Results for 'Dennis Henneböhl'

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  1.  79
    The Equivalence Principle(s).Dennis Lehmkuhl - 2022 - In Eleanor Knox & Alastair Wilson (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Physics. London, UK: Routledge.
    I discuss the relationship between different versions of the equivalence principle in general relativity, among them Einstein's equivalence principle, the weak equivalence principle, and the strong equivalence principle. I show that Einstein's version of the equivalence principle is intimately linked to his idea that in GR gravity and inertia are unified to a single field, quite like the electric and magnetic field had been unified in special relativistic electrodynamics. At the same time, what is now often called the strong equivalence (...)
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    The news framing of artificial intelligence: a critical exploration of how media discourses make sense of automation.Dennis Nguyen & Erik Hekman - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-15.
    Analysing how news media portray A.I. reveals what interpretative frameworks around the technology circulate in public discourses. This allows for critical reflections on the making of meaning in prevalent narratives about A.I. and its impact. While research on the public perception of datafication and automation is growing, only a few studies investigate news framing practices. The present study connects to this nascent research area by charting A.I. news frames in four internationally renowned media outlets: The New York Times, The Guardian, (...)
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    Race models and analogy theories: A dead heat? Reply to Seidenberg.Dennis Norris & Gordon Brown - 1985 - Cognition 20 (2):155-168.
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    Hypertension Prevalence, Health Service Utilization, and Participant Satisfaction: Findings From a Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial in Aged Chinese Canadians.Zou Ping, Dennis Cindy-Lee, Lee Ruth & Parry Monica - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801772494.
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  5. Kantian Nonconceptualism.Dennis Schulting (ed.) - 2016 - London, England: Palgrave.
    This book offers an array of important perspectives on Kant and nonconceptualism from some of the leading scholars in current Kant studies. As well as discussing the various arguments surrounding Kantian nonconceptualism, the book provides broad insight into the theory of perception, philosophy of mind, philosophy of mathematics, epistemology, and aesthetics. His idealism aside, Kantian nonconceptualism is the most topical contemporary issue in Kant’s theoretical philosophy. In this collection of specially commissioned essays, major players in the current debate, including Robert (...)
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    Transnational Corporations: International Citizens or New Sovereigns?Dennis A. Rondinelli - 2002 - Business and Society Review 107 (4):391-413.
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    Doomsday--or: The dangers of statistics.Dennis Dieks - 1992 - Philosophical Quarterly 42 (166):78-84.
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    The Normative Orientations of Climate Scientists.Dennis Bray & Hans Storch - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (5):1351-1367.
    In 1942 Robert K. Merton tried to demonstrate the structure of the normative system of science by specifying the norms that characterized it. The norms were assigned the abbreviation CUDOs: Communism, Universalism, Disinterestedness, and Organized skepticism. Using the results of an on-line survey of climate scientists concerning the norms of science, this paper explores the climate scientists’ subscription to these norms. The data suggests that while Merton’s CUDOs remain the overall guiding moral principles, they are not fully endorsed or present (...)
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    Gaps, Chasms and Things in Themselves: A Reply to My Critics.Dennis Schulting - 2018 - Kantian Review 23 (1):131-143.
    In this paper I reply to the critiques of my recent book *Kant's Radical Subjectivism* by Andrew Brook, Anil Gomes, Robert Howell and Alexandra Newton.
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    Feedback on feedback on feedback: It's feedforward.Dennis Norris, James M. McQueen & Anne Cutler - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (3):352-363.
    The central thesis of our target article is that feedback is never necessary in spoken word recognition. In this response we begin by clarifying some terminological issues that have led to a number of misunderstandings. We provide some new arguments that the feedforward model Merge is indeed more parsimonious than the interactive alternatives, and that it provides a more convincing account of the data than alternative models. Finally, we extend the arguments to deal with new issues raised by the commentators (...)
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    Orthographic processing is universal; it's what you do with it that's different.Dennis Norris & Sachiko Kinoshita - 2012 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (5):296-297.
    We agree with Frost that the variety of orthographies in the world's languages complicates the task of Frost suggests that orthographic processing must therefore differ between orthographies. We suggest that the same basic orthographic processes are applied to all languages. Where languages differ is in what the reader must do with the results of orthographic processing.
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    So the “strong” theory loses. But are there any winners?Dennis Norris - 1985 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 8 (4):718-719.
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    Kierkegaards ‚Schule der Angst‘.Dennis Sölch - 2023 - In Matthias Ernst Bähr & Dennis Sölch (eds.), Geschichte und Gegenwart der Erziehungsphilosophie. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 91-112.
    In den Gesellschaftsdiagnosen soziologischer wie feuilletonistischer Provenienz spielt die Angst eine zentrale Rolle. So zeichnet etwa Heinz Bude in seiner Diagnose einer Gesellschaft der Angst ein buntes Spektrum insbesondere sozialer Abstiegs- und Exklusionsängste, die sich seit der Nachkriegszeit vervielfacht und zu einer diffusen sozialen Grundbefindlichkeit erzeugt hätten. Das Aufstiegsversprechen des deutschen Sozialstaates habe sich in eine latente Drohung prekärer Existenz verkehrt und vor dem Hintergrund der umfassenden Zurückverwiesenheit der Individuen auf sich selbst zur Entstehung einer Gesellschaft geführt, in der Angst (...)
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  14.  20
    Europa als Massenveranstaltung.Dennis Sölch - 2023 - In Sebastian Hansen & Oliver Victor (eds.), Europa – Herkunft und Zukunft: Momente kultureller Transformation vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. De Gruyter. pp. 165-190.
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    Wilderness Management and Geospatial Technology.Dennis Skocz - 2005 - Environmental Philosophy 2 (2):53-60.
    The paper uses Heideggerian concepts of world to contrast the lived environment of the animal in the wild to nature as [re]constructed through Geographical Information Systems (GIS). With the animal Umwelt and GIS Weltbilt/Ge-stell side by side, we can see the “contradiction” between the animal’s lived space and the techno-human space of GIS, appreciate the risk of the GIS-constructed world to animals in the wild, and seek a way to address the risk. The paper suggests that humans, as beings which (...)
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    Martin Müller, Private Romantik, öffentlicher Pragmatismus? Richard Rortys transformative Neubeschreibung des Liberalismus.Dennis Sölch - 2015 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 122 (1):237-239.
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    Nietzsche und Europa.Dennis Sölch - 2012 - Nietzsche Studien 41 (1):489-502.
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    Neuerscheinungen zu Nietzsches Denken des Politischen.Dennis Sölch - 2015 - Nietzsche Studien 44 (1).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Nietzsche-Studien Jahrgang: 44 Heft: 1 Seiten: 553-568.
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    Philosophie als utopische Existenz: Thoreaus Kritische Theorie.Dennis Sölch - 2021 - In Oliver Victor & Laura Weiß (eds.), Europäische Utopien – Utopien Europas: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf geistesgeschichtliche Ideale, Projektionen und Visionen. De Gruyter. pp. 163-184.
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    Produktives Denken – Das große Sprachspiel bei Emerson und Nietzsche.Dennis Sölch - 2011 - In Volker Caysa & Konstanze Schwarzwald (eds.), Nietzsche - macht - größe. Nietzsche - philosoph der größe der macht oder der macht der größe? deGruyter. pp. 421-440.
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  21. The promise of neuroscience for law : 'overclaiming' in jurisprudence, morality, and economics.Michael S. Pardo & Dennis Patterson - 2016 - In Dennis Michael Patterson & Michael S. Pardo (eds.), Philosophical Foundations of Law and Neuroscience. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
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  22. Egalitarianism and the difference between interpersonal and intrapersonal judgments.Dennis McKerlie - 2007 - In Nils Holtug & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen (eds.), Egalitarianism: new essays on the nature and value of equality. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 157--73.
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    Annual review: observed deficiencies and suggested corrections.Mary S. Adams & Dennis A. Conrad - 1996 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 18 (6):1.
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    Are 'Identical Quantum Particles' Weakly Discernible Objects?Dennis Dieks - 2009 - In Mauricio Suárez, Mauro Dorato & Miklós Rédei (eds.), EPSA Philosophical Issues in the Sciences: Launch of the European Philosophy of Science Association. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 21--30.
  25.  26
    Cognitive Style, Gender, Attitude toward Computer‐assisted Learning and Academic Achievement.Reda Abouserie, Dennis Moss & Stephen Barasi - 1992 - Educational Studies 18 (2):151-160.
    (1992). Cognitive Style, Gender, Attitude toward Computer‐assisted Learning and Academic Achievement. Educational Studies: Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 151-160.
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    Can There Be a Marx After the Kyoto School?Dennis Stromback - 2023 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 15 (1):124-128.
    This review essay discusses, summarizes, and evaluates Bradley Kaye’s latest book, Marx After the Kyoto School, in which he imagines a hypothetical roundtable where Nishida and the Kyoto School philosophers and Marx and the Marxists debate the nature of reality, with the goal of facilitating new creative interpretations and potential hermeneutical engagements. While Kaye’s vision is quite convincing in the end, there are some limits as to how far this imaginary conversation can go. This essay examines the strengths and weaknesses (...)
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    "'Twas Nature Gnaw'd Them to This Resolution": Byron's Poetry and Mimetic Desire.Ian Dennis - 2005 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 12 (1):115-132.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"'Twas Nature Gnaw'd Them to This Resolution":Byron's Poetry and Mimetic DesireIan Dennis (bio)1. IntroductionWe all know Lord Byron, I presume. Know him as a paradigmatic object of cultural desire, as the quintessentially romantic individualist whose haughtily transgressive rejection of his society turned him into one of its most compelling models and objects, the endlessly provocative rival of a multitude of young men to follow—and they are still following—all (...)
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  28. Time 'paradoxes' in relativity.Dennis Sciama - 1986 - In Raymond Flood & Michael Lockwood (eds.), The Nature of time. New York, NY, USA: Blackwell. pp. 6--21.
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  29.  57
    Choice, Performance and Free Will.Dennis A. Rohatyn - 1972 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 21:84-95.
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    Social psychological research isn't negative, and its message fosters compassion, not cynicism.Dennis T. Regan & Thomas Gilovich - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (3):354-355.
    Krueger & Funder (K&F) correctly identify work on conformity, obedience, bystander (non)intervention, and social cognition as among social psychology's most memorable contributions, but they incorrectly portray that work as stemming from a “negative research orientation.” Instead, the work they cite stimulates compassion for the human actor by revealing the enormous complexity involved in deciding what to think and do in difficult, uncertain situations.
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    Experiencia agustiniana de la conversión.Dennis A. Rohatyn - 1976 - Augustinus 21 (82):113-119.
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    Kant’s ‘disproof’ of God.Dennis A. Rohatyn - 1974 - Sophia 13 (2):30-31.
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    Letters pro and con.Dennis Anthony Rohatyn - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 28 (3):387-388.
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    Moore's Damage Report.Dennis Rohatyn - 1982 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 13 (2):193-194.
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    Naturalism and deontology: an essay on the problems of ethics.Dennis A. Rohatyn - 1975 - The Hague: Mouton.
    No detailed description available for "Naturalism and deontology".
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    Notes for a Kant-Seminar.Dennis A. Rohatyn - 1974 - In Gerhard Funke (ed.), Akten des 4. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses: Mainz, 6.–10. April 1974, Teil 2: Sektionen 1,2. De Gruyter. pp. 966-971.
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    Reflections on Meno's Paradox.Dennis A. Rohatyn - 1980 - Apeiron 14 (2):69 - 73.
  38.  49
    Six Criteria in Search of a Philosopher.Dennis Rohatyn - 1983 - Philosophy Research Archives 9:587-594.
    Philosophy as a “way of life” is singularly unsatisfactory as a definition of the subject. Inspired by Kant, we examine six alternative formulations: philosophy may be seen as (1) a search for the conditions governing possible experience, (2) an attempt to derive ultimate categories of ontological or else psychological analysis, (3) the discovery (or erection) of synthetic a priori truths, coupled with making the notion of “S.A.P.” coherent, (4) resolving fundamental antinomies of thought, (5) finding, and/or explicating, the role of (...)
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    Some Unorthodox (But Decidedly Humean) Reflections on the Ramifications of the Fact/Value Disjunction.Dennis Rohatyn - 1978 - Modern Schoolman 56 (1):47-57.
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    The Language of Philosophy.Dennis A. Rohatyn - 1972 - Dialectica 26 (3‐4):293-299.
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  41. The Logic of 'Is' and 'Ought.'.Dennis Anthony Rohatyn - 1972 - Dissertation, Fordham University
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    (1 other version)The Role and Responsibility of the Moral Philosopher.Dennis Rohatyn - 1982 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 56:173-185.
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    The unfuture of humankind.Dennis Rohatyn - 1984 - World Futures 20 (1):1-22.
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    What Makes Sartre -- and Beauvoir -- Tick?Dennis Rohatyn - 1991 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 8 (1):153-162.
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  45. Whitehead's biological turn.Dennis Sölch - 2019 - In Brian G. Henning & Joseph Petek (eds.), Whitehead at Harvard, 1924–1925. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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  46. Troy Revisited.Dennis Bradley - 1991 - Hermes 119 (2):232-246.
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    Learned helplessness: Now you see it, now you don’t.Dennis C. Cogan & Gary L. Frye - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (6):286-288.
  48. Hindu Political Philosophy.Dennis Dalton - 2011 - In George Klosko (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of the History of Political Philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Fear of the shock side as a function of acquisition criterion in one-way avoidance.Dennis J. Delprato - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 3 (3):166-168.
  50.  42
    The tradition of the European novel: Richard Wright and Fyodor Dostoevsky.Dennis Flynn - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (4):1439-1444.
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