a debate rests on problematic assumptions and to block some maneuvers intended to offer an efficacious way of settling a considerable number of peer disputes. The essay takes issue with three views held in the peer (...)
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  47. La critique du critère de vérité épicurien chez Sextus Empiricus: un scepticisme sur le monde extérieur?Diego E. Machuca - 2013 - In Stéphane Marchand & Francesco Verde, Épicurisme Et Scepticisme. Roma: Università la Sapienza. pp. 105-127.
    It is generally agreed that one of the key differences between ancient skepticism and modern and contemporary skepticism is that the ancient skeptic does not call into question the existence of the external world, but only our ability to know the properties or qualities of external objects. In this paper, I argue that in Sextus Empiricus's attack on the Epicurean criterion of truth one finds evidence that the ancient Pyrrhonist also suspends judgment about the existence of external objects.
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    Subjective Performance Evaluation and Gender Discrimination.Victor S. Maas & Raquel Torres-González - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (4):667-681.
    Gender discrimination continues to be a problem in organizations. It is therefore important that organizations use performance evaluation methods that ensure equal opportunities for men and women. This article reports the results of an experiment to investigate whether and, if so, how the gender of the rater and that of the ratee moderate the relationship between the level of subjectivity in performance appraisals and organizational attractiveness. Participants in the experiment were 313 undergraduate students. We predicted, and indeed established, that as (...)
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    An Algebraic Study of S5-Modal Gödel Logic.Diego Castaño, Cecilia Cimadamore, José Patricio Díaz Varela & Laura Rueda - 2021 - Studia Logica 109 (5):937-967.
    In this paper we continue the study of the variety \ of monadic Gödel algebras. These algebras are the equivalent algebraic semantics of the S5-modal expansion of Gödel logic, which is equivalent to the one-variable monadic fragment of first-order Gödel logic. We show three families of locally finite subvarieties of \ and give their equational bases. We also introduce a topological duality for monadic Gödel algebras and, as an application of this representation theorem, we characterize congruences and give characterizations of (...)
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    The Many Names of Hong Kong.Diego Busiol - 2012 - Cultura 9 (2):207-226.
    Hong Kong is a peculiar case for the study of cultural practices. One of the most Westernized cities in Asia, Hong Kong is, to many people in China, one ofthe most ‘Chinese’ places in the country. Hong Kong’s no-place situation presents an interesting example of the tensions within and without cultural systems and their relations to language.
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