Results for 'Debbie Mills'

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  1.  42
    (1 other version)Vocabulary of 2-year-olds learning English and an additional language: norms and effects of linguistic distance. II: Methods.Caroline Floccia, Thomas Sambrook, Claire Delle Luche, Rosa Kwok, Jeremy Goslin, Laurence White, Allegra Cattani, Emily Sullivan, Kirsten Abbot-Smith, Andrea Krott, Debbie Mills, Caroline Rowland, Judit Gervain & Kim Plunkett - unknown
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  2. Anger, Affective Injustice, and Emotion Regulation.Alfred Archer & Georgina Mills - 2019 - Philosophical Topics 47 (2):75-94.
    Victims of oppression are often called to let go of their anger in order to facilitate better discussion to bring about the end of their oppression. According to Amia Srinivasan, this constitutes an affective injustice. In this paper, we use research on emotion regulation to shed light on the nature of affective injustice. By drawing on the literature on emotion regulation, we illustrate specifically what kind of work is put upon people who are experiencing affective injustice and why it is (...)
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  3. Evidence Enriched.Nora Mills Boyd - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (3):403-421.
    Traditionally, empiricism has relied on the specialness of human observation, yet science is rife with sophisticated instrumentation and techniques. The present article advances a conception of empirical evidence applicable to actual scientific practice. I argue that this conception elucidates how the results of scientific research can be repurposed across diverse epistemic contexts: it helps to make sense of how evidence accumulates across theory change, how different evidence can be amalgamated and used jointly, and how the same evidence can be used (...)
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    Observations, Experiments, and Arguments for Epistemic Superiority in Scientific Methodology.Dana Matthiessen & Nora Mills Boyd - forthcoming - Philosophy of Science.
    This paper argues against general claims for the epistemic superiority of experiment over observation. It does so by dissociating the benefits traditionally attributed to experiment from physical manipulation. In place of manipulation, we argue that other features of research methods do confer epistemic advantages in comparison to methods in which they are diminished. These features better track the epistemic successes and failures of scientific research, cross-cut the observation/experiment distinction, and nevertheless explain why manipulative experiments are successful when they are.
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  5.  22
    Three Pillars of Skepticism in Classical India: Nagarjuna, Jayarasi, and Sri Harsa.Ethan Mills - 2018 - Lexington Books.
    This book argues that the philosophical history of India contains a tradition of skepticism about philosophy represented most clearly by three figures: Nāgārjuna, Jayarāśi, and Śrī Harṣa. Furthermore, understanding this tradition ought to be an important part of our contemporary metaphilosophical reflections on the purposes and limits of philosophy.
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    Is an off-task mind a freely-moving mind? Examining the relationship between different dimensions of thought.Caitlin Mills, Quentin Raffaelli, Zachary C. Irving, Dylan Stan & Kalina Christoff - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 58:20-33.
  7.  26
    Bright and Conspicuous Stars in Ptolemy and Hipparchus: on the mistranslation of epsilonkappaphialphanuetasigma.Roger T. Macfarlane & Paul S. Mills - 2005 - Centaurus 47 (2):178-180.
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    Foul-weather fandom.Alfred Archer & Georgina Mills - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 50 (3):383-401.
    A familiar debate in the philosophy of sport concerns the question of whether fans should seek to be partisans (those who support particular teams or individuals) or whether they should instead adopt the impartial attitude of the purist. More recently, Kyle Fruh et al. have argued in defense of fair-weather fandom, which they understand as a form of fandom that involves adopting temporary allegiances in response to non-sporting considerations. This paper will add a new form of fandom to this discussion: (...)
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  9. Ignorância Branca - White Ignorance (Translation to Portuguese).Breno Ricardo Guimarães Santos & Charles Mills - 2018 - Griot 1 (17):413-438.
    In this paper, Charles Mills discusses what he calls “white ignorance”, developing one of the main themes of his 1997 book, The Racial Contract. His discussion is concerned with the idea of a cognitive disadvantage based on membership in a social group, which is not strange to the radical philosophical tradition, and that has been explored with more vigor in the recent Social Epistemology, in debates about epistemic injustices, silencing, willful ignorance, cognitive biases, epistemological standpoints, etc. Mills argues (...)
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  10. Feminist Postcolonial Theory: A Reader.Reina Lewis & Sara Mills (eds.) - 2003 - Routledge.
    Feminism and postcolonialism are allies, and the impressive selection of writings brought together in this volume demonstrate how fruitful that alliance can be. Reina Lewis and Sara Mills have assembled a brilliant selection of thinkers, organizing them into six categories: "Gendering Colonialism and Postcolonialism/Radicalizing Feminism," "Rethinking Whiteness," "Redefining the 'Third World' Subject," "Sexuality and Sexual Rights," "Harem and the Veil," and "Gender and Post/colonial Relations." A bibliography complements the wide-ranging essays. This is the ideal volume for any reader interested (...)
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  11.  25
    How do children weigh competence and benevolence when deciding whom to trust?Angie M. Johnston, Candice M. Mills & Asheley R. Landrum - 2015 - Cognition 144 (C):76-90.
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  12.  22
    Laboratory Astrophysics: Lessons for Epistemology of Astrophysics.Nora Mills Boyd - 2023 - In Nora Mills Boyd, Siska De Baerdemaeker, Kevin Heng & Vera Matarese, Philosophy of Astrophysics: Stars, Simulations, and the Struggle to Determine What is Out There. Springer Verlag. pp. 2147483647-2147483647.
    Astrophysics is often cast as an observational science, devoid of traditional experiments, along with astronomy and cosmology. Yet, a thriving field of experimental research exists called laboratory astrophysics. How should we make sense of this apparent tension? I argue that approaching the epistemology of astrophysics by attending to the production of empirical data and the aims of the research better illuminates both the successes and challenges of empirical research in astrophysics than evaluating the epistemology of astrophysics according to the presence (...)
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  13.  28
    Unconditional access to non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) for adult-onset conditions: a defence.India R. Marks, Catherine Mills & Katrien Devolder - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (2):102-107.
    Over the past decade, non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) has been adopted into routine obstetric care to screen for fetal sex, trisomies 21, 18 and 13, sex chromosome aneuploidies and fetal sex determination. It is predicted that the scope of NIPT will be expanded in the future, including screening for adult-onset conditions (AOCs). Some ethicists have proposed that using NIPT to detect severe autosomal AOCs that cannot be prevented or treated, such as Huntington’s disease, should only be offered to prospective parents (...)
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  14.  69
    But What Are You Really?Charles W. Mills - 2000 - Radical Philosophy Today 1:23-51.
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  15.  70
    Environmental Justice.Robert Figueroa & Claudia Mills - 1991 - In Dale Jamieson, A Companion to Environmental Philosophy. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 426–438.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Two dimensions of environmental justice Domestic environmental justice in the United States Global environmental justice Conclusions.
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  16.  55
    From Max Weber.H. H. Gerth & C. Wright Mills - 1947 - Philosophical Review 56 (1):100-104.
  17.  39
    “I Want to Know More!”: Children Are Sensitive to Explanation Quality When Exploring New Information.Candice M. Mills, Kaitlin R. Sands, Sydney P. Rowles & Ian L. Campbell - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (1):e12706.
    When someone encounters an explanation perceived as weak, this may lead to a feeling of deprivation or tension that can be resolved by engaging in additional learning. This study examined to what extent children respond to weak explanations by seeking additional learning opportunities. Seven‐ to ten‐year‐olds (N = 81) explored questions and explanations (circular or mechanistic) about 12 animals using a novel Android tablet application. After rating the quality of an initial explanation, children could request and receive additional information or (...)
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  18.  46
    7.White Right: The Idea of a Herrenvolk Ethics.Charles W. Mills - 1998 - In Blackness Visible: Essays on Philosophy and Race. Cornell University Press. pp. 139-166.
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    Nāgārjuna’s Pañcakoṭi, Agrippa’s Trilemma, and the Uses of Skepticism.Ethan A. Mills - 2016 - Comparative Philosophy 7 (2):44-66.
    While the contemporary problem of the criterion raises similar epistemological issues as Agrippa’s Trilemma in ancient Pyrrhonian skepticism, the consideration of such epistemological questions has served two different purposes. On one hand, there is the purely practical purpose of Pyrrhonism, in which such questions are a means to reach suspension of judgment, and on the other hand, there is the theoretical purpose of contemporary epistemologists, in which these issues raise theoretical problems that drive the search for theoretical resolution. In classical (...)
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  20.  34
    Preface.Charles W. Mills - 1998 - In Blackness Visible: Essays on Philosophy and Race. Cornell University Press.
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  21.  40
    Large-scale three-dimensional phase field simulation of γ ′-rafting and creep deformation.Ning Zhou, Chen Shen, Michael Mills & Yunzhi Wang - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (1-4):405-436.
  22.  75
    Defining the Limits of Emergency Humanitarian Action: Where, and How, to Draw the Line?N. Ford, R. Zachariah, E. Mills & R. Upshur - 2010 - Public Health Ethics 3 (1):68-71.
    Decisions about targeting medical assistance in humanitarian contexts are fraught with dilemmas ranging from non-availability of basic services, to massive demographic and epidemiological shifts, and to the threat of insecurity and evacuations. Aid agencies are obliged, due to capacity constraints and competing priorities, to clearly define the objectives and the beneficiaries of their actions. That aid agencies have to set limits to their actions is not controversial, but the process of defining the limits raises ethical questions. In MSF, frameworks for (...)
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  23.  56
    Plato and the Instant.Colin Strang & K. W. Mills - 1974 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 48 (1):63 - 96.
  24.  27
    (1 other version)The performativity of personhood.Catherine Mills - 2012 - Monash Bioethics Review 30 (1):61-64.
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    Determinants of Emergency Hospital Admissions among Patients in Blackpool, England: Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study.Gabriel Agboado & Judith Mills - 2011 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 2 (1).
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  26.  13
    2. The ‘Almost Wilfully Perverse’ Lord Monboddo and the Scottish Enlightenment’s Science of Human Nature.R. J. W. Mills - 2021 - In R. J. W. Mills & Craig Smith, The Scottish Enlightenment: Human Nature, Social Theory and Moral Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Christopher J. Berry. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 49-70.
  27.  32
    Intrinsic paramagnetism of ferroelectrics.I. E. Dzyaloshinskii & D. L. Mills - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (22-24):2079-2082.
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  28.  10
    Against epigenetic responsibility: The problem of causality in ‘foetal programming’ science.Courtney McMahon & Catherine Mills - 2024 - Bioethics 39 (1):127-136.
    Emerging evidence that intrauterine exposures to environmental stressors can ‘programme’ epigenetic modifications in offspring, leading to long-lasting health risks, has generated debate about whether prospective mothers have a specific ‘epigenetic’ moral responsibility. However, to date, proposals for maternal epigenetic responsibility have failed to grapple adequately with the uncertainty of scientific evidence, and specifically, whether the causal basis for intrauterine epigenetic effects is sufficiently established to ground claims of moral responsibility. Causality is widely considered a necessary condition for the attribution of (...)
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    Not so rational: A more natural way to understand the ANS.Eli Hecht, Tracey Mills, Steven Shin & Jonathan Phillips - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44.
    In contrast to Clarke and Beck's claim that that the approximate number system represents rational numbers, we argue for a more modest alternative: The ANS represents natural numbers, and there are separate, non-numeric processes that can be used to represent ratios across a wide range of domains, including natural numbers.
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  30.  7
    Working memory and short-term memory storage: What does backward recall tell us.Gerald Tehan & Kaye Mills - 2007 - In Naoyuki Osaka, Robert H. Logie & Mark D'Esposito, The Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory. Oxford University Press. pp. 153--164.
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  31. The Lonely Crowd.David Reisman, C. Wright Mills, William H. Whyte & Vance Packard - 1959 - Science and Society 23 (4):317-332.
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  32.  16
    (1 other version)The Meaning(s) of Humiliation According to the Empirical Evidence.Sandy Rea, Jane Mills, Nerina Caltabiano & James Dimmock - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (2):175-192.
    Despite the advances made in understanding the effects of humiliation, no univocal position regarding its meaning exists. Indeed, so indiscreet is its meaning, the emotion is commonly conflated with other related emotions such as shame, embarrassment, and anger. Employing a scoping review design, this review aimed to scope the empirical literature concerning the meaning of humiliation from the perspective of two definitional parameters: i) status, subsuming the values descriptive and prescriptive, and ii) format, subsuming the values intension and extension. CINAHL, (...)
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  33.  46
    The Moral Foundations of Civil Rights.Robert K. Fullinwider & Claudia Mills - 1986 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    More than two decades after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the issues of racial discrimination and affirmative action are still matters of controversy. The fragile national consensus on civil rights policy has been increasingly fragmented by resistance and confusion in recent years, especially under the impact of the Reagan administration's efforts to change its direction dramatically. Similarly, since the mid-1960s, the women's rights movement has worked to end discrimination and bring about greater equality for women in (...)
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  34.  23
    "In response to" The development and piloting of a capacity and assessment tool".H. M. Sharp & K. Mills - 2002 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 13 (2):165-167.
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    Ethics in Health Care Organizations.Edward M. Spencer & Ann E. Mills - 1999 - HEC Forum 11 (4):323-332.
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    Traditional knowledge and rationale for weaver ant husbandry in the Mekong delta of Vietnam.Marco S. Barzman, Nick J. Mills & Nguyen Thi Thu Cuc - 1996 - Agriculture and Human Values 13 (4):2-9.
    The weaver ant, Oecophylla smaragdina Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), has long been known as perhaps the first example of human manipulation of a natural predator population to enhance the natural biological control of insect pests. The practice of ant husbandry in Vietnamese citrus orchards and the knowledge associated with the use of weaver ants in the Mekong delta are described. In contrast to other regions of Asia, where weaver ants are noted for their role in the protection of citrus from insect (...)
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    Taylor Swift and Philosophy: Essays from the Tortured Philosophers Department.Catherine M. Robb, Georgie Mills & William Irwin (eds.) - 2024 - The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series.
    Is Taylor Swift a philosopher? -/- What can her songs tell us about ethics and society? -/- What is the nature of friendship? -/- Should you forgive someone for breaking your heart? -/- Taylor Swift is a “Mastermind” when it comes to relationships, songwriting, and performing sold-out stadium tours. But did you know that Taylor is also a philosophical mastermind? -/- Taylor Swift and Philosophy is the first book to explore the philosophical topics that arise from Taylor Swift’s life and (...)
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    A pedagogy of the repressed? Critical management education and the teaching case study.Adam Rostis & Jean Helms Mills - 2010 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 4 (2):212.
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    Salmonella: Now you see it, now you don't.Murry A. Stein, Scott D. Mills & B. Brett Finlay - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (8):537-538.
    Diseases caused by Salmonella species are characterized by bacterial invasion of host cells. Salmonella invasion requires a genetic locus (inv) with homology to bacterial systems involved in specific protein export and organelle assembly. Until recently, the actual Salmonella invasion factors exported or assembled by the inv system remained unidentified. It now appears that Salmonella produces novel appendages upon contact with host cells. These appendages are transient, appearing and disappearing rapidly from the bacterial surface. Appendages are altered in strains unable to (...)
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    Developing expectations regarding the boundaries of expertise.Asheley R. Landrum & Candice M. Mills - 2015 - Cognition 134 (C):215-231.
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  41.  54
    Collaborative Research Involving Human Subjects: A Survey of Researchers Using International Single Project Assurances.Alison Wichman, Janet Smith, Deloris Mills & Alan L. Sandler - 1997 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 19 (1):1.
  42.  42
    Doing Philosophy as Teaching Philosophy.Alexandra Bradner & Andrew P. Mills - 2019 - The Philosophers' Magazine 85:96-102.
  43.  61
    Art: An introduction to qualitative anthropology.George Mills - 1957 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 16 (1):1-17.
  44.  52
    Asha as the Law in the G'thasAsha as the Law in the Gathas.Lawrence H. Mills - 1899 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 20:31.
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  45.  65
    Appropriating others' stories: Some questions about the ethics of writing fiction.Claudia Mills - 2000 - Journal of Social Philosophy 31 (2):195–206.
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    A Proposal for National Health Care.Claudia Mills - 1982 - Philosophy & Public Policy Quarterly 2 (3):6.
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    America's Public Lands: To Use or Not to Use?Claudia Mills - 1983 - Philosophy & Public Policy Quarterly 3 (3):9.
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  48. A phenomenology of becoming : Reflections on authenticity.Jon Mills - 2003 - In Roger Frie, Understanding experience: psychotherapy and postmodernism. New York: Routledge. pp. 116.
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    Autarkie, Selbsterhaltung und Selbstbewusstsein: Kritisches zu Begriffsgeschichte der existentiellen Teleologie.Kenneth Mills - 2013 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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  50. A Therapeutic Fallacy.Peter F. R. Mills - 2024 - In Neal Baer, The promise and peril of CRISPR. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
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