Results for 'Deborah Rossen-Knill'

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  1.  44
    Features of Written Argument.Donald Ross & Deborah Rossen-Knill - 2016 - Argumentation 30 (2):181-205.
    To complement theoretically driven work on argument, we present a datadriven description of published, written argument. We analyze political or philosophical treatises, articles in scholarly journals, and U.S. Supreme Court decisions. The description has emerged out of an inductive and a posteriori process based in grounded theory. The result is a suite of thirty-eight features that begins with conditions antecedent to writing and continues through to the consequences for the reader. We relate observational data to theories and practices from the (...)
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    Error and the Growth of Experimental Knowledge.Deborah G. Mayo - 1996 - University of Chicago.
    This text provides a critique of the subjective Bayesian view of statistical inference, and proposes the author's own error-statistical approach as an alternative framework for the epistemology of experiment. It seeks to address the needs of researchers who work with statistical analysis.
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  3. (2 other versions)Error and the growth of experimental knowledge.Deborah Mayo - 1996 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 15 (1):455-459.
  4. Aristotle: the power of perception.Deborah K. W. Modrak - 1987 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  5. Severe testing as a basic concept in a neyman–pearson philosophy of induction.Deborah G. Mayo & Aris Spanos - 2006 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 57 (2):323-357.
    Despite the widespread use of key concepts of the Neyman–Pearson (N–P) statistical paradigm—type I and II errors, significance levels, power, confidence levels—they have been the subject of philosophical controversy and debate for over 60 years. Both current and long-standing problems of N–P tests stem from unclarity and confusion, even among N–P adherents, as to how a test's (pre-data) error probabilities are to be used for (post-data) inductive inference as opposed to inductive behavior. We argue that the relevance of error probabilities (...)
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    The Well-Ordered Universe: The Philosophy of Margaret Cavendish.Deborah A. Boyle - 2017 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    The Well-Ordered Universe argues that Cavendish's natural philosophy, social and political philosophy, and medical theory share an underlying concern with order. This reveals interesting connections among Cavendish's natural philosophy and her views on gender, animals and the environment, and human health, and explains her commitment to monarchy and social hierarchy.
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  7. A non-ideal approach to slurs.Deborah Mühlebach - 2023 - Synthese 202 (3):1 – 25.
    Philosophers of language are increasingly engaging with derogatory terms or slurs. Only few theorists take such language as a starting point for addressing puzzles in philosophy of language with little connection to our real-world problems. This paper aims to show that the political nature of derogatory language use calls for non-ideal theorising as we find it in the work of feminist and critical race scholars. Most contemporary theories of slurs, so I argue, fall short on some desiderata associated with a (...)
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  8.  61
    Logic and Aristotle’s Rhetoric and Poetics in Medieval Arabic Philosophy.Deborah L. Black - 1990 - New York: E.J. Brill.
    This book examines a widespread, and often misunderstood, doctrine within the medieval Aristotelian tradition, namely the inclusion of Aristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics within the scope of the Organon. It studies this doctrine, as presented by the Islamic philosophers Al- Fārābī, Avicenna, and Averroes, from a purely philosophical perspective, and argues that the logical construal of the arts of rhetoric and poetics is both interesting and illuminating. The book begins by examining some prevalent misconceptions regarding the logical interpretation of the Rhetoric (...)
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  9. Semantic contestations and the meaning of politically significant terms.Deborah Mühlebach - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (8):788-817.
    In recent discussions on the meaning of derogatory terms, most theorists base their investigations on the assumption that slurring terms could in principle have some neutral, i.e. purely descriptive, counterpart. Lauren Ashwell has recently shown that this assumption does not generalize to gendered slurs. This paper aims to challenge the point and benefit of approaching the meaning of derogatory terms in contrast to their allegedly purely descriptive counterparts. I argue that different discursive practices among different communities of practice sometimes change (...)
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  10. Imagination and estimation: Arabic paradigms and western transformations.Deborah L. Black - 2000 - Topoi 19 (1):59-75.
  11. Non-Ideal Philosophy of Language.Deborah Mühlebach - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy (10):4018-4040.
    Recently, there has been growing interest in methodological issues of non-ideal theoretical philosophy. While some explicitly commit to non-ideal theorising, others doubt that there is anything useful about the ideal/non-ideal distinction in theoretical philosophy. The aim of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, I propose a way of doing non-ideal theoretical philosophy, once we realise how limited certain idealised projects are. Since there is a big overlap between projects that are called non-ideal and applied, the second aim is (...)
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  12. Intentionality in Medieval Arabic Philosophy.Deborah L. Black - 2010 - Quaestio 10:65-81.
    It has long been a truism of the history of philosophy that intentionality is an invention of the medieval period, and within this standard narrative, the central place of Arabic philosophy has always been acknowledged. Yet there are many misconceptions surrounding the theories of intentionality advanced by the two main Arabic thinkers whose works were available to the West, Avicenna and Averroes. In the first part of this paper I offer an overview of the general accounts of intentionality and intentional (...)
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  13.  40
    Meaning in Derogatory Social Practices.Mühlebach Deborah - 2023 - Theoria 89 (4):495–515.
    Verbal derogation is not only a linguistic but also, and perhaps more importantly, a political phenomenon. In this paper, I argue that to do justice to the political relevance of derogatory terms, we must not neglect the social practices and structures in which the use of these terms is embedded. I aim to show that inferentialist semantics is especially helpful to account for this social embeddedness and, consequently, the political relevance of derogatory terms. I am concerned with specifying the linguistic (...)
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  14. Knowledge ( _‘ilm) and certitude ( yaqīn_) in al-fārābī’s epistemology.Deborah L. Black - 2006 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 16 (1):11-45.
    The concept of ‘‘certitude” is central in Arabic discussions of the theory of demonstration advanced by Aristotle in the Posterior Analytics. In the Arabic tradition it is ‘‘certitude,” rather than ‘‘knowledge”, that is usually identified as the end sought by demonstrations. Al-Fārābī himself devotes a short treatise, known as the Conditions of Certitude, to determining the criteria according to which a subject can claim to have absolute certitude of any proposition. In this article the author traces the roots of the (...)
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  15. Neopragmatist Inferentialism and the Meaning of Derogatory Terms – A Defence.Deborah Mühlebach - forthcoming - Dialectica.
    Inferentialism seems to be an unpopular theory where derogatory terms are concerned. Contrary to most theorists in the debate on the meaning of derogatory terms, I think that inferentialism constitutes a promising theory to account for a broad range of aspects of derogatory language use. In order to make good on that promise, however, inferentialism must overcome four main objections that are usually raised against Michael Dummett's and Robert Brandom's inferentialist explanations of derogatory terms. This paper aims at debunking these (...)
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  16.  51
    Frequentist statistics as a theory of inductive inference.Deborah G. Mayo & David Cox - 2009 - In Deborah G. Mayo & Aris Spanos, Error and Inference: Recent Exchanges on Experimental Reasoning, Reliability, and the Objectivity and Rationality of Science. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    After some general remarks about the interrelation between philosophical and statistical thinking, the discussion centres largely on significance tests. These are defined as the calculation of p-values rather than as formal procedures for ‘acceptance‘ and ‘rejection‘. A number of types of null hypothesis are described and a principle for evidential interpretation set out governing the implications of p- values in the specific circumstances of each application, as contrasted with a long-run interpretation. A number of more complicated situ- ations are discussed (...)
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  17. The New Experimentalism, Topical Hypotheses, and Learning from Error.Deborah G. Mayo - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:270-279.
    An important theme to have emerged from the new experimentalist movement is that much of actual scientific practice deals not with appraising full-blown theories but with the manifold local tasks required to arrive at data, distinguish fact from artifact, and estimate backgrounds. Still, no program for working out a philosophy of experiment based on this recognition has been demarcated. I suggest why the new experimentalism has come up short, and propose a remedy appealing to the practice of standard error statistics. (...)
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  18. The Politics of Meaning – A Non-Ideal Approach to Verbal Derogation.Deborah Mühlebach - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Basel
    Language can be used as an instrument to exert power over people, as in issuing an order or a ban, or when it exercises an intrinsic power by virtue of its semantic or pragmatic content. The Politics of Meaning focuses on this latter aspect and answers the following question: what does it mean for linguistic meaning to be embedded in social structures and practices if we have good reasons to assume that these practices rest on asymmetrical power relations and are (...)
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    Teaching Business Ethics.Alex C. Michalos & Deborah C. Poff - 2021 - In Deborah C. Poff & Alex C. Michalos, Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics. Springer Verlag. pp. 1745-1746.
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    (1 other version)Computer Ethics.Deborah G. Johnson - 2003 - In Luciano Floridi, The Blackwell guide to the philosophy of computing and information. Blackwell. pp. 63–75.
    The prelims comprise: Introduction Metatheoretical and Methodological Issues Applied and Synthetic Ethics Traditional and Emerging Issues Conclusion Websites and Other Resources.
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    The Cost of Competence: Why Inequality Causes Depression, Eating Disorders, and Illness in Women.Brett Silverstein & Deborah Perlick - 1985 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Since the advent of the women's movement, women have made unprecedented gains in almost every field, from politics to the professions. Paradoxically, doctors and mental health professionals have also seen a staggering increase in the numbers of young women suffering from an epidemic of depression, eating disorders, and other physical and psychological problems. In The Cost of Competence, authors Brett Silverstein and Deborah Perlick argue that rather than simply labeling individual women as, say, anorexic or depressed, it is time (...)
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  22.  31
    What ethical approaches are used by scientists when sharing health data? An interview study.Deborah Mascalzoni, Heidi Beate Bentzen & Jennifer Viberg Johansson - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-12.
    BackgroundHealth data-driven activities have become central in diverse fields (research, AI development, wearables, etc.), and new ethical challenges have arisen with regards to privacy, integrity, and appropriateness of use. To ensure the protection of individuals’ fundamental rights and freedoms in a changing environment, including their right to the protection of personal data, we aim to identify the ethical approaches adopted by scientists during intensive data exploitation when collecting, using, or sharing peoples’ health data.MethodsTwelve scientists who were collecting, using, or sharing (...)
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  23. Reconciliation and environmental justice.Deborah McGregor - 2018 - Journal of Global Ethics 14 (2):222-231.
    ABSTRACTThe conclusion of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission launched a new chapter in Indigenous-state relationships in Canada. Despite many resulting ‘reconciliation initiatives’, there remains considerable discussion as to what form reconciliation should take and for what end. Reconciliation processes must involve Indigenous peoples from the outset and should be founded on Indigenous intellectual and legal traditions. Indigenous peoples’ conceptions of reconciliation differ markedly from state-sponsored views, particularly the view that reconciliation must be achieved among all beings of Creation, including all (...)
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  24. Did Pearson reject the Neyman-Pearson philosophy of statistics?Deborah G. Mayo - 1992 - Synthese 90 (2):233 - 262.
    I document some of the main evidence showing that E. S. Pearson rejected the key features of the behavioral-decision philosophy that became associated with the Neyman-Pearson Theory of statistics (NPT). I argue that NPT principles arose not out of behavioral aims, where the concern is solely with behaving correctly sufficiently often in some long run, but out of the epistemological aim of learning about causes of experimental results (e.g., distinguishing genuine from spurious effects). The view Pearson did hold gives a (...)
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  25.  10
    Signs of Sacred Play: Musings on the Semiotics of Rainbows.Deborah Eicher-Catt - 2013 - Listening 48 (3):224-239.
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    First international symposium on preimplantation genetics, Chicago, 14–19 September, 1990.Susan Heyner & Deborah Driscoll - 1991 - Bioessays 13 (1):45-46.
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    The Constitutional Balance Between Health and Liberty.Deborah Jones Merritt - 1986 - Hastings Center Report 16 (6):2-10.
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  28.  43
    Intentionality, theoreticity and innateness.Deborah Zaitchik & Jerry Samet - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):87-89.
  29.  68
    Justice, sexual harassment, and the reasonable victim standard.Deborah L. Wells & Beverly J. Kracher - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (6):423 - 431.
    In determining when sexual behavior in the workplace creates a hostile working environment, some courts have asked, Would a reasonableperson view this as a hostile environment? Two recent court decisions, recognizing male-female differences in the perception of social sexual behavior at work, modified this standard to ask, Would a reasonablevictim view this as a hostile environment? As yet, there is no consensus in the legal community regarding which of these standards is just.We propose that moral theory provides the framework from (...)
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    (1 other version)Toward a More Objective Understanding of the Evidence of Carcinogenic Risk.Deborah G. Mayo - 1988 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1988:489 - 503.
    I argue that although the judgments required to reach statistical risk assessments may reflect policy values, it does not follow that the task of evaluating whether a given risk assessment is warranted by the evidence need also be imbued with policy values. What has led many to conclude otherwise, I claim, stems from misuses of the statistical testing methods involved. I set out rules for interpreting what specific test results do and do not say about the extent of a given (...)
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  31.  90
    Aristotle's 'Peri hermeneias' in Medieval Latin and Arabic Philosophy: Logic and the Linguistic Arts.Deborah L. Black - 1991 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 21 (sup1):25-83.
  32.  17
    Priming recognition memory test cues: No evidence for an attributional basis of recollection.Carmen F. Ionita, Deborah Talmi & Jason R. Taylor - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    We argue that while the proposed memory model by Bastin et al. can explain familiarity-based memory judgements through the interaction of a core representation system and an attribution system, recollection-based memory judgements are not based on non-mnemonic signals being attributed to memory.
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    Intersectorial actions in early stimulation of the language.Déborah Magaly López Salas & Puebla Caballero - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (3):659-675.
    Se realizó un análisis del proyecto "Acciones intersectoriales en la estimulación temprana del desarrollo del lenguaje" con el objetivo propiciar un estudio social sobre la gestión del conocimiento y la innovación tecnológica en la dirección de programas para la estimulación del desarrollo de menores en edad preescolar, desde la visión de ciencia, tecnología y sociedad. Se muestran conceptos afines al tema, necesarios en la comprensión de la idea de reorganización de los servicios vinculados a la estimulación y atención temprana del (...)
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    Aristotle on the Apparent Good, Perception, Phantasia, Thought, and Desire, by Jessica Moss.Deborah K. W. Modrak - 2014 - Ancient Philosophy 34 (2):440-443.
  35. James J. Lennox, Aristotle's Philosophy of Biology. Studies in the Origins of Life Science Reviewed by.Deborah Kw Modrak - 2002 - Philosophy in Review 22 (3):197-199.
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    Lewis White Beck 1913-1997.Deborah K. W. Modrak - 1998 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 71 (5):135 - 136.
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    Plato: A Theory of Perception or a Nod to Sensation?Deborah K. W. Modrak - 2006 - In Hugh H. Benson, A Companion to Plato. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 133–145.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Socratic Dialogues Phaedo Republic Timaeus Theaetetus Sophist Philebus Seventh Letter and Definitions Overview Note.
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    Stoics, Epicureans and Mental Content.Deborah K. W. Modrak - 1993 - Apeiron 26 (2):97 - 108.
  39.  47
    Alfred Schutz y Niklas Luhmann: semánticas, tipos, mundo de la vida e intersubjetividad.Rosana Déborah Motta & Lionel Lewkow - 2014 - Schutzian Research 6:123-137.
    Our aim is to put into consideration the topics of “semantics”, “types”, “lifeworld” and “intersubjectivity” following the social theories of Alfred Schutz and Niklas Luhmann. First of all, and inversely to Luhmann’s perspective which receives the schutzian theory comparing equal types and semantics, we will show that types are inherent to subjectivity. Secondly, and consequently, we state that the social systems theory in the analysis of the “lifeworld”, does not pay attention to the past character of its constitution. Last, but (...)
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  40.  21
    Autoshaping the pigeon’s keypeck in a dark chamber.Fernando Oberdieck, Deborah L. Mueller & Carl D. Cheney - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (4):317-318.
  41.  18
    Las políticas de hibridez y mestizaje en la música popular de los latinos en los Estados Unidos.Deborah Pacini Hernández - 2011 - Arbor 187 (751):931-936.
    Por mucho tiempo, las teorías del mestizaje han sido utilizadas para analizar e interpretar la hibridez de las identidades y culturas latinoamericanas, pero el mestizaje –al igual que sus críticas– no es un concepto adecuado en el caso de los espacios sociales, culturales y políticos que ocupan en los Estados Unidos las comunidades latinas y sus producciones musicales. A través del análisis de las profundas líneas de falla que existen en la intersección de los conceptos latinoamericanos de mestizaje y los (...)
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  42.  28
    The externality of the inside: body images of pregnancy.Virginia Schmied & Deborah Lupton - 2001 - Nursing Inquiry 8 (1):32-40.
    The externality of the inside: body images of pregnancyThis paper draws on literature, empirical data and a range of theoretical perspectives on the maternal body to examine understandings of the relationship between a pregnant woman and her foetus, with a particular focus on the body images used by women to represent this relationship. Psychoanalytic and nursing accounts of the relationship between mother and foetus have often described a symbiotic ‘oneness’ or unity during pregnancy. Such accounts, however, stress the temporary nature (...)
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  43.  39
    Resolving Artistic and Scientific Consciousness via Abduction.Gary Shank & Deborah L. Smith-Shank - 1992 - Semiotics:69-73.
  44.  29
    From Place to Space: A Heideggerian Analysis.Elizabeth Smythe, Deborah Spence & Jonathon Gray - 2018 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 18 (2):191-201.
    In this paper, we pay attention to the impact on staff of what was a new place, Ko Awatea, within a large New Zealand hospital. The place became a space from within which a particular mood arose. This paper seeks to capture that mood and its impact. Using a Heideggerian hermeneutic approach, the study reported on drew on data from interviews with 20 staff. Philosophical notions about the nature and mood of place/space are explored. As staff claimed this space, the (...)
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    Review Essay: Second Thoughts on the Second Wave.Judith Stacey & Deborah Rosenfelt - 1987 - Feminist Review 27 (1):77-95.
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    The Feminist Competition/Cooperation Dichotomy.Deborah Walker, Jerry W. Dauterive, Elyssa Schultz & Walter Block - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 55 (3):243-254.
    Feminist literature sometimes posits that competition and cooperation are opposites. This dichotomy is important in that it is often invoked in order to explain why mainstream economics has focused on market activity to the exclusion of non-market activity, and why this fascination or focus is sexist. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the competition/cooperation dichotomy is false. Once the dichotomy is dissolved, those activities which are seen as competitive (masculine) and those which are seen as cooperative (feminine) (...)
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    Surviving the Perfect Storm: Staff Perceptions of Mandatory Overtime.Catherine Jacobsen, Deborah Holson, Jean Farley, Jennell Charles & Patricia Suel - 2002 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 4 (3):57-66.
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  48. La constitución temporal de la acción significativa: reconstrucción de la crítica de Schutz a Weber en torno a la génesis del sentido de la acción.Rosana Déborah Motta - 2010 - A Parte Rei 71:5.
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    Varieties of consciousness in classical Arabic thought: Avicenna, Averroes, and the mutakallimūn.Deborah L. Black - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (4):818-839.
    In classical Arabic philosophy, the topic of consciousness is commonly associated with Avicenna's ‘Flying Man’ thought experiment. But Avicenna's explorations of the nature of consciousness are not confined to the Flying Man, and he is by no means the only classical Islamic thinker to deem consciousness an important feature of our experience. Consciousness also plays a important role in the epistemology and moral psychology of Avicenna's intellectual rivals, the theologians (mutakallumūn), who represent important sources for Avicenna's own theorizing about consciousness. (...)
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  50.  63
    Cognoscere Per Impressionem: Aquinas and the Avicennian Account of Knowing Separate Substances.Deborah Black - 2014 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 88 (2):213-236.
    There are surprisingly few texts in which Avicenna discusses our knowledge of separate substances. The most extensive account occurs in Metaphysics 3.8, a text which was cited by Aquinas in a small number of works from relatively early in his academic career. Aquinas’s attitude to Avicenna’s account, which he dubbed knowledge per impressionem, is by no means uniform, even within a single work. Sometimes Avicenna is an adversary; sometimes he is an ally; still other times he is an innocent bystander. (...)
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