Results for 'Dennis Buchholz'

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  1.  13
    Acquisition and retention of two operant responses in redwinged blackbirds.Dennis Buchholz & David Hothersall - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 8 (3):159-162.
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    The Degrowth Spectrum: Convergence and Divergence within a Diverse and Conflictual Alliance.Dennis Eversberg & Matthias Schmelzer - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (3):245-267.
    The call for ‘sustainable degrowth’ has recently turned into a focal point of critical social and ecological debate, as well as a framework for diverse strands of activism. So far, little is known about the motives, attitudes and practices of grassroots activists within the degrowth spectrum. This article presents results of a survey conducted at the 2014 International Degrowth Conference, revealing both the presence of a widely shared basic consensus among respondents and their broad division into five distinguishable sub-currents. A (...)
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  3.  93
    The Big Five and Organizational Virtue.Dennis J. Moberg - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (2):245-272.
    Abstract:Recent developments in personality research point to an alchemy of character composed of five elements: extroversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience. This paper surveys this research for its implications to the study of the virtues in organizational ethics. After subjecting each of these five character traits to several tests as to what constitutes a virtue, the empirical evidence supports an organizational virtue of agreeableness and an organizational virtue of conscientiousness. Although the empirical evidence falls short, an argument is (...)
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  4.  87
    An Exploratory Investigation of the Effect of Ethical Culture in Activating Moral Imagination.Dennis Moberg & David F. Caldwell - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (2):193-204.
    Moral imagination is a process that involves a thorough consideration of the ethical elements of a decision. We sought to explore what might distinguish moral imagination from other ethical approaches within a complex business simulation. Using a three-component model of moral imagination, we sought to discover whether organization cultures with a salient ethics theme activate moral imagination. Finding an effect, we sought an answer to whether some individuals were more prone to being influenced in this way by ethical cultures. We (...)
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  5. Equality.Dennis McKerlie - 1996 - Ethics 106 (2):274-296.
  6.  57
    How do managers make teleological evaluations in ethical dilemmas? Testing part of and extending the hunt-Vitell model.Dennis Cole, M. Joseph Sirgy & Monroe Murphy Bird - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 26 (3):259 - 269.
    A study involving purchasing managers was conducted to test specific Hunt-Vitell theoretical propositions concerning the determinants of managers' teleological evaluations. We extended the Hunt-Vitell model by developing a new integrative construct, namely the desirability of consequences to self versus others. We hypothesized that desirability of consequences affects teleological evaluations in that the more desirable the consequences of a particular action, the more likely managers evaluate that action positively. The results of the present study provided support for this hypothesis. Furthermore, we (...)
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    Death's Values and Obligations: A Pragmatic Framework.Dennis R. Cooley - 2015 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    This book brings together the relevant interdisciplinary and method elements needed to form a conceptual framework that is both pragmatic and rigorous. By using the best, and often the latest, work in thanatology, psychology, neuroscience, sociology, physics, philosophy and ethics, it develops a framework for understanding both what death is - which requires a great deal of time spent developing definitions of the various types of identity-in-the-moment and identity-over-time - and the values involved in death. This pragmatic framework answers questions (...)
  8.  87
    Catholic Social Teaching in an Era of Economic Globalization.Dennis P. McCann - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (2):57-70.
    The paper attempts to provide a basis for exploring the continued relevance of Catholic social teaching to business ethics, byinterpreting the historic development of a Catholic work ethic and the traditions of Catholic social teaching in light of contemporary discussions of economic globalization, notably those of Robert Reich and Peter Drucker. The paper argues that the Catholic work ethic and the Church’s tradition of social teaching has evolved dynamically in response to the structural changes involved in the history of modern (...)
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  9. The Four-Sentence Paper.Dennis Earl - 2015 - Teaching Philosophy 38 (1):49-76.
    They say that argumentative writing skills are best learned through writing argumentative essays. I say that while this is excellent practice for argumentative writing, an important exercise to practice structuring such essays and build critical thinking skills simultaneously is what I call the four-sentence paper. The exercise has the template They say..., I say..., one might object..., I reply... One might object that the assignment oversimplifies argumentative writing, stifles creativity, promotes an adversarial attitude, or that students can’t consider objections well (...)
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  10. Rethinking Business Ethics, a Pragmatic Approach.Sandra B. Rosenthal & Rogene A. Buchholz - 2001 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 37 (4):627-634.
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  11.  28
    The Social Specificity of Societal Nature Relations in a Flexible Capitalist Society.Dennis Eversberg - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (3):319-343.
    Based on analyses of a 2016 German survey, this article contributes to debates on ‘societal nature relations’ by investigating the systematic differences between socially specific types of social relations with nature in a flexible capitalist society. It presents a typology of ten different ‘syndromes’ of attitudes toward social and environmental issues, which are then grouped to distinguish between four ideal types of social relationships with nature: dominance, conscious mutual dependency, alienation and contradiction. These are located in Pierre Bourdieu's (1984) social (...)
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  12.  60
    Mentoring and Practical Wisdom: Are Mentors Wiser or Just More Politically Skilled?Dennis Moberg - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (4):835-843.
    Mentoring is a natural setting for senior employees to render ethics advice and consultation to junior employees. Two studies examined the question of whether those who mentor are more practically wise than those who do not. Although four different measures of practical wisdom were used, no differences were detected. However, mentors were shown to be more politically skilled than non-mentors.
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  13.  72
    Two Years of Specifications Grading in Philosophy.Dennis Earl - 2022 - Teaching Philosophy 45 (1):23-64.
    Points-based grading, though now traditional, faces powerful critiques: Such grading creates a low road to passing, it undermines motivation, it wastes time, and it causes stress. It creates an illusion of mathematical precision. It is unfriendly to necessary conditions for satisfactory performance. This paper defends the alternative of specifications grading. Specifications grading grades only on whether work meets a set of expectations for satisfactory performance, with the expectations set at a high but reachable level. With a high bar also comes (...)
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  14. Ethical Marginality: The Icarus Syndrome and Banality of Wrongdoing.Dennis R. Balch & Robert W. Armstrong - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (2):291-303.
    This study proposes a conceptual model to explain persistent, accepted-as-normal corporate wrongdoing (hereafter banality of wrongdoing), particularly for high performance organizations. The model describes five explanatory variables: the culture of competition, ends-biased leadership, missionary zeal, legitimizing myth, and the corporate cocoon. Our thesis is that the nature of competition drives both legitimate and illegitimate goal-seeking to adopt an iconoclastic (rule-breaking) orientation. High performance organizations are favorable hosts for wrongdoing because high performance requires aggressive behavior at the ethical margins of what (...)
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  15.  69
    Competitive Irrationality: The Influence of Moral Philosophy.Dennis B. Arnett & Shelby D. Hunt - 2002 - Business Ethics Quarterly 12 (3):279-303.
    Abstract:This study explores a phenomenon that has been shown to adversely affect managers’ decisions—competitive irrationality. Managers are irrationally competitive in their decisions when they focus on damaging the profits of competitors, rather than improving their own profit performance. Studies by Armstrong and Collopy (1996) and Griffith and Rust (1997) suggest that the phenomenon is common but not universal. We examine the question of why some individuals exhibit competitive irrationality when making decisions, while others do not by focusing on four aspects (...)
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  16.  39
    Refined program extraction from classical proofs.Ulrich Berger, Wilfried Buchholz & Helmut Schwichtenberg - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 114 (1-3):3-25.
    The paper presents a refined method of extracting reasonable and sometimes unexpected programs from classical proofs of formulas of the form ∀x∃yB . We also generalize previously known results, since B no longer needs to be quantifier-free, but only has to belong to a strictly larger class of so-called “goal formulas”. Furthermore we allow unproven lemmas D in the proof of ∀x∃yB , where D is a so-called “definite” formula.
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  17.  6
    A Healthy Balance.Lee Hasselbring & Dennis Cheek - 1986 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 6 (6):541-606.
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    Introduction.Dennis Vanden Auweele - 2018 - In William Desmond’s Philosophy between Metaphysics, Religion, Ethics, and Aesthetics. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 1-12.
    This chapter introduces the main aspects of metaxological philosophy: metaphysics, perplexity, community of art, ethics and being, and dialectical philosophy. It also provides a summary of the topics addressed in the contributions.
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  19.  45
    Ontology and the Paradox of Future Generations.Dennis Earl - 2011 - Public Reason 3 (1).
  20. Do Lemmings Commit Suicide? Beautiful Hypotheses and Ugly Facts.Dennis Chitty - 1997 - Journal of the History of Biology 30 (1):140-142.
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  21.  65
    The Practical Syllogism and Akrasia.Dennis McKerlie - 1991 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 21 (3):299 - 321.
    Aristotle is often credited with views about practical reasoning, desire, and action collectively referred to as the theory of the practical syllogism.Some commentators are skeptical about the existence of any such general theory, but most would agree that a theory of some sort is outlined in the De Motu Animalium and that it influences Aristotle’s account of akrasia in the icomachean Ethics.This paper will begin by describing the most important ideas in the De Motu Animalium discussion of the practical syllogism. (...)
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  22.  37
    Trustworthiness and Conscientiousness as Managerial Virtues.Dennis J. Moberg - 1997 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 16 (1-2):171-194.
  23.  12
    Christian Realism and Liberation Theology: Practical Theologies in Creative Conflict.Dennis McCann - 1981 - Orbis.
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  24.  30
    Stress-induced analgesia: Effect of naloxone following cold water swims.Richard J. Bodnar, Dennis D. Kelly, Angela Spiaggia, Constantine Pavlides & Murray Glusman - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 12 (2):125-128.
  25.  39
    Reflections on the structure of the peace process between east and west.Philip von Bismarck & Arnold Buchholz - 1990 - Studies in Soviet Thought 40 (1-3):241-249.
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    Science and Technology Museums as Policy Tools—An Overview of the Issues.John Zilber, Lisa M. Buchholz & Marcel C. La Follette - 1983 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 8 (3):41-46.
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  27.  15
    Good enough for the third world.Dennis Cooley - 2000 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 25 (4):427 – 450.
    Over the past two years, much has been made by some governments and the media about the possible callous and racist distribution of Quinacrine by two Americans to sterilize women in the Third World. The main criticism of the practice is that though Quinacrine is unapproved by the developed world's health regulatory agencies for this particular use in the developed world due to inadequate testing for long-term side effects, it is used on defenseless women in the developing world.I argue that (...)
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  28.  69
    Justice between Age‐groups: a comment on Norman Daniels.Dennis Mckerlie - 2008 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 6 (2):227-234.
    ABSTRACT Norman Daniels suggests that the just distribution of resources between different age‐groups is determined by the choice a prudential agent would make in budgeting resources over the different temporal stages of a single life. He calls this view the “prudential lifespan account” of justice between age‐groups. Daniels thinks that the view recommends a rough kind of equality in resources between age‐groups. I argue that in the case of a single life prudence would choose an unequal distribution of resources. Consequently, (...)
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  29. Comments on Krister Bykvist 'prudence for changing selves'.Dennis Mckerlie - 2007 - Utilitas 19 (1):47-50.
    I very much enjoyed reading and thinking about Krister Bykvist's interesting and carefully written paper. My comments will not be criticisms. I will not challenge the conclusions the paper draws about the complicated examples of conflicts between preferences that it discusses. For example, I will not attempt to defend any of the views criticized in section IV of the paper. And I agree with the positive solution presented in section V, when that solution is characterized in the broadest possible way. (...)
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  30. Egalitarianism and the difference between interpersonal and intrapersonal judgments.Dennis McKerlie - 2007 - In Nils Holtug & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Egalitarianism: new essays on the nature and value of equality. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 157--73.
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    The Aging Workforce: Implications for Ethical Practice.Dennis J. Moberg - 2001 - Business and Society Review 106 (4):315-329.
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  32.  9
    Deep in Thought: A Practical Guide to Teaching for Intellectual Virtues, by Jason Baehr.Dennis Earl - 2024 - Teaching Philosophy 47 (4):603-610.
  33.  5
    The Mystical Form of Absolute Dialetheism in Kiyozawa Manshi and the Early Nishida Kitarō.Dennis Prooi & Gregory S. Moss - forthcoming - Journal of East Asian Philosophy:1-28.
    In this paper, we aim to demonstrate that Kiyozawa Manshi’s 1895 Draft for a Skeleton of a Philosophy of Other-Power and two of Nishida Kitarō’s early writings—namely the 1911 An Inquiry into the Good and the 1917 Intuition and Reflection in Self-Consciousness—instantiate the mystical form of absolute dialetheism. Absolute dialetheism is the thesis that the absolute exists and can only be known as a true contradiction. Its mystical form holds that because every conceptual cognition of the absolute leads to contradiction, (...)
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    (1 other version)Rational choice theory's mysterious rivals.Dennis Chong - 1995 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 9 (1-2):37-57.
    Although rational choice theory has enjoyed only modest predictive success, it provides a powerful explanatory mechanism for social processes involving strategic interaction among individuals and it stimulates interesting empirical inquiries. Rather than present competing theories to compare against rational choice, Don Green and Ian Shapiro have merely alluded to alternative explanatory variables such as culture, institutions, and social norms, without showing either how these factors can be incorporated into a more powerful theory, or how they are inconsistent with rational choice (...)
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  35.  16
    Grading for Growth: A Guide to Alternative Grading Practices that Promote Authentic Learning and Student Engagement in Higher Education, by David Clark and Robert Talbert.Dennis Earl - 2024 - Teaching Philosophy 47 (2):286-292.
  36.  11
    Promethean Pride and the Autonomy of Science: Newton as Maker and Destroyer of Worlds.Mitchell Malachowski & Dennis Rohatyn - 1991 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 8 (3):291 - 310.
  37. Moral Evaluation and Conceptual Analysis in Jurisprudential Methodology.John Oberdiek & Patterson & Dennis - 2007 - In Michael D. A. Freeman & Ross Harrison, Law and philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
  38.  35
    Ethics and Self-Cultivation: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives.Sander Werkhoven & Matthew Dennis (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    The aim of Ethics and Self-Cultivation is to establish and explore a new 'cultivation of the self' strand within contemporary moral philosophy. Although the revival of virtue ethics has helped reintroduce the eudaimonic tradition into mainstream philosophical debates, it has by and large been a revival of Aristotelian ethics combined with a modern preoccupation with standards for the moral rightness of actions. The essays comprising this volume offer a fresh approach to the eudaimonic tradition: instead of conditions for rightness of (...)
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    Toward New Directions in Business Ethics: Some Pragmatic Pathways.Sandra B. Rosenthal & Rogene A. Buchholz - 1999 - In Robert Frederick, A companion to business ethics. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell. pp. 112–127.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Selfhood and community Value The normative‐empirical split Environmental ethics.
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    Two Cheers for Transformative Constitutionalism.Dennis M. Davis & Karl Klare - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (3):487-533.
    We argued in earlier work that South Africa's democratic transition accomplished more than abolishing formal apartheid and replacing it with civil and political democracy. The transition also established a platform for “transformative constitutionalism,” an aspiration and generous constitutional framework for South Africa to embark on a postliberal path toward becoming an egalitarian social and economic democracy. Manifestly, the promised social and economic transformation remains largely unfulfilled. Many South Africans blame the constitutional settlement for this failure of delivery, seeing it as (...)
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  41.  24
    Geometric reasoning with logic and algebra.Dennis S. Arnon - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 37 (1-3):37-60.
  42.  19
    La puissance de l’intelligible: la theorie plotinienne des Formes au miroir de l’heritage medioplatonicien. Ancient and medieval philosophy , written by Alexandra Michalewski.Dennis Clark - 2016 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 10 (2):235-239.
  43. How anonymous are you online? Examining online social behaviors from a cross-cultural perspective.Hiroaki Morio & Christopher Buchholz - 2009 - AI and Society 23 (2):297-307.
    Communication on the Internet is often described as “anonymous”, yet the usage of the term is often confusing, even in academia. Three levels of anonymity, visual anonymity, dissociation of real and online identities, and lack of identifiability, are thought to have different effects on various components of interpersonal motivation. Specifically, we propose that cross-cultural differences in interpersonal motivation (autonomy vs. affiliation) are illustrated by choices individuals make when deciding whether or not to remain anonymous while communicating online. Autonomy is often (...)
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  44.  81
    Understanding egalitarianism.Dennis Mckerlie - 2003 - Economics and Philosophy 19 (1):45-60.
    The paper considers some differences in the ways that economics and philosophy study equality and egalitarianism in general. First, economics tends to understand a value simply as an ordering over outcomes while philosophy attempts to find a deeper explanation of the ordering in terms of intuitive ideas about the value. Sometimes the supposedly deeper explanation turns out to be insightful, but, in other cases, it is misleading or fails to be explanatory. Second, economists often propose impossibility results intended to show (...)
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  45.  28
    Remembrance and Reconciliation.Rob Gildert & Dennis Rothermel (eds.) - 2011 - Rodopi.
    Remembrance and reconciliation envision intentional pathways out of conflict and toward peace.
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  46. (1 other version)Introduction to jurisprudence.Lloyd of Hampstead & Dennis Lloyd - 1959 - London,: Stevens.
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  47. Egalitarianism and the Difference.Intrapersonal Judgments & Dennis McKerlie - 2007 - In Nils Holtug & Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen, Egalitarianism: new essays on the nature and value of equality. New York: Clarendon Press. pp. 157.
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  48. Intellectual Adventures in the Isles: Kearney and the Ireland Peace Process.Dennis Dworkin - 2007 - In Peter Gratton & John Panteleimon Manoussakis, Traversing the Imaginary: Richard Kearney and the Postmodern Challenge. Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
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    Extinction following separate-phase acquisition: Effects of shifts in reinforcement percentage and N-length.Dennis G. Dyck, K. Michael Dresel, Robert B. Thiessen & Vincent Di Lollo - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (6):439-442.
  50.  35
    Supervaluationist entailment and definitions.Dennis Earl - 2014 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 40 (98):1-12.
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