Results for 'Deborah Eyre'

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  1. Pragmatic Insights into Set-Theoretic Practice: Exploring Disagreement and Agreement among Practitioners.Deborah Kant - 2025 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    Many believe mathematical truth is indisputable. However, the set-theoretic independence phenomenon challenges this idea. Certain statements about infinite sets, like the continuum hypothesis, are neither true nor false according to the standard axioms. While philosophers have offered various diagnoses of this problem, this book posits that the set-theoretic community is key to solving the issue, proposing a pragmatic approach. It presents the first extensive empirical study, featuring interviews with 28 set theorists from varied backgrounds. It explores the spectrum of disagreement (...)
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  2. Why robots should not be treated like animals.Deborah G. Johnson & Mario Verdicchio - 2018 - Ethics and Information Technology 20 (4):291-301.
    Responsible Robotics is about developing robots in ways that take their social implications into account, which includes conceptually framing robots and their role in the world accurately. We are now in the process of incorporating robots into our world and we are trying to figure out what to make of them and where to put them in our conceptual, physical, economic, legal, emotional and moral world. How humans think about robots, especially humanoid social robots, which elicit complex and sometimes disconcerting (...)
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    Big Data and Compounding Injustice.Deborah Hellman - 2023 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 21 (1-2):62-83.
    This article argues that the fact that an action will compound a prior injustice counts as a reason against doing the action. I call this reason The Anti-Compounding Injustice principle or aci. Compounding injustice and the aci principle are likely to be relevant when analyzing the moral issues raised by “big data” and its combination with the computational power of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Past injustice can infect the data used in algorithmic decisions in two distinct ways. Sometimes prior (...)
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  4. How do data come to matter? Living and becoming with personal data.Deborah Lupton - 2018 - Big Data and Society 5 (2).
    Humans have become increasingly datafied with the use of digital technologies that generate information with and about their bodies and everyday lives. The onto-epistemological dimensions of human–data assemblages and their relationship to bodies and selves have yet to be thoroughly theorised. In this essay, I draw on key perspectives espoused in feminist materialism, vital materialism and the anthropology of material culture to examine the ways in which these assemblages operate as part of knowing, perceiving and sensing human bodies. I draw (...)
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  5. Mathematizing as a virtuous practice: different narratives and their consequences for mathematics education and society.Deborah Kant & Deniz Sarikaya - 2020 - Synthese 199 (1-2):3405-3429.
    There are different narratives on mathematics as part of our world, some of which are more appropriate than others. Such narratives might be of the form ‘Mathematics is useful’, ‘Mathematics is beautiful’, or ‘Mathematicians aim at theorem-credit’. These narratives play a crucial role in mathematics education and in society as they are influencing people’s willingness to engage with the subject or the way they interpret mathematical results in relation to real-world questions; the latter yielding important normative considerations. Our strategy is (...)
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  6. A non-ideal approach to slurs.Deborah Mühlebach - 2023 - Synthese 202 (3):1 – 25.
    Philosophers of language are increasingly engaging with derogatory terms or slurs. Only few theorists take such language as a starting point for addressing puzzles in philosophy of language with little connection to our real-world problems. This paper aims to show that the political nature of derogatory language use calls for non-ideal theorising as we find it in the work of feminist and critical race scholars. Most contemporary theories of slurs, so I argue, fall short on some desiderata associated with a (...)
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    Selecting for the con in consciousness.Deborah Hodgkin & Alasdair I. Houston - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):668-669.
  8. Semantic contestations and the meaning of politically significant terms.Deborah Mühlebach - 2021 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 64 (8):788-817.
    In recent discussions on the meaning of derogatory terms, most theorists base their investigations on the assumption that slurring terms could in principle have some neutral, i.e. purely descriptive, counterpart. Lauren Ashwell has recently shown that this assumption does not generalize to gendered slurs. This paper aims to challenge the point and benefit of approaching the meaning of derogatory terms in contrast to their allegedly purely descriptive counterparts. I argue that different discursive practices among different communities of practice sometimes change (...)
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    Principles of inference and their consequences.Deborah G. Mayo & Michael Kruse - 2001 - In David Corfield & Jon Williamson, Foundations of Bayesianism. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 381--403.
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  10. AI, agency and responsibility: the VW fraud case and beyond.Deborah G. Johnson & Mario Verdicchio - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (3):639-647.
    The concept of agency as applied to technological artifacts has become an object of heated debate in the context of AI research because some AI researchers ascribe to programs the type of agency traditionally associated with humans. Confusion about agency is at the root of misconceptions about the possibilities for future AI. We introduce the concept of a triadic agency that includes the causal agency of artifacts and the intentional agency of humans to better describe what happens in AI as (...)
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  11. Models of group selection.Deborah G. Mayo & Norman L. Gilinsky - 1987 - Philosophy of Science 54 (4):515-538.
    The key problem in the controversy over group selection is that of defining a criterion of group selection that identifies a distinct causal process that is irreducible to the causal process of individual selection. We aim to clarify this problem and to formulate an adequate model of irreducible group selection. We distinguish two types of group selection models, labeling them type I and type II models. Type I models are invoked to explain differences among groups in their respective rates of (...)
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    Digital companion species and eating data: Implications for theorising digital data–human assemblages.Deborah Lupton - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (1).
    This commentary is an attempt to begin to identify and think through some of the ways in which sociocultural theory may contribute to understandings of the relationship between humans and digital data. I develop an argument that rests largely on the work of two scholars in the field of science and technology studies: Donna Haraway and Annemarie Mol. Both authors emphasised materiality and multiple ontologies in their writing. I argue that these concepts have much to offer critical data studies. I (...)
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  13. Cartesian Functional Analysis.Deborah J. Brown - 2012 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 90 (1):75 - 92.
    Despite eschewing the utility of ends or purposes in natural philosophy, Descartes frequently engages in functional explanation, which many have assumed is an essentially teleological form of explanation. This article considers the consistency of Descartes's appeal to natural functions, advancing the idea that he is utilizing a non-normative, non-teleological form of functional explanation. It will be argued that Cartesian functional analysis resembles modern causal functional analysis, and yet, by emphasizing the interdependency of parts of biological systems, is able to avoid (...)
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    The sociotechnical entanglement of AI and values.Deborah G. Johnson & Mario Verdicchio - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-10.
    Scholarship on embedding values in AI is growing. In what follows, we distinguish two concepts of AI and argue that neither is amenable to values being ‘embedded’. If we think of AI as computational artifacts, then values and AI cannot be added together because they are ontologically distinct. If we think of AI as sociotechnical systems, then components of values and AI are in the same ontologic category—they are both social. However, even here thinking about the relationship as one of (...)
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  15. Non-Ideal Philosophy of Language.Deborah Mühlebach - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy (10):4018-4040.
    Recently, there has been growing interest in methodological issues of non-ideal theoretical philosophy. While some explicitly commit to non-ideal theorising, others doubt that there is anything useful about the ideal/non-ideal distinction in theoretical philosophy. The aim of this paper is twofold. On the one hand, I propose a way of doing non-ideal theoretical philosophy, once we realise how limited certain idealised projects are. Since there is a big overlap between projects that are called non-ideal and applied, the second aim is (...)
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    A more‐than‐human approach to bioethics: The example of digital health.Deborah Lupton - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (9):969-976.
    Digital health technologies are often advocated as a way of helping people monitor, promote and manage their health, care for others and reduce the burden on healthcare systems. Yet these technologies have also been subject to criticism for limiting human flourishing and exacerbating socioeconomic disadvantage. Bioethical appraisals of digital health technologies tend to take a conventional risk‐benefit approach, positioning the human subject as a rational, autonomous agent who is acted on by technologies. In this paper, I present a case for (...)
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    Language matters: the ‘digital twin’ metaphor in health and medicine.Deborah Lupton - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (6):409-409.
    In his Feature Article ‘Represent me: please: Towards an ethics of digital twins in medicine’1, Mattias Braun considers several important bioethical issues in relation to the use of digital twin simulations in health and medical contexts. He focuses on the ways these simulations are used or are proposed to be deployed in these domains, including to what extent they are a ‘true’ or ‘real’ representation of human bodies. In this response, I want to take a step back and delve into (...)
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  18. Neopragmatist Inferentialism and the Meaning of Derogatory Terms – A Defence.Deborah Mühlebach - forthcoming - Dialectica.
    Inferentialism seems to be an unpopular theory where derogatory terms are concerned. Contrary to most theorists in the debate on the meaning of derogatory terms, I think that inferentialism constitutes a promising theory to account for a broad range of aspects of derogatory language use. In order to make good on that promise, however, inferentialism must overcome four main objections that are usually raised against Michael Dummett's and Robert Brandom's inferentialist explanations of derogatory terms. This paper aims at debunking these (...)
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    (1 other version)The Duck's Leg: Descartes's Intermediate Distinction.Deborah J. Brown - 2011 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 35 (1):26-45.
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    Tackling Verbal Derogation: Linguistic Meaning, Social Meaning and Constructive Contestation.Deborah Mühlebach - 2022 - In David Bordonaba Plou, Víctor Fernández Castro & José Ramón Torices, The Political Turn in Analytic Philosophy: Reflections on Social Injustice and Oppression. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 173-198.
    Our everyday practices are meaningful in several ways. In addition to the linguistic meanings of our terms and sentences, we attach social meanings to actions and statuses. Philosophy of language and public debates often focus on contesting morally and politically pernicious linguistic practices. My aim is to show that this is too little: even if we are only interested in morally and politically problematic terms, we must counteract a pernicious linguistic practice on many levels, especially on the level of its (...)
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  21. Willfully Blind for Good Reason.Deborah Hellman - 2009 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 3 (3):301-316.
    Willful blindness is not an appropriate substitute for knowledge in crimes that require a mens rea of knowledge because an actor who contrives his own ignorance is only sometimes as culpable as a knowing actor. This paper begins with the assumption that the classic willfully blind actor—the drug courier—is culpable. If so, any plausible account of willful blindness must provide criteria that find this actor culpable. This paper then offers two limiting cases: a criminal defense lawyer defending a client he (...)
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    Animal Automatism and Machine Intelligence.Deborah Brown - 2015 - Res Philosophica 92 (1):93-115.
    Descartes’s uncompromising rejection of the possibility of animal intelligence was among his most controversial theses. That rejection is based on (1) his commitment to the doctrine of animal automatism and (2) two tests that he takes to be sufficient indicators of thought (the action and language tests). Of these two tests, only the language test is truly definitive, and Descartes is firmly of the view that no animal could demonstrate the capacity to use signs to convey meaning in “all the (...)
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    Reflective Equilibrium as an Ameliorative Framework for Feminist Epistemology.Deborah Mühlebach - 2016 - Hypatia 31 (4):874-889.
    As Helen Longino's overview of Hypatia's engagement with feminist epistemology suggests, the last twenty-five years’ contributions to this field reveal a strong focus on the topic of knowledge. In her short outline, Longino questions this narrow focus on knowledge in epistemological inquiry. The main purpose of this article is to provide a framework for systematically taking up the questions raised by Longino, one that prevents us from running the risk of becoming unreflectively involved in sexist, racist, or otherwise problematic inquiry. (...)
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    Three-Text Edition of Thomas Hobbes's Political Theory: The Elements of Law, de Cive and Leviathan.Deborah Baumgold (ed.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    An exciting English-language edition which for the first time presents Thomas Hobbes's masterpiece Leviathan alongside two earlier works, The Elements of Law and De Cive. By arranging the three texts side by side, Baumgold offers readers an enhanced understanding of Hobbes's political theory and addresses an important need within Hobbes scholarship. The parallel presentation highlights substantive connections between the texts and makes it easy to trace the development of Hobbes's thinking. Readers can follow developments both at the 'micro' level of (...)
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  25. Pacifying Politics.Deborah Baumgold - 1993 - Political Theory 21 (1):6-27.
  26. Peircean Induction and the Error-Correcting Thesis.Deborah G. Mayo - 2005 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 41 (2):299 - 319.
  27. The New Experimentalism, Topical Hypotheses, and Learning from Error.Deborah G. Mayo - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:270-279.
    An important theme to have emerged from the new experimentalist movement is that much of actual scientific practice deals not with appraising full-blown theories but with the manifold local tasks required to arrive at data, distinguish fact from artifact, and estimate backgrounds. Still, no program for working out a philosophy of experiment based on this recognition has been demarcated. I suggest why the new experimentalism has come up short, and propose a remedy appealing to the practice of standard error statistics. (...)
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    The Multiverse View and Set-Theoretic Practice.Deborah Kant - forthcoming - Kriterion – Journal of Philosophy.
    Hamkins’ multiverse view is a prominent position on the nature of set theory. It is posited against the universe view and proposed as a philosophical theory explaining current set-theoretic practice. This paper confronts the multiverse view with the results of an interview study investigating current set-theoretic practice. The study reveals a heterogeneity of set-theoretic research practices. The multiverse view is found to align well with pluralist research practices but not with absolutist practices. The generalisation claim of the multiverse view fails (...)
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  29. Augustine and Descartes on the Function of Attention in Perceptual Awareness.Deborah Brown - 2007 - Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind 4:153-175.
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    Evidence, Belief, and Action: The Failure of Equipoise to Resolve the Ethical Tension in the Randomized Clinical Trial.Deborah Hellman - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (3):375-380.
    Clinical research employing the randomized clinical trial has, traditionally, been understood to pose an ethical dilemma. On the one hand, each patient ought to get the treatment that best meets her needs, as judged by the patient in consultation with her doctor. On the other hand, the method most helpful to advancing our understanding about what treatments are indeed best able to meet patient needs is the randomized trial, which necessitates that each patient's care is decided not by physician judgment (...)
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  31. Behavioristic, evidentialist, and learning models of statistical testing.Deborah G. Mayo - 1985 - Philosophy of Science 52 (4):493-516.
    While orthodox (Neyman-Pearson) statistical tests enjoy widespread use in science, the philosophical controversy over their appropriateness for obtaining scientific knowledge remains unresolved. I shall suggest an explanation and a resolution of this controversy. The source of the controversy, I argue, is that orthodox tests are typically interpreted as rules for making optimal decisions as to how to behave--where optimality is measured by the frequency of errors the test would commit in a long series of trials. Most philosophers of statistics, however, (...)
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  32. Discursive Resistance in a Non-Ideal World.Deborah Mühlebach & Nikki Ernst - 2024 - In Hilkje Hänel & Johanna Müller, The Routledge Handbook of Non-Ideal Theory. New York, NY: Routledge.
    Discussions of non-ideal theory as philosophical methodology have recently entered the philosophy of language. In this chapter, the authors take stock of the academic movement that has begun to gather under the banner of ‘non-ideal philosophy of language,’ exploring what it means to idealize discursive phenomena, and how such idealizations impede our inquiry into politically significant speech. In doing so, they aim to draw attention to a certain pernicious ideal that distorts the theorist’s own relationship, qua theorist, to the discursive (...)
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  33. The Politics of Meaning – A Non-Ideal Approach to Verbal Derogation.Deborah Mühlebach - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Basel
    Language can be used as an instrument to exert power over people, as in issuing an order or a ban, or when it exercises an intrinsic power by virtue of its semantic or pragmatic content. The Politics of Meaning focuses on this latter aspect and answers the following question: what does it mean for linguistic meaning to be embedded in social structures and practices if we have good reasons to assume that these practices rest on asymmetrical power relations and are (...)
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    Forbidden Knowledge and Science as Professional Activity.Deborah G. Johnson - 1996 - The Monist 79 (2):197-217.
    Since the idea of forbidden knowledge is rooted in the biblical story of Adam and Eve eating from the forbidden tree of knowledge, its meaning today, in particular as a metaphor for scientific knowledge, is not so obvious. We can and should ask questions about the autonomy of science.
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    Is absence of evidence of pain ever evidence of absence?Deborah J. Brown & Brian Key - 2021 - Synthese 199 (1-2):3881-3902.
    Absence of evidence arguments are indispensable to comparative neurobiology. The absence in a given species of a homologous neural architecture strongly correlated with a type of conscious experience in humans should be able to be taken as a prima facie reason for concluding that the species in question does not have the capacity for that conscious experience. Absence of evidence reasoning is, however, widely disparaged for being both logically illicit and unscientific. This paper argues that these concerns are unwarranted. There (...)
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    Slavery discourse before the Restoration: The Barbary coast, Justinian's Digest, and Hobbes's political theory.Deborah Baumgold - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (4):412-418.
    Seventeenth-century natural-law philosophers participated in colonizing and slave-trading companies, yet they discussed slavery as an abstraction. This dispassionate approach is commonly explained with the “distance thesis” that the practice of slavery was at some remove from Northwest Europe. I contest the thesis, with a specific focus on pre-Restoration English discourse and Hobbes's political theory. By laying out the salient context — English experience of Barbary-coast slavery and an inherited neo-Roman intellectual frame — I argue, first, that slavery was hardly a (...)
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  37. Racial Profiling and the Meaning of Racial Categories.Deborah Hellman - 2005 - In Andrew I. Cohen & Christopher Heath Wellman, Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 22--232.
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    Imagination as an intellectual virtue.Déborah Marber & Alan T. Wilson - forthcoming - Analysis.
    Many philosophers have recently defended the epistemic value of imagination. In this paper, we expand these discussions into the realm of virtue epistemology by proposing and defending a virtue-theoretic conception of imagination. On this account, the intellectual virtue of imagination is a character trait consisting of dispositions to engage skilfully in activities characteristic of imagining, with good judgement and from appropriate epistemic motivations. We argue that this approach helps to explain important connections between related, but distinct, intellectual virtues, including creativity (...)
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    Cognitive Architecture: From Bio-politics to Noo-politics ; Architecture & Mind in the Age of Communication and Information.Deborah Hauptmann & Warren Neidich (eds.) - 2010 - 010 Publishers.
    This volume rethinks the relations between form and forms of communication, calling for a new logic of representation; it examines the manner in which ...
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    We are All Haunted: Cultural Understanding and the Paradox of Trauma.Deborah Bradley - 2020 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 28 (1):4.
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  41. Immanence and Individuation: Brentano and the Scholastics on Knowledge of Singulars.Deborah Brown - 2000 - The Monist 83 (1):22-46.
    When Brentano introduces the notion of immanent objectivity or the intentional inexistence of objects in Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint, he cites Scholastic theories of intentionality and suggests that his own view is continuous with medieval and ancient theories of objective being. Very few philosophers of the middle ages used the terminology of esse objectivuum and those that did, such as Peter Aureol, do not appear to be among the primary Scholastic sources for Brentano’s theory of immanence. To a modern (...)
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  42. Reconciliation and environmental justice.Deborah McGregor - 2018 - Journal of Global Ethics 14 (2):222-231.
    ABSTRACTThe conclusion of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission launched a new chapter in Indigenous-state relationships in Canada. Despite many resulting ‘reconciliation initiatives’, there remains considerable discussion as to what form reconciliation should take and for what end. Reconciliation processes must involve Indigenous peoples from the outset and should be founded on Indigenous intellectual and legal traditions. Indigenous peoples’ conceptions of reconciliation differ markedly from state-sponsored views, particularly the view that reconciliation must be achieved among all beings of Creation, including all (...)
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  43. Can scientific theories be warranted with severity? Exchanges with Alan Chalmers.Deborah G. Mayo - 2009 - In Deborah G. Mayo & Aris Spanos, Error and Inference: Recent Exchanges on Experimental Reasoning, Reliability, and the Objectivity and Rationality of Science. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  44.  26
    Ophthalmic Research’s Unique Challenges: Not All First-in-Human Surgeries Are the Same.Deborah R. Barnbaum - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (5):90-92.
    Laspro et al. (2024) present an insightful survey of ethical issues emerging in first-in-human whole eye transplants (WET). Their discussion is applicable to a broad range of first-in-human surgica...
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    Satisfaction of Spiritual Needs and Self-Rated Health among Churchgoers.Deborah Bruce †, Neal Krause, Cynthia Woolever & R. David Hayward - 2014 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 36 (1):86-104.
    Research indicates that greater involvement in religion may be associated with better physical health. The purpose of this study is to see if the satisfaction of spiritual needs is associated with health. This model that contains the following core hypotheses: Individuals who attend church more often are more likely to receive spiritual support from fellow church members than people who attend worship services less frequently ; receiving more spiritual support is associated with stronger feelings of belonging in a congregation; individuals (...)
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    Bakhtin reframed.Deborah J. Haynes - 2013 - New York: Distributed in the U.S. and Canada exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan.
    Rehabilitating some of Bakhtin's neglected ideas and reframing him as a philosopher of aesthetics, Bakhtin Reframed will be essential reading for the huge community of Bakhtin scholars as well as students and practitioners of visual culture ...
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  47. Rethinking the Social Responsibilities of Engineers as a Form of Accountability.Deborah Johnson - 2016 - In Diane P. Michelfelder, Byron Newberry & Qin Zhu, Philosophy and Engineering: Exploring Boundaries, Expanding Connections. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
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    The health needs of the majority versus the health needs of the individual: The reorganization of medical education in Colombia.Deborah E. Bender - 1989 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 10 (3).
    The challenge of excellence in community health services has been taken up by medical educators in Colombia. Confronted with a nation where the primary indicators of disease mortality and morbidity (cardiovascular disease and infant mortality) were characteristic of First and Third World patterns, respectively, the Ministry of Health and La Asociacion Colombiana de Facultades de Medicina (ASCOFAME), representatives of institutions of medical education, have collaborated to conduct a needs assessment of the country's health needs and devised an implementation plan designed (...)
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    Icon as Index.Deborah Bershad - 1981 - Semiotics:449-457.
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    Icon as index: Middle Byzantine art and architecture.Deborah Bershad - 1983 - Semiotica 43 (3-4).
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