Results for 'Dichotomous choice'

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  1.  59
    The significance of independent decisions in uncertain dichotomous choice situations.Shmuel Nitzan & Jacob Paroush - 1984 - Theory and Decision 17 (1):47-60.
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    Partial information on decisional competences and the desirability of the expert rule in uncertain dichotomous choice situations.Shmuel Nitzan & Jacob Paroush - 1994 - Theory and Decision 17 (3):275-286.
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    Contextuality and Dichotomizations of Random Variables.Ehtibar N. Dzhafarov & Janne V. Kujala - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 52 (1):1-25.
    The Contextuality-by-Default approach to determining and measuring the (non)contextuality of a system of random variables requires that every random variable in the system be represented by an equivalent set of dichotomous random variables. In this paper we present general principles that justify the use of dichotomizations and determine their choice. The main idea in choosing dichotomizations is that if the set of possible values of a random variable is endowed with a pre-topology (V-space), then the allowable dichotomizations split (...)
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  4. Aggregation of correlated votes and Condorcet’s Jury Theorem.Serguei Kaniovski - 2010 - Theory and Decision 69 (3):453-468.
    This paper proves two theorems for homogeneous juries that arise from different solutions to the problem of aggregation of dichotomous choice. In the first theorem, negative correlation increases the competence of the jury, while positive correlation has the opposite effect. An enlargement of the jury with positive correlation can be detrimental up to a certain size, beyond which it becomes beneficial. The second theorem finds a family of distributions for which correlation has no effect on a jury’s competence. (...)
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  5. Online Deliberation Design: Choices, Criteria, and Evidence.Todd Davies & Reid Chandler - 2012 - In Nabatchi Tina, Gastil John, Weiksner G. Michael & Leihninger Matt (eds.), Democracy in Motion: Evaluating the Practice and Impact of Deliberative Civic Engagement. Oxford University Press. pp. 103-131.
    This chapter reviews empirical evidence bearing on the design of online forums for deliberative civic engagement. Dimensions of design are defined for different aspects of the deliberation: its purpose, the target population, the spatiotemporal distance separating participants, the communication medium, and the deliberative process to be followed. After a brief overview of criteria for evaluating different design options, empirical findings are organized around design choices. Research has evolved away from treating technology for online deliberation dichotomously (either present or not) toward (...)
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    Comparison of the Polar Decision Rules for Various Types of Distributions.Luba Sapir - 2004 - Theory and Decision 56 (3):325-343.
    We focus on the dichotomous choice model, which goes back as far as Condorcet (1785; Essai sur l'application de l'analyse a la probabilité des décisions rendues a la pluralité des voix, Paris). A group of experts is required to select one of two alternatives, of which exactly one is regarded as correct. The alternatives may be related to a wide variety of areas. A decision rule translates the individual opinions of the members into a group decision. A decision (...)
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    Bounds on the competence of a homogeneous jury.Alexander Zaigraev & Serguei Kaniovski - 2012 - Theory and Decision 72 (1):89-112.
    In a homogeneous jury, the votes are exchangeable correlated Bernoulli random variables. We derive the bounds on a homogeneous jury’s competence as the minimum and maximum probability of the jury being correct, which arise due to unknown correlations among the votes. The lower bound delineates the downside risk associated with entrusting decisions to the jury. In large and not-too-competent juries the lower bound may fall below the success probability of a fair coin flip—one half, while the upper bound may not (...)
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  8. Optimal jury design for homogeneous juries with correlated votes.Serguei Kaniovski & Alexander Zaigraev - 2011 - Theory and Decision 71 (4):439-459.
    In a homogeneous jury, in which each vote is correct with the same probability, and each pair of votes correlates with the same correlation coefficient, there exists a correlation-robust voting quota, such that the probability of a correct verdict is independent of the correlation coefficient. For positive correlation, an increase in the correlation coefficient decreases the probability of a correct verdict for any voting rule below the correlation-robust quota, and increases that probability for any above the correlation-robust quota. The jury (...)
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  9. The Optimality of the Expert and Majority Rules Under Exponentially Distributed Competence.Luba Sapir - 1998 - Theory and Decision 45 (1):19-36.
    We study the uncertain dichotomous choice model. In this model a set of decision makers is required to select one of two alternatives, say ‘support’ or ‘reject’ a certain proposal. Applications of this model are relevant to many areas, such as political science, economics, business and management. The purpose of this paper is to estimate and compare the probabilities that different decision rules may be optimal. We consider the expert rule, the majority rule and a few in-between rules. (...)
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    Are Stated Preferences Confirmed by Purchasing Behaviours? The Case of Fair Trade-Certified Bananas in Switzerland.Thuriane Mahé - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (S2):301-315.
    As the market share of Fair Trade food products in countries of the North grows, understanding consumer preferences with regard to this recent label is becoming increasingly important. This article reports on a test of the consistency of consumers' stated preferences, for which a survey was conducted at the place and time of actual purchase decisions. The aim of the survey was to further improve the understanding of consumers' stated motivations for buying 'Fair Trade' and 'organic Fair Trade' bananas in (...)
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  11.  78
    Expert Rule versus Majority Rule under Partial Information.Daniel Berend - 1993 - Theory and Decision 35 (2):179.
  12.  72
    Contradiction as Agency: Self-Determination, Transcendence, and Counter-Imagination in Third Wave Feminism.Valerie R. Renegar & Stacey K. Sowards - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (2):1 - 20.
    This essay examines the contradictions often found in third wave feminist texts that function as strategic choices that may shape, foster, and enhance an individual's sense of agency. Many third wave feminists utilize contradiction as a way to understand emergent identities, to develop new ways of thinking, and to imagine new forms of social action. Agency, then, stems from the use of contradiction as a means of self-determination and identity, of transcendence of seemingly forced or dichotomous choices, and counter-imaginations (...)
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    Inequality of decision-makers’ power and marginal contribution.Tomoya Tajika & Shmuel Nitzan - 2021 - Theory and Decision 92 (2):275-292.
    Modest difference in individual decisional skills may warrant substantial inequality in power. This claim has been illustrated in Ben Yashar and Nitzan (Economics Letters 174:93–95, 2019), applying the symmetric uncertain dichotomous choice setting and focusing on the skill-dependent (s-d) power of the decision-makers under the optimal decision rule. The same claim is valid when one focuses on the relationship between skill heterogeneity and the distribution of the second type of power, viz., the group members' marginal contribution (mc). This (...)
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    Predicting Outcomes in a Sequence of Binary Events: Belief Updating and Gambler's Fallacy Reasoning.Kariyushi Rao & Reid Hastie - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (1):e13211.
    Beliefs like the Gambler's Fallacy and the Hot Hand have interested cognitive scientists, economists, and philosophers for centuries. We propose that these judgment patterns arise from the observer's mental models of the sequence-generating mechanism, moderated by the strength of belief in an a priori base rate. In six behavioral experiments, participants observed one of three mechanisms generating sequences of eight binary events: a random mechanical device, an intentional goal-directed actor, and a financial market. We systematically manipulated participants’ beliefs about the (...)
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    An application of simple majority rule to a group with an even number of voters.Ruth Ben-Yashar - 2022 - Theory and Decision 94 (1):83-95.
    In the basic model of Condorcet’s jury theorem and in the literature that follows, an odd-numbered group of voters is assumed so that the simple majority rule can be used. We show that this assumption is not necessary either in Condorcet’s basic model or in the general framework of dichotomous choice. We first apply simple majority rule to an even-numbered homogeneous fixed-size committee. We then provide a justification for using simple majority rule for an even-numbered heterogeneous fixed-size committee (...)
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  16.  39
    The essential ranking of decision rules in small panels of experts.Drora Karotkin, Samuel Nitzal & Jacob Paroush - 1988 - Theory and Decision 24 (3):253-268.
  17.  24
    Beware Dichotomies.Charles J. Kowalski & Adam J. Mrdjenovich - 2016 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 59 (4):517-535.
    That dichotomization is, at least under certain circumstances, a bad idea is not news. A well-known, early example is the biblical story of King Solomon, who used the absurdity of the procedure to help adjudicate a dispute between two women who each claimed to be the mother of a contested child. Solomon reasoned that his proposal to split the child into two, giving half to each woman, would be abhorrent to the real mother, and when one of the women objected (...)
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  18. Is specialization desirable in committee decision making?Ruth Ben-Yashar, Winston T. H. Koh & Shmuel Nitzan - 2012 - Theory and Decision 72 (3):341-357.
    Committee decision making is examined in this study focusing on the role assigned to the committee members. In particular, we are concerned about the comparison between committee performance under specialization and non-specialization of the decision makers. Specialization (in the context of project or public policy selection) means that the decision of each committee member is based on a narrow area, which typically results in the acquirement and use of relatively high expertise in that area. When the committee members’ expertise is (...)
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  19. The Relevance (and Irrelevance) of Questions of Personhood (and Mindedness) to the Abortion Debate.David Kyle Johnson - 2019 - Socio-Historical Examination of Religion and Ministry 1 (2):121‒53.
    Disagreements about abortion are often assumed to reduce to disagreements about fetal personhood (and mindedness). If one believes a fetus is a person (or has a mind), then they are “pro-life.” If one believes a fetus is not a person (or is not minded), they are “pro-choice.” The issue, however, is much more complicated. Not only is it not dichotomous—most everyone believes that abortion is permissible in some circumstances (e.g. to save the mother’s life) and not others (e.g. (...)
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  20. Dichotomies and types of debate.Marcelo Dascal - unknown
    Dichotomies are ubiquitous in deliberative thinking, in decision making and in arguing in all spheres of life.[i] Sticking uncompromisingly to a dichotomy may lead to sharp disagreement and paradox, but it can also sharpen the issues at stake and help to find a solution. Dichotomies are particularly in evidence in debates, i.e., in argumentative dialogical exchanges characterized by their agonistic nature. The protagonists in a debate worth its name hold positions that are or that they take to be opposed; they (...)
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    Challenging the Dichotomy of Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Values: Feminist Values and Evolutionary Psychology.Silvia Ivani & Jan Sprenger - unknown
    Philosophy of science has seen a passionate debate over the influence of non-cognitive values on theory choice. In this paper, we argue against a dichotomous divide between cognitive and non-cognitive values and for the possibility of a dual role for feminist values. By analyzing the influence of feminist values on evolutionary psychology and evolutionary biology, we show how they have cognitive and non-cognitive functions at the same time.
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    Developmental explanation and the ontogeny of birdsong: Nature/nurture redux.Timothy Johnston - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):617-630.
    Despite several decades of criticism, dichotomous thinking about behavioral development remains widespread and influential. This is particularly true in study of birdsong development, where it has become increasingly common to diagnose songs, elements of songs, or precursors of songs as either innate or learned on the basis of isolation-rearing experiments. The theory of sensory templates has encouraged both the dichotomous approach and an emphasis on structural rather than functional aspects of song development. As a result, potentially important lines (...)
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  23.  68
    Sex Categorization in Medical Contexts: A Cautionary Tale.Lauren Freeman & Saray Ayala López - 2018 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 28 (3):243-280.
    [We] perform the cultural work of fitting individuals into categories; yet the active labor that goes into making sex appear dichotomous is generally invisible to the broader society, or at least rarely remarked upon.Wording matters. It doesn’t just affect a person’s willingness to check the box and be counted—it also highlights the existence of those identities. Perhaps if we weren’t so regularly confronted with a simple choice—“Are you male or female?”—our thinking about gender wouldn’t be so binary.To be (...)
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    An ecologically-informed ontology for environmental ethics.Douglas J. Buege - 1997 - Biology and Philosophy 12 (1):1-20.
    Since the inception of their subject as a distinct area of study in philosophy, environmental ethicists have quarreled over the choice of entities with which an environmental ethic should be concerned. A dichotomous ontology has arisen with the ethical atomists, e.g., Singer and Taylor, arguing for moral consideration of individual organisms and the holists, e.g., Rolston and Callicott, focussing on moral consideration of systems. This dichotomous view is ecologically misinformed and should be abandoned. In this paper, I (...)
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    Rome's Religious History: Livy, Tacitus and Ammianus on Their Gods (review).Hans-Friedrich Mueller - 2006 - American Journal of Philology 127 (2):313-316.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Rome's Religious History: Livy, Tacitus and Ammianus on Their GodsHans-Friedrich MuellerJason P. Davies. Rome's Religious History: Livy, Tacitus and Ammianus on Their Gods. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. x + 341 pp. Cloth, $85.Did the Romans believe in their gods? This question, Davies argues, has too long dominated scholarship on Roman religion, and his challenging book eschews this question (along with its dichotomous counterpart: skepticism), aiming instead (...)
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    ‘Sono solo parole’: Facing challenges entailed in developing and applying terminologies to document nursing care.Cecilia Malabusini - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (1):e12383.
    Nurses’ need to document activities is urgent. The panorama of available terminologies is heterogeneous. It seems necessary to understand the premises of available tools and their limits and benefits to make conscious choices and shape future development. Taxonomies (e.g., North American Nursing Diagnosis Association) and ‘pure terminologies’ (e.g., International Classification for Nursing Practice), or nursing languages, are available tools to document nurses’ activities and to produce theoretical models or reference systems. These tools respond first to a practical problem: ‘translating’ nursing (...)
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  27. Varieties and vagaries of historical explanation.Paul A. Roth - 2008 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 2 (2):214-226.
    For the better part of the 20th century, expositions of issues regarding historical explanation followed a predictable format, one that took as given the nonequivalence of explanations in history and philosophical models of scientific explanation. Ironically, at the present time, the philosophical point of note concerns how the notion of science has itself changed. Debates about explanation in turn need to adapt to this. This prompts the question of whether anything now still makes plausible the thought that history must make (...)
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    Reasons Count.John Z. - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (1):73-74.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reasons CountJohn Z. Sadler (bio)Keywordscriminality, mental disorder, responsibilityAs a fourth-year psychiatry resident many years ago, I encountered a patient on the psychiatric emergency service whom I have never forgotten, because my experience with him jelled a distinction about the importance of explaining violence. Brought in involuntarily by the police for being “dangerous,” he was a fearsome visage: six feet four, shaven head, angular jaw, the triangular build of an (...)
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    Search for the Absent God: Tradition and Modernity in Religious Understanding by William J. Hill, O.P.David B. Burrell - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (3):521-524.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS Search for the Absent God: Tradition and Modernity in Religious Understanding. By WILLIAM J. HILL, O.P., MARY CATHERINE HILKERT, 0.P., ed. New York: Crossroad, 1992. Pp. 224. $27.50 (cloth). In presenting the fruit of a lifetime of exploration on the part of this theological craftsman of the highest merit, the editor has performed an unparalleled service. For William Hill is a clear and courageous thinker, and one (...)
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    Abortion & Artificial Wombs.J. Y. Lee & Andrea Bidoli - 2021 - Philosophy Now 144:26-27.
    Abortion is the deliberate termination of a pregnancy. In current practice, this involves the death of the foetus. Consequently, the debate on whether those experiencing an unwanted pregnancy have the right to abortion is usually dichotomized as a matter of pro-choice versus pro-life. Pro-choice advocates maintain that abortion is acceptable under various circumstances. The idea that we ought to respect pregnant people’s rights to choose what to do with their bodies – respect for bodily autonomy – is cited (...)
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  31.  19
    The Seamless Web and Communications Equity: The Shaping of a Community Network.Mary E. Virnoche - 1998 - Science, Technology and Human Values 23 (2):199-220.
    Drawing on field data gathered from 1994 to 1996, this article considers tensions in the development of community networks and highlights the decisions that shape particular types of networks. Four key decision points include interface choice, content, interaction, and outreach. Discourse about decision making is often dichotomized around civic and consumer social currents. Civic currents demand text-only interfaces, exclusively non- profit content, full electronic interaction capabilities for everyone, and deep outreach efforts. In contrast, consumer currents push graphical interfaces, the (...)
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    Respecting the Boundaries of Knowledge: Teaching Christian Discernment with Humility and Dignity, a Response to Paul O. Ingram.Sandra Costen Kunz - 2011 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 31:175-186.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Respecting the Boundaries of Knowledge:Teaching Christian Discernment with Humility and Dignity, a Response to Paul O. IngramSandra Costen KunzNatural Science and Buddhist Philosophy and Practice as Resources for Christian Spiritual DiscernmentBoundary Questions Arise When Teaching Spiritual Discernment in Western ContextsMy response to Paul Ingram's chapter titled "Constrained by Boundaries" in The Boundaries of Knowledge in Buddhism, Christianity, and Science1 will examine ways the Buddhist-Christian-natural science "trilogue" he advocates might (...)
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  33.  55
    Autonomy and Objectivity of Science.Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen - 2012 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 26 (3):309-334.
    This article deals with the problematic concepts of the rational and the social, which have been typically seen as dichotomous in the history and philosophy of science literature. I argue that this view is mistaken and that the social can be seen as something that enables rationality in science, and further, that a scientific community as well as an individual can be taken as an epistemic subject. Furthermore, I consider how scientific communities could be seen as freely acting and (...)
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    Medical ethics when moving towards non-anonymous gamete donation: the views of donors and recipients.Sandra Pinto da Silva, Cláudia de Freitas & Susana Silva - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (9):616-623.
    Drawing on the views of donors and recipients about anonymity in a country that is experiencing a transition towards non-anonymous gamete donation mandated by the Constitutional Court, we explore how the intersection between rights-based approaches and an empirical framework enhances recommendations for ethical policy and healthcare. Between July 2017 and April 2018, 69 donors and 147 recipients, recruited at the Portuguese Public Bank of Gametes, participated in this cross-sectional study. Position towards anonymity was assessed through an open-ended question in a (...)
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  35. Novel Neurotechnologies in Film—A Reading of Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report.Timothy Krahn, Andrew Fenton & Letitia Meynell - 2009 - Neuroethics 3 (1):73-88.
    The portrayal of novel neurotechnologies in Steven Spielberg’s Minority Report serves to inoculate viewers from important moral considerations that are displaced by the film’s somewhat singular emphasis on the question of how to reintroduce freedom of choice into an otherwise technology driven world. This sets up a crisis mentality and presents a false dilemma regarding the appropriate use, and regulation, of neurotechnologies. On the one hand, it seems that centralized power is required to both control and effectively implement such (...)
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    Philosophical Enactment and Bodily Cultivation in Early Daoism: In the Matrix of the Daodejing by Thomas Michael. [REVIEW]Jing Tan & Xiangfei Bao - 2023 - Philosophy East and West 73 (3):1-6.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Philosophical Enactment and Bodily Cultivation in Early Daoism: In the Matrix of the Daodejing by Thomas MichaelJing Tan (bio) and Xiangfei Bao (bio)Philosophical Enactment and Bodily Cultivation in Early Daoism: In the Matrix of the Daodejing. By Thomas Michael. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2022. Pp. x + 278. Hardcover $115.00, isbn 978-1-3502-3665-3. Thomas Michael's Philosophical Enactment and Bodily Cultivation in Early Daoism: In the Matrix of the Daodejing (hereafter (...)
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  37. James F. wittenberger.Male Choice - 1979 - In Michael S. Gazzaniga (ed.), Handbook of Behavioral Neurobiology. , Volume 2. pp. 3--273.
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  38. A complete list of Sen's writings is available a t http://www. economics. harvard.Collective Choice & Social Welfare - 2009 - In Christopher W. Morris (ed.), Amartya Sen. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  39. Douglas D. heckathorn.Sociological Rational Choice - 2001 - In Barry Smart & George Ritzer (eds.), Handbook of social theory. Thousands Oaks, Calif.: SAGE.
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    Pembrey and anionwu (1996) have defined the aim of medical.Prenatal Choices - 2009 - In Vardit Ravitsky, Autumn Fiester & Arthur L. Caplan (eds.), The Penn Center Guide to Bioethics. Springer Publishing Company. pp. 415.
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    Crossing borders: food and agriculture in the Americas.Food Choice - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16:97-102.
  42. The letter D after a page number denotes a discussion comment.Choice see Decision - 1980 - In Brian David Josephson & V. S. Ramachandran (eds.), Consciousness and the physical world: edited proceedings of an interdisciplinary symposium on consciousness held at the University of Cambridge in January 1978. New York: Pergamon Press. pp. 201.
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    Short literature notices.Crucial Treatment Choices - 2001 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 4 (1):101-113.
  44. The 1952 Allais theory of choice involving risk.of Choice Involving Risk - 1977 - In Maurice Allais & Ole Hagen (eds.), Expected Utility Hypotheses and the Allais Paradox. D. Reidel. pp. 25.
  45. Steven Kelman.Choice Authority - 1985 - Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics 29 (2):84.
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  46. Internal consistency of choice.Amartya Sen - 1993 - Econometrica 61:495–521.
  47.  50
    Dynamic Semantics with Choice Functions.J. Peregrin & K. von Heusinger - unknown
    Over the last two decades, semantic theory has been marked by a continuing shift from a static view of meaning to a dynamic one. The increasing interest in extending semantic analysis from isolated sentences to larger units of discourse has fostered the intensive study of anaphora and coreference, and this has engendered a shift from viewing meaning as truth conditions to viewing it as the potential to change the "informational context".
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    The limits of decision and choice.Gabriel Abend - 2018 - Theory and Society 47 (6):805-841.
    Concepts of decision, choice, decision-maker, and decision-making are common practical tools in both social science and natural science, on which scientific knowledge, policy implications, and moral recommendations are based. In this article I address three questions. First, I look into how present-day social scientists and natural scientists use decision/choice concepts. What are they used for? Second, scientists may differ in the application of decision/choice to X, and they may explicitly disagree about the applicability of decision/choice to (...)
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  49. Democratic Deliberation and Social Choice: A Review.Christian List - 2018 - In André Bächtiger, Jane Mansbridge, John Dryzek & Mark Warren (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy. Oxford University Press.
    In normative political theory, it is widely accepted that democracy cannot be reduced to voting alone, but that it requires deliberation. In formal social choice theory, by contrast, the study of democracy has focused primarily on the aggregation of individual opinions into collective decisions, typically through voting. While the literature on deliberation has an optimistic flavour, the literature on social choice is more mixed. It is centred around several paradoxes and impossibility results identifying conflicts between different intuitively plausible (...)
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  50. Beauty Makes Humanity: The Application of Kant’s Aesthetic Power of Judgment in Value Choice.Zhengmi Zhouhuang - 2022 - Kant Studien 113 (4):689-724.
    In this paper, I use Kant’s theory of the aesthetic power of judgment to solve the problem of nonmoral value choice, which Kant himself did not deal with, and prove that my reconstruction can fit into Kant’s philosophy and function as a harmonization and unification of morality and happiness. First, I revisit Kant’s early view of intellectualized happiness to establish the feasibility of this project in Kant’s ethics. Second, by analogy with the contemplative judgment of taste and practical artistic (...)
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