Results for 'Deborah Guyot'

983 found
  1.  20
    Feeling Oneself Requires Embodiment: Insights From the Relationship Between Own-Body Transformations, Schizotypal Personality Traits, and Spontaneous Bodily Sensations.George A. Michael, Deborah Guyot, Emilie Tarroux, Mylène Comte & Sara Salgues - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:578237.
    Subtle bodily sensations such as itching or fluttering that occur in the absence of any external trigger may serve to locate the spatial boundaries of the body. They may constitute the normal counterpart of extreme conditions in which body-related hallucinations and perceptual aberrations are experienced. Previous investigations have suggested that situations in which the body is spontaneously experienced as being deformed are related to the ability to perform own-body transformations, i.e., mental rotations of the body requiring disembodiment. We therefore decided (...)
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  2. Error statistical modeling and inference: Where methodology meets ontology.Aris Spanos & Deborah G. Mayo - 2015 - Synthese 192 (11):3533-3555.
    In empirical modeling, an important desiderata for deeming theoretical entities and processes as real is that they can be reproducible in a statistical sense. Current day crises regarding replicability in science intertwines with the question of how statistical methods link data to statistical and substantive theories and models. Different answers to this question have important methodological consequences for inference, which are intertwined with a contrast between the ontological commitments of the two types of models. The key to untangling them is (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Moral Imagination in Organizational Problem-solving.Deborah Vidaver-Cohen - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (4):1-26.
    Abstract:This essay responds to Patricia Werhane’s 1994 Ruffin Lecture address, “Moral Imagination and the Search for Ethical Decision-making in Management,” using institutional theory as an analytical framework to explore conditions that either inhibit or promote moral imagination in organizational problem-solving. Implications of the analysis for managing organizational change and for business ethics theory development are proposed.
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    Alexithymia impairs the cognitive control of negative material while facilitating the recall of neutral material in both younger and older adults.Déborah Dressaire, Charles B. Stone, Kristy A. Nielson, Estelle Guerdoux, Sophie Martin, Denis Brouillet & Olivier Luminet - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (3):442-459.
  5.  12
    Moral Imagination in Organizational Problem-Solving: An Institutional Perspectiv.Deborah Vidaver-Cohen - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (S1):123-148.
    :This essay responds to Patricia Werhane’s 1994 Ruffin Lecture address, “Moral Imagination and the Search for Ethical Decision-making in Management,” using institutional theory as an analytical framework to explore conditions that either inhibit or promote moral imagination in organizational problem-solving. Implications of the analysis for managing organizational change and for business ethics theory development are proposed.
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    Maximizing Local Effect of HIV Prevention Resources.Shin-Yi Wu, Deborah Cohen, Lu Shi & Thomas Farley - 2005 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 2 (3):127-132.
    Comparing estimates of the cost-effectiveness of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) interventions can help communities select an HIV prevention portfolio to meet local needs efficiently. The authors developed a spreadsheet tool to estimate the relative cost-effectiveness of 26 HIV prevention interventions. HIV prevalence of the population at risk and the cost per person reached were the two most important factors determining cost-effectiveness. In low-prevalence populations, the most cost-effective interventions had a low per-person cost. Among the most cost-effective interventions overall were showing (...)
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    Should Researchers Offer Results to Family Members of Cancer Biobank Participants? A Mixed-Methods Study of Proband and Family Preferences.Deborah R. Gordon, Carmen Radecki Breitkopf, Marguerite Robinson, Wesley O. Petersen, Jason S. Egginton, Kari G. Chaffee, Gloria M. Petersen, Susan M. Wolf & Barbara A. Koenig - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (1):1-22.
    Background: Genomic analysis may reveal both primary and secondary findings with direct relevance to the health of probands’ biological relatives. Researchers question their obligations to return findings not only to participants but also to family members. Given the social value of privacy protection, should researchers offer a proband’s results to family members, including after the proband’s death? Methods: Preferences were elicited using interviews and a survey. Respondents included probands from two pancreatic cancer research resources, plus biological and nonbiological family members. (...)
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  8.  44
    One of the Things at Stake in Women's Struggles.Jean-Francois Lyotard & Deborah J. Clarke - 1978 - Substance 6 (20):9.
  9.  85
    Cognitive Architecture: From Bio-politics to Noo-politics ; Architecture & Mind in the Age of Communication and Information.Deborah Hauptmann & Warren Neidich (eds.) - 2010 - 010 Publishers.
    This volume rethinks the relations between form and forms of communication, calling for a new logic of representation; it examines the manner in which ...
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    Wittgenstein and Ant-watching.Deborah M. Gordon - 1992 - Biology and Philosophy 7 (1):13-25.
    Research in animal behavior begins by identifying what animals are doing. In the course of observation, the observer comes to see animals as performing a particular activity. How does this process work? How cn we be certain that behavior is identified correctly? Wittgenstein offers an approach to these questions. looking at the uses of certainly rather than attempting to find rules that guarantee it. Here two stages in research are distinguished: first, watching animals, and second, reporting the results to other (...)
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    Reply to Manuel Fasko’s discussion of Mary Shepherd: a guide.Deborah Boyle - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (1):189-194.
    Through his careful reading of my book, Manuel Fasko has identified four points in Mary Shepherd: A Guide where I make claims about Shepherd’s views but do not say much, or anything, about the deep...
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  12.  32
    Erasing the Past: Untangling the Conflicting Journalistic Loyalties and Paradigmatic Pressures of Unpublishing.Deborah L. Dwyer & Chad Painter - 2020 - Journal of Media Ethics 35 (4):214-227.
    Unpublishing, or the act of deleting previously published media content from a news outlet’s online archive in response to an external request, is a growing ethical and practical dilemma for journa...
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    Introduction.Deborah Eicher-Catt - 2013 - Listening 48 (3):187-189.
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    The Bourne Tragedy: Lost Subjects of the Bioconvergent Age.Debbie Epstein & Deborah Lynn Steinberg - 2011 - Mediatropes 3 (1):89-112.
    This paper examines the Bourne trilogy to explore several characteristics of what we term the bioconvergent age. First, we consider the imagined and actual interfaces of bioconvergence—of body, gadgetry, and electronic communications. We explore the ways in which the bioconvergent tendencies represented in and by Bourne reflect and cultivate a cultural unconscious deeply seduced by and imbricated in surveillant governmentality. Second, we consider the ways in which the trilogy achieves its effects through the deployment of both hyperrealism and verisimilitude. In (...)
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    Priming recognition memory test cues: No evidence for an attributional basis of recollection.Carmen F. Ionita, Deborah Talmi & Jason R. Taylor - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    We argue that while the proposed memory model by Bastin et al. can explain familiarity-based memory judgements through the interaction of a core representation system and an attribution system, recollection-based memory judgements are not based on non-mnemonic signals being attributed to memory.
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    Self-styling an emotionally intelligent avatar.Deborah Lawler-Dormer - 2018 - Technoetic Arts 16 (1):33-42.
    Leah, created over the last three years, is a self-styled, autonomous avatar collaboratively developed with Dr Mark Sagar at the Laboratory for Animate Technologies, Auckland Bioengineering Institute at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Using ‘Leah’ as a technoscientific art case study, this paper will address the practical and theoretical considerations underlying the project, showing complex posthuman and bioethical relations. Leah is exhibited as an intra-active screen-based installation. It is the product of a shifting transdisciplinary collaborative process, involving artists, engineers, (...)
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  17.  15
    Structured Looseness: Everyday Social Order at an Israeli Kindergarten.Deborah Golden - 2006 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 34 (3):367-390.
  18.  24
    The organization of work in social insect colonies.Deborah M. Gordon - 2002 - Complexity 8 (1):43-46.
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  19.  27
    Racial Disparities in Service Use among Medicaid Beneficiaries after Mandatory Enrollment in Managed Care: A Difference-in-Differences Approach.Ming Tai-Seale, Deborah Freund & Anthony LoSasso - 2001 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 38 (1):49-59.
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  20.  41
    Simulation and Calibration: Mitigating Uncertainty.Deborah Haar - 2021 - Philosophy of Science 88 (5):985-996.
    Calibrating a simulation is a crucial step for certain kinds of simulation modeling, and it results in a simulation that is epistemically different from its pre- or uncalibrated counterpart. This article discusses how simulation model builders mitigate uncertainty about model parameters that are necessary for modeling through calibration and argues that the simulation outcomes after calibration are physically meaningful and relevant. When evaluating the epistemic status of computer simulations, comparisons between computer simulations and traditional experiments need to consider this important (...)
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  21. Gender, Language, and the New Biologism.Deborah Cameron - 2010 - Constellations 17 (4):526-539.
  22.  21
    Providing Fertility Care to HIV-1 Serodiscordant Couples: A Biologist's Point of View.Deborah Jean Anderson & Joseph A. Politch - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (1):47-49.
  23.  26
    (1 other version)Power to the Employee.Deborah Bihler - 1991 - Business Ethics 5 (3):13-14.
  24.  20
    Return to the Repressive: Re-thinking Nature- Culture in Contemporary Feminist Theory.Deborah Goldgaber - 2018 - Open Philosophy 1 (1):245-255.
    In “History of Sexuality” (Vol I.) Foucault argued that repression is the wrong model of power, understanding it in exclusively negative terms, as external to the body it constrains and inhibits. Power may also be positive, productive, and constitutive of the body and its possibilities. Thus, an adequate account of the relation between cultural forces and the body, Foucault argues, must challenge the “repressive hypothesis” (RH). Contemporary feminist accounts of the body are structured by this same oppositional view of power (...)
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  25.  32
    Health warnings on tobacco products: absolving the profiteer, punishing the victim. The ethics of Australian legislation.Deborah G. Graham - 1998 - Health Care Analysis 6 (2):131-140.
    In recent years, health warnings on tobacco products have become compulsory through legislation introduced by the Australian government. This approach shows a lack of concern for tobacco consumers while allowing government to abdicate responsibility without jeopardising profit. The decision to warn people of inevitable addiction and disease fails to recognise previous research into adolescent attraction to deviance and the role of suggestion in cure and illness. The Australian government makes millions of dollars each year by taxing tobacco products—as long as (...)
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  26.  48
    Mediating Intimacy: Black Surrogate Mothers and the Law.Deborah R. Grayson - 1998 - Critical Inquiry 24 (2):525-546.
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  27.  28
    Robert BECK, L'Histoire du dimanche de 1700 à nos jours, Paris, Editions Ouvrières, 1997, 383 p.Deborah Gutermann - 2000 - Clio 11.
    Robert Beck propose d'étudier les mutations du dimanche au travers des siècles, ainsi que le processus de désacralisation que ce dernier a subi de 1700 à nos jours. Le « dimanche du seigneur » laisse peu à peu la place au « dimanche de fête », à mesure que la société se laïcise et s'industrialise. Les fissures de l'édifice dominical apparaissent avec le discours d'une partie des philosophes des Lumières qui, au nom de la morale et de l'économie, critiquent le (...)
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  28.  68
    The Philosophical Relevance of Statistics.Deborah G. Mayo - 1980 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1980:97 - 109.
    While philosophers have studied probability and induction, statistics has not received the kind of philosophical attention mathematics and physics have. Despite increasing use of statistics in science, statistical advances have been little noted in the philosophy of science literature. This paper shows the relevance of statistics to both theoretical and applied problems of philosophy. It begins by discussing the relevance of statistics to the problem of induction and then discusses the reasoning that leads to causal generalizations and how statistics elucidates (...)
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  29.  46
    Stoics, Epicureans and Mental Content.Deborah K. W. Modrak - 1993 - Apeiron 26 (2):97 - 108.
  30.  39
    Teaching Sympathetic Moral Reasoning.Deborah Mower - 2008 - Teaching Ethics 8 (2):1-14.
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  31.  79
    A probabilistic theory of causal necessity.Deborah A. Rosen - 1980 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):71-86.
    This paper attempts to set up a probabilistic framework for understanding the notion of causal necessity. What results is a relaxed and relativized probabilistic theory of epsilon-Causal necessity and an explicit attempt to avoid deterministic assumptions. The theory developed emphasizes the notions of partial cause, Causal contribution, And the degree of contribution. Implications for causal overdetermination, Causal preemption, And causal discourse are discussed.
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  32. Business ethics: A quantitative analysis of the impact of unethical behavior by publicly traded corporations. [REVIEW]Deborah L. Gunthorpe - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (5):537-543.
    This study examines whether the financial markets penalize public corporations for unethical business practices. Using event study methodology, it is found that upon the announcement that a firm is under investigation or has in some way engaged in unethical behavior, a statistically significant negative abnormal (excess) return is found. This suggests that firms are indeed penalized for their unethical actions.
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  33.  36
    Cartulaire de l'Abbaye Saint-Sauveur de Redon, 2. Rennes: Association des Amis des Archives Historiques du Diocèse de Rennes, Dol et Saint-Malo, 2004. Pp. 128; black-and-white and color figures and tables. [REVIEW]Deborah Nelson-Campbell - 2006 - Speculum 81 (3):821-823.
  34.  8
    BERTO, FRANCESCO; JAGO, MARK, Impossible Worlds, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2019, 324 pp. [REVIEW]Deborah Rodríguez-R. - 2020 - Anuario Filosófico 53 (2):367-370.
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    Chantal BERTRAND-JENNINGS, Un Autre mal du siècle. Le romantisme des romancières 1800-1846, Toulouse, Presses Universitaires du Mirail, 2005, 166 pages. [REVIEW]Deborah Gutermann - 2006 - Clio 24:322-348.
    Le « sacre » dont les écrivains romantiques sont l’objet et la reconnaissance qu’ils obtiennent n’ont d’égal que la réprobation et le silence qui entourent les romancières sorties de la retenue prescrite à leur sexe, pour embrasser une carrière artistique peu compatible avec l’idéologie de la féminité qui s’impose alors. Cette différence de condition, conséquence du système de domination fondé sur la différence des sexes, s’observe dans la fiction romantique et donne naissance à un « autre ma...
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  36.  16
    Françoise GENEVRAY, George Sand et ses contemporains russes, audience, échos, réécritures, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2000, 412 p. [REVIEW]Deborah Gutermann - 2001 - Clio 13:244-245.
    L'auteure se propose d'évaluer l'influence de George Sand sur ses contemporains russes en se fondant principalement sur trois figures de la littérature de cette aire géographique et culturelle : Herzen, Belinski et Dostoïevski. Le choix de ces personnalités serait à la fois motivé par la place importante qu'ils ont tenue dans leur société et dans leur siècle, mais aussi par les besoins de la recherche, des études ayant été menées sur la réception de G. Sand à partir d'autres auteurs co...
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    Bonnard (J.-B.) Le Complexe de Zeus. Représentations de la paternité en Grèce ancienne. (Histoire Ancienne et Médiévale 76.) Pp. 254. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne, 2004. Paper, ???25. ISBN: 978-2-85944-508-. [REVIEW]Deborah Lyons - 2007 - The Classical Review 57 (01):150-.
  38. Samuel Hellman and Deborah S. Hellman.Deborah S. Hellman - 1994 - Contemporary Issues in Bioethics 324:163.
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  39.  30
    Specious Individuals.Kristin Guyot - 1986 - Philosophica 37.
  40.  24
    The Well-Ordered Universe: The Philosophy of Margaret Cavendish.Deborah A. Boyle - 2017 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    The Well-Ordered Universe argues that Cavendish's natural philosophy, social and political philosophy, and medical theory share an underlying concern with order. This reveals interesting connections among Cavendish's natural philosophy and her views on gender, animals and the environment, and human health, and explains her commitment to monarchy and social hierarchy.
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  41.  19
    Error and the Growth of Experimental Knowledge.Deborah G. Mayo - 1996 - University of Chicago.
    This text provides a critique of the subjective Bayesian view of statistical inference, and proposes the author's own error-statistical approach as an alternative framework for the epistemology of experiment. It seeks to address the needs of researchers who work with statistical analysis.
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  42.  8
    Karma yoga: ou, L'action dans la vie selon la sagesse hindoue.Félix Guyot - 1973 - Paris: J. Tallandier.
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  43.  12
    Alterität im Denken von Hermann Cohen?: eine Nachlese.Deborah Epstein - 2023 - Baden-Baden: Tectum Verlag.
    Das Thema der Alteritat ist von grosser systematischer, religionsphilosophischer und politischer Bedeutung. Bei Hermann Cohen, dem Begrunder des Marburger Neukantianismus, zeigt sich der Andere in verschiedenen begrifflichen Ausgestaltungen. Inwieweit sich ein zentraler Alteritatsbegriff niederschlagt, untersucht Deborah Epstein anhand der zwei Hauptwerke Cohens "Ethik des reinen Willens" und "Religion der Vernunft aus den Quellen des Judentums". Die Autorin gibt einen spannenden Einblick in die Auseinandersetzung Cohens mit der unaufhebbaren Alteritat des Anderen und beweist eine grosse Sensibilitat fur die judischen Elemente (...)
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  44. Descartes and the Passionate Mind.Deborah J. Brown - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Descartes is often accused of having fragmented the human being into two independent substances, mind and body, with no clear strategy for explaining the apparent unity of human experience. Deborah Brown argues that, contrary to this view, Descartes did in fact have a conception of a single, integrated human being, and that in his view this conception is crucial to the success of human beings as rational and moral agents and as practitioners of science. The passions are pivotal in (...)
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  45.  54
    The decoupling of "explicit" and "implicit" processing in neuropsychological disorders: Insights into the neural basis of consciousness?Deborah Faulkner & Jonathan K. Foster - 2002 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 8.
    A key element of the distinction between explicit and implicit cognitive functioning is the presence or absence of conscious awareness. In this review, we consider the proposal that neuropsychological disorders can best be considered in terms of a decoupling between preserved implicit or unconscious processing and impaired explicit or conscious processing. Evidence for dissociations between implicit and explicit processes in blindsight, amnesia, object agnosia, prosopagnosia, hemi-neglect, and aphasia is examined. The implications of these findings for a) our understanding of a (...)
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  46. Novel evidence and severe tests.Deborah G. Mayo - 1991 - Philosophy of Science 58 (4):523-552.
    While many philosophers of science have accorded special evidential significance to tests whose results are "novel facts", there continues to be disagreement over both the definition of novelty and why it should matter. The view of novelty favored by Giere, Lakatos, Worrall and many others is that of use-novelty: An accordance between evidence e and hypothesis h provides a genuine test of h only if e is not used in h's construction. I argue that what lies behind the intuition that (...)
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  47. (2 other versions)Error and the growth of experimental knowledge.Deborah Mayo - 1996 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 15 (1):455-459.
  48. Adorno on Nature.Deborah Cook - 2011 - Routledge.
    Decades before the environmental movement emerged in the 1960s, Adorno condemned our destructive and self-destructive relationship to the natural world, warning of the catastrophe that may result if we continue to treat nature as an object that exists exclusively for our own benefit. "Adorno on Nature" presents the first detailed examination of the pivotal role of the idea of natural history in Adorno's work. A comparison of Adorno's concerns with those of key ecological theorists - social ecologist Murray Bookchin, ecofeminist (...)
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  49.  85
    Groups as Agents.Deborah Perron Tollefsen - 2015 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    In the social sciences and in everyday speech we often talk about groups as if they behaved in the same way as individuals, thinking and acting as a singular being. We say for example that "Google intends to develop an automated car", "the U.S. Government believes that Syria has used chemical weapons on its people", or that "the NRA wants to protect the rights of gun owners". We also often ascribe legal and moral responsibility to groups. But could groups literally (...)
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  50. Models of group selection.Deborah G. Mayo & Norman L. Gilinsky - 1987 - Philosophy of Science 54 (4):515-538.
    The key problem in the controversy over group selection is that of defining a criterion of group selection that identifies a distinct causal process that is irreducible to the causal process of individual selection. We aim to clarify this problem and to formulate an adequate model of irreducible group selection. We distinguish two types of group selection models, labeling them type I and type II models. Type I models are invoked to explain differences among groups in their respective rates of (...)
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