Results for 'Dennis Kehoe'

961 found
  1.  46
    Roman Law in Africa H. Weßel: Das Recht der Tablettes Albertini . (Freiburger Rechtsgeschichtliche Abhandlungen, Neue Folge, Band 40.) Pp. 332. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2003. Paper, €68, SFr 115. ISBN: 3-428-10401-. [REVIEW]Dennis P. Kehoe - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (01):284-.
  2.  27
    Studies on the economy of pompeii. Flohr, Wilson the economy of pompeii. Pp. XVIII + 433, figs, ills, maps. Oxford: Oxford university press, 2017. Cased, £95, us$150. Isbn: 978-0-19-878657-3. [REVIEW]Dennis Kehoe - 2018 - The Classical Review 68 (1):174-176.
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    Andreau, France, Pittia Mentalités et choix économiques des romains. Pp. 257, ills. Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2004. Paper, €34. ISBN: 2-9100023-43-5. 181. [REVIEW]Dennis P. Kehoe 183 - 2006 - The Classical Review 56 (1):181-183.
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    Investment, Profit, and Tenancy: The Jurists and the Roman Agrarian Economy.Daniel J. Gargola - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (2):323-326.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Investment, Profit, and Tenancy: The Jurists and the Roman Agrarian EconomyDaniel J. GargolaDennis P. Kehoe. Investment, Profit, and Tenancy: The Jurists and the Roman Agrarian Economy. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997. xiv 1 269 pp. Cloth, $42.50, £29.95 (UK, Europe).This book is more than an investigation into an aspect of Roman law and legal thought. At the very beginning, Dennis Kehoe clearly identifies (...)
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  5. Morality: An Evolutionary Account.Dennis Krebs - 2008 - Perspectives on Psychological Science 3 (3):149-172.
    Refinements in Darwin’s theory of the origin of a moral sense create a framework equipped to organize and integrate contemporary theory and research on morality. Morality originated in deferential, cooperative, and altruistic ‘‘social instincts,’’ or decision-making strategies, that enabled early humans to maximize their gains from social living and resolve their conflicts of interest in adaptive ways. Moral judgments, moral norms, and conscience originated from strategic interactions among members of groups who experienced confluences and conflicts of interest. Moral argumentation buttressed (...)
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    A Healthy Balance.Lee Hasselbring & Dennis Cheek - 1986 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 6 (6):541-606.
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    Stress-induced analgesia: Effect of naloxone following cold water swims.Richard J. Bodnar, Dennis D. Kelly, Angela Spiaggia, Constantine Pavlides & Murray Glusman - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (2):125-128.
  8. Moral Evaluation and Conceptual Analysis in Jurisprudential Methodology.John Oberdiek & Patterson & Dennis - 2007 - In Michael D. A. Freeman & Ross Harrison, Law and philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
  9.  14
    Availability of Research Data in High-Impact Addiction Journals with Data Sharing Policies.Dennis M. Gorman - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1625-1632.
    Although data sharing is one of the primary measures proposed to improve the integrity and quality of published research, studies show it remains the exception not the rule. The current study examines the availability of data in papers reporting the results of analyses of empirical data from original research in high-impact addiction journals. Thirteen high-impact journals with data sharing policies were selected from those included in the substance abuse category of the 2018 Clarivate Analytics’ Journal Citation Report. The first 10 (...)
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  10.  23
    Eratosthenes' Ratio for the Obliquity of the Ecliptic.David Fowler & Dennis Rawlins - 1983 - Isis 74 (4):556-562.
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    Promethean Pride and the Autonomy of Science: Newton as Maker and Destroyer of Worlds.Mitchell Malachowski & Dennis Rohatyn - 1991 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 8 (3):291 - 310.
  12.  35
    Ethics and Self-Cultivation: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.Sander Werkhoven & Matthew Dennis (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    The aim of Ethics and Self-Cultivation is to establish and explore a new 'cultivation of the self' strand within contemporary moral philosophy. Although the revival of virtue ethics has helped reintroduce the eudaimonic tradition into mainstream philosophical debates, it has by and large been a revival of Aristotelian ethics combined with a modern preoccupation with standards for the moral rightness of actions. The essays comprising this volume offer a fresh approach to the eudaimonic tradition: instead of conditions for rightness of (...)
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    Remembrance and Reconciliation.Rob Gildert & Dennis Rothermel (eds.) - 2011 - Rodopi.
    Remembrance and reconciliation envision intentional pathways out of conflict and toward peace.
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  14. (1 other version)Introduction to jurisprudence.Lloyd of Hampstead & Dennis Lloyd - 1959 - London,: Stevens.
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  15. Egalitarianism and the Difference.Intrapersonal Judgments & Dennis McKerlie - 2007 - In Nils Holtug & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Egalitarianism: new essays on the nature and value of equality. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 157.
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    Descartes and the ownership of the world.Dennis Kambouchner - forthcoming - Anuario Filosófico.
    This article aims to contribute to counteracting the negative perception of Descartes’ philosophical legacy. The article addresses a specific aspect of the supposed human dominance over nature, that of the animal question. Against the accusation of “speciesism,” a hierarchy that considers humans superior and justifies their domination and cruelty towards animals, it is argued that Descartes did not regard animals as completely insensible, that his position was not as categorical as often presented, and that he can be interpreted not as (...)
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  17.  12
    Silence, Excess, and Autonomy.Dennis Vanden Auweele - 2018 - In William Desmond’s Philosophy between Metaphysics, Religion, Ethics, and Aesthetics. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 195-207.
    Continuing on the value of givenness, Dennis Vanden Auweele argues that a modern project for absolutized autonomy cannot do but dread silence, which signals a hiccup or momentary lapse in the project of logos. And yet, Vanden Auweele shows that silence can be a convalescence that renders human beings receptive to something in excess of finite determination, which can in turn inspire self-determination to new heights.
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  18.  73
    Aristotle on Necessity and Voluntariness.Dennis Klimchuk - 2002 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 19 (1):1 - 19.
  19.  54
    Evolutionary games and morality.Dennis Krebs - 2000 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 7 (1-2):1-2.
    The implications of game theory models of the evolution of strategies of exchange are explored with respect to the evolution of moral dispositions. I argue that dispositions to practice tit for tat strategies could have evolved, but the moral behaviours to which they give rise do not fare well on criteria of morality. Inasmuch as the strategy implicit in the Golden Rule is unconditional, it could not have evolved in environments containing strategies that exploit it. However, dispositions to invoke conditional (...)
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  20.  57
    Grotius on Property and the Right of Necessity.Dennis Klimchuk - 2018 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (2):239-260.
    i would hazard to guess that nearly everyone would agree that In situations of peril, it is permissible to use another’s property without her permission if that is the only way to save oneself from serious harm.1But that If one damages or consumes that property, one ought to compensate its owner.It turns out, however, that the conjunction of N1 and N2 is surprisingly difficult to justify. That is because if you accept N1, you are also likely to accept A property (...)
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  21.  33
    The Action of Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces in Religious Discourse about People with Disabilities: Reflections Based on Bakhtin and the Circle.Dennis Souza da Costa & Ivana Siqueira Teixeira - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (2):e63573p.
    RESUMO Este artigo analisa a atuação das forças centrípetas e centrífugas em enunciados da esfera religiosa que evidenciam cosmovisões do segmento cristão evangélico acerca da deficiência. Para tanto, selecionamos um vídeo disponível na plataforma YouTube contendo enunciados dos apresentadores Tito Rocha e Leandro Quadros relativos à temática da deficiência, bem como a resposta de uma internauta acerca do posicionamento desses sujeitos. A reflexão teórico-metodológica fundamenta-se na orientação dialógica da linguagem, sobretudo nas considerações acerca das relações dialógicas, vozes e forças centrípetas (...)
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  22.  40
    A Systems Approach to Understanding and Improving Research Integrity.Dennis M. Gorman, Amber D. Elkins & Mark Lawley - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (1):211-229.
    Concern about the integrity of empirical research has arisen in recent years in the light of studies showing the vast majority of publications in academic journals report positive results, many of these results are false and cannot be replicated, and many positive results are the product of data dredging and the application of flexible data analysis practices coupled with selective reporting. While a number of potential solutions have been proposed, the effects of these are poorly understood and empirical evaluation of (...)
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  23.  48
    The postreinforcement pause and the blackout procedure: Are blackouts neutral stimuli?Larry A. Alferink & Dennis L. Nunes - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (2):139-142.
  24.  15
    (1 other version)Daniel Blue: The Making of Friedrich Nietzsche. The Quest for Identity, 1844–1869.Dennis Vanden Auweele - 2016 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 69 (1):071-073.
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  25.  13
    Central pattern generator analysis is alive and well.A. O. Dennis Willows - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (4):564-565.
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    Genetically Engineering Human-Animal Chimeras and Lives Worth Living.Dennis R. Cooley - 2008 - Between the Species 13 (8):1.
    Genetic engineering often generates fear of out of control scientists creating Frankenstein creatures that will terrorize the general populace, especially in the cases of human-animal chimeras. While sometimes an accurate characterization of some researchers, this belief is often the result of repugnance for new technology rather than being rationally justified. To facilitate thoughtful discussion the moral issues raised by human-animal chimeras, ethicists and other stakeholders must develop a rational ethical framework before raw emotion has a chance of becoming the dominating (...)
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  27. volume VIII. Consciousness-based education and management.Volume Editor & Dennis Heaton - 2011 - In Dara Llewellyn & Craig Pearson, Consciousness-based education: a foundation for teaching and learning in the academic disciplines. Fairfield, Iowa 52557: Consciousness-Based Books, Maharishi University of Management.
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  28.  10
    Philosophische Sprache zwischen Tradition und Innovation.David Hommen & Dennis Sölch (eds.) - 2018 - Berlin: Peter Lang.
    Eine Philosophie ist nur so neu wie die Sprache, in der sie zum Ausdruck kommt. Der Band zeigt exemplarisch, wie philosophische Begriffe einen Bedeutungswandel durchlaufen, welche Anforderungen philosophische Terminologie erfüllen sollte und welche Implikationen die Reflexion der philosophischen Sprache für unser Verständnis von Philosophie hat.
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  29.  19
    Intensity and predictability of background noise as determinants of simple reaction time.David L. Kohfeld & Dennis W. Goedecke - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (2):129-132.
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    Left-to-right processing of alphabetic material is independent of retinal location.Lester A. Lefton, Dennis F. Fisher & Donald M. Kuhn - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (3):171-174.
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    Excerpt from.James McNamara & Dennis O'Keefe - 1990 - The Chesterton Review 16 (3/4):357-361.
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  32. Motivation : A Philosophical and Psychological Synthesis.Laurance J. Splitter & Dennis M. McInerney - 2015 - In Frédéric Guay, Self-concept, motivation, and identity underpinning success with research and practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
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    Nikon Creative Lighting System Digital Field Guide.J. Dennis Thomas - 2009 - Wiley.
    A full-color, go-anywhere guide to Nikon's entire array of creative lighting possibilities Nikon's Creative Lighting System is like having a low-cost, wireless, studio lighting system that's portable enough to fit into a camera bag. Although the possibilities are endless and exciting, setting up, synchronizing the equipment, and determining lighting ratios can be a bit overwhelming. Luckily, this Digital Field Guide has been completely updated to shed some light on the situation! Beginning with the basic functions of the Nikon SB-900, the (...)
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  34.  6
    Objectivity and Religious Truth: A Comparison of Wilfred Cantwell Smith and Bernard Lonergan.Dennis M. Doyle - 1989 - The Thomist 53 (3):461-480.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:OBJECTIVITY AND RELlGIOUS TRUTH: A COMPARISON OF WILFRED CANTWELL SMITH AND BERNARD LONERGAN DENNIS M. DOYLE University of Dayton Dayton, Ohio WILFRED CANTWELL SMITH •and Bernard Lonergan both propose a new agenda for theology n response to ;the same basic cultura.I developments.1 Both Smith and Lonergan pinpoint the crux of the current siturution!aJS the convergence of various cultures in a world where Western culture had.been heM by its (...)
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  35.  18
    We Have an Indigenous Population of Humanoids Called the Na'vi.Dennis Knepp - 2014 - In George A. Dunn, Avatar and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 215–225.
    A central question in the history of American philosophy is that of the origin of the pragmatist movement, a school of thought that emphasized the importance of testing our ideas in practice. Scott Pratt identifies four Native American philosophical principles that he believes influenced Peirce's theory of pragmatism: interaction, pluralism, community, and growth. These principles belong to what he calls “the indigenous attitude” – represented in Avatar by the Na'vi – in contrast to “the colonial attitude” embraced by the Resources (...)
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  36. Silence, Love, and Death: Saying 'Yes' to God in the Theology of Karl Rahner. By Shannon Craigo-Snell.Dennis W. Jowers - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (6):1079-1080.
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    The sacrifice of the eucharist.Dennis King Keenan - 2003 - Heythrop Journal 44 (2):182–204.
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    Paul R. Cohen's Empirical Methods for Artificial Intelligence.Dennis Kibler - 1999 - Artificial Intelligence 113 (1-2):281-284.
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    Necessity and restitution.Dennis Klimchuk - 2001 - Legal Theory 7 (1):59-81.
    On November 27, 1905, the steamship Reynolds was moored to Vincents owner, the Lake Erie Transportation Company, was held liable for the cost of the damage. Defendant’s appeal against an order denying a new trial was dismissed by a two to one majority of the Supreme Court of Minnesota in an opinion that has since enjoyed considerable and consistent attention. 1.
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    State Estoppel.Dennis Klimchuk - 2020 - Law and Philosophy 39 (3):297-323.
    It is a recurring idea in the history of political philosophy that concepts and doctrines of private law are illuminative of public law and political philosophy. Central among these are contract and the trust. In this paper, I consider the prospects of a third: estoppel. The public law context in which estoppel is most commonly invoked is criminal law, and there especially in the service of understanding the defenses of entrapment and what I call officially induced mistake of law. My (...)
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  41.  7
    Colors of the soul: physiological and spiritual qualities of light and dark.Dennis Klocek - 2017 - Great Barrington, MA: Lindisfarne Books.
    This book is a meditation on the different aspects of colour, particularly its relationship to healing. Drawing on examples from natural science and spiritual science, Klocek focuses on the real essence of colours and how they relate to human beings in our physical body and soul. From Newton to Rudolf Steiner, and including the development of artistic pigments, this enlightening book shows how colour can be linked to healing with artistic therapies, homeopathy and flower essences.Illustrated in colour with numerous diagrams (...)
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    Merciful Minerva in a Modern Metropolis.Dennis Knepp - 2017 - In Jacob M. Held, Wonder Woman and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 151–161.
    Aphrodite, Athena, Mercury, and Hercules are all interesting characters from Greek Mythology, and William Moulton Marston makes it clear that their powers now "fight for America" in World War II. Wonder Woman's "Merciful Minerva!" uses the Roman name for Athena, and it is clear that her physical power and skill with weaponry is based on the ancient goddess. Wonder Woman's origin story uses the ancient Greek in exactly the same way the philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel does in his Philosophy (...)
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  43. The mind of blue snaggletooth : the intentional stance, vintage Star Wars action figures, and the origins of religion.Dennis Knepp - 2015 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker, The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy: You Must Unlearn What You Have Learned. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    The Mind of Blue Snaggletooth: The Intentional Stance, Vintage Star Wars Action Figures, and the Origins of Religion.Dennis Knepp - 2015 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker, The Ultimate Star Wars and Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley. pp. 287–295.
    Star Wars action figures can help illuminate some theories about the science of the mind and how religious thinking originated. Playing with action figures illustrates how a science of the mind is possible and what can go wrong in the religious mind. In the twentieth century, philosophers began to think of new ways to study the mind. The key is to switch from a first‐person view to a third‐person perspective. Playing with Star Wars action figures illustrates Daniel Dennett's theory of (...)
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  45.  28
    Adaptive altruistic strategies.Dennis L. Krebs - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (2):265-266.
    Biological, cognitive, and learning explanations of altruism, selfishness, and self-control can be integrated in terms of adaptive strategies. The key to understanding why humans and other animals sometimes resist temptation and sacrifice their immediate interests for the sake of others lies in mapping the design of the evolved mental mechanisms that give rise to the decisions in question.
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    Detecting genetic similarity without detecting genetic similarity.Dennis Krebs - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (3):533-534.
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  47. Reworking Darwin : the good, the bad, and the ugly of human psychology and human organizations.Dennis L. Krebbs & Kathy Denton - 2011 - In George W. Watson, Organizational ethical behavior. New York: Nova Publishers.
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    Sartre and Beauvoir on Theater: Force of Circumstance?Dennis A. Gilbert - 1991 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 8 (1):137-152.
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    Simone de Beauvoir and Rudi Gernreich: Existential Feminism and Existential Fashion.Dennis A. Gilbert - 1987 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 4 (1):67-87.
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    Cartesian Science: Régis and Rohault.Dennis Des Chene - 2002 - In Steven M. Nadler, A Companion to Early Modern Philosophy. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 183–196.
    This chapter contains section titled: Teacher and Student Divine Will, Eternal Truths, the Laws of Nature Ideas Matter and the Void.
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