Results for 'Denis Monière'

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  1. Les particularités d'un discours politique : les gouvernements minoritaires de Pierre Trudeau et de Paul Martin au Canada.Dominique Labbé, Denis Monière & Cyril Labbé - 2005 - Corpus 4:79-104.
    Depuis la seconde guerre mondiale, l'État fédéral canadien a été gouverné à sept reprises par des équipes sans majorité au parlement : en 1957, 1962, 1963, 1965, 1972, 1979 et 2004. Dans cette étude nous avons retenu deux cas : celui du gouvernement Trudeau 1972-1974 et celui du gouvernement Martin 2004 parce que dans ces deux cas, le même parti et le même chef ont assumé le pouvoir en situation majoritaire et en situation minoritaire. Le vocabulaire caractéristique de ces deux (...)
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    Ideologies in Quebec: The Historical Development Denis Monière Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981.J. T. Stevenson - 1983 - Dialogue 22 (1):163-166.
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  3. Recent Work in Ethical Theory and its Implications for Business Ethics.Denis G. Arnold, Robert Audi & Matt Zwolinski - 2010 - Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (4):559-581.
    We review recent developments in ethical pluralism, ethical particularism, Kantian intuitionism, rights theory, and climate change ethics, and show the relevance of these developments in ethical theory to contemporary business ethics. This paper explains why pluralists think that ethical decisions should be guided by multiple standards and why particularists emphasize the crucial role of context in determining sound moral judgments. We explain why Kantian intuitionism emphasizes the discerning power of intuitive reason and seek to integrate that with the comprehensiveness of (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Beyond sweatshops: Positive deviancy and global labour practices.Denis G. Arnold & Laura P. Hartman - 2005 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 14 (3):206–222.
  5. Working conditions : safety and sweatshops.Denis G. Arnold - 2010 - In George G. Brenkert & Tom L. Beauchamp (eds.), The Oxford handbook of business ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    A Lockean defence of grandfathering emission rights.Denis G. Arnold - 2011 - In The Ethics of Global Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. pp. 124-144.
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    Misapplying Moral Hazard in Bioethics.Denis Arnold - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (7):41-42.
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    Pippin's The Culmination, ‘logic as metaphysics’, and the unintelligibility of Dasein.Denis McManus - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):926-936.
    April 15, 2024: This article published in Early View in error. The article will republish shortly.
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    Degree spectra and computable dimensions in algebraic structures.Denis R. Hirschfeldt, Bakhadyr Khoussainov, Richard A. Shore & Arkadii M. Slinko - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 115 (1-3):71-113.
    Whenever a structure with a particularly interesting computability-theoretic property is found, it is natural to ask whether similar examples can be found within well-known classes of algebraic structures, such as groups, rings, lattices, and so forth. One way to give positive answers to this question is to adapt the original proof to the new setting. However, this can be an unnecessary duplication of effort, and lacks generality. Another method is to code the original structure into a structure in the given (...)
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  10. Mechanism and purpose: A case for natural teleology.Denis Walsh - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (1):173-181.
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    Coming to grips with radical social constructivisms.Denis C. Phillips - 1997 - Science & Education 6 (1-2):85-104.
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    Spinoza and Descartes.Denis Kambouchner - 2021 - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed (ed.), A Companion to Spinoza. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 56–67.
    Spinoza discovered and studied Descartes's philosophy at the school of Van den Enden and then at the University of Leiden. Spinoza is seen as providing metaphysical views of unparalleled audacity, which remain highly exciting and offer a source of inspiration and a source of theoretical models in a wide variety of fields, including neurobiology. The most general of Spinoza's intentions is to expound in accordance with “the prolix Geometric order” what Descartes had left in a more informal one. Spinoza's original (...)
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    (1 other version)Pensées philosophiques.Denis Diderot - 1950 - Genève,: E. Droz. Edited by Robert Niklaus.
    "Pensées philosophiques" de Denis Diderot. Ecrivain, philosophe et encyclopédiste français (1713-1784).
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    What Future for Evolutionary Biology? Response to Commentaries on “The Illusions of the Modern Synthesis”.Denis Noble - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-13.
    The extensive range and depth of the twenty commentaries on my target article confirms that something has gone deeply wrong in biology. A wide range of biologists has more than met my invitation for “others to pitch in and develop or counter my arguments.” The commentaries greatly develop those arguments. Also remarkably, none raise issues I would seriously disagree with. I will focus first on the more critical comments, summarise the other comments, and then point the way forward on what (...)
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  15. A computably categorical structure whose expansion by a constant has infinite computable dimension.Denis Hirschfeldt, Bakhadyr Khoussainov & Richard Shore - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (4):1199-1241.
    Cholak, Goncharov, Khoussainov, and Shore [1] showed that for each k > 0 there is a computably categorical structure whose expansion by a constant has computable dimension k. We show that the same is true with k replaced by ω. Our proof uses a version of Goncharov's method of left and right operations.
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    Two neo-darwinisms.Denis M. Walsh - 2010 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 32 (2/3).
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    Celebrating Our 25th Anniversary: BEQ’s Past, Present, and Future.Denis G. Arnold - 2015 - Business Ethics Quarterly 25 (1):v-vii.
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    Acting knowingly: effects of the agent's awareness of an opportunity on causal attributions.Denis J. Hilton, John McClure & Briar Moir - 2016 - Thinking and Reasoning 22 (4):461-494.
    ABSTRACTAccording to difference-based models of causal judgement, the epistemic state of the agent should not affect judgements of cause. Four experiments examined opportunity chains in which a physical event enabled a subsequent proximal cause to produce an outcome. All four experiments showed that when the proximal cause was a human action, it was judged as more causal if the agent was aware of his opportunity than if he was not or if the proximal cause was a physical event. The first (...)
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    Plato's persona: Marsilio Ficino, Renaissance humanism, and Platonic traditions.Denis J.-J. Robichaud - 2018 - Philadelphia: PENN, University of Pennsylvania Press.
    In 1484, humanist philosopher and theologian Marsilio Ficino published the first complete Latin translation of Plato's extant works. Students of Plato now had access to the entire range of the dialogues, which revealed to Renaissance audiences the rich ancient landscape of myths, allegories, philosophical arguments, etymologies, fragments of poetry, other works of philosophy, aspects of ancient pagan religious practices, concepts of mathematics and natural philosophy, and the dialogic nature of the Platonic corpus's interlocutors. By and large, Renaissance readers in the (...)
  20. Mental models and causal explanation: Judgements of probable cause and explanatory relevance.Denis J. Hilton - 1996 - Thinking and Reasoning 2 (4):273 – 308.
    Good explanations are not only true or probably true, but are also relevant to a causal question. Current models of causal explanation either only address the question of the truth of an explanation, or do not distinguish the probability of an explanation from its relevance. The tasks of scenario construction and conversational explanation are distinguished, which in turn shows how scenarios can interact with conversational principles to determine the truth and relevance of explanations. The proposed model distinguishes causal discounting from (...)
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    The provocation to look and see: appropriation, recollection and formal indication.Denis McManus - 2013 - In David Egan, Stephen Reynolds & Aaron Wendland (eds.), Wittgenstein and Heidegger. New York: Routledge.
    While all of the great philosophers are difficult to read, Heidegger and Wittgenstein seem to be so in striking ways. Their writings are oddly reluctant to yield up to us what we might think of as ‘their philosophical claims’; and both seem to manifest an attitude towards argument unlike that of most contemporary philosophers. This paper will re-consider these features of Heidegger’s and Wittgenstein’s work in the light of some common themes in their understanding of philosophical confusion. Given that understanding, (...)
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    Kantian Business Ethics: Critical Perspectives.Denis Gordon Arnold & Jared D. Harris (eds.) - 2012 - Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
    In this original collection of essays, distinguished scholars critically examine the ethical dimensions of business using the Kantian themed business ethics of Norman E. Bowie as a jumping off point. the authors engage Bowie's influential body of scholarship as well as contemporary themes in business, including topics such as: the normative foundations of capitalism; the applicability of Kantian ethics, virtue ethics, and pragmatism in normative business ethics; meaningful work; managerial ethics; the ethics of high leverage finance capitalism; business ethics and (...)
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    No Title available.Denis G. Arnold - 1998 - Utilitas 10 (3):368-369.
  24. Patrick Maclagan, Management and Morality: A Developmental Perspective.Denis G. Arnold - 2003 - Teaching Business Ethics 7 (2):179-181.
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    When Comes “The End of the Day?”: A Comment on the Dialogue between Dax Cowart and Robert Burt.Denis G. Arnold & Paul T. Menzel - 1998 - Hastings Center Report 28 (1):25-27.
  26. Logical Constants, or How to use Invariance in Order to Complete the Explication of Logical Consequence.Denis Bonnay - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (1):54-65.
    The problem of logical constants consists in finding a principled way to draw the line between those expressions of a language that are logical and those that are not. The criterion of invariance under permutation, attributed to Tarski, is probably the most common answer to this problem, at least within the semantic tradition. However, as the received view on the matter, it has recently come under heavy attack. Does this mean that the criterion should be amended, or maybe even that (...)
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    Anxiety, choice and responsibility in Heidegger’s account of authenticity.Denis McManus - 2014 - In Heidegger, Authenticity, and the Self: Themes From Division Two of Being and Time. New York: Routledge.
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  28. Failing to Agree or Failing to Disagree?: Personal Identity Quasi-Relativism.Denis Robinson - 2004 - The Monist 87 (4):512-36.
    This paper explores a variety of kinds of apparent disagreement of which it may be held that they involve failure to disagree in that, at least in some broad sense, the disputants use the same words to express different meanings or concepts. It is argued that it is hard to rebut the claim that some apparent disagreements about personal identity fall into a particular sub-category of this broad type. I conclude both that a "constrained" relativism which I call "quasi-relativism" is (...)
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    Deux cartésiens: la polémique entre Antoine Arnauld et Nicolas Malebranche.Denis Moreau - 1999 - Paris: Vrin.
    De 1683 a 1694, Antoine Arnauld et Nicolas Malebranche, anciens amis et pretres que leur interet pour Descartes, leur reverence pour Augustin et leur commune inquietude face au libertinage semblaient pourtant destiner a s'entendre, polemiquerent violemment. En insistant sur l'aspect philosophique de ces debats, cet ouvrage propose la premiere interpretation d'ensemble de cette celebre confrontation. Y a-t-il de serieuses raisons philosophiques au desaccord entre Arnauld et Malebranche? Leur determination permet-elle d'eclairer certains aspects du malebranchisme? Existe-t-il une philosophie d'Antoine Arnauld et (...)
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    A question of detail: matching counterfactuals to actual cause in pre-emption scenarios.Denis Hilton, Christophe Schmeltzer & Valentin Goulette - 2021 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (3):350-388.
    Causal pre-emption scenarios are problematic for the counterfactual framework of causation (CFC) because people judge an action to be the actual cause of an outcome although the outcome would have occurred anyway due to the action of a pre-empted alternative cause. We propose that commonsense causal questions typically probe specific events that actually happened as and how they did, and show that counterfactuals that probe specific events match selections of actual cause, and dissociations only occur with non-specific counterfactuals. In addition, (...)
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    Earlier and Later If and Only If Past, Present and Future.Denis Corish - 2011 - Philosophy 86 (1):41-58.
    To prove the equivalence one must start with one side, and the earlier-later side seems, for starting with, logically the clearer. The equivalence is provable on reasonable definitions of ‘past’, ‘present’ and ‘future’ in terms of the earlier-later structure of time. McTaggart's attempted distinction between the past-present-future A series and the earlier-later B series, as though they were rivals for the structure of time, is based on an unexamined, and false, assumption. The equivalence shows they are not rivals; they are (...)
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    Ultrafilter extensions do not preserve elementary equivalence.Denis I. Saveliev & Saharon Shelah - 2019 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 65 (4):511-516.
    We show that there are models and such that elementarily embeds into but their ultrafilter extensions and are not elementarily equivalent.
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    Descriptions and models: Some responses to Abrams.Denis M. Walsh - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (3):302-308.
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    (1 other version)Linguistic imposters.Denis Kazankov & Edison Yi - 2024 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (4):1182-1206.
    There is a widespread phenomenon that we call linguistic imposters. Linguistic imposters are systematic misuses of expressions that misusers mistake with their conventional usages because of misunderstanding their meaning. Our paper aims to provide an initial framework for theorising about linguistic imposters that will lay the foundation for future philosophical research about them. We focus on the misuses of the expressions ‘grooming’ and ‘critical race theory’ as our central examples of linguistic imposters. We show that linguistic imposters present a distinctive (...)
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    6. Malebranche on Disorder and Physical Evil: Manichaeism or Philosophical Courage?Denis Moreau - 2001 - In Michael J. Latzer & Elmar J. Kremer (eds.), The Problem of Evil in Early Modern Philosophy. University of Toronto Press. pp. 81-100.
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    Les méditations métaphysiques de Descartes.Denis Kambouchner - 2005 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    " Des six méditations, la première est la plus brève, mais aussi, selon l'auteur, celle qui exigera la plus longue application d'esprit. Vivante comme peut-être aucun texte de pure philosophie ne l'avait été depuis les dialogues de Platon, elle " parlera " au lecteur le moins averti. Mais on a pas eu tort d'y voir le " cheval de Troie " d'où les démonstrations cartésiennes"s'élancent pour enlever d'assaut toutes espèce de défense " : elle offre en tout cas -ou oppose- (...)
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    Theories, values and education.Denis Charles Phillips - 1971 - [Melbourne]: Melbourne University Press.
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    Why and how can religions and traditions be plausible and credible in public ethics today?Denis Müller - 2001 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4 (4):329-348.
    This article presents and discusses the meaning of a possible foundation of ethics, both from a philosophical perspective and with regard to religious representations. It proposes to enlarge the conception of rationality in order to take into account the critical contribution of cultures, traditions and religions to an ethics of reconstruction. This also entails rethinking the role of theological ethics and seeking to make more explicit the cultural plausibility and the practical credibility of Christianity in public ethics today.
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    Tempo e intencionalidade temporal no Wittgenstein do período intermediário.Denis Perrin - 2009 - Dois Pontos 6 (1).
    Este artigo enfoca a questão da temporalidade no período intermediário deWittgenstein. Primeiro, ele estabelece a evolução do tratamento que o filósofo dispensa àidéia “fenomenológica”, de origem empirista, de um presente da consciência incessantementefluente: de início simplesmente adotada (em 1929) como uma descrição da experiênciaimediata, essa idéia é, em seguida, criticada em 1930-32 como a expressão de umadas tentações mais características do espírito filosófico. Depois, o artigo examina, numcaso particular (o da lembrança), o modo pelo qual Wittgenstein lida com os efeitos (...)
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    Thé'tres-machines - Trois expériences.Denis Pondruel - 2009 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 3 (1):119-124.
    Résumé J’ai toujours été intrigué par le fonctionnement du texte de théâtre. Ça ne m’a d’ailleurs jamais tellement plu. Les trois mises en scènes décrites ici, ont toutes été réalisées en utilisant des machines et des objets mais selon des modalités très différentes. Théâtres sans acteurs, elle relataient toutes trois des rapports amoureux tragiques avec plus ou moins de distance.
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    Understanding Appearance-Enhancing Drug Use in Sport Using an Enactive Approach to Body Image.Denis Hauw & Jean Bilard - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:256787.
    From an enactive approach to human activity, we suggest that the use of appearance-enhancing drugs is better explained by the sense-making related to body image rather than the cognitive evaluation of social norms about appearance and consequent psychopathology-oriented approach. After reviewing the main psychological disorders thought to link body image issues to the use of appearance-enhancing substances, we sketch a flexible, dynamic and embedded account of body image defined as the individual’s propensity to act and experience in specific situations. We (...)
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    Reasoning about rights and duties: mental models, world knowledge and pragmatic interpretation.Denis J. Hilton, Laetitia Charalambides & Stéphanie Hoareau-Blanchet - 2016 - Thinking and Reasoning 22 (2):150-183.
    We address the way verb-based and rule-content knowledge are combined in understanding institutional deontics. Study 1 showed that the institutional regulations used in our studies were readily categorised into one of two content groups: rights or duties. Participants perceived rights as benefiting the addressees identified by the rule, whereas they perceived duties as benefiting the collective that imposed the rule. Studies 2, 3, and 4 showed that rule content had clear effects on perceptions of violations and relevance of cases for (...)
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  43. Descartes and the passions.Denis Kambouchner - 2019 - In Steven Nadler, Tad M. Schmaltz & Delphine Antoine-Mahut (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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  44. Descartes et Charron: Prud'homie, générosité, charité.Denis Kambouchner & Panthéon Sorbonne - 2008 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 55:193-208.
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    Identification d'une pensée : le Cogito de Hintikka.Denis Kambouchner - 2009 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 250 (4):405-422.
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    Le style de Descartes.Denis Kambouchner - 2013 - Paris: Manucius.
    Grand philosophe, grand mathématicien, Descartes a-t-il été aussi un grand écrivain? La question est classique. A l'évidence, il existe un style cartésien, dont le Discours de la Méthode offre une sorte de bouquet, avec ses longues phrases à la construction puissante et aux savantes modulations. Ce style résulte d'une éducation littéraire que Descartes n'a en vérité jamais répudiée. De quoi cette éducation a-t-elle été faite? Quelle relation le philosophe entretient-il avec le langage? Comment passe-t-il du latin, " langue de ses (...)
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    Bibliografija 2018.Denis Kos & Luka Perušić - 2019 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 38 (4):929-940.
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    Qu’est-ce qu’une « herméneutique critique »?Denis Thouard - 2002 - Methodos 2.
    Contre l’herméneutique « philosophique », qui affirme le caractère contraignant de la structure du « préjugé », l’herméneutique « critique » entend réhabiliter la fonction du jugement et revendique la légitimité d’une méthode. Cette correction est appelée par un double constat : les herméneutiques particulières, en privilégiant l’adhérence à l’objet, se sont engagées dans diverses formes de positivisme où la question du sens était suspendue au profit de savoirs historiques « objectifs » ; l’herméneutique philosophique, en tant que théorie générale (...)
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    Le flux et l'instant: Wittgenstein aux prises avec le mythe du présent.Denis Perrin - 2007 - Vrin.
    La pensee de Ludwig Wittgenstein est animee, tout au long des annees 1930 et 1940, par une meditation de la question du temps. C'est un de ses aspects les plus mal connus. Ce livre vise a restituer cette meditation dans sa force et sa singularite, afin d'etablir la contribution qu'elle apporte a la tradition qui s'est consacree a cette question majeure de la philosophie. Il montre d'abord comment la tentation d'accorder un privilege au present constitue un element essentiel du projet (...)
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    Malebranche: Une Philosophie de L'Expérience.Denis Moreau - 2004 - Vrin.
    Nicolas Malebranche fut le principal représentant du cartésianisme en France. Sa pensée se présente comme une audacieuse tentative de synthèse entre la philosophie « moderne » de Descartes et certains thèmes fondamentaux de l’augustinisme. Malebranche est donc un représentant majeur de ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler le « rationalisme chrétien ».Ce livre expose et analyse une série de thèmes qui fournissent des axes directeurs pour la lecture de l’abondante œuvre de Malebranche. Il fait apparaître l’intérêt philosophique des principales problématiques malebranchistes (...)
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