Results for 'Denis Brun'

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  1.  13
    International Health Practices: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Therapeutic Mediations With an Artistic Medium Based on the Model of Play.Anne Brun, Louis Brunet, Denis Cerclet, Antonie Masson, Magali Ravit, Jean-Pol Tassin, Silvia Zornig, Maria Clelia Zurlo, Tamara Guénoun, Sylvain Missonnier, Vincent Di Rocco, Lila Mitsopoulou, Eric Jacquet, Johan Jung & René Roussillon - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This article, corresponding to a part of the restitution of a financed international research project between France, Brazil, Canada, Italy and Belgium, aims to offer a modelisation and qualitative evaluation of mediation care settings based on an original methodological tool that involves identifying the typical games at the foundations of creativity, following a multidisciplinary perspective. Therapeutic mediations are settings or devices organised around a “pliable medium”, often artistic, like painting, modeling, writing, ​and theatre, which are very widespread in institutional practices, (...)
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    Gilles Deleuze & Claire Parnet: Dialogues.Denis Brun - 2016 - Philosophique 19.
    Ce volume d’entretiens commence par un texte de Gilles Deleuze qui ouvre le premier chapitre, intitulé « Un entretien, qu’est-ce que c’est, à quoi ça sert? » Deleuze s’interroge sur l’utilité, sur la légitimité du dialogue dans lequel il a accepté d’entrer. En d’autres termes, il se demande s’il n’est pas en train de perdre son temps et s’il ne ferait pas mieux de retourner à ses travaux, lecture, écriture, réflexion. Bref, ne vaudrait-il pas mieux « faire » de la (...)
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  3. Interpreting enthymematic arguments using belief revision.Georg Brun & Hans Rott - 2013 - Synthese 190 (18):4041-4063.
    This paper is about the situation in which an author (writer or speaker) presents a deductively invalid argument, but the addressee aims at a charitable interpretation and has reason to assume that the author intends to present a valid argument. How can he go about interpreting the author’s reasoning as enthymematically valid? We suggest replacing the usual find-the-missing-premise approaches by an approach based on systematic efforts to ascribe a belief state to the author against the background of which the argument (...)
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    Autopoiesis: Less than Self‐Constitution, More than Self‐Organization: Reply to Gilkey, Mcclelland and Deltete, and Brun.Niels Henrik Gregersen - 1999 - Zygon 34 (1):117-138.
    Replying to the variegated responses by theologian Langdon Gilkey, philosophers Richard McClelland and Robert Deltete, and biologist Rudolf B. Brun, I emphasize three elements of my theological use of autopoietic theory: (1) Autopoietic systems are less than self‐constitutive, since they do not create themselves from scratch, but more than self‐organizing, since they are capable of producing new elements inside the local system. Correspondingly, the theological importance of autopoietic theory is not found within the doctrine of a creation out of (...)
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  5. Transnational Corporations and the Duty to Respect Basic Human Rights.Denis G. Arnold - 2010 - Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (3):371-399.
    ABSTRACT:In a series of reports the United Nations Special Representative on the issue of Human Rights and Transnational Corporations has emphasized a tripartite framework regarding business and human rights that includes the state “duty to protect,” the TNC “responsibility to respect,” and “appropriate remedies” for human rights violations. This article examines the recent history of UN initiatives regarding business and human rights and places the tripartite framework in historical context. Three approaches to human rights are distinguished: moral, political, and legal. (...)
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  6. Recent Work in Ethical Theory and its Implications for Business Ethics.Denis G. Arnold, Robert Audi & Matt Zwolinski - 2010 - Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (4):559-581.
    We review recent developments in ethical pluralism, ethical particularism, Kantian intuitionism, rights theory, and climate change ethics, and show the relevance of these developments in ethical theory to contemporary business ethics. This paper explains why pluralists think that ethical decisions should be guided by multiple standards and why particularists emphasize the crucial role of context in determining sound moral judgments. We explain why Kantian intuitionism emphasizes the discerning power of intuitive reason and seek to integrate that with the comprehensiveness of (...)
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    Combinatorial principles weaker than Ramsey's Theorem for pairs.Denis R. Hirschfeldt & Richard A. Shore - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (1):171-206.
    We investigate the complexity of various combinatorial theorems about linear and partial orders, from the points of view of computability theory and reverse mathematics. We focus in particular on the principles ADS (Ascending or Descending Sequence), which states that every infinite linear order has either an infinite descending sequence or an infinite ascending sequence, and CAC (Chain-AntiChain), which states that every infinite partial order has either an infinite chain or an infinite antichain. It is well-known that Ramsey's Theorem for pairs (...)
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  8.  44
    The Illusions of the Modern Synthesis.Denis Noble - forthcoming - Biosemiotics:1-20.
    The Modern Synthesis has dominated biology for 80 years. It was formulated in 1942, a decade before the major achievements of molecular biology, including the Double Helix and the Central Dogma. When first formulated in the 1950s these discoveries and concepts seemed initially to completely justify the central genetic assumptions of the Modern Synthesis. The Double Helix provided the basis for highly accurate DNA replication, while the Central Dogma was viewed as supporting the Weismann Barrier, so excluding the inheritance of (...)
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  9. The trials of life: Natural selection and random drift.Denis M. Walsh, Andre Ariew & Tim Lewens - 2002 - Philosophy of Science 69 (3):452-473.
    We distinguish dynamical and statistical interpretations of evolutionary theory. We argue that only the statistical interpretation preserves the presumed relation between natural selection and drift. On these grounds we claim that the dynamical conception of evolutionary theory as a theory of forces is mistaken. Selection and drift are not forces. Nor do selection and drift explanations appeal to the (sub-population-level) causes of population level change. Instead they explain by appeal to the statistical structure of populations. We briefly discuss the implications (...)
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  10. Agential capacities: a capacity to guide.Denis Buehler - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (1):21-47.
    In paradigm exercises of agency, individuals guide their activities toward some goal. A central challenge for action theory is to explain how individuals guide. This challenge is an instance of the more general problem of how to accommodate individuals and their actions in the natural world, as explained by natural science. Two dominant traditions–primitivism and the causal theory–fail to address the challenge in a satisfying way. Causal theorists appeal to causation by an intention, through a feedback mechanism, in explaining guidance. (...)
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  11.  51
    The Music of Life: Biology Beyond Genes.Denis Noble - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    What is Life? To answer this question, Denis Noble argues that we must look beyond the gene's eye view. For modern 'systems biology' considers life on a variety of levels, as an intricate web of feedback between gene, cell, organ, body, and environment. He shows how it is both a biologically rigorous and richly rewarding way of understanding life.
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    Déjà vécu is not déjà vu: An ability view.Denis Perrin, Chris J. A. Moulin & André Sant’Anna - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    This paper tackles the issue of the diversity of déjà experiences. According to the standard view in the neuropsychological literature, they should all be defined by means of a psychological criterion, by which they are experiences triggered by a perceived item and consist of a conscious clash between a first-order feeling of familiarity about the item and a second-order evaluation that assesses the first-order feeling as erroneous. This paper dismisses the standard view and contends there are two types of déjà (...)
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  13. Matter, motion, and Humean supervenience.Denis Robinson - 1989 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 67 (4):394 – 409.
    This paper examines a doctrine which David Lewis has called 'Humean Supervenience' (hereafter 'HS'), and a problem which certain imaginary cases seem to generate for HS. They include rotating perfect spheres or discs, and flowing rivers, imagined as composed of matter which is perfectly homogeneous right down to the individual points. Before considering these examples, I shall introduce the doctrine they seem to challenge.
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  14. Can amoebae divide without multiplying?Denis Robinson - 1985 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 63 (3):299 – 319.
  15. Environment as Abstraction.Denis Walsh - 2021 - Biological Theory 17 (1):68-79.
    The concept of the environment appears to be indispensably involved in adaptive explanation. Quite what its role is, however, is a matter of some dispute. The environment is customarily viewed as the dual of the organism; a wholly external, discrete, autonomous cause of evolution. On this view, the external environment is the principal cause of the adaptedness of form, and the determinant of what it is to be an adaptation. I argue that this conception of the environment neither adequately explains (...)
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  16. Skilled Guidance.Denis Buehler - 2021 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 12 (3):641-667.
    Skilled action typically requires that individuals guide their activities toward some goal. In skilled action, individuals do so excellently. We do not understand well what this capacity to guide consists in. In this paper I provide a case study of how individuals shift visual attention. Their capacity to guide visual attention toward some goal (partly) consists in an empirically discovered sub-system – the executive system. I argue that we can explain how individuals guide by appealing to the operation of this (...)
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    The Evolution of Consciousness and Agency.Denis Noble - 2022 - Biosemiotics 15 (3):439-446.
    Conscious Agency is a major driver of evolution. Artificial Selection (i.e. Conscious Selection by human breeders) was the foil against which Charles Darwin defined Natural Selection. In later work, he extended Artificial Selection to other species. That ability for social (e.g. sexual) selection must have evolved. Jablonka and Ginsburg identify markers of conscious agency, such as Unlimited Associative Learning (UAL), and show that it must have existed at the time of the Cambrian Explosion. To their insights, my commentary argues that (...)
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  18. Re-identifying matter.Denis Robinson - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (3):317-341.
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  19. (1 other version)Artistic crimes: The problem of forgery in the arts.Denis Dutton - 1979 - British Journal of Aesthetics 19 (4):302-314.
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    Pippin's The Culmination, Heidegger's Question, and Hegel's Revenge.Denis McManus - forthcoming - Hegel Bulletin:1-14.
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    Relative fluency (unfelt vs felt) in active inference.Denis Brouillet & Karl Friston - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 115 (C):103579.
  22. On a Judgment of One’s Own: Heideggerian Authenticity, Standpoints, and All Things Considered.Denis McManus - 2019 - Mind 128 (512):1181-1204.
    This paper explores two models using which we might understand Heidegger's notion of ‘Eigentlichkeit’. Although typically translated as ‘authenticity’, a more literal construal of this term would be ‘ownness’ or ‘ownedness’; and in addition to the paper's exegetical value, it also develops two interestingly different understandings of what it is to have a judgment of one's own. The first model understands Heideggerian authenticity as the owning of what I call a ‘standpoint’. Although this model provides an understanding of a number (...)
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  23. Kant's ethics and duties to oneself.Lara Denis - 1997 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 78 (4):321–348.
    This paper investigates the nature and foundation of duties to oneself in Kant's moral theory. Duties to oneself embody the requirement of the formula of humanity that agents respect rational nature in them-selves as well as in others. So understood, duties to oneself are not subject to the sorts of conceptual objections often raised against duties to oneself; nor do these duties support objections that Kant's moral theory is overly demanding or produces agents who are preoccupied with their own virtue. (...)
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    Order-Computable Sets.Denis Hirschfeldt, Russell Miller & Sergei Podzorov - 2007 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 48 (3):317-347.
    We give a straightforward computable-model-theoretic definition of a property of \Delta^0_2 sets called order-computability. We then prove various results about these sets which suggest that, simple though the definition is, the property defies any easy characterization in pure computability theory. The most striking example is the construction of two computably isomorphic c.e. sets, one of which is order-computable and the other not.
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    Diffusion of niobium, iron, cobalt, nickel and copper in niobium.Denis Ablitzee - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (5):1239-1256.
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    Les linguistiques du détachement: actes du colloque international de Nancy (7-9 juin 2006).Denis Apothéloz, Bernard Combettes & Franck Neveu (eds.) - 2009 - Bern: P. Lang.
    Cet ouvrage réunit des contributions portant sur les structures dites « à détachement ». Ces constructions disloquées ou extraposées et ces phénomènes de discontinuité syntaxique sont étudiés aussi bien dans le discours écrit que dans l'oral conversationnel, dans une perspective synchronique, diachronique ou contrastive. Les contributions présentées dans ce volume portent notamment sur le français médiéval, le français classique, le français moderne, l'allemand, l'anglais, le basque, le finnois, l'italien, le tchèque, le russe. Elles se penchent sur les principales problématiques liées (...)
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    Langage, processus cognitifs et genèse de la communication.Denis Apothéloz & Jean-Blaise Grize - 1987 - Université de Neuchâtel, Centre de Recherches Sémiologiques.
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    Liberty in Cyberspace.Denis G. Arnold - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (4):573-580.
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    A Lockean defence of grandfathering emission rights.Denis G. Arnold - 2011 - In The Ethics of Global Climate Change. Cambridge University Press. pp. 124-144.
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    Tribal art and artifact.Denis Dutton - 1993 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 51 (1):13-21.
    Europeans seeking to understand tribal arts face obvious problems of comprehending the histories, values, and ideas of vastly remote cultures. In this respect the issues faced in understanding tribal art (or folk art, primitive art, traditional art, third or fourth-world art — none of these designations is ideal) are not much different from those encountered in trying to comprehend the distant art of “our own” culture, for instance, the art of medieval Europe. But in the case of tribal or so-called (...)
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    Charles Taylor on Teleological Explanation.Denis Noble - 1967 - Analysis 27 (3):96 - 103.
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    The empire writes back, with a vengeance.Denis Dutton - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):198-205.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Empire Writes Back, With A VengeanceDenis DuttonOne of the more uplifting aspects of the turn toward theory in recent years has been the growth of postcolonial cultural studies. Postcolonial studies are in actuality constituted by counterdiscoursive, decolonizing practices which acknowledge the recognition of minority discourses, deconstructing hegemonic texts and imperialist metanarratives, opposing unduly overprivileging Western canonical paradigms of “literature,” and—well, you know what I mean. As Benita Parry (...)
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    Languages and Cultural Interchange along the Silk Roads.Denis Sinor - 1995 - Diogenes 43 (171):1-13.
    Individual humans as well as human communities interact in a great variety of ways and, in essence, Unesco's Silk Roads Major Project endeavors to shed light on the cultural interactions along the trade routes linking various Eurasian civilizations. The term Silk Road or Roads conjures up visions of caravans laden with rare goods, carrying them from the distant, perhaps even the so-called “mysterious”, East towards the Western World. This general impression is partially created by the word “silk”, name of a (...)
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    Undercover reporting, deception, and betrayal in journalism.Denis Muller - 2023 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Andrea Carson.
    This book discusses undercover reporting and deception in journalism, addressing the ethical issues encountered by professionals when deception is involved and providing an explanation of how high-profile cases have developed. Carson and Muller begin by examining how philosophical theories which form the basis of contemporary ethical codes for journalists, bear upon undercover reporting and questions of deception in the digital age. Drawing upon case studies such as Al Jazeera's undercover operation against the National Rifle Association in the US and the (...)
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    The language of symmetry.Denis Noble (ed.) - 2023 - Boca Raton, FL: C&H/CRC Press.
    The Language of Symmetry is a re-assessment of the structure and reach of symmetry, by an interdisciplinary group of specialists from the arts, humanities, and sciences at Oxford University. It explores, amongst other topics order and chaos in the formation of planetary systems entropy and symmetry in particle physics group theory, fractals and self-similarity symmetrical structures in western classical music, and how biological systems harness disorder to create order. This book aims to open up the scope of interdisciplinary work in (...)
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    Vérité, réalisme et indépendence.Denis Sauvé - 1991 - Dialogue 30 (4):513-.
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    A question of detail: matching counterfactuals to actual cause in pre-emption scenarios.Denis Hilton, Christophe Schmeltzer & Valentin Goulette - 2021 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (3):350-388.
    Causal pre-emption scenarios are problematic for the counterfactual framework of causation (CFC) because people judge an action to be the actual cause of an outcome although the outcome would have occurred anyway due to the action of a pre-empted alternative cause. We propose that commonsense causal questions typically probe specific events that actually happened as and how they did, and show that counterfactuals that probe specific events match selections of actual cause, and dissociations only occur with non-specific counterfactuals. In addition, (...)
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  38.  60
    Fragments of Marsilio Ficino’s Translations and Use of Proclus’ Elements of Theology and Elements of Physics: Evidence and Study.Denis Robichaud - 2016 - Vivarium 54 (1):46-107.
    _ Source: _Volume 54, Issue 1, pp 46 - 107 The present paper discusses the question of Marsilio Ficino’s lost translations of Proclus’ _Elements of Physics_ and _Elements of Theology_. It reviews all known evidence for Ficino’s work on the _Elements of Physics_ and _Elements of Theology_, examines new references and fragments of these texts in Ficino’s manuscripts, especially in his personal manuscript of Plotinus’ _Enneads_, and studies how they fit within the Florentine’s philosophical oeuvre. The present case studies of (...)
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  39.  52
    On being as a whole and being-a-whole.Denis Mcmanus - 2015 - In Lee Braver (ed.), Division III of Heidegger’s Being and Time: The Unanswered Question of Being. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    This paper identifies a problem that Aristotle revealed and that Heidegger’s own insights, into the diverse forms that the Being of entities takes, exacerbated: the problem is whether there is sense to the idea of ‘Being in general’—‘Being as a whole’—and this is a problem because there not being such sense threatens the very possibility of the discipline of ontology. The paper proposes that Heidegger envisaged the project which a completed Being and Time would have carried out as an attempt (...)
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    Values Evolution in Human Machine Relations: Grounding Computationalism and Neural Dynamics in a Physical a Priorism of Nature.Denis Larrivee - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:649544.
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    The world outside the window: The preface to the translation of the article “defenestration” by marс Richir.Denis Mikhaylov - 2020 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 9 (2):749-759.
    This paper is a presentation of Russian translation of the article « La Défenestration » by Marc Richir. In this paper we depict the philosophical context in which the article was written and define its place in the totality of Richir’s works. Our main goal is to help the reader to understand the features of Richir’s complex thought and to give explicit definition to the term “defenestration.” The defenestration, understood as a philosophical concept, is a process of reconsideration of major (...)
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    (1 other version)Classroom Research on Interactive Video.Denis Newman - 1986 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 6 (2):323-325.
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  43. Experiencing the a priori.Denis Seron - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (2):371-379.
    Brentano clearly asserts, in his Vienna lectures of 1887–1888, that his descriptive psychology is an a priori or “exact” science. Since he rejects Kant's idea of a synthetic a priori, this means that the descriptive psychologist's laws are analytic. My aim in this paper is to clarify and discuss this view. I examine Brentano's epistemology in the Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint and then its later developments. I conclude with a difficulty inherent in Brentano's psychological approach to a priori knowledge.
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  44. Love of Honor as a Kantian Virtue.Lara Denis - 2014 - In Alix Cohen (ed.), Kant on Emotion and Value. London: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 191-209.
  45. Identities, Distinctnesses, Truthmakers, and Indiscernibility Principles.Denis Robinson - 2000 - Logique Et Analyse 43 (169-170):145-183.
    After sketching some aspects of truthmaker doctrines and "truthmaker projects", and canvassing some prima facie objections to the latter, I turn to an issue which might seem to involve confusion about the nature of character of truthmakers if such there be, viz for statements of identity and (specially) distinctness. The real issue here is versions of the Identity of Indiscernibles. I discuss ways of discriminating versions, which are almost certainly true but trivial, which almost certainly substantive but false, and explore (...)
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    Notes.Denis J.-J. Robichaud - 2018 - In Plato's persona: Marsilio Ficino, Renaissance humanism, and Platonic traditions. Philadelphia: PENN, University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 247-288.
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    Against Architecture: The Writings of Georges Bataille.Denis Hollier - 1992 - MIT Press.
    Discusses the influential French philosopher, and examines the connections he drew between philosophy and architecture.
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    Descartes aux limites de l’ordre des raisons : Martial Gueroult et la morale cartésienne.Denis Kambouchner - 2020 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 291 (1):31-49.
    Dès sa parution en 1953, le Descartes de Martial Gueroult a suscité de vives discussions, toutes liées à une conception singulière, à la fois stricte et peu explicite, de l’« ordre des raisons » d’où les Méditations métaphysiques seraient issues. La présente étude s’intéresse moins aux problèmes les plus classiques soulevés par l’interprétation de Gueroult qu’aux chapitres finaux de l’ouvrage, qui concernent la médecine et surtout la morale. Quelle relation entre la morale cartésienne et l’ordre des raisons? Cette morale a-t-elle (...)
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  49. The solipsism of Bishop Berkeley.Denis Grey - 1952 - Philosophical Quarterly 2 (9):338-349.
  50. Austrian Philosophy and its Institutions: Remarks on the Philosophical Society of the University of Vienna (1888-1938).Denis Fisette - 2011 - In Anne Reboul (ed.), Philosophical papers dedicated to Kevin Mulligan. pp. 349-374.
    This study examines the place of the Philosophical Society of the University of Vienna (1888-1938) in the evolution of the history of philosophy in Austria up to the establishment of the Vienna Circle in 1929. I will examine three aspects of the relationship between the Austrian members of the Vienna Circle and the Philosophical Society which has been emphasized by several historians of the Vienna Circle: the first aspect concerns the theory of a first Vienna Circle formed mainly by H. (...)
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