Results for 'Denis Hay'

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  1.  31
    Editorial: Lexical Tone Perception in Infants and Young Children: Empirical Studies and Theoretical Perspectives.Leher Singh, Denis Burnham, Jessica Hay, Liquan Liu & Karen Mattock - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Utter antiquity. Perceptions of prehistory in renaissance England.Denys Hay - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (4):607-608.
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    A Note on More and the General Council.Denis Hay - 1967 - Moreana 4 (Number 15-4 (3):249-252.
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    In memoriam.Denys Hay - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (4):vii-vii.
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    Henry VIII and the invasion of France.Denys Hay - 1993 - History of European Ideas 17 (2-3):391-391.
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    The life of polydore Vergil of urbino.Denys Hay - 1949 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 12 (1):132-151.
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    Europe revisited: 1979.Denys Hay - 1980 - History of European Ideas 1 (1):1-6.
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    Magna Carta.Denys Hay - 1994 - History of European Ideas 18 (3):461-462.
  9. "Europe" and "Christendom" a Problem in Renaissance Terminology and Historical Semantics.Denys Hay - 1957 - Diogenes 5 (17):45-55.
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    Henry VIII.Denys Hay - 1990 - History of European Ideas 12 (2):310-311.
  11.  18
    The making of the Tudor dynasty.Denys Hay - 1987 - History of European Ideas 8 (3):391-392.
  12.  26
    The pursuit of power: Technology, armed force and society since A.D. 1000 : W.H. McNeill , x + 405, pp., H.C. £15.00. [REVIEW]Denys Hay - 1984 - History of European Ideas 5 (4):445-448.
  13.  44
    L'habitat néolithique pré-céramique de Shillourokambos (Parekklisha, Chypre).Jean Guilaine, François Briois, Jean-Denis Vigne, Isabelle Carrère, Claire-Anne De Chazelles, Juliette Collonge, Handi Gazzal, Patrice Gérard, Laurent Haye, Claire Manen, Thomas Perrin & George Willcox - 2002 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 126 (2):590-597.
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  14. Bertrand Russell on the justification of induction.W. H. Hay - 1950 - Philosophy of Science 17 (3):266-277.
    “Nay, I will go farther, and assert, that he could not so much as prove by any probable arguments, that the future must be conformable to the past. All probable arguments are built on the supposition, that there is this conformity betwixt the future and the past, and therefore can never prove it. This conformity is a matter of fact, and if it must be proved, will admit of no proof but from experience. But our experience in the past can (...)
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    Plotting Devices: Literary Darwinism in the Laboratory.John Hay - 2014 - Philosophy and Literature 38 (1A):A148-A161.
    Critics of literary Darwinism like to point out the weaknesses of its scientific scaffolding, but the real flaw in this research program is its neglect of literary history and stylistic evolution. A full-fledged scientific approach to literary criticism should incorporate the kind of work being done by Franco Moretti at the Stanford Literary Lab—a quantitative analysis of the history of literary form. While Moretti and the literary Darwinists are almost never mentioned together, I contend that their work is not only (...)
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  16. Rules vs. analogy in English past tenses: a computational/experimental study.Adam Albright & Bruce Hayes - 2003 - Cognition 90 (2):119-161.
    Are morphological patterns learned in the form of rules? Some models deny this, attributing all morphology to analogical mechanisms. The dual mechanism model (Pinker, S., & Prince, A. (1998). On language and connectionism: analysis of a parallel distributed processing model of language acquisition. Cognition, 28, 73-193) posits that speakers do internalize rules, but that these rules are few and cover only regular processes; the remaining patterns are attributed to analogy. This article advocates a third approach, which uses multiple stochastic rules (...)
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    The Renaissance, by Denys Hay, a BBC Publication, 64 pp., 5 a. [REVIEW]Joanna B. Lipking - 1965 - Moreana 2 (3):99-101.
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  18. Annalists and historians. Western historiography from the eighth to the eighteenth centuries. By Denys hay. [REVIEW]Samuel Cohen - 1979 - History and Theory 18 (1):139.
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    De Gestis Concilii Basiliensis Commentariorum Libri Ii.Aeneas Sylvius Piccolominus - 1992 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This lively, first-hand narrative of the turning-point in the affairs of the Council of Basle was written by Aeneas Sylvius during his unregenerate conciliar period. It provides us with an important contemporary account of the personalities and principles involved in the election of the anti-pope Felix V. Originally published in 1967, this volume offers the first critical edition and English translation of this work. Unavailable in recent years, it has now been revised by Denys Hay and reissued by the Oxford (...)
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    Mecanismo y teleología en la Lógica de Hegel.Edgar Maraguat - 2013 - Dianoia 58 (70):59-87.
    ¿Cómo hay que entender la tesis de Hegel en la Lógica de que "la teleología es la verdad del mecanismo"? La afirmó contra Kant, desde luego; a saber, contra la posibilidad de que lo que parece teleológico sea sólo mecánico; pero no en el sentido de un compromiso dogmático con la realidad de fines naturales y tampoco en el de una refutación del mecanicismo como la que Fichte busca con su radicalización de la filosofía trascendental. Aquí se examina qué posibilidades (...)
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    Causation and the Agent’s Point of View.Sebastián Álvarez Toledo - 2014 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 29 (1):133-147.
    There are philosophers who deny that causal relations actually exist in nature, arguing that they are merely a product of our perspective as beings capable of intentional actions. In this paper I briefly explain this thesis and consider that it needs to be complemented with a basic non-causal ontological perspective whichcan account for phenomena taken as causal; I then describe what seems to be a good candidate for such an ontology and finally conclude, however, that it cannot dispense with the (...)
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    Heidegger and the Measure of Truth.Denis McManus - 2012 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Denis McManus presents a novel account of Martin Heidegger's early vision of our subjectivity and the world we inhabit. He explores key elements of Heidegger's philosophy, and argues that Heidegger's central claims identify genuine demands that must be met if we are to achieve the feat of thinking determinate thoughts about the world around us.
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    Degree spectra and computable dimensions in algebraic structures.Denis R. Hirschfeldt, Bakhadyr Khoussainov, Richard A. Shore & Arkadii M. Slinko - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 115 (1-3):71-113.
    Whenever a structure with a particularly interesting computability-theoretic property is found, it is natural to ask whether similar examples can be found within well-known classes of algebraic structures, such as groups, rings, lattices, and so forth. One way to give positive answers to this question is to adapt the original proof to the new setting. However, this can be an unnecessary duplication of effort, and lacks generality. Another method is to code the original structure into a structure in the given (...)
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  24. Kantianism, Liberalism, and Feminism: Resisting Oppression.Carol Hay - 2013 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This is a book about the harms of oppression, and about addressing these harms using the resources of liberalism and Kantianism. Its central thesis is that people who are oppressed are bound by the duty of self-respect to resist their own oppression. In it, I defend certain core ideals of the liberal tradition—specifically, the fundamental importance of autonomy and rationality, the intrinsic and inalienable dignity of the individual, and the duty of self-respect—making the case that these ideals are pivotal in (...)
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  25. Function and teleology.Denis Walsh - 2014 - In R. Paul Thompson & Denis Walsh, Evolutionary biology: conceptual, ethical, and religious issues. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
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  26. Four Pillars of Statisticalism.Denis M. Walsh, André Ariew & Mohan Matthen - 2017 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 9 (1):1-18.
    Over the past fifteen years there has been a considerable amount of debate concerning what theoretical population dynamic models tell us about the nature of natural selection and drift. On the causal interpretation, these models describe the causes of population change. On the statistical interpretation, the models of population dynamics models specify statistical parameters that explain, predict, and quantify changes in population structure, without identifying the causes of those changes. Selection and drift are part of a statistical description of population (...)
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    Michael Psellos – Christliche Philosophie in Byzanz: Mittelalterliche Philosophie Im Verhältnis Zu Antike Und Spätantike.Denis Walter - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Michael Psellos ist ein Philosoph, der wie kein anderer für die byzantinische Epoche steht. Das Denken dieses Großintellektuellen – der in subtilen Auseinandersetzungen mit antiken und spätantiken Positionen in Theologie, Ontologie und Ethik eine selbständige christliche Philosophie formuliert – findet in diesem Band erstmalig eine monographische Gesamtdarstellung. Die Arbeit liefert durch ihren systematischen Charakter, durch die Einbeziehung bisher nicht interpretierter Texte, durch die Darlegung der bisherigen Forschungsergebnisse und durch die Aufdeckung von Traditioinslinien eine wichtige Grundlage für die weitere Erforschung der (...)
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    The Continuum of Inductive Methods.William H. Hay - 1953 - Philosophical Review 62 (3):468.
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    Brentano's Chestnuts.Denis M. Walsh - 2002 - In André Ariew, Robert Cummins & Mark Perlman, Functions: New Essays in the Philosophy of Psychology and Biology. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 314.
  30. Can amoebae divide without multiplying?Denis Robinson - 1985 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 63 (3):299 – 319.
  31. Mental models and causal explanation: Judgements of probable cause and explanatory relevance.Denis J. Hilton - 1996 - Thinking and Reasoning 2 (4):273 – 308.
    Good explanations are not only true or probably true, but are also relevant to a causal question. Current models of causal explanation either only address the question of the truth of an explanation, or do not distinguish the probability of an explanation from its relevance. The tasks of scenario construction and conversational explanation are distinguished, which in turn shows how scenarios can interact with conversational principles to determine the truth and relevance of explanations. The proposed model distinguishes causal discounting from (...)
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    On notions of computability-theoretic reduction between Π21 principles.Denis R. Hirschfeldt & Carl G. Jockusch - 2016 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 16 (1):1650002.
    Several notions of computability-theoretic reducibility between [Formula: see text] principles have been studied. This paper contributes to the program of analyzing the behavior of versions of Ramsey’s Theorem and related principles under these notions. Among other results, we show that for each [Formula: see text], there is an instance of RT[Formula: see text] all of whose solutions have PA degree over [Formula: see text] and use this to show that König’s Lemma lies strictly between RT[Formula: see text] and RT[Formula: see (...)
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    Le contenu du souvenir épisodique : une singularité non fondée sur l’accointance.Denis Perrin - 2019 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 130 (3):479-496.
    Cet article traite de la question méta-sémantique de ce qui permet au souvenir épisodique d’avoir le contenu sémantique qui est le sien. Il adopte une position singulariste quant au contenu du souvenir et critique la justification méta-sémantique relationnaliste de cette position. Selon celle-ci, le contenu du souvenir est singulier parce que le souvenir consiste en une relation d’accointance avec l’événement passé. L’article oppose un argument causal et un argument sémantique à cette analyse puis montre que les deux traits du souvenir (...)
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  34. Matter, motion, and Humean supervenience.Denis Robinson - 1989 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 67 (4):394 – 409.
    This paper examines a doctrine which David Lewis has called 'Humean Supervenience' (hereafter 'HS'), and a problem which certain imaginary cases seem to generate for HS. They include rotating perfect spheres or discs, and flowing rivers, imagined as composed of matter which is perfectly homogeneous right down to the individual points. Before considering these examples, I shall introduce the doctrine they seem to challenge.
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    Coming to grips with radical social constructivisms.Denis C. Phillips - 1997 - Science & Education 6 (1-2):85-104.
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    Pippin's The Culmination, ‘logic as metaphysics’, and the unintelligibility of Dasein.Denis McManus - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):926-936.
    April 15, 2024: This article published in Early View in error. The article will republish shortly.
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  37. Epiphenomenalism, laws, and properties.Denis Robinson - 1993 - Philosophical Studies 69 (1):1-34.
  38. Biology and Ideology From Descartes to Dawkins.Denis R. Alexander & Ronald L. Numbers (eds.) - 2010 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Over the course of human history, the sciences, and biology in particular, have often been manipulated to cause immense human suffering. For example, biology has been used to justify eugenic programs, forced sterilization, human experimentation, and death camps—all in an attempt to support notions of racial superiority. By investigating the past, the contributors to _Biology and Ideology from Descartes to Dawkins_ hope to better prepare us to discern ideological abuse of science when it occurs in the future. Denis R. (...)
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    Du discours à l'action: études pragmatiques.Denis Vernant - 1997 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Longtemps en linguistique, la sémantique a voulu reléguer la pragmatique au rang de discipline marginale. La pragmatique a enfin acquis droit de cité et consistance théorique, elle est un cadre général dans lequel les analyses traditionnelles du langage doivent être interprétées. Ainsi conçue, la pragmatique est un carrefour, point de rencontre des disciplines traitant du langage, approche actionnelle des phénomènes langagiers et communicationnels. Pages de début Prologue Chapitre Premier. Du discours à l'action Chapitre II. Genèse du concept d'assertion Chapitre III. (...)
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    Le concept du droit positif chez Jacques Maritain et Paul Amselek.Denis Vincelette - 2015 - Maritain Studies/Etudes Maritainiennes 31:3-12.
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    A Commentary on Blute’s ‘Updated Definition’.Denis Walsh - 2008 - Spontaneous Generations 2 (1):6.
    Barely a decade after the discovery of the chromosomal basis of inheritance, and the articulation of the genetical theory of population change, the gene came to be widely regarded as the fundamental unit of biological organization. This is hardly surprising. The gene concept is a powerful one; it plays a unifying role in our understanding of evolution. Darwin told us that evolution by natural selection occurs in a population when organisms survive, die and reproduce differentially on account of their heritable (...)
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    Variationalism and Individualism.Denis M. Walsh - 2020 - Philosophy, Theology and the Sciences 7 (2):227.
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  43. Re-identifying matter.Denis Robinson - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (3):317-341.
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  44. Environment as Abstraction.Denis Walsh - 2021 - Biological Theory 17 (1):68-79.
    The concept of the environment appears to be indispensably involved in adaptive explanation. Quite what its role is, however, is a matter of some dispute. The environment is customarily viewed as the dual of the organism; a wholly external, discrete, autonomous cause of evolution. On this view, the external environment is the principal cause of the adaptedness of form, and the determinant of what it is to be an adaptation. I argue that this conception of the environment neither adequately explains (...)
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    Themes from Brentano.Denis Fisette & Guillaume Fréchette (eds.) - 2013 - New York, NY: Editions Rodopi.
    Franz Brentano’s impact on the philosophy of his time and on 20th-century philosophy is considerable. The “sharp dialectician” (Freud) and “genial master” (Husserl) influenced philosophers of various allegiances, being acknowledged not only as the “grandfather of phenomenology” (Ryle) but also as an analytic philosopher “in the best sense of this term” (Chisholm). The fourteen new essays gathered together in this volume give an insight in three core issues of Brentano’s philosophy: consciousness (sect.1), intentionality (sect. 2) and ontology and metaphysics (sect. (...)
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    Pippin's The Culmination, ‘logic as metaphysics’, and the unintelligibility of Dasein.Denis McManus - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (3):926-936.
    Robert Pippin's new book, The Culmination, examines Heidegger's reading and critique of Kant and Hegel. Since Pippin is perhaps best known as one of the most influential contemporary advocates for the importance of engaging with the difficult work of Hegel in particular, it will no doubt surprise quite a few of his readers that, on some fundamental points, the book concludes that “Heidegger is right” (p. xi). In the present piece, I explore some intriguing issues that Pippin's book raises. Although (...)
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    Ethical Issues in Hospital-based Social Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case from Uganda, with a Commentary.Denis Adia & Sarah Banks - 2023 - Ethics and Social Welfare 17 (1):90-97.
    This paper comprises a case study illustrating ethical and practical challenges for a Ugandan hospital-based social worker early in the COVID-19 pandemic, followed by a commentary. The hospital was under-resourced, with staff and patients experiencing lack of information and panic. The social worker, Denis Adia, recounts his responses to new and ethically challenging situations, including persuading Muslim patients to stop fasting for the good of their health; deciding to keep a baby in hospital with parents although this was against (...)
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    Coarse reducibility and algorithmic randomness.Denis R. Hirschfeldt, Carl G. Jockusch, Rutger Kuyper & Paul E. Schupp - 2016 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 81 (3):1028-1046.
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    Plato's persona: Marsilio Ficino, Renaissance humanism, and Platonic traditions.Denis J.-J. Robichaud - 2018 - Philadelphia: PENN, University of Pennsylvania Press.
    In 1484, humanist philosopher and theologian Marsilio Ficino published the first complete Latin translation of Plato's extant works. Students of Plato now had access to the entire range of the dialogues, which revealed to Renaissance audiences the rich ancient landscape of myths, allegories, philosophical arguments, etymologies, fragments of poetry, other works of philosophy, aspects of ancient pagan religious practices, concepts of mathematics and natural philosophy, and the dialogic nature of the Platonic corpus's interlocutors. By and large, Renaissance readers in the (...)
  50.  19
    Pippin's The Culmination, Heidegger's Question, and Hegel's Revenge.Denis McManus - forthcoming - Hegel Bulletin:1-14.
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